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  1. commenting out a currently unused function so i can pass dumb warning (details)
  2. bah didnt comment out the unit test of the function i removed in last (details)
  3. mesh edge struct is parallelized, and a 3D parallel unit mesh is added (details)
  4. mesh edge struct is parallelized, and a 3D parallel unit mesh is added (details)
  5. 1. PartitionMesh is ready. 2. CheckMesh now works with parallel mesh. 3. (details)
  6. Added unit test for PXParallelCutCell3d.cpp so that the shell script can (details)
  7. forgot to include Grid unit test (details)
  8. bugfixes to the 3d distance function (surface grid & regular versions). (details)
  9. parallelized grid data (details)
  10. Unparallelize zerod coded, but need testing (details)
  11. Unified adaptation in parallel now (partially) supported.  'Partially' (details)
  12. Missing change to header file in previous commit (details)
  13. Missed a couple warnings compiling with intel. (details)
  14. Corrected bug in PXStateSmooth that woukd kick back an error for the (details)
  15. Dummy commit to rerun tests (details)
  16. 1) regenerated 3d_Periodic_TEST b/c existing .bc file did not make sense (details)
  17. bugfix to 3D distance function.  Was going array out of bounds but (details)
  18. Modified p+1 unsteady State 0 (initial condition) to use function if (details)
  19. 3D intersection now parallel, and unparallelization working, with one (details)
  20. git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@9949 (details)
  21. updated weekly tests to use sunhu (details)
  22. Cut cell 3d now works in parallel, at least for all the unit tests. Now (details)
  23. Now cut cell works in parallel entirely...still need to add a regression (details)
  24. Adding capability to compute a 'global' unsteady truth surrogate. (details)
  25. nothing changed (details)
  26. nothing commited (details)
  27. Corrections to my previous commit (details)
  28. Update to madcap script generated by PX (details)
  29. Fixed a bug when testing PartitionMesh after compiling in serial; and a (details)
  30. Utilities to extract states from a pxa (intended initially for (details)
  31. added a new unified adaptation framework based on the vertex-based (details)
  32. git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@9961 (details)
  33. 1D adaptation with fixed fraction adaptation (PXAdaptHP) (details)
  34. Modified 1d mesh modification (mesh operations in adaptation) to use (details)
  35. 1. Now when MPI returns error, PX tells which line generates this error. (details)
  36. 1. Now when MPI returns error, PX tells which line generates this error. (details)
  37. Change the cutcell case to use one-level overlap ASM (details)
  38. Now partition the mesh before cutting based on bounding box check (details)
  39. Now partition the mesh before cutting based on bounding box check (details)
  40. Added global minimum and maximum edge lengths for MADCAP/EPIC (details)
  41. Timing is added into cutcell (details)
  42. Fixed a bug in configure for cxxopt (details)
  43. KDTree: added statistic functions to evaluate the quality of the KDTree (details)
  44. Added a dummy unit test that causes the KDTree statistics function to be (details)
  45. Changed weekly test to one test just to see if this works.. (details)
  46. Fixed weekly test...SSBJ truth file regenerated, IRK4 test commented out (details)
  47. Now cut cell can handle a case where a partiioned mesh has disjoint (details)
  48. forgot to recover some of the weekly tests (details)
  49. Fixed bug in 3d distance function (details)
  50. hopefully this doesn't break the build test and webpage scripts...I'm (details)
  51. Must copy the files I want accesible to the web server. (details)
  52. 1d advecting-diffusing gaussian bump now includes diffusion in the exact (details)
  53. Fix of bug in 9981 (details)
  54. Fixed the issue where solution file doesn't have solution in it for (details)
  55. Changed how the shadow type is read and written, because the length of (details)
  56. Residual: disabling residual component timing printouts in (details)
  57. forgot some #ifdefs (details)
  58. modified SA stuff in new compressible, added generation of pbc file in (details)
  59. Fixed warnings in SA for NewCompressible (details)
  60. Changed where unsteady coefficients are used and set for unsteady error (details)
  61. Fixes, clean up, and a missing file from r9989 (details)
  62. undid SA modification in PXCompressible.c (details)
  63. Removed redundant ElementNodeArray (details)
  64. Started adding in Hexes (details)
  65. Corrected parallelization of unsteady output window types, adding some (details)
  66. FaceOrientation now implemented for hexes (quad faces).  Added unit (details)
  67. -Corrected line parsing in parallel regression testing script to remove (details)
  68. ReadWriteGrid: ReadGrmFile and ReadGriFile are now dimension & element (details)
  69. missed a file in the last commit, hope commiting 2x in about 1min (details)
  70. lol, didn't know warning counter cared about things in the utils (details)
  71. Order: Node0D now has nbf = 1 and qorder = 1.  Previously, nbf returned (details)
  72. looks like my last commit didn't change an associated unit test, oops. (details)
  73. Now each partition can write its own intersection and quad. For that, (details)
  74. Added Normal Reference, started enabling hexes (details)
  75. added hexes in normal (details)
  76. Modified PXNormalReference.h (details)
  77. fixing simple memory leak in PXOutwardNormal (details)
  78. Fixed the issue when a patch edge intersects a ghosted face twice... (details)
  79. 1. Fixed a read/write issue for parallel cutcell. 2. Initialize nENode = (details)
  80. Forgot to change a pxu (details)
  81. Put unit grids test back in, modified face orientation for tets to match (details)
  82. committing on top of laslo's condition red :(  99% sure i have unit (details)
  83. added very basic .h entries for the two hexahedra unit grids (details)
  84. hexes run, though by no means correctly (details)
  85. added mesh size reference, started playing with pxviz, a hex case now (details)
  86. tried to fix warnings (details)
  87. tried to fix warnings but actually can compile (details)
  88. tried to fix warnings (details)
  89. tried to fix warnings (I think I got it this time) (details)
  90. Hex meshes appear to be working!  Tests so far have been (details)
  91. Fixed robust refine for parallel case (details)
  92. Fixed a bug in unsteady error estimation, which caused the stage states (details)
  93. Fix to get PXPostExec running again (details)
  94. When identifying the background element for a point in a cut element, (details)
  95. Two end zerod's don't uniquely define an oneD! Now treating such case (details)
  96. Adding PXExtrude2DGridToPrisms.c to /utils (details)
  97. Vizz appears to be working for hexes and quads natively, and also can (details)
  98. Fixed CheckGhostElem for mesh structure -- one ghost element could be an (details)
  99. 2D/3DGrid2periodicwithpbc now merged into one function: (details)
  100. forgot to change the Grid2periodic call in SolutionTransferExtruded (details)
  101. Distance function for hexes appears to be working, (though visualization (details)
  102. Undid accidental change to PXUnitCoverageData.csh (details)
  103. hopefully fixed PX_PXU not working with coverage check (details)
  104. fixed do nothing (details)
  105. 1)Adding some unit tests for DistanceFunctionSurfGrid (tests neighbor (details)
  106. removing warnings in PXViz.c (details)
  107. 1. Fixed a bug when choosing the origin for conic polar representation. (details)
  108. added timing routines to the local sampling stage; distance function for (details)
  109. the unified adaptation for the RANS cases failed in the previous commit (details)
  110. Fixed error in MDF for overlapping additive Schwarz (details)
  111. Added uniform quads and hexes (details)
  112. 1) Removed Line attachments (for the long defunct line reordering) (details)
  113. Updated indexing for unsteady adjoint solve. (details)
  114. added matlab scripts for generating hexes (details)
  115. Moved Masa's changes to (addition of) truth surrogate deallocationin (details)
  116. small changes to speed up the local sampling routines; linear solver (details)
  117. comming linear solver update for the local sampling stage (details)
  118. regenerated regression tests using the new, faster local sampling (details)
  119. made a change to the parallel assembly of the nodal metric (in the grid (details)
  120. this commit will go status red (details)
  121. regenerated the 2 failed regression tests from last commit (details)
  122. 1) Grm read/write now supports empty BFaceGroups.  This is a potentially (details)
  123. Added new quadrature points for tets, Gmsh2Grm now works for Q4 hexes (details)
  124. modified cut cell 3d test to account for change in quadrature rules (details)
  125. Added new quadrature rules for tets, and modified associated unit tests (details)
  126. regenerated tests for 3d cases which failed with new quad rules (details)
  127. Regenerating truth file for RAE RANS Subsonic Uniadapt.  InitState (details)
  128. Parameter handling update; parameters are handled as follows: (details)
  129. 1. Added QR using lapack, and cut quad weight generation now calls (details)
  130. The lapack function dgeqr seems behaving differently for lapack version (details)
  131. Now the qr unit test checks Q*R, should pass for every version of lapack (details)
  132. Updated the truth file for some cutcell cases as the quad weight (details)
  133. 1) Changing the way the tree is setup in SolutionTransfer.  Full details (details)
  134. missed a #include (details)
  135. Improved unit testing in DistanceFunction not be dependent on results (details)
  136. Changed FlowTan BC for viscous, I expect some tests will fail (details)
  137. Regenerated Shock Capturing Tests which changed with modified flow tan (details)
  138. Added a new 2d cut cell quad rule, now using it for integrating 3d basis (details)
  139. updated the 2d local mesh operation in preparation for 3d (details)
  140. forgot to add PXSubMesh.h (details)
  141. fixed a warning (details)
  142. updated truth files for the uniadapt regression tests (details)
  143. fixed make files so that unit tests run (details)
  144. i might've maybe left "CheckTruthFile..." as "CreateTruthFile..." in (details)
  145. Modified solution transfer to used KDTree, This may break some (details)
  146. Modified warning log for make check, fixed test for PXOrder, commented (details)
  147. reverted BTRun and BTLog scripts (details)
  148. reverted BTRun and BTLog scripts (details)
  149. Made other changes in SolutionTransfer and KDTree to handle passing in (details)
  150. Regenerated adaptation files after changing solution transfer (details)
  151. Corrected state initialization for unsteady (states were being (details)
  152. Fixing a bug where searching the KDTree could result in a segfault. (details)
  153. Cleaned up DistanceFunction & DistanceFunctionSurfGrid to use the (details)
  154. Updating regression tests that failed in the last commit (due to minor (details)
  155. 1) When CheckMetric... is used in regression tests, changed error msg to (details)
  156. Changed some weekly test truth file because of changes in dist function, (details)
  157. 1) Getting rid of clumsy macros in Residual. (details)
  158. forgot a return statement (details)
  159. PXReadWriteGrid: adding a little more debug info for when TextGrid2Grid (details)
  160. Working toward using Masa's direct adaptation for unsteady (details)
  161. 1) Added support for "global data" in KDTree.  Previously, a data (details)
  162. Due to the change of flow tan BC for viscous, now change the transonic (details)
  163. Now the ONERA case should pass.. (details)
  164. fixed the restart counter and px now errors out if a given parameter is (details)
  165. Unsteady and steady memory management for error estimation (thanks Masa (details)
  166. Corrected residual scaling for unsteady residuals.  This is only done (details)
  167. Fixed naca weekly job file (details)
  168. partial commit of 3d optimization based adaptation and the space-time (details)
  169. regenerated uniadapt truth files (details)
  170. updated truth metric for shock uni adapt cases (details)
  171. 1) changed kdtree a little to remove a redundant pointer & decrease (details)
  172. oops last commit didnt compile w/o -timing b/c of bad } placement (details)
  173. removing implicit fcn declaration warnings (details)
  174. updated wave equation eq set (details)
  175. regression test running RAE2822, RANS2d, Subsonic.  Tests the (details)
  176. oops didn't put the right test name in runTests (details)
  177. started committing some distance function changes in small chunks (details)
  178. updated wavespacetime; modified the unified adatpation algorithm for the (details)
  179. added int64/128 version of bamg (details)
  180. 1) Added PXE_AutoQuad (for automatically deciding quadrature). (details)
  181. wrote != and meant == (details)
  182. Added folded face angle input to MADCAP adaptation script.  Default (details)
  183. Unintended change in last commit (details)
  184. Some accumulated changes in my local checkout.  Absolute value of direct (details)
  185. Corrected bug in PXSolver whereby multi-stage solves initialized all (details)
  186. Added some distance surface stuff (details)
  187. regenerated RANS tests due to machine precision differences in distance (details)
  188. Modified direct adapt to do distance function correctly (details)
  189. Fixed bugs in metric based adaptation in 3d (details)
  190. fixed accidental commit of bad test (details)
  191. fixed minor bugs in adaptation metric for 3d (details)
  192. changed some minor things in how madcap is called, including saving (details)
  193. Forgot to commit change in readwrite grid to allow higher order tets (details)
  194. Added a 'StateMod' function pointer to equation sets.  This modifies a (details)
  195. Modified KD nearest neighbor exhaustive search (details)
  196. Regenerated truth metric files where relative difference < 1e-8, (details)
  197. incorrect data type in MPI bcast.  Only possible effect on windowed (details)
  198. Added momentum (difference) squared output for compressible equation set (details)
  199. New solution perturbation function (for unsteady initial condition (details)
  200. Correcting compile warning in previous commit (details)
  201. added space-time discretizatio of the Euler equations (details)
  202. Added RegionAttribute struct to enable cases of multiple materials (details)
  203. Added RegionAttribute struct to enable cases of multiple materials (details)
  204. Added RegionAttribute struct to enable cases of multiple materials (details)
  205. This time hope to go green (details)
  206. State initialization/modification changes for unsteady (details)
  207. Introduced EmbeddedInteriorFG and Cut Interior elements from 2d (details)
  208. Fixed bugs introduced in my previous commit (details)
  209. Fixed bugs introduced in my previous commit (details)
  210. Fix the coverage (details)
  211. Green now? (details)
  212. Now can run interface problems with cut cells (details)
  213. git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10142 (details)
  214. Fixed the bug in treating different regions, now convergence rate is (details)
  215. Fix the warnings (details)
  216. added functions for testing l2 projection to the Scalar library (details)
  217. added the AnalyzeElementSize source file (details)
  218. small changes in reading/writing hexes, reading madcap metric and (details)
  219. Reverted back to revision 10146 (details)
  220. Fixed the unit test seg fault due to the addition of EmbeddedInterior (details)
  221. Forgot to compile all the unit tests (details)
  222. Adding fPIC to cxxopt (details)
  223. 1. During canonical shape recognition, if an element has a face whose (details)
  224. Changed truth file for 2d cut cell results because the way of setting (details)
  225. Started making ASM work with in-place ILU (details)
  226. regenereted some truth metrics, modified metric check (details)
  227. Additive Schwarz should now work with ILU (details)
  228. Added missing test (details)
  229. Made SA modifications in newcompressible library (details)
  230. recommitted old version of RAE2822_A28_RANS_M0p3_AA2p31_RE6p5e6_TEST.job (details)
  231. minor modifications to MeshMetric and Grid Info (details)
  232. Fixed warnings (details)
  233. Fixed warnings (details)
  234. Fixed a small bug for cutquad (details)
  235. 1. Added the capability of using shadow basis for canoical elements; 2. (details)
  236. The code for L2 projection when computing Hessian was not correct for (details)
  237. Changed truth files for the last commit about projection of states for (details)
  238. 1. Now 2D cut cell visualization triangulates the cut elements; 2. Fixed (details)
  239. made newcompressible modifications (details)
  240. committed minor changes to stuff written out for madcap (details)
  241. actually compiles (details)
  242. removed warning (details)
  243. regenerated unit tests calling parmetis, since parmetis call changed (details)
  244. ASM works with ILU and MG (details)
  245. 1. Fixed a bug using shadow basis for canonical elmeent, when one face (details)
  246. Change triangle quadrature rules, regenerated some unit tests to account (details)
  247. removed offending lines (details)
  248. Modified cut-cell unit test to account for new quadrature rules (details)
  249. Regenerated tests, doing full physicality check for local solves in (details)
  250. regenerated channel_NavierStokes3d_Test (details)
  251. Added plotting of dissipation for new compressible library (details)
  252. 1) Added some #ifdef __CUDACC__ directives to remove function (details)
  253. fixing warnings (details)
  254. doh edited the wrong line (details)
  255. Handling 0, negative determinant in distance newton search, now reverts (details)
  256. regenerated RANS adaptation tests since distance function changed (details)
  257. Merging now works for interface problems (details)
  258. Solution transfer utility parallelized, starting to parallelize use in (details)
  259. Fixed warnings (details)
  260. Added a regression test for 3D cutcell adaptation (details)
  261. Made the truth metric file for the 3d adaptive cutcell case (details)
  262. modified BTRun script so madcap could be called correctly (details)
  263. dummy commit (details)
  264. Set code to error out on old (ie. not FFMA or Unified) adapation branch, (details)
  265. Changed adaptation tests from old style to new style (details)
  266. dummy commit (details)
  267. regenerated naca_Euler2d_Adapt_TEST, commented out checking of truth (details)
  268. Modified metric check to use correct normalization, added parallel (details)
  269. should actually pass (details)
  270. removed uni adapt parallel rans tests since the metric on these don't (details)
  271. dummy commit to get tests to run (details)
  272. solution transfer is now parallel (details)
  273. modified make file to try and resolve dependency issue (details)
  274. dummy commit to get tests to run (details)
  275. moved stuff around in PXInit and RunSolver so that PXInit functions can (details)
  276. modified tolerance for hemisphere Euler adapt test (details)
  277. modified parallel solution transfer to handle cut cells (details)
  278. modified some timing code, BTRun no longer contains madcap key (details)
  279. Accidentally committed using new compressible, this has been undone (details)
  280. fixed warning (details)
  281. Reorganizing the grid/state initialization and solution transfer so (details)
  282. changed timing code to used MPI_Wtime (details)
  283. changed greater than check to greater than or equal to check (details)
  284. Removed extra info from pxa files (details)
  285. modified solution transfer to use newton search, HP adapt not (details)
  286. Fixed small bugs from previous commit (details)
  287. regenerated RANS adaptation test cases (details)
  288. Modified PX-generated madcap script to maintain compatibility with (details)
  289. Some distance function tweaks (details)
  290. tweaked new compressible to allow TtPta bc in 3d (details)
  291. 1) Changes to DistanceFunctionInit() interface: now accepts "distOrder" (details)
  292. more distance function/solution transfer fixes (details)
  293. One last solution transfer change (details)
  294. regenerated cutcell rans adapt test, changed tolerances for RAERANS (details)
  295. regenerated tests which just barely failed (details)
  296. regenerated truth file for cutcell_football test (details)
  297. 1. Cut cell now works with optimization adaptation (only in 2d so far); (details)
  298. Changed one cut cell truth file (details)
  299. Made 3D merging not allow two full elements (details)
  300. Now Children attachment for pgback doesn't store any cut elemens twice (details)
  301. Madcap got regenerated the tests calling madcap (details)
  302. xface for cut interior/boundary faces are changed; if one neighbor is (details)
  303. Disable all the printf's for cut cell local solves (details)
  304. Now geometric adaptation does not generate true metric files; Changed (details)
  305. Tetgen website got changed (details)
  306. fixed a bug introduced in the last commit (details)
  307. Unsteady adaptation with non-fixed initial condition temporarily (details)
  308. oops, missed this change in previous commit (details)
  309. Variable initial conditions now handled more consistently and correctly (details)
  310. Bug fixes for new unsteady initial condition handling.  Should now be (details)
  311. Now optimazation adaptation with cut cells works for single-domain (details)
  312. Removed long-standing bug from unsteady solve that would have caused (details)
  313. More debugging of unsteady adaptation mods.  (I'm committing these (details)
  314. Final changes to unsteady adaptation to be able to recreate steady (details)
  315. Changed solution transfer input state for modified-steady-state initial (details)
  316. Updating truth files for unsteady adaptation tests (not just copies of (details)
  317. Modifying/setting state with function now acts on entire subgrid (details)
  318. 1. When transfering states from original cut elem to split cut elem, now (details)
  319. Add RobustRefine for direct adapt (details)
  320. 1. Made the PartitionGivenMatching bounding box tolerance bigger; 2. Now (details)
  321. 1. fixed previous warning; 2. fixed a bug in visualizing 2d cut cells (details)
  322. Now using shadow basis with canonical quad rule can be specified from (details)
  323. Slightly changed some 2d truth files as solution transfer got changed (details)
  324. Local solve for cut cells, now we directly copy the states of those (details)
  325. 1. If a tiny element is merged, only a small fraction of the error on (details)
  326. 1. If a tiny element is merged, only a small fraction of the error on (details)
  327. Fixed a unit test seg fault; added a regression test for cutcell (details)
  328. Committed the truth file for the added test case (details)
  329. Modified StateMod behavior to be included directly in the residual (details)
  330. Typo in previous commit (details)
  331. Made MultiComponentConvDiff work for DG with CharatesticBC (details)
  332. Add a regression test for interface problems (details)
  333. 1. Added a multiphysics eqnset; 2. Added interface residual (working for (details)
  334. Fixed a bug in intersection for interface cases with a trailing edge (details)
  335. 1. The multiphysics convdiff library more complete and better tested; 2. (details)
  336. Interface residual and lifting done, but not tested for nonlinear cases (details)
  337. updated space-time wave and compressible libraries (details)
  338. small change to the anisotropy stepping; this will break the regression (details)
  339. regenerated UniAdapt AffineInvariantVert cases (details)
  340. Removed malloc.h include (why was this needed anyways?) (details)
  341. git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10270 (details)
  342. Now interface problems can include non-zero state jump and non-zero flux (details)
  343. Removed complier warnings (details)
  344. 1. Interface shape can now be a loop; 2. Added a test case with non-zero (details)
  345. Fix the unit test (details)
  346. fixed a bug when interface is a loop (details)
  347. Now interface can be a loop that consists of multiple splines (details)
  348. Messed up ScalarConstantSource in the last commit (details)
  349. The star shape case results slightly changed due to previous commit (details)
  350. InterfaceFluxOutput functional added (not well tested yet) (details)
  351. Fixed a bug in computing bounding box based on face quad if one face has (details)
  352. Remove compiler warning (details)
  353. Fixed a bug in spline-edge intersection, when the resulting equation has (details)
  354. No change; just to trigger px website to update (details)
  355. Interface flux functional now debugged and tested (details)
  356. Added an adaptation test for interface heat flux (details)
  357. updated truth file for the interface flux (details)
  358. Last commit failed because Reynolds ran out of disk space...This commit (details)
  359. Now plotattach works for cut cells in matlab (details)
  360. Fixed a bug in plotting in matlab for cut cells (details)
  361. fix the sign of interface flux jump (details)
  362. Forgot to update truth file last time (details)
  363. git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10292 (details)
  364. Interface residual succefully pinged for multi-component equations (details)
  365. Split interface viscous flux into left and right components (details)
  366. Forgot to update Scalar library for the split interface flux (details)
  367. Tested nonlinear multi-component interface problems. Next is to add NS + (details)
  368. Added NS+Poisson equation set, not tested yet; modified (details)
  369. Heat conjugate eqnset now runs, but results still not right. (details)
  370. Heat conjugate eqnset now works (details)
  371. Add output evaluation for heat conjugate eqnset (details)
  372. Add quad into matlab pxa plot (details)
  373. 1. Robin BC now works for heat conjugate; 2. Changed \hat{T} for heat (details)
  374. 1. Implemented convective heat for heat conjugate (i.e. Robin bc); 2. (details)
  375. Now should compile (details)
  376. Fixed unit test (details)
  377. Fixed a bug in solution transfer for multi physics problems (details)
  378. Fixed a bug in plotattachvectorized.m introduced last time; and change (details)
  379. Platform-specific installation instructions (details)
  380. Utilities from Josh Krakos (details)
  381. Fixed a small bug for 3d cut quad (not affected results) (details)
  382. Now cut cell works in parallel on the new cluster; added 'robust refine' (details)
  383. Now cut cell works in parallel on the new cluster; added 'robust refine' (details)
  384. removed compiler warning (details)
  385. Restructured the exception handling for cutcell in parallel to make (details)
  386. Forgot to change makefile (details)
  387. minor changes to the 3d cutcell util (details)
  388. Compiler warning removed (details)
  389. A few trivial changes (details)
  390. LAPACK functions ready for approximate Fekete point calculation (details)
  391. Try to trigger BTRun on acdl? (details)
  392. Changed Math_PXU for LQ factorization because lapack version is (details)
  393. Try to trigger BTRun on acdl? (details)
  394. Approximate Fekete tested on toy problems (details)
  395. Fekete points now working (details)
  396. truth file slightly changed due to change in quad rule generation for (details)
  397. Nothing changed; but we got a new madcap key (details)
  398. Forgot to change madcap key file on reynolds (details)
  399. git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10328 (details)
  400. Approximate Fekete now the default quad for 3d cut cell (details)
  401. Change the truth file for fekete points (details)
  402. Commit to test the new acdl machine (details)
  403. 3d cut cell now treat linear patches quickly (details)
  404. Linear patch now works for 3d cut cells (details)
  405. Dummy commit  to test acdl (details)
  406. Fixed a small bug in parallel cut cell (details)
  407. Commit wrong file last time (details)
  408. git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10337 (details)
  409. dummy commit to test acdl (details)
  410. Fixed bugs in solution transfer for 3d cut cells (details)
  411. Fixed seg fault from last commit (details)
  412. Added a regression test for CHT (details)
  413. git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10342 (details)
  414. Recommit the CHT results on reynolds (details)
  415. Added a utility (details)
  416. Fix compiler warning (details)
  417. Added visualization of least-square error in Masa's surrogate error (details)
  418. Removed compiler flag incompatible with some versions of gcc (it broke (details)
  419. Lagrange multiplier output format, rate matrix synthesis error (details)
  420. Added a cooler way of monitoring MOESS' sampling stage. (details)
  421. if the background edge or face is parallel to axis, then intersection (details)
  422. Added negative SA model Library (details)
  423. Added cn1 constant to PXCompressibleParameters.h (details)
  424. Shell script util for obtaining output data for multiple p-order runs (details)
  425. Matlab script for plotting L2 norm convergence. (details)
  426. Dummy change (details)
  427. matlab script to output and plot adaptation drag and error estimate. (details)
  428. Deprecated visualization of logErrorSwitch (details)
  429. Deprecated visualization of least-squares error for MOESS (details)
  430. Changed the default Compressible library to be the negative SA model. (details)
  431. added back some accidental deletions/changes to Compressible library (details)
  432. 3D cut cell volume quadrature has a better control on number of sample (details)
  433. Update truth files (details)
  434. Added function to approximate voronoi volume (details)
  435. Added function to approximate voronoi volume (details)
  436. Magic point added and tested (details)
  437. cut cell results slightly changed (details)
  438. Now nbasis in the job files really mean number of basis, which is quad (details)
  439. Forgot to update a unit test (details)
  440. one more unit test fixed (details)
  441. Changed regresstion test results for cut cells, due to revision 10367 (details)
  442. Implemented quad rule such that polynomials of a given total degree will (details)
  443. Better control on number of face quadrature points for 3d cut cells; (details)
  444. Update truth files (details)
  445. Changed cut cell quadrature to magic points with a given total-degree (details)
  446. Fix compiler warning (details)
  447. fixed a unit test by machine precision (details)
  448. Updated 3d cut cell truth file (details)
  449. Add an option to use all sample points for quad points (details)
  450. Forgot to include a bfgrp for drag for bump case (details)
  451. Now 3d bounding box calculation does not need to compute any planar (details)
  452. truth file slightly changed (details)
  453. Changed madcap input script so that we can take in vertex based metric (details)
  454. Changed madcap input script so that we can take in vertex based metric (details)
  455. Fixed utils.make to allow proper compiling (details)
  456. fix compiler warning (details)
  457. Changed truth file because madcap changed (details)
  458. a hack to save all .bnmetric files (details)
  459. fixed a small bug in readeb3 when there are multiple fgrp (details)
  460. fixed a small thing in parallel cut (details)
  461. Geometric adapt doesn't work with madcap (details)
  462. Can now write 3d cut cell visualization to matlab format (details)
  463. no change (details)
  464. Fixed a very small bug in viz 3d cut cells (details)
  465. Convergence rate script updated with more robustness (details)
  466. Convergence rate script updated with more robustness (details)
  467. dummy commit (details)
  468. test acdl machine (details)
  469. modification to allow for ViscEtaParameter = 0 (details)
  470. Added Average option for Inviscid flux type (averages left and right (details)
  471. Added .ursa file format (exports .gri with nodal metric) (details)
  472. fixed artificial viscosity jacobian bug in PXCalculateArtificialA_uv; (details)
  473. rearranged setup/destroy calls to avoid uninitialized variable compiler (details)
  474. fixed jacobian evaluation for artificial viscosity terms in routines (details)
  475. eliminated extra factor of U[0] in jacobian d(Dtil)/d(UX) in routine (details)
  476. dummy commit (details)
  477. resolved bugs in shock switch jacobian (S_U); (details)
  478. added new truth file for diamond airfoil case with Indicator-based (details)
  479. removed ping tests from Test_PXIFacePrimalJumpResidual_CalcAnsTerm, (details)
  480. Modification to madcap script generation to perform Q3 mesh generation (details)
  481. Tool for generating 4-digit naca airfoil gri/ebg (details)
  482. Forgot to link the math library for gcc on linux (details)
  483. PXGenNacaMesh now calls PXMeshElasticity for curving and tried to (details)
  484. Fixed unknown compiler warning for build test (details)
  485. git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10414 (details)
  486. removed CGNS dependency from build; source code relating to CGNS is (details)
  487. transfer repository to jkudo (details)
  488. dummy commit (details)
  489. UMFPACK double-long routines (dl) are called in case 64-bit library is (details)
  490. missed some CGNS related makefile mods (details)
  491. dummy commit (details)
  492. dummy commit (details)
  493. dummy commit (details)
  494. dummy commit (details)
  495. Changes to fix regression tests (using 'hacked' bamg) and to fix (details)
  496. Changes to fix regression tests (using 'hacked' bamg) and to fix (details)
  497. Modification to to compile bamg128 instead of bamg (details)
  498. Modification to adding current directory to (details)
  499. Added LD_LIBRARY_PATH=. for ContinuousIntegration (details)
  500. Added LD_LIBRARY_PATH=. for ContinuousIntegration -- attempt2 (details)
  501. Testing ifdef __cplusplus for building -- may not work (details)
  502. Testing library order (PXGrid before PXCutCell3d) (details)
  503. Trying to eliminate cyclic dependency of CutCell3D and Grid (details)
  504. added environment variable for bamg HOSTTYPE (details)
  505. dummy commit (details)
  506. undo HOSTTYPE try because Jun knows what to do... (details)
  507. Added CGNS option to configure (always true for now) (details)
  508. CGNS default = false (details)
  509. final change to (details)
  510. added adaptation history print out (.adapthist) (details)
  511. fixing previous commit (details)
  512. rolling back previous two commits... something broke and not sure what (details)
  513. Accepted platform configuration files (details)
  514. New configuration/makefile system with accepted configurations for (details)
  515. For some reason the external libraries weren't added (details)
  516. Documentation on how to configure and build (details)
  517. Commented PXGenNacaMesh and started meshing documentation in man/Meshing (details)
  518. git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10447 (details)
  519. Modifcations to and regression testing to work with new (details)
  520. Trying again - (details)
  521. Modification to PX execute scripts allowing for /bin locations (details)
  522. Known configuration file for parallel build on Mac + documented (details)
  523. new Job/Knob system (details)
  524. fixed string comparison warning (details)
  525. Updated meshing documetation with 2d cut-cell (details)
  526. added ParallelPreconditioner to master job file and removed (details)
  527. changed executable path to include PX_ARC (details)
  528. added Master Job File example to test directory for reference (details)
  529. Updated PXUserGuide and changed GoldStandard to include (details)
  530. added adaptation history output (.adapthist) (details)
  531. How to download/build/parallel + some very annoying aesthetic fixes (details)
  532. svn co in user guide missing username (details)
  533. intel (details)
  534. Fixed typo in configure script (details)
  535. grm format in meshing doc (details)
  536. for new reynolds (details)
  537. dummy (details)
  538. Adding bamg executable to repository to use with regression tests on new (details)
  539. Changes to fix running on new reynolds machine - I have commented out (details)
  540. Configure script looks for NLOPT_DIR and defines -DUSE_NLOPT if desired (details)
  541. dummy bamg (details)
  542. git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10471 (details)
  543. bamg source (details)
  544. forgot details: modified BAMG source so that standard include filenames (details)
  545. git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10474 (details)
  546. Added some basic CMake abilities to compile ProjectX and unit tests (details)
  547. Cleaned up out of source message (details)
  548. Added more CMakefiles to get more shared libraries compiled (details)
  549. Added fortran for Lapack (details)
  550. Enabling madcap cell connection capability - controlled with (details)
  551. Added more CMake files. Nearly complete now. Fixed compile warning in (details)
  552. Cleaned up FindLEDA a bit (details)
  553. Fixed missing *.cpp unit tests with CMake (details)
  554. Removed assumption that "." is in the path for "make check". Fixed some (details)
  555. Added some duplicate Compressible folders to CMake (details)
  556. Known issues in building documentation. First one: mpi/parmetis (details)
  557. Hopefully fixed problems with MPI and CMake. Added SVN revision target (details)
  558. Set the default build type to be release, but debug if the build (details)
  559. openmpi seems to run CutCell3d jobs...Jun: I already changed your (details)
  560. using older parmetis so unit tests don't have to change (details)
  561. bamg HOSTTYPE=x86_64-linux not x86_64 (details)
  562. since CutCell3d tests are commented out, try parallel tests with mpirun (details)
  563. Re-added ./ for coverage tests because it messed up coverage check (details)
  564. forgot CompressibleOliver (details)
  565. Adding nonlinear optimization capability using NLOPT library for MOESS (details)
  566. Added a Makefile.cmake to drive cmake from the PX_DIR directory. Memory (details)
  567. Fixed failing ParMetis unit test. Fixed _RUN targest for unit tests to (details)
  568. Modification to NLOPT optimization to allow CutCell optimization (details)
  569. Added memcheck to the unit tests. Added cholmod as an otional library (details)
  570. Forgot the rt library (details)
  571. Fixed some linker flags for cmake so that shared libraries will be found (details)
  572. Changed so that parallel is only enabled when both MPI and ParMetis is (details)
  573. Forgot to copy PXVizz with CMake (details)
  574. Reversed the include logic for unit tests so that it is a bit cleaner (details)
  575. Cleaned up cmake just a little (details)
  576. Cleaned up some CMake files (details)
  577. Fixed compiler warnings (details)
  578. Working on cleaning up lots and lots of warnings (details)
  579. Cleaning up PXHPAdaptDirectStruct.h by removing things that aren't used (details)
  580. Fixed a typo (details)
  581. Cleaned up nearly all warnings. There are still some left to fix (details)
  582. Fixed warnings that I missed. Added all serial reg tests to cmake. Fixed (details)
  583. Fixed the regression tests to work even when there are no warnings (details)
  584. Forgot a file (details)
  585. Added line-dump functionality which outputs values of a specified (details)
  586. added function definition for PXCalcCharacteristicSpeed (details)
  587. removed unused variables (details)
  588. fixed unused variable (details)
  589. Fixing divide by zero issue in PXLimitAdaptMetricBounds during unit (details)
  590. Fixing previous commit (details)
  591. Fixed a bunch of divide by zero caught by clang. Fixed some null (details)
  592. Fixed CMake for MAC (details)
  593. Regression tests now run with ctest. Made other cosmetic changes to (details)
  594. Fixed some compile warnings (details)
  595. Cleaned up NLOPT library error message. Fixed warnings when compilig (details)
  596. Fixed some PARALLEL bugs in cmake. Added local coverage information to (details)
  597. Minor fixes (details)
  598. Small change to make sure CMakeLists.txt does not get deleted by (details)
  599. addede a coverage_clean command (details)
  600. Added NuTildeLine, and headers for line output files (details)
  601. forgot header file (details)
  602. Fixed a bunch of warnings with gcc 4.8. Fixed wrong number of arguments (details)
  603. Fixed mistakes in coverage. Formatting cleanup. (details)
  604. Fixed Cmake for Ubuntu (details)
  605. More work cleaning up memory (details)
  606. Fixed some compile errors (details)
  607. Just some cleanup of memory error message (details)
  608. Fixed valgrid suppression file mistake. Fixed memory in KDTree unit test (details)
  609. Fixed so that Makefile.cmake has tab completion. Fixed some memory (details)
  610. fixing allocation issue in NLOPT unit test in PXHPAdaptDirect_PXU.c (details)
  611. Some general cleanup (details)
  612. Job/Knob updates (details)
  613. Job/Knob updates (details)
  614. Fixed uninitialized pointers in LinearSolver (details)
  615. fixed integer cast error (details)
  616. Fixed up things so the intel compiler works. Hopefylly fixed (details)
  617. Multi-Region and Fully Embedded Cut-Cell Methods with Visualization (details)
  618. Cleaned up some more non-NULL pointers and other memory problems (details)
  619. Revived two unit tests (details)
  620. Typo in the makefile (details)
  621. Small formatting changes (details)
  622. git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10551 (details)
  623. CHT Interface/Error Outputs, Test Functions, Initialize Functionality (details)
  624. Josh's fix for using the Resolution Indicator with MOESS (details)
  625. Trying to fix CMake for non-system suitesparse (details)
  626. Still working on suitesparse (details)
  627. changing madcap script to not locally refine elements while curving (details)
  628. Unit Testing InitFunction (details)
  629. Iterative constraint method for MOESS NLOPT optimization (details)
  630. Changed CMake to bias towards static libraries rather than shared (details)
  631. Changed this so that intel compiler links staticaly to the mkl library (details)
  632. Forgot to remove the gfortran library from the link (details)
  633. Cleaning up CMake stuff (details)
  634. Forgot a file (details)
  635. Modified cmake files some more (details)
  636. Fixed some clang warnings (details)
  637. fixed some NULL pointers in Grid folder (details)
  638. Call to ursa (unstructured anisotropic mesher), can be set with Mesher = (details)
  639. removed unused (details)
  640. forgot to commit this (details)
  641. Noticed a segfault from nullifying pointers (details)
  642. Fixed some NULL pointers (details)
  643. Accidentally forgot to revert PXMemory (details)
  644. Cleaning up Viscous calculations (details)
  645. Refactoring viscous terms (details)
  646. philip wrote a unit test? (details)
  647. Fully Embedded CutCell, Spline, UnitCutGrids, Visualization Unit Tests (details)
  648. Making change to ensure that MADCAP pulls the q1 background grid from (details)
  649. Trying again... (details)
  650. Trying again 2... (details)
  651. Region attachment modification for adaptive multi-disciplinary cases (details)
  652. Added DynamicEddyViscosity lineplot (details)
  653. Cleaned up some NULL pointers. Refactoring PXVisxous.c (details)
  654. Fixed null pointers (details)
  655. Fixing NULL pointers and working on PXParallelGrid_PXU (details)
  656. Fixed some NULL pointers (details)
  657. Fixed failing unit test to get PX back into green (details)
  658. Fixed all null pointers in Grid folder. All unit tests passed, but (details)
  659. forgot to update utils folder (details)
  660. forgot to fix one more file (details)
  661. more errors.. (details)
  662. Fixed more NULL pointers (details)
  663. I think all the poiners are finally set to NULL. It's a miracle! (details)
  664. Hopefully this puts us back in green, but with NULL pointer checking (details)
  665. Did a better job checking things this time. I think this should put is (details)
  666. Now hopefully fixed all the NULL pointer problems (details)
  667. Fixed memcheck so it works properly and fixed some more non-NULL (details)
  668. Cleaned up some more memory leaks. Added a switch to dissable the build (details)
  669. Fixed unit test failure (details)
  670. All the pointers tested by unit and regression test have been set to (details)
  671. Fixed a bunch of NULL pointers in PXViz (details)
  672. Fixed some NULL pointers for PXViz (details)
  673. Fxied parallel issue with PXMatchingPartitionParallelGrid by not using (details)
  674. Added a ebg file plotter (details)
  675. Added a python plotter for ebg files (details)
  676. Cleaned up the plotebg script (details)
  677. Cleaned up some NLOPT stuff - changed Normal Verbosity output to print (details)
  678. Forgot to commit changes to unit test! - trying again (details)
  679. Fixed MatchingParallelPartition. Added arguments to make the diffusive A (details)
  680. Hopefully fixed HighOrderFaceBoundingBox (details)
  681. Fixed the problem with not all elements distributed to processors in (details)
  682. allow init function to be used to initialize adaptation iter; (details)
  683. Added a Critical Speed of Sound calculation in preparation for Dilation (details)
  684. Fixed some non-NULL pointers (details)
  685. Added nightly memcheck scripts (details)
  686. Added a general airfoil mesh generator (details)
  687. Forgot to uncomment something (details)
  688. Working on the webpage scripts (details)
  689. More work on nightly memcheck scripts (details)
  690. Fixed a typo (details)
  691. Hopefully fixed up the nightly memcheck (details)
  692. Hopefully fixed up parallel memcheck and nightly memcheck (details)
  693. Still trying to get memcheck working on Reynolds (details)
  694. Twaeking nightly build (details)
  695. Added another valgrind  suppression (details)
  696. Hopefully the nightly memcheck scripts are finally properly configured (details)
  697. Changing regression test hemisphere_Euler3d_Adapt to have DualErrorFlag (details)
  698. Modified TtPta BC to improve robustness; incorporated BC into new (details)
  699. compiler warning fix for TtPta BC (details)
  700. Added regeneration to the regression tests (details)
  701. Explicitly added pthread as a library linked to. This is needed when (details)
  702. Changed BTRun to email the log of runTests.csh rather than results.out (details)
  703. Did get the regtest log fixed on the last try. Hopefully works now (details)
  704. Third time is the charm (details)
  705. git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10634 (details)
  706. Hopefully suppressed odd MPI warning with valgrind (details)
  707. Added fix for state gradient calculation bug in PXOutputFunctional.c (details)
  708. Fixed memcheck log (details)
  709. regenerated TtPta related regression tests (details)
  710. Updated regression test stuff (details)
  711. Fixing the BTRun script to work with openmpi-1.6.5 (details)
  712. regression test using TtPta BC regenerated (details)
  713. added diagnostic output for internal inconsistency error in (details)
  714. Fixed BTRun acripy from chenging MPI_DIR (details)
  715. removed logic error introduced in previous commit; improved processing (details)
  716. change in PXIntersect2DLinearSegmentWithLine (details)
  717. Added a new line output for velocity components - VelocityLine (details)
  718. tolerance to regression tests (details)
  719. Added unit test for PXCalcReynoldsStress (details)
  720. Commented out ping test for PXCalcReynoldsStress (details)
  721. Fix for Reynolds stress Jacobian + unit tests (details)
  722. Fixed  PingPXCalcReynoldsStress_J_UX_2d (details)
  723. Added StateTensorLine to UnitEquationSet's line output code (details)
  724. Modifications to UnitEquationSet unit tests. Removed output type (details)
  725. Forgot 2 files. (details)
  726. Added PXCalcStateOutput_PXU, which is still messed up. (details)
  727. Commented out error return (details)
  728. Added Dim (details)
  729. Replaced ReynoldsStressLine output with 3 separate line outputs for the (details)
  730. Modification to call new madcap (details)
  731. MaxAnisotropy specification will now properly go into MADCAP (details)
  732. matlab util for grid conversion (details)
  733. Fixed issues with unit tests in PXOutputFunctional_PXU and (details)
  734. few changes in computing line-line intersection (details)
  735. Added in boundary integral output for density. (details)
  736. turned off comment for out-of-range intersection (details)
  737. CHT Framework - interface and wrapper functions, multiple region (details)
  738. Include VelocityFunction as JobFile parameter (set in .RA for CHT) (details)
  739. Updated Gold Standard for parallel jobs to use the Additive Schwartz (details)
  740. Fixed a bunch of unsigned/signed comparisons (details)
  741. 2d Hybrid mesh support for linear/nonlinear elastic mesh deformation (details)
  742. Forgot to include header in commit (details)
  743. fixed utility (details)
  744. Added the compilation of bamg, tetgen, and qhull so that regtest will (details)
  745. Prematuerly commited -Wextra (details)
  746. Renamed some log files for the nightly memcheck. Testing that the (details)
  747. unsigned/signed integer issues resolved, RegionAttribute_PXU memcheck (details)
  748. Compiler flag set to include all warnings in compiler output (details)
  749. Updated how coverage works. coverage does not include PXU files, (details)
  750. fixing compiler warnings (details)
  751. Updated header writing code for line outputs. (details)
  752. Fixed some compiler warnings (details)
  753. fixed WriteParameter function (details)
  754. Added a section that explains what the Gold Standard is and how to (details)
  755. Fixed compiler warnings (details)
  756. Updating the website checks to use cmake (details)
  757. more work on the website (details)
  758. Fixed a problem with regtest_memcheck (details)
  759. Still tweaking the website (details)
  760. More tweaks to the website (details)
  761. Fixed a mistake in (details)
  762. More tweaks to the website (details)
  763. bug fix in Grid2Mesh (details)
  764. Added a flag for extra valgrind flags. Fixed uninitialized SA_cn1 in (details)
  765. Found that gnFactor was not initialzed for SA as well. Fixed a bunch of (details)
  766. Fixed EqnSetStruct handling within PXViz (resolved DSYEV error) (details)
  767. Changed the tetgen website so it hopefully is more reliable (details)
  768. Fixed coverage for lcov 1.9 (details)
  769. added if-tests to eliminate allocation/use of ElemNull for boundary (details)
  770. New CHT, CutCell, FullyEmbedded, Adaptation, FlatSlab regression test (details)
  771. Cleaned up regression test CMakeLists.txt (details)
  772. Regenerated failing regression tests (details)
  773. added CHT regression test to cmake / eqnset modifications (details)
  774. CHT regression grid files (details)
  775. Switched the Makefile so it now uses CMake. Nearly all regression tests (details)
  776. Fixed a memory error in LinearElasticity. Cleaned up cmake a little and (details)
  777. added Read/Write checks to allow for old pxa visualization (details)
  778. Added more cmake documentation (details)
  779. More or less finished documenting the cmake build process (details)
  780. Fixed a bug in cmake files (details)
  781. Removed output of trS to adapt pxa (details)
  782. one of the trS still lingered around? (details)
  783. removed unused variables (details)
  784. CHT unit tests, memcheck fixes (details)
  785. forgot the pxu (details)
  786. more CHT unit tests (details)
  787. more CHT unit tests (details)
  788. git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10717 (details)
  789. Added a unit test. Reverted to use wget to download Qhull and (details)
  790. Chanced the script back to not use wget (details)
  791. Added a temporary fix to deal with tetgen website being down (details)
  792. Fixed the regtest failure I made (details)
  793. lots of CHT unit tests (details)
  794. Fixed tetgen link bug. Added _nocheck to regression tests that just runs (details)
  795. Fixed memory leaks in PXPartition (details)
  796. Create/Destroy CHT tests (details)
  797. NLopt Metric optimization changes to help with poor behavior with error (details)
  798. Added some more documentation for cmake build (details)
  799. Added grid attachment for processor IDs during parallel runs. PX prints (details)
  800. Hopefully fixed the last memory bug in the regression tests (details)
  801. Append number of function evaluations to NLopt .adapthist output (details)
  802. CHT and cut-cell documentation for BC's, Outputs, Meshing, EBG File, and (details)
  803. Added debug information for PXMatchingParallelPartition (details)
  804. fixing small error for NLopt function evaluation printing in .adapthist (details)
  805. Modifications to golden standard for NLopt optimization (details)
  806. Fixing regression test that was using golden standards (details)
  807. part 1 viz fix, fixed null pointers, segmentation fault cleaned up with (details)
  808. Fixed the last memory problem in the regression tests (details)
  809. Setting things up so the nightly memcheck updates the outstanding (details)
  810. Fixed up the website scripts so nightly outstanding commits are updated (details)
  811. Adding the weekly memcheck (details)
  812. Fixed bugs in the nightly and weekly memcheck scripts (details)
  813. region attribute unit test, comp/scal function modifications (details)
  814. Finally fixed PXMachingParallelPartition by removing the error checking (details)
  815. Changed the timeout for the regression tests (details)
  816. Hopefully PXMatchingParallelPartition is finally fixed (details)
  817. Added the extra arguments CalcA_uv to do dilitation based artificial (details)
  818. Fixing bug to allow NLopt initial scaling to work with CutCells (details)
  819. Added some dilation shock capturing unit tests (details)
  820. Added a dilation artificial viscosity function and unit tested the (details)
  821. Parallelize CHT Region Information, parallel region unit tests, (details)
  822. Dilation Jacobians with respect the gradients seem to be working (details)
  823. Updated physics parallelization in BC info (details)
  824. Fixed bug in website outstandint giles. Added more Dilation tesing. (details)
  825. Interface heat flux calculations (details)
  826. Fixed segfault problem when transfering solution from old grid to new in (details)
  827. Added metric-biased gaussian fcn & unit test (details)
  828. Addd distance calculation to PXTecpot (details)
  829. Forgot to commit a file (details)
  830. Null pointers (details)
  831. removed print statement (details)
  832. Added to ReadFuncFile unit test and added supporting func files in new (details)
  833. Fixed memory leaks in PXOutput_PXU (details)
  834. Set Gold Standard for LocalSolveSurrogate to False (details)
  835. Revived a CutCell 3d regression test (details)
  836. Fixed nan issue when doing shock capturing with adaptation (details)
  837. Dilation based adapatation is linearized and implemented. (details)
  838. Forgot the the truth file for Wedge regression test (details)
  839. Forgot more files for the wedge regression test (details)
  840. Distance Function for CutCells, Viz Fix, CHT additions (details)
  841. Python scripts for running cases at multiple dof and porder (details)
  842. Set PX_ARC to current environment (details)
  843. Fixed the nightly memcheck. Updated scripts to run the nighty memcheck (details)
  844. Forgot to commit some files. Updated weekly memcheck to also run upon a (details)
  845. Hopefully fixed up all the new build test scripts (details)
  846. One last fix to the new build test scripts (details)
  847. fixed regression knob parameter, fixed environment variables for (details)
  848. One more fix to the build scripts (details)
  849. fixed CHT regression test memcheck error, adjusted regression memcheck (details)
  850. minor changes to (details)
  851. Updated the regression test scripts to generate more informative errors (details)
  852. null pointers, solid wall spec (details)
  853. Dissabled Linear Multigrid for P=0. UMFPACK uses gobs of memory (details)
  854. Forgot to commit header files (details)
  855. quad adaptation mechanics, still making it look pretty, unit tests on (details)
  856. increase max number of samples for 3d (details)
  857. this should fix the memcheck error at short term, but I want to remove (details)
  858. Fixed coverage checking to work with floating point numbers (details)
  859. regtest failures prints to screen (details)
  860. hybrid support for PXSpline needed for adaptation (details)
  861. fixed warning (details)
  862. Fixed the namechange of the unit test coverage file (details)
  863. source derivative initialization (uninitialized terms caused NaN's in (details)
  864. cleaned adaptation and removed old implementation, tomorrow unit testing (details)
  865. forgot to adjust arguments to a function (details)
  866. added interface skin friction integrand (details)
  867. testing for splining routines (also allow diff't qorder and elem types) (details)
  868. obviously forgot header file (details)
  869. overallocate NodesOnFace to highest qorder+1 on face group (details)
  870. utils to support Gaussian weighted integration (details)
  871. delete pxu for now. (details)
  872. git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10801 (details)
  873. quad adaptation unit tests and found a massive bug in state transfer (details)
  874. removed warnings (details)
  875. forgot a warning (details)
  876. forgot to destroy pg in all unit tests so lots of memory remained in (details)
  877. fixed some of the remaining memory in unit tests (details)
  878. ...and this should fix other remaining memory (forgot to deallocate quad (details)
  879. freed memory (details)
  880. Fixed issues with Nightly and Weekly memchecks overwriting each others (details)
  881. valgrind suppressions (details)
  882. release metricR upon destruction of ElemProp (details)
  883. dummy (details)
  884. uninitialized Stil caught by compiler on mac (details)
  885. fixed a memory leak when writing out adapt_pxa...but not the one that (details)
  886. Changed things so the error reports are only cleaned out on a (details)
  887. Removed tabs, trying to trigger a build (details)
  888. Fixed bug in MetricGaussian (details)
  889. distance function calculation for face groups with both triangles and (details)
  890. Gaussian weighted line integral. (details)
  891. forgot to add it (details)
  892. One more t (details)
  893. Tweaking run scripts for the situtation where qhull and tetgen websites (details)
  894. allow initial states to be set for CHT problems (details)
  895. forgot a file (details)
  896. Changed coverage checks to allow regtest coverage to decrease, but the (details)
  897. Still tweaking the coverage (details)
  898. should fix regtest memcheck failure (details)
  899. One more fix to the total coverage (details)
  900. memory fix (details)
  901. wrong commit (details)
  902. Added vertex based NLopt optimization with penalty terms, unit tests, (details)
  903. initializations, init adapt state, SA viz fixes (details)
  904. Updated adapt run script, post-processing plotting tools, cluster (details)
  905. CHT RANS scalar fixes (details)
  906. Made changes to compile Oliver's Compressible library (but not the unit (details)
  907. Change to eliminate warnings (details)
  908. Prealloc initializations (details)
  909. Gaussian line integral, unit test on J_UX (details)
  910. Error Indicator print out now properly reflects the value used in the (details)
  911. fixing previous mistake (details)
  912. util updates, NULL pointers (details)
  913. Changed the way step matrices are initialized when current dof > initial (details)
  914. Corrected 2D assumption in step matrix initialization (details)
  915. check elem node distribution! and ursa expects .grm for metric (details)
  916. fixed a few bugs for Gaussian weighted line integral (details)
  917. Removed redundant function calls from PXUnit2CuTest scripts. Changed the (details)
  918. Added interface output calculations (details)
  919. Modify region in line integrals so that they can be evaluated for CHT (details)
  920. calculate scalar line in solid regions for CHT (details)
  921. Cleaned up SA stuffs + more pings tests (details)
  922. One more tweak to the PX website log format (details)
  923. Another fix to the formatting (details)
  924. More formatting tweaks (details)
  925. Still messing up the formatting... (details)
  926. Fixed one more bug in the logging (details)
  927. Started working on an adapt hist plotter (details)
  928. Fixed compiler warnings (details)
  929. Fixed up the adapt hist plotter. Should work pretty generally now (details)
  930. I think plotadpathist is working rather generally now (details)
  931. More tweaks to plotters (details)
  932. Null vertex metric averaging/growth, CHT viz, tecplot utility for CHT (details)
  933. Added falgs to dissable LEDA and NLOPT (details)
  934. Fixed the compile errors (details)
  935. PX changes for cell quality ratio, face quality ratio, and node movement (details)
  936. default cut-cell quadrature to magic points (details)
  937. Fixing small mistake that did not allow compiling without NLOPT (details)
  938. unit test memcheck timeout set to 2 hours (details)
  939. Gaussian point smoothing for pressure, temperature, nutilde.  More to (details)
  940. PXOutput unit test (details)
  941. Fixed PXOutput unit test bugs (details)
  942. fixed the bug in boundary integral that was making regression tests fail (details)
  943. Added support for non-linear viscosity (i.e. A matrix = f(U)) in the (details)
  944. Updated header file, and fixed the seg fault. (details)
  945. Fixed a bug in PXGridInfo. Fixed PXTecplot for mixed element 2D meshes. (details)
  946. Turning the KeepBackVertices flag on for bamg broke all reg tests. (details)
  947. Fixed more memory leaks. (details)
  948. The reg tests that failed should be fixed now. (details)
  949. cht output function calc (details)
  950. Added "Flux" BC support, and more unit tests to the scalar conv-diff (details)
  951. CHT interface consistent discretization added in comments, CHT viz (details)
  952. Null pointers, CHT viz unit test updates (details)
  953. detect if cubes in the mesh and force (p+1)^dim as dof factor (details)
  954. uncommented declaration that was an unused variable? (details)
  955. check vertices for ForceCube, not nodes (details)
  956. again needed to uncomment PenaltyMethod (details)
  957. Added _stackcheck to check static memory problems (details)
  958. Updated cmake documentation (details)
  959. Forgot to update the ctest lable for stackcheck (details)
  960. Boundary smoothing (details)
  961. Added ProjectX_stackcheck (details)
  962. added 2D Burger's (u_t + u u_x - nu (u_xx + u_yy)) PDE (details)
  963. bug fix in PXEigenDecomSymmetricPacked: both input matrix and local copy (details)
  964. added Burgers subdirectory (details)
  965. fixed useles compiler warning (details)
  966. dummy commit (details)
  967. Included missing header file so that PX compiles properly with debug (details)
  968. Changing edge based post-processing step to eigenvalue based (details)
  969. Eliminating a golden standard parameter that does not exist (details)
  970. Cleaned up things to compile on OS X (details)
  971. Updated PXIntersect2d_PXU to not cast double to int in unit tests (details)
  972. Updating PX to be able to use git revisions as well as svn revisions (details)
  973. Fixed up store revision to properly work now with both git and svn (details)
  974. Relaxed tolerance on a unit test (details)
  975. Added scripts for regression testing with jenkins. Other general cleanup (details)
  976. Fixed clang compiler warnings (details)
  977. Fixing floating point failures with the intel compiler (details)
  978. Updated jenkins build scripts (details)
  979. Fixed more floating point problems with unit test (details)
  980. Fixed a whole bunch of unit tests for intel (details)
  981. Tweaking jenkins scripts (details)
  982. One more tweak to the jenkins scripts (details)
  983. Was missing parmetis in the jenkins env (details)
  984. Fixed memory problem with PXOutput_PXU. Changed coverage file location (details)
  985. Still tweakig jenkins scripts (details)
  986. Added OSX and Intel valgrind suppression files. Need to fill the intel (details)
  987. Created intel suppressions for valgrind (details)
  988. Added intel suppression. Fixed memleak in unit test (details)
  989. Fixed more memory problems and added more suppressions (details)
  990. Updated CMake to remove warnings by cmake 3.0 (details)
  991. Functions added for reservoir simulations (analytical model and real) (details)
  992. Fixed bug in Updated to make (details)
  993. Updated to also commit DeveloperEmailAdresses when (details)
  994. reset default: WriteParameterFile = True (details)
  995. reset default: WriteParameterFile = True (details)
  996. scalar conv diff (details)
  997. scalar conv diff (details)
  998. Hopefully fixed the compile error (details)
  999. Hopefully fixed the compile error (details)
  1000. Added an option to not perform metric optimization (details)
  1001. Looking for clang and clang-3.4 in SetCompiler.cmake (details)
  1002. Added git ignore file. Added madcap parameters. (details)
  1003. created new library for porous media (details)
  1004. Updated testing to run in parallel (details)
  1005. Updated regression test dependencies so they can be executed in parallel (details)
  1006. Using homebrew version of lcov (details)
  1007. Increased regression test timeout (details)
  1008. created the PorousMedia library, and added functions/variables to the (details)
  1009. Forgot to increase the timeout on commit_check (details)
  1010. Changed commit_check to clean OUT first. Added to gitignore for (details)
  1011. Modifed pxbamg* files to use the SavePrefix. This allows regression (details)
  1012. Missed a regression test dependency (details)
  1013. Added RelWithDebInfo as a dir name option. (details)
  1014. Fixed parallel test execution dependency (details)
  1015. Fixed regtest memcheck dependencies. Updated storerevision to only show (details)
  1016. Added inviscid and viscous flux terms to PorousMedia library (details)
  1017. added unit tests to PorousMedia library (details)
  1018. changes to updatefraction (details)
  1019. changes to unit tests (details)
  1020. fixed memory leaks in unit tests (details)
  1021. This is hopefully the scalar fix now (details)
  1022. Fixed the regression tests because of calling PXE_BC_ScalarRobin with (details)
  1023. Missed a merge conflict (details)
  1024. changed default to write parameters file (details)
Commit 70db0b0151bb72f1737617956a0640afe9cbcaeb by ehliu
commenting out a currently unused function so i can pass dumb warning count

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@9930 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Grid/PXDistanceFunction.c
Commit 1bfbd2500ab879ac9f492af8713263ed23e885e8 by ehliu
bah didnt comment out the unit test of the function i removed in last commit

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@9931 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Grid/PXDistanceFunction_PXU.c
Commit 9f5dea3f16b0d7cfe217fc012a839b54e15bfd0d by sunhu
mesh edge struct is parallelized, and a 3D parallel unit mesh is added

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@9932 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Grid/PXParallelMesh.c
The file was modified man/GuideLine.tex
The file was modified src/Grid/PXMesh.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXParallelMesh_PXU.c
The file was modified include/Grid/PXMeshStruct.h
The file was modified src/Grid/PXTriangulatePolygon_PXU.c
Commit 6f0c21d74f68f2b5749c4d671e4389b28182b8bd by sunhu
mesh edge struct is parallelized, and a 3D parallel unit mesh is added

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@9933 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was addedman/UnitGridGuide/3DParallelMeshes.tex
The file was addedman/UnitGridGuide/3DParallelMeshes/parallel_sixtet_0.eps
The file was addedman/UnitGridGuide/3DParallelMeshes/parallel_sixtet_2.eps
The file was addedman/UnitGridGuide/3DParallelMeshes/parallel_sixtet_1.eps
Commit e8e93ed0b0fd91cdb513290854a93a9bf3e556e9 by sunhu
1. PartitionMesh is ready. 2. CheckMesh now works with parallel mesh. 3. Parallel unit test for cpp files now working. 4. Intersecting each partitioned mesh is now working through treating ghosted faces as boundary faces

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@9934 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was addedsrc/Test/PXUnitCoverageParallelCpp.csh
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXReadWriteCutCell3d_PXU.cpp
The file was modified src/Grid/Grid.make
The file was modified src/Grid/PXMesh_PXU.c
The file was addedsrc/Grid/CutCell3D/PXParallelCutCell3d_PXU.cpp
The file was modified src/Grid/PXParallelMesh.c
The file was addedsrc/Grid/PXPartitionMesh.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXMesh.c
The file was addedsrc/Grid/PXPartitionMesh_PXU.c
The file was modified include/Grid/PXParallelMesh.h
The file was addedsrc/Grid/CutCell3D/PXParallelCutCell3d.cpp
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXCutCell3d.cpp
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXCutQuad3d_PXU.cpp
The file was modified include/Grid/CutCell3D/PXIntersect3d.h
The file was modified src/Grid/PXParallelMesh_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXCutCell3d_PXU.cpp
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXIntersect3d_PXU.cpp
The file was modified src/Test/
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXMerge3d_PXU.cpp
The file was modified include/Grid/CutCell3D/PXIntersect3dStruct.h
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/CutCell3D.make
The file was modified include/Grid/PXMesh.h
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXCutCell3dPrintInfo_PXU.cpp
The file was addedinclude/Grid/PXPartitionMesh.h
The file was addedinclude/Grid/CutCell3D/PXParallelCutCell3d.h
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXIntersect3d.cpp
Commit bafda1def4b89d52efef3cc0ba80de95411209a3 by sunhu
Added unit test for PXParallelCutCell3d.cpp so that the shell script can make status green

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@9935 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXParallelCutCell3d_PXU.cpp
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXParallelCutCell3d.cpp
Commit 1dd69e6b449936fd78adcb8b8570bed990c97ddf by sunhu
forgot to include Grid unit test

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@9936 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Grid/Grid.make
Commit a5b99e789f8f3de92eaab9f8288a47931038cbf7 by ehliu
bugfixes to the 3d distance function (surface grid & regular versions).  Multiple jumps now works correctly.  Also who knew ElementNeighbor orders elem,egrp whereas every other function orders egrp, elem?!

Added a new BC: "VelocityTanHeat" which sets:
1) 0 normal velocity
2) 0 normal derivaive of tangential velocities
3) 0 heat flux
For a total of Dim+1 (independent, I think/hope) BCs.  This BC MAY be more appropriate for symmetry plane/flow tangency BCs than the current "FlowTan" BC.  Emphasis on "MAY."

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@9937 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Grid/PXDistanceFunction.c
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXCompressible.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXDistanceFunctionSurfGrid.c
The file was modified src/PXInit.c
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXCompressible.h
Commit 3812d76c1d55ac03786af1a0e9ded3f4f7380452 by diosady
parallelized grid data

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@9938 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Grid/PXParallelGrid_PXU.c
The file was modified src/PXInit.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXMeshSize.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXMeshMetric.c
Commit 17f7117f0b744d9936945b90f65b0e30a3b79a10 by sunhu
Unparallelize zerod coded, but need testing

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@9939 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified include/Grid/CutCell3D/PXCutCell3dPrintInfo.h
The file was modified include/Fundamentals/PXParallel.h
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXIntersect3d_PXU.cpp
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXCutCell3dPrintInfo.cpp
The file was modified src/Fundamentals/PXParallel_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXParallelCutCell3d_PXU.cpp
The file was modified include/Grid/CutCell3D/PXIntersect3dStruct.h
The file was modified src/Fundamentals/PXParallel.c
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXParallelCutCell3d.cpp
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/CutCell3D.make
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXIntersect3d.cpp
Commit 6cf6a8d42af8943047c2bc7356e3428b9b092ea2 by krakos
Unified adaptation in parallel now (partially) supported.  'Partially' because the local solves are all in parallel, but everything else (optimization problem, DOF calculation, etc.) is all serial.  Fixed some small bugs with unsteady adaptation as well in the process.  Also protected so parallel calls that were previously unprotected (added parallel check before call)

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@9940 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/PXHPAdaptDirect.c
The file was modified src/PXRunSolver.c
The file was modified src/PXLog.c
The file was modified src/PXHPAdaptDirect_PXU.c
The file was modified src/PXResidual.c
The file was modified src/PXHPAdapt.c
The file was modified src/PXInit.c
The file was modified src/PXErrEst.c
The file was modified src/PXResState.c
The file was modified src/PXOutputFunctional.c
The file was modified src/PXSolver.c
Commit 82696ac33b8968d83da12dd90e04a6d8057192b6 by krakos
Missing change to header file in previous commit

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@9941 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified include/PXSolver.h
Commit be88fc3ff99267041ce41278592a45bd653af1ca by krakos
Missed a couple warnings compiling with intel.

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@9942 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/PXOutputFunctional.c
The file was modified src/PXResState.c
Commit 631e453cb4b06ad5b24de25fad7c3a8027304c20 by krakos
Corrected bug in PXStateSmooth that woukd kick back an error for the terminal state adjoint because it had no previous adjoint states.  Hard coded the error integration factor to 1 until I can get the correct one sorted out...equally weighting timesteps should give a reasonable result until then.

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@9943 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/PXSolver.c
Commit 718f913a08989bd3747c556953e0beadc319a547 by diosady
Dummy commit to rerun tests

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@9944 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified README
Commit d99a56b70d8e77041101a1cf9840e7f21444a89d by ehliu
1) regenerated 3d_Periodic_TEST b/c existing .bc file did not make sense with the matching .pbc file (made the wrong faces periodic)
2) added 3d_Periodic_P2_TEST which tests restarting from a periodic solution

3) changes to allow for higher Q elements when making a grid periodic.  Assumption is that the faces are flat even though higher order nodes are present.  (Normal.c, ReadWriteGrid)
4) changes to ReadWriteGrid (ReadGrid & WriteGrid) to allow for restarting from a periodic grid/solution.  minor revision 11.

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@9945 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified test/BCFile/3d_Periodic.bc
The file was modified test/trueOUT/3d_Periodic_TEST.hist.TRUE
The file was modified test/runTests.csh
The file was modified utils/PXSolutionTransferExtruded.c
The file was addedtest/3d_Periodic_P2_TEST.job
The file was modified src/Grid/PXDistanceFunction.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXNormal.c
The file was modified utils/ehliutest.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXReadWriteGrid_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXDistanceFunctionSurfGrid.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXGrid.c
The file was modified utils/utils.make
The file was modified src/Grid/PXReadWriteGrid.c
The file was addedtest/trueOUT/3d_Periodic_P2_TEST.hist.TRUE
The file was modified src/PXCDAll.c
The file was modified test/3d_Periodic_TEST.job
The file was modified utils/ProjectX
Commit a8280d05d25c9ae86e18d5cae113829419778b9c by ehliu
bugfix to 3D distance function.  Was going array out of bounds but valgrind didn't catch it b/c I was always magically ending up in the function stack.

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@9946 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Grid/PXDistanceFunctionSurfGrid.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXDistanceFunction.c
Commit 0461c2ca5d05f0e84922e511148839fb53389ce1 by krakos
Modified p+1 unsteady State 0 (initial condition) to use function if that was used to init the p State.

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@9947 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/PXErrEst.c
The file was modified src/PXResState.c
Commit 91b2e2574049b33f81d5c5f98a3a2f6ec6d4fe33 by sunhu
3D intersection now parallel, and unparallelization working, with one unit test added

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@9948 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified include/Fundamentals/PXParallel.h
The file was addedman/UnitGridGuide/3DParallelCutCell/twotettwopatch_planar_proc1.eps
The file was modified src/Grid/PXMesh_PXU.c
The file was modified man/GuideLine.tex
The file was modified src/Fundamentals/PXParallel.c
The file was addedman/UnitGridGuide/3DParallelMeshes/parallel_TwoTetQ1_0.eps
The file was addedman/UnitGridGuide/3DParallelCutCell/twotettwopatch_planar_unparallelized.eps
The file was modified include/Grid/CutCell3D/PXIntersect3d.h
The file was modified src/Fundamentals/PXMemory.c
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXParallelCutCell3d_PXU.cpp
The file was modified man/UnitGridGuide/3DParallelMeshes.tex
The file was addedman/UnitGridGuide/3DParallelCutCell/twotettwopatch_planar_proc0.eps
The file was modified include/Grid/CutCell3D/PXIntersect3dStruct.h
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXCutCell3dPrintInfo.cpp
The file was modified include/Grid/PXMesh.h
The file was addedman/UnitGridGuide/3DParallelMeshes/parallel_TwoTetQ1_1.eps
The file was modified include/Grid/CutCell3D/PXCutCell3dPrintInfo.h
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXIntersect3d.cpp
The file was addedman/UnitGridGuide/3DParallelCutCell.tex
The file was modified src/Fundamentals/PXParallel_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXParallelCutCell3d.cpp
The file was modified src/Grid/PXMesh.c
Commit a295254bd75fbb96c5afa9b641f11e3cc819627e by sunhu
git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@9949 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/PXRunSolver.c
Commit fea961f7c78ffc9f1cc1a139e4e393e367f8cf86 by sunhu
updated weekly tests to use sunhu

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@9950 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified utils/
The file was modified utils/
Commit 995fd093656b7beafff08f21a8529e25bb1dece1 by sunhu
Cut cell 3d now works in parallel, at least for all the unit tests. Now need a real test case..

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@9951 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXReadWriteCutCell3d_PXU.cpp
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXCutCell3d_PXU.cpp
The file was modified include/Grid/CutCell3D/PXIntersect3d.h
The file was modified src/Grid/PXMesh_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Fundamentals/PXMemory.c
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXMerge3d_PXU.cpp
The file was modified src/Grid/PXMesh.c
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXIntersect3d.cpp
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXParallelCutCell3d_PXU.cpp
The file was modified src/Grid/Grid.make
The file was modified include/Fundamentals/PXMemory.h
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXCutQuad3d.cpp
The file was modified src/Grid/PXParallelMesh.c
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/CutCell3D.make
The file was modified man/UnitGridGuide/3DParallelCutCell/twotettwopatch_planar_unparallelized.eps
The file was modified include/Grid/CutCell3D/PXIntersect3dStruct.h
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXParallelCutCell3d.cpp
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXMerge3d.cpp
The file was modified include/Grid/CutCell3D/PXParallelCutCell3d.h
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXIntersect3d_PXU.cpp
The file was modified src/Grid/PXParallelGrid_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXParallelGrid.c
The file was modified include/Grid/CutCell3D/PXCutQuad3d.h
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXCutCell3d.cpp
The file was modified src/Grid/PXCutQuad.c
Commit 3984e4b28b63446d723c6978f90ed078aea89149 by sunhu
Now cut cell works in parallel entirely...still need to add a regression test

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@9952 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXReadWriteCutCell3d_PXU.cpp
The file was modified src/Grid/PXParallelGrid_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXParallelCutCell3d.cpp
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXCutQuad3d.cpp
The file was modified utils/PXCutCell3d.c
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXParallelCutCell3d_PXU.cpp
The file was modified src/Fundamentals/PXSerial.c
The file was modified src/PXCDAll.c
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXIntersect3d.cpp
The file was modified src/Fundamentals/Fundamentals.make
The file was modified src/PXHPAdapt.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXGrid.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXParallelGrid.c
The file was modified src/Fundamentals/PXParallel_PXU.c
The file was modified include/Grid/CutCell3D/PXCutQuad3d.h
The file was modified src/Fundamentals/PXParallel.c
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/CutCell3D.make
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXCutCell3d.cpp
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXMerge3d.cpp
The file was modified include/Fundamentals/PXParallel.h
Commit e3ae0f50acd1f5fd2af5f9a4468f6864b2aea0db by krakos
Adding capability to compute a 'global' unsteady truth surrogate.  mostly implemented...untested but passes unit and regression tests on my machine for existing tests

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@9953 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/PXErrEst.c
The file was modified src/PXHPAdaptDirect.c
The file was modified include/PXResState.h
The file was modified include/GeneralParameters/PXGeneralParameters.h
The file was modified src/PXResState.c
The file was modified src/PXHPAdapt.c
The file was modified src/PXAdapt.c
The file was modified include/PXUnsteady.h
The file was modified src/PXSolver.c
The file was modified src/PXUnsteady.c
The file was modified src/Adaptation/PXGridAnisoRefine.c
The file was modified include/PXErrEst.h
The file was modified src/PXInit.c
The file was modified include/PXSolver.h
Commit 848793b5fbd51942c9a4a8a9ef0814973de8019e by myano
nothing changed

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@9954 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified README
Commit ca59bab41dc657bb41a00c3745cd84d1689fa169 by myano
nothing commited

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@9955 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified README
Commit 38e8bbf5306bc42f08b5eca96f2756a780aab6f0 by krakos
Corrections to my previous commit

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@9956 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/PXErrEst.c
The file was modified src/PXSolver.c
The file was modified src/PXInit.c
The file was modified src/PXResState.c
The file was modified src/PXUnsteady.c
Commit 502b4cebe3291678fc3f0594d747186ad0d8147b by krakos
Update to madcap script generated by PX

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@9957 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Adaptation/PXWriteMesherFiles.c
Commit 3a35c56a8e6e52827b0f1bbdbece5dac56e5cb3e by sunhu
Fixed a bug when testing PartitionMesh after compiling in serial; and a bug in WriteCutCell; and should have fixed the email system for px failure..

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@9958 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXReadWriteCutCell3d_PXU.cpp
The file was modified utils/
The file was modified src/Grid/PXPartitionMesh_PXU.c
Commit f88d0a38d962f613e5540b6cc9a5f8e288af992b by krakos
Utilities to extract states from a pxa (intended initially for unsteady...may need to keep some other attachments that I'm currently trashing), and a utility to compute some statistics for unsteady sensitivities that I've had lying around and just want committed.

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@9959 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified utils/utils.make
The file was addedutils/PXSolutionExtract.c
The file was addedutils/PXSensitivityStatistics.c
Commit 0d387897e109d464f1868c1b3db2ba7d3550fbc7 by myano
added a new unified adaptation framework based on the vertex-based optimization procedure; fixed a bug in distance fucntion calculation for local solver

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@9960 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Reference/PXMetric_PXU.c
The file was modified include/Grid/PXMeshAttachment.h
The file was modified src/Reference/PXMetric.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXMeshMetric.c
The file was modified src/src.make
The file was modified include/Reference/PXMetric.h
The file was modified src/PXHPAdaptDirect.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXMesh.c
The file was modified include/Grid/PXMesh.h
The file was modified utils/PXRefineGrid.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXMeshAttachment.c
The file was modified include/Grid/PXMeshAttachmentType.h
The file was modified src/Grid/PXMeshAttachment_PXU.c
The file was modified include/Fundamentals/PX.h
The file was modified src/Fundamentals/PX.c
The file was modified src/PXHPAdaptDirect_PXU.c
Commit 85b5f366433eee2c3a70584325d07ca34fb9319e by myano
git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@9961 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/PXHPAdaptDirect_PXU.c
Commit ba9d7055d82f715af57febfafb48e3842c67f8cd by krakos
1D adaptation with fixed fraction adaptation (PXAdaptHP)

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@9962 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified include/GeneralParameters/PXAdaptationParameters.h
The file was modified src/Adaptation/PXMetricAdapt1d.c
The file was modified src/PXHPAdapt.c
The file was modified src/Fundamentals/PX.c
The file was modified src/PXAdaptMetric.c
The file was modified src/Adaptation/PXMetricAdapt1d_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXMeshMetric.c
The file was modified include/Fundamentals/PX.h
The file was modified include/PXMetricAdapt1d.h
Commit 21ed966e1e756c61a750c0b63b77a05fcc2d3ebd by krakos
Modified 1d mesh modification (mesh operations in adaptation) to use either the continuous or element metric, dependent on which is available (preference to continuous metric).  Because one-d is so straight forward, I simply map the domain to a metric transformed space and make a uniform grid

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@9963 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/PXHPAdapt.c
The file was modified matlab/PXToolbox/plot1dsol.m
The file was addedmatlab/PXToolbox/plot1dmet.m
The file was modified src/PXLog.c
The file was modified src/PXSolver.c
The file was modified src/Adaptation/PXMetricAdapt1d_PXU.c
The file was modified include/PXLog.h
The file was modified src/Adaptation/PXMetricAdapt1d.c
The file was modified src/ScalarConvDiff/PXScalarConvDiff.c
Commit bc7f4a7b2caa23299fbc2f9995cbe4218fd16e0b by sunhu
1. Now when MPI returns error, PX tells which line generates this error. 2. Fixed the issue where a ghosted cut face might have different # of quad points from the two partitions by picking one of the two partitions

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@9964 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Fundamentals/PXLapack.c
The file was modified src/Fundamentals/PXParallel.c
The file was modified src/Fundamentals/PXParallel_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXCutCell3dPrintInfo.cpp
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXParallelCutCell3d_PXU.cpp
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXParallelCutCell3d.cpp
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/CutCell3D.make
The file was modified test/runTests_parallel.csh
The file was modified src/Grid/PXCutCell.c
The file was modified include/Grid/CutCell3D/PXCutCell3dPrintInfo.h
Commit 2a4bda42977a88daba0d5b45777659cd8bffe82b by sunhu
1. Now when MPI returns error, PX tells which line generates this error. 2. Fixed the issue where a ghosted cut face might have different # of quad points from the two partitions by picking one of the two partitions

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@9965 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/CutCell3D.make
Commit 308932b7ffd2675ec97906ba423be99e8c2c9965 by sunhu
Change the cutcell case to use one-level overlap ASM

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@9966 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified test/CutCell_bump_Euler_Test.job
Commit 968aa9ac31cb58cc8da4b82af2d106193ecc5a0e by sunhu
Now partition the mesh before cutting based on bounding box check

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@9967 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified include/Grid/CutCell3D/PXBoundingBox3d.h
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXBoundingBox3d_PXU.cpp
The file was modified include/Grid/PXParallelMesh.h
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXBoundingBox3d.cpp
The file was modified src/Grid/PXParallelMesh.c
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/CutCell3D.make
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXCutCell3d.cpp
Commit 199ad8abf126880696ac2a76d89b440e89895ff4 by sunhu
Now partition the mesh before cutting based on bounding box check

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@9968 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXParallelCutCell3d_PXU.cpp
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXBoundingBox3d_PXU.cpp
Commit c70188d2f0eb667d168b3b8224037e790a743666 by krakos
Added global minimum and maximum edge lengths for MADCAP/EPIC

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@9969 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Adaptation/PXWriteMesherFiles.c
The file was modified include/GeneralParameters/PXAdaptationParameters.h
Commit e807ba951299b53902c70da39d310a207c45cf38 by sunhu
Timing is added into cutcell

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@9970 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXCutCell3d.cpp
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXIntersect3d.cpp
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXCutQuad3d.cpp
The file was modified configure
Commit 4438951912ced40cab4976f60153094685b0b2fb by sunhu
Fixed a bug in configure for cxxopt

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@9971 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified configure
Commit dca2fade330b1c1011a2d2240417aad384a7d780 by ehliu
KDTree: added statistic functions to evaluate the quality of the KDTree
ReadWriteGrid: textgrid2grid prints more debugging info
Grid: relaxed node position checks in periodic grids
      fixed bug where periodic grids would not be PXCopyGrid'd correctly
Diff: fixed bug where pxa1-pxa2 attachment would not be written out

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@9972 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Fundamentals/PXKDTree.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXDistanceFunction.c
The file was modified man/CodeSpeedUp.tex
The file was modified include/Fundamentals/PXKDTree.h
The file was modified src/Grid/PXReadWriteGrid.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXGrid.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXDistanceFunctionSurfGrid.c
The file was modified utils/PXDiff.c
Commit 762c7ec530cf1aa7bb1ed90d3f163763cb8677b4 by ehliu
Added a dummy unit test that causes the KDTree statistics function to be called.  Hopefully that's enough for status green

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@9973 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Fundamentals/PXKDTree_PXU.c
Commit 9854b6d42ad905cc0860564071ce755162fe4ed2 by sunhu
Changed weekly test to one test just to see if this works..

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@9974 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified test/weeklyTests_parallel.csh
Commit 8544acd3de4e4e3ec570b0b0d2eb23c1571a62fc by sunhu
Fixed weekly test...SSBJ truth file regenerated, IRK4 test commented out for now because unsteady file format has been all changed (Josh?), cut cell rans 2d test commented out because distance function not working for cut cell (Eric?)

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@9975 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified test/ONERAM6_Euler_M0p8395_AA3p06_WEEKLY_TEST.job
The file was modified test/trueOUT/SSBJ_M2p4_AA2p946_Euler_WEEKLY_TEST.hist.TRUE
The file was modified test/weeklyTests_parallel.csh
Commit 39e44a0b34618e8a88633a83d3ab92e1ddc30756 by sunhu
Now cut cell can handle a case where a partiioned mesh has disjoint sets, and some set can have no intersection

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@9976 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Grid/PXParallelMesh.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXParallelMesh_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXMesh.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXMesh_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/CutCell3D.make
The file was modified include/Grid/PXMesh.h
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXParallelCutCell3d_PXU.cpp
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXParallelCutCell3d.cpp
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXIntersect3d_PXU.cpp
The file was modified src/Grid/Grid.make
The file was modified include/Grid/PXParallelMesh.h
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXIntersect3d.cpp
The file was modified src/PXRunSolver.c
Commit ca2b6483f092ac172f5f1cd5a4775e30a2423d99 by sunhu
forgot to recover some of the weekly tests

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@9977 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified test/weeklyTests_parallel.csh
Commit 821c18587e7b44b354a7fe0c41a8cf9eaa5c5a1d by diosady
Fixed bug in 3d distance function

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@9978 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Grid/PXCoordinates.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXDistanceFunctionSurfGrid.c
Commit 77c631d7bf4e1371e486b4e4609c2534643c924b by krakos
hopefully this doesn't break the build test and webpage scripts...I'm attempting to add the subversion log file to the website

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@9979 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified utils/
The file was modified utils/
Commit 37e153ab8697f55a89d31c038ad57c1ab3b6e2c8 by krakos
Must copy the files I want accesible to the web server.

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@9980 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified utils/
Commit ec09b07a73ab68c8a34aa41b59296747c4efbf6e by krakos
1d advecting-diffusing gaussian bump now includes diffusion in the exact solution.  Slight modification to 1d plottting matlab script

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@9981 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified matlab/PXToolbox/plot1dsol.m
The file was modified src/ScalarConvDiff/PXScalarConvDiff.c
Commit b53164fda6cfc012955bd36ad9fe6d1f7dae91f2 by krakos
Fix of bug in 9981

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@9982 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/ScalarConvDiff/PXScalarConvDiff.c
Commit 9f05e5caacf840ebf7da2c4a247164a1c12c0aea by sunhu
Fixed the issue where solution file doesn't have solution in it for parallel cases...

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@9983 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Grid/PXParallelGridAttachments.c
Commit 43828473409f29b8bea85ecb80d1988ff7d5bcfb by sunhu
Changed how the shadow type is read and written, because the length of element type array has been changed

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@9984 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXParallelCutCell3d.cpp
The file was modified src/Grid/PXReadWriteGrid.c
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/CutCell3D.make
Commit 333477499086e04252606fff11e4040ca8f09945 by ehliu
Residual: disabling residual component timing printouts in CalculateResidual
RunSolver: Adding timing brackets around PXAdaptIteration and adding a "sum" (JulieTime) that prints PSequencing and AdaptIteration once per adaptiter

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@9985 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/PXRunSolver.c
The file was modified src/PXResidual.c
Commit 2d3abb0d4a35fa683c41557c3bad4ef7e98dc36c by ehliu
forgot some #ifdefs

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@9986 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/PXRunSolver.c
Commit fa650e1f64c3a63c904d12eeaf1c89a948b16e20 by diosady
modified SA stuff in new compressible, added generation of pbc file in PXExtrude2DGrid

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@9987 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXCompressible.c
The file was modified utils/PXExtrude2DGrid.c
The file was modified utils/PXViz.c
The file was modified src/NewCompressible/PXCompressible.c
The file was modified src/NewCompressible/PXCompressibleStateFunctional.h
The file was modified src/NewCompressible/PXCompressibleStateFunctional.c
The file was modified src/NewCompressible/PXCompressibleStateFunctional_PXU.c
The file was modified src/NewCompressible/PXSpalartAllmaras.c
Commit 213450cbef632f3486871eec505c293d10c0b44b by diosady
Fixed warnings in SA for NewCompressible

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@9988 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/NewCompressible/PXSpalartAllmaras.c
Commit 333a7fd04a6cf89cd147e428d2eafa02731e5cbf by krakos
Changed where unsteady coefficients are used and set for unsteady error estimates and parameter sensitivities.

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@9989 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/LinearSolver/PXLU.c
The file was modified src/PXSolver.c
The file was modified test/trueOUT/ConvectingVortex_Euler2d_IRK2_TEST.hist.TRUE
The file was modified test/trueOUT/ConvectingVortex_Euler2d_BDF2_TEST.hist.TRUE
The file was modified test/trueOUT/ConvectingVortex_Euler2d_IRK4_TEST.hist.TRUE
The file was modified src/PXLog.c
The file was modified src/PXUnsteady_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXParallelGrid.c
The file was modified utils/
The file was modified src/PXUnsteady.c
The file was modified include/PXErrEst.h
The file was modified test/runTests_parallel.csh
The file was modified src/PXErrEst.c
The file was modified src/PXResState.c
The file was modified src/PXAdapt.c
The file was modified test/trueOUT/ConvectingVortex_Euler2d_Trap2_TEST.hist.TRUE
The file was modified src/PXOutput.c
The file was modified test/trueOUT/ConvectingVortex_Euler2d_BDF1_TEST.hist.TRUE
The file was modified src/PXHPAdapt.c
The file was modified include/PXUnsteady.h
The file was modified src/PXHPAdaptDirect.c
The file was modified src/PXSensitivity.c
The file was modified include/GeneralParameters/PXGeneralParameters.h
The file was modified src/Adaptation/PXGridAnisoRefine.c
The file was modified test/jobTest.csh
The file was modified include/PXOutputStruct.h
The file was modified include/PXHPAdaptDirect.h
The file was modified include/PXSensitivity.h
Commit d9b88ae6be8e92456f5cc21a0cbd906faa383f9f by krakos
Fixes, clean up, and a missing file from r9989

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@9990 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified test/runTests.csh
The file was modified src/PXErrEst.c
The file was modified src/Adaptation/PXMetricAdapt1d.c
The file was modified src/PXSolver.c
Commit 67c6dee126c321594d6be9193b4b2a77c5ded3c5 by diosady
undid SA modification in PXCompressible.c

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@9991 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXCompressible.c
Commit 35ca5793eead5a839228a3bea165eadc34dcfc93 by diosady
Removed redundant ElementNodeArray

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@9992 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Grid/PXReadWriteGrid.c
The file was modified src/PXAdaptMetric.c
The file was modified src/Adaptation/PXElasticMesher.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXCutQuad.c
The file was modified utils/PXRefineGrid.c
The file was modified src/PXSolutionTransfer_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXCoordinates.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXGrid.c
The file was modified src/Adaptation/PXAnisotropicCVT.c
The file was modified include/Reference/PXOrder.h
The file was modified src/Adaptation/PXWriteMesherFiles.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXIntersect2d.c
The file was modified src/PXCGNS.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXModifyGrid.c
The file was modified src/Reference/PXOrder.c
The file was modified src/Adaptation/PXMetricAdapt1d.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXMerge.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXMeshSize.c
The file was modified src/PXHPAdapt.c
Commit 7e385663d1099e0467dfd34ae4e2f0d2a769ea82 by diosady
Started adding in Hexes

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@9993 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Reference/PXOrder.c
The file was modified include/Fundamentals/PX.h
The file was modified src/Reference/PXOrder_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Fundamentals/PX.c
The file was modified src/Makefile
Commit 49d62cb77e91fccc9f30ac8482b57bcc8805fbca by krakos
Corrected parallelization of unsteady output window types, adding some padding for square windows, corrected decrementing of dual unsteady solution, and fixed argument checking for unsteady state smoothing.

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@9994 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/PXUnsteady.c
The file was modified src/PXOutput.c
The file was modified src/PXSolver.c
Commit fd15fb6ca3f65b2a2391a68d3ee6b1556256d2d9 by ehliu
FaceOrientation now implemented for hexes (quad faces).  Added unit tests for PXFaceOrientation related functions.  Need to double check (w/Laslo) that my node orderings are consistent.

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@9995 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Grid/PXCoordinates.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXCoordinates_PXU.c
Commit 9a481477a147a26e2331a93e47d9be65f7a21711 by krakos
-Corrected line parsing in parallel regression testing script to remove non-numeric data in the last line of the hist file
-Corrected GRE deallocation for local GREs (prolongated states) in error estimat
-Removed extraneous output from solution transfer

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@9996 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/PXErrEst.c
The file was modified src/PXSolver.c
The file was modified test/jobTest_parallel.csh
The file was modified src/PXSolutionTransfer.c
The file was modified test/runTests_parallel.csh
Commit 7f3053bf1038201c1c46c93681f83e4f6daacc8a by ehliu
ReadWriteGrid: ReadGrmFile and ReadGriFile are now dimension & element type independent.*
NOTE: these grid formats now have the following restrictions:
1) double types can be printed with AT MOST 22 digits (i.e., %.22E)
2) the total amt of whitespace CANNOT exceed 20 spaces PER entry in each line (e.g., a line with 5 numbers can have 100 whitespaces max)
3) there can be NO extraneous carriage returns (i.e., totally blank lines)
4) "descriptor" lines (e.g., ones that describe num elements, qorder, dimension, etc) cannot exceed PX_MAXSTRLEN in size

Basically, these i/o functions use fgets()+strtol() or strtod() instead of fscanf() now.

*GrmFile cannot yet read hexes b/c TextGrid does not store face type information for boundary faces

utils: added ehliutest2.c for my convenience

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@9997 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified Grids/square_Scalar2d.gri
The file was modified src/Grid/PXReadWriteGrid_PXU.c
The file was modified utils/utils.make
The file was modified src/Grid/PXReadWriteGrid.c
Commit 7f5cd227f2f36a4c270d803305ec111f1a7cfc22 by ehliu
missed a file in the last commit, hope commiting 2x in about 1min doesn't break the thing

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@9998 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was addedutils/ehliutest2.c
Commit 65f6c5cfc30a065cdb57b432a31c79a5dcb13174 by ehliu
lol, didn't know warning counter cared about things in the utils directory

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@9999 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified utils/ehliutest2.c
Commit 198c457ab90b75d5ebfe90de4ca4c7536752f565 by ehliu
Order: Node0D now has nbf = 1 and qorder = 1.  Previously, nbf returned -1 and qorder returned an error.

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10000 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Reference/PXOrder_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Reference/PXOrder.c
Commit 6c5837281ceb8e82bfefcd665ada928ac441e3a6 by ehliu
looks like my last commit didn't change an associated unit test, oops.  poor josh, v10000 wasn't green.

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10001 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Reference/PXOrder_PXU.c
Commit 7269877553454106f2aa14db2329fc1f738782a1 by sunhu
Now each partition can write its own intersection and quad. For that, writemesh outputs edge info and parallel info, and cc3d files have more information

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10002 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified configure
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/CutCell3D.make
The file was modified src/Grid/PXReadWriteMesh.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXReadWriteMesh_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXCoordinates.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXMesh.c
The file was modified utils/PXCutCell3d.c
The file was modified src/Grid/Grid.make
The file was modified include/Grid/CutCell3D/PXCutCell3d.h
The file was modified include/Grid/CutCell3D/PXReadWriteCutCell3d.h
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXIntersect3d.cpp
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXCutCell3d.cpp
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXReadWriteCutCell3d_PXU.cpp
The file was modified include/Grid/PXParallelMesh.h
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXReadWriteCutCell3d.cpp
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXParallelCutCell3d.cpp
The file was modified src/Grid/PXParallelMesh.c
The file was modified utils/utils.make
Commit cc88e3e739adde207e30c06f3eb74abb0d2e816d by diosady
Added Normal Reference, started enabling hexes

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10003 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Reference/PXMasterPolynomial.c
The file was modified src/Reference/PXMasterPolynomial_PXU.c
The file was modified include/Reference/PXCoordinatesReference.h
The file was modified src/Reference/PXCoordinatesReference_PXU.c
The file was modified include/Reference/PXOrder.h
The file was modified src/Reference/Reference.make
The file was modified src/Reference/PXShape.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXCoordinates.c
The file was modified src/Reference/PXOrder_PXU.c
The file was modified include/Fundamentals/PX.h
The file was modified src/Reference/PXShape_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Reference/PXCoordinatesReference.c
The file was addedinclude/Reference/PXNormalReference.h
The file was addedsrc/Reference/PXNormalReference_PXU.c
The file was addedsrc/Reference/PXNormalReference.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXCoordinates_PXU.c
The file was modified src/PXResidual_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Reference/PXOrder.c
Commit cd36e91f625ed707d5de51935866bb994870f4f7 by diosady
added hexes in normal

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10004 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Grid/PXNormal.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXNormal_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Reference/PXNormalReference.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXCoordinates.c
Commit be2c32818b84404ac34b87031d2a63b66ea3f19c by diosady
Modified PXNormalReference.h

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10005 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified include/Reference/PXNormalReference.h
Commit e56d4450f0445a801debbc2a5d1af03574779001 by ehliu
fixing simple memory leak in PXOutwardNormal
valgrind should be clean now?

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10006 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Grid/PXNormal.c
Commit fc7bc22a0ff9fb375bcb83a1c4a86e4e6fe3aae1 by sunhu
Fixed the issue when a patch edge intersects a ghosted face twice...

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10007 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified include/Grid/CutCell3D/PXIntersect3d.h
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXCutQuad3d.cpp
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXReadWriteCutCell3d.cpp
The file was modified utils/utils.make
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXCutCell3d.cpp
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXIntersect3d.cpp
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXMerge3d.cpp
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXParallelCutCell3d_PXU.cpp
The file was modified src/Grid/PXGrid.c
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXIntersect3d_PXU.cpp
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXParallelCutCell3d.cpp
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXMerge3d_PXU.cpp
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXReadWriteCutCell3d_PXU.cpp
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXCutQuad3d_PXU.cpp
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/CutCell3D.make
The file was modified src/PXShockCapture.c
Commit fac670bc5aa02ac0fe7c6c8c7b1d84e17520eeb2 by sunhu
1. Fixed a read/write issue for parallel cutcell. 2. Initialize nENode = 0, now pxviz should not initembsurf for a non-cutcell case

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10008 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified utils/PXAdaptVizGrid.c
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXCutCell3dViz.cpp
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXReadWriteCutCell3d.cpp
Commit 5235d4e9f3db37813a67db0f47e2134bb4fab5e3 by sunhu
Forgot to change a pxu

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10009 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXCutCell3dViz_PXU.cpp
Commit 3d4e26135dc01e76799d21fdd4d58b6c5ba43b83 by diosady
Put unit grids test back in, modified face orientation for tets to match idea of flip/rotation implemented for quads, added 1 and 27 hex unit grids, modified grid check to handle quads

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10010 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Grid/PXDistanceFunction.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXCoordinates.c
The file was modified src/Reference/PXOrder.c
The file was modified src/Reference/PXCoordinatesReference.c
The file was modified src/Grid/Grid.make
The file was modified src/Grid/PXUnitGrids.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXUnitGrids_PXU.c
The file was modified utils/PXViz.c
The file was modified src/Reference/PXCoordinatesReference_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXGrid.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXUnitGridAddOns_PXU.c
Commit e3fc5c2c10b01de09547dfdd072f80d84e6a36dc by ehliu
committing on top of laslo's condition red :(  99% sure i have unit tests for everything here

Bullets 1) and 2) are IMPORTANT.  PLEASE READ.

This commit pertains mostly to being able to read/write hex meshes, and A LOT of cleanup in PXReadWriteGrid.c.  Primarily making functions dimension & element type indepenent and cleaning up/clarifying how the hash table system works.
1) grm file format redefined.  Instead of PXE_Basisshape, each bfgrp and egrp prints
   is PXE_Shape (node, edge, trinagle, quad, tet, or hex) instead.
   The relevant unit grids have been changed.  Sorry if this breaks your grm files, just fix it manually; it's not a big deal.

2) TextGridStruct's bface struct now carries around "PXE_Shape faceShape;".  3D grids could have quad or triangle boundary faces, so we need a way to discern this.  Each bfacegroup can only have one shape in it (so cannot have 1 bfacegroup with quad and triangle faces).  ReadGrmFile now stores this info off based on the input file; other readers store an appropriate shape for the kinds of elements they can handle.


3) AreaQ1Triangle changed to return the signed area in 2D (via cross product).  This is consistent with VolumeQ1Tet; it is used to verify that the input node ordering is correct in TextGrid2Grid.

Similarly, textgrid2grid now also checks for consistent node ordering of 1D elements.

4) TextGrid2Grid mostly rewritten.  Hash table functions basically all rewritten, but the basic functionality is the same.  (If performance is ever an issue, there are much more efficient ways of implementing a hash.)  Function is now dimension & PXE_Shape independent.

DistanceFunctionSurfGrid: some unit tests to flesh out testing of the neighbor jump system (needs more tests though)

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10011 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified Grids/line_Scalar1d_10elem.grm
The file was modified src/Grid/PXDistanceFunctionSurfGrid_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXMeshSize_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Reference/PXOrder_PXU.c
The file was modified Grids/line_Scalar1d_100elem.grm
The file was modified src/Fundamentals/PX.c
The file was modified include/PXTextGridStruct.h
The file was modified src/Adaptation/PXMetricAdapt1d.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXReadWriteGrid_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXCoordinates.c
The file was modified src/Reference/PXOrder.c
The file was modified include/Reference/PXOrder.h
The file was modified src/Grid/PXReadWriteGrid.c
The file was modified Grids/box18.grm
The file was modified Grids/line_Scalar1d_1elem.grm
The file was modified include/Grid/PXReadWriteGrid.h
The file was modified src/Grid/PXDistanceFunctionSurfGrid.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXMeshSize.c
The file was modified include/Fundamentals/PX.h
The file was modified Grids/CutCell_rae2822.grm
The file was modified Grids/MixedMeshRandom20x20.grm
The file was modified src/PXCGNS.c
Commit 0cb2c84a652b986980344226b1cbe8cbc1a31160 by ehliu
added very basic .h entries for the two hexahedra unit grids

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10012 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Grid/PXReadWriteGrid_PXU.c
The file was modified include/Grid/PXUnitGrids.h
Commit de448d5730b99a10f681856d04f172406c7e6d0a by diosady
hexes run, though by no means correctly

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10013 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified utils/PXViz.c
The file was modified src/Reference/PXCoordinatesReference_PXU.c
The file was modified include/Grid/PXMeshSize.h
The file was modified src/Grid/PXCoordinates.c
The file was modified src/Reference/PXOrder.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXBasis.c
The file was modified src/Reference/PXNormalReference_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXQuad.c
The file was modified src/Reference/PXQuadReference.c
The file was modified src/Reference/PXMasterPolynomial.c
The file was modified utils/PXAdaptVizGrid.c
The file was modified src/PXResidual.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXMeshMetric.c
The file was modified include/Grid/PXCoordinates.h
The file was modified src/Grid/PXMeshSize.c
The file was modified src/Grid/Grid.make
The file was modified src/Reference/PXCoordinatesReference.c
The file was modified src/Reference/Reference.make
The file was modified include/Reference/PXShape.h
The file was modified include/Reference/PXCoordinatesReference.h
The file was modified src/Grid/PXReadWriteGrid.c
The file was modified include/Reference/PXQuadReference.h
The file was modified src/Reference/PXOrder_PXU.c
The file was modified src/PXOutputFunctional.c
The file was modified src/Reference/PXMasterPolynomial_PXU.c
The file was modified include/Reference/PXOrder.h
The file was modified src/Reference/PXQuadReference_PXU.c
Commit 68fd4f14aba7213080de38a177e6dffa099b9788 by diosady
added mesh size reference, started playing with pxviz, a hex case now appears to run (incorrectly)

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10014 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Grid/PXBasis.c
The file was addedsrc/Reference/PXMeshSizeReference_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXUnitGrids.c
The file was addedinclude/Reference/PXMeshSizeReference.h
The file was modified utils/PXViz.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXUnitGrids_PXU.c
The file was modified utils/PXAdaptVizGrid.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXMeshSize_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXReadWriteGrid.c
The file was addedsrc/Reference/PXMeshSizeReference.c
Commit 03a47c7b99684b95045f0a87eaab8b2a39decef0 by diosady
tried to fix warnings

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10015 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Grid/PXIntersect2d.c
The file was modified src/PXOutputFunctional.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXLinearElasticity.c
The file was modified src/PXHPAdaptDirect.c
The file was modified src/PXResidual.c
Commit c0057bd734329fc4ace805a6c15560cfb59a296f by diosady
tried to fix warnings but actually can compile

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10016 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Grid/PXIntersect2d.c
Commit ce6a9ca430f3ea75e98ee7a3c59de708c27053c7 by diosady
tried to fix warnings

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10017 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Reference/PXMeshSizeReference.c
The file was modified src/PXHPAdaptDirect.c
Commit 06b62a1576810e2f77bc1bab607c375c57105413 by diosady
tried to fix warnings (I think I got it this time)

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10018 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified include/Reference/PXCoordinatesReference.h
The file was modified include/Reference/PXMeshSizeReference.h
Commit 5ea39b48663283bcecab87ac9778b17be8907bde by ehliu
Hex meshes appear to be working!  Tests so far have been preliminary--just the QuarticPoly_Scalar3D case from the regression tests.  It is likely that only the core primal solver works with hexes since we haven't addressed anything else yet.

quadreference: quadfacereference no longer exists.  All quad requests in ref space go through QuadReference() now.  (For faces, this means passing in the shape of each face via ElemShape2FaceShape() in Order.  See PXQuadFace for example.)

PolyPrecalcStruct/MasterPolynomial: Removed PXE_BasisShape dependence and replaced with PXE_Shape.  Changes also affected PXResidual, OutputFunctional & unit tests

Order: added a few more functions for use with PXE_Shape (Order2Shape, Shape2nOrientation, maybe another one or two)

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10019 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified include/Reference/PXPolyPrecalcStruct.h
The file was modified src/Grid/PXQuad.c
The file was modified src/Reference/PXQuadReference.c
The file was modified include/Reference/PXQuadReference.h
The file was modified src/Grid/PXReadWriteGrid_PXU.c
The file was modified include/Reference/PXMasterPolynomial.h
The file was modified include/Reference/PXCoordinatesReference.h
The file was modified include/Reference/PXOrder.h
The file was modified src/PXResidual.c
The file was modified src/Reference/PXMasterPolynomial.c
The file was modified src/Reference/PXOrder.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXUnitGrids.c
The file was modified src/Reference/PXMasterPolynomial_PXU.c
The file was modified src/PXOutputFunctional.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXNormal_PXU.c
The file was modified src/PXResidual_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Reference/PXOrder_PXU.c
The file was modified utils/PXExtrude2DGrid.c
Commit 599021aba531e3db2c1fc517284ee6dd240f8f4b by sunhu
Fixed robust refine for parallel case

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10020 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/PXHPAdapt.c
Commit 64e2e8e02b64e3990f5fb78c88978ebc07096919 by krakos
Fixed a bug in unsteady error estimation, which caused the stage states to be overwritten when computing the current residual.  Discovered a second potential bug with the residual.  I factor out the coefficient for the 'current' spatial residual so that I don't have to scale the entire jacobian during the linear solve.  This coefficient is also factored out when I compute the current (prolongated) residual, which would be incorrect.  I will correct this once I verify the problem.  Steady solves are unaffected.

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10021 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/PXSolver.c
The file was modified include/PXLog.h
The file was modified src/PXLog.c
Commit 01494b097fe34a7f300ea61896ce997158cf7644 by robin.melvin
Fix to get PXPostExec running again

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10022 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified utils/PXPostExecMain.c
Commit e904fa4d6a8fe7121ba208b212ef68f89eaf2780 by sunhu
When identifying the background element for a point in a cut element, just look for its parents -- used when interpolating metric from background to cut mesh

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10023 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Grid/PXCoordinates.c
The file was modified include/Grid/PXCoordinates.h
The file was modified src/Grid/PXCutCell.c
Commit fbc40014c1da9d7b27316d43f3a2d15593d0f139 by sunhu
Two end zerod's don't uniquely define an oneD! Now treating such case correctly...

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10024 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXParallelCutCell3d.cpp
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXParallelCutCell3d_PXU.cpp
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXIntersect3d.cpp
The file was modified utils/PXAdaptVizGrid.c
Commit 0074a853e67ae0101879c6549f196b76bd0567d1 by ehliu
Adding PXExtrude2DGridToPrisms.c to /utils

It extrudes a 2D mesh to prisms.  Right now, it only extrudes quads to hexes b/c [triangular] prisms aren't implemented in PX yet.

This is not yet tested so use at your own risk.

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10025 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Reference/PXOrder.c
The file was modified utils/PXExtrude2DGrid.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXReadWriteGrid.c
The file was modified utils/utils.make
The file was addedutils/PXExtrude2DGridToPrisms.c
Commit 6de9cff84c6ffe150f0191f4aed12217f3938aa7 by diosady
Vizz appears to be working for hexes and quads natively, and also can handle refinement, cut cell visualization may be broken

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10026 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Reference/PXOrder.c
The file was modified include/Reference/PXOrder.h
The file was modified include/Reference/PXCoordinatesReference.h
The file was modified utils/PXViz.c
The file was modified include/PXVizStruct.h
The file was modified utils/PXAdaptVizGrid.c
Commit 514c4460114199467bd94098fa5b11586ee1c16e by sunhu
Fixed CheckGhostElem for mesh structure -- one ghost element could be an element with all faces being ghosted faces, thus not -1

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10027 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Grid/PXMesh.c
The file was modified utils/utils.make
The file was modified include/Grid/PXMeshStruct.h
The file was modified src/Grid/Grid.make
The file was modified utils/PXViz.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXMeshMetric.c
The file was modified include/Grid/PXMesh.h
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXIntersect3d.cpp
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXParallelCutCell3d_PXU.cpp
The file was modified src/Grid/PXParallelMesh_PXU.c
The file was modified utils/PXAdaptVizGrid.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXParallelMesh.c
The file was modified src/PXHPAdaptDirect.c
Commit 4dba65b9af99c9ad1beb24240ff94c3e8ed464d0 by ehliu
2D/3DGrid2periodicwithpbc now merged into one function:
New function is dimension & element type independent.

To support this, new FaceGroup struct entry & new minor Grid revision introduced.
FaceGroups now have a ".maxnVert" entry which is the maximum possible
number of vertices on a face of that fgrp (=1 in 1D, 2 in 2D, 4 in 3D).
This is b/c the size of the **CornerNode array (again for periodic) is
not easily determined in 3D now that we can have quad & triangle faces.

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10028 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/PXRunSolver.c
The file was modified include/Grid/PXReadWriteGrid.h
The file was modified src/Grid/PXGrid.c
The file was modified utils/PXExtrude2DGridToPrisms.c
The file was modified include/Grid/PXGridStruct.h
The file was modified src/Grid/PXReadWriteGrid.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXUnitGrids.c
The file was modified src/PXCDAll.c
The file was modified src/Adaptation/PXMetricAdapt3d.c
The file was modified utils/PXExtrude2DGrid.c
Commit c1c402d33041be0eee3ef9eb3d0851e6601246bb by ehliu
forgot to change the Grid2periodic call in SolutionTransferExtruded

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10029 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified utils/PXSolutionTransferExtruded.c
Commit 54d8626b1167fa133fc9010c168473413937c52c by diosady
Distance function for hexes appears to be working, (though visualization of distance function is broken)

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10030 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/PXSolutionTransfer.c
The file was modified src/Reference/PXOrder.c
The file was modified src/Reference/PXOrder_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXCoordinates_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXDistanceFunction_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXDistanceFunctionSurfGrid.c
The file was modified src/Fundamentals/PX.c
The file was modified src/Fundamentals/PXMath.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXDistanceToSurface.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXDistanceFunctionSurfGrid_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Fundamentals/PXKDTree_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Reference/PXCoordinatesReference.c
The file was modified include/Grid/PXDistanceToSurface.h
The file was modified include/Grid/PXUnitGrids.h
The file was modified src/Reference/PXCoordinatesReference_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXDistanceToSurface_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXDistanceFunction.c
The file was modified src/Fundamentals/PX_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXCoordinates.c
The file was modified utils/PXViz.c
The file was modified include/Grid/PXDistanceFunctionSurfGrid.h
The file was modified include/Reference/PXOrder.h
The file was modified include/Reference/PXCoordinatesReference.h
The file was modified src/Test/PXUnitCoverageData.csh
The file was modified src/Grid/Grid.make
The file was modified src/PXInit.c
Commit 5eb207d2956ed19a20af286e0c694672de31b4e6 by diosady
Undid accidental change to PXUnitCoverageData.csh

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10031 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Test/PXUnitCoverageData.csh
Commit 3fdaa296d06b4faa0c68c2522871fed7fa6779e1 by diosady
hopefully fixed PX_PXU not working with coverage check

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10032 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Fundamentals/PX.c
The file was modified utils/PXSolutionRotate.c
The file was modified utils/PXExtrude2DGrid.c
The file was modified src/Fundamentals/PX_PXU.c
Commit e8e00269d478c3f6cf76ef38f7821a33632fa601 by diosady
fixed do nothing

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10033 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Fundamentals/PX_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Fundamentals/PX.c
Commit c9d9357340640d938e6dd29fa904e51edf812845 by ehliu
1)Adding some unit tests for DistanceFunctionSurfGrid (tests neighbor jump system in 3D)
2) CheckGrid() no longer fails if left/right faces of a *periodic* face group see the same element
3) Changed usage of InitializeDistanceFunction() (and SurfGrid version) in
PXMeshSize, and InitializeWallFlag() in PXBC.c.  The former will no longer set
any wall flag values.  The latter now outputs a flag indicating whether solid
walls are present.

**You should only compute distance function if
EqnSetEntryStruct->SourceCalcWallDist == True AND solid walls are present**
(solid walls are indicated by InitializeWallFlag or by scanning over fgrps)

4) Viz should now correctly use SurfGrid for distance function when cut cells are not present.

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10034 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Grid/PXGrid.c
The file was modified utils/PXViz.c
The file was modified src/PXUnitPXAs_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXDistanceFunctionSurfGrid_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Adaptation/PXGridAnisoRefine.c
The file was modified src/Adaptation/PXMetricAdapt1d.c
The file was modified src/PXUnitPXAs.c
The file was modified src/Adaptation/PXMetricAdapt3d.c
The file was modified include/Grid/PXMeshSize.h
The file was modified src/Grid/PXDistanceFunctionSurfGrid.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXMeshSize.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXDistanceFunction.c
The file was modified include/PXBC.h
The file was modified src/Adaptation/PXMetricAdapt2d.c
The file was modified src/Fundamentals/PX.c
The file was modified src/PXBC.c
The file was modified src/PXInit.c
Commit 5f9f768ce8692a91603b539a961ab3c740164664 by ehliu
removing warnings in PXViz.c

but somehow i added 3 warnings?  Only other thing I did was add a
"static" in PX.c so removed that...

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10035 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Fundamentals/PX.c
The file was modified utils/PXViz.c
Commit 7a3ec6cd821868347fb191cefa0603630afe14dc by sunhu
1. Fixed a bug when choosing the origin for conic polar representation. 2. Can handle a case where a partiion only intersects on background faces, but not on edges

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10036 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/PXHPAdapt.c
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXCutQuad3d_PXU.cpp
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXQuadPatch.cpp
The file was modified include/Grid/CutCell3D/PXCutQuad3d.h
The file was modified src/PXCDAll.c
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXConic.cpp
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXCutQuad3d.cpp
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXQuadPatch_PXU.cpp
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXIntersect3d_PXU.cpp
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXCutCell3dPrintInfo.cpp
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXIntersect3d.cpp
The file was modified include/Grid/CutCell3D/PXQuadPatch.h
The file was modified utils/PXViz.c
Commit d08ec0f505551c73e56f18941e96ef5da9d3d7d5 by myano
added timing routines to the local sampling stage; distance function for local solve is based on Qn (instead of the exact distance)

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10037 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXCutCell3d.cpp
The file was modified src/PXHPAdaptDirect.c
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXSpalartAllmaras.c
The file was modified src/PXErrEst.c
The file was modified src/PXHPAdaptDirect_PXU.c
The file was modified src/PXRunSolver.c
The file was modified src/PXSolver.c
Commit a205cba5aaec01da72acb37b662cbd9226f60976 by myano
the unified adaptation for the RANS cases failed in the previous commit as expected (due to a minor change in the distance fucntion evaluation for local solves). This commit updates the true metric and hist files

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10038 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified test/trueOUT/RAE2822_RANS_Subsonic_UniAdapt_TEST.hist.TRUE
The file was modified test/TrueMetric/RAE2822_RANS_Subsonic_UniAdapt_TEST_Metric_a00.attach
The file was modified test/TrueMetric/RAE2822_RANS_Subsonic_UniAdapt_TEST_Metric_a01.attach
The file was modified test/TrueMetric/RAE2822_RANS_Transonic_UniAdapt_TEST_Metric_a01.attach
The file was modified test/trueOUT/RAE2822_RANS_Transonic_UniAdapt_TEST.hist.TRUE
The file was modified test/TrueMetric/RAE2822_RANS_Transonic_UniAdapt_TEST_Metric_a00.attach
Commit f29c82faaa2548f831150713725e696640de057e by diosady
Fixed error in MDF for overlapping additive Schwarz

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10039 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/LinearSolver/PXMat.c
The file was addedtest/trueOUT/naca_Euler2d_Newton_ILUK_ASM_PARALLEL_TEST.hist.TRUE
The file was modified src/LinearSolver/PXOrdering.c
The file was addedtest/naca_Euler2d_Newton_ILUK_ASM_PARALLEL_TEST.job
Commit 2112d610dacd40c9067876069ec409cdddd32985 by diosady
Added uniform quads and hexes

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10040 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Grid/PXReadWriteGrid.c
The file was modified src/Reference/PXOrder.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXGrid.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXNormal.c
The file was modified include/Reference/PXOrder.h
The file was modified src/Reference/PXOrder_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Reference/PXShape_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXDistanceFunction.c
The file was modified src/Reference/PXShape.c
The file was modified src/Fundamentals/PX.c
The file was modified src/Reference/PXQuadReference_PXU.c
The file was modified include/Fundamentals/PX.h
The file was modified include/Reference/PXShape.h
Commit aae9ffa7f58d8bb8016c23bae624faa27527a977 by ehliu
1) Removed Line attachments (for the long defunct line reordering)
2) fgrp fields for periodic data now stored in a PX_PeriodicStruct
3) periodic faces can now be spread over an arbitrary number of element groups

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10041 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Grid/PXGrid.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXUnitGrids.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXUnitGrids_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXReadWriteGrid_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXParallelGrid.c
The file was modified src/PXSolutionTransfer.c
The file was modified include/Grid/PXGrid.h
The file was modified src/Grid/PXParallelGrid_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXGridAttachments.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXCoordinates.c
The file was modified utils/PXSolutionRotate.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXModifyGrid.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXGridAttachments_PXU.c
The file was modified include/Grid/PXGridStruct.h
The file was modified utils/PXExtrude2DGridToPrisms.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXUnitParallelGrids.c
The file was modified include/Grid/PXAttachmentType.h
The file was modified include/Grid/PXGridAttachments.h
The file was modified src/Grid/PXReadWriteGrid.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXUnitParallelGrids_PXU.c
Commit f4884db85c30b0fd9bae0e1cd32de53d1226acaa by krakos
Updated indexing for unsteady adjoint solve.

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10042 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/PXSolver.c
Commit 859b1b540590c4ead917bff0c0d419eadfa09e99 by diosady
added matlab scripts for generating hexes

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10043 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was addedmatlab/GenerateQuads.m
The file was addedmatlab/shape1d.m
The file was addedmatlab/GenerateHexes.m
The file was addedmatlab/gshape1d.m
Commit a854ac04e5fea69c4a5164eb4d5bf2211ff20451 by krakos
Moved Masa's changes to (addition of) truth surrogate deallocationin PXSolveUnsteadyDualProblem.  Previous location could result in double deallocation (for unsteady) of some arrays

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10044 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/PXSolver.c
Commit b85c63ed70c9d1b4d8da469d80bdd1b6cefde6ec by myano
small changes to speed up the local sampling routines; linear solver stage has not been updated yet

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10045 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/PXHPAdaptDirect.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXMeshSize.c
The file was modified matlab/PXToolbox/plotattachvectorized.m
The file was modified src/Grid/PXMesh.c
The file was modified src/PXSolver.c
Commit 67df8f389dd349aed84dfb14798d1fa7e4cc8374 by myano
comming linear solver update for the local sampling stage

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10046 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/LinearSolver/PXLinearSolverStruct.h
The file was modified src/LinearSolver/PXGMRES.c
The file was modified src/PXHPAdaptDirect.c
The file was modified src/LinearSolver/PXLU.c
The file was modified src/LinearSolver/PXLU_PXU.c
The file was modified src/LinearSolver/PXLU.h
The file was modified src/LinearSolver/PXLinearSolver.c
Commit 2b6131240c170162a95d7a72b814636311cf7dfa by myano
regenerated regression tests using the new, faster local sampling

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10047 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified test/TrueMetric/RAE2822_RANS_Transonic_UniAdapt_TEST_Metric_a00.attach
The file was modified test/TrueMetric/diamond_Euler2d_UniAdapt_TEST_Metric_a01.attach
The file was modified test/TrueMetric/Scalar2d_UniAdapt_TEST_Metric_a02.attach
The file was modified test/TrueMetric/Scalar2d_UniAdapt_TEST_Metric_a01.attach
The file was modified test/TrueMetric/naca_Euler2d_UniAdapt_TEST_Metric_a01.attach
The file was modified test/TrueMetric/RAE2822_RANS_Transonic_UniAdapt_TEST_Metric_a01.attach
The file was modified test/TrueMetric/Scalar2d_UniAdapt_TEST_Metric_a00.attach
The file was modified test/trueOUT/RAE2822_RANS_Subsonic_UniAdapt_TEST.hist.TRUE
The file was modified test/trueOUT/RAE2822_RANS_Transonic_UniAdapt_TEST.hist.TRUE
The file was modified test/trueOUT/Scalar2d_UniAdapt_TEST.hist.TRUE
The file was modified test/TrueMetric/diamond_Euler2d_UniAdapt_TEST_Metric_a00.attach
The file was modified test/TrueMetric/Scalar2d_UniAdapt_TEST_Metric_a03.attach
The file was modified test/trueOUT/diamond_Euler2d_UniAdapt_TEST.hist.TRUE
The file was modified test/TrueMetric/Scalar2d_UniAdapt_TEST_Metric_a04.attach
The file was modified test/TrueMetric/naca_Euler2d_UniAdapt_TEST_Metric_a00.attach
The file was modified test/TrueMetric/RAE2822_RANS_Subsonic_UniAdapt_TEST_Metric_a00.attach
The file was modified test/TrueMetric/naca_NavierStokes2d_UniAdapt_TEST_Metric_a00.attach
The file was modified test/TrueMetric/naca_NavierStokes2d_UniAdapt_TEST_Metric_a02.attach
The file was modified test/TrueMetric/naca_NavierStokes2d_UniAdapt_TEST_Metric_a01.attach
The file was modified test/trueOUT/naca_NavierStokes2d_UniAdapt_TEST.hist.TRUE
The file was modified test/TrueMetric/RAE2822_RANS_Subsonic_UniAdapt_TEST_Metric_a01.attach
The file was modified test/TrueMetric/naca_Euler2d_UniAdapt_TEST_Metric_a02.attach
The file was modified test/trueOUT/naca_Euler2d_UniAdapt_TEST.hist.TRUE
Commit 761e5d6ad825a7336caec61bcdd62d8f9f3e02c6 by myano
made a change to the parallel assembly of the nodal metric (in the grid initialization) so that the unit tests pass in serial

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10048 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Grid/PXMeshMetric.c
Commit d9e9be71794dca4e4a6f284c44b15edb4de0698a by ehliu
this commit will go status red
1) changed physicalupdatefraction & maxcharspeed loops to minimize redundant basis function
calculations & use Ref2GlobGivenShape
2) changed PXLimitPoints so that q5 nodes are added for quads/hexes
3) changed bounding box calculation for higher order elements so that interior
nodes are not checked
4) fixed CheckElementInBoundingBox (prev the result was almost always true)
5) adding PXGmsh2Grm utility (incomplete; talk to me for details if you want more capabilities)
6) changed physicalupdatefraction so that limit pts are computed once per egrp unless egrp is cut

2) & 6) result in machine-precision changes in maxcharspeed and/or physicalupdatefraction.  These
changes in turn "disturb" the solution enough so that 2 (on my local machine anyway) adaptation cases

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10049 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Grid/PXGrid.c
The file was modified src/PXRunSolver.c
The file was modified include/PXSolver.h
The file was modified src/Reference/PXQuadReference.c
The file was modified include/Reference/PXCoordinatesReference.h
The file was modified src/Grid/PXQuad.c
The file was modified src/PXResidual.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXCoordinates.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXReadWriteGrid.c
The file was modified src/Reference/PXCoordinatesReference.c
The file was addedutils/PXGmsh2Grm.c
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXCompressible.c
The file was modified src/PXSolver.c
The file was modified utils/utils.make
Commit 0cc2387853b9662bba8906ed6c0457c753dec9a6 by ehliu
regenerated the 2 failed regression tests from last commit

Parallel should be working now.  Wtf is PXE_ExteriorEG anyway?

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10050 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified test/trueOUT/RAE2822_RANS_Transonic_UniAdapt_TEST.hist.TRUE
The file was modified src/PXSolver.c
The file was modified test/TrueMetric/RAE2822_RANS_Transonic_UniAdapt_TEST_Metric_a00.attach
The file was modified test/TrueMetric/RAE2822_RANS_Transonic_UniAdapt_TEST_Metric_a01.attach
The file was modified test/trueOUT/CutCell_rae2822_RANS_M0p3_Re6p5e6_TEST.hist.TRUE
Commit 216dbaa0f1c6033d7b284f1f2e99d6f78bb55d3a by ehliu
1) Grm read/write now supports empty BFaceGroups.  This is a potentially temporary change b/c the PXGmsh2Grm utility will typically create empty BFaceGroups right now.  (May change in the future)
2) PXGmsh2Grm bugfixes involving failing to skip the file pointer forward to the next \n or \r character

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10051 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified utils/PXGmsh2Grm.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXReadWriteGrid.c
Commit 3d2f0ac6243ad8d889304cc382b5770b01f73a19 by diosady
Added new quadrature points for tets, Gmsh2Grm now works for Q4 hexes

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10052 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Reference/PXQuadReference_PXU.c
The file was modified utils/PXGmsh2Grm.c
The file was modified src/Reference/PXQuadReference.c
Commit f04c015ea7858ead90ad4115120144de1c945921 by diosady
modified cut cell 3d test to account for change in quadrature rules

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10053 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXCutQuad3d_PXU.cpp
Commit e3bf5376eb9af9e1f3fa5ff135a62c3c44dcb17a by diosady
Added new quadrature rules for tets, and modified associated unit tests

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10054 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Grid/PXCoordinates_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXNormal_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXUnitGrids.c
The file was modified src/PXResidual_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXQuad_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXUnitGrids_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXMeshSize_PXU.c
Commit ba05f6f6e34ff8e14c6bb0ad7bacbbce779c92ae by diosady
regenerated tests for 3d cases which failed with new quad rules

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10055 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified test/trueOUT/BoundaryLayer_Scalar3D_TEST.hist.TRUE
The file was modified test/trueOUT/BoundaryLayer_NS3D_TEST.hist.TRUE
The file was modified test/trueOUT/hemisphere_Euler3d_Adapt.hist.TRUE
Commit a8881a76d8f95c7edd8b99547fb3e61d6e3635d4 by ehliu
Regenerating truth file for RAE RANS Subsonic Uniadapt.  InitState didn't
set a value for sa-variable (defaulted to 0).  Setting 5.0 makes it a little
faster and avoids the warning

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10056 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified test/trueOUT/RAE2822_RANS_Subsonic_UniAdapt_TEST.hist.TRUE
The file was modified test/TrueMetric/RAE2822_RANS_Subsonic_UniAdapt_TEST_Metric_a00.attach
The file was modified test/TrueMetric/RAE2822_RANS_Subsonic_UniAdapt_TEST_Metric_a01.attach
The file was modified test/RAE2822_RANS_Subsonic_UniAdapt_TEST.job
Commit 88d107ede3ecf2dc9009edb8114d58cfa8e07af6 by ehliu
Parameter handling update; parameters are handled as follows:
1) Initialize parameter struct (PX_Parameter) via SetDefaultParameters
in PXCDAll.c.  This sets default "general", default adaptation,
default linear solver, and default equation set parameters.
2) If restarting from a previous pxa, read those parameters into a
separate location.
3) Load parameters from restart pxa into current pxa.  If any
parameters from the restart pxa are not found in the current pxa
(=default list), print a **WARNING** and ignore that parameter.  (The
ignored parameter will not be saved in the new pxa.)
4) Load parameters from the jobfile.  If any parameters from the
jobfile are not found in the current pxa (=default list), **ERROR

Item 3) is new.  Previously, unrecognized parameters from old pxas
would be added w/o a hitch (and then ignored) or undefined behavior
would result.  Now, a message that looks like
WARNING: -> MaxLinearIter = 2 <- not understood from the restart pxa
(InputFile = ../fp_6318hex_3d_ADC_P1_Primal_0.pxa).  Ignoring.
will appear.
PLEASE check outputs from your cases to make sure you are not relying
on ignored parameters!!

1) MaxQuadFlag is removed.  In its place, we now have QuadratureOrder.
QuadratureOrder can be set to:
-2: let PX decide how to integrate (this uses existing 2(p+1)+q-1
volume & 2(p+2)+q-1 faces rules)  (Equivalent to setting MaxQuadFlag =
False previously)
-1: use PXE_MaxQuad  (Equiv to setting MaxQuadFlag = False previously)
0, 1, 2, 3, etc: Force PX to use volume & face integration rules that
exactly integrate a polynomial of order QuadratureOrder

Again, be aware: if your old pxa sets "MaxQuadFlag = True", you MUST
add "QuadratureOrder = -1" in any jobfile restarting from that pxa to
continue using MaxQuad.

2) ResidualCriterionFlag has been removed.
Instead, MinimumDecreaseFactor defaults to 1.0e-14 (prev 1.0e-3) and
AdaptiveResidualDecreaseFactorFlag defaults to False (prev True).  In
this way, the default behavior of PX is unchanged (b/c
ResidualCriteronFlag = True was the same as setting decreasefactor to
1.0e-14).  But be aware that your old pxas and jobfile parameters will
not necessarily request identical linear solver behavior as compared
to versions of PX before this commit.  In particular, cases that
previously set ResidualCriterionFlag = True and MinimumDecreaseFactor
= X without setting AdaptiveResidualDecreaseFactor = True will produce
different behavior.

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10057 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified test/box_Euler2d_TEST.job
The file was modified test/naca_Euler2d_Newton_ILUK_TEST.job
The file was modified test/RAE2822_RANS_Transonic_UniAdapt_TEST.job
The file was modified test/FlatPlate_RANS_SA2d_ADC_TEST.job
The file was modified src/PXHDGOutputFunctional.c
The file was modified test/CutCell_rae2822_NS_M0p3_Re1p0e3_FluxCoeff_TEST.job
The file was modified test/AdDiffBL2_TEST.job
The file was modified test/Scalar2d_UniAdapt_TEST.job
The file was modified src/PXResidual_PXU.c
The file was modified test/BoundaryLayer_Scalar3D_TEST.job
The file was modified test/Scalar2d_DirectAdapt_TEST.job
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXCompressible.c
The file was modified test/FlatPlate_RANS_SA2d_DC_TEST.job
The file was modified include/GeneralParameters/PXGeneralParameters.h
The file was modified src/Fundamentals/PXParameter.c
The file was modified test/RAE2822_RANS_Subsonic_UniAdapt_TEST.job
The file was modified test/naca_Euler2d_Newton_ILUK_PARALLEL_TEST.job
The file was modified test/CutCell_rae2822_NS_M0p3_Re1p0e3_Gradient_TEST.job
The file was modified test/naca_InviscidNE2d_RealGas_TEST.job
The file was modified test/naca_NavierStokes2d_Newton_GMRES_ILU_TEST.job
The file was modified test/CutCell_rae2822_RANS_M0p3_Re6p5e6_TEST.job
The file was modified test/naca_Euler2d_Newton_ILU_MG_TEST.job
The file was modified test/MixedMesh_Scalar2d_Direct_TEST.job
The file was modified test/naca_Euler2d_LeanJacobi_TEST.job
The file was modified test/naca_InviscidNE2d_PerfectGas_HDG_TEST.job
The file was modified test/RAE2822_A28_RANS_M0p3_AA2p31_RE6p5e6_TEST.job
The file was modified test/ConvectingVortex_Euler2d_IRK2_TEST.job
The file was modified src/PXOutputFunctional_PXU.c
The file was modified test/2d_Periodic_TEST1.job
The file was modified test/naca_NavierStokes2d_M0p5_AA10p0_WEEKLY_TEST.job
The file was modified src/PXShockCapture_PXU.c
The file was modified test/3d_Periodic_P2_TEST.job
The file was modified test/diamond_Euler2d_PDEShock_TEST.job
The file was modified test/Scalar2d_Adapt_TEST.job
The file was modified test/CutCell_bump_Euler_Test.job
The file was modified src/PXHPAdaptDirect_PXU.c
The file was modified test/Sphere_Q23D_TEST.job
The file was modified test/CutCell_rae2822_RANS_M0p3_Re6p5e6_WEEKLY_TEST.job
The file was modified test/channel_NavierStokes3d_TEST.job
The file was modified src/PXAuxVariable.c
The file was modified test/naca_Euler2d_Newton_Osher_TEST.job
The file was modified test/naca_Euler2d_Adjoint_TEST.job
The file was modified test/naca_InviscidNE2d_PerfectGas_TEST.job
The file was modified test/diamond_CutCell_Euler2d_PDEShock_TEST.job
The file was modified test/MixedMesh_Scalar2d_Newton_GMRES_Jacobi_TEST.job
The file was modified src/PXSolver_PXU.c
The file was modified test/channel_NavierStokes3d_exact_TEST.job
The file was modified test/naca_NavierStokes2d_AuxVariable_FluxCoeff_TEST.job
The file was modified include/Fundamentals/PXParameter.h
The file was modified test/Ellipse_RANS_SA2d_Re2e6_DIC_WEEKLY_TEST.job
The file was modified src/PXAuxVariable_PXU.c
The file was modified src/PXDGSolver.c
The file was modified test/Scalar2d_CircleBoundaryLayer_TEST.job
The file was modified src/LinearSolver/PXGMRES.c
The file was modified test/2d_Periodic_TEST2.job
The file was modified test/ConvectingVortex_Euler2d_BDF1_TEST.job
The file was modified test/naca_Euler2d_Newton_UMFPACK_TEST.job
The file was modified test/AdDiffBL2_DofControl_TEST.job
The file was modified src/PXOutputFunctional.c
The file was modified test/naca_Euler2d_Newton_ILUK_ASM_PARALLEL_TEST.job
The file was modified test/FlatPlate_RANS_SA2d_DIC_TEST.job
The file was modified test/3d_Periodic_TEST.job
The file was modified test/naca_ViscousNE2d_PerfectGas_TEST.job
The file was modified test/hemisphere_Euler3d_Adapt_TEST.job
The file was modified src/PXSolver.c
The file was modified test/naca_Euler2d_UniAdapt_TEST.job
The file was modified src/PXLog.c
The file was modified test/naca_Euler2d_CurvedAdapt_TEST.job
The file was modified test/diamond_Euler2d_Shock_TEST.job
The file was modified test/naca_Euler2d_Newton_ILUT_TEST.job
The file was modified src/Adaptation/PXGridAnisoRefine_PXU.c
The file was modified test/naca_NavierStokes2d_IRK4_M0p5_AA10p0_WEEKLY_TEST.job
The file was modified test/naca_Euler2d_Newton_Jacobi_TEST.job
The file was modified src/Fundamentals/PXMath_old.c
The file was modified test/naca_ViscousNE2d_PerfectGas_HDG_TEST.job
The file was modified test/diamond_InviscidNonEquilibrium2d_Shock_TEST.job
The file was modified src/PXShockCapture.c
The file was modified src/PXInit.c
The file was modified src/PXHDGSolver_PXU.c
The file was modified test/diamond_Euler2d_PDEShock_Jump_TEST.job
The file was modified include/PXDGSolver.h
The file was modified src/PXHDGSolver.c
The file was modified src/PXHPAdaptDirect.c
The file was modified test/line_Scalar1d_SinCos.job
The file was modified test/poissonLshape_TEST.job
The file was modified test/square_Scalar2d_GMRES_Jacobi_TEST.job
The file was modified test/naca_NavierStokes2d_AuxVariable_Gradient_TEST.job
The file was modified test/CutCell_rae2822_NS_M0p3_Re1p0e3_Hybrid_TEST.job
The file was modified test/QuarticPolySoln_Scalar3D_exact_TEST.job
The file was modified test/QuarticPolySoln_Scalar3D_TEST.job
The file was modified test/SSBJ_M2p4_AA2p946_Euler_WEEKLY_TEST.job
The file was modified test/naca_NavierStokes2d_Newton_GMRES_ILUT_TEST.job
The file was modified include/PXResidual.h
The file was modified test/naca_Euler2d_Newton_ILU_PARALLEL_TEST.job
The file was modified utils/PXExactUnsteadyError.c
The file was modified src/PXResidual.c
The file was modified test/naca_NavierStokes2d_UniAdapt_TEST.job
The file was modified test/Ellipse_RANS_SA2d_Re2e6_ADC_WEEKLY_TEST.job
The file was modified src/Fundamentals/PXKDTree.c
The file was modified test/make_naca_NavierStokes2d_TEST.job
The file was modified test/naca_Euler2d_Adapt_TEST.job
The file was modified test/square_Scalar2d_GMRES_ILU_TEST.job
The file was modified test/ConvectingVortex_Euler2d_Trap2_TEST.job
The file was modified src/PXHDGOutputFunctional_PXU.c
The file was modified test/CutCell_rae2822_NS_M0p3_Re1p0e3_Flux_TEST.job
The file was modified test/naca_ViscousNE2d_PerfectGas_Matches_Compressible_TEST.job
The file was modified test/ConvectingVortex_Euler2d_BDF2_TEST.job
The file was modified test/diamond_Euler2d_UniAdapt_TEST.job
The file was modified test/naca_Euler2d_Newton_ILU_TEST.job
The file was modified test/MixedMesh_Scalar2d_Newton_GMRES_ILU_TEST.job
The file was modified test/naca_Euler2d_LeanJacobi_PARALLEL_TEST.job
The file was modified test/naca_Euler2d_Newton_UMFPACK_PARALLEL_TEST.job
The file was modified test/diamond_InviscidNonEquilibrium2d_Shock_Matches_Compressible_TEST.job
The file was modified test/ConvectingVortex_Euler2d_IRK4_TEST.job
The file was modified test/line_Scalar1d_Poly.job
The file was modified test/BoundaryLayer_NS3D_TEST.job
The file was modified test/make_naca_Euler2d_TEST.job
The file was modified include/PXSolver.h
The file was modified test/Scalar2d_CircleBoundaryLayer_Adapt_TEST.job
The file was modified test/Ellipse_RANS_SA2d_Re2e6_DC_WEEKLY_TEST.job
The file was modified test/ONERAM6_Euler_M0p8395_AA3p06_WEEKLY_TEST.job
The file was modified test/naca_Euler2d_Newton_ILUT_PARALLEL_TEST.job
Commit bc549df233422e6f79f234b6e558af0c13426fb2 by sunhu
1. Added QR using lapack, and cut quad weight generation now calls lapack; 2. Added more timing calls in cut cell functions; 3. Changed SSBJ true hist file a little, I believe the change is due to the change of 3d quad rule earlier in the week

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10058 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Grid/PXCutQuad.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXGrid.c
The file was modified test/trueOUT/SSBJ_M2p4_AA2p946_Euler_WEEKLY_TEST.hist.TRUE
The file was modified include/Fundamentals/PXMath.h
The file was modified include/Grid/PXGrid.h
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXCutQuad3d_PXU.cpp
The file was modified src/Fundamentals/PXMath.c
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXCutCell3d.cpp
The file was modified src/Fundamentals/Fundamentals.make
The file was modified test/trueOUT/CutCell_bump_Euler_Test.hist.TRUE
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/CutCell3D.make
The file was modified src/Fundamentals/PXMath_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXCutQuad3d.cpp
Commit 05771f707ab8584d6b08244cfe21a5dc48f06646 by sunhu
The lapack function dgeqr seems behaving differently for lapack version before 3.2.2

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10059 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Fundamentals/PXMath.c
Commit 23e57128506e46fdaedd111ed03e3b0cca272386 by sunhu
Now the qr unit test checks Q*R, should pass for every version of lapack

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10060 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Fundamentals/PXMath_PXU.c
Commit 5b3a255431204bf653f331acdf732a8b9bc85a48 by sunhu
Updated the truth file for some cutcell cases as the quad weight computation is now from lapack and slightly different than what we had before

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10061 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified test/trueOUT/CutCell_rae2822_Euler_M0p2_TEST.hist.TRUE
The file was modified test/trueOUT/CutCell_rae2822_RANS_M0p3_Re6p5e6_TEST.hist.TRUE
Commit a8391ea419a55bed6c24dd922a6207ccad81751b by ehliu
1) Changing the way the tree is setup in SolutionTransfer.  Full details can
be found in comments of AttachGRETransfer in PXSolutionTransfer.c.

In short, the changes make the quad/octree search times independent of
the size of the computational domain.  The amount of speedup nominally
scales with the number of elements.  However, this may mean that the
tree runs out of memory faster for "very large" (millions?) numbers of

2) Removed PXDomainSize and added PXGetDomainBoundingBox in MeshSize.
New version even has unit tests! wow!  Computes domain bounding box and
largest edge of that box.

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10062 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/PXAdaptMetric.c
The file was modified include/Grid/PXMeshSize.h
The file was modified src/Grid/PXTree.c
The file was modified utils/PXTestCutCellNullElementAdaptation.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXMeshSize.c
The file was modified src/PXHPAdapt.c
The file was modified src/PXSolutionTransfer.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXMeshSize_PXU.c
Commit b6fd0b6c965e63e07ebda8b2fd0e81b80e3bfef5 by ehliu
missed a #include

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10063 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Grid/PXTree.c
Commit c6ec3d6fee8612859e3341c8d8119b486a0e61ca by ehliu
Improved unit testing in DistanceFunction not be dependent on results being exactly 0.0 or 1.0.  oops.

Changed DistanceToEdge and DistanceToSurface in CoordinatesReference to be both fast and dimension independent.

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10064 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Reference/PXCoordinatesReference.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXDistanceFunctionSurfGrid_PXU.c
Commit f1bd0cfca5eddef1d7963ef8a70606d702d795e7 by diosady
Changed FlowTan BC for viscous, I expect some tests will fail

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10065 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/NewCompressible/PXCompressible.c
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXCompressible.c
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXCompressible_PXU.c
Commit 69a7bea7805be1aa63fad36933e44aa1007f6797 by diosady
Regenerated Shock Capturing Tests which changed with modified flow tan BC

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10066 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified test/trueOUT/diamond_Euler2d_PDEShock_TEST.hist.TRUE
The file was modified test/TrueMetric/diamond_Euler2d_UniAdapt_TEST_Metric_a00.attach
The file was modified test/trueOUT/diamond_Euler2d_PDEShock_Jump_TEST.hist.TRUE
The file was modified test/runTests.csh
The file was modified test/trueOUT/diamond_CutCell_Euler2d_PDEShock_TEST.hist.TRUE
The file was modified test/TrueMetric/diamond_Euler2d_UniAdapt_TEST_Metric_a01.attach
The file was modified test/trueOUT/diamond_Euler2d_UniAdapt_TEST.hist.TRUE
Commit af4d70fb1d5f570d6980773c6bc58271a1060301 by sunhu
Added a new 2d cut cell quad rule, now using it for integrating 3d basis function (after divergence theorem) when generate 3d quad weights

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10067 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified test/trueOUT/CutCell_bump_Euler_Test.hist.TRUE
The file was modified include/Grid/PXUnitMeshes.h
The file was modified include/Grid/CutCell3D/PXCutCell3dStruct.h
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXCutCell3dPrintInfo.cpp
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXBoundingBox3d.cpp
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXCutCell3d_PXU.cpp
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXCutQuad3d_PXU.cpp
The file was modified src/Grid/PXUnitMeshes.c
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXBasicGeometry.cpp
The file was modified include/Grid/CutCell3D/PXCutCell3dPrintInfo.h
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXCutQuad3d.cpp
Commit a4b7e1a21528b33968a2f5891dedf36a1d142326 by myano
updated the 2d local mesh operation in preparation for 3d

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10068 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Grid/PXMeshMetric.c
The file was modified src/Makefile
The file was modified include/Grid/PXUnitMeshes.h
The file was modified src/Grid/Grid.make
The file was addedsrc/Grid/PXSubMesh.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXUnitMeshes.c
The file was modified src/PXHPAdaptDirect.c
The file was modified src/PXHPAdaptDirect_PXU.c
The file was addedsrc/Grid/PXSubMesh_PXU.c
Commit 1c125aea67300a9cab05a9610384760f256211de by myano
forgot to add PXSubMesh.h

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10069 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was addedinclude/Grid/PXSubMesh.h
Commit 769bf7db0dcc16810df489fb54ca8cf12437b4f1 by myano
fixed a warning

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10070 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/PXHPAdaptDirect.c
Commit 62fe94f50574d98246795e04601c3b974e689b0f by myano
updated truth files for the uniadapt regression tests

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10071 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified test/TrueMetric/naca_Euler2d_UniAdapt_TEST_Metric_a01.attach
The file was modified test/TrueMetric/Scalar2d_UniAdapt_TEST_Metric_a03.attach
The file was modified test/TrueMetric/naca_NavierStokes2d_UniAdapt_TEST_Metric_a00.attach
The file was modified test/TrueMetric/RAE2822_RANS_Subsonic_UniAdapt_TEST_Metric_a00.attach
The file was modified test/trueOUT/RAE2822_RANS_Subsonic_UniAdapt_TEST.hist.TRUE
The file was modified test/TrueMetric/Scalar2d_UniAdapt_TEST_Metric_a00.attach
The file was modified test/TrueMetric/Scalar2d_UniAdapt_TEST_Metric_a04.attach
The file was modified test/trueOUT/RAE2822_RANS_Transonic_UniAdapt_TEST.hist.TRUE
The file was modified test/TrueMetric/diamond_Euler2d_UniAdapt_TEST_Metric_a01.attach
The file was modified test/trueOUT/naca_Euler2d_UniAdapt_TEST.hist.TRUE
The file was modified test/TrueMetric/naca_NavierStokes2d_UniAdapt_TEST_Metric_a02.attach
The file was modified test/TrueMetric/Scalar2d_UniAdapt_TEST_Metric_a01.attach
The file was modified test/TrueMetric/RAE2822_RANS_Transonic_UniAdapt_TEST_Metric_a00.attach
The file was modified test/TrueMetric/naca_Euler2d_UniAdapt_TEST_Metric_a02.attach
The file was modified test/trueOUT/diamond_Euler2d_UniAdapt_TEST.hist.TRUE
The file was modified test/TrueMetric/diamond_Euler2d_UniAdapt_TEST_Metric_a00.attach
The file was modified test/trueOUT/naca_NavierStokes2d_UniAdapt_TEST.hist.TRUE
The file was modified test/TrueMetric/RAE2822_RANS_Subsonic_UniAdapt_TEST_Metric_a01.attach
The file was modified test/TrueMetric/naca_NavierStokes2d_UniAdapt_TEST_Metric_a01.attach
The file was modified test/TrueMetric/RAE2822_RANS_Transonic_UniAdapt_TEST_Metric_a01.attach
The file was modified test/TrueMetric/Scalar2d_UniAdapt_TEST_Metric_a02.attach
The file was modified test/TrueMetric/naca_Euler2d_UniAdapt_TEST_Metric_a00.attach
The file was modified test/trueOUT/Scalar2d_UniAdapt_TEST.hist.TRUE
Commit 9dffcab653a9aa02ba3a073039a14bd882ad1552 by myano
fixed make files so that unit tests run

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10072 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Grid/Grid.make
The file was modified src/Makefile
Commit be38069e3c5e830b3d7a7d13271d03c239fb6461 by ehliu
i might've maybe left "CheckTruthFile..." as "CreateTruthFile..." in
RAE2822_RANS_Subsonic_UniAdapt_TEST when I regenerated it previously.


git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10073 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified test/RAE2822_RANS_Subsonic_UniAdapt_TEST.job
Commit 1b8c88372bb0ef1b2f1a29302393ac733c47832c by diosady
Modified solution transfer to used KDTree, This may break some adaptation tests

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10074 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/PXSolutionTransfer.c
The file was modified src/Fundamentals/PXKDTree.c
The file was modified utils/PXSolutionTransferMain.c
The file was modified src/Reference/PXOrder.c
Commit 91fc3b6ea67a8df6e0ec5680078e660ed398dbf6 by diosady
Modified warning log for make check, fixed test for PXOrder, commented out tests for solution transfer which don't appear to work.

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10075 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Reference/PXOrder_PXU.c
The file was modified utils/
The file was modified utils/
The file was modified src/PXSolutionTransfer_PXU.c
Commit d6b3f9d65012ec5ff21ea6a908d532751c215e6b by diosady
reverted BTRun and BTLog scripts

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10076 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified utils/
The file was modified utils/
Commit 96d7b8bdde9327a8434906ccc32126b05e13a969 by diosady
reverted BTRun and BTLog scripts

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10077 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified utils/
Commit 6a351cbf1bcfa087d324a9eedb49e43f933af675 by diosady
Made other changes in SolutionTransfer and KDTree to handle passing in invalid data

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10078 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/PXSolutionTransfer.c
The file was modified src/PXSolutionTransfer_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Fundamentals/PXKDTree.c
Commit 7dc720797ea3d650eab0a6a61154ed5bf69a4b7d by diosady
Regenerated adaptation files after changing solution transfer

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10079 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified test/trueOUT/naca_NavierStokes2d_UniAdapt_TEST.hist.TRUE
The file was modified test/TrueMetric/naca_Euler2d_UniAdapt_TEST_Metric_a01.attach
The file was modified test/trueOUT/CutCell_rae2822_RANS_M0p3_Re6p5e6_TEST.hist.TRUE
The file was modified test/TrueMetric/Scalar2d_UniAdapt_TEST_Metric_a02.attach
The file was modified test/TrueMetric/naca_NavierStokes2d_UniAdapt_TEST_Metric_a01.attach
The file was modified test/TrueMetric/RAE2822_RANS_Subsonic_UniAdapt_TEST_Metric_a01.attach
The file was modified test/TrueMetric/naca_Euler2d_UniAdapt_TEST_Metric_a02.attach
The file was modified test/TrueMetric/Scalar2d_UniAdapt_TEST_Metric_a01.attach
The file was modified test/trueOUT/RAE2822_RANS_Transonic_UniAdapt_TEST.hist.TRUE
The file was modified test/TrueMetric/RAE2822_RANS_Transonic_UniAdapt_TEST_Metric_a01.attach
The file was modified test/trueOUT/Scalar2d_CircleBoundaryLayer_Adapt_TEST.hist.TRUE
The file was modified test/TrueMetric/naca_NavierStokes2d_UniAdapt_TEST_Metric_a02.attach
The file was modified test/TrueMetric/Scalar2d_UniAdapt_TEST_Metric_a03.attach
The file was modified test/trueOUT/naca_Euler2d_UniAdapt_TEST.hist.TRUE
The file was modified test/TrueMetric/Scalar2d_UniAdapt_TEST_Metric_a04.attach
The file was modified test/trueOUT/Scalar2d_UniAdapt_TEST.hist.TRUE
The file was modified test/trueOUT/diamond_Euler2d_UniAdapt_TEST.hist.TRUE
The file was modified test/TrueMetric/diamond_Euler2d_UniAdapt_TEST_Metric_a01.attach
The file was modified test/trueOUT/RAE2822_RANS_Subsonic_UniAdapt_TEST.hist.TRUE
Commit 7d9cc994387a94d3a2fdbf3204b6ae2a5c2fe8bf by krakos
Corrected state initialization for unsteady (states were being re-initialized even for calls to only evaluate the residual).  Typo fixed in compressible function

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10080 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXCompressibleFunction.c
The file was modified src/PXSolver.c
Commit 9967085ac2e433683cfed2b4d82ced4b7f7a45bb by ehliu
Fixing a bug where searching the KDTree could result in a segfault.  This
would occur if no initial guess or an inconsistent guess was provided,
and the actual distance was larger than sqrt(9999999.0)

This bug could have also caused DistanceFunction to return the wrong
result for distances that are larger than sqrt(99999999.0).  This is
unlikely and I did not find any evidence of it happening.

NearestNeighbor() now initializes its "no information" guess to DBL_MAX
instead of 9999999.0.

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10081 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Fundamentals/PXKDTree.c
Commit 221957d18eeab306c8550d0fd38c9dba9e4462a7 by ehliu
Cleaned up DistanceFunction & DistanceFunctionSurfGrid to use the
DistanceToEdge & DistanceToSurface functions in PXCoordinatesReference.c.

Added unit tests for PXDistanceFunction (to match the ones in SurfGrid
version) & got rid of super poorly designed unitgrid that I made.

I expect the distance function changes to fail A28, RAE Subsonic,
and RAE Transonic regression tests.

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10082 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Grid/PXUnitGrids.c
The file was modified include/Grid/PXUnitGrids.h
The file was modified src/Grid/PXDistanceFunction_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXDistanceFunction.c
The file was modified src/Reference/PXCoordinatesReference.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXUnitGrids_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXDistanceFunctionSurfGrid_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXDistanceFunctionSurfGrid.c
Commit 53379577dda10948753e8f854129971b2ca9c1b0 by ehliu
Updating regression tests that failed in the last commit (due to minor
changes in distance fcn output)

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10083 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified test/trueOUT/RAE2822_RANS_Subsonic_UniAdapt_TEST.hist.TRUE
The file was modified test/TrueMetric/RAE2822_RANS_Subsonic_UniAdapt_TEST_Metric_a01.attach
The file was modified test/trueOUT/RAE2822_RANS_Transonic_UniAdapt_TEST.hist.TRUE
The file was modified test/TrueMetric/RAE2822_RANS_Transonic_UniAdapt_TEST_Metric_a01.attach
The file was modified test/trueOUT/RAE2822_A28_RANS_M0p3_AA2p31_RE6p5e6_TEST.hist.TRUE
The file was modified test/TrueMetric/RAE2822_RANS_Subsonic_UniAdapt_TEST_Metric_a00.attach
The file was modified test/TrueMetric/RAE2822_RANS_Transonic_UniAdapt_TEST_Metric_a00.attach
Commit 9e116e9c87953e35961cdd0ecbd527b309b0d677 by ehliu
1) When CheckMetric... is used in regression tests, changed error msg to
say "Metric Check mismatch" instead of "Metric Check failed" for easier

2) Fixed memory leak in PXMetricAdapt2d.c & PXMetricAdapt1d.c (3d.c
does not appear to support GRETransfer of adjoint attachments, so
no bug there yet).  "oldAdjState" was not being free'd in GridRefine

3) Fixed memory leak in PXErrEst.c. TSStateAdjState was not being released
in PXErrorIndicatorOutput when the dual stuff didn't need to be saved
off.  Small wonder b/c the relevant allocation happens like 5 function
calls deep in CreateStateNewOrder.

2 & 3 manifested themselves in *any* steady, adaptive case, i think.

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10084 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/PXErrEst.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXMeshMetric.c
The file was modified src/Adaptation/PXMetricAdapt1d.c
The file was modified src/Adaptation/PXMetricAdapt2d.c
Commit f34410a8614d724ef79276d6691f40a1888576fd by sunhu
Changed some weekly test truth file because of changes in dist function, solution transfer

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10085 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified test/trueOUT/Ellipse_RANS_SA2d_Re2e6_DIC_WEEKLY_TEST.hist.TRUE
The file was modified test/trueOUT/Ellipse_RANS_SA2d_Re2e6_ADC_WEEKLY_TEST.hist.TRUE
The file was modified test/Ellipse_RANS_SA2d_Re2e6_DC_WEEKLY_TEST.job
Commit 91ef65c0dbef3e7e6857bff4fddcd66417096590 by ehliu
1) Getting rid of clumsy macros in Residual.

2) Only compute distance function on faces when running
dual consistent source.

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10086 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/PXResidual_PXU.c
The file was modified src/PXInit.c
The file was modified src/PXResidual.c
The file was modified src/Adaptation/PXGridAnisoRefine.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXMeshSize.c
The file was modified src/PXSolver.c
The file was modified src/PXUnitPXAs.c
The file was modified include/PXResidual.h
The file was modified src/PXUnitPXAs_PXU.c
The file was modified include/Grid/PXMeshSize.h
Commit dfafef1d621487082c6f63deb66c2f393afd2ac7 by ehliu
forgot a return statement

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10087 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/PXResidual.c
Commit 432d74910700a85033aada4393742dd6f228e96d by ehliu
PXReadWriteGrid: adding a little more debug info for when TextGrid2Grid
tries to fix node ordering on tets (to correct negative volume)

PXMesh.c: check that elements' local node coordinates (vertices only)
match with the global mesh->coordinate array is now done as a
relative difference check

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10088 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Grid/PXReadWriteGrid.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXMesh.c
Commit ee4780e3d0d6db2c19079e19f5a80e392e1b5166 by krakos
Working toward using Masa's direct adaptation for unsteady

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10089 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/PXHPAdaptDirect.c
The file was modified src/PXSolver.c
Commit d1ca6bb90f6dd039001a466d54760abfaf60461b by ehliu
1) Added support for "global data" in KDTree.  Previously, a data pointer
could be associated to each [tree] node.  With SetDataDestructor, user
could specify a function to be called on each node's data pointer when
that node was released.

Now instead you can associate a "global" data pointer to the tree structure.
Each tree node would have a pointer into the space allocated to the global
data.  Upon tree destruction, the function given to SetDataDestructor will
release the global data.  This is useful for cases when the number of
points inserted into the tree is precisely known a priori.

2) SolutionTransfer now uses the "global" data.

3) cosmetic changes to some function names in KDTree

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10090 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Fundamentals/PXKDTree.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXDistanceToSurface.c
The file was modified include/Fundamentals/PXKDTree.h
The file was modified include/Fundamentals/PXKDStruct.h
The file was modified src/Grid/PXDistanceFunction.c
The file was modified src/PXSolutionTransfer.c
The file was modified src/PXSolutionTransfer_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXMoveMesh.c
The file was modified src/Fundamentals/PXKDTree_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXDistanceFunctionSurfGrid.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXDistanceToSurface_PXU.c
Commit 01e39a9d3029a438211330dbf4ef8a8f73647604 by sunhu
Due to the change of flow tan BC for viscous, now change the transonic onera and SSBJ truth file

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10091 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified test/trueOUT/SSBJ_M2p4_AA2p946_Euler_WEEKLY_TEST.hist.TRUE
The file was modified test/ONERAM6_Euler_M0p8395_AA3p06_WEEKLY_TEST.job
The file was modified test/trueOUT/ONERAM6_Euler_M0p8395_AA3p06_WEEKLY_TEST.hist.TRUE
Commit aee0bd36f8436ef9aab61db413ac30ce7e0b7b7d by sunhu
Now the ONERA case should pass..

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10092 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified test/ONERAM6_Euler_M0p8395_AA3p06_WEEKLY_TEST.job
Commit c6d06f0fd7b1602ea5e70f8a5167795301929afd by myano
fixed the restart counter and px now errors out if a given parameter is defined multiple times in job file

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10093 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Fundamentals/PXParameter.c
The file was modified src/PXInit.c
Commit e969440fbe128fe84fc0d2b2f0fffec42f214e44 by krakos
Unsteady and steady memory management for error estimation (thanks Masa for pointing out the memory leaks), and unsteady error estimate debugging.

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10094 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified test/FuncFile/ConvectingVortex.func
The file was modified test/trueOUT/ConvectingVortex_Euler2d_BDF1_TEST.hist.TRUE
The file was modified test/trueOUT/ConvectingVortex_Euler2d_IRK4_TEST.hist.TRUE
The file was modified test/trueOUT/ConvectingVortex_Euler2d_BDF2_TEST.hist.TRUE
The file was modified include/PXSolver.h
The file was modified src/Grid/PXGridAttachments.c
The file was modified test/trueOUT/ConvectingVortex_Euler2d_IRK2_TEST.hist.TRUE
The file was modified test/trueOUT/ConvectingVortex_Euler2d_Trap2_TEST.hist.TRUE
The file was modified src/PXUnsteady.c
The file was modified src/PXInit.c
The file was modified include/Grid/PXGridAttachments.h
The file was modified src/PXErrEst.c
The file was modified src/PXHPAdaptDirect.c
The file was modified src/PXSolver.c
Commit 6ffa95bac498449844b71e2beee9ac6fdb26fb93 by krakos
Corrected residual scaling for unsteady residuals.  This is only done for PXComputeCurrentResidual (thus fixing the error estimates), but all other unsteady residuals are still scaled by the factor necessary to give the Jacobian unit scaling. (does not affect steady)

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10095 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/PXSolver.c
Commit 43c65e8a97811a074521b1dd4f40aa67de0c4d3e by sunhu
Fixed naca weekly job file

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10096 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified test/naca_NavierStokes2d_M0p5_AA10p0_WEEKLY_TEST.job
Commit c6c157461511eefb62dc9fd99b364049c072cbcb by myano
partial commit of 3d optimization based adaptation and the space-time wave equation

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10097 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Fundamentals/PXLapack.c
The file was modified src/Fundamentals/PXLapack_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXCompressibleFunction.c
The file was modified src/Reference/PXMetric.c
The file was modified src/PXHPAdaptDirect.c
The file was addedsrc/WaveSpaceTime/PXWaveSpaceTime.h
The file was addedsrc/WaveSpaceTime/PXWaveSpaceTime_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Reference/PXMetric_PXU.c
The file was addedsrc/WaveSpaceTime/Makefile
The file was addedsrc/WaveSpaceTime/WaveSpaceTime.make
The file was modified include/Fundamentals/PX.h
The file was modified src/Grid/PXMeshSize.c
The file was modified include/Fundamentals/PXLapack.h
The file was modified include/Grid/PXSubMesh.h
The file was modified src/Makefile
The file was addedsrc/WaveSpaceTime/PXWaveSpaceTime.c
The file was modified include/GeneralParameters/PXAdaptationParameters.h
The file was modified src/Grid/PXSubMesh.c
The file was modified src/Fundamentals/PX.c
The file was modified src/PXSolver.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXSubMesh_PXU.c
The file was modified src/PXEquationSet.c
The file was addedinclude/GeneralParameters/PXWaveSpaceTimeParameters.h
The file was modified src/PXHPAdaptDirect_PXU.c
Commit 2fbb552acc17524ec0b12db282e828016ad27aea by myano
regenerated uniadapt truth files

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10098 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified test/TrueMetric/RAE2822_RANS_Subsonic_UniAdapt_TEST_Metric_a01.attach
The file was modified test/TrueMetric/naca_Euler2d_UniAdapt_TEST_Metric_a01.attach
The file was modified test/trueOUT/naca_Euler2d_UniAdapt_TEST.hist.TRUE
The file was modified test/TrueMetric/diamond_Euler2d_UniAdapt_TEST_Metric_a01.attach
The file was modified test/naca_Euler2d_UniAdapt_TEST.job
The file was modified test/naca_NavierStokes2d_UniAdapt_TEST.job
The file was modified test/TrueMetric/diamond_Euler2d_UniAdapt_TEST_Metric_a00.attach
The file was modified test/TrueMetric/RAE2822_RANS_Transonic_UniAdapt_TEST_Metric_a00.attach
The file was modified test/trueOUT/RAE2822_RANS_Transonic_UniAdapt_TEST.hist.TRUE
The file was modified test/trueOUT/diamond_Euler2d_UniAdapt_TEST.hist.TRUE
The file was modified test/TrueMetric/naca_Euler2d_UniAdapt_TEST_Metric_a00.attach
The file was modified test/trueOUT/RAE2822_RANS_Subsonic_UniAdapt_TEST.hist.TRUE
The file was removedtest/TrueMetric/naca_Euler2d_UniAdapt_TEST_Metric_a02.attach
The file was removedtest/TrueMetric/naca_NavierStokes2d_UniAdapt_TEST_Metric_a02.attach
The file was modified test/TrueMetric/RAE2822_RANS_Subsonic_UniAdapt_TEST_Metric_a00.attach
The file was modified test/TrueMetric/naca_NavierStokes2d_UniAdapt_TEST_Metric_a01.attach
The file was modified test/trueOUT/naca_NavierStokes2d_UniAdapt_TEST.hist.TRUE
The file was modified test/TrueMetric/naca_NavierStokes2d_UniAdapt_TEST_Metric_a00.attach
The file was modified test/TrueMetric/RAE2822_RANS_Transonic_UniAdapt_TEST_Metric_a01.attach
Commit f25987fdcc9e5dce1b48cd65193d19d7cdb05d79 by myano
updated truth metric for shock uni adapt cases

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10099 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified test/trueOUT/diamond_Euler2d_UniAdapt_TEST.hist.TRUE
The file was modified test/TrueMetric/RAE2822_RANS_Transonic_UniAdapt_TEST_Metric_a01.attach
The file was modified test/TrueMetric/diamond_Euler2d_UniAdapt_TEST_Metric_a00.attach
The file was modified test/TrueMetric/diamond_Euler2d_UniAdapt_TEST_Metric_a01.attach
The file was modified test/trueOUT/RAE2822_RANS_Transonic_UniAdapt_TEST.hist.TRUE
The file was modified test/TrueMetric/RAE2822_RANS_Transonic_UniAdapt_TEST_Metric_a00.attach
Commit 48ebf9359aca0fd71d710a99476eced21364be50 by ehliu
1) changed kdtree a little to remove a redundant pointer & decrease calls to malloc
2) ElementSpacing in MeshSize now gets volume from GridData instead of recalculating it every time

and last and MOST IMPORTANTLY:
3) RANS *no longer* forces MaxQuad.  If you want MaxQuad, you will
need to set "QuadratureOrder = -1" explicitly in your jobfile.

NOTE: If restarting from old pxas, be sure to check what your QuadratureOrder
value is set to!

NOTE2: Now, *EVERY TIME* p-order changes, distance function
will be recomputed.  This is at most during p-sequencing and truth
surrogate computation.  Nonetheless this should still be much cheaper than using MaxQuad as long as the quadorders in question are moderate.

To enable this change, the distance function calculation now happens in
"initialize" and (repeated) "update" steps.  Initialization creates the
data structure to store the distances & it builds the KDTree.

Updating check whether the quad order required by QuadOrderEqnSet has
changed.  If it has changed, distance is recomputed at the new quad
points.  If not, nothing is done.

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10100 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Grid/PXMeshSize.c
The file was modified src/PXUnitPXAs.c
The file was modified src/PXErrEst.c
The file was modified src/PXHPAdapt.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXDistanceFunctionSurfGrid_PXU.c
The file was addedtest/RAE2822_RANS_Subsonic_NoMaxQuad_UniAdapt_TEST.job
The file was modified include/Fundamentals/PXKDStruct.h
The file was modified include/Grid/PXDistanceFunctionSurfGrid.h
The file was modified src/PXHPAdaptDirect.c
The file was modified src/PXSolutionTransfer_PXU.c
The file was modified src/PXSolutionTransfer.c
The file was modified include/Grid/PXDistanceFunctionStruct.h
The file was modified include/PXSolver.h
The file was modified include/Grid/PXDistanceFunction.h
The file was modified src/PXUnitPXAs_PXU.c
The file was modified include/Grid/PXMeshSize.h
The file was modified src/PXInit.c
The file was modified src/PXResState.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXParallelGrid.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXMeshSize_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Fundamentals/PXKDTree.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXParallelGrid_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Adaptation/PXGridAnisoRefine.c
The file was modified src/PXSolver.c
The file was modified src/PXHDGSolver.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXDistanceFunction.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXDistanceFunctionSurfGrid.c
The file was modified src/PXRunSolver.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXDistanceFunction_PXU.c
The file was modified src/PXResidual.c
The file was modified src/PXSolver_PXU.c
The file was modified src/PXHDGSolver_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXCompressible.c
The file was modified src/PXHPAdaptDirect_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXDistanceToSurface_PXU.c
The file was modified include/PXResState.h
Commit f75e1eb2edcfe3221900c9948c7b39444ce65fca by ehliu
oops last commit didnt compile w/o -timing b/c of bad } placement

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10101 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/PXHPAdaptDirect.c
Commit b7d0721e3fd19ac09d933e5062e1bc21bda5ab65 by ehliu
removing implicit fcn declaration warnings

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10102 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Adaptation/PXGridAnisoRefine.c
The file was modified src/PXUnitPXAs.c
The file was modified src/PXHPAdapt.c
Commit e8bb277240d0800f2cb4c01d7dda6db6f7f646d1 by myano
updated wave equation eq set

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10103 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/WaveSpaceTime/PXWaveSpaceTime.c
The file was modified src/WaveSpaceTime/PXWaveSpaceTime_PXU.c
The file was modified matlab/PXToolbox/shape.m
The file was modified src/WaveSpaceTime/PXWaveSpaceTime.h
The file was modified include/GeneralParameters/PXWaveSpaceTimeParameters.h
Commit 9357366dbb0c4fcf5bd9454eb10892019b95c3a3 by ehliu
regression test running RAE2822, RANS2d, Subsonic.  Tests the combination of:
1) px auto-choose quad order
2) distance fcn update scheme when used w/psequecning & adaptation

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10104 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was addedtest/TrueMetric/RAE2822_RANS_Subsonic_NoMaxQuad_UniAdapt_TEST_Metric_a01.attach
The file was addedtest/trueOUT/RAE2822_RANS_Subsonic_NoMaxQuad_UniAdapt_TEST.hist.TRUE
The file was addedtest/TrueMetric/RAE2822_RANS_Subsonic_NoMaxQuad_UniAdapt_TEST_Metric_a00.attach
The file was modified test/runTests.csh
The file was modified test/RAE2822_RANS_Subsonic_NoMaxQuad_UniAdapt_TEST.job
Commit 95af950fa4423bafd8a58fe5948ec0bf0c39906f by ehliu
oops didn't put the right test name in runTests

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10105 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified test/runTests.csh
Commit 58326db6c3f42e8fbe4ceb9c8703cbc1ea716992 by diosady
started committing some distance function changes in small chunks

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10106 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Grid/PXDistanceFunctionSurfGrid.c
The file was modified src/Reference/PXCoordinatesReference_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Reference/PXCoordinatesReference.c
The file was modified include/Reference/PXCoordinatesReference.h
The file was modified src/Grid/PXDistanceFunction.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXDistanceToSurface.c
Commit aa6f54a5099be92b844adcc9aea5006b23d7ea3a by myano
updated wavespacetime; modified the unified adatpation algorithm for the zero error case

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10107 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/WaveSpaceTime/PXWaveSpaceTime.h
The file was modified src/Grid/PXIntersect.c
The file was modified src/WaveSpaceTime/PXWaveSpaceTime.c
The file was modified src/PXHPAdaptDirect.c
Commit e2315fc82c06481e4edf4c58eb76358e0bf3128e by myano
added int64/128 version of bamg

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10108 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was addedbamg128.tar
Commit 51dc1e733bfdf9d342c6ecf8c0f3955f1fd92be4 by ehliu
1) Added PXE_AutoQuad (for automatically deciding quadrature).
Value is -2 (PXE_MaxQuad is -1).

2) Minor improvement to distance stuff in HPAdaptDirect

3) Bug fix in DistanceFunction/SurGrid so that choosing automatic
quadrature works with cut cells

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10109 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/PXSolver.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXDistanceFunctionSurfGrid.c
The file was modified include/Reference/PXQuadReference.h
The file was modified src/Grid/PXDistanceFunction.c
The file was modified src/PXHPAdaptDirect.c
Commit ff9199b161ef2d89c66dd3ce778eeea2ee6eaaa0 by ehliu
wrote != and meant ==

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10110 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/PXHPAdaptDirect.c
Commit ee6b95fe85eb37013af2d8162993e844cea41d21 by krakos
Added folded face angle input to MADCAP adaptation script.  Default remains unchanged (90 degrees), but I'm currently using 70 or 60 degrees for most of my testing

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10111 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Adaptation/PXWriteMesherFiles.c
The file was modified include/GeneralParameters/PXAdaptationParameters.h
Commit 36ab6fb8b74d63249d2613bb6e9b2d1c7f2dc6ce by krakos
Unintended change in last commit

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10112 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Adaptation/PXWriteMesherFiles.c
Commit 5e8c967f52f63a122f43ca014e2f16baba4bb143 by krakos
Some accumulated changes in my local checkout.  Absolute value of direct adaptation error estimate was moved from just after the local solves to just before the optimization. A couple small masa adaptation cleanups for unsteady. Added new pressure squared output for compressible library. Memory cleanups in PXSolver.

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10113 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXCompressible.h
The file was modified src/PXSolver.c
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXCompressible.c
The file was modified src/PXHPAdaptDirect.c
The file was modified utils/PXSolutionExtract.c
The file was modified src/PXAdaptMetric.c
The file was modified include/PXHPAdaptDirect.h
Commit 44edac9a439b6a2f1be69e899100aec91a2f61d7 by krakos
Corrected bug in PXSolver whereby multi-stage solves initialized all stages after the first stage to the previous stage state.  This is the correct behavior in the primal global solve, but for local solves, this overwrote the ghost cell (fixed neighbor).  Now only do the initialization for non-local solve/smooth operations.  Adding a basic unsteady adaptation regression test (the truth files haven't been created yet, I'll do that on an MIT machine after this commit).

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10114 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/PXHPAdaptDirect.c
The file was addedtest/FuncFile/ConvectingVortex2.func
The file was addedtest/ConvectingVortex2_UniAdapt_TEST.job
The file was addedtest/BCFile/ConvectingVortex2.bc
The file was addedtest/ConvectingVortex2_Adapt_TEST.job
The file was modified src/PXSolver.c
The file was addedGrids/ConvectingVortex2.gri
Commit 429a718b1512cdc19cfd55ea642ea67869b45b65 by diosady
Added some distance surface stuff

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10115 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified utils/PXRefineGrid.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXDistanceFunction.c
The file was modified src/Reference/PXCoordinatesReference.c
The file was modified include/Grid/PXDistanceFunctionSurfGrid.h
The file was modified src/Grid/PXGrid.c
The file was modified src/PXHPAdaptDirect.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXDistanceFunctionSurfGrid_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXDistanceToSurface.c
The file was modified src/Reference/PXCoordinatesReference_PXU.c
The file was modified include/Reference/PXCoordinatesReference.h
The file was modified src/Grid/PXDistanceFunctionSurfGrid.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXDistanceFunction_PXU.c
Commit bdea817cb975ccaec2ffbc445a0c1982a03a7054 by diosady
regenerated RANS tests due to machine precision differences in distance function

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10116 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified test/trueOUT/RAE2822_RANS_Subsonic_NoMaxQuad_UniAdapt_TEST.hist.TRUE
The file was modified test/trueOUT/RAE2822_A28_RANS_M0p3_AA2p31_RE6p5e6_TEST.hist.TRUE
The file was modified test/trueOUT/RAE2822_RANS_Transonic_UniAdapt_TEST.hist.TRUE
The file was modified test/TrueMetric/RAE2822_RANS_Subsonic_UniAdapt_TEST_Metric_a01.attach
The file was modified test/TrueMetric/RAE2822_RANS_Transonic_UniAdapt_TEST_Metric_a00.attach
The file was modified test/trueOUT/RAE2822_RANS_Subsonic_UniAdapt_TEST.hist.TRUE
The file was modified test/TrueMetric/RAE2822_RANS_Subsonic_NoMaxQuad_UniAdapt_TEST_Metric_a00.attach
The file was modified test/TrueMetric/RAE2822_RANS_Subsonic_UniAdapt_TEST_Metric_a00.attach
The file was modified test/TrueMetric/RAE2822_RANS_Subsonic_NoMaxQuad_UniAdapt_TEST_Metric_a01.attach
The file was modified test/TrueMetric/RAE2822_RANS_Transonic_UniAdapt_TEST_Metric_a01.attach
Commit c8c978e01e65be27f5e5a937308e6095559a46aa by diosady
Modified direct adapt to do distance function correctly

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10117 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/PXHPAdaptDirect.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXDistanceFunctionSurfGrid.c
Commit 86c5373c1b1e824ee8e9c444f9727fae46fe2d1c by diosady
Fixed bugs in metric based adaptation in 3d

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10118 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/PXHPAdapt.c
The file was modified src/PXHPAdaptDirect.c
The file was modified test/Scalar2d_UniAdapt_TEST.job
Commit 2bc881230a8b8a2619ad237d56b74c101cdd152d by diosady
fixed accidental commit of bad test

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10119 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified test/Scalar2d_UniAdapt_TEST.job
Commit dc9cc84456d1a186feb744f62d4db57964089d3e by diosady
fixed minor bugs in adaptation metric for 3d

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10120 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/PXHPAdaptDirect.c
The file was modified src/PXHPAdapt.c
Commit 46cb23043e870b003937f2b3b50ddcd154198e6f by diosady
changed some minor things in how madcap is called, including saving madcap Q1 grid as a background grid when curving using madcap as well as making madcap curving work when there is no symmetry plane.

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10121 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified utils/PXRefineGrid.c
The file was modified src/Adaptation/PXWriteMesherFiles.c
The file was modified include/Grid/PXMeshMetric.h
The file was modified src/Grid/PXMeshMetric.c
The file was modified utils/PXLasloUtil.c
The file was modified src/PXHPAdaptDirect.c
Commit 910d57e9949ddc0304f7c1eee5ea06a4c7eaaf28 by diosady
Forgot to commit change in readwrite grid to allow higher order tets with negative q1 volumes

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10122 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Grid/PXReadWriteGrid.c
Commit d3086b4115f72ae0533df5b8551fccb6ba799144 by krakos
Added a 'StateMod' function pointer to equation sets.  This modifies a state using some function, as an alternative to initializing it.  I am using it to add a gust profile to a steady-state solution as the initial condition to an unsteady simulation, but other functions could be defined.

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10123 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/LinearizedEuler/PXLinearizedEuler_PXU.c
The file was modified include/GeneralParameters/PXCauchyRiemannParameters.h
The file was modified include/GeneralParameters/PXGeneralParameters.h
The file was modified src/ScalarConvDiff/PXScalarConvDiff.h
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXCompressible.h
The file was modified src/MultiComponentConvDiff/PXMultiComponentConvDiff.h
The file was modified src/LinearizedEuler/PXLinearizedEuler.c
The file was modified src/ScalarConvDiff/PXScalarConvDiff_PXU.c
The file was modified include/GeneralParameters/PXNonEquilibriumParameters.h
The file was modified src/WaveSpaceTime/PXWaveSpaceTime.c
The file was modified src/WaveSpaceTime/PXWaveSpaceTime_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXCompressible.c
The file was modified src/CauchyRiemann/PXCauchyRiemann.h
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXCompressibleFunction.h
The file was modified src/PXResState.c
The file was modified src/PXInit.c
The file was modified src/ScalarConvDiff/PXScalarConvDiff.c
The file was modified src/NonEquilibrium/PXNonEquilibrium_PXU.c
The file was modified include/PXEquationSetEntryStruct.h
The file was modified include/PXResState.h
The file was modified include/GeneralParameters/PXLinearizedEulerParameters.h
The file was modified src/CauchyRiemann/PXCauchyRiemann.c
The file was modified include/GeneralParameters/PXUnitEquationSetParameters.h
The file was modified src/MultiComponentConvDiff/PXMultiComponentConvDiff_PXU.c
The file was modified src/PXCDAll.c
The file was modified include/GeneralParameters/PXScalarConvDiffParameters.h
The file was modified include/GeneralParameters/PXWaveSpaceTimeParameters.h
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXCompressibleFunction.c
The file was modified src/PXErrEst.c
The file was modified src/NonEquilibrium/PXNonEquilibrium.c
The file was modified include/GeneralParameters/PXCompressibleParameters.h
The file was modified include/GeneralParameters/PXMultiComponentConvDiffParameters.h
The file was modified src/NewCompressible/PXCompressible.c
The file was modified src/NewCompressible/PXCompressible_PXU.c
The file was modified src/MultiComponentConvDiff/PXMultiComponentConvDiff.c
The file was modified src/CauchyRiemann/PXCauchyRiemann_PXU.c
The file was modified src/WaveSpaceTime/PXWaveSpaceTime.h
The file was modified src/LinearizedEuler/PXLinearizedEuler.h
Commit 7c4c902e9aa46d2dd23bcebe9c799a889300bf5b by diosady
Modified KD nearest neighbor exhaustive search

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10124 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified include/Fundamentals/PXKDStruct.h
The file was modified src/Fundamentals/PXKDTree_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Fundamentals/PXKDTree.c
Commit 0d876a6f7ea4103a53116f5cc2f0b1280ebea070 by diosady
Regenerated truth metric files where relative difference < 1e-8, uncommented test in PXKDTree_PXU

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10125 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified test/TrueMetric/Scalar2d_UniAdapt_TEST_Metric_a02.attach
The file was modified test/trueOUT/Scalar2d_UniAdapt_TEST.hist.TRUE
The file was modified test/trueOUT/naca_Euler2d_UniAdapt_TEST.hist.TRUE
The file was modified test/TrueMetric/Scalar2d_UniAdapt_TEST_Metric_a03.attach
The file was modified test/TrueMetric/naca_NavierStokes2d_UniAdapt_TEST_Metric_a01.attach
The file was modified src/Fundamentals/PXKDTree_PXU.c
The file was modified test/TrueMetric/Scalar2d_UniAdapt_TEST_Metric_a01.attach
The file was modified test/trueOUT/naca_NavierStokes2d_UniAdapt_TEST.hist.TRUE
The file was modified src/Fundamentals/PXKDTree.c
The file was modified test/TrueMetric/Scalar2d_UniAdapt_TEST_Metric_a04.attach
The file was modified test/TrueMetric/naca_Euler2d_UniAdapt_TEST_Metric_a01.attach
Commit bda16ad3128f3f419e6b4d26086b78108ce39ac6 by krakos
incorrect data type in MPI bcast.  Only possible effect on windowed unsteady outputs in parallel.

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10126 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/PXOutput.c
Commit 454b5893fe0d61499a129bc69ee2737585932ee4 by krakos
Added momentum (difference) squared output for compressible equation set

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10127 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXCompressible.c
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXCompressible.h
Commit 0fcd3f3f4dea91b084ff8a03db488e61bc9c0ec0 by krakos
New solution perturbation function (for unsteady initial condition modification) to zero out the velocity in a region

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10128 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXCompressible.c
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXCompressibleFunction.h
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXCompressible.h
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXCompressibleFunction.c
Commit 01870c8ebfe95e6d66b605343a0a0b73f88d17a8 by krakos
Correcting compile warning in previous commit

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10129 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXCompressibleFunction.c
Commit 612b3ddbc8a61453f8d88d1abf265923148facc6 by myano
added space-time discretizatio of the Euler equations

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10130 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was addedsrc/CompressibleSpaceTime/CompressibleSpaceTime.make
The file was addedsrc/CompressibleSpaceTime/PXCompressibleSpaceTime.c
The file was modified src/PXEquationSet.c
The file was modified src/Makefile
The file was addedinclude/GeneralParameters/PXCompressibleSpaceTimeParameters.h
The file was modified src/Fundamentals/PX.c
The file was modified src/PXHPAdaptDirect.c
The file was modified include/Fundamentals/PX.h
The file was addedsrc/CompressibleSpaceTime/PXCompressibleSpaceTime_PXU.c
The file was addedsrc/CompressibleSpaceTime/PXCompressibleSpaceTime.h
The file was addedsrc/CompressibleSpaceTime/Makefile
Commit 94f80d91b8769351c8518c0155074d776f63fb8a by sunhu
Added RegionAttribute struct to enable cases of multiple materials

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10131 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/WaveSpaceTime/PXWaveSpaceTime.c
The file was modified include/PXAll.h
The file was modified src/PXCDAll.c
The file was modified src/PXEquationSet.c
The file was addedinclude/PXRegionAttribute.h
The file was modified src/ScalarConvDiff/PXScalarConvDiff.h
The file was modified include/GeneralParameters/PXGeneralParameters.h
The file was modified src/NonEquilibrium/PXNonEquilibrium.c
The file was modified src/CauchyRiemann/PXCauchyRiemann.c
The file was modified Makefile
The file was modified src/PXInit.c
The file was modified src/PXRunSolver.c
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXCompressible.c
The file was modified src/PXResidual.c
The file was modified include/PXEquationSet.h
The file was modified src/PXAuxVariable.c
The file was addedinclude/PXRegionAttributeStruct.h
The file was modified src/NewCompressible/PXCompressible.c
The file was modified src/PXOutputFunctional.c
The file was modified src/CompressibleSpaceTime/PXCompressibleSpaceTime.c
The file was modified src/MultiComponentConvDiff/PXMultiComponentConvDiff.c
The file was modified src/LinearizedEuler/PXLinearizedEuler.c
The file was addedsrc/PXRegionAttribute.c
The file was modified src/UnitEquationSet/PXUnitEquationSet.c
The file was modified src/ScalarConvDiff/PXScalarConvDiff.c
The file was modified src/src.make
Commit 26e4fad2e84c47c5b0829fb4a0ec466e4079b8b5 by sunhu
Added RegionAttribute struct to enable cases of multiple materials

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10132 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified Makefile
Commit abcb03263318af29eee0b3021a6aa71c1a7785cd by sunhu
Added RegionAttribute struct to enable cases of multiple materials

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10133 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was removedsrc/Adaptation/PXAnisotropicCVT.h
The file was modified src/Adaptation/Adaptation.make
The file was removedsrc/Adaptation/PXAnisotropicCVT.c
The file was modified src/PXCDAll.c
The file was removedsrc/Adaptation/PXAnisotropicCVT_PXU.c
Commit aad0f7648fbd3c8c031876b466088bc46f257276 by sunhu
This time hope to go green

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10134 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/PXRegionAttribute.c
Commit d80e8898080e5a31ac4ceb7030a5d66c1d42e163 by krakos
State initialization/modification changes for unsteady

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10135 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified utils/PXSolutionExtract.c
The file was modified src/PXInit.c
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXCompressibleFunction.c
Commit 4431cdf5508ff6f70f82fa3a4c118cc831bdf805 by sunhu
Introduced EmbeddedInteriorFG and Cut Interior elements from 2d intersection -- haven't updated GuideLine.pdf accordingly

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10136 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Grid/Grid.make
The file was modified src/Grid/PXMeshSize_PXU.c
The file was modified include/Fundamentals/PX.h
The file was modified include/Grid/PXGrid.h
The file was modified include/Grid/PXUnitCutGrids.h
The file was modified src/Grid/PXIntersect2d_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXIntersect2d.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXSpline.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXUnitGridAddOns.c
The file was modified src/Fundamentals/PXGeometry.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXMerge.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXModifyGrid_PXU.c
The file was modified include/Grid/PXIntersect2dStruct.h
The file was modified src/Grid/PXCutCellTools2d_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXCutCell.c
The file was modified src/Fundamentals/PX.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXMerge_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXGrid.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXModifyGrid.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXUnitCutGrids.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXGrid_PXU.c
The file was modified man/UnitGridGuide/2DCutCell/ThreeSegment_new.eps
The file was modified src/Grid/PXReadWriteGrid.c
The file was modified src/PXCDAll.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXDistanceFunction_PXU.c
The file was modified man/UnitGridGuide/2DCutCell/ThreeSegment_new.fig
Commit 1e676e02a3b366dc0fb25f20caa2176fcd19c220 by sunhu
Fixed bugs introduced in my previous commit

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10137 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Grid/PXIntersect2d.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXReadWriteGrid.c
The file was modified src/Adaptation/PXMetricAdapt2d.c
The file was modified src/PXHPAdapt.c
Commit 55291a0c3bbf78c0389c827bd02483f0f64927c1 by sunhu
Fixed bugs introduced in my previous commit

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10138 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Grid/PXIntersect2d.c
Commit 376bfd67b9a5175b28d5eae7d028e22957c65b24 by sunhu
Fix the coverage

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10139 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Grid/PXIntersect2d.c
Commit a2664983f2294028a2c0e958ac8f7405ff0007d7 by sunhu
Green now?

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10140 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Grid/PXSpline.c
The file was modified src/PXRegionAttribute.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXDistanceFunction_PXU.c
The file was modified include/Grid/PXGridStruct.h
The file was modified src/Grid/PXCutQuad.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXQuad.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXIntersect2d_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXIntersect2d.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXGrid.c
The file was modified src/Grid/Makefile
The file was modified src/src.make
The file was modified Makefile
The file was modified src/Grid/Grid.make
The file was modified src/Makefile
Commit 27c2dd2b433448931ff508bdda5119b3f52ac95f by sunhu
Now can run interface problems with cut cells

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10141 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Grid/PXReadWriteGrid.c
The file was addedman/UnitGridGuide/2DCutCell/OneSegmentInterface_new.fig
The file was modified man/UnitGridGuide/2DCutCell.tex
The file was addedman/UnitGridGuide/2DCutCell/OneSegmentInterface_new.eps
The file was modified src/Grid/PXModifyGrid.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXMerge_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXIntersect2d.c
The file was modified src/Grid/Makefile
The file was modified src/PXAuxVariable.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXGridAttachments.c
The file was modified src/Makefile
The file was modified src/Grid/PXModifyGrid_PXU.c
The file was modified src/PXHPAdapt_PXU.c
The file was modified src/src.make
The file was modified src/Grid/PXIntersect2d_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/Grid.make
The file was modified src/Grid/PXMerge.c
The file was addedman/UnitGridGuide/2DCutCell/OneSegmentInterface_Can.eps
The file was addedman/UnitGridGuide/2DCutCell/OneSegmentInterface_Can.fig
The file was modified src/Grid/PXCutQuad.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXSpline.c
Commit 8db0ae12cee07206b13accbde6025854d6343cda by sunhu
git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10142 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Grid/PXCutQuad.c
Commit ecd731f6ccfed12665b1a96141ff9e8c7590ba82 by sunhu
Fixed the bug in treating different regions, now convergence rate is right for multi-material cases; and the region index is now written in .pxa

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10143 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/ScalarConvDiff/PXScalarConvDiff.c
The file was modified include/PXRegionAttribute.h
The file was modified src/PXCDAll.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXIntersect2d.c
The file was modified src/PXHPAdapt.c
The file was modified src/PXResidual.c
The file was modified src/src.make
The file was modified src/Grid/PXCutQuad.c
The file was modified src/PXRegionAttribute.c
The file was modified utils/PXViz.c
The file was addedsrc/PXRegionAttribute_PXU.c
The file was modified src/PXRunSolver.c
Commit 50bd590dace2eff6cd069eaa3410a719b7a5556d by sunhu
Fix the warnings

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10144 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified utils/PXViz.c
Commit 92457da724760350ec43ea5512ff4ab6a75f6792 by myano
added functions for testing l2 projection to the Scalar library

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10145 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/ScalarConvDiff/PXScalarConvDiff.h
The file was modified src/ScalarConvDiff/PXScalarConvDiff.c
The file was modified utils/utils.make
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXCompressible.c
The file was modified utils/PXMeshElasticity.c
Commit d599c1a0de2eb813e3790fd2d84075c5e266633d by myano
added the AnalyzeElementSize source file

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10146 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was addedutils/PXAnalyzeElementSize.c
Commit 678698cea1baf8f3ddbc2e5a70afc3e00f738dae by diosady
small changes in reading/writing hexes, reading madcap metric and conformity check

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10147 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Grid/PXAttachmentMath.c
The file was modified src/PXCDAll.c
The file was modified utils/PXLasloUtil.c
The file was modified src/Adaptation/PXWriteMesherFiles.c
The file was modified src/NewCompressible/PXSpalartAllmaras_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Fundamentals/PXParallel.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXDistanceFunctionSurfGrid.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXReadWriteGrid.c
The file was modified utils/PXCheckMetricConformity.c
Commit 3b1ae904dfc0cb9a56ce19eb9f01b0fbbbe9788a by diosady
Reverted back to revision 10146

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10148 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/NewCompressible/PXSpalartAllmaras_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXDistanceFunctionSurfGrid.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXAttachmentMath.c
The file was modified utils/PXLasloUtil.c
The file was modified src/Fundamentals/PXParallel.c
The file was modified src/Adaptation/PXWriteMesherFiles.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXReadWriteGrid.c
The file was modified src/PXCDAll.c
The file was modified utils/PXCheckMetricConformity.c
Commit 3338564d0af0ae7f4a9b7d26f92ad67a62379062 by sunhu
Fixed the unit test seg fault due to the addition of EmbeddedInterior facegroup introduced for cutcells

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10149 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Grid/PXMerge.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXQuad_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXCutQuad_PXU.c
The file was modified src/src.make
The file was modified src/Grid/PXCoordinates_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXMerge_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/Grid.make
The file was modified src/Grid/PXIntersect2d.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXCutCell_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/CutCell3D.make
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXParallelCutCell3d_PXU.cpp
The file was modified src/PXHPAdapt_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXNormal_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXQuad.c
Commit e797fa1762106f5c0fefc90eb1898e83ec02c1ce by sunhu
Forgot to compile all the unit tests

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10150 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/CutCell3D.make
Commit 077b06e962efc87a89a3b90789f4f032824595b1 by ehliu
Adding fPIC to cxxopt

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10151 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified configure
Commit cb8e1ad438a0a5014b883fd6df331b2c973de8bb by sunhu
1. During canonical shape recognition, if an element has a face whose neighbor has converted to canonical shape, then we redefine that face based on the canonical neighbor polynomials. 2. For interface cut cells, now correctly determine left/right turns, and unit tests added. Each spline face needs to be used twice for interface cut cells.  3. The way link all the spline segments in a cut cell is changed to account for the reverse direction of the spline in the right-hand side neighbor cell.

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10152 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified include/Grid/PXNormal.h
The file was addedman/UnitGridGuide/2DCutCell/CircleReverse_MultiCut2_Interface_TwoD.fig
The file was addedman/UnitGridGuide/2DCutCell/BluntTrailPreprocess_new.eps
The file was addedman/UnitGridGuide/2DCutCell/BluntTrailPreprocess_orig.eps
The file was addedman/UnitGridGuide/2DCutCell/Circle_MultiCut2_Interface_orig.fig
The file was modified src/Grid/PXSpline.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXNormal.c
The file was modified src/src.make
The file was addedman/UnitGridGuide/2DCutCell/OneSegmentInterface_TwoD.eps
The file was modified src/ScalarConvDiff/PXScalarConvDiff.c
The file was addedman/UnitGridGuide/2DCutCell/ThreeSegmentInterface_TwoD.fig
The file was addedman/UnitGridGuide/2DCutCell/Circle_MultiCut2_Interface_TwoD.fig
The file was addedman/UnitGridGuide/2DCutCell/BluntTrailPreprocess_orig.fig
The file was addedman/UnitGridGuide/2DCutCell/BluntTrailPreprocess_new.fig
The file was addedman/UnitGridGuide/2DCutCell/ThreeSegmentInterface_new.eps
The file was modified man/UnitGridGuide/2DCutCell/ThreeSegment_TwoD.eps
The file was modified src/PXHPAdapt.c
The file was addedman/UnitGridGuide/2DCutCell/OneSegmentInterface_TwoD.fig
The file was modified src/Grid/PXCutQuad_PXU.c
The file was addedman/UnitGridGuide/2DCutCell/CircleReverse_MultiCut2_Interface_Can.fig
The file was modified src/Grid/Grid.make
The file was addedman/UnitGridGuide/2DCutCell/BluntTrailPreprocess_TwoD.eps
The file was modified src/Grid/PXCutQuad.c
The file was addedman/UnitGridGuide/2DCutCell/Circle_MultiCut2_Interface_Can.fig
The file was modified man/UnitGridGuide/2DCutCell.tex
The file was addedman/UnitGridGuide/2DCutCell/CircleReverse_MultiCut2_Interface_orig.eps
The file was modified src/Grid/PXModifyGrid.c
The file was addedman/UnitGridGuide/2DCutCell/BluntTrailPreprocess_TwoD.fig
The file was modified src/Grid/PXQuad.c
The file was addedman/UnitGridGuide/2DCutCell/Circle_MultiCut2_Interface_orig.eps
The file was addedman/UnitGridGuide/2DCutCell/CircleReverse_MultiCut2_Interface_TwoD.eps
The file was addedman/UnitGridGuide/2DCutCell/Circle_MultiCut2_Interface_Can.eps
The file was addedman/UnitGridGuide/2DCutCell/CircleReverse_MultiCut2_Interface_Can.eps
The file was modified src/Grid/PXGrid.c
The file was addedman/UnitGridGuide/2DCutCell/ThreeSegmentInterface_Can.eps
The file was addedman/UnitGridGuide/2DCutCell/ThreeSegmentInterface_TwoD.eps
The file was modified man/UnitGridGuide/2DCutCell/ThreeSegment_TwoD.fig
The file was addedman/UnitGridGuide/2DCutCell/Circle_MultiCut2_Interface_TwoD.eps
The file was modified include/Grid/PXUnitCutGrids.h
The file was addedman/UnitGridGuide/2DCutCell/ThreeSegmentInterface_Can.fig
The file was modified src/Grid/PXUnitCutGrids.c
The file was addedman/UnitGridGuide/2DCutCell/CircleReverse_MultiCut2_Interface_orig.fig
The file was modified src/Grid/PXIntersect2d.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXReadWriteGrid.c
The file was addedman/UnitGridGuide/2DCutCell/ThreeSegmentInterface_new.fig
The file was modified src/Grid/PXIntersect2d_PXU.c
Commit cf8c9e1f19f81912815722a4e5d21c4fbaa0c933 by sunhu
Changed truth file for 2d cut cell results because the way of setting canonical element boundary nodes for linear elasticity was changed from last commit

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10153 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified test/TrueMetric/PoissonLshape_CutCell_Adapt_TEST_Metric_a00.attach
The file was modified test/TrueMetric/PoissonLshape_CutCell_Adapt_TEST_Metric_a03.attach
The file was modified test/trueOUT/CutCell_rae2822_NS_M0p3_Re1p0e3_Hybrid_TEST.hist.TRUE
The file was modified test/TrueMetric/PoissonLshape_CutCell_Adapt_TEST_Metric_a04.attach
The file was modified test/trueOUT/CutCell_rae2822_RANS_M0p3_Re6p5e6_TEST.hist.TRUE
The file was modified test/TrueMetric/PoissonLshape_CutCell_Adapt_TEST_Metric_a01.attach
The file was modified test/trueOUT/PoissonLshape_CutCell_Adapt_TEST.hist.TRUE
The file was modified test/TrueMetric/PoissonLshape_CutCell_Adapt_TEST_Metric_a02.attach
The file was modified test/trueOUT/CutCell_rae2822_NS_M0p3_Re1p0e3_FluxCoeff_TEST.hist.TRUE
The file was modified test/trueOUT/CutCell_rae2822_NS_M0p3_Re1p0e3_Flux_TEST.hist.TRUE
The file was modified test/trueOUT/CutCell_rae2822_NS_M0p3_Re1p0e3_Gradient_TEST.hist.TRUE
Commit 11e52a23a0bf7ce99c4f3329cf0f325b7b0f0fa5 by diosady
Started making ASM work with in-place ILU

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10154 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/LinearSolver/PXLinearMG.c
The file was modified src/LinearSolver/PXGMRES.c
The file was modified src/LinearSolver/LinearSolver.make
The file was modified src/LinearSolver/PXLinearSolver.c
The file was modified src/LinearSolver/PXASM_DG.h
The file was modified src/LinearSolver/PXASM_DG.c
The file was modified src/LinearSolver/PXASM_DG_PXU.c
The file was modified src/LinearSolver/PXInPlaceILU.c
The file was modified src/LinearSolver/PXGMRES_PXU.c
The file was modified src/LinearSolver/PXLinearMG.h
The file was modified src/LinearSolver/PXVec_PXU.c
Commit 7ae1a6ce9359fd6fd0b9140f1e84e86d13a0c0bc by diosady
regenereted some truth metrics, modified metric check

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10155 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Grid/PXMeshMetric.c
The file was modified test/TrueMetric/naca_Euler2d_UniAdapt_TEST_Metric_a01.attach
The file was modified test/trueOUT/Scalar2d_CircleBoundaryLayer_Adapt_TEST.hist.TRUE
The file was modified test/TrueMetric/diamond_Euler2d_UniAdapt_TEST_Metric_a00.attach
The file was modified test/TrueMetric/RAE2822_RANS_Subsonic_NoMaxQuad_UniAdapt_TEST_Metric_a01.attach
The file was modified test/TrueMetric/naca_NavierStokes2d_UniAdapt_TEST_Metric_a01.attach
The file was modified test/trueOUT/RAE2822_RANS_Subsonic_UniAdapt_TEST.hist.TRUE
The file was modified test/TrueMetric/RAE2822_RANS_Subsonic_UniAdapt_TEST_Metric_a00.attach
The file was modified test/trueOUT/RAE2822_RANS_Transonic_UniAdapt_TEST.hist.TRUE
The file was modified test/trueOUT/naca_NavierStokes2d_UniAdapt_TEST.hist.TRUE
The file was modified test/TrueMetric/diamond_Euler2d_UniAdapt_TEST_Metric_a01.attach
The file was modified test/TrueMetric/RAE2822_RANS_Transonic_UniAdapt_TEST_Metric_a01.attach
The file was modified test/TrueMetric/RAE2822_RANS_Subsonic_NoMaxQuad_UniAdapt_TEST_Metric_a00.attach
The file was modified test/TrueMetric/naca_Euler2d_UniAdapt_TEST_Metric_a00.attach
The file was modified test/TrueMetric/RAE2822_RANS_Subsonic_UniAdapt_TEST_Metric_a01.attach
The file was modified test/trueOUT/RAE2822_RANS_Subsonic_NoMaxQuad_UniAdapt_TEST.hist.TRUE
The file was modified test/TrueMetric/naca_NavierStokes2d_UniAdapt_TEST_Metric_a00.attach
The file was modified test/trueOUT/diamond_Euler2d_UniAdapt_TEST.hist.TRUE
The file was modified test/trueOUT/naca_Euler2d_UniAdapt_TEST.hist.TRUE
The file was modified test/TrueMetric/RAE2822_RANS_Transonic_UniAdapt_TEST_Metric_a00.attach
Commit 1f60446a47a463b76873da00ee4a03d41353131b by diosady
Additive Schwarz should now work with ILU

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10156 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/LinearSolver/PXASM_DG_PXU.c
The file was addedtest/trueOUT/naca_Euler2d_Newton_ILU_ASM_PARALLEL_TEST.hist.TRUE
The file was modified src/LinearSolver/PXASM_DG.c
The file was modified test/runTests_parallel.csh
The file was modified test/naca_Euler2d_Newton_ILUK_ASM_PARALLEL_TEST.job
The file was modified src/LinearSolver/PXGMRES.c
The file was modified src/LinearSolver/PXLinearSolver.c
The file was modified test/trueOUT/naca_Euler2d_Newton_ILUK_ASM_PARALLEL_TEST.hist.TRUE
Commit 247b605cf1e65a6688638ea084eacdf50c0fc728 by diosady
Added missing test

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10157 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was addedtest/naca_Euler2d_Newton_ILU_ASM_PARALLEL_TEST.job
Commit b1557aa53dca5e7031deffd457a3e1e9ef461dea by diosady
Made SA modifications in newcompressible library

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10158 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Grid/PXDistanceFunctionSurfGrid.c
The file was modified src/NewCompressible/PXCompressibleStateFunctional.h
The file was modified src/NewCompressible/PXSpalartAllmaras_PXU.c
The file was modified test/RAE2822_A28_RANS_M0p3_AA2p31_RE6p5e6_TEST.job
The file was modified src/NewCompressible/NewCompressible.make
The file was modified src/NewCompressible/PXSpalartAllmaras.c
The file was modified src/NewCompressible/PXCompressibleShock.c
The file was modified src/NewCompressible/PXCompressibleStateFunctional.c
The file was modified src/NewCompressible/PXCompressibleFlux.h
The file was modified src/NewCompressible/PXCompressibleStateFunctional_PXU.c
The file was modified src/NewCompressible/PXCompressibleUnitUtils.c
The file was modified utils/PXLasloUtil.c
The file was modified src/Adaptation/PXWriteMesherFiles.c
The file was modified src/NewCompressible/PXCompressibleFlux.c
The file was modified src/NewCompressible/PXCompressibleFlux_PXU.c
The file was modified src/NewCompressible/PXCompressible.c
The file was modified include/GeneralParameters/PXAdaptationParameters.h
The file was modified src/NewCompressible/PXSpalartAllmaras.h
The file was modified src/NewCompressible/PXCompressibleUnitUtils.h
Commit 414fd8c8b6e3c2e9b8f1903035fe41018f8d18ad by diosady
recommitted old version of RAE2822_A28_RANS_M0p3_AA2p31_RE6p5e6_TEST.job which was accidentally touched

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10159 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified test/RAE2822_A28_RANS_M0p3_AA2p31_RE6p5e6_TEST.job
Commit 926c17537d69fe05c014bbb6e66060aa6439d3e6 by diosady
minor modifications to MeshMetric and Grid Info

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10160 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified utils/PXGridInfo.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXMeshMetric.c
Commit c40b1eb2e8a4b9138ae60dd8dcac9012798593a7 by diosady
Fixed warnings

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10161 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/NewCompressible/PXCompressible.c
The file was modified src/NewCompressible/PXCompressibleStateFunctional_PXU.c
The file was modified utils/PXGridInfo.c
The file was modified src/NewCompressible/PXCompressibleStateFunctional.c
Commit a3e13a172a9f5432717122028b56e30d442b4c82 by diosady
Fixed warnings

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10162 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/NewCompressible/PXCompressibleStateFunctional.h
Commit 7befca8f49aff556708e30e9df27ddddab1652de by sunhu
Fixed a small bug for cutquad

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10163 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Grid/PXCutQuad.c
Commit 39b9a2fc0b38325b44b6a33053afcc852c018cf2 by sunhu
1. Added the capability of using shadow basis for canoical elements; 2. Changed SplineFromCutGrid

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10164 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Grid/PXIntersect2d.c
The file was modified include/Grid/PXGrid.h
The file was modified src/Grid/Grid.make
The file was modified src/ScalarConvDiff/PXScalarConvDiff.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXGrid.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXModifyGrid.c
The file was modified src/PXOutputFunctional.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXCutQuad_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXSpline.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXCutQuad.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXMerge.c
The file was modified include/Grid/PXIntersect2dStruct.h
The file was modified utils/utils.make
Commit d442ce2c04e11531924545432f56f7dc6a086664 by sunhu
The code for L2 projection when computing Hessian was not correct for cut cells using shadow basis

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10165 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/PXAdaptMetric.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXReadWriteGrid.c
Commit 8778e38d110aec75bcfe0c449c1d2742e873f5cc by sunhu
Changed truth files for the last commit about projection of states for hessian

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10166 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified test/TrueMetric/PoissonLshape_CutCell_Adapt_TEST_Metric_a03.attach
The file was modified test/trueOUT/naca_Euler2d_CurvedAdapt_TEST.hist.TRUE
The file was modified test/TrueMetric/PoissonLshape_CutCell_Adapt_TEST_Metric_a02.attach
The file was modified test/TrueMetric/PoissonLshape_CutCell_Adapt_TEST_Metric_a00.attach
The file was modified test/trueOUT/CutCell_rae2822_Euler_M0p2_TEST.hist.TRUE
The file was modified test/PoissonLshape_CutCell_Adapt_TEST.job
The file was modified test/trueOUT/PoissonLshape_CutCell_Adapt_TEST.hist.TRUE
The file was modified test/trueOUT/Scalar2d_CircleBoundaryLayer_Adapt_TEST.hist.TRUE
The file was modified test/TrueMetric/PoissonLshape_CutCell_Adapt_TEST_Metric_a01.attach
The file was modified test/TrueMetric/PoissonLshape_CutCell_Adapt_TEST_Metric_a04.attach
The file was modified test/trueOUT/naca_Euler2d_Adapt_TEST.hist.TRUE
The file was modified test/trueOUT/AdDiffBL2_DofControl_TEST.hist.TRUE
The file was modified test/trueOUT/CutCell_rae2822_RANS_M0p3_Re6p5e6_TEST.hist.TRUE
Commit f21035b5339377df6eb5bbff6a28428dcdf7e76e by sunhu
1. Now 2D cut cell visualization triangulates the cut elements; 2. Fixed a bug in converting canonical to using shadow basis

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10167 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified include/Grid/PXGridStruct.h
The file was modified src/Grid/PXModifyGrid.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXCutQuad.c
The file was addedsrc/Grid/PXCutCell2dViz.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXMeshSize.c
The file was modified src/Fundamentals/PXGeometry.c
The file was modified src/Grid/Grid.make
The file was modified src/Grid/PXCutQuad_PXU.c
The file was modified utils/PXAdaptVizGrid.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXGrid.c
The file was modified src/PXBC.c
The file was addedsrc/Grid/PXCutCell2dViz_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXTriangulatePolygon.c
The file was addedinclude/Grid/PXCutCell2dViz.h
The file was modified src/Fundamentals/PXGeometry_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXIntersect2d.c
Commit 544e0c105466db6088ef683bf527b036b92bc679 by diosady
made newcompressible modifications

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10168 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/NewCompressible/NewCompressible.make
The file was modified src/NewCompressible/PXCompressibleStateFunctional_PXU.c
The file was modified src/NewCompressible/PXCompressibleFlux.c
The file was modified src/NewCompressible/PXCompressibleShock.h
The file was modified src/NewCompressible/PXCompressibleBCs.c
The file was modified src/NewCompressible/PXCompressibleFlux.h
The file was modified src/NewCompressible/PXCompressibleStateFunctional.c
The file was modified src/NewCompressible/PXCompressibleFlux_PXU.c
The file was modified src/NewCompressible/PXCompressible.c
The file was modified src/NewCompressible/PXCompressibleBCs_PXU.c
The file was modified src/NewCompressible/PXCompressibleShock.c
Commit 66d79145aca9839ed92647b89aebdc645c80f347 by diosady
committed minor changes to stuff written out for madcap

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10169 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Fundamentals/PXParallel.c
The file was modified src/Adaptation/PXWriteMesherFiles.c
The file was modified src/PXHPAdaptDirect.c
Commit 3c6bd0d1951c37827941156e0684e887f26c30b8 by diosady
actually compiles

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10170 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/PXHPAdaptDirect.c
Commit 288e5a2fc029b9192035723949645ac0b2358f5c by diosady
removed warning

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10171 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/NewCompressible/PXCompressibleBCs.c
Commit e8d4b882ba189bff837e070eab7197bec6dd6c57 by diosady
regenerated unit tests calling parmetis, since parmetis call changed slightly

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10172 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Grid/PXPartitionMesh_PXU.c
Commit 3678b19b1ffbe244d14ea51434a6bab0ffece328 by diosady
ASM works with ILU and MG

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10173 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was addedtest/trueOUT/naca_Euler2d_Newton_ILU_ASM_MG_PARALLEL_TEST.hist.TRUE
The file was modified src/LinearSolver/PXASM_DG.c
The file was addedtest/naca_Euler2d_Newton_ILU_ASM_MG_PARALLEL_TEST.job
The file was addedtest/trueOUT/naca_Euler2d_Newton_ILUK_ASM_MG_PARALLEL_TEST.hist.TRUE
The file was modified test/runTests_parallel.csh
The file was addedtest/naca_Euler2d_Newton_ILUK_ASM_MG_PARALLEL_TEST.job
Commit 6bf695e489da603a5c8337da5f58afdf46a80bb4 by sunhu
1. Fixed a bug using shadow basis for canonical elmeent, when one face has one canonical neighbor and one non-canonical neigghbor. 2. splinefromcutgrid now also supports previous revision (but not before the introduction of EmbeddedInterior facegroup)

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10174 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Grid/PXCutQuad_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXIntersect2d.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXCutQuad.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXSpline.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXCutCell2dViz.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXCutCell2dViz_PXU.c
Commit ae7cfa15ab41f587a26d6b8b72e36b2569e68643 by diosady
Change triangle quadrature rules, regenerated some unit tests to account for new rules, I expect to fail a bunch of regression tests

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10175 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified include/Fundamentals/PX.h
The file was modified src/Grid/PXQuad_PXU.c
The file was modified src/PXSolver_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXAttachmentMath_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Reference/PXQuadReference.c
The file was modified src/PXHDGSolver_PXU.c
The file was addedmatlab/QuadTet.m
The file was modified src/PXHPAdaptDirect_PXU.c
The file was addedmatlab/QuadTriangle.m
The file was modified src/Grid/PXMerge_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXDistanceFunction_PXU.c
The file was modified src/PXHPAdapt_PXU.c
The file was addedmatlab/MakeQuadTriangle.m
The file was modified src/Reference/PXQuadReference_PXU.c
The file was addedmatlab/MakeQuadTet.m
The file was modified src/PXResidual_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXDistanceFunctionSurfGrid_PXU.c
Commit a984b7a91b9456a29eb36565db3d20aec2f716cb by diosady
removed offending lines

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10176 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Reference/PXQuadReference_PXU.c
Commit 005a34d3a2f79def9b9c70cc9c7071d0de52b441 by diosady
Modified cut-cell unit test to account for new quadrature rules

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10177 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXCutCell3d_PXU.cpp
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXCutQuad3d_PXU.cpp
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXMerge3d_PXU.cpp
Commit cb2d2a341cf070589a4b9a4499ce360f19da8555 by diosady
Regenerated tests, doing full physicality check for local solves in uniadapt

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10178 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified test/trueOUT/AdDiffBL2_DofControl_TEST.hist.TRUE
The file was modified test/trueOUT/naca_ViscousNE2d_PerfectGas_TEST.hist.TRUE
The file was modified test/trueOUT/CutCell_rae2822_NS_M0p3_Re1p0e3_Flux_TEST.hist.TRUE
The file was modified test/TrueMetric/diamond_Euler2d_UniAdapt_TEST_Metric_a00.attach
The file was modified test/trueOUT/BoundaryLayer_Scalar3D_TEST.hist.TRUE
The file was modified test/trueOUT/Scalar2d_CircleBoundaryLayer_TEST.hist.TRUE
The file was modified test/CutCell_rae2822_Euler_M0p2_TEST.job
The file was modified test/TrueMetric/RAE2822_RANS_Subsonic_NoMaxQuad_UniAdapt_TEST_Metric_a00.attach
The file was modified test/PoissonLshape_CutCell_Adapt_TEST.job
The file was modified test/trueOUT/RAE2822_RANS_Transonic_UniAdapt_TEST.hist.TRUE
The file was modified test/trueOUT/naca_Euler2d_CurvedAdapt_TEST.hist.TRUE
The file was modified test/trueOUT/naca_InviscidNE2d_PerfectGas_TEST.hist.TRUE
The file was modified test/TrueMetric/RAE2822_RANS_Subsonic_NoMaxQuad_UniAdapt_TEST_Metric_a01.attach
The file was modified test/TrueMetric/PoissonLshape_CutCell_Adapt_TEST_Metric_a00.attach
The file was modified test/trueOUT/ScalarBoundaryLayer_HDG.hist.TRUE
The file was modified test/trueOUT/CutCell_rae2822_RANS_M0p3_Re6p5e6_TEST.hist.TRUE
The file was modified test/trueOUT/Sphere_Q23D_TEST.hist.TRUE
The file was modified test/TrueMetric/RAE2822_RANS_Subsonic_UniAdapt_TEST_Metric_a01.attach
The file was modified test/TrueMetric/diamond_Euler2d_UniAdapt_TEST_Metric_a01.attach
The file was modified test/TrueMetric/RAE2822_RANS_Transonic_UniAdapt_TEST_Metric_a01.attach
The file was modified test/TrueMetric/Scalar2d_UniAdapt_TEST_Metric_a03.attach
The file was modified test/TrueMetric/PoissonLshape_CutCell_Adapt_TEST_Metric_a02.attach
The file was modified test/TrueMetric/RAE2822_RANS_Subsonic_UniAdapt_TEST_Metric_a00.attach
The file was modified test/TrueMetric/Scalar2d_UniAdapt_TEST_Metric_a01.attach
The file was modified test/TrueMetric/PoissonLshape_CutCell_Adapt_TEST_Metric_a04.attach
The file was modified test/TrueMetric/Scalar2d_UniAdapt_TEST_Metric_a02.attach
The file was modified src/PXSolver.c
The file was modified test/trueOUT/naca_InviscidNE2d_PerfectGas_HDG_TEST.hist.TRUE
The file was modified test/trueOUT/naca_ViscousNE2d_PerfectGas_HDG_TEST.hist.TRUE
The file was modified test/trueOUT/Scalar2d_Adapt_TEST.hist.TRUE
The file was modified test/TrueMetric/naca_Euler2d_UniAdapt_TEST_Metric_a01.attach
The file was modified test/trueOUT/naca_Euler2d_Adapt_TEST.hist.TRUE
The file was modified test/trueOUT/CutCell_rae2822_Euler_M0p2_TEST.hist.TRUE
The file was modified test/TrueMetric/Scalar2d_UniAdapt_TEST_Metric_a00.attach
The file was modified test/trueOUT/RAE2822_RANS_Subsonic_UniAdapt_TEST.hist.TRUE
The file was modified test/trueOUT/CutCell_rae2822_NS_M0p3_Re1p0e3_FluxCoeff_TEST.hist.TRUE
The file was modified test/TrueMetric/naca_NavierStokes2d_UniAdapt_TEST_Metric_a01.attach
The file was modified test/TrueMetric/naca_NavierStokes2d_UniAdapt_TEST_Metric_a00.attach
The file was modified test/trueOUT/BoundaryLayer_NS3D_TEST.hist.TRUE
The file was modified test/trueOUT/naca_NavierStokes2d_UniAdapt_TEST.hist.TRUE
The file was modified test/trueOUT/CutCell_rae2822_NS_M0p3_Re1p0e3_Gradient_TEST.hist.TRUE
The file was modified test/TrueMetric/PoissonLshape_CutCell_Adapt_TEST_Metric_a03.attach
The file was modified test/trueOUT/Scalar2d_UniAdapt_TEST.hist.TRUE
The file was modified test/TrueMetric/Scalar2d_UniAdapt_TEST_Metric_a04.attach
The file was modified test/trueOUT/naca_Euler2d_UniAdapt_TEST.hist.TRUE
The file was modified test/trueOUT/Scalar2d_CircleBoundaryLayer_Adapt_TEST.hist.TRUE
The file was modified test/trueOUT/diamond_Euler2d_UniAdapt_TEST.hist.TRUE
The file was modified test/trueOUT/CutCell_rae2822_NS_M0p3_Re1p0e3_Hybrid_TEST.hist.TRUE
The file was modified test/trueOUT/RAE2822_RANS_Subsonic_NoMaxQuad_UniAdapt_TEST.hist.TRUE
The file was modified test/TrueMetric/naca_Euler2d_UniAdapt_TEST_Metric_a00.attach
The file was modified test/RAE2822_RANS_Subsonic_NoMaxQuad_UniAdapt_TEST.job
The file was modified test/trueOUT/PoissonLshape_CutCell_Adapt_TEST.hist.TRUE
The file was modified test/trueOUT/RAE2822_A28_RANS_M0p3_AA2p31_RE6p5e6_TEST.hist.TRUE
The file was modified test/TrueMetric/PoissonLshape_CutCell_Adapt_TEST_Metric_a01.attach
The file was modified test/TrueMetric/RAE2822_RANS_Transonic_UniAdapt_TEST_Metric_a00.attach
The file was modified test/trueOUT/AdDiffBL2_TEST.hist.TRUE
Commit 786bbc5679250e94290d4636be70f5625cd095fa by diosady
regenerated channel_NavierStokes3d_Test

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10179 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified test/trueOUT/channel_NavierStokes3d_TEST.hist.TRUE
Commit 6bf2e1551743ad2f11e5f0f68878274f022b0487 by diosady
Added plotting of dissipation for new compressible library

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10180 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/NewCompressible/PXSpalartAllmaras.c
The file was modified src/NewCompressible/PXCompressible.c
The file was modified src/NewCompressible/PXCompressibleShock.h
The file was modified src/NewCompressible/PXCompressibleFlux_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXReadWriteGrid.c
The file was modified src/NewCompressible/PXSpalartAllmaras_PXU.c
The file was modified src/NewCompressible/PXCompressible.h
The file was modified test/RAE2822_A28_RANS_M0p3_AA2p31_RE6p5e6_TEST.job
The file was modified src/NewCompressible/PXCompressibleShock.c
Commit b39e5daf3485e7898ff97e48729542af4412fc36 by ehliu
1) Added some #ifdef __CUDACC__ directives to remove function declarations
from some CutCell3D/ headers used on the GPU
2) Split element bounding box computation to be in terms of face bounding
boxes; this is b/c GPU vis needs to be able to compute face bounding boxes

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10181 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified include/Grid/CutCell3D/PXNumberType.h
The file was modified include/Grid/CutCell3D/PXPolynomial.h
The file was modified src/Grid/PXCoordinates.c
The file was modified include/Grid/PXCoordinates.h
The file was modified include/Grid/CutCell3D/PXConic.h
Commit 646b9086bb39b3ae7459fa74be78960ee4fa2643 by ehliu
fixing warnings

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10182 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Grid/PXCoordinates.c
The file was modified include/Grid/PXCoordinates.h
Commit 569bfd2474ff4b3ffafd4a6c2a645f1dc76a719b by ehliu
doh edited the wrong line

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10183 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified include/Grid/PXCoordinates.h
Commit b53183e91678f73e476aa05d67710f48f4547609 by diosady
Handling 0, negative determinant in distance newton search, now reverts to steepest descent for 'bad' cases

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10184 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified include/Reference/PXCoordinatesReference.h
The file was modified src/PXSolutionTransfer.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXDistanceFunctionSurfGrid_PXU.c
The file was modified include/Grid/PXDistanceFunctionSurfGrid.h
The file was modified src/Grid/PXDistanceFunction.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXDistanceFunctionSurfGrid.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXDistanceToSurface.c
The file was modified src/Reference/PXCoordinatesReference.c
The file was modified src/Reference/PXCoordinatesReference_PXU.c
Commit 815c9387e1510ed7b2995cf12a4cf716708f1067 by diosady
regenerated RANS adaptation tests since distance function changed slightly, causing metric check to fail

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10185 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified test/TrueMetric/RAE2822_RANS_Subsonic_NoMaxQuad_UniAdapt_TEST_Metric_a01.attach
The file was modified test/trueOUT/RAE2822_RANS_Transonic_UniAdapt_TEST.hist.TRUE
The file was modified test/TrueMetric/RAE2822_RANS_Transonic_UniAdapt_TEST_Metric_a01.attach
The file was modified test/TrueMetric/RAE2822_RANS_Subsonic_NoMaxQuad_UniAdapt_TEST_Metric_a00.attach
The file was modified test/TrueMetric/RAE2822_RANS_Subsonic_UniAdapt_TEST_Metric_a00.attach
The file was modified test/TrueMetric/RAE2822_RANS_Subsonic_UniAdapt_TEST_Metric_a01.attach
The file was modified test/trueOUT/RAE2822_RANS_Subsonic_UniAdapt_TEST.hist.TRUE
The file was modified test/TrueMetric/RAE2822_RANS_Transonic_UniAdapt_TEST_Metric_a00.attach
The file was modified test/trueOUT/RAE2822_RANS_Subsonic_NoMaxQuad_UniAdapt_TEST.hist.TRUE
Commit 15fc821b3b7ded8adca3929730bf73bbe261ad9c by sunhu
Merging now works for interface problems

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10186 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXCutCell3d.cpp
The file was modified src/Grid/PXMerge.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXCutQuad_PXU.c
The file was modified utils/PXAdaptVizGrid.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXModifyGrid.c
The file was modified include/Grid/PXGrid.h
The file was modified src/Grid/PXMerge_PXU.c
The file was modified src/ScalarConvDiff/PXScalarConvDiff.c
The file was modified src/Grid/Grid.make
The file was modified src/Grid/PXCutQuad.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXMeshSize.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXGrid.c
The file was modified src/ScalarConvDiff/PXScalarConvDiff.h
The file was modified src/Grid/PXIntersect2d_PXU.c
Commit 28b14733816289f4fe3aa38722ea9894249d08bb by diosady
Solution transfer utility parallelized, starting to parallelize use in adaptation

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10187 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Grid/PXDistanceFunctionSurfGrid.c
The file was modified include/Grid/PXParallelGrid.h
The file was modified src/Grid/PXParallelGrid_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Fundamentals/PXKDTree_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Fundamentals/PXKDTree.c
The file was modified src/PXSolutionTransfer.c
The file was modified include/Fundamentals/PXKDTree.h
The file was modified include/Grid/PXCoordinates.h
The file was modified src/Grid/PXParallelGrid.c
The file was modified src/Grid/Grid.make
The file was modified src/Grid/PXCoordinates.c
The file was modified src/PXCDAll.c
The file was modified utils/PXSolutionTransferMain.c
Commit 19e2423253e8ba9ad3497c5e5b83bc99a1da70d0 by diosady
Fixed warnings

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10188 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Grid/PXParallelGrid.c
The file was modified src/PXSolutionTransfer.c
The file was modified src/PXHPAdapt.c
Commit 7b9680621ee1f831c02ed364a640ee2040a25cb8 by sunhu
Added a regression test for 3D cutcell adaptation

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10189 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was addedtest/BCFile/CutCell_football_Euler_M0p3.bc
The file was addedGrids/box.gri
The file was addedtest/FuncFile/CutCell_football_Euler_M0p3.func
The file was addedtest/TrueMetric/CutCell_football_Euler_M0p3_Adapt_TEST_Metric_a00.attach
The file was modified test/runTests_parallel.csh
The file was modified utils/
The file was addedtest/trueOUT/CutCell_football_Euler_M0p3_Adapt_TEST.hist.TRUE
The file was addedGrids/halffootball_coarse.eb3
The file was modified src/PXHPAdapt.c
The file was addedtest/CutCell_football_Euler_M0p3_Adapt_TEST.job
Commit ebcd0f1cfd92e237b9cda3a64f5c80155c8de803 by sunhu
Made the truth metric file for the 3d adaptive cutcell case

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10190 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified test/TrueMetric/CutCell_football_Euler_M0p3_Adapt_TEST_Metric_a00.attach
Commit d411fc19de538c59f31d126efaa042ce45b8e3a4 by diosady
modified BTRun script so madcap could be called correctly

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10191 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified utils/
Commit dfcfc024cc31b24ba903cd0b8c27b3e172372fa3 by diosady
dummy commit

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10192 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified utils/
Commit 44ec0e056f76d20ca51b8309d07dc214df979654 by diosady
Set code to error out on old (ie. not FFMA or Unified) adapation branch, modified adaptation tests, I expect this commit to fail

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10193 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified test/CutCell_rae2822_Euler_M0p2_TEST.job
The file was modified test/runTests.csh
The file was modified test/Scalar2d_CircleBoundaryLayer_Adapt_TEST.job
The file was modified src/PXRunSolver.c
The file was modified test/Scalar2d_Adapt_TEST.job
The file was modified test/hemisphere_Euler3d_Adapt_TEST.job
The file was removedtest/Scalar2d_DirectAdapt_TEST.job
The file was modified test/naca_Euler2d_CurvedAdapt_TEST.job
The file was modified test/naca_Euler2d_Adapt_TEST.job
The file was modified test/CutCell_rae2822_RANS_M0p3_Re6p5e6_TEST.job
Commit 3a07ace7b96974369834c5341c8ce8133aee0a0b by diosady
Changed adaptation tests from old style to new style

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10194 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified test/hemisphere_Euler3d_Adapt_TEST.job
The file was modified test/Scalar2d_Adapt_TEST.job
The file was addedtest/TrueMetric/Scalar2d_Adapt_TEST_Metric_a03.attach
The file was addedtest/TrueMetric/CutCell_rae2822_RANS_M0p3_Re6p5e6_TEST_Metric_a01.attach
The file was modified test/naca_Euler2d_Adapt_TEST.job
The file was modified test/CutCell_rae2822_Euler_M0p2_TEST.job
The file was addedtest/TrueMetric/Scalar2d_Adapt_TEST_Metric_a04.attach
The file was modified test/trueOUT/hemisphere_Euler3d_Adapt.hist.TRUE
The file was modified test/CutCell_rae2822_RANS_M0p3_Re6p5e6_TEST.job
The file was modified test/Scalar2d_CircleBoundaryLayer_Adapt_TEST.job
The file was addedtest/TrueMetric/Scalar2d_Adapt_TEST_Metric_a01.attach
The file was addedtest/TrueMetric/CutCell_rae2822_Euler_M0p2_TEST_Metric_a00.attach
The file was addedtest/TrueMetric/Scalar2d_Adapt_TEST_Metric_a02.attach
The file was modified test/trueOUT/Scalar2d_CircleBoundaryLayer_Adapt_TEST.hist.TRUE
The file was modified test/trueOUT/naca_Euler2d_CurvedAdapt_TEST.hist.TRUE
The file was addedtest/TrueMetric/naca_Euler2d_Adapt_TEST_Metric_a01.attach
The file was addedtest/TrueMetric/Scalar2d_CircleBoundaryLayer_Adapt_TEST_Metric_a00.attach
The file was modified test/trueOUT/naca_Euler2d_Adapt_TEST.hist.TRUE
The file was addedtest/TrueMetric/Scalar2d_CircleBoundaryLayer_Adapt_TEST_Metric_a01.attach
The file was addedtest/TrueMetric/naca_Euler2d_CurvedAdapt_TEST_Metric_a00.attach
The file was addedtest/TrueMetric/CutCell_rae2822_RANS_M0p3_Re6p5e6_TEST_Metric_a00.attach
The file was modified test/trueOUT/CutCell_rae2822_RANS_M0p3_Re6p5e6_TEST.hist.TRUE
The file was modified test/naca_Euler2d_CurvedAdapt_TEST.job
The file was addedtest/TrueMetric/hemisphere_Euler3d_Adapt_Metric_a01.attach
The file was modified test/trueOUT/CutCell_rae2822_Euler_M0p2_TEST.hist.TRUE
The file was addedtest/TrueMetric/hemisphere_Euler3d_Adapt_Metric_a00.attach
The file was modified test/trueOUT/Scalar2d_Adapt_TEST.hist.TRUE
The file was addedtest/TrueMetric/CutCell_rae2822_Euler_M0p2_TEST_Metric_a01.attach
The file was addedtest/TrueMetric/naca_Euler2d_CurvedAdapt_TEST_Metric_a01.attach
The file was addedtest/TrueMetric/naca_Euler2d_Adapt_TEST_Metric_a00.attach
The file was modified utils/
The file was addedtest/TrueMetric/Scalar2d_Adapt_TEST_Metric_a00.attach
Commit 23230d0db588d565ff2856ac1f33abb3e78e7cf6 by diosady
dummy commit

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10195 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified README
Commit 8b7349ac198e96b53d22debae19b1b647ab11950 by diosady
regenerated naca_Euler2d_Adapt_TEST, commented out checking of truth metric for cutcell case with geometric refinement (since metric check is broken for geometric refinement)

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10196 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified test/TrueMetric/naca_Euler2d_Adapt_TEST_Metric_a01.attach
The file was modified test/trueOUT/naca_Euler2d_Adapt_TEST.hist.TRUE
The file was modified test/CutCell_rae2822_RANS_M0p3_Re6p5e6_TEST.job
Commit e92f281d8e7348c049bfcfca0877b8c5384af870 by diosady
Modified metric check to use correct normalization, added parallel adaptation tests

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10197 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Grid/PXMeshMetric.c
The file was modified test/runTests_parallel.csh
Commit ca4606029da12de7367e6dc6d59e6e97cb181d60 by diosady
should actually pass

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10198 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified test/runTests_parallel.csh
The file was modified src/Grid/PXMeshMetric.c
Commit 3d1c68963d7cd7b4f7407b21b11afb490c325bfa by diosady
removed uni adapt parallel rans tests since the metric on these don't quite match up with serial, modified metric check to set tolerance to 1e-3

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10199 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Grid/PXMeshMetric.c
The file was modified utils/
The file was modified test/runTests_parallel.csh
Commit 3d2acc8c77fd9cafd1b91607cf2c3c45e2400535 by diosady
dummy commit to get tests to run

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10200 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified README
Commit b9af1e2591f75d3a9f956b4dd895f8dcd568981e by diosady
solution transfer is now parallel

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10201 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Fundamentals/PXKDTree.c
The file was modified src/PXHPAdapt.c
The file was modified src/Fundamentals/PXKDTree_PXU.c
The file was modified src/PXRunSolver.c
The file was modified src/PXHPAdaptDirect.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXParallelGrid.c
The file was modified include/PXHPAdaptDirect.h
The file was modified utils/PXSolutionTransferMain.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXPartition.c
The file was modified src/src.make
The file was modified utils/utils.make
The file was modified src/Grid/PXMeshMetric.c
Commit e9c4fdeeb4ced25989a9daa9a95a1c8bf7f83074 by diosady
modified make file to try and resolve dependency issue

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10202 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/CutCell3D.make
Commit 43eaed767a649894fa595c7ec2eafbddc5275526 by diosady
dummy commit to get tests to run

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10203 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/CutCell3D.make
Commit 80159c6c4ebe3575ec8f7e6b11e05ea462c5a8d2 by diosady
moved stuff around in PXInit and RunSolver so that PXInit functions can be called

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10204 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/PXHPAdapt.c
The file was modified src/PXInit.c
The file was modified src/PXRunSolver.c
The file was modified include/PXInit.h
Commit 4429e37d19bc193403775467d48daaee8c279d0e by diosady
modified tolerance for hemisphere Euler adapt test

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10205 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified test/runTests.csh
Commit 5aa997b457673eb8bb03e919026b67d0dd8aeaf5 by diosady
modified parallel solution transfer to handle cut cells

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10206 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Grid/PXParallelGrid.c
Commit 554b26259c4a1d56e4efdcdaff6666199ca00693 by diosady
modified some timing code, BTRun no longer contains madcap key

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10207 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/PXResidual.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXParallelGrid.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXDistanceFunctionSurfGrid.c
The file was modified src/LinearSolver/PXLinearSolver.c
The file was modified src/PXInit.c
The file was modified src/PXSolutionTransfer.c
The file was modified src/PXSolver.c
The file was modified src/PXEquationSet.c
The file was modified utils/
The file was modified src/LinearSolver/PXGMRES.c
The file was modified src/PXCDAll.c
The file was modified src/PXHPAdaptDirect.c
The file was modified src/PXRunSolver.c
The file was modified src/LinearSolver/PXBDDC.c
The file was modified src/PXResState.c
The file was modified src/LinearSolver/PXASM.c
The file was modified src/LinearSolver/PXInPlaceILU.c
Commit 96e20858c9d7b719c06c424ad641b67099184a83 by diosady
Accidentally committed using new compressible, this has been undone

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10208 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/PXEquationSet.c
Commit 57281376af6ea9cb9306d423ff3254c5de64c5d3 by diosady
fixed warning

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10209 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Grid/PXDistanceFunctionSurfGrid.c
Commit 27a9fa4bd9f78c319abd3ef64e66eacb2f08a3e5 by krakos
Reorganizing the grid/state initialization and solution transfer so unsteady adaptation works again...yes, I need to get those regression tests in...

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10210 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified include/PXHPAdapt.h
The file was modified include/PXInit.h
The file was modified src/PXInit.c
The file was modified src/PXHPAdapt.c
The file was modified src/PXRunSolver.c
Commit 134316ee64c74aa6090fbdd34a4f5d76678aa019 by diosady
changed timing code to used MPI_Wtime

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10211 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/PXResState.c
The file was modified src/PXInit.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXMeshSize.c
The file was modified src/PXRunSolver.c
The file was modified src/LinearSolver/PXLinearSolver.c
The file was modified src/PXSolutionTransfer.c
The file was modified src/Fundamentals/PXParallel.c
The file was modified src/PXHDGSolver.c
The file was modified src/PXSolver.c
The file was modified src/Fundamentals/PXSerial.c
The file was modified include/Fundamentals/PXParallel.h
The file was modified src/Grid/PXParallelMesh.c
The file was modified src/PXHPAdaptDirect.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXParallelGrid.c
The file was modified src/PXCDAll.c
The file was modified src/PXResidual.c
Commit 1e71645e6913d4dbbd4a4ac7868785482550bc73 by diosady
changed greater than check to greater than or equal to check

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10212 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Fundamentals/PXKDTree_PXU.c
Commit 6efd829532a0559de711a63413a75fd4f2240003 by diosady
Removed extra info from pxa files

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10213 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified utils/PXRefineGrid.c
The file was modified src/PXHPAdaptDirect.c
Commit 1735348a2d3ac724e15a51b13f568d882bd9922d by diosady
modified solution transfer to use newton search, HP adapt not transfering ElementP attachment if element P is constant, expect to fail some adaptation tests

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10214 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Reference/PXCoordinatesReference.c
The file was modified src/PXSolutionTransfer.c
The file was modified test/PoissonLshape_CutCell_Adapt_TEST.job
The file was modified test/CutCell_football_Euler_M0p3_Adapt_TEST.job
The file was modified src/Grid/PXDistanceFunctionSurfGrid.c
The file was modified src/PXHPAdapt.c
Commit 6fe37c0b95af674b7e86f6063a7ae6dd5290143b by diosady
Fixed small bugs from previous commit

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10215 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/PXHPAdapt.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXDistanceFunctionSurfGrid.c
Commit 3e03b2ebada26f337980a1d87cb9497c66861d39 by diosady
regenerated RANS adaptation test cases

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10216 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified test/trueOUT/RAE2822_RANS_Subsonic_NoMaxQuad_UniAdapt_TEST.hist.TRUE
The file was modified test/trueOUT/RAE2822_RANS_Transonic_UniAdapt_TEST.hist.TRUE
The file was modified test/TrueMetric/RAE2822_RANS_Transonic_UniAdapt_TEST_Metric_a01.attach
The file was modified test/trueOUT/CutCell_rae2822_RANS_M0p3_Re6p5e6_TEST.hist.TRUE
The file was modified test/TrueMetric/RAE2822_RANS_Subsonic_NoMaxQuad_UniAdapt_TEST_Metric_a01.attach
Commit 078f2393e31c310d6d826acc43144e63b67f7e92 by krakos
Modified PX-generated madcap script to maintain compatibility with updated madcap.  Added option to disable modification of specified surfaces

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10217 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Adaptation/PXWriteMesherFiles.c
The file was modified include/GeneralParameters/PXAdaptationParameters.h
Commit edcde9757ce4abef6313e4efd38c17082379293e by diosady
Some distance function tweaks

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10218 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Grid/PXDistanceFunction.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXDistanceFunctionSurfGrid_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXDistanceFunctionSurfGrid.c
The file was modified src/Reference/PXCoordinatesReference.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXDistanceToSurface_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXDistanceToSurface.c
The file was modified src/Reference/PXCoordinatesReference_PXU.c
The file was modified include/Grid/PXDistanceFunctionSurfGrid.h
The file was modified src/PXSolutionTransfer.c
Commit d7089b9d78ec7c89a0f68eb0a156929737985022 by diosady
tweaked new compressible to allow TtPta bc in 3d

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10219 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/NewCompressible/PXCompressible.c
Commit e08a6b4b59daf79b61d2de03bd2da26a89782545 by ehliu
1) Changes to DistanceFunctionInit() interface: now accepts "distOrder"
argument that specifies the polynomial order to be used in computation
of QnDistance attachment.  Set -1 to skip computation

2) Added PXRecomputeQnDistanceAttach utility.  Recomputes QnDistance attachment at a user-specified polynomial order; writes new pxa

3) Added unit test in PXShape_PXU that checks that Lagrange3d basis functions
and NodeTet() have the same node ordering for all p-orders

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10220 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Grid/PXDistanceFunction.c
The file was modified utils/PXAdaptVizGrid.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXDistanceFunctionSurfGrid_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXGrid.c
The file was modified src/Reference/PXCoordinatesReference_PXU.c
The file was addedutils/PXRecomputeQnDistanceAttach.c
The file was modified utils/PXViz.c
The file was modified src/PXHPAdaptDirect_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXDistanceFunctionSurfGrid.c
The file was modified include/Grid/PXDistanceFunctionSurfGrid.h
The file was modified utils/utils.make
The file was modified src/Reference/PXShape_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXDistanceFunction_PXU.c
The file was modified include/Grid/PXDistanceFunction.h
Commit 909518db1172af9919a7d1099f983266095e8b7e by diosady
more distance function/solution transfer fixes

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10221 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Grid/PXDistanceFunctionSurfGrid_PXU.c
The file was modified src/PXSolutionTransfer.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXDistanceFunctionSurfGrid.c
The file was modified src/Reference/PXCoordinatesReference_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Reference/PXCoordinatesReference.c
Commit 5e61dd4af8f477603b38e18387e0e4fa6e2b4d8d by diosady
One last solution transfer change

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10222 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Reference/PXCoordinatesReference.c
Commit c940e6506a5f458e304d89e83f85264801f3578f by diosady
regenerated cutcell rans adapt test, changed tolerances for RAERANS adapt tests

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10223 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified test/runTests.csh
The file was modified test/trueOUT/CutCell_rae2822_RANS_M0p3_Re6p5e6_TEST.hist.TRUE
Commit f7abb75df03ce9bd46754b913ec899d609772485 by diosady
regenerated tests which just barely failed

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10224 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified test/trueOUT/RAE2822_RANS_Transonic_UniAdapt_TEST.hist.TRUE
The file was modified test/trueOUT/RAE2822_RANS_Subsonic_NoMaxQuad_UniAdapt_TEST.hist.TRUE
Commit c3edc78fe66e080634edcdd4fef9943a073d34e9 by diosady
regenerated truth file for cutcell_football test

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10225 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified test/trueOUT/CutCell_football_Euler_M0p3_Adapt_TEST.hist.TRUE
Commit ae9dcde8ba37306e3f2852cc4c29dadf5357bfa1 by sunhu
1. Cut cell now works with optimization adaptation (only in 2d so far); 2. In checking positive volumes when recognizing canonical shapes, glob2ref check is removed; 3. Merging doesn't happen for 2 full elements any more

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10226 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified include/Grid/PXMesh.h
The file was modified src/Grid/PXCoordinates.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXMeshSize.c
The file was modified man/UnitGridGuide/2DCutCell/CircleReverse_MultiCut2_Interface_TwoD.fig
The file was addedman/UnitGridGuide/2DCutCell/SubSplitElem1_OneSegmentInterface_CanGhost.fig
The file was addedman/UnitGridGuide/2DCutCell/SubSplitElem1_OneSegmentInterface_TwoD.eps
The file was modified src/Grid/PXModifyGrid.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXCutQuad_PXU.c
The file was modified man/UnitGridGuide/2DCutCell.tex
The file was modified src/ScalarConvDiff/PXScalarConvDiff.c
The file was modified include/Grid/PXIntersect2dStruct.h
The file was addedman/UnitGridGuide/2DCutCell/Sub_OneSegmentInterface_Can.fig
The file was modified src/Grid/PXMesh_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXCutCell2dViz_PXU.c
The file was addedman/UnitGridGuide/2DCutCell/Sub_OneSegmentInterface_TwoD.eps
The file was modified src/Grid/PXGrid.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXModifyGrid_PXU.c
The file was modified man/UnitGridGuide/2DCutCell/CircleReverse_MultiCut2_Interface_TwoD.eps
The file was modified src/Grid/PXCutCell_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXSubMesh_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXMeshAttachment.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXIntersect2d_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXSpline.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXMerge.c
The file was addedman/UnitGridGuide/2DCutCell/SubSplit_OneSegmentInterface_CanGhost.fig
The file was modified include/Grid/PXGrid.h
The file was addedman/UnitGridGuide/2DCutCell/SubSplitElem1_OneSegmentInterface_Can.fig
The file was addedman/UnitGridGuide/2DCutCell/SubSplit_OneSegmentInterface_CanGhost.eps
The file was addedman/UnitGridGuide/2DCutCell/SubSplit_OneSegmentInterface_Can.eps
The file was modified src/Grid/PXSubMesh.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXAttachmentMath.c
The file was modified include/Grid/PXUnitGridAddOns.h
The file was addedman/UnitGridGuide/2DCutCell/SubSplitElem1_OneSegmentInterface_CanGhost.eps
The file was modified src/Grid/PXMesh.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXIntersect2d.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXMerge_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXUnitCutGrids.c
The file was addedman/UnitGridGuide/2DCutCell/Sub_OneSegmentInterface_Can_Ghost.fig
The file was modified src/Reference/PXOrder.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXCutCell.c
The file was addedman/UnitGridGuide/2DCutCell/Sub_OneSegmentInterface_TwoD.fig
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXCutCell3d.cpp
The file was addedman/UnitGridGuide/2DCutCell/SubSplitElem1_OneSegmentInterface_TwoD.fig
The file was modified src/Grid/Grid.make
The file was addedman/UnitGridGuide/2DCutCell/SubSplit_OneSegmentInterface_Can.fig
The file was modified src/Grid/PXUnitGridAddOns.c
The file was modified src/src.make
The file was modified src/PXHPAdaptDirect_PXU.c
The file was addedman/UnitGridGuide/2DCutCell/SubSplitElem1_OneSegmentInterface_Can.eps
The file was modified include/Grid/PXSubMesh.h
The file was modified include/Grid/PXCutCell.h
The file was modified man/UnitGridGuide/2DCutCell/Circle_MultiCut2_Interface_TwoD.fig
The file was modified src/PXHPAdaptDirect.c
The file was addedman/UnitGridGuide/2DCutCell/Sub_OneSegmentInterface_Can.eps
The file was modified src/Grid/PXCutQuad.c
The file was addedman/UnitGridGuide/2DCutCell/Sub_OneSegmentInterface_Can_Ghost.eps
The file was modified include/Grid/PXModifyGrid.h
The file was modified man/UnitGridGuide/2DCutCell/Circle_MultiCut2_Interface_TwoD.eps
The file was addedman/UnitGridGuide/2DCutCell/SubSplit_OneSegmentInterface_TwoD.eps
The file was addedman/UnitGridGuide/2DCutCell/SubSplit_OneSegmentInterface_TwoD.fig
Commit 2d6fc192d4409db6c41924bb5decc21f218cb6f8 by sunhu
Changed one cut cell truth file

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10227 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified test/trueOUT/CutCell_rae2822_RANS_M0p3_Re6p5e6_TEST.hist.TRUE
Commit 3f5c239a758cf7191a978f5206b64daef6864796 by sunhu
Made 3D merging not allow two full elements

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10228 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified test/trueOUT/CutCell_football_Euler_M0p3_Adapt_TEST.hist.TRUE
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXMerge3d.cpp
The file was modified src/Grid/PXGrid.c
Commit 49bdf25fcdf6f8d719f146236214efe70a0fe5cb by sunhu
Now Children attachment for pgback doesn't store any cut elemens twice (happens when two cut elements from one background element get merged)

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10229 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Grid/PXSubMesh_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXCutQuad.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXDistanceFunctionSurfGrid.c
The file was modified src/PXHPAdaptDirect_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXCutCell.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXUnitCutGrids.c
The file was modified src/PXHPAdaptDirect.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXGrid.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXSubMesh.c
Commit d7def792fbd34a4971906071679a165a3783ba5d by sunhu
Madcap got regenerated the tests calling madcap

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10230 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified test/trueOUT/CutCell_football_Euler_M0p3_Adapt_TEST.hist.TRUE
Commit 54e6bc4211a6fa3af28bfe701e6a3dcad44e4aab by sunhu
xface for cut interior/boundary faces are changed; if one neighbor is canonical, then xface is the face coordinate on the local face of that canonical neighbor; if neither neighbor is canonical, then xface is wrt bakcground face;  face2ref is also reorganized

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10231 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Grid/PXCutQuad.c
The file was modified include/Grid/PXGrid.h
The file was modified src/Grid/PXDistanceFunctionSurfGrid.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXNormal_PXU.c
The file was modified test/CutCell_rae2822_RANS_M0p3_Re6p5e6_TEST.job
The file was modified src/Grid/PXCoordinates_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXMerge.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXCoordinates.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXGrid.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXIntersect2d.c
The file was modified include/Grid/PXGridStruct.h
The file was modified include/Grid/PXCoordinates.h
Commit e2a61bc020adfd3aa877bdfd0748015cd5eb140c by sunhu
Disable all the printf's for cut cell local solves

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10232 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Grid/PXMerge_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXIntersect2d.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXIntersect2d_PXU.c
Commit 6273c97dc4e439556dc21a49b0e15634a2a60194 by sunhu
Now geometric adaptation does not generate true metric files; Changed some cutcell truth files because last commit changed how cut cell face quad points are stored, and so the cut cell results got slightly changed

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10233 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified test/trueOUT/CutCell_rae2822_NS_M0p3_Re1p0e3_Gradient_TEST.hist.TRUE
The file was modified src/PXAdapt.c
The file was modified test/trueOUT/CutCell_rae2822_NS_M0p3_Re1p0e3_Flux_TEST.hist.TRUE
The file was modified test/trueOUT/CutCell_rae2822_NS_M0p3_Re1p0e3_Hybrid_TEST.hist.TRUE
The file was modified test/trueOUT/CutCell_rae2822_RANS_M0p3_Re6p5e6_TEST.hist.TRUE
The file was modified test/CutCell_rae2822_RANS_M0p3_Re6p5e6_TEST.job
The file was modified test/TrueMetric/CutCell_rae2822_RANS_M0p3_Re6p5e6_TEST_Metric_a00.attach
The file was modified test/TrueMetric/CutCell_rae2822_RANS_M0p3_Re6p5e6_TEST_Metric_a01.attach
The file was modified test/trueOUT/PoissonLshape_CutCell_Adapt_TEST.hist.TRUE
The file was modified test/trueOUT/diamond_CutCell_Euler2d_PDEShock_TEST.hist.TRUE
The file was modified test/trueOUT/CutCell_rae2822_NS_M0p3_Re1p0e3_FluxCoeff_TEST.hist.TRUE
Commit 1d66f436da1f8cf2c873d015e32eaba569134979 by sunhu
Tetgen website got changed

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10234 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified utils/
Commit 6af4a49bc992f2e9354ec110981429c8c84e6c8e by sunhu
fixed a bug introduced in the last commit

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10235 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified test/trueOUT/CutCell_rae2822_Euler_M0p2_TEST.hist.TRUE
The file was modified src/PXAdapt.c
The file was modified src/PXHPAdapt.c
Commit 556d8758943957db58312ec21074361470adc515 by krakos
Unsteady adaptation with non-fixed initial condition temporarily disabled.  Will be re-enabled shortly.

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10236 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/ScalarConvDiff/PXScalarConvDiff.c
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXCompressibleFunction.c
The file was modified src/WaveSpaceTime/PXWaveSpaceTime.c
The file was modified include/PXResState.h
The file was modified src/PXErrEst.c
The file was modified configure
The file was modified src/MultiComponentConvDiff/PXMultiComponentConvDiff.c
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXCompressibleFunction.h
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXCompressible.c
The file was modified src/LinearizedEuler/PXLinearizedEuler.c
The file was modified src/PXInit.c
The file was modified src/PXResState.c
The file was modified include/PXEquationSetEntryStruct.h
Commit 8218060276a81913421cac80aac15abed039f94a by krakos
oops, missed this change in previous commit

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10237 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/CauchyRiemann/PXCauchyRiemann.c
Commit 1da66b8bbf6736ae1119c667e029e67ffd8963a0 by krakos
Variable initial conditions now handled more consistently and correctly for adaptation.

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10238 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/PXSolver.c
The file was modified src/PXUnsteady.c
Commit aabffa67f5f8dd51ad7ee4911068fca965000cb9 by krakos
Bug fixes for new unsteady initial condition handling.  Should now be compatible with local solves.  Testing in progress.

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10239 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/PXSolver.c
Commit 134a8167d03c05c3a15ce9c9495eeb6bce2c28e5 by sunhu
Now optimazation adaptation with cut cells works for single-domain problems; also fixed a bug of counting current dof for cut cells

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10240 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Grid/PXMesh.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXMerge_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXSubMesh.c
The file was modified include/Grid/PXMesh.h
The file was addedman/UnitGridGuide/2DMeshes/EighteenTriangle_Q1.fig
The file was modified include/Grid/PXGrid.h
The file was addedman/UnitGridGuide/2DMeshes/EighteenTriangle_Q1.eps
The file was modified src/Grid/PXCutCell.c
The file was modified include/Grid/PXSubMesh.h
The file was modified src/PXHPAdaptDirect.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXDistanceFunctionSurfGrid.c
The file was modified src/PXHPAdapt.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXMesh_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXGrid.c
The file was modified src/PXHPAdaptDirect_PXU.c
The file was modified man/UnitGridGuide/2DMeshes.tex
Commit 522d1fa6058e32b19ed245ddbfa648b02d519b21 by krakos
Removed long-standing bug from unsteady solve that would have caused error when changing the number of stages mid-simulation.  I never encountered it so chances are no one else did either.  I coupl other small changes to initial condition adjoint

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10241 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/PXSolver.c
Commit 3a7ce1c91d8afe741e0bc95b5923e3d493f4e3db by krakos
More debugging of unsteady adaptation mods.  (I'm committing these because I'm using several computers and...)

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10242 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/PXSolver.c
Commit 0a4a936e0adc9dc2711f8f362890115023ff6402 by krakos
Final changes to unsteady adaptation to be able to recreate steady results.  Two tested methods to do this (one exact, one approximate) that use different code pathes to get there.  First (approximate) just takes one long step with backward Euler.  This is approximate because of loss of significance with too large a timestep (have to make it big, but not too big).  The second (exact) uses the new SteadyInit=True for unsteady and takes 0 timesteps.

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10243 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/PXSolver.c
The file was addedtest/trueOUT/Scalar2d_UniAdapt_Unsteady1_TEST.hist.TRUE
The file was addedtest/FuncFile/Scalar2d_Adapt_Unsteady.func
The file was addedtest/Scalar2d_UniAdapt_Unsteady1_TEST.job
The file was addedtest/trueOUT/Scalar2d_UniAdapt_Unsteady2_TEST.hist.TRUE
The file was modified test/runTests_parallel.csh
The file was addedtest/Scalar2d_UniAdapt_Unsteady2_TEST.job
The file was modified test/runTests.csh
Commit 4f7fa9cdd45f4a2b17d2cc40255ee8397ee2e828 by krakos
Changed solution transfer input state for modified-steady-state initial condition

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10244 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/PXHPAdapt.c
Commit da631f417cefb5e62bb8b802a380fdf7f8f16a25 by krakos
Updating truth files for unsteady adaptation tests (not just copies of the steady hist files...)

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10245 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified test/trueOUT/Scalar2d_UniAdapt_Unsteady1_TEST.hist.TRUE
The file was modified test/trueOUT/Scalar2d_UniAdapt_Unsteady2_TEST.hist.TRUE
Commit e5a9c6ba1e0e4308e91a0b30992c61ad5b71d8e4 by krakos
Modifying/setting state with function now acts on entire subgrid

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10246 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/PXResState.c
Commit 43ab0452ddf2470b2dc814dfaaa1a2cd41e9d67b by sunhu
1. When transfering states from original cut elem to split cut elem, now make sure the shadow vertices of the split cut elem always lies within the original cut elem canonical reference element. 2. If a split elem is not cut, we can use areas to determine its original elem.  3.  PXGlob2RefApproxSearch and  PXGlob2RefSearch now extern functions, they can verify whether a point is within an element. 4. Solution transfer, now Newton search on pgback for cut cell cases.

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10247 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Grid/PXCutQuad_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXCutCell.c
The file was modified src/PXHPAdaptDirect.c
The file was modified include/Grid/PXCutQuad.h
The file was modified src/PXResidual.c
The file was modified Grids/rae2822.ebg
The file was modified src/PXSolutionTransfer.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXDistanceFunctionSurfGrid.c
The file was modified include/Grid/PXCutCell.h
The file was modified src/Grid/PXCoordinates_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXGrid.c
The file was modified include/Grid/PXCoordinates.h
The file was modified src/Grid/PXCoordinates.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXCutQuad.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXSubMesh.c
Commit 67d8c1e135c5e9f1c7e6951583b198247a6999e5 by sunhu
Add RobustRefine for direct adapt

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10248 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Grid/PXCutCell.c
The file was modified src/Fundamentals/PXMath_old.c
The file was modified src/PXHPAdaptDirect.c
The file was modified src/PXSolver.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXCutQuad.c
The file was modified include/PXHPAdaptDirect.h
The file was modified src/PXHPAdapt.c
Commit af1fafab0f76719e99f663c045a8bd8a17accb54 by sunhu
1. Made the PartitionGivenMatching bounding box tolerance bigger; 2. Now solution transfer in 2D use max quad in tree

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10249 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Grid/PXParallelGrid.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXCoordinates.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXCoordinates_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXCutCell_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXCutCell.c
The file was modified src/PXHPAdapt.c
The file was modified src/PXSolutionTransfer.c
Commit af1234d4d55bbdde0cc2a658c20b37850c7f2d6f by sunhu
1. fixed previous warning; 2. fixed a bug in visualizing 2d cut cells

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10250 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified utils/PXAdaptVizGrid.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXParallelGrid.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXCutCell2dViz.c
Commit 863e06564dba52ce268b8b251c6771232da8ae39 by sunhu
Now using shadow basis with canonical quad rule can be specified from parameter

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10251 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified include/Grid/PXCutQuad.h
The file was modified src/Grid/PXSubMesh_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXUnitCutGrids.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXCutCellTools2d_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXCutQuad_PXU.c
The file was modified src/PXHPAdapt_PXU.c
The file was modified utils/PXTestCutCellNullElementAdaptation.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXCutQuad.c
The file was modified src/PXHPAdapt.c
The file was modified include/GeneralParameters/PXGeneralParameters.h
The file was modified src/PXHPAdaptDirect_PXU.c
The file was modified src/PXCDAll.c
The file was modified src/PXHPAdaptDirect.c
The file was modified src/Adaptation/PXMetricAdapt2d.c
Commit ac238a5965411f3e2fe5bd83b4152c93004e3d5c by sunhu
Slightly changed some 2d truth files as solution transfer got changed

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10252 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified test/trueOUT/CutCell_rae2822_RANS_M0p3_Re6p5e6_TEST.hist.TRUE
The file was modified test/trueOUT/RAE2822_RANS_Transonic_UniAdapt_TEST.hist.TRUE
The file was modified test/trueOUT/RAE2822_RANS_Subsonic_NoMaxQuad_UniAdapt_TEST.hist.TRUE
Commit 38dec2bbc5f3dc5077d159cad4058fa27ee37f62 by sunhu
Local solve for cut cells, now we directly copy the states of those non-split elements

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10253 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/PXHPAdaptDirect_PXU.c
The file was modified src/PXHPAdaptDirect.c
The file was modified include/Grid/PXSubMesh.h
The file was modified src/PXSolutionTransfer.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXSubMesh.c
Commit c4571a8ac6c16b89346d419549d33a2b2ba7ad85 by sunhu
1. If a tiny element is merged, only a small fraction of the error on the merged element is assigned to that tiny component element during optimization adaptation; 2. Now if the subgrid has no cut elements, use approximate distance, somehow if the subgrid is cut but only has canonical elements, approximate distance has issues, not sure why; 3. Fixed a bug during merging: if a canonical element is merged, but neighbor is cut, the common face should be turned to cut-canonical, because the stored quad points for this face is not wrt background face; 4. When a split cut element has its shadow vertices from its original non-split element, need to check whether the split element is too much smaller so that shadow element won't be too big

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10254 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Grid/PXDistanceFunction.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXMerge_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXIntersect2d.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXGrid.c
The file was modified src/PXHPAdaptDirect.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXCutCell.c
The file was modified src/PXHPAdaptDirect_PXU.c
The file was modified src/PXResidual.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXBasis.c
The file was modified src/PXSolutionTransfer.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXMerge.c
Commit bbc8824a3c64d110781073fb2318da7d1fbd91b1 by sunhu
1. If a tiny element is merged, only a small fraction of the error on the merged element is assigned to that tiny component element during optimization adaptation; 2. Now if the subgrid has no cut elements, use approximate distance, somehow if the subgrid is cut but only has canonical elements, approximate distance has issues, not sure why; 3. Fixed a bug during merging: if a canonical element is merged, but neighbor is cut, the common face should be turned to cut-canonical, because the stored quad points for this face is not wrt background face; 4. When a split cut element has its shadow vertices from its original non-split element, need to check whether the split element is too much smaller so that shadow element won't be too big

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10255 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Grid/PXMerge.c
Commit dec39b66548ec70e93f7fa14b0df682e501f5961 by sunhu
Fixed a unit test seg fault; added a regression test for cutcell optimization adaptation

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10256 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified test/runTests.csh
The file was addedtest/trueOUT/CutCell_rae2822_RANS_M0p3_Re6p5e6_UniAdapt_Test.hist.TRUE
The file was addedGrids/rae2822_simple_CC.ebg
The file was modified src/PXHPAdaptDirect.c
The file was addedtest/CutCell_rae2822_RANS_M0p3_Re6p5e6_UniAdapt_Test.job
The file was addedtest/TrueMetric/CutCell_rae2822_RANS_M0p3_Re6p5e6_UniAdapt_TEST_Metric_a00.attach
Commit b7457cc67e72f62ba13df605cd7b9b017885ea68 by sunhu
Committed the truth file for the added test case

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10257 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified test/TrueMetric/CutCell_rae2822_RANS_M0p3_Re6p5e6_UniAdapt_TEST_Metric_a00.attach
The file was modified test/trueOUT/CutCell_rae2822_RANS_M0p3_Re6p5e6_UniAdapt_Test.hist.TRUE
Commit a7868fc09bc4e02e447a5cd4e35ec5e7675dced3 by krakos
Modified StateMod behavior to be included directly in the residual calculation, rather than projected and add/subtracted from the state.  Needs testing, but I need to go home.

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10258 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/PXInit.c
The file was modified src/PXSolver.c
The file was modified src/LinearizedEuler/PXLinearizedEuler.c
The file was modified src/PXShockCapture.c
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXCompressibleFunction.h
The file was modified src/PXHPAdapt.c
The file was modified include/PXEquationSetEntryStruct.h
The file was modified src/ScalarConvDiff/PXScalarConvDiff.c
The file was modified include/Fundamentals/PXParameterStruct.h
The file was modified src/PXResidual.c
The file was modified src/MultiComponentConvDiff/PXMultiComponentConvDiff.c
The file was modified src/WaveSpaceTime/PXWaveSpaceTime.c
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXCompressible.c
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXCompressibleFunction.c
The file was modified src/PXResState.c
The file was modified src/PXAuxVariable.c
The file was modified src/CauchyRiemann/PXCauchyRiemann.c
The file was modified src/PXCDAll.c
Commit 9f59a5b175acd2b0782418cc6ca00d26e0754e9e by krakos
Typo in previous commit

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10259 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/CauchyRiemann/PXCauchyRiemann.c
The file was modified src/ScalarConvDiff/PXScalarConvDiff.c
The file was modified src/WaveSpaceTime/PXWaveSpaceTime.c
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXCompressible.c
The file was modified src/LinearizedEuler/PXLinearizedEuler.c
The file was modified src/MultiComponentConvDiff/PXMultiComponentConvDiff.c
Commit 51b9a91309d47efc9bb7eeb109b221aafa420def by sunhu
Made MultiComponentConvDiff work for DG with CharatesticBC

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10260 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/MultiComponentConvDiff/PXMultiComponentConvDiff.h
The file was modified src/PXAuxVariable.c
The file was modified src/MultiComponentConvDiff/PXMultiComponentConvDiff.c
Commit f377640f70e35a95cb236b3053ce727694e979d6 by sunhu
Add a regression test for interface problems

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10261 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was addedtest/TrueMetric/CutCell_Circle_Interface_Scalar2d_UniAdapt_Metric_a00.attach
The file was modified test/runTests.csh
The file was addedtest/FuncFile/CutCell_Circle_Interface_Scalar2d.func
The file was addedGrids/uniformbox2d_50.gri
The file was addedGrids/QuaterCircle.ebg
The file was addedtest/CutCell_Circle_Interface_Scalar2d_UniAdapt_Test.job
The file was addedtest/trueOUT/CutCell_Circle_Interface_Scalar2d.hist.TRUE
The file was addedtest/TrueMetric/CutCell_Circle_Interface_Scalar2d_UniAdapt_Metric_a01.attach
The file was addedtest/BCFile/CutCell_Circle_Interface_Scalar2d.bc
The file was addedtest/RegionFile/CutCell_Circle_Interface_Scalar2d.ra
Commit 0418a03e66f35dee6f3cdb9755e7642735410313 by sunhu
1. Added a multiphysics eqnset; 2. Added interface residual (working for multimaterial, not multiphysics yet)

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10262 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/PXAuxVariable.c
The file was modified include/PXEquationSet.h
The file was modified src/PXEquationSet.c
The file was addedsrc/MultiComponentConvDiffConj/PXMultiComponentConvDiffConj.c
The file was addedsrc/MultiComponentConvDiffConj/PXMultiComponentConvDiffConj.h
The file was modified include/PXCDAll.h
The file was modified include/Fundamentals/PX.h
The file was modified src/PXCDAll.c
The file was addedinclude/GeneralParameters/PXMultiComponentConvDiffConjParameters.h
The file was addedsrc/MultiComponentConvDiffConj/PXMultiComponentConvDiffConj_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Fundamentals/PX.c
The file was modified src/Makefile
The file was modified include/PXRegionAttribute.h
The file was modified src/PXHPAdaptDirect.c
The file was modified src/PXRegionAttribute.c
The file was modified src/PXResidual.c
The file was modified src/ScalarConvDiff/PXScalarConvDiff.c
The file was modified src/PXOutputFunctional.c
The file was addedsrc/MultiComponentConvDiffConj/Makefile
The file was addedsrc/MultiComponentConvDiffConj/MultiComponentConvDiffConj.make
Commit 5ea99a1b6ef04c9076c78232bd41c78ff1b5398e by sunhu
Fixed a bug in intersection for interface cases with a trailing edge geometry

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10263 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Grid/PXIntersect2d.c
Commit ce5e3869ecb9505ebfb91a2aefada072b84462c1 by sunhu
1. The multiphysics convdiff library more complete and better tested; 2. BAMG don't always have boundary nodes exactly on the boundary

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10264 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified Grids/jfoil1Q1.gri
The file was modified src/MultiComponentConvDiffConj/PXMultiComponentConvDiffConj.c
The file was modified src/PXHPAdapt.c
The file was modified src/MultiComponentConvDiffConj/PXMultiComponentConvDiffConj.h
The file was modified include/GeneralParameters/PXMultiComponentConvDiffConjParameters.h
Commit 512ad3bdb82ecf75634b879e69fd8b486c8dc7a4 by sunhu
Interface residual and lifting done, but not tested for nonlinear cases yet

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10265 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/PXAuxVariable.c
The file was modified src/PXResidual.c
The file was modified src/ScalarConvDiff/PXScalarConvDiff.c
The file was modified include/PXAuxVariable.h
The file was modified include/PXEquationSetEntryStruct.h
The file was modified src/MultiComponentConvDiffConj/PXMultiComponentConvDiffConj.c
Commit 09fc11fece91fcf42165b0ddf6e85ae1954aa023 by myano
updated space-time wave and compressible libraries

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10266 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/PXHPAdaptDirect.c
The file was modified src/WaveSpaceTime/PXWaveSpaceTime.h
The file was modified src/WaveSpaceTime/PXWaveSpaceTime.c
The file was modified matlab/PXToolbox/computequantity.m
The file was modified src/CompressibleSpaceTime/PXCompressibleSpaceTime_PXU.c
The file was modified src/ScalarConvDiff/PXScalarConvDiff.c
The file was modified src/CompressibleSpaceTime/PXCompressibleSpaceTime.c
The file was modified src/CompressibleSpaceTime/PXCompressibleSpaceTime.h
The file was modified include/GeneralParameters/PXCompressibleSpaceTimeParameters.h
The file was modified matlab/PXToolbox/plotattachvectorized.m
The file was modified include/GeneralParameters/PXWaveSpaceTimeParameters.h
Commit 57b5c7604241d2d51bb8d9bc513f459864378b64 by myano
small change to the anisotropy stepping; this will break the regression tests

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10267 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/PXHPAdaptDirect.c
Commit 82a9cd4ae023744c0cc6343997e5746467da6eba by myano
regenerated UniAdapt AffineInvariantVert cases

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10268 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified test/TrueMetric/CutCell_rae2822_RANS_M0p3_Re6p5e6_UniAdapt_TEST_Metric_a00.attach
The file was modified test/trueOUT/CutCell_rae2822_RANS_M0p3_Re6p5e6_UniAdapt_Test.hist.TRUE
The file was modified test/trueOUT/CutCell_Circle_Interface_Scalar2d.hist.TRUE
The file was modified test/TrueMetric/CutCell_Circle_Interface_Scalar2d_UniAdapt_Metric_a00.attach
The file was modified test/TrueMetric/CutCell_Circle_Interface_Scalar2d_UniAdapt_Metric_a01.attach
Commit f75117cb6fc9edfec401ded0b978cca255807635 by darmofal
Removed malloc.h include (why was this needed anyways?)

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10269 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified utils/writeFV.c
Commit 1e3d40c4036ea868517eacee0901301d2d3fea45 by pcaplan
git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10270 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/PXHPAdaptDirect.c
Commit 1a62d46c08a6c2a12e328083757a07fc3155ff3b by sunhu
Now interface problems can include non-zero state jump and non-zero flux jump

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10271 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified include/GeneralParameters/PXScalarConvDiffParameters.h
The file was modified src/PXResidual.c
The file was modified src/ScalarConvDiff/PXScalarConvDiff.h
The file was modified src/PXAuxVariable.c
The file was modified src/ScalarConvDiff/PXScalarConvDiff.c
The file was modified include/PXEquationSetEntryStruct.h
Commit deeb1d0ae440176e01752a00782532f456159f8a by sunhu
Removed complier warnings

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10272 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/MultiComponentConvDiffConj/PXMultiComponentConvDiffConj.c
Commit e30e5607c328031a67681d906c2a1fde3e73d877 by sunhu
1. Interface shape can now be a loop; 2. Added a test case with non-zero interface jumps

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10273 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was addedGrids/uniformbox2d_0p5.gri
The file was addedtest/CutCell_Interface_StarShape_Jump_Test.job
The file was modified src/Grid/PXIntersect2d.c
The file was addedtest/FuncFile/CutCell_Interface_StarShape_Jump.func
The file was addedGrids/StarShape.ebg
The file was modified include/PXEquationSetEntryStruct.h
The file was addedtest/trueOUT/CutCell_Interface_StarShape_Jump.hist.TRUE
The file was modified src/ScalarConvDiff/PXScalarConvDiff.c
The file was addedtest/BCFile/CutCell_Interface_StarShape_Jump.bc
The file was modified src/PXResidual.c
The file was modified test/runTests.csh
The file was addedtest/RegionFile/CutCell_Interface_StarShape_Jump.ra
The file was modified src/ScalarConvDiff/PXScalarConvDiff.h
Commit 1744b32818ee28619a785e0eee84c9ba02c6fb94 by sunhu
Fix the unit test

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10274 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was removedtest/CutCell_Interface_StarShape_Jump_Test.job
The file was modified test/runTests.csh
The file was modified src/Grid/PXIntersect2d.c
The file was modified src/Grid/Grid.make
The file was addedtest/CutCell_Interface_StarShape_Jump_TEST.job
The file was removedtest/trueOUT/CutCell_Interface_StarShape_Jump.hist.TRUE
The file was addedtest/trueOUT/CutCell_Interface_StarShape_Jump_TEST.hist.TRUE
Commit 4a005cb3d16ed205dc02d93fd85a6ba39f879903 by sunhu
fixed a bug when interface is a loop

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10275 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Grid/PXIntersect2d.c
Commit fa2e33aba194f0a911ef051090422c13fc755d48 by sunhu
Now interface can be a loop that consists of multiple splines

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10276 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Grid/Grid.make
The file was modified src/ScalarConvDiff/PXScalarConvDiff.h
The file was modified include/Grid/PXIntersect2dStruct.h
The file was modified src/Grid/PXSpline.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXCutCell2dViz.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXIntersect2d.c
The file was modified src/ScalarConvDiff/PXScalarConvDiff.c
Commit 92d10590801aeef2b01339584d4faf835787c8df by sunhu
Messed up ScalarConstantSource in the last commit

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10277 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/ScalarConvDiff/PXScalarConvDiff.c
Commit 03f239f62565967017ef463122f9321be6a29e2b by sunhu
The star shape case results slightly changed due to previous commit about treatment of canonical shapes for interface that is a loop

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10278 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified test/trueOUT/CutCell_Interface_StarShape_Jump_TEST.hist.TRUE
Commit dee65b2b50981083a08b566d003b56ddaecd7077 by sunhu
InterfaceFluxOutput functional added (not well tested yet)

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10279 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified include/PXEquationSetEntryStruct.h
The file was modified src/ScalarConvDiff/PXScalarConvDiff.h
The file was modified test/trueOUT/CutCell_Interface_StarShape_Jump_TEST.hist.TRUE
The file was modified src/ScalarConvDiff/PXScalarConvDiff.c
The file was modified test/FuncFile/CutCell_Interface_StarShape_Jump.func
The file was modified include/PXOutputStruct.h
The file was modified src/PXOutputFunctional.c
Commit 2212cce915bd120a6654a259736d87a125207c36 by sunhu
Fixed a bug in computing bounding box based on face quad if one face has elemR being canonical but elemL not canonical

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10280 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/ScalarConvDiff/PXScalarConvDiff.c
The file was modified src/PXHPAdaptDirect.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXCutQuad_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXBasis.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXCutQuad.c
Commit f867f22261745e205f0fae52df9697de3f73e7e8 by sunhu
Remove compiler warning

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10281 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Grid/PXBasis.c
Commit 68458b5e05a25440e546b3fdd63d1b676f569447 by sunhu
Fixed a bug in spline-edge intersection, when the resulting equation has all coefficients close to be 0

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10282 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Grid/PXCutQuad.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXSpline.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXCoordinates.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXCutQuad_PXU.c
The file was modified Makefile
The file was modified src/PXHPAdaptDirect.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXIntersect2d.c
Commit 984ae847c1848295ddd6ef7a10bb306c9be46778 by sunhu
No change; just to trigger px website to update

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10283 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Grid/PXCutQuad.c
Commit 343a4194ed9134fd22d7be78e4e3ece9652d3e94 by sunhu
Interface flux functional now debugged and tested

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10284 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/src.make
The file was modified src/PXOutputFunctional.c
The file was modified include/Grid/PXUnitGrids.h
The file was modified src/PXAuxVariable_PXU.c
The file was modified src/UnitEquationSet/PXUnitEquationSet.h
The file was modified src/PXAuxVariable.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXUnitGrids.c
The file was modified src/PXOutputFunctional_PXU.c
The file was modified src/ScalarConvDiff/PXScalarConvDiff.c
The file was modified src/UnitEquationSet/PXUnitEquationSet.c
Commit 5e62131494310c581284083dd6bc4a8186d277f6 by sunhu
Added an adaptation test for interface heat flux

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10285 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Grid/PXCutQuad.c
The file was modified test/runTests.csh
The file was modified Grids/uniformbox2d_0p5.gri
The file was modified test/trueOUT/CutCell_Interface_StarShape_Jump_TEST.hist.TRUE
The file was modified test/CutCell_Interface_StarShape_Jump_TEST.job
The file was addedtest/TrueMetric/CutCell_Circle_Interface_StarShape_Jump_Metric_a00.attach
The file was modified src/ScalarConvDiff/PXScalarConvDiff.h
The file was modified src/ScalarConvDiff/PXScalarConvDiff.c
The file was modified test/FuncFile/CutCell_Interface_StarShape_Jump.func
Commit 27f195260ae25ba1899d74dda0d390456f2a63f8 by sunhu
updated truth file for the interface flux

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10286 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified test/trueOUT/CutCell_Interface_StarShape_Jump_TEST.hist.TRUE
Commit d856be8e16d893f23c5aa74bc122b522076a4a3b by sunhu
Last commit failed because Reynolds ran out of disk space...This commit has no change

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10287 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/PXRunSolver.c
Commit fbe24b128f3e639a423d1859904ec4d510799161 by sunhu
Now plotattach works for cut cells in matlab

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10288 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Grid/PXReadWriteGrid.c
The file was modified matlab/PXToolbox/pxareadvectorized.m
The file was modified matlab/PXToolbox/plotattachvectorized.m
Commit 9b95fc6ee7c4b3cf082832f47318aa74c8ea5983 by sunhu
Fixed a bug in plotting in matlab for cut cells

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10289 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified matlab/PXToolbox/plotattachvectorized.m
Commit 9f0a9c3423efc480e25018edfcac926419b220a6 by sunhu
fix the sign of interface flux jump

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10290 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/PXResidual.c
The file was modified src/ScalarConvDiff/PXScalarConvDiff.c
Commit 4c8c31d0dc207a4ba209b061e6b8bf8f907f138c by sunhu
Forgot to update truth file last time

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10291 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified test/trueOUT/CutCell_Interface_StarShape_Jump_TEST.hist.TRUE
Commit aa2f81d78aab0d89a7b6a86e668dabf8c6264141 by darmofal
git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10292 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was addedlib/libVisual3_OSX64.a
Commit 62863da709d3a458859fb03b4dab51f9d573f43e by sunhu
Interface residual succefully pinged for multi-component equations

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10293 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/PXOutputFunctional_PXU.c
The file was modified src/PXResidual_PXU.c
The file was modified src/PXResidual.c
The file was modified src/PXAuxVariable_PXU.c
The file was modified src/PXAuxVariable.c
The file was modified src/UnitEquationSet/PXUnitEquationSet.c
Commit f71f8484337832279d7f41ce387c796c787e59fd by sunhu
Split interface viscous flux into left and right components

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10294 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/MultiComponentConvDiffConj/PXMultiComponentConvDiffConj.c
The file was modified include/PXEquationSetEntryStruct.h
The file was modified src/UnitEquationSet/PXUnitEquationSet.c
The file was modified src/PXResidual.c
Commit 8817c612ceadfa5f63c7d07421c5884375a3f5ed by sunhu
Forgot to update Scalar library for the split interface flux

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10295 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/ScalarConvDiff/PXScalarConvDiff.c
Commit baac271bcac57f45f4ebbd85582c6b4e1ea18b20 by sunhu
Tested nonlinear multi-component interface problems. Next is to add NS + Poisson

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10296 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/MultiComponentConvDiffConj/PXMultiComponentConvDiffConj.c
The file was modified src/MultiComponentConvDiffConj/PXMultiComponentConvDiffConj.h
Commit 576d28bcfcf821a0bd8f8f35961ecb7cad5ae102 by sunhu
Added NS+Poisson equation set, not tested yet; modified ConvectiveInterfaceFlux for interface residual

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10297 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/PXResidual.c
The file was addedsrc/CompressibleHeatConj/PXCompressibleFunction.h
The file was addedsrc/CompressibleHeatConj/PXEulerFlux.c
The file was addedsrc/CompressibleHeatConj/PXCompressibleBCs_PXU.c
The file was addedsrc/CompressibleHeatConj/PXCompressible.c
The file was addedsrc/CompressibleHeatConj/PXCompressibleStateFunctional.c
The file was modified src/ScalarConvDiff/PXScalarConvDiff.c
The file was addedsrc/CompressibleHeatConj/PXCompressibleShock_PXU.c
The file was modified src/UnitEquationSet/PXUnitEquationSet.c
The file was addedsrc/CompressibleHeatConj/PXCompressibleFunction_PXU.c
The file was addedsrc/CompressibleHeatConj/PXSpalartAllmaras.h
The file was modified src/Makefile
The file was addedsrc/CompressibleHeatConj/PXViscous_PXU.c
The file was addedsrc/CompressibleHeatConj/PXKOmega.c
The file was modified include/PXEquationSetEntryStruct.h
The file was addedsrc/CompressibleHeatConj/PXCompressibleFunction.c
The file was addedsrc/CompressibleHeatConj/PXSpalartAllmaras.c
The file was addedsrc/CompressibleHeatConj/PXCompressible.h
The file was addedsrc/CompressibleHeatConj/PXCompressibleShock.c
The file was addedsrc/CompressibleHeatConj/CompressibleHeatConj.make
The file was addedsrc/CompressibleHeatConj/PXEulerFlux_PXU.c
The file was addedsrc/CompressibleHeatConj/PXCompressibleHeatConj.h
The file was addedsrc/CompressibleHeatConj/PXViscous.c
The file was modified src/MultiComponentConvDiffConj/PXMultiComponentConvDiffConj.c
The file was addedsrc/CompressibleHeatConj/PXCompressibleHeatConj.c
The file was addedinclude/GeneralParameters/PXCompressibleHeatConjParameters.h
The file was addedsrc/CompressibleHeatConj/PXEulerFlux.h
The file was addedsrc/CompressibleHeatConj/PXCompressibleUnitUtils.h
The file was addedsrc/CompressibleHeatConj/PXViscous.h
The file was modified src/Fundamentals/PX.c
The file was addedsrc/CompressibleHeatConj/PXScalarConvDiff_PXU.c
The file was addedsrc/CompressibleHeatConj/Makefile
The file was addedsrc/CompressibleHeatConj/PXSpalartAllmaras_PXU.c
The file was modified include/Fundamentals/PX.h
The file was addedsrc/CompressibleHeatConj/PXCompressibleStateFunctional.h
The file was addedsrc/CompressibleHeatConj/PXCompressible_PXU.c
The file was addedsrc/CompressibleHeatConj/PXScalarConvDiff.c
The file was addedsrc/CompressibleHeatConj/PXScalarConvDiff.h
The file was modified src/src.make
The file was addedsrc/CompressibleHeatConj/PXCompressibleShock.h
The file was addedsrc/CompressibleHeatConj/PXCompressibleBCs.h
The file was addedsrc/CompressibleHeatConj/PXCompressibleUnitUtils.c
The file was addedsrc/CompressibleHeatConj/PXKOmega_PXU.c
The file was addedsrc/CompressibleHeatConj/PXCompressibleStateFunctional_PXU.c
The file was addedsrc/CompressibleHeatConj/PXCompressibleBCs.c
The file was addedsrc/CompressibleHeatConj/PXKOmega.h
Commit f37622f3786cb91324339f134495b47d0c34852e by sunhu
Heat conjugate eqnset now runs, but results still not right.

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10298 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified include/GeneralParameters/PXCompressibleHeatConjParameters.h
The file was modified src/CompressibleHeatConj/PXCompressibleHeatConj.c
The file was modified src/CompressibleHeatConj/PXScalarConvDiff.c
The file was modified src/CompressibleHeatConj/PXCompressible.c
The file was modified utils/PXViz.c
The file was modified src/CompressibleHeatConj/PXScalarConvDiff.h
The file was modified src/CompressibleHeatConj/CompressibleHeatConj.make
The file was modified src/PXEquationSet.c
Commit b414da104675092dee6c95a33aeb7c3906237050 by sunhu
Heat conjugate eqnset now works

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10299 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/PXResState.c
The file was modified src/CompressibleHeatConj/PXCompressibleStateFunctional.h
The file was modified src/PXSolver.c
The file was modified src/CompressibleHeatConj/PXCompressibleHeatConj.c
The file was modified src/CompressibleHeatConj/PXScalarConvDiff.c
The file was modified src/PXResidual.c
The file was modified src/PXResidual_PXU.c
The file was modified src/CompressibleHeatConj/PXCompressibleStateFunctional.c
The file was modified src/UnitEquationSet/PXUnitEquationSet.c
The file was modified include/GeneralParameters/PXCompressibleHeatConjParameters.h
Commit a157fd938d4c55d9099b2535b7676e67f6693f68 by sunhu
Add output evaluation for heat conjugate eqnset

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10300 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/CompressibleHeatConj/PXScalarConvDiff.c
The file was modified src/CompressibleHeatConj/PXCompressibleHeatConj.c
The file was modified src/CompressibleHeatConj/PXCompressible.h
The file was modified src/CompressibleHeatConj/PXCompressible.c
The file was modified matlab/PXToolbox/computequantity.m
The file was modified src/CompressibleHeatConj/PXScalarConvDiff.h
Commit 6737de4b349e70583933a1f1d86c44ce94497b46 by sunhu
Add quad into matlab pxa plot

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10301 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Grid/PXReadWriteGrid.c
The file was modified matlab/PXToolbox/pxareadvectorized.m
Commit 689cd44214a17247ebc8830e557016c2c35148e6 by sunhu
1. Robin BC now works for heat conjugate; 2. Changed \hat{T} for heat conjugate to use density from interior

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10302 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/CompressibleHeatConj/PXScalarConvDiff.c
The file was modified src/CompressibleHeatConj/PXCompressible.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXIntersect2d.c
The file was modified src/ScalarConvDiff/PXScalarConvDiff.c
The file was modified src/CompressibleHeatConj/PXCompressibleHeatConj.c
The file was modified src/CompressibleHeatConj/PXCompressibleHeatConj.h
The file was modified src/ScalarConvDiff/PXScalarConvDiff.h
Commit 2b0625211b3defb9f43917d0ff2e974edb33276e by sunhu
1. Implemented convective heat for heat conjugate (i.e. Robin bc); 2. Solution transfer now fixed for multiphysics problems

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10303 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified include/Grid/PXDistanceFunctionSurfGrid.h
The file was modified matlab/PXToolbox/plotattachvectorized.m
The file was modified src/PXSolutionTransfer.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXReadWriteGrid.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXDistanceFunctionSurfGrid.c
The file was modified src/CompressibleHeatConj/PXScalarConvDiff.c
Commit 5d6a4a754275a00038d3a92f56b518697d03706b by sunhu
Now should compile

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10304 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Grid/PXReadWriteGrid.c
Commit deea5f26b1ee154ec27f4c8634ca8f74c5f62c2f by sunhu
Fixed unit test

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10305 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Grid/PXReadWriteGrid.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXDistanceFunctionSurfGrid.c
Commit 4b6124a91b86b867727b167061a9ac0552b274a6 by sunhu
Fixed a bug in solution transfer for multi physics problems

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10306 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/PXSolutionTransfer.c
Commit 6c2d1cf5473aa236e9e20e6b2cc9e9a58c1e4377 by sunhu
Fixed a bug in plotattachvectorized.m introduced last time; and change eps to 1e-12 in Spline intersection

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10307 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified matlab/PXToolbox/computequantity.m
The file was modified matlab/PXToolbox/plotattachvectorized.m
The file was modified src/Grid/PXSpline.c
Commit 70f847c001b26d8fa4c5d7b4ae4305d4455f09d3 by pcaplan
Platform-specific installation instructions

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10308 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was addedplatforms/MacIntel64/README
The file was addedplatforms/Libraries/README
The file was addedplatforms/Libraries/
The file was addedplatforms/MacIntel32/README
The file was addedplatforms/Ubuntu64/README
The file was addedplatforms/MacIntel64/compiler/gfortran-4.6.2-x86_64-Lion.dmg
The file was addedplatforms/MacIntel64/
The file was addedplatforms/RedHat64/README
The file was addedplatforms/MacIntel64/
The file was addedplatforms/MacIntel64/compiler/README
Commit 08784e0934988c916460f3da729a6f44490e250b by pcaplan
Utilities from Josh Krakos

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10309 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified utils/utils.make
The file was addedutils/
Commit 07ebe5cfce28a2b68c4a22641e63f6c26350ddcb by sunhu
Fixed a small bug for 3d cut quad (not affected results)

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10310 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXCutCell3d.cpp
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXCutQuad3d.cpp
The file was modified src/Grid/PXParallelGrid.c
Commit 79572cf9e32c6b9c5711460f235fd527c6e95ff5 by sunhu
Now cut cell works in parallel on the new cluster; added 'robust refine' for cut cell

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10311 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXCutQuad3d.cpp
The file was modified utils/PXCutCell3d.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXParallelGridAttachments.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXCutCell.c
The file was addedutils/PXCutCell3d.csh
The file was modified src/Grid/PXGrid.c
The file was modified src/PXCDAll.c
The file was modified src/PXHPAdapt.c
The file was modified utils/utils.make
Commit 1d9b7a5e66f2a09d96dd1d18cd43be0c6213cd69 by sunhu
Now cut cell works in parallel on the new cluster; added 'robust refine' for cut cell

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10312 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified utils/utils.make
Commit f676dbc6379b30ea57d6d27b16de337dea74d331 by sunhu
removed compiler warning

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10313 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Grid/PXCutCell.c
The file was modified utils/utils.make
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXCutQuad3d.cpp
Commit 33178fd5ed6e6c55a2489f88992430d2a93f0096 by sunhu
Restructured the exception handling for cutcell in parallel to make robust refine work

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10314 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/PXCDAll.c
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXCutQuad3d.cpp
The file was modified src/PXHPAdapt.c
The file was removedutils/PXCutCell3d.csh
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXCutCell3d.cpp
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXParallelCutCell3d.cpp
The file was modified include/Fundamentals/PXError.h
The file was modified src/Fundamentals/PXError.c
The file was addedutils/
The file was modified utils/PXCutCell3d.c
Commit adaaf278093c6ebddf9b47526f4e03fa95c1f129 by sunhu
Forgot to change makefile

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10315 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified utils/utils.make
Commit 7a30f2799d91a7ff3d6254f983143b13d387f1c8 by sunhu
minor changes to the 3d cutcell util

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10316 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified utils/PXCutCell3d.c
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXParallelCutCell3d.cpp
Commit 4faf2d6e2272bdaaa388b98cedbade053e13e1cc by sunhu
Compiler warning removed

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10317 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXParallelCutCell3d.cpp
Commit b66ec577c7c91645aafdab818438e536a047eb61 by sunhu
A few trivial changes

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10318 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified matlab/PXToolbox/plotattachvectorized.m
The file was modified utils/PXAdaptVizGrid.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXGrid.c
Commit 38e4fe942e85ee98d8b47875a18609989ae2c1d4 by sunhu
LAPACK functions ready for approximate Fekete point calculation

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10319 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified include/Fundamentals/PXMath.h
The file was modified src/Fundamentals/PXMath_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXCutQuad.c
The file was modified src/Fundamentals/PXError.c
The file was modified src/Fundamentals/PXMath.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXGrid.c
Commit f9b10f0c825d04c5b50d5def339e6bd87828540f by sunhu
Try to trigger BTRun on acdl?

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10320 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/PXRunSolver.c
Commit fa170476b72909909d3c77b7ca6b25a7819cb0da by sunhu
Changed Math_PXU for LQ factorization because lapack version is different on Reynolds

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10321 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Fundamentals/PXMath_PXU.c
Commit fd5914753941a09b6d96b9245b35551514851100 by sunhu
Try to trigger BTRun on acdl?

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10322 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/PXRunSolver.c
Commit 7209b3b2801857198c598e9e7fe512da91502bda by sunhu
Approximate Fekete tested on toy problems

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10323 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Fundamentals/PXMath.c
The file was modified src/Fundamentals/PXMath_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXCutQuad_PXU.c
The file was modified include/Fundamentals/PXMath.h
The file was modified src/Grid/PXCutQuad.c
Commit 0a249a914391ed5284fa4a90427f87d1361803e6 by sunhu
Fekete points now working

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10324 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified include/Grid/PXCutQuad.h
The file was modified src/Fundamentals/PXMath.c
The file was modified utils/
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXCutQuad3d.cpp
The file was modified src/Grid/PXCutQuad.c
The file was modified include/Fundamentals/PXMath.h
The file was modified src/Grid/PXCutQuad_PXU.c
Commit 5b11ffe7c74f1841f1c7dd83d787faba4cc98425 by sunhu
truth file slightly changed due to change in quad rule generation for cut cell

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10325 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified test/TrueMetric/CutCell_rae2822_RANS_M0p3_Re6p5e6_UniAdapt_TEST_Metric_a00.attach
The file was modified test/trueOUT/CutCell_rae2822_RANS_M0p3_Re6p5e6_UniAdapt_Test.hist.TRUE
The file was modified src/Grid/PXCutQuad.c
Commit 33f40687dffaf74376d30a62bad348447e7de62b by sunhu
Nothing changed; but we got a new madcap key

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10326 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/PXRunSolver.c
Commit 0ea889cde09049d44e34506c5210e8d8a037ac2c by sunhu
Forgot to change madcap key file on reynolds

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10327 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/PXRunSolver.c
Commit 204181f565cdfd556154516cdc0802840b14eec6 by pcaplan
git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10328 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was removedplatforms/MacIntel64/compiler/README
The file was removedplatforms/MacIntel64/compiler/gfortran-4.6.2-x86_64-Lion.dmg
Commit aefa9768090b90cd9d4aab88ff20889d6e9bc9b3 by sunhu
Approximate Fekete now the default quad for 3d cut cell

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10329 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified include/Grid/PXCutQuad.h
The file was modified src/Fundamentals/PXMath.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXCutQuad.c
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXCutCell3d.cpp
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXCutQuad3d.cpp
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXParallelCutCell3d_PXU.cpp
The file was modified src/Fundamentals/PXMath_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/CutCell3D.make
The file was modified src/Grid/PXCutQuad_PXU.c
Commit 3407cf81f1f1eb3e94caa65a3200f17ceb79518d by sunhu
Change the truth file for fekete points

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10330 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified test/TrueMetric/CutCell_football_Euler_M0p3_Adapt_TEST_Metric_a00.attach
The file was modified test/trueOUT/CutCell_bump_Euler_Test.hist.TRUE
The file was modified test/trueOUT/CutCell_football_Euler_M0p3_Adapt_TEST.hist.TRUE
Commit 55f541ccf18c408286e33b31ead0f4fe88a68c25 by sunhu
Commit to test the new acdl machine

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10331 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified utils/
Commit 5fb3189fb4d5168f1ac8f4069bba655e44031de9 by sunhu
3d cut cell now treat linear patches quickly

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10332 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified include/Grid/CutCell3D/PXBoundingBox3d.h
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXBoundingBox3d.cpp
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXBoundingBox3d_PXU.cpp
The file was modified include/Grid/CutCell3D/PXConic.h
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXIntersect3d.cpp
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXCutQuad3d.cpp
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXCutCellMetric3d.cpp
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXQuadPatch.cpp
The file was modified include/Grid/CutCell3D/PXIntersectionPoint3d.h
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXCutCell3d_PXU.cpp
The file was modified utils/
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXCutCell3dViz.cpp
The file was modified utils/
The file was modified include/Grid/CutCell3D/PXQuadPatch.h
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXConic.cpp
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXCutCell3d.cpp
The file was modified src/Grid/PXUnitMeshes.c
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXConic_PXU.cpp
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXQuadPatch_PXU.cpp
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/CutCell3D.make
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXIntersectionPoint3d.cpp
The file was modified include/Grid/PXUnitMeshes.h
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXIntersectionPoint3d_PXU.cpp
Commit 2d9e853940945301f504f43624d4617539196be1 by sunhu
Linear patch now works for 3d cut cells

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10333 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXCutCell3d.cpp
The file was modified utils/PXAdaptVizGrid.c
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXCutCell3dViz.cpp
The file was modified src/Grid/PXReadWriteGrid.c
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXCompressible.c
Commit efa75dd4c6303d51684bdefe675b62854752d65f by sunhu
Dummy commit  to test acdl

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10334 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/PXRunSolver.c
Commit d32a491b5cf03e73f70da4e47355fd60bb64b30c by sunhu
Fixed a small bug in parallel cut cell

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10335 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXCutQuad3d.cpp
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXParallelCutCell3d.cpp
Commit d22a3aac9480bd9e2c2eb836f1272d6a507ae909 by sunhu
Commit wrong file last time

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10336 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXCutQuad3d.cpp
Commit 0a186a145694d7ae1c54676533d547aa038e8435 by sunhu
git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10337 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/PXRunSolver.c
Commit ad5828adbca8f25a1b314f4e16fd49b332bcc239 by sunhu
dummy commit to test acdl

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10338 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/PXRunSolver.c
Commit 5b79a78df65e40e2b66105468d100b11803e44ec by sunhu
Fixed bugs in solution transfer for 3d cut cells

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10339 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Grid/PXDistanceFunctionSurfGrid_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXDistanceFunctionSurfGrid.c
The file was modified src/PXSolutionTransfer.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXGrid.c
The file was modified include/Grid/PXDistanceFunctionSurfGrid.h
Commit 05f38d4040f466ffee1dbd23c6e0ce9adaaf172e by sunhu
Fixed seg fault from last commit

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10340 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Grid/PXDistanceFunctionSurfGrid.c
Commit 2d77a6d54dc29c4dbd61455cc0a291f6095a1d59 by sunhu
Added a regression test for CHT

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10341 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was addedGrids/rae2822_CHT.ebg
The file was addedtest/trueOUT/CutCell_rae2822_CHT_TEST.hist.TRUE
The file was addedtest/BCFile/CutCell_rae2822_CHT_Robin.bc
The file was addedtest/TrueMetric/CutCell_rae2822_CHT_Metric_a00.attach
The file was addedtest/FuncFile/CutCell_rae2822_CHT.func
The file was addedtest/RegionFile/CutCell_rae2822_CHT.ra
The file was addedtest/CutCell_rae2822_CHT_TEST.job
The file was modified test/runTests.csh
Commit 2ce1738a8f8aeabc74f3a221523f00679262c48c by pcaplan
git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10342 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/PXHPAdaptDirect.c
Commit a64fa67a259603ff453a9f7b021500682e70a7cb by sunhu
Recommit the CHT results on reynolds

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10343 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified test/CutCell_rae2822_CHT_TEST.job
The file was modified test/trueOUT/CutCell_rae2822_CHT_TEST.hist.TRUE
The file was modified test/TrueMetric/CutCell_rae2822_CHT_Metric_a00.attach
Commit a7aa4b35866b277f37377b7577385553e51e9fe6 by sunhu
Added a utility

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10344 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified utils/utils.make
The file was addedutils/PXAddImpliedMetric.c
Commit e344814963528a46c9dba081e904ebea4a5cc427 by sunhu
Fix compiler warning

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10345 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified utils/PXAddImpliedMetric.c
Commit dada90b50c9248ddfd0185d3c4e2eb6cb2641b01 by pcaplan
Added visualization of least-square error in Masa's surrogate error model

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10346 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/PXHPAdaptDirect.c
Commit 114b3a24b08b1ecc4f101600232df17cf8b1fa23 by pcaplan
Removed compiler flag incompatible with some versions of gcc (it broke on Mac with gcc-4.2.1)

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10347 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/CompressibleHeatConj/CompressibleHeatConj.make
Commit e04a393c1043c65de32036f9c8b916edca679d49 by pcaplan
Lagrange multiplier output format, rate matrix synthesis error normalization

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10348 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/PXHPAdaptDirect.c
Commit de97b8c0014d8fc0b4cb2287d2dc3d7a8e160ba1 by pcaplan
Added a cooler way of monitoring MOESS' sampling stage.

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10349 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/PXHPAdaptDirect.c
Commit ea2a7d9a302124ed627ab09f8561dcc18073db82 by sunhu
if the background edge or face is parallel to axis, then intersection coordinate must be the same as vertex; useful for intersections on symmetry plane

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10350 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified include/Grid/CutCell3D/PXCutCell3dPrintInfo.h
The file was modified include/Grid/CutCell3D/PXNumberType.h
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXConic.cpp
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXIntersect3d.cpp
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXCutCell3dPrintInfo.cpp
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXNumberType.cpp
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXCutQuad3d.cpp
Commit 6f064dd124d32df1e8c1694e13d335d6c39d1c6d by jkudo
Added negative SA model Library

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10351 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was addedsrc/CompressibleNegSA/PXCompressibleUnitUtils.h
The file was addedsrc/CompressibleNegSA/PXEulerFlux_PXU.c
The file was addedsrc/CompressibleNegSA/PXKOmega.c
The file was addedsrc/CompressibleNegSA/PXEulerFlux.h
The file was addedsrc/CompressibleNegSA/PXSpalartAllmaras_PXU.c
The file was addedsrc/CompressibleNegSA/PXCompressibleFunction_PXU.c
The file was addedsrc/CompressibleNegSA/PXSpalartAllmaras.h
The file was addedsrc/CompressibleNegSA/PXCompressibleBCs.h
The file was modified src/Makefile
The file was addedsrc/CompressibleNegSA/Makefile
The file was addedsrc/CompressibleNegSA/PXCompressibleShock.c
The file was addedsrc/CompressibleNegSA/PXCompressibleStateFunctional.h
The file was addedsrc/CompressibleNegSA/PXCompressible.c
The file was addedsrc/CompressibleNegSA/PXViscous_PXU.c
The file was addedsrc/CompressibleNegSA/PXEulerFlux.c
The file was addedsrc/CompressibleNegSA/PXCompressibleBCs.c
The file was addedsrc/CompressibleNegSA/PXCompressibleStateFunctional_PXU.c
The file was addedsrc/CompressibleNegSA/PXCompressibleUnitUtils.c
The file was addedsrc/CompressibleNegSA/PXViscous.h
The file was addedsrc/CompressibleNegSA/PXCompressible.h
The file was addedsrc/CompressibleNegSA/PXKOmega_PXU.c
The file was addedsrc/CompressibleNegSA/PXCompressibleShock_PXU.c
The file was addedsrc/CompressibleNegSA/PXCompressibleStateFunctional.c
The file was addedsrc/CompressibleNegSA/PXCompressibleFunction.c
The file was addedsrc/CompressibleNegSA/PXCompressibleShock.h
The file was addedsrc/CompressibleNegSA/PXSpalartAllmaras.c
The file was addedsrc/CompressibleNegSA/CompressibleNegSA.make
The file was addedsrc/CompressibleNegSA/PXViscous.c
The file was addedsrc/CompressibleNegSA/PXCompressibleBCs_PXU.c
The file was addedsrc/CompressibleNegSA/PXKOmega.h
The file was addedsrc/CompressibleNegSA/PXCompressibleFunction.h
The file was addedsrc/CompressibleNegSA/PXCompressible_PXU.c
Commit 592afdf09bd822b1b9a4190dba0253f859faaf4e by jkudo
Added cn1 constant to PXCompressibleParameters.h

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10352 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified include/GeneralParameters/PXCompressibleParameters.h
Commit d6a4b2829c3d28e0c9327b41c0696c09910b72c3 by smojeda
Shell script util for obtaining output data for multiple p-order runs and uniform refinement.

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10353 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was addedutils/PXConvTest.csh
Commit 481587cf8de3e01e3c94b0c0ab71a020d104d6db by smojeda
Matlab script for plotting L2 norm convergence.

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10354 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was addedmatlab/PXToolbox/PXConvTest.m
Commit c3c9021da638eefe7cb909919e803d00425fada8 by smojeda
Dummy change

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10355 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified matlab/PXToolbox/PXConvTest.m
Commit 5e013121d5227b87a9dba49f3e6a41b8fa5966c8 by smojeda
matlab script to output and plot adaptation drag and error estimate.

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10356 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was addedmatlab/PXToolbox/getAdaptDragOutput.m
Commit 8d0e8f2f7a2bb69d9ab29d093f5e61aee43361c0 by pcaplan
Deprecated visualization of logErrorSwitch

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10357 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/PXHPAdaptDirect.c
Commit 0cf7dba58e920ab068774d3ed2ab5ee36079ee2e by pcaplan
Deprecated visualization of least-squares error for MOESS

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10358 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/PXHPAdaptDirect.c
Commit c94bf139419848801d3c5501fbc453ad4bd195fe by jkudo
Changed the default Compressible library to be the negative SA model.  Changed Oliver's Compressible library to CompressibleOliver.  Updated relevant truth files and metrics

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10359 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXCompressibleFunction.h
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXSpalartAllmaras.c
The file was addedsrc/CompressibleOliver/CompressibleOliver.make
The file was removedsrc/CompressibleNegSA/PXEulerFlux_PXU.c
The file was addedsrc/CompressibleOliver/PXEulerFlux.c
The file was modified test/trueOUT/RAE2822_RANS_Subsonic_NoMaxQuad_UniAdapt_TEST.hist.TRUE
The file was modified test/TrueMetric/CutCell_rae2822_RANS_M0p3_Re6p5e6_TEST_Metric_a00.attach
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXCompressibleFunction.c
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXSpalartAllmaras_PXU.c
The file was removedsrc/CompressibleNegSA/PXCompressibleStateFunctional_PXU.c
The file was modified test/TrueMetric/RAE2822_RANS_Subsonic_UniAdapt_TEST_Metric_a01.attach
The file was addedsrc/CompressibleOliver/PXCompressibleStateFunctional.c
The file was modified test/TrueMetric/RAE2822_RANS_Transonic_UniAdapt_TEST_Metric_a01.attach
The file was removedsrc/CompressibleNegSA/PXKOmega_PXU.c
The file was addedsrc/CompressibleOliver/PXViscous_PXU.c
The file was removedsrc/CompressibleNegSA/PXCompressible.c
The file was removedsrc/CompressibleNegSA/PXSpalartAllmaras_PXU.c
The file was modified test/trueOUT/FlatPlate_RANS_SA2d_DC_TEST.hist.TRUE
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXCompressibleUnitUtils.c
The file was removedsrc/CompressibleNegSA/PXEulerFlux.c
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXCompressibleFunction_PXU.c
The file was addedsrc/CompressibleOliver/PXCompressible.c
The file was addedsrc/CompressibleOliver/PXCompressibleShock.h
The file was modified test/TrueMetric/CutCell_rae2822_RANS_M0p3_Re6p5e6_TEST_Metric_a01.attach
The file was removedsrc/CompressibleNegSA/PXKOmega.h
The file was modified test/TrueMetric/CutCell_rae2822_RANS_M0p3_Re6p5e6_UniAdapt_TEST_Metric_a00.attach
The file was addedsrc/CompressibleOliver/PXKOmega_PXU.c
The file was removedsrc/CompressibleNegSA/Makefile
The file was removedsrc/CompressibleNegSA/PXCompressibleUnitUtils.h
The file was addedsrc/CompressibleOliver/PXSpalartAllmaras.c
The file was removedsrc/CompressibleNegSA/PXCompressibleFunction.c
The file was removedsrc/CompressibleNegSA/PXCompressible_PXU.c
The file was removedsrc/CompressibleNegSA/PXViscous.h
The file was removedsrc/CompressibleNegSA/PXCompressibleBCs_PXU.c
The file was addedsrc/CompressibleOliver/PXKOmega.c
The file was modified test/TrueMetric/RAE2822_RANS_Subsonic_UniAdapt_TEST_Metric_a00.attach
The file was modified test/TrueMetric/RAE2822_RANS_Transonic_UniAdapt_TEST_Metric_a00.attach
The file was modified test/trueOUT/CutCell_rae2822_RANS_M0p3_Re6p5e6_TEST.hist.TRUE
The file was addedsrc/CompressibleOliver/PXCompressibleBCs.h
The file was addedsrc/CompressibleOliver/PXCompressibleBCs_PXU.c
The file was removedsrc/CompressibleNegSA/PXKOmega.c
The file was modified test/trueOUT/RAE2822_RANS_Subsonic_UniAdapt_TEST.hist.TRUE
The file was removedsrc/CompressibleNegSA/PXCompressibleBCs.h
The file was addedsrc/CompressibleOliver/PXCompressible_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXSpalartAllmaras.h
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXViscous_PXU.c
The file was addedsrc/CompressibleOliver/PXCompressibleFunction.c
The file was removedsrc/CompressibleNegSA/PXCompressibleUnitUtils.c
The file was modified test/trueOUT/FlatPlate_RANS_SA2d_ADC_TEST.hist.TRUE
The file was removedsrc/CompressibleNegSA/PXCompressible.h
The file was addedsrc/CompressibleOliver/PXKOmega.h
The file was addedsrc/CompressibleOliver/PXSpalartAllmaras_PXU.c
The file was removedsrc/CompressibleNegSA/PXCompressibleFunction.h
The file was removedsrc/CompressibleNegSA/PXCompressibleStateFunctional.c
The file was removedsrc/CompressibleNegSA/CompressibleNegSA.make
The file was addedsrc/CompressibleOliver/PXCompressibleStateFunctional.h
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXCompressible.c
The file was modified test/trueOUT/CutCell_rae2822_RANS_M0p3_Re6p5e6_UniAdapt_Test.hist.TRUE
The file was modified test/TrueMetric/RAE2822_RANS_Subsonic_NoMaxQuad_UniAdapt_TEST_Metric_a01.attach
The file was addedsrc/CompressibleOliver/PXCompressibleUnitUtils.h
The file was addedsrc/CompressibleOliver/PXViscous.h
The file was removedsrc/CompressibleNegSA/PXCompressibleShock_PXU.c
The file was addedsrc/CompressibleOliver/PXSpalartAllmaras.h
The file was addedsrc/CompressibleOliver/PXEulerFlux_PXU.c
The file was removedsrc/CompressibleNegSA/PXCompressibleShock.c
The file was modified test/trueOUT/FlatPlate_RANS_SA2d_DIC_TEST.hist.TRUE
The file was modified test/trueOUT/RAE2822_RANS_Transonic_UniAdapt_TEST.hist.TRUE
The file was removedsrc/CompressibleNegSA/PXEulerFlux.h
The file was removedsrc/CompressibleNegSA/PXSpalartAllmaras.h
The file was addedsrc/CompressibleOliver/PXCompressibleUnitUtils.c
The file was addedsrc/CompressibleOliver/PXCompressibleShock.c
The file was removedsrc/CompressibleNegSA/PXCompressibleStateFunctional.h
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXCompressibleBCs.c
The file was modified src/Makefile
The file was addedsrc/CompressibleOliver/PXCompressibleFunction_PXU.c
The file was addedsrc/CompressibleOliver/PXViscous.c
The file was removedsrc/CompressibleNegSA/PXSpalartAllmaras.c
The file was addedsrc/CompressibleOliver/PXEulerFlux.h
The file was removedsrc/CompressibleNegSA/PXViscous_PXU.c
The file was modified test/TrueMetric/RAE2822_RANS_Subsonic_NoMaxQuad_UniAdapt_TEST_Metric_a00.attach
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXViscous.c
The file was addedsrc/CompressibleOliver/PXCompressibleBCs.c
The file was addedsrc/CompressibleOliver/PXCompressibleStateFunctional_PXU.c
The file was removedsrc/CompressibleNegSA/PXCompressibleFunction_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXCompressible.h
The file was removedsrc/CompressibleNegSA/PXCompressibleBCs.c
The file was addedsrc/CompressibleOliver/PXCompressible.h
The file was addedsrc/CompressibleOliver/PXCompressibleFunction.h
The file was modified test/trueOUT/RAE2822_A28_RANS_M0p3_AA2p31_RE6p5e6_TEST.hist.TRUE
The file was removedsrc/CompressibleNegSA/PXViscous.c
The file was addedsrc/CompressibleOliver/Makefile
The file was removedsrc/CompressibleNegSA/PXCompressibleShock.h
The file was addedsrc/CompressibleOliver/PXCompressibleShock_PXU.c
Commit 00d56436116a4c27ed2bb9a87ee14b5a50452cdc by jkudo
added back some accidental deletions/changes to Compressible library

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10360 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXCompressibleFunction.c
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXCompressibleFunction.h
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXCompressible.c
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXCompressibleFunction_PXU.c
Commit b9490e862b3a2d91d95242c490c31693394de06d by sunhu
3D cut cell volume quadrature has a better control on number of sample points; expect to change regression test results

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10361 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/CutCell3D.make
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXParallelCutCell3d_PXU.cpp
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXCutQuad3d_PXU.cpp
The file was modified include/Grid/PXCutQuad.h
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXCutQuad3d.cpp
The file was modified src/Grid/PXBasis.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXBasis_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXCutQuad.c
The file was modified include/Grid/PXBasis.h
Commit c08b73b552666c8b368908ec03dea215aa22df4a by sunhu
Update truth files

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10362 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified test/TrueMetric/CutCell_football_Euler_M0p3_Adapt_TEST_Metric_a00.attach
The file was modified test/trueOUT/CutCell_bump_Euler_Test.hist.TRUE
The file was modified test/trueOUT/CutCell_football_Euler_M0p3_Adapt_TEST.hist.TRUE
Commit 5af39080d2273cb6a624a898e1931b2ed2048725 by sunhu
Added function to approximate voronoi volume

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10363 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Grid/PXCutQuad.c
The file was modified src/Fundamentals/PXGeometry.c
The file was modified include/Fundamentals/PXGeometry.h
Commit 2b6c95971600d758b47961ece4f2e2050a2d188d by sunhu
Added function to approximate voronoi volume

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10364 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Fundamentals/PXGeometry.c
The file was modified src/Fundamentals/PXGeometry_PXU.c
Commit de7e470c5e7d3b32bebd44f804a494f1658621ea by sunhu
Magic point added and tested

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10365 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified utils/utils.make
The file was modified include/Fundamentals/PXMath.h
The file was modified src/Fundamentals/PXMath.c
The file was modified include/Grid/PXCutQuad.h
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXCutQuad3d.cpp
The file was modified src/Grid/PXCutQuad.c
The file was addedutils/PXTestMagicPoint.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXCutQuad_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/Grid.make
Commit 929794db0e92336e6726129f4214b1764cb38252 by sunhu
cut cell results slightly changed

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10366 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified test/TrueMetric/CutCell_rae2822_RANS_M0p3_Re6p5e6_UniAdapt_TEST_Metric_a00.attach
The file was modified test/trueOUT/CutCell_rae2822_RANS_M0p3_Re6p5e6_TEST.hist.TRUE
The file was modified test/TrueMetric/CutCell_rae2822_RANS_M0p3_Re6p5e6_TEST_Metric_a00.attach
The file was removedtest/TrueMetric/CutCell_rae2822_RANS_M0p3_Re6p5e6_TEST_Metric_a01.attach
The file was modified test/trueOUT/CutCell_rae2822_RANS_M0p3_Re6p5e6_UniAdapt_Test.hist.TRUE
The file was modified test/CutCell_rae2822_RANS_M0p3_Re6p5e6_TEST.job
Commit 57e37973e3efda277dd92175b4758e07baa868e6 by sunhu
Now nbasis in the job files really mean number of basis, which is quad order + 1; expect regression test to slightly change

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10367 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/PXHPAdaptDirect.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXBasis.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXBasis_PXU.c
The file was modified include/GeneralParameters/PXGeneralParameters.h
The file was modified include/Grid/PXCutQuad.h
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXCutCell3d_PXU.cpp
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXCutQuad3d.cpp
The file was modified src/Grid/PXCutQuad_PXU.c
The file was modified src/PXHPAdapt.c
The file was modified include/Grid/PXBasis.h
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/CutCell3D.make
The file was modified src/PXCDAll.c
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXMerge3d_PXU.cpp
The file was modified src/Grid/PXCutQuad.c
Commit 3c5ae54a52ae24d3c221965b7ae551fd2b97a2b0 by sunhu
Forgot to update a unit test

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10368 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXCutCell3d_PXU.cpp
Commit 8a3bbdb86a29dde0ad75fd1b81562dfff6c213dc by sunhu
one more unit test fixed

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10369 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Grid/PXParallelGrid_PXU.c
Commit a41d035bc41914fd3734e365733e0b706f2b6e37 by sunhu
Changed regresstion test results for cut cells, due to revision 10367

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10370 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified test/TrueMetric/CutCell_football_Euler_M0p3_Adapt_TEST_Metric_a00.attach
The file was modified test/trueOUT/CutCell_rae2822_CHT_TEST.hist.TRUE
The file was modified test/TrueMetric/CutCell_rae2822_RANS_M0p3_Re6p5e6_UniAdapt_TEST_Metric_a00.attach
The file was modified test/trueOUT/CutCell_rae2822_RANS_M0p3_Re6p5e6_TEST.hist.TRUE
The file was modified test/trueOUT/CutCell_rae2822_RANS_M0p3_Re6p5e6_UniAdapt_Test.hist.TRUE
The file was modified test/trueOUT/CutCell_bump_Euler_Test.hist.TRUE
The file was modified test/trueOUT/CutCell_football_Euler_M0p3_Adapt_TEST.hist.TRUE
Commit ee12cf69fb97a9b92bcb4fc164e034bf0bfb2f3a by sunhu
Implemented quad rule such that polynomials of a given total degree will be exact

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10371 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Grid/PXCutCellTools2d_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXSubMesh_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXCutCell3dViz_PXU.cpp
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXMerge3d_PXU.cpp
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXCutCell3d_PXU.cpp
The file was modified src/PXHPAdapt.c
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXCutQuad3d.cpp
The file was modified src/Adaptation/PXMetricAdapt2d.c
The file was modified src/PXHPAdaptDirect_PXU.c
The file was modified src/PXHPAdapt_PXU.c
The file was modified include/Grid/PXCutQuad.h
The file was modified src/PXHPAdaptDirect.c
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/CutCell3D.make
The file was modified include/Grid/CutCell3D/PXCutCell3d.h
The file was modified utils/PXCutCell3d.c
The file was modified utils/PXTestCutCellNullElementAdaptation.c
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXParallelCutCell3d_PXU.cpp
The file was modified include/GeneralParameters/PXGeneralParameters.h
The file was modified src/Grid/PXUnitCutGrids.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXCutQuad_PXU.c
The file was modified src/PXCDAll.c
The file was modified include/Grid/CutCell3D/PXCutQuad3d.h
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXCutCell3d.cpp
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXReadWriteCutCell3d_PXU.cpp
The file was modified src/Grid/PXCutQuad.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXParallelGrid_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXCutQuad3d_PXU.cpp
Commit c26e0d0f290ad5e6d39fe8a4b333655796787eda by sunhu
Better control on number of face quadrature points for 3d cut cells; expect regression results to change slightly

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10372 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXCutQuad3d_PXU.cpp
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXCutCell3d_PXU.cpp
The file was modified src/Grid/PXCutQuad.c
The file was modified include/Grid/PXCutQuad.h
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXCutQuad3d.cpp
Commit a55bc6076be1655ff3f4c3c2cba2b9a2a2a61ba2 by sunhu
Update truth files

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10373 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXParallelCutCell3d_PXU.cpp
The file was modified test/trueOUT/CutCell_bump_Euler_Test.hist.TRUE
The file was modified test/CutCell_football_Euler_M0p3_Adapt_TEST.job
The file was modified test/trueOUT/CutCell_football_Euler_M0p3_Adapt_TEST.hist.TRUE
The file was modified src/Grid/PXParallelGrid_PXU.c
The file was modified test/TrueMetric/CutCell_football_Euler_M0p3_Adapt_TEST_Metric_a00.attach
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXCutCell3d_PXU.cpp
Commit f15bef3469d93dcb668e4a908a4f4aed65892156 by sunhu
Changed cut cell quadrature to magic points with a given total-degree polynomial

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10374 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXReadWriteCutCell3d_PXU.cpp
The file was modified utils/utils.make
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXParallelCutCell3d_PXU.cpp
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXCutCell3d_PXU.cpp
The file was modified src/Grid/PXCutQuad_PXU.c
The file was modified configure
The file was modified utils/PXTestMagicPoint.c
The file was modified test/CutCell_bump_Euler_Test.job
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/CutCell3D.make
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXCutQuad3d.cpp
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXCutQuad3d_PXU.cpp
The file was modified src/Fundamentals/PXGeometry.c
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXCutCell3dViz_PXU.cpp
The file was modified test/CutCell_football_Euler_M0p3_Adapt_TEST.job
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXMerge3d_PXU.cpp
The file was modified src/Fundamentals/PXGeometry_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXCutQuad.c
The file was modified include/Grid/PXCutQuad.h
Commit 0f612664a2d25b2786f8e8595f6695b2bd2a6f36 by sunhu
Fix compiler warning

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10375 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified utils/PXTestMagicPoint.c
Commit 2b1307c3dedacf5e219b8b060f03850b4d7f43d0 by sunhu
fixed a unit test by machine precision

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10376 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXParallelCutCell3d_PXU.cpp
Commit 0cfeff05e85065fcf15a1a2efecf58b651cd87d0 by sunhu
Updated 3d cut cell truth file

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10377 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified test/TrueMetric/CutCell_football_Euler_M0p3_Adapt_TEST_Metric_a00.attach
The file was modified test/trueOUT/CutCell_bump_Euler_Test.hist.TRUE
The file was modified test/trueOUT/CutCell_football_Euler_M0p3_Adapt_TEST.hist.TRUE
Commit 3568b523208493e74c19181f0c8c2b1c752b5744 by sunhu
Add an option to use all sample points for quad points

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10378 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Grid/PXCutQuad.c
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXCutQuad3d.cpp
The file was modified include/Grid/PXCutQuad.h
Commit 85ecc438a33a3fb8366cdfae21c9cf6fba8b0127 by sunhu
Forgot to include a bfgrp for drag for bump case

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10379 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified test/trueOUT/CutCell_bump_Euler_Test.hist.TRUE
The file was modified test/FuncFile/CutCell_bump_Euler.func
Commit 0824a58839c1573505b7d0431cd87bb97ea272cb by sunhu
Now 3d bounding box calculation does not need to compute any planar coordinate

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10380 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXBasicGeometry.cpp
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXBoundingBox3d_PXU.cpp
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXBoundingBox3d.cpp
Commit a4593b118a37b36bf6a2de257381e73d44048bc3 by sunhu
truth file slightly changed

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10381 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified test/trueOUT/CutCell_bump_Euler_Test.hist.TRUE
The file was modified test/trueOUT/CutCell_football_Euler_M0p3_Adapt_TEST.hist.TRUE
Commit b65dce1c65f5909c1383f5efac76c75cd4b2ce74 by sunhu
Changed madcap input script so that we can take in vertex based metric and q3 geometry

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10382 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified include/Fundamentals/PX.h
The file was modified include/GeneralParameters/PXAdaptationParameters.h
The file was modified src/Adaptation/PXWriteMesherFiles.c
The file was modified test/CutCell_football_Euler_M0p3_Adapt_TEST.job
The file was modified src/Fundamentals/PX.c
The file was modified src/PXAdapt.c
The file was modified src/Adaptation/PXMetricAdapt3d.c
Commit 1319ef98a22a443c93a4d3da8874dc22e9c5eaf2 by sunhu
Changed madcap input script so that we can take in vertex based metric and q3 geometry

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10383 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified include/PXWriteMesherFiles.h
Commit d735520d217c90e17c4a49e90fe294e2300c4072 by jkudo
Fixed utils.make to allow proper compiling

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10384 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified utils/utils.make
Commit 696cedc10332546726a2f3c93b835362564a3885 by sunhu
fix compiler warning

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10385 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified include/PXWriteMesherFiles.h
Commit 0f49bf899f8169c7e79d31121eed255fc4da5310 by sunhu
Changed truth file because madcap changed

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10386 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified test/trueOUT/CutCell_football_Euler_M0p3_Adapt_TEST.hist.TRUE
Commit 148c7c3ae312d6d8da75607675b069e6a3118856 by sunhu
a hack to save all .bnmetric files

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10387 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Adaptation/PXWriteMesherFiles.c
Commit 30ee0af32b06a7c7cda4f30beb7915d517a287b9 by sunhu
fixed a small bug in readeb3 when there are multiple fgrp

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10388 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Grid/PXReadWriteGrid.c
Commit 2853dd7ebfb4dc4edc7bf9de93d8f0d00de1e13d by sunhu
fixed a small thing in parallel cut

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10389 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXParallelCutCell3d.cpp
Commit 137f481d8e7487bfbdc82d33ddc803cab009b220 by sunhu
Geometric adapt doesn't work with madcap

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10390 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/PXAdapt.c
Commit 97c64a94cd6ce7efc01bf634aefd3839cf7cbb58 by sunhu
Can now write 3d cut cell visualization to matlab format

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10391 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified include/Grid/CutCell3D/PXCutCell3dViz.h
The file was modified utils/PXAdaptVizGrid.c
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXCutCell3dViz.cpp
Commit b667439470c4e6b37f4556d9c1755aabdbaba0fd by sunhu
no change

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10392 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXCutCell3dViz_PXU.cpp
Commit 652645935587c00184b58abdd5a1304af3f49e4f by sunhu
Fixed a very small bug in viz 3d cut cells

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10393 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXCutCell3dViz.cpp
The file was modified utils/PXAdaptVizGrid.c
Commit 9432a1a07c6b5b8d0608822dd6f4a18c7a87fd5d by smojeda
Convergence rate script updated with more robustness

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10394 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified utils/PXConvTest.csh
Commit 7cea798b822fd5a9928a8d21e599773d2a7212eb by smojeda
Convergence rate script updated with more robustness

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10395 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified utils/PXConvTest.csh
Commit a4f0dbaeae21e60be0eaee7a0113247dfa4d9acd by sunhu
dummy commit

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10396 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/PXRunSolver.c
Commit ef7e48e6cd62f765c6fa33c84db5e27ea9e81010 by sunhu
test acdl machine

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10397 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/PXRunSolver.c
Commit 71d828eb9c8a3227bffee66690bb6536ddd574b0 by jkudo
modification to allow for ViscEtaParameter = 0

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10398 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/PXAuxVariable.c
Commit 83952652af375b234d146efa2966f1a71f9c772d by jkudo
Added Average option for Inviscid flux type (averages left and right fluxes)

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10399 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXEulerFlux.c
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXEulerFlux_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXCompressible.h
Commit a1413b8248b419e2f730041b5823e6575012288e by pcaplan
Added .ursa file format (exports .gri with nodal metric)

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10400 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Grid/PXReadWriteGrid.c
The file was modified include/Grid/PXReadWriteGrid.h
The file was modified src/Adaptation/PXWriteMesherFiles.c
Commit debc1c69236d20f88922e5bdc0689b5b0025952e by allmaras
fixed artificial viscosity jacobian bug in PXCalculateArtificialA_uv; this affects
the option ShockViscosityMatrix = ConstStagEnthalpyq

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10401 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/CompressibleOliver/PXViscous_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXViscous.c
The file was modified src/CompressibleHeatConj/PXViscous_PXU.c
The file was modified src/CompressibleOliver/PXViscous.c
The file was modified src/CompressibleHeatConj/PXViscous.c
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXViscous_PXU.c
Commit 5bf5f84881e9bc85689031fc09769601af6ef7e5 by allmaras
rearranged setup/destroy calls to avoid uninitialized variable compiler warnings for
setup calls that are done before order is assigned

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10402 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/PXResidual_PXU.c
Commit 881f94e1a667f9173062714b164cc1c3324abf11 by allmaras
fixed jacobian evaluation for artificial viscosity terms in routines
PXElementGalerkinPrimalResidual and PXIFacePrimalJumpResidual; suspect
code fragments have been commented out via '#if 0'; added unit tests
for both routines

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10403 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/PXResidual_PXU.c
The file was modified src/PXResidual.c
Commit 395989fa7823e69e0463e3ceca53558c94ab52d5 by allmaras
eliminated extra factor of U[0] in jacobian d(Dtil)/d(UX) in routine DtilSA;
added unit tests to identify the error

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10404 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/CompressibleHeatConj/PXSpalartAllmaras.c
The file was modified src/CompressibleOliver/PXSpalartAllmaras_PXU.c
The file was modified src/CompressibleHeatConj/PXSpalartAllmaras_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXSpalartAllmaras_PXU.c
The file was modified src/CompressibleOliver/PXSpalartAllmaras.c
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXSpalartAllmaras.c
Commit 1cee0bd1e019a781d7fcb5dddeb0b5a75e730977 by jkudo
dummy commit

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10405 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/PXAdapt.c
Commit 607aadf9a90d26347182f90a07341e3c9aba7246 by allmaras
resolved bugs in shock switch jacobian (S_U); PXElementGalerkinPrimalResidual was
previously correct, so removed '#if 0' placed around suspect linearization code
(r10403); PXIFacePrimalJumpResidual was previously correct for diffusion operator,
so removed '#if 0' placed around linearization code (r10403); moved linearization
for shock switch in dual consistency term prior to point in code where basis function
gradient (phix) is overwritten with lifting operator.

added unit tests in PXResidual_PXU.c for ping tests of artificial viscosity.

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10406 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/PXResidual.c
The file was modified src/PXResidual_PXU.c
Commit 5fbed02cfb30bb18ea7e6f060d77e173c499cba7 by allmaras
added new truth file for diamond airfoil case with Indicator-based artificial
viscosity; new file is consistent with bug fixes in linearization of shock
switch (r10405)

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10407 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified test/trueOUT/diamond_Euler2d_Shock_TEST.hist.TRUE
Commit 8c91e862837c4878c8e900442b5bee0e1e67aa73 by allmaras
removed ping tests from Test_PXIFacePrimalJumpResidual_CalcAnsTerm, since formulation
of PXPingIFacePrimalJumpResidual will not properly linearize shock switch; loosened
bounds on convergence rate tests in PXPingPrimalJumpResidual

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10408 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/PXResidual_PXU.c
Commit 4dbbc1e2ca2469e7853d513a083377f973a201c4 by jkudo
Modification to madcap script generation to perform Q3 mesh generation and two passes of refinement for cells that fail to deform

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10409 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Adaptation/PXWriteMesherFiles.c
Commit 845e7ca917d8904655fd885ec6bc056a5d925df2 by pcaplan
Tool for generating 4-digit naca airfoil gri/ebg

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10410 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was addedutils/PXGenNacaMesh.c
The file was modified utils/utils.make
Commit aceb0a1f6efdf9abc98992221a954f65d19727ad by pcaplan
Forgot to link the math library for gcc on linux

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10411 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified utils/utils.make
Commit fca52685eed4360e5d26c3d62fb7ee7a941636b2 by pcaplan
PXGenNacaMesh now calls PXMeshElasticity for curving and tried to eliminate unknown compiler warnings caught by the nightly build

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10412 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified utils/PXGenNacaMesh.c
The file was modified utils/utils.make
Commit 6d24a94f13f097e93030055c15f99ced381d002e by pcaplan
Fixed unknown compiler warning for build test

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10413 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified utils/utils.make
Commit 9402a5eee326f66af71f3d5ae60a582846fc6ef9 by pcaplan
git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10414 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was removedbamg.tar
Commit 85829870df6dcc6fa691b6fc588350441c0f41b8 by allmaras
removed CGNS dependency from build; source code relating to CGNS is ifdef'ed
and makefiles modified so that CGNS can be optionally incorporated using the
flag CGNS=true in PX_ARCH; note that configure not currently written to include
this option in its output PX_ARCH file (this will happen soon)

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10415 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/PXCDAll_PXU.c
The file was addedsrc/CompressibleOliver/PXCompressibleCGNS.h
The file was addedsrc/CompressibleHeatConj/PXCompressibleCGNS.c
The file was modified src/CompressibleOliver/PXCompressible.c
The file was modified include/PXEquationSetEntryStruct.h
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXCompressible.c
The file was modified src/LinearizedEuler/PXLinearizedEuler.c
The file was modified src/ScalarConvDiff/PXScalarConvDiff.c
The file was modified src/CompressibleHeatConj/PXCompressibleHeatConj.c
The file was modified src/PXCDAll.c
The file was modified src/CauchyRiemann/PXCauchyRiemann.c
The file was addedsrc/Compressible/PXCompressibleCGNS.c
The file was addedsrc/Compressible/PXCompressibleCGNS.h
The file was modified src/CompressibleSpaceTime/PXCompressibleSpaceTime.c
The file was modified src/MultiComponentConvDiff/PXMultiComponentConvDiff.c
The file was modified utils/utils.make
The file was modified src/CompressibleHeatConj/PXCompressible.c
The file was modified src/UnitEquationSet/PXUnitEquationSet.c
The file was modified src/NewCompressible/PXCompressible.c
The file was modified src/src.make
The file was modified src/NonEquilibrium/PXNonEquilibrium.c
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/CutCell3D.make
The file was modified utils/PXConvert.c
The file was modified src/PXCGNS.c
The file was modified include/PXCGNS.h
The file was addedsrc/CompressibleOliver/PXCompressibleCGNS.c
The file was modified src/WaveSpaceTime/PXWaveSpaceTime.c
The file was modified src/PXEquationSet.c
The file was modified src/MultiComponentConvDiffConj/PXMultiComponentConvDiffConj.c
Commit e93d2fbbe00ab3ad19d2c45ff72456c9ff3d591f by jkudo
transfer repository to jkudo

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10416 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified utils/
Commit fb2c57cf0a7f3e98171b03feffeec995e66bd410 by jkudo
dummy commit

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10417 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/PXHPAdaptDirect.c
Commit 1eb968b3762470ca239f309578b0890257ad0292 by pcaplan
UMFPACK double-long routines (dl) are called in case 64-bit library is used

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10418 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/LinearSolver/PXUMFPACK.c
The file was modified src/LinearSolver/PXUMFPACK_PXU.c
The file was modified src/LinearSolver/PXLinearSolverStruct.h
Commit b9227bf93206a5182ed6a0429150dd40355e2267 by allmaras
missed some CGNS related makefile mods

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10419 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/CompressibleOliver/CompressibleOliver.make
The file was modified src/Compressible/Compressible.make
Commit 6a84a036cbba181578e3f1b881b646256cb6abd5 by allmaras
dummy commit

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10420 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/src.make
Commit 6d8cca6c805015f3cefe5b62fb82655de3a87d74 by jkudo
dummy commit

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10421 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXCompressible.c
Commit 4c0ca3e9dddd82fb8d2f10664461563c6ce53111 by allmaras
dummy commit

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10422 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXCompressible.c
Commit 713d830f882da36eb0b85e25ddc9a7918c5f0609 by allmaras
dummy commit

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10423 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXCompressible.c
Commit 5472a11a281b0811df813700c7a1a48fa094a598 by jkudo
Changes to fix regression tests (using 'hacked' bamg) and to fix increased compiler warning failure

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10424 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified test/TrueMetric/CutCell_rae2822_RANS_M0p3_Re6p5e6_UniAdapt_TEST_Metric_a00.attach
The file was modified test/TrueMetric/PoissonLshape_CutCell_Adapt_TEST_Metric_a03.attach
The file was modified test/trueOUT/RAE2822_RANS_Subsonic_NoMaxQuad_UniAdapt_TEST.hist.TRUE
The file was modified test/TrueMetric/PoissonLshape_CutCell_Adapt_TEST_Metric_a02.attach
The file was modified test/TrueMetric/PoissonLshape_CutCell_Adapt_TEST_Metric_a00.attach
The file was modified test/TrueMetric/RAE2822_RANS_Transonic_UniAdapt_TEST_Metric_a01.attach
The file was modified test/trueOUT/poissonLshape_TEST.hist.TRUE
The file was modified test/TrueMetric/Scalar2d_Adapt_TEST_Metric_a01.attach
The file was modified test/trueOUT/Scalar2d_UniAdapt_Unsteady1_TEST.hist.TRUE
The file was modified test/TrueMetric/Scalar2d_CircleBoundaryLayer_Adapt_TEST_Metric_a00.attach
The file was modified test/TrueMetric/RAE2822_RANS_Subsonic_UniAdapt_TEST_Metric_a00.attach
The file was modified test/TrueMetric/Scalar2d_Adapt_TEST_Metric_a03.attach
The file was modified test/TrueMetric/naca_Euler2d_CurvedAdapt_TEST_Metric_a01.attach
The file was modified test/trueOUT/RAE2822_RANS_Subsonic_UniAdapt_TEST.hist.TRUE
The file was modified test/trueOUT/CutCell_Circle_Interface_Scalar2d.hist.TRUE
The file was modified test/trueOUT/Scalar2d_UniAdapt_TEST.hist.TRUE
The file was modified test/TrueMetric/RAE2822_RANS_Subsonic_NoMaxQuad_UniAdapt_TEST_Metric_a00.attach
The file was modified test/TrueMetric/naca_Euler2d_CurvedAdapt_TEST_Metric_a00.attach
The file was modified test/TrueMetric/RAE2822_RANS_Subsonic_UniAdapt_TEST_Metric_a01.attach
The file was modified test/TrueMetric/Scalar2d_UniAdapt_TEST_Metric_a00.attach
The file was modified test/TrueMetric/diamond_Euler2d_UniAdapt_TEST_Metric_a01.attach
The file was modified test/TrueMetric/naca_Euler2d_Adapt_TEST_Metric_a01.attach
The file was modified test/TrueMetric/CutCell_Circle_Interface_Scalar2d_UniAdapt_Metric_a00.attach
The file was modified test/TrueMetric/Scalar2d_Adapt_TEST_Metric_a04.attach
The file was modified test/TrueMetric/Scalar2d_UniAdapt_TEST_Metric_a01.attach
The file was modified test/trueOUT/CutCell_rae2822_Euler_M0p2_TEST.hist.TRUE
The file was modified test/trueOUT/Scalar2d_UniAdapt_Unsteady2_TEST.hist.TRUE
The file was modified test/trueOUT/CutCell_football_Euler_M0p3_Adapt_TEST.hist.TRUE
The file was modified test/TrueMetric/CutCell_rae2822_Euler_M0p2_TEST_Metric_a01.attach
The file was modified test/trueOUT/naca_Euler2d_CurvedAdapt_TEST.hist.TRUE
The file was modified test/naca_Euler2d_Adapt_TEST.job
The file was modified test/TrueMetric/Scalar2d_Adapt_TEST_Metric_a02.attach
The file was modified test/TrueMetric/Scalar2d_UniAdapt_TEST_Metric_a03.attach
The file was modified test/trueOUT/CutCell_rae2822_RANS_M0p3_Re6p5e6_UniAdapt_Test.hist.TRUE
The file was modified test/TrueMetric/Scalar2d_Adapt_TEST_Metric_a00.attach
The file was modified test/trueOUT/PoissonLshape_CutCell_Adapt_TEST.hist.TRUE
The file was modified test/TrueMetric/CutCell_Circle_Interface_Scalar2d_UniAdapt_Metric_a01.attach
The file was modified test/trueOUT/naca_NavierStokes2d_UniAdapt_TEST.hist.TRUE
The file was modified test/TrueMetric/naca_NavierStokes2d_UniAdapt_TEST_Metric_a01.attach
The file was modified test/TrueMetric/naca_NavierStokes2d_UniAdapt_TEST_Metric_a00.attach
The file was modified test/TrueMetric/PoissonLshape_CutCell_Adapt_TEST_Metric_a04.attach
The file was modified test/TrueMetric/RAE2822_RANS_Subsonic_NoMaxQuad_UniAdapt_TEST_Metric_a01.attach
The file was modified test/runTests.csh
The file was modified test/trueOUT/RAE2822_RANS_Transonic_UniAdapt_TEST.hist.TRUE
The file was modified test/TrueMetric/Scalar2d_UniAdapt_TEST_Metric_a04.attach
The file was modified test/trueOUT/Scalar2d_Adapt_TEST.hist.TRUE
The file was modified test/trueOUT/naca_Euler2d_Adapt_TEST.hist.TRUE
The file was modified test/TrueMetric/RAE2822_RANS_Transonic_UniAdapt_TEST_Metric_a00.attach
The file was modified test/trueOUT/Scalar2d_CircleBoundaryLayer_Adapt_TEST.hist.TRUE
The file was modified test/TrueMetric/PoissonLshape_CutCell_Adapt_TEST_Metric_a01.attach
The file was modified test/TrueMetric/CutCell_rae2822_Euler_M0p2_TEST_Metric_a00.attach
The file was modified test/trueOUT/naca_Euler2d_UniAdapt_TEST.hist.TRUE
The file was modified test/TrueMetric/Scalar2d_UniAdapt_TEST_Metric_a02.attach
The file was modified test/trueOUT/diamond_Euler2d_UniAdapt_TEST.hist.TRUE
The file was modified test/trueOUT/CutCell_rae2822_RANS_M0p3_Re6p5e6_TEST.hist.TRUE
The file was modified test/TrueMetric/naca_Euler2d_Adapt_TEST_Metric_a00.attach
The file was modified test/TrueMetric/CutCell_rae2822_RANS_M0p3_Re6p5e6_TEST_Metric_a00.attach
The file was modified test/TrueMetric/Scalar2d_CircleBoundaryLayer_Adapt_TEST_Metric_a01.attach
The file was modified test/trueOUT/CutCell_Interface_StarShape_Jump_TEST.hist.TRUE
Commit 03bed0acb930d6ceaed6033b5763b7cc848d82a4 by jkudo
Changes to fix regression tests (using 'hacked' bamg) and to fix increased compiler warning failure (missed a file)

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10425 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/PXResidual.c
Commit 170dee6ea4c3fda5a48f35648bebe2809fca0996 by jkudo
Modification to to compile bamg128 instead of bamg

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10426 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified utils/
Commit da1424efc617ee2db824cee18db51fa89e478ad7 by jkudo
Modification to adding current directory to /usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/games:/usr/games:/home/jkudo/Programs/MATLAB/R2013a/bin:.

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10427 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified utils/
Commit ace8b4c91030888c15e594eaa486372bb127cf9f by pcaplan
Added LD_LIBRARY_PATH=. for ContinuousIntegration

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10428 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified utils/
Commit cdcb85b4466b652957920dcf3071f9d454b9ec72 by pcaplan
Added LD_LIBRARY_PATH=. for ContinuousIntegration -- attempt2

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10429 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified utils/
Commit 01fd3324da0b3ffe895b3274dc2087c3d03cf8de by pcaplan
Testing ifdef __cplusplus for building -- may not work

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10430 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXCutCell3d.cpp
Commit a831f837f89e85985cad4b02c05da6b1a245c323 by pcaplan
Testing library order (PXGrid before PXCutCell3d)

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10431 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/src.make
Commit 365b50ade24899a3f9bbb4c6590172320278e66a by pcaplan
Trying to eliminate cyclic dependency of CutCell3D and Grid

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10432 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/src.make
Commit e35193295960f8bb807eac988dbf87a50fb781cd by pcaplan
added environment variable for bamg HOSTTYPE

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10433 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified utils/
Commit 4af3b650e216c9702f1d78b471c8f4b96bdf9ebe by pcaplan
dummy commit

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10434 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified utils/
Commit 13b517b07186182080b54436b68d7e4222b8807a by pcaplan
undo HOSTTYPE try because Jun knows what to do...

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10435 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified utils/
Commit f70aa2fe1e39f238a448fbee16e609d28494cb17 by pcaplan
Added CGNS option to configure (always true for now)

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10436 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified configure
Commit e35758288e97b066ff16a158c1a07149efbc9c4a by pcaplan
CGNS default = false

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10437 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified configure
Commit c0673c7c72ad18ab02999d00ce22c53e6e0de7b3 by jkudo
final change to

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10438 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified utils/
Commit 4c0de9017e4d950c4155873775978aec509c8c22 by jkudo
added adaptation history print out (.adapthist)

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10439 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified include/PXLog.h
The file was modified src/PXErrEst.c
The file was modified src/PXLog.c
The file was modified src/PXRunSolver.c
Commit 6f5aee680ce9dcb83c6a3478293ec2afec061092 by jkudo
fixing previous commit

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10440 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified include/PXLog.h
Commit cee14c357b2e9127ab4ef9618ef4701138cbe157 by jkudo
rolling back previous two commits... something broke and not sure what

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10441 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/PXLog.c
The file was modified src/PXRunSolver.c
The file was modified src/PXErrEst.c
The file was modified include/PXLog.h
Commit e14bd1cbf0a50f52e71a4dab08436cac3269ad43 by pcaplan
Accepted platform configuration files

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10442 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was addedplatforms/linux64p/
The file was removedplatforms/MacIntel64/
The file was removedplatforms/Libraries/
The file was removedplatforms/RedHat64/README
The file was addedplatforms/linux64s/
The file was removedplatforms/Libraries/README
The file was removedplatforms/Ubuntu64/README
The file was removedplatforms/MacIntel32/README
The file was removedplatforms/MacIntel64/
The file was removedplatforms/MacIntel64/README
The file was addedplatforms/darwin64s/
Commit 7ad351d44aaf7826c4e3a10525a0efc24ae52bcb by pcaplan
New configuration/makefile system with accepted configurations for architectures. This build will FAIL until I fix some things in Documentation coming soon...

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10443 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was removedcgns/COMMENTS
The file was modified src/LinearSolver/LinearSolver.make
The file was modified utils/Makefile
The file was removedexamples/rae2822_cutcell_EXAMPLE.job
The file was modified src/CompressibleHeatConj/Makefile
The file was modified src/NonEquilibrium/Makefile
The file was removedexamples/machines
The file was modified src/Reference/Reference.make
The file was modified src/LinearSolver/Makefile
The file was modified src/Adaptation/Adaptation.make
The file was modified src/WaveSpaceTime/WaveSpaceTime.make
The file was addedutils/oldconfigure
The file was modified src/CompressibleSpaceTime/CompressibleSpaceTime.make
The file was modified src/src.make
The file was removedexamples/naca_EXAMPLE.job
The file was modified src/Grid/Grid.make
The file was modified src/Test/Test.make
The file was addedshare/bamg128.tar
The file was modified src/CompressibleSpaceTime/Makefile
The file was modified src/NewCompressible/NewCompressible.make
The file was modified src/CompressibleOliver/Makefile
The file was modified src/CompressibleOliver/CompressibleOliver.make
The file was modified src/LinearizedEuler/Makefile
The file was modified src/LinearizedEuler/LinearizedEuler.make
The file was removedcgns/cgnstools-2-5-4.tar.gz
The file was addedshare/cgns/cgnstools-2-5-4.tar.gz
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/CutCell3D.make
The file was modified
The file was modified configure
The file was modified src/Adaptation/Makefile
The file was removedcgns/cgnslib_2.5-4.tar.gz
The file was addedshare/cgns/COMMENTS
The file was modified src/NewCompressible/Makefile
The file was modified Makefile
The file was removedbamg128.tar
The file was modified src/MultiComponentConvDiff/MultiComponentConvDiff.make
The file was modified src/NonEquilibrium/NonEquilibrium.make
The file was modified utils/
The file was addedutils/storerevision.csh
The file was modified src/Fundamentals/Makefile
The file was modified src/MultiComponentConvDiff/Makefile
The file was modified src/UnitEquationSet/UnitEquationSet.make
The file was modified src/WaveSpaceTime/Makefile
The file was modified src/MultiComponentConvDiffConj/Makefile
The file was modified src/ScalarConvDiff/Makefile
The file was modified src/Compressible/Compressible.make
The file was modified src/UnitEquationSet/Makefile
The file was modified src/Reference/Makefile
The file was addedshare/cgns/cgnslib_2.5-4.tar.gz
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/Makefile
The file was modified src/Makefile
The file was modified src/Fundamentals/Fundamentals.make
The file was modified src/Compressible/Makefile
The file was modified src/Test/Makefile
The file was removedstorerevision.csh
The file was modified utils/utils.make
The file was modified src/CauchyRiemann/CauchyRiemann.make
The file was modified src/CauchyRiemann/Makefile
The file was modified src/Grid/Makefile
The file was modified src/ScalarConvDiff/ScalarConvDiff.make
The file was modified src/MultiComponentConvDiffConj/MultiComponentConvDiffConj.make
The file was modified src/CompressibleHeatConj/CompressibleHeatConj.make
Commit c91f296e902a04844acc3990652b8d19db0ad84d by pcaplan
For some reason the external libraries weren't added

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10444 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was addedshare/libcgns_linux32.a
The file was addedshare/libVisual3_linux64ifort.a
The file was addedshare/libVisual3_darwin32.a
The file was addedshare/libVisual3_linux32.a
The file was addedshare/libVisual3_darwin64.a
The file was addedshare/libVisual3_linux32gfort.a
The file was addedshare/libcgns_linux64.a
The file was addedshare/libVisual3_linux64gfort.a
The file was addedshare/libcgns_darwin64.a
The file was addedshare/libVisual3_linux64.a
Commit 5938713be1d3b6531e6c3b13bb78e1b13dbf2c70 by pcaplan
Documentation on how to configure and build

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10445 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was addedman/Building/Makefile
The file was addedman/Building/building.tex
Commit 1a5dcc55a32f513406573ac035b15c97616750ae by pcaplan
Commented PXGenNacaMesh and started meshing documentation in man/Meshing

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10446 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was addedman/Meshing/Makefile
The file was addedman/Meshing/meshing.tex
The file was modified utils/PXGenNacaMesh.c
The file was modified utils/utils.make
Commit 43ac66411a12109aeb27ef385dacbc9bfcb42be9 by pcaplan
git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10447 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified utils/
Commit 383d560ea685841874582857b55d0c178466264a by jkudo
Modifcations to and regression testing to work with new makefile system

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10448 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified test/jobTest.csh
The file was modified utils/
The file was modified test/regenerate.csh
The file was modified test/regenerate_parallel.csh
The file was modified test/jobTest_parallel.csh
Commit 6f29977e267d294b5ce597529139e41d308123a4 by jkudo
Trying again -

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10449 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified utils/
Commit 09bf3f747b4a77b43112a9d2c5944f598ecd02a1 by pcaplan
Modification to PX execute scripts allowing for /bin locations

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10450 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified utils/ProjectX
The file was modified utils/ProjectXParallel
Commit f5846dbe91316bd70d41b6323da8d3f24eeaddb7 by pcaplan
Known configuration file for parallel build on Mac + documented

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10451 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified man/Building/building.tex
The file was addedplatforms/darwin64p/
Commit b5e8bef9adba81112663e95a17f91fb54c0ffde1 by smojeda
new Job/Knob system

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10452 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified test/Scalar2d_UniAdapt_Unsteady2_TEST.job
The file was addedtest/square_Scalar2d_GMRES_ILU_TEST.knob
The file was modified test/CutCell_Circle_Interface_Scalar2d_UniAdapt_Test.job
The file was modified test/naca_Euler2d_Newton_ILUT_PARALLEL_TEST.job
The file was modified test/SSBJ_M2p4_AA2p946_Euler_WEEKLY_TEST.job
The file was modified test/poissonLshape_TEST.job
The file was addedtest/poissonLshape_TEST.knob
The file was modified test/CutCell_bump_Euler_Test.job
The file was addedtest/diamond_InviscidNonEquilibrium2d_Shock_Matches_Compressible_TEST.knob
The file was modified test/Scalar2d_CircleBoundaryLayer_TEST.job
The file was addedtest/naca_Euler2d_Newton_Jacobi_TEST.knob
The file was addedtest/ConvectingVortex_Euler2d_BDF2_TEST.knob
The file was modified test/naca_InviscidNE2d_PerfectGas_TEST.job
The file was modified test/CutCell_rae2822_RANS_M0p3_Re6p5e6_WEEKLY_TEST.job
The file was modified test/FlatPlate_RANS_SA2d_DIC_TEST.job
The file was modified test/naca_Euler2d_Newton_UMFPACK_TEST.job
The file was addedtest/Ellipse_RANS_SA2d_Re2e6_ADC_WEEKLY_TEST.knob
The file was modified test/naca_NavierStokes2d_Newton_GMRES_ILU_TEST.job
The file was modified test/naca_Euler2d_Newton_ILU_MG_TEST.job
The file was modified test/hemisphere_Euler3d_Adapt_TEST.job
The file was addedtest/ScalarSin3d_HDG_BDDC_ILUK_MG_TEST.knob
The file was modified test/CutCell_rae2822_NS_M0p3_Re1p0e3_FluxCoeff_TEST.job
The file was addedtest/hemisphere_Euler3d_Adapt_TEST.knob
The file was modified test/naca_Euler2d_UniAdapt_TEST.job
The file was modified test/naca_ViscousNE2d_PerfectGas_Matches_Compressible_TEST.job
The file was addedtest/naca_Euler2d_Newton_ILUK_PARALLEL_TEST.knob
The file was addedtest/naca_NavierStokes2d_M0p5_AA10p0_WEEKLY_TEST.knob
The file was addedtest/make_naca_NavierStokes2d_TEST.knob
The file was addedtest/naca_Euler2d_Newton_Jacobi_Right_TEST.knob
The file was addedtest/2d_Periodic_TEST2.knob
The file was modified test/channel_NavierStokes3d_TEST.job
The file was addedtest/CutCell_Circle_Interface_Scalar2d_UniAdapt_Test.knob
The file was modified test/RAE2822_RANS_Transonic_UniAdapt_TEST.job
The file was modified test/naca_ViscousNE2d_PerfectGas_TEST.job
The file was addedtest/naca_NavierStokes2d_UniAdapt_TEST.knob
The file was addedtest/CutCell_football_Euler_M0p3_Adapt_TEST.knob
The file was modified include/Fundamentals/PXParameter.h
The file was addedtest/ConvectingVortex_Euler2d_Trap2_TEST.knob
The file was addedtest/ScalarSin3d_HDG_BDDC_UMFPACK_TEST.knob
The file was addedtest/ConvectingVortex2_Adapt_TEST.knob
The file was modified test/Scalar2d_CircleBoundaryLayer_Adapt_TEST.job
The file was addedtest/line_Scalar1d_Poly.knob
The file was addedtest/naca_Euler2d_Newton_UMFPACK_PARALLEL_TEST.knob
The file was addedtest/CutCell_rae2822_NS_M0p3_Re1p0e3_Flux_TEST.knob
The file was addedtest/naca_Euler2d_LeanJacobi_PARALLEL_TEST.knob
The file was addedtest/naca_Euler2d_Newton_ILU_TEST.knob
The file was modified test/diamond_Euler2d_PDEShock_TEST.job
The file was modified test/ONERAM6_Euler_M0p8395_AA3p06_WEEKLY_TEST.job
The file was modified test/ConvectingVortex_Euler2d_IRK4_TEST.job
The file was modified test/CutCell_Interface_StarShape_Jump_TEST.job
The file was modified test/diamond_InviscidNonEquilibrium2d_Shock_Matches_Compressible_TEST.job
The file was addedtest/2d_Periodic_TEST1.knob
The file was addedtest/box_Euler2d_TEST.knob
The file was addedtest/naca_Euler2d_Newton_ILUK_ASM_MG_PARALLEL_TEST.knob
The file was addedtest/naca_Euler2d_Newton_ILUK_ASM_PARALLEL_TEST.knob
The file was modified test/CutCell_rae2822_NS_M0p3_Re1p0e3_Hybrid_TEST.job
The file was modified test/naca_Euler2d_Newton_ILU_PARALLEL_TEST.job
The file was addedtest/bumpQ2_Euler3d_Jacobi_TEST.knob
The file was modified test/CutCell_rae2822_NS_M0p3_Re1p0e3_Gradient_TEST.job
The file was addedtest/CutCell_rae2822_RANS_M0p3_Re6p5e6_UniAdapt_Test.knob
The file was modified test/channel_NavierStokes3d_exact_TEST.job
The file was addedtest/bump_Euler3d_GMRES_TEST.knob
The file was modified test/naca_Euler2d_Newton_Jacobi_Right_TEST.job
The file was modified test/FlatPlate_RANS_SA2d_DC_TEST.job
The file was addedtest/RAE2822_RANS_Transonic_UniAdapt_TEST.knob
The file was addedtest/ONERAM6_Euler_M0p8395_AA3p06_WEEKLY_TEST.knob
The file was addedtest/naca_InviscidNE2d_PerfectGas_HDG_TEST.knob
The file was modified test/FlatPlate_RANS_SA2d_ADC_TEST.job
The file was addedtest/FlatPlate_RANS_SA2d_DIC_TEST.knob
The file was addedtest/line_Scalar1d_SinCos.knob
The file was modified test/naca_Euler2d_Newton_ILUK_TEST.job
The file was addedtest/naca_Euler2d_Newton_ILUT_TEST.knob
The file was modified test/ScalarBoundaryLayer_HDG.job
The file was modified test/naca_NavierStokes2d_AuxVariable_FluxCoeff_TEST.job
The file was addedtest/AdDiffBL2_TEST.knob
The file was modified test/CutCell_rae2822_NS_M0p3_Re1p0e3_Flux_TEST.job
The file was addedtest/CutCell_bump_Euler_Test.knob
The file was addedtest/naca_Euler2d_Newton_Jacobi_LinearMG_Right_TEST.knob
The file was modified test/diamond_InviscidNonEquilibrium2d_Shock_TEST.job
The file was addedtest/Scalar2d_UniAdapt_Unsteady1_TEST.knob
The file was addedtest/naca_Euler2d_CurvedAdapt_TEST.knob
The file was modified test/bumpQ2_Euler3d_Jacobi_TEST.job
The file was modified test/diamond_Euler2d_UniAdapt_TEST.job
The file was modified test/square_Scalar2d_GMRES_Jacobi_TEST.job
The file was addedtest/Scalar2d_UniAdapt_Unsteady2_TEST.knob
The file was modified test/3d_Periodic_P2_TEST.job
The file was modified test/naca_Euler2d_Newton_ILUK_PARALLEL_TEST.job
The file was modified test/naca_ViscousNE2d_PerfectGas_HDG_TEST.job
The file was addedtest/CutCell_rae2822_NS_M0p3_Re1p0e3_FluxCoeff_TEST.knob
The file was modified test/make_naca_NavierStokes2d_TEST.job
The file was modified test/Sphere_Q23D_TEST.job
The file was modified src/PXInit.c
The file was addedtest/square_Scalar2d_GMRES_Jacobi_TEST.knob
The file was modified test/Scalar2d_Adapt_TEST.job
The file was modified test/naca_NavierStokes2d_Newton_GMRES_ILUT_TEST.job
The file was modified test/MixedMesh_Scalar2d_Newton_GMRES_Jacobi_TEST.job
The file was modified test/CutCell_rae2822_RANS_M0p3_Re6p5e6_TEST.job
The file was modified test/PoissonLshape_CutCell_Adapt_TEST.job
The file was addedtest/naca_InviscidNE2d_PerfectGas_TEST.knob
The file was addedtest/ConvectingVortex2_UniAdapt_TEST.knob
The file was modified test/ScalarSin3d_HDG_BDDC_UMFPACK_TEST.job
The file was modified test/BoundaryLayer_NS3D_TEST.job
The file was addedtest/naca_ViscousNE2d_PerfectGas_TEST.knob
The file was modified test/make_naca_Euler2d_TEST.job
The file was modified test/CutCell_rae2822_Euler_M0p2_TEST.job
The file was modified test/naca_Euler2d_Newton_ILUT_TEST.job
The file was modified test/MixedMesh_Scalar2d_Direct_TEST.job
The file was modified test/RAE2822_RANS_Subsonic_NoMaxQuad_UniAdapt_TEST.job
The file was modified test/diamond_Euler2d_PDEShock_Jump_TEST.job
The file was addedtest/naca_Euler2d_Adapt_TEST.knob
The file was addedtest/naca_Euler2d_Newton_ILUT_PARALLEL_TEST.knob
The file was modified test/ConvectingVortex_Euler2d_IRK2_TEST.job
The file was modified test/naca_Euler2d_Newton_ILU_TEST.job
The file was addedtest/naca_ViscousNE2d_PerfectGas_HDG_TEST.knob
The file was modified test/AdDiffBL2_TEST.job
The file was modified test/naca_NavierStokes2d_AuxVariable_Gradient_TEST.job
The file was modified test/naca_Euler2d_LeanJacobi_TEST.job
The file was addedtest/diamond_Euler2d_Shock_TEST.knob
The file was addedtest/naca_NavierStokes2d_Newton_GMRES_ILU_TEST.knob
The file was modified test/naca_Euler2d_Adjoint_TEST.job
The file was modified test/ConvectingVortex_Euler2d_BDF1_TEST.job
The file was modified src/PXRunSolver.c
The file was modified test/ConvectingVortex2_UniAdapt_TEST.job
The file was addedtest/3d_Periodic_P2_TEST.knob
The file was modified test/AdDiffBL2_DofControl_TEST.job
The file was addedtest/diamond_Euler2d_PDEShock_TEST.knob
The file was modified test/diamond_Euler2d_Shock_TEST.job
The file was addedmatlab/PXToolbox/JobtoKnob.m
The file was addedtest/naca_Euler2d_Newton_ILU_MG_TEST.knob
The file was addedtest/naca_Euler2d_Newton_UMFPACK_TEST.knob
The file was modified include/PXInit.h
The file was modified test/naca_Euler2d_Newton_Jacobi_LinearMG_Right_TEST.job
The file was addedtest/Scalar2d_CircleBoundaryLayer_TEST.knob
The file was modified test/BoundaryLayer_Scalar3D_TEST.job
The file was addedtest/naca_Euler2d_Newton_ILU_ASM_PARALLEL_TEST.knob
The file was modified test/CutCell_rae2822_CHT_TEST.job
The file was addedtest/Scalar2d_Adapt_TEST.knob
The file was addedtest/naca_Euler2d_Newton_ILU_PARALLEL_TEST.knob
The file was addedtest/CutCell_Interface_StarShape_Jump_TEST.knob
The file was addedtest/CutCell_rae2822_RANS_M0p3_Re6p5e6_TEST.knob
The file was modified test/ScalarSin3d_HDG_BDDC_ILUK_MG_TEST.job
The file was addedtest/FlatPlate_RANS_SA2d_DC_TEST.knob
The file was addedtest/3d_Periodic_TEST.knob
The file was modified test/line_Scalar1d_SinCos.job
The file was modified test/RAE2822_RANS_Subsonic_UniAdapt_TEST.job
The file was addedtest/diamond_InviscidNonEquilibrium2d_Shock_TEST.knob
The file was addedtest/SSBJ_M2p4_AA2p946_Euler_WEEKLY_TEST.knob
The file was addedtest/naca_ViscousNE2d_PerfectGas_Matches_Compressible_TEST.knob
The file was addedtest/CutCell_rae2822_NS_M0p3_Re1p0e3_Hybrid_TEST.knob
The file was addedtest/ConvectingVortex_Euler2d_IRK2_TEST.knob
The file was modified test/Scalar2d_UniAdapt_TEST.job
The file was modified test/bump_Euler3d_GMRES_TEST.job
The file was modified test/naca_Euler2d_Adapt_TEST.job
The file was modified test/CutCell_rae2822_RANS_M0p3_Re6p5e6_UniAdapt_Test.job
The file was modified test/turbineblade_Periodic_TEST.job
The file was addedtest/CutCell_rae2822_RANS_M0p3_Re6p5e6_WEEKLY_TEST.knob
The file was modified test/Scalar2d_UniAdapt_Unsteady1_TEST.job
The file was modified test/2d_Periodic_TEST2.job
The file was modified test/square_Scalar2d_GMRES_ILU_TEST.job
The file was modified test/RAE2822_A28_RANS_M0p3_AA2p31_RE6p5e6_TEST.job
The file was modified test/naca_InviscidNE2d_PerfectGas_HDG_TEST.job
The file was addedtest/naca_NavierStokes2d_Newton_GMRES_ILUT_TEST.knob
The file was addedtest/FlatPlate_RANS_SA2d_ADC_TEST.knob
The file was addedtest/ConvectingVortex_Euler2d_IRK4_TEST.knob
The file was modified test/ConvectingVortex_Euler2d_Trap2_TEST.job
The file was modified test/Ellipse_RANS_SA2d_Re2e6_ADC_WEEKLY_TEST.job
The file was addedtest/Ellipse_RANS_SA2d_Re2e6_DIC_WEEKLY_TEST.knob
The file was addedtest/CutCell_rae2822_NS_M0p3_Re1p0e3_Gradient_TEST.knob
The file was addedtest/Sphere_Q23D_TEST.knob
The file was modified test/line_Scalar1d_Poly.job
The file was addedtest/naca_NavierStokes2d_AuxVariable_Gradient_TEST.knob
The file was addedtest/naca_InviscidNE2d_RealGas_TEST.knob
The file was addedtest/RAE2822_RANS_Subsonic_NoMaxQuad_UniAdapt_TEST.knob
The file was modified test/naca_NavierStokes2d_UniAdapt_TEST.job
The file was addedtest/diamond_CutCell_Euler2d_PDEShock_TEST.knob
The file was modified test/naca_Euler2d_Newton_Osher_TEST.job
The file was modified test/box_Euler2d_TEST.job
The file was addedtest/naca_Euler2d_Newton_Osher_TEST.knob
The file was addedtest/diamond_Euler2d_PDEShock_Jump_TEST.knob
The file was addedtest/QuarticPolySoln_Scalar3D_exact_TEST.knob
The file was addedtest/naca_Euler2d_Newton_ILU_ASM_MG_PARALLEL_TEST.knob
The file was modified test/diamond_CutCell_Euler2d_PDEShock_TEST.job
The file was addedtest/naca_NavierStokes2d_AuxVariable_FluxCoeff_TEST.knob
The file was modified test/naca_Euler2d_Newton_ILUK_ASM_PARALLEL_TEST.job
The file was addedtest/PoissonLshape_CutCell_Adapt_TEST.knob
The file was modified test/QuarticPolySoln_Scalar3D_TEST.job
The file was addedtest/naca_NavierStokes2d_IRK4_M0p5_AA10p0_WEEKLY_TEST.knob
The file was addedtest/naca_Euler2d_UniAdapt_TEST.knob
The file was modified test/QuarticPolySoln_Scalar3D_exact_TEST.job
The file was modified test/ConvectingVortex_Euler2d_BDF2_TEST.job
The file was modified test/2d_Periodic_TEST1.job
The file was modified test/MixedMesh_Scalar2d_Newton_GMRES_ILU_TEST.job
The file was addedinclude/Fundamentals/PXMasterJobParameters.h
The file was addedtest/QuarticPolySoln_Scalar3D_TEST.knob
The file was addedtest/Scalar2d_UniAdapt_TEST.knob
The file was modified test/naca_NavierStokes2d_IRK4_M0p5_AA10p0_WEEKLY_TEST.job
The file was addedtest/RAE2822_A28_RANS_M0p3_AA2p31_RE6p5e6_TEST.knob
The file was addedtest/AdDiffBL2_DofControl_TEST.knob
The file was addedtest/BoundaryLayer_NS3D_TEST.knob
The file was addedtest/CutCell_rae2822_Euler_M0p2_TEST.knob
The file was addedtest/channel_NavierStokes3d_exact_TEST.knob
The file was modified src/Fundamentals/PXParameter.c
The file was modified test/Ellipse_RANS_SA2d_Re2e6_DC_WEEKLY_TEST.job
The file was modified test/naca_NavierStokes2d_M0p5_AA10p0_WEEKLY_TEST.job
The file was addedtest/MixedMesh_Scalar2d_Direct_TEST.knob
The file was addedtest/naca_Euler2d_Adjoint_TEST.knob
The file was addedtest/ConvectingVortex_Euler2d_BDF1_TEST.knob
The file was modified test/ConvectingVortex2_Adapt_TEST.job
The file was addedtest/CutCell_rae2822_CHT_TEST.knob
The file was addedtest/naca_Euler2d_Newton_ILUK_TEST.knob
The file was modified test/naca_Euler2d_Newton_ILU_ASM_PARALLEL_TEST.job
The file was addedtest/ScalarBoundaryLayer_HDG.knob
The file was addedtest/Ellipse_RANS_SA2d_Re2e6_DC_WEEKLY_TEST.knob
The file was modified test/Ellipse_RANS_SA2d_Re2e6_DIC_WEEKLY_TEST.job
The file was modified test/3d_Periodic_TEST.job
The file was addedtest/naca_Euler2d_LeanJacobi_TEST.knob
The file was addedtest/channel_NavierStokes3d_TEST.knob
The file was modified test/naca_InviscidNE2d_RealGas_TEST.job
The file was addedtest/Scalar2d_CircleBoundaryLayer_Adapt_TEST.knob
The file was addedtest/turbineblade_Periodic_TEST.knob
The file was addedtest/RAE2822_RANS_Subsonic_UniAdapt_TEST.knob
The file was addedtest/MixedMesh_Scalar2d_Newton_GMRES_ILU_TEST.knob
The file was modified test/naca_Euler2d_Newton_ILUK_ASM_MG_PARALLEL_TEST.job
The file was addedtest/BoundaryLayer_Scalar3D_TEST.knob
The file was addedtest/make_naca_Euler2d_TEST.knob
The file was addedtest/diamond_Euler2d_UniAdapt_TEST.knob
The file was modified include/GeneralParameters/PXGeneralParameters.h
The file was addedtest/MixedMesh_Scalar2d_Newton_GMRES_Jacobi_TEST.knob
The file was modified test/naca_Euler2d_Newton_Jacobi_TEST.job
The file was modified test/CutCell_football_Euler_M0p3_Adapt_TEST.job
The file was modified test/naca_Euler2d_CurvedAdapt_TEST.job
The file was modified test/naca_Euler2d_LeanJacobi_PARALLEL_TEST.job
The file was modified test/naca_Euler2d_Newton_ILU_ASM_MG_PARALLEL_TEST.job
The file was modified test/naca_Euler2d_Newton_UMFPACK_PARALLEL_TEST.job
Commit e83b49eafad368e5d17d9cc80c2969361c694f5a by smojeda
fixed string comparison warning

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10453 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/PXInit.c
Commit c05e6addf2288dc5488fc7c53cfd990ee39565df by smojeda
Updated meshing documetation with 2d cut-cell

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10454 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified man/Meshing/meshing.tex
Commit 30ab8bdd7933e6254df3d5ee6378519a02b7536e by smojeda
added ParallelPreconditioner to master job file and removed UnderRelaxFactor completely since it is not used

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10455 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified test/naca_Euler2d_Newton_Jacobi_LinearMG_Right_TEST.knob
The file was modified test/3d_Periodic_TEST.knob
The file was modified test/Scalar2d_UniAdapt_Unsteady1_TEST.knob
The file was modified test/hemisphere_Euler3d_Adapt_TEST.knob
The file was modified test/naca_NavierStokes2d_IRK4_M0p5_AA10p0_WEEKLY_TEST.knob
The file was modified test/Ellipse_RANS_SA2d_Re2e6_ADC_WEEKLY_TEST.knob
The file was modified test/naca_Euler2d_Newton_ILU_ASM_PARALLEL_TEST.job
The file was modified test/bump_Euler3d_GMRES_TEST.knob
The file was modified test/Scalar2d_UniAdapt_TEST.knob
The file was modified test/QuarticPolySoln_Scalar3D_TEST.knob
The file was modified test/naca_Euler2d_Newton_ILU_MG_TEST.knob
The file was modified test/ScalarSin3d_HDG_BDDC_UMFPACK_TEST.knob
The file was modified test/naca_NavierStokes2d_M0p5_AA10p0_WEEKLY_TEST.knob
The file was modified test/poissonLshape_TEST.knob
The file was modified test/naca_Euler2d_LeanJacobi_PARALLEL_TEST.knob
The file was modified test/Ellipse_RANS_SA2d_Re2e6_DC_WEEKLY_TEST.knob
The file was modified test/CutCell_bump_Euler_Test.knob
The file was modified test/bumpQ2_Euler3d_Jacobi_TEST.knob
The file was modified test/ConvectingVortex_Euler2d_IRK4_TEST.knob
The file was modified test/naca_Euler2d_Newton_UMFPACK_TEST.knob
The file was modified test/Scalar2d_UniAdapt_Unsteady2_TEST.knob
The file was modified test/Scalar2d_CircleBoundaryLayer_Adapt_TEST.knob
The file was modified test/Ellipse_RANS_SA2d_Re2e6_DIC_WEEKLY_TEST.knob
The file was modified test/naca_Euler2d_Newton_ILUK_ASM_MG_PARALLEL_TEST.job
The file was modified test/PoissonLshape_CutCell_Adapt_TEST.knob
The file was modified test/Scalar2d_CircleBoundaryLayer_TEST.knob
The file was modified test/naca_Euler2d_Newton_ILU_ASM_MG_PARALLEL_TEST.knob
The file was modified test/CutCell_football_Euler_M0p3_Adapt_TEST.job
The file was modified test/CutCell_bump_Euler_Test.job
The file was modified test/SSBJ_M2p4_AA2p946_Euler_WEEKLY_TEST.knob
The file was modified test/naca_Euler2d_Newton_Jacobi_Right_TEST.knob
The file was modified test/naca_InviscidNE2d_PerfectGas_HDG_TEST.knob
The file was modified test/CutCell_rae2822_Euler_M0p2_TEST.knob
The file was modified test/naca_Euler2d_Newton_Jacobi_TEST.knob
The file was modified test/QuarticPolySoln_Scalar3D_exact_TEST.knob
The file was modified test/ConvectingVortex_Euler2d_BDF1_TEST.knob
The file was modified test/naca_Euler2d_Newton_ILU_TEST.knob
The file was modified test/naca_ViscousNE2d_PerfectGas_TEST.knob
The file was modified test/AdDiffBL2_DofControl_TEST.knob
The file was modified test/ScalarSin3d_HDG_BDDC_UMFPACK_TEST.job
The file was modified test/naca_NavierStokes2d_AuxVariable_Gradient_TEST.knob
The file was modified test/naca_Euler2d_CurvedAdapt_TEST.knob
The file was modified test/naca_Euler2d_Newton_Osher_TEST.knob
The file was modified include/Fundamentals/PXMasterJobParameters.h
The file was modified test/ConvectingVortex_Euler2d_BDF2_TEST.knob
The file was modified test/naca_Euler2d_Newton_ILUK_ASM_PARALLEL_TEST.knob
The file was modified test/naca_ViscousNE2d_PerfectGas_Matches_Compressible_TEST.knob
The file was modified matlab/PXToolbox/JobtoKnob.m
The file was modified test/AdDiffBL2_TEST.knob
The file was modified test/naca_Euler2d_Newton_UMFPACK_PARALLEL_TEST.knob
The file was modified test/naca_Euler2d_Newton_ILUK_ASM_MG_PARALLEL_TEST.knob
The file was modified test/naca_Euler2d_Newton_ILUT_TEST.knob
The file was modified test/box_Euler2d_TEST.knob
The file was modified test/CutCell_Interface_StarShape_Jump_TEST.knob
The file was modified test/ConvectingVortex2_UniAdapt_TEST.knob
The file was modified test/naca_Euler2d_Adjoint_TEST.knob
The file was modified test/square_Scalar2d_GMRES_Jacobi_TEST.knob
The file was modified include/GeneralParameters/PXGeneralParameters.h
The file was modified test/naca_Euler2d_LeanJacobi_TEST.knob
The file was modified test/naca_NavierStokes2d_AuxVariable_FluxCoeff_TEST.knob
The file was modified test/naca_InviscidNE2d_PerfectGas_TEST.knob
The file was modified test/naca_Euler2d_Newton_ILUT_PARALLEL_TEST.knob
The file was modified test/naca_Euler2d_UniAdapt_TEST.knob
The file was modified test/naca_Euler2d_Adapt_TEST.knob
The file was modified test/ScalarSin3d_HDG_BDDC_ILUK_MG_TEST.knob
The file was modified test/ScalarSin3d_HDG_BDDC_ILUK_MG_TEST.job
The file was modified test/naca_Euler2d_Newton_ILU_ASM_PARALLEL_TEST.knob
The file was modified test/FlatPlate_RANS_SA2d_ADC_TEST.knob
The file was modified test/2d_Periodic_TEST2.knob
The file was modified test/CutCell_Circle_Interface_Scalar2d_UniAdapt_Test.knob
The file was modified test/channel_NavierStokes3d_TEST.knob
The file was modified test/make_naca_NavierStokes2d_TEST.knob
The file was modified test/naca_Euler2d_Newton_ILUK_TEST.knob
The file was modified test/FlatPlate_RANS_SA2d_DIC_TEST.knob
The file was modified test/naca_Euler2d_Newton_ILU_PARALLEL_TEST.knob
The file was modified test/make_naca_Euler2d_TEST.knob
The file was modified test/3d_Periodic_P2_TEST.knob
The file was modified test/diamond_Euler2d_PDEShock_Jump_TEST.knob
The file was modified test/FlatPlate_RANS_SA2d_DC_TEST.knob
The file was modified test/naca_Euler2d_Newton_ILUK_PARALLEL_TEST.knob
The file was modified test/ConvectingVortex_Euler2d_Trap2_TEST.knob
The file was modified test/naca_NavierStokes2d_UniAdapt_TEST.knob
The file was modified test/CutCell_football_Euler_M0p3_Adapt_TEST.knob
The file was modified test/square_Scalar2d_GMRES_ILU_TEST.knob
The file was modified test/naca_ViscousNE2d_PerfectGas_HDG_TEST.knob
The file was modified test/Sphere_Q23D_TEST.knob
The file was modified test/naca_NavierStokes2d_Newton_GMRES_ILU_TEST.knob
The file was modified test/line_Scalar1d_SinCos.knob
The file was modified test/diamond_Euler2d_UniAdapt_TEST.knob
The file was modified test/naca_InviscidNE2d_RealGas_TEST.knob
The file was modified test/MixedMesh_Scalar2d_Direct_TEST.knob
The file was modified test/naca_Euler2d_Newton_ILU_ASM_MG_PARALLEL_TEST.job
The file was modified test/MixedMesh_Scalar2d_Newton_GMRES_Jacobi_TEST.knob
The file was modified test/naca_NavierStokes2d_Newton_GMRES_ILUT_TEST.knob
The file was modified test/diamond_Euler2d_Shock_TEST.knob
The file was modified test/channel_NavierStokes3d_exact_TEST.knob
The file was modified test/2d_Periodic_TEST1.knob
The file was modified test/MixedMesh_Scalar2d_Newton_GMRES_ILU_TEST.knob
The file was modified test/line_Scalar1d_Poly.knob
The file was modified test/turbineblade_Periodic_TEST.knob
The file was modified test/diamond_Euler2d_PDEShock_TEST.knob
The file was modified test/naca_Euler2d_Newton_ILUK_ASM_PARALLEL_TEST.job
The file was modified test/ConvectingVortex_Euler2d_IRK2_TEST.knob
The file was modified test/ConvectingVortex2_Adapt_TEST.knob
The file was modified test/Scalar2d_Adapt_TEST.knob
Commit eee12669708d19a9e81be1b702edd1954600a1ca by smojeda
changed executable path to include PX_ARC

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10456 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified utils/PXVizz
Commit 4b677d6065efcee16cb97162d29e55b09fa0a096 by smojeda
added Master Job File example to test directory for reference

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10457 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was addedtest/MasterJob_Example.job
Commit 97c5b0dd033c23e429f57745fcca87c61e3ae395 by smojeda
Updated PXUserGuide and changed GoldStandard to include SaveUnsteadyState = True for unsteady cases

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10458 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/PXInit.c
The file was modified man/PXUserGuide.tex
Commit 3f71a00b6c8d90fea0e30a75403265e906561913 by jkudo
added adaptation history output (.adapthist)

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10459 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/PXRunSolver.c
The file was modified include/PXLog.h
The file was modified src/PXErrEst.c
The file was modified src/PXLog.c
Commit 9e2cd7b597590d98c069641df65eda93627be7cc by pcaplan
How to download/build/parallel + some very annoying aesthetic fixes

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10460 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified man/Makefile
The file was modified man/PXUserGuide.tex
The file was modified utils/utils.make
Commit a01367732cc72688d8f929df3cf08b0cd1f79cca by pcaplan
svn co in user guide missing username

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10461 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified man/PXUserGuide.tex
Commit 26995b9a8a3fc3527b1542e1d2329931ffe2203f by pcaplan

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10462 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified configure
Commit f525c6f7943cc5a42680926e9dcc716c78291aab by pcaplan
Fixed typo in configure script

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10463 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified configure
Commit a47a05ef5ae3e40e576078833205b8cf2eca55a8 by pcaplan
grm format in meshing doc

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10464 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified man/Meshing/meshing.tex
Commit 4cb4057a77145c0d53bdd9a869e70c63817ddc4a by pcaplan for new reynolds

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10465 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified utils/
Commit a6657e51a48b3ff693e9540f6a3b9436b2416daf by pcaplan

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10466 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified utils/
Commit 8fbf645409339f9cc5c0f21ace26df875dca0d3a by jkudo
Adding bamg executable to repository to use with regression tests on new machine

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10467 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was addedshare/bamg_x86_64
The file was modified utils/
Commit 84726888b5d280f13566592d20eb46ea10c59973 by jkudo
Changes to fix running on new reynolds machine - I have commented out two 3d cutcells regressions tests because they don't seem to run on the new machine...

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10468 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified test/CutCell_rae2822_CHT_TEST.knob
The file was modified test/trueOUT/CutCell_rae2822_CHT_TEST.hist.TRUE
The file was modified utils/
The file was modified test/runTests.csh
The file was modified test/trueOUT/RAE2822_RANS_Subsonic_NoMaxQuad_UniAdapt_TEST.hist.TRUE
The file was modified test/trueOUT/AdDiffBL2_DofControl_TEST.hist.TRUE
The file was modified test/runTests_parallel.csh
The file was modified test/TrueMetric/CutCell_rae2822_CHT_Metric_a00.attach
The file was modified test/trueOUT/RAE2822_A28_RANS_M0p3_AA2p31_RE6p5e6_TEST.hist.TRUE
The file was modified test/trueOUT/BoundaryLayer_NS3D_TEST.hist.TRUE
Commit 14655a04e3907bf865b724c6bd7bb1852f7059f5 by pcaplan
Configure script looks for NLOPT_DIR and defines -DUSE_NLOPT if desired

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10469 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified configure
Commit 052981d209be44ab8e1769612fd7f4592f7caf05 by pcaplan
dummy bamg

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10470 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was addedshare/bamg/bamg.c
Commit 3e4d7006bbf3f68904004ef064c97a8867798701 by pcaplan
git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10471 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was removedshare/bamg/bamg.c
Commit b51a6828aa849e1d83c96fb2df6bbb322c5d8a45 by pcaplan
bamg source

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10472 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was addedshare/bamg128/FLAG.sun4
The file was addedshare/bamg128/define.h
The file was addedshare/bamg128/Meshgibbs.cpp
The file was addedshare/bamg128/QuadTree.cpp
The file was addedshare/bamg128/examples/square/
The file was addedshare/bamg128/examples/test/
The file was addedshare/bamg128/FLAG.hp9000s700
The file was addedshare/bamg128/MeshRead.cpp
The file was addedshare/bamg128/CheckPtr.cpp
The file was addedshare/bamg128/MeshWrite.cpp
The file was addedshare/bamg128/MeshQuad.cpp
The file was addedshare/bamg128/examples/NACA012/data
The file was addedshare/bamg128/drawbdmesh.cpp
The file was addedshare/bamg128/examples/square/doadapt
The file was addedshare/bamg128/Metric.h
The file was addedshare/bamg128/FLAG.hp9000s700-aCC
The file was addedshare/bamg128/FLAG.x86_64-linux
The file was addedshare/bamg128/config.h
The file was addedshare/bamg128/examples/square/l_g.msh
The file was addedshare/bamg128/SetOfE4.cpp
The file was addedshare/bamg128/examples/square/octogone_g.msh
The file was addedshare/bamg128/examples/test/
The file was addedshare/bamg128/Meshio.cpp
The file was addedshare/bamg128/psgraph.cpp
The file was addedshare/bamg128/FLAG.aix
The file was addedshare/bamg128/examples/square/dotest
The file was addedshare/bamg128/bamg.h
The file was addedshare/bamg128/Mesh2.cpp
The file was addedshare/bamg128/tt.cpp
The file was addedshare/bamg128/FLAG.linux
The file was addedshare/bamg128/FLAG.iris4d
The file was addedshare/bamg128/examples/NACA012/
The file was addedshare/bamg128/README
The file was addedshare/bamg128/R2.cpp
The file was addedshare/bamg128/cvmsh2.cpp
The file was addedshare/bamg128/QuadTree.h
The file was addedshare/bamg128/examples/NACA012/naca.awk
The file was addedshare/bamg128/pcrgraph.cpp
The file was addedshare/bamg128/MeshGibbs.h
The file was addedshare/bamg128/SetOfE4.h
The file was addedshare/bamg128/Metric.cpp
The file was addedshare/bamg128/FLAG.alpha
The file was addedshare/bamg128/Mesh2.h
The file was addedshare/bamg128/examples/NACA012/
The file was addedshare/bamg128/examples/square/circle_g.msh
The file was addedshare/bamg128/examples/square/square_g.msh
The file was addedshare/bamg128/macrgraf.cpp
The file was addedshare/bamg128/rgraph.h
The file was addedshare/bamg128/Xrgraph.cpp
The file was addedshare/bamg128/examples/test/
The file was addedshare/bamg128/amfmt2mesh.f
The file was addedshare/bamg128/examples/NACA012/plot.fv
The file was addedshare/bamg128/FLAG.hp9000s700-CC
The file was addedshare/bamg128/examples/NACA012/
The file was addedshare/bamg128/MeshGeom.cpp
The file was addedshare/bamg128/examples/NACA012/plot.fv-1
The file was addedshare/bamg128/test.h
The file was addedshare/bamg128/examples/quadloop/
The file was addedshare/bamg128/Makefile
The file was addedshare/bamg128/meshtype.h
The file was addedshare/bamg128/bamg.cpp
The file was addedshare/bamg128/examples/square/
The file was addedshare/bamg128/examples/test/
The file was addedshare/bamg128/Meshio.h
The file was addedshare/bamg128/FreeFemBamg.h-1
The file was addedshare/bamg128/examples/NACA012/data-orign
The file was addedshare/bamg128/MeshDraw.cpp
The file was addedshare/bamg128/examples/test/
The file was addedshare/bamg128/R2.h
The file was addedshare/bamg128/bamgdefine.h
The file was addedshare/bamg128/MakeTar
The file was addedshare/bamg128/examples/square/square_raf_g.msh
Commit 86f49447698496d9267e0e0fa592fcb7a86c2015 by pcaplan
forgot details: modified BAMG source so that standard include filenames and std namespace are consistent with C++ language specs; added subdirectory share/bamg128

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10473 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified share/bamg128/bamg.cpp
Commit ba03cba0626f05a4fbc1606b11354a2e202f48b5 by pcaplan
git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10474 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was removedshare/bamg128.tar
The file was modified utils/
The file was removedshare/bamg_x86_64
The file was modified share/bamg128/FLAG.x86_64-linux
Commit 341dd3fd5a04e0858b801120f4a4c6d51ef5fee7 by galbramc
Added some basic CMake abilities to compile ProjectX and unit tests

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10475 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was addedsrc/Grid/CMakeLists.txt
The file was addedsrc/Compressible/CMakeLists.txt
The file was addedsrc/PXBoundary2d_PXU_old.c
The file was addedsrc/Test/CMakeLists.txt
The file was addedsrc/CMakeLists.txt
The file was addedsrc/Grid/CutCell3D/CMakeLists.txt
The file was addedsrc/Adaptation/CMakeLists.txt
The file was addedsrc/Reference/CMakeLists.txt
The file was addedCMakeInclude/XCodeFileGlob.cmake
The file was removedsrc/PXBoundary2d_PXU.c
The file was addedCMakeInclude/ForceOutOfSource.cmake
The file was addedsrc/UnitEquationSet/CMakeLists.txt
The file was addedCMakeInclude/FindSUITESPARSE.cmake
The file was addedCMakeInclude/UnitTest.cmake
The file was modified configure
The file was addedCMakeInclude/FindPARMETIS.cmake
The file was addedCMakeLists.txt
The file was addedsrc/LinearSolver/CMakeLists.txt
The file was addedCMakeInclude/PX.cmake
The file was addedsrc/Fundamentals/CMakeLists.txt
Commit 7e28ff403bfeb8e4113ff1ecf4fe52bc72fc7280 by galbramc
Cleaned up out of source message

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10476 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified CMakeInclude/ForceOutOfSource.cmake
Commit 7ba8fa5a8d014eea83b18181d022769c2390e950 by galbramc
Added more CMakefiles to get more shared libraries compiled

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10477 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was addedsrc/WaveSpaceTime/CMakeLists.txt
The file was addedsrc/CauchyRiemann/CMakeLists.txt
The file was addedsrc/ScalarConvDiff/CMakeLists.txt
The file was addedsrc/MultiComponentConvDiffConj/CMakeLists.txt
The file was addedsrc/NonEquilibrium/CMakeLists.txt
The file was modified src/CMakeLists.txt
The file was addedsrc/MultiComponentConvDiff/CMakeLists.txt
The file was addedsrc/LinearizedEuler/CMakeLists.txt
Commit 5cb5999fde75b5272677c1dca9dfbe0e2a2a5bd6 by galbramc
Added fortran for Lapack

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10478 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified CMakeLists.txt
Commit 7cba620815a9af8c0d3e64b6aa32ec943634dd10 by jkudo
Enabling madcap cell connection capability - controlled with MadcapReconnection - defaulted to True

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10479 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Adaptation/PXWriteMesherFiles.c
The file was modified include/GeneralParameters/PXAdaptationParameters.h
Commit 3233afd071fcdc2cd1a048773daf49ab8b166423 by galbramc
Added more CMake files. Nearly complete now. Fixed compile warning in BAMG, and a few other compile problems.

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10480 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was addedCMakeInclude/FindLEDA.cmake
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXCutCell3dDummy.c
The file was modified CMakeInclude/PX.cmake
The file was addedshare/bamg128/CMakeLists.txt
The file was modified src/CMakeLists.txt
The file was modified src/Adaptation/PXWriteMesherFiles.c
The file was modified share/bamg128/Meshio.cpp
The file was modified src/Adaptation/CMakeLists.txt
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/CMakeLists.txt
The file was modified CMakeInclude/UnitTest.cmake
The file was modified share/bamg128/Mesh2.cpp
The file was addedutils/CMakeLists.txt
The file was modified include/Grid/CutCell3D/PXNumberType.h
The file was modified share/bamg128/MeshRead.cpp
The file was modified share/bamg128/Mesh2.h
The file was modified CMakeLists.txt
The file was modified share/bamg128/Meshio.h
Commit 5c63fb8d0d407a81a5df9b2afb0c19eaa816fde4 by galbramc
Cleaned up FindLEDA a bit

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10481 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified CMakeInclude/FindLEDA.cmake
Commit e1da6c0529ace1e4c7fc2ef5db009a1739c685dc by galbramc
Fixed missing *.cpp unit tests with CMake

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10482 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified CMakeInclude/UnitTest.cmake
The file was modified CMakeInclude/FindLEDA.cmake
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/CMakeLists.txt
The file was modified CMakeLists.txt
Commit 39edb49f43d412b01a47d6d563beb32060005205 by galbramc
Removed assumption that "." is in the path for "make check". Fixed some compiler flags for CMake.

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10483 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/UnitEquationSet/UnitEquationSet.make
The file was modified src/Fundamentals/Fundamentals.make
The file was modified configure
The file was modified CMakeLists.txt
The file was modified src/CompressibleSpaceTime/CompressibleSpaceTime.make
The file was modified src/NewCompressible/NewCompressible.make
The file was modified src/CompressibleHeatConj/CompressibleHeatConj.make
The file was modified src/CompressibleOliver/CompressibleOliver.make
The file was modified src/Grid/Grid.make
The file was modified src/LinearSolver/LinearSolver.make
The file was modified src/WaveSpaceTime/WaveSpaceTime.make
The file was modified src/MultiComponentConvDiffConj/MultiComponentConvDiffConj.make
The file was addedCMakeInclude/CompileFlags.cmake
The file was modified src/Reference/Reference.make
The file was modified src/ScalarConvDiff/ScalarConvDiff.make
The file was modified src/CauchyRiemann/CauchyRiemann.make
The file was modified src/Compressible/Compressible.make
The file was modified src/MultiComponentConvDiff/MultiComponentConvDiff.make
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/CutCell3D.make
The file was modified src/LinearizedEuler/LinearizedEuler.make
The file was modified src/src.make
The file was modified src/NonEquilibrium/NonEquilibrium.make
Commit 00fd7f35561ab2896b91e81627c12176ff2d8015 by galbramc
Added some duplicate Compressible folders to CMake

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10484 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/CMakeLists.txt
The file was addedsrc/NewCompressible/CMakeLists.txt
The file was modified CMakeLists.txt
The file was modified src/CompressibleHeatConj/PXCompressibleUnitUtils.h
The file was modified CMakeInclude/UnitTest.cmake
The file was addedsrc/CompressibleHeatConj/CMakeLists.txt
The file was modified src/CompressibleHeatConj/PXCompressibleUnitUtils.c
Commit e8ccbd383b7dad5246baedc07007d8ed6fc9b6d6 by pcaplan
Known issues in building documentation. First one: mpi/parmetis

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10485 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified man/Building/building.tex
Commit e9f00f69ad6b77e5aa050b762242a211e6671fe4 by galbramc
Hopefully fixed problems with MPI and CMake. Added SVN revision target to CMake.

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10486 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was addedCMakeInclude/ProcessorCount.cmake
The file was modified CMakeLists.txt
The file was modified CMakeInclude/CompileFlags.cmake
The file was modified CMakeInclude/UnitTest.cmake
Commit bbe5f668c19c2ba3b90955c5049b4d58c5f2f941 by galbramc
Set the default build type to be release, but debug if the build directory name includes debug

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10487 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified CMakeInclude/CompileFlags.cmake
Commit 5839586b670f0d43c1e22c84188cf401897ce4af by pcaplan
openmpi seems to run CutCell3d jobs...Jun: I already changed your to reflect these changes (sudo rights :P). I hope this works...

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10488 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified utils/
The file was modified utils/
Commit 864c423b3da556dd27b017983ac0810e7c103590 by pcaplan
using older parmetis so unit tests don't have to change

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10489 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified utils/
Commit 96c9618e05474d8d9f419c73d3a23c86856e2b78 by pcaplan
bamg HOSTTYPE=x86_64-linux not x86_64

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10490 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified utils/
Commit 386392b5deebe7417becb87e4e92d034bf5f66c9 by pcaplan
since CutCell3d tests are commented out, try parallel tests with mpirun from mpich2

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10491 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified utils/
Commit 0fe8c2886a9f63d479533f6df55235918c33558a by pcaplan
Re-added ./ for coverage tests because it messed up coverage check scripts, not happy I had to do that

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10492 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/CauchyRiemann/CauchyRiemann.make
The file was modified src/LinearizedEuler/LinearizedEuler.make
The file was modified src/CompressibleSpaceTime/CompressibleSpaceTime.make
The file was modified src/Grid/Grid.make
The file was modified src/NonEquilibrium/NonEquilibrium.make
The file was modified src/MultiComponentConvDiffConj/MultiComponentConvDiffConj.make
The file was modified src/Compressible/Compressible.make
The file was modified src/MultiComponentConvDiff/MultiComponentConvDiff.make
The file was modified src/LinearSolver/LinearSolver.make
The file was modified src/UnitEquationSet/UnitEquationSet.make
The file was modified src/Reference/Reference.make
The file was modified src/NewCompressible/NewCompressible.make
The file was modified src/src.make
The file was modified src/ScalarConvDiff/ScalarConvDiff.make
The file was modified src/WaveSpaceTime/WaveSpaceTime.make
The file was modified src/Fundamentals/Fundamentals.make
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/CutCell3D.make
Commit 5b8e7cd2a5134c35bf7c488d122dfdfc73f80c09 by pcaplan
forgot CompressibleOliver

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10493 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/CompressibleOliver/CompressibleOliver.make
Commit 500ed8a23e979560f7b23476537b55ee715640a2 by jkudo
Adding nonlinear optimization capability using NLOPT library for MOESS optimization

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10494 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified configure
The file was modified include/Fundamentals/PX.h
The file was modified src/Fundamentals/PX.c
The file was modified include/GeneralParameters/PXAdaptationParameters.h
The file was addedinclude/PXHPAdaptDirectStruct.h
The file was modified src/PXHPAdaptDirect_PXU.c
The file was modified utils/
The file was modified src/PXHPAdaptDirect.c
The file was modified include/Fundamentals/PXError.h
Commit 2a88cd2e6949e1b1be58dabae3b6c4d656f0cb1b by galbramc
Added a Makefile.cmake to drive cmake from the PX_DIR directory. Memory checking also works now on the unit tests.

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10495 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was addedMakefile.cmake
The file was modified CMakeInclude/CompileFlags.cmake
The file was modified CMakeLists.txt
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/CutCell3D.make
The file was addedCMakeInclude/FindNLOPT.cmake
The file was modified CMakeInclude/UnitTest.cmake
The file was addedsrc/Test/valgrind.supp
The file was modified src/CompressibleHeatConj/CompressibleHeatConj.make
The file was modified CMakeInclude/FindPARMETIS.cmake
The file was modified src/Fundamentals/CMakeLists.txt
The file was modified CMakeInclude/PX.cmake
Commit ddb401bd658fb42562f522239ca295778cd20462 by galbramc
Fixed failing ParMetis unit test. Fixed _RUN targest for unit tests to also use MPI in parallel.

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10496 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified CMakeInclude/UnitTest.cmake
The file was modified src/Grid/PXPartitionMesh_PXU.c
Commit 665dd7377d38f39e578141c51a00539965750c0e by jkudo
Modification to NLOPT optimization to allow CutCell optimization

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10497 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/PXHPAdaptDirect.c
Commit 1c8c83c35dfd222f2104e87859466acad9aba7f8 by galbramc
Added memcheck to the unit tests. Added cholmod as an otional library for Suitesparse. Fixed the script copy of ProjectX from utils.

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10498 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified Makefile.cmake
The file was modified CMakeLists.txt
The file was modified CMakeInclude/UnitTest.cmake
The file was modified CMakeInclude/FindSUITESPARSE.cmake
Commit 05e211df15ca659e9c741f5b04ac4e938fdaf608 by galbramc
Forgot the rt library

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10499 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified CMakeLists.txt
Commit f8290a9df2d20a5e601a159516fb96cdb947267f by galbramc
Fixed some linker flags for cmake so that shared libraries will be found without setting LD_LIBRARY_PATH

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10500 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified Makefile.cmake
The file was modified CMakeInclude/CompileFlags.cmake
Commit 5823658839d78ca47f7cb92910632d6750e7c229 by galbramc
Changed so that parallel is only enabled when both MPI and ParMetis is found

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10501 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified CMakeInclude/CompileFlags.cmake
The file was modified CMakeInclude/FindSUITESPARSE.cmake
The file was modified CMakeLists.txt
Commit ef4d3229f5fabaa87ca63b868b601de5b637051c by galbramc
Forgot to copy PXVizz with CMake

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10502 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified CMakeLists.txt
Commit ec495a8115d8438fded5ba7294da074782222a02 by galbramc
Reversed the include logic for unit tests so that it is a bit cleaner now

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10503 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXMerge3d.cpp
The file was modified src/Grid/PXGrid_PXU.c
The file was modified src/LinearSolver/PXLU.c
The file was modified src/CompressibleHeatConj/PXKOmega.c
The file was modified src/NonEquilibrium/PXNonEquilibriumBCs_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXCutCell3dViz_PXU.cpp
The file was modified src/PXOutputFunctional_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXUnitGrids.c
The file was modified src/LinearSolver/PXLinearMG.c
The file was modified src/Fundamentals/PXString_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Adaptation/PXGridAnisoRefine.c
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXConic_PXU.cpp
The file was modified src/PXResState.c
The file was modified src/Adaptation/PXCVTAdaptMechanics2d.c
The file was modified src/LinearSolver/PXMat.c
The file was modified src/CompressibleOliver/PXSpalartAllmaras_PXU.c
The file was modified src/PXAdapt_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXCutCellTools2d_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXIntersectionPoint3d_PXU.cpp
The file was modified src/Grid/PXMerge_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Adaptation/PXElasticMesher_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Reference/PXMetric.c
The file was modified src/CompressibleOliver/PXCompressibleStateFunctional_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Fundamentals/PXParameter.c
The file was modified src/WaveSpaceTime/WaveSpaceTime.make
The file was modified src/Fundamentals/Fundamentals.make
The file was modified src/PXDGSolver.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXDistanceFunctionSurfGrid_PXU.c
The file was modified src/LinearSolver/PXUnitLinearAlgebra_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXIntersect_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXCompressibleStateFunctional_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Adaptation/PXWriteMesherFiles_PXU.c
The file was modified utils/CMakeLists.txt
The file was modified src/Grid/PXMeshMetric_PXU.c
The file was modified src/CompressibleOliver/CompressibleOliver.make
The file was modified src/PXResidual_PXU.c
The file was modified src/PXCDAll_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Reference/PXMatrices3d_PXU.c
The file was modified src/LinearSolver/PXASM_DG_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Reference/PXMetric_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXAttachmentMath_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXLinearElasticityLocalStiffness.c
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXSpalartAllmaras.c
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXCutCell3dPrintInfo_PXU.cpp
The file was modified src/Grid/PXCurvedMeshMaps_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXNormal.c
The file was modified src/NewCompressible/PXCompressibleFlux.c
The file was modified src/LinearSolver/PXLinearAlgebra_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Test/
The file was modified src/CompressibleHeatConj/PXSpalartAllmaras_PXU.c
The file was modified src/PXAuxVariable.c
The file was modified src/Grid/Grid.make
The file was modified src/Grid/PXIntersectTools2d_PXU.c
The file was modified src/NonEquilibrium/PXNonEquilibriumShock.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXQuadraticConic.c
The file was modified src/Fundamentals/PXHeap.c
The file was modified src/Adaptation/Adaptation.make
The file was modified src/CompressibleHeatConj/PXEulerFlux.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXCutCell2dViz.c
The file was modified src/PXHPAdapt_PXU.c
The file was modified src/NewCompressible/PXCompressibleUtils.c
The file was modified src/Reference/PXMatrices2d_PXU.c
The file was modified src/CauchyRiemann/PXCauchyRiemann.c
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXPolynomial.cpp
The file was modified src/Fundamentals/PXKDTree_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Fundamentals/PXLapack_PXU.c
The file was modified src/LinearSolver/PXLinearMG_PXU.c
The file was modified src/CompressibleOliver/PXEulerFlux.c
The file was modified src/Fundamentals/PXBasicStructures.c
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The file was modified src/Fundamentals/PXParallel_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Adaptation/PXCVTDirectBoundary1d.c
The file was modified src/Fundamentals/PXLapack.c
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The file was modified src/Reference/Reference.make
The file was modified src/Grid/PXParallelGrid_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXQuad_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXCutCell3dPrintInfo.cpp
The file was modified src/Grid/PXCoordinates_PXU.c
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The file was modified src/Reference/PXNormalReference_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXCompressibleFunction_PXU.c
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The file was modified src/Fundamentals/PXMath_PXU.c
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The file was modified src/LinearSolver/PXMat_PXU.c
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The file was modified src/Compressible/PXEulerFlux.c
The file was modified src/Reference/PXMasterPolynomial_PXU.c
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The file was modified src/MultiComponentConvDiff/MultiComponentConvDiff.make
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The file was modified src/Reference/PXQuadReference_PXU.c
The file was modified src/CompressibleOliver/PXCompressibleBCs.c
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The file was modified src/PXOutput_PXU.c
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The file was modified src/MultiComponentConvDiff/PXMultiComponentConvDiff_PXU.c
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The file was modified src/PXBC.c
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The file was modified src/Grid/PXPartitionMesh.c
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The file was modified src/LinearSolver/PXBDDC.c
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The file was modified src/LinearSolver/PXLU_PXU.c
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The file was modified src/LinearSolver/PXUnitLinearAlgebra.c
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The file was modified src/Fundamentals/PXString.c
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The file was modified src/LinearSolver/PXUMFPACK_PXU.c
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The file was modified src/LinearSolver/PXLinearSolver_PXU.c
The file was modified src/PXUnsteady_PXU.c
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The file was modified src/Adaptation/PXCVTBoundary1d_PXU.c
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The file was modified src/Grid/PXBasis_PXU.c
The file was modified src/PXAdapt.c
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The file was modified src/PXAuxVariable_PXU.c
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The file was modified src/Grid/PXSubMesh_PXU.c
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The file was modified src/Compressible/PXCompressibleShock.c
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The file was modified src/Reference/PXMatrices3d.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXMeshSize_PXU.c
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The file was modified src/CompressibleHeatConj/PXCompressibleBCs_PXU.c
The file was modified src/CompressibleHeatConj/PXCompressibleStateFunctional.c
The file was modified src/LinearSolver/PXVec.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXSubMesh.c
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The file was modified src/Adaptation/PXElasticMesher.c
The file was modified src/CompressibleOliver/PXCompressibleBCs_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Reference/PXMeshSizeReference_PXU.c
The file was modified src/PXSolver.c
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The file was modified src/NonEquilibrium/PXNonEquilibrium_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXCoordinates.c
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The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/CutCell3D.make
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The file was modified src/Fundamentals/PXMemory.c
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The file was modified src/Adaptation/PXCVTDirectAdaptMechanics2d_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXSpline_PXU.c
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The file was modified src/Grid/PXTriangulatePolygon_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Fundamentals/PXSerial.c
The file was modified src/src.make
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The file was modified src/Reference/PXMasterPolynomial.c
The file was modified src/CauchyRiemann/CauchyRiemann.make
The file was modified src/Grid/PXNormal_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXCutCell2dViz_PXU.c
The file was modified src/CompressibleSpaceTime/PXCompressibleSpaceTime.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXReadWriteMesh.c
The file was modified src/LinearSolver/PXVec_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXCutCellTools2d.c
The file was modified src/Adaptation/PXMetricAdapt2d_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Reference/PXMatrices1d.c
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXCompressibleBCs_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXTree.c
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXMerge3d_PXU.cpp
The file was modified src/Grid/PXLinearElasticityLocalStiffness_PXU.c
The file was modified src/NewCompressible/NewCompressible.make
The file was modified src/NonEquilibrium/PXNonEquilibriumShock_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXCutQuad3d.cpp
The file was modified src/NewCompressible/PXCompressible.c
The file was modified src/Fundamentals/PXGeometry.c
The file was modified src/Reference/PXShape.c
The file was modified src/Fundamentals/PXMath.c
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXBoundingBox3d.cpp
The file was modified src/Grid/PXUnitCutGrids.c
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The file was modified src/NonEquilibrium/PXReactions_PXU.c
The file was modified src/PXHDGSolver.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXGrid.c
The file was modified src/ScalarConvDiff/PXScalarConvDiff_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXCutCellMetric3d_PXU.cpp
The file was modified src/Grid/PXGridUniformRefine.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXParallelMesh_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXCutBasis3d.cpp
The file was modified src/Grid/PXMeshAttachment.c
The file was modified src/Fundamentals/PXSerial_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Reference/PXMatrices2d.c
The file was modified src/Adaptation/PXQuadraticPatchKernel.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXMoveMesh.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXUnitParallelGrids.c
The file was modified src/LinearSolver/LinearSolver.make
The file was modified src/PXEquationSet.c
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXQuadPatch_PXU.cpp
The file was modified src/PXHPAdaptDirect_PXU.c
The file was modified src/PXOutputFunctional.c
The file was modified src/PXShockCapture.c
The file was modified CMakeLists.txt
The file was modified src/CompressibleOliver/PXKOmega.c
The file was modified src/CompressibleHeatConj/PXCompressibleHeatConj.c
The file was modified src/NonEquilibrium/PXNonEquilibriumUtils.c
The file was modified src/Reference/PXNormalReference.c
The file was modified src/Reference/PXCoordinatesReference_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Adaptation/PXMetricAdapt3d.c
The file was modified src/PXCDAll.c
The file was modified src/UnitEquationSet/PXUnitEquationSet.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXMesh.c
The file was modified src/CompressibleSpaceTime/CompressibleSpaceTime.make
The file was modified src/LinearSolver/PXOrdering_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Reference/PXOrder_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXLinearElasticity_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Adaptation/PXWriteMesherFiles.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXMeshSize.c
The file was modified src/LinearSolver/PXCaseInfo.c
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXConic.cpp
The file was modified src/NewCompressible/PXSpalartAllmaras.c
The file was modified src/PXHDGOutputFunctional.c
The file was modified src/PXOutput.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXMesh_PXU.c
The file was modified src/MultiComponentConvDiffConj/PXMultiComponentConvDiffConj_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Eikonal/PXEikonal_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXParallelCutCell3d_PXU.cpp
The file was modified src/PXRegionAttribute.c
The file was modified src/PXHPAdapt.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXTriangulatePolygon.c
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXCutCellMetric3d.cpp
The file was modified src/PXShockCapture_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXGridAttachments.c
The file was modified src/Adaptation/PXCVTAdaptMechanics2d_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXBasis.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXMeshMetric.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXPartitionMesh_PXU.c
The file was modified src/UnitEquationSet/UnitEquationSet.make
The file was modified src/Grid/PXLinearElasticity.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXMerge.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXCurvedMeshMaps.c
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXCompressibleStateFunctional.c
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXBasicGeometry.cpp
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXParallelCutCell3d.cpp
The file was modified src/Compressible/Compressible.make
The file was modified src/Grid/PXMeshAttachment_PXU.c
The file was modified src/CompressibleOliver/PXCompressibleFunction_PXU.c
The file was modified src/CompressibleOliver/PXEulerFlux_PXU.c
The file was modified src/PXAnisotropicMetric_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXKOmega.c
The file was modified src/CompressibleHeatConj/PXCompressible.c
The file was modified src/LinearSolver/PXGMRES.c
The file was modified src/CompressibleHeatConj/CompressibleHeatConj.make
The file was modified src/Grid/PXUnitCutGrids_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Adaptation/PXMetricAdapt1d.c
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXBasicGeometry_PXU.cpp
The file was modified src/Adaptation/PXCVTBoundary1d.c
The file was modified src/MultiComponentConvDiffConj/PXMultiComponentConvDiffConj.c
The file was modified src/Adaptation/PXCVTDirectBoundary1d_PXU.c
The file was modified src/NewCompressible/PXCompressibleStateFunctional_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXGridUniformRefine_PXU.c
The file was modified src/PXCGNS.c
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXEulerFlux_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Fundamentals/PXMath_old.c
The file was modified src/LinearSolver/PXOrdering.c
The file was modified src/PXResidual.c
The file was modified src/Reference/PXQuadReference.c
The file was modified src/Adaptation/PXCVTDirectAdaptMechanics2d.c
The file was modified src/CompressibleOliver/PXCompressibleFunction.c
The file was modified src/Test/
The file was modified src/NonEquilibrium/PXReactions.c
The file was modified src/PXErrEst.c
The file was modified src/MultiComponentConvDiffConj/MultiComponentConvDiffConj.make
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXCompressible.c
The file was modified src/Fundamentals/PXHeap_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXSpalartAllmaras_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXCutBasis3d_PXU.cpp
The file was modified src/PXUnitPXAs.c
The file was modified src/PXSolver_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Reference/PXMatrices1d_PXU.c
The file was modified src/CompressibleOliver/PXCompressibleStateFunctional.c
The file was modified src/Fundamentals/PX.c
The file was modified src/Fundamentals/PXError_PXU.c
The file was modified src/LinearSolver/PXASM_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Reference/PXShape_PXU.c
The file was modified src/CompressibleHeatConj/PXScalarConvDiff.c
The file was modified src/PXAdaptMetric.c
The file was modified src/CompressibleHeatConj/PXCompressibleFunction_PXU.c
The file was modified src/NonEquilibrium/PXNonEquilibriumBCs.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXDistanceFunction.c
The file was modified src/PXBC_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Reference/PXOrder.c
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXCutCell3d_PXU.cpp
The file was modified src/Grid/PXDistanceToSurface_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXTree_PXU.c
The file was modified src/CauchyRiemann/PXCauchyRiemann_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXKOmega_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXCutQuad3d_PXU.cpp
The file was modified src/Adaptation/GKUnitGKA.c
The file was modified src/CompressibleSpaceTime/PXCompressibleSpaceTime_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXParallelGridAttachments.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXUnitGridAddOns_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXSpline.c
The file was modified src/LinearSolver/PXUMFPACK.c
The file was modified src/NewCompressible/PXCompressibleShock_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXIntersect3d_PXU.cpp
The file was modified src/NewCompressible/PXCompressibleFlux_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXModifyGrid_PXU.c
The file was modified src/PXCGNS_PXU.c
The file was modified src/CompressibleOliver/PXViscous.c
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXQuadPatch.cpp
The file was modified src/Fundamentals/PXError.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXQuadraticConic_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXCompressible_PXU.c
The file was modified src/LinearSolver/PXASM_DG.c
Commit e5d315af921c5f26cb8cfa2e414554cf9f5ccc73 by galbramc
Cleaned up cmake just a little

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10504 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified CMakeInclude/CompileFlags.cmake
The file was modified CMakeLists.txt
The file was modified CMakeInclude/UnitTest.cmake
Commit ce6b5481f6b58c25180b4ccca702a50dadcace68 by galbramc
Cleaned up some CMake files

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10505 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified CMakeInclude/PX.cmake
The file was modified utils/CMakeLists.txt
The file was modified CMakeLists.txt
The file was modified src/CompressibleHeatConj/CompressibleHeatConj.make
The file was modified Makefile.cmake
The file was modified include/Fundamentals/PXMemory.h
The file was modified CMakeInclude/UnitTest.cmake
The file was modified CMakeInclude/FindSUITESPARSE.cmake
The file was modified src/CompressibleHeatConj/CMakeLists.txt
The file was modified CMakeInclude/CompileFlags.cmake
Commit c50bf1f086ad46d688489158efef7a3ec9f6344c by galbramc
Fixed compiler warnings

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10506 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Fundamentals/PXMemory.c
Commit 0d037677f92690e4d2c28a48dadc32612e158d6a by galbramc
Working on cleaning up lots and lots of warnings

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10507 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Fundamentals/PX.c
The file was modified src/PXAdaptMetric.c
The file was modified include/Grid/PXIntersect2dStruct.h
The file was modified src/PXDGSolver.c
The file was modified src/PXHDGSolver.c
The file was modified include/PXOutputStruct.h
The file was modified utils/CMakeLists.txt
The file was modified CMakeInclude/CompileFlags.cmake
The file was modified include/Fundamentals/PX.h
The file was modified src/PXAdapt.c
The file was modified src/PXAnisotropicMetric.c
The file was modified CMakeInclude/UnitTest.cmake
The file was modified src/PXCDAll.c
The file was modified include/Grid/PXAttachmentType.h
The file was modified include/Grid/PXMeshAttachmentType.h
The file was modified include/Grid/PXCutQuad.h
The file was modified CMakeLists.txt
The file was modified src/PXBC.c
The file was modified include/Fundamentals/PXError.h
The file was modified include/Grid/PXQuadraticConic.h
The file was modified include/GeneralParameters/PXAdaptationParameters.h
The file was modified include/Grid/CutCell3D/PXIntersect3dStruct.h
The file was modified src/PXAuxVariable.c
The file was modified src/PXErrEst.c
Commit a98483e353d0666656743c9c7b9c58a2a4b5f6af by jkudo
Cleaning up PXHPAdaptDirectStruct.h by removing things that aren't used

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10508 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified include/PXHPAdaptDirectStruct.h
Commit f8b37f56ede46d4b9b737a5c72d2644987089e58 by galbramc
Fixed a typo

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10509 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified Makefile.cmake
Commit 52c39f693a9a10ce0a795202018f77eb2197b191 by galbramc
Cleaned up nearly all warnings. There are still some left to fix though...

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10510 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Grid/PXDistanceToSurface_PXU.c
The file was modified include/Grid/PXReadWriteGrid.h
The file was modified src/PXLog.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXPartitionMesh.c
The file was modified include/Fundamentals/PXMasterJobParameters.h
The file was modified include/GeneralParameters/PXCompressibleParameters.h
The file was modified src/Fundamentals/PXParallel_PXU.c
The file was modified src/CompressibleHeatConj/PXCompressible.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXReadWriteGrid_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXParallelCutCell3d_PXU.cpp
The file was modified src/CompressibleHeatConj/PXCompressibleHeatConj.c
The file was modified src/Fundamentals/PX_PXU.c
The file was modified src/CauchyRiemann/PXCauchyRiemann.h
The file was modified src/Adaptation/PXCVTDirectAdaptMechanics2d.c
The file was modified utils/PXConvert.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXMeshSize.c
The file was modified src/Fundamentals/PXLapack_PXU.c
The file was modified utils/ehliutest.c
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXQuadPatch.cpp
The file was modified utils/PXExtrude2DGrid.c
The file was modified src/NonEquilibrium/PXNonEquilibrium.h
The file was modified src/Adaptation/PXWriteMesherFiles.c
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXCutCell3dPrintInfo_PXU.cpp
The file was modified src/Fundamentals/PXBasicStructures_PXU.c
The file was modified src/UnitEquationSet/PXUnitEquationSet_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXPartition.c
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXCompressibleShock_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXMeshMetric_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXCutCellTools2d_PXU.c
The file was modified utils/PXTextOut.c
The file was modified src/ScalarConvDiff/PXScalarConvDiff_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXMeshMetric.c
The file was modified src/LinearSolver/PXBDDC.c
The file was modified src/NonEquilibrium/PXNonEquilibriumUtils_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Adaptation/PXMetricAdapt2d.c
The file was modified src/NewCompressible/PXCompressibleBCs.c
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXKOmega.c
The file was modified src/PXHPAdapt.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXDistanceToSurface.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXParallelMesh_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Fundamentals/PXMath_old.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXMeshOperation2d.c
The file was modified src/LinearSolver/PXOrdering_PXU.c
The file was modified utils/PXAddImpliedMetric.c
The file was modified src/CompressibleHeatConj/PXCompressibleUnitUtils.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXCutCell.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXUnitCutGrids_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXIntersectionPoint3d_PXU.cpp
The file was modified src/Fundamentals/PXParameter.c
The file was modified src/CompressibleHeatConj/PXCompressibleFunction.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXIntersectTools2d_PXU.c
The file was modified src/PXOutputFunctional.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXGridUniformRefine.c
The file was modified src/PXUnsteady.c
The file was modified src/PXResidual.c
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXCompressibleStateFunctional.c
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXQuadPatch_PXU.cpp
The file was modified src/LinearSolver/PXLU.c
The file was modified src/Reference/PXMeshSizeReference.c
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXCompressibleShock.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXReadWriteMesh.c
The file was modified src/PXHPAdaptDirect.c
The file was modified src/Fundamentals/PXHeap_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXTree_PXU.c
The file was modified src/CompressibleHeatConj/PXCompressibleStateFunctional.c
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXPolynomial.cpp
The file was modified src/Fundamentals/PXMemory.c
The file was modified src/LinearSolver/PXLU_PXU.c
The file was modified utils/PXMeshSmooth.c
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The file was modified src/Grid/PXLinearElasticity_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXModifyGrid_PXU.c
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The file was modified src/Grid/PXBasis.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXIntersect.c
The file was modified src/NonEquilibrium/PXNonEquilibriumFlux.c
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The file was modified src/Fundamentals/PXKDTree.c
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The file was modified src/PXResidual_PXU.c
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The file was modified src/PXOutput.c
The file was modified src/LinearSolver/PXASM_DG.c
The file was modified src/NonEquilibrium/PXNonEquilibriumShock.c
The file was modified src/NonEquilibrium/PXNonEquilibriumStateFunctional_PXU.c
The file was modified src/NewCompressible/PXCompressible_PXU.c
The file was modified src/NonEquilibrium/PXReactions_PXU.c
The file was modified src/LinearSolver/PXASM.c
The file was modified utils/JMPost.c
The file was modified utils/PXInterpolationError.c
The file was modified src/Fundamentals/PXHeap.c
The file was modified src/NewCompressible/PXCompressibleBCs.h
The file was modified src/ScalarConvDiff/PXScalarConvDiff.c
The file was modified src/PXRegionAttribute.c
The file was modified CMakeLists.txt
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXIntersect3d_PXU.cpp
The file was modified src/NonEquilibrium/PXReactions.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXIntersectTools2d.c
The file was modified src/LinearSolver/PXOrdering.c
The file was modified utils/PXExtrude2DGridToPrisms.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXParallelGrid_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Reference/PXOrder_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXReadWriteMesh_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXSpalartAllmaras.c
The file was modified src/Test/valgrind.supp
The file was modified utils/PXCountAspectRatio.c
The file was modified src/PXCDAll_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Reference/PXMeshSizeReference_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Fundamentals/PXGeometry.c
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXSpalartAllmaras_PXU.c
The file was modified src/NewCompressible/PXCompressible.c
The file was modified src/PXTime.c
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXCompressibleFunction_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXBasicGeometry_PXU.cpp
The file was modified src/Test/
The file was modified utils/PXExactUnsteadyError.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXDistanceFunction.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXNormal.c
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXCutCell3d_PXU.cpp
The file was modified src/Grid/PXMoveMesh.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXAttachmentMath.c
The file was modified src/LinearSolver/PXMat.c
The file was modified src/Test/
The file was modified src/LinearSolver/PXUnitLinearAlgebra.c
The file was modified src/NonEquilibrium/PXNonEquilibriumShock_PXU.c
The file was modified src/NonEquilibrium/PXReactions.h
The file was modified src/PXAuxVariable_PXU.c
The file was modified utils/PXPostExecMain.c
The file was modified src/Reference/PXMasterPolynomial_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXCutCell3d.cpp
The file was modified src/CompressibleHeatConj/PXKOmega.c
The file was modified src/Fundamentals/PXMath_old_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXSpline_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXMerge_PXU.c
The file was modified src/NewCompressible/PXCompressibleBCs_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXCutQuad.c
The file was modified src/LinearSolver/PXLinearAlgebra_PXU.c
The file was modified utils/PXConvertKarmanMetric.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXCutCell2dViz.c
The file was modified src/LinearSolver/PXLinearMG.c
The file was modified utils/PXEstimateNumberElem.c
The file was modified src/Fundamentals/PXKDTree_PXU.c
The file was modified src/PXSolutionTransfer.c
The file was modified src/Reference/PXMetric_PXU.c
The file was modified utils/PXSensitivityErrorTerms.c
The file was modified utils/PXViz.c
The file was modified src/Adaptation/PXElasticMesher.c
The file was modified utils/PXWriteGridCode.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXMeshOperation2d_PXU.c
The file was modified src/NonEquilibrium/PXNonEquilibriumUtils.c
The file was modified src/LinearSolver/PXMat_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXCoordinates.c
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXCutCell3dViz_PXU.cpp
The file was modified src/Grid/PXCoordinates_PXU.c
The file was modified src/PXResState.c
The file was modified src/LinearSolver/PXUnitLinearAlgebra_PXU.c
The file was modified utils/PXSensitivityStatistics.c
The file was modified src/LinearSolver/PXLinearSolverStruct.h
The file was modified src/PXInit.c
The file was modified src/NewCompressible/PXSpalartAllmaras_PXU.c
The file was modified src/PXShockCapture.c
The file was modified src/CompressibleHeatConj/PXViscous.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXMerge.c
The file was modified src/CauchyRiemann/PXCauchyRiemann_PXU.c
The file was modified src/NonEquilibrium/PXNonEquilibriumStateFunctional.c
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXMerge3d.cpp
The file was modified src/Grid/PXMoveMesh_PXU.c
The file was modified src/NewCompressible/PXSpalartAllmaras.c
The file was modified src/CompressibleHeatConj/PXScalarConvDiff.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXCutCell2dViz_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXUnitGridAddOns.c
The file was modified src/NonEquilibrium/PXNonEquilibriumBCs.c
The file was modified utils/PXWriteMeshCode.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXQuad.c
The file was modified src/Reference/PXShape_PXU.c
The file was modified src/PXEquationSet.c
The file was modified src/CompressibleHeatConj/PXScalarConvDiff.h
The file was modified src/PXSolver_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Adaptation/PXGridAnisoRefine_PXU.c
The file was modified src/LinearSolver/PXVec_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXCutCell3dPrintInfo.cpp
The file was modified src/LinearSolver/PXVec.c
The file was modified include/Grid/CutCell3D/PXPolynomial.h
The file was modified utils/PXH1Projection.c
The file was modified src/LinearSolver/PXInPlaceILU.c
The file was modified src/Adaptation/PXElasticMesher_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXEulerFlux.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXReadWriteGrid.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXTree.c
The file was modified utils/PXSolutionExtract.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXCutCell_PXU.c
The file was modified src/LinearizedEuler/PXLinearizedEuler.c
The file was modified utils/PXTextOutVectorized.c
The file was modified utils/PXLasloUtil.c
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXViscous.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXParallelGridAttachments.c
The file was modified src/LinearSolver/PXUMFPACK.c
The file was modified utils/PXAdaptVizGrid.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXSubMesh.c
The file was modified src/Fundamentals/PXLapack.c
The file was modified src/LinearSolver/PXLinearMG_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXPartitionMesh_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Reference/PXQuadReference_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXIntersect3d.cpp
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXReadWriteCutCell3d.cpp
The file was modified src/Grid/PXParallelMesh.c
The file was modified utils/PXDiff.c
The file was modified src/NewCompressible/PXCompressibleShock.c
The file was modified utils/PXPerturbSolution.c
The file was modified src/CompressibleHeatConj/PXEulerFlux.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXUnitParallelGrids.c
The file was modified src/Adaptation/PXMetricAdapt3d.c
The file was modified src/Adaptation/PXMetricAdapt1d_PXU.c
The file was modified src/NonEquilibrium/PXNonEquilibriumBCs.h
The file was modified src/LinearSolver/PXJacobi.c
The file was modified src/NewCompressible/PXCompressibleShock_PXU.c
The file was modified src/LinearSolver/PXUMFPACK_PXU.c
The file was modified configure
The file was modified src/Grid/PXGridAttachments_PXU.c
The file was modified src/CompressibleHeatConj/PXCompressibleShock.c
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXConic_PXU.cpp
The file was modified src/LinearSolver/PXGMRES.c
The file was modified src/Fundamentals/PXMath_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Reference/PXShape.c
The file was modified src/LinearSolver/PXJacobi_PXU.c
The file was modified utils/PXAnalyzeElementSize.c
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXCutCell3dViz.cpp
The file was modified src/Grid/PXIntersect_PXU.c
The file was modified src/MultiComponentConvDiff/PXMultiComponentConvDiff.c
The file was modified src/NewCompressible/PXCompressibleFlux_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXUnitCutGrids.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXCurvedMeshMaps.c
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXEulerFlux_PXU.c
The file was modified src/LinearSolver/PXInPlaceILU_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Adaptation/PXGridAnisoRefine.c
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXPolynomial_PXU.cpp
The file was modified src/Grid/PXQuadraticConic.c
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXCompressibleUnitUtils.c
The file was modified src/PXSolver.c
The file was modified src/CompressibleHeatConj/PXCompressibleHeatConj.h
The file was modified src/Fundamentals/PXParallel.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXDistanceFunctionSurfGrid.c
The file was modified src/MultiComponentConvDiffConj/PXMultiComponentConvDiffConj_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Reference/PXMatrices3d.c
The file was modified src/NewCompressible/PXCompressibleStateFunctional.c
The file was modified src/NewCompressible/PXCompressibleFlux.c
The file was modified utils/PXChangeGridQ.c
The file was modified src/Adaptation/PXMetricAdapt1d.c
The file was modified utils/PXSolutionTransferMain.c
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXCutQuad3d_PXU.cpp
The file was modified src/NewCompressible/PXCompressibleStateFunctional_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXCutQuad_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXCompressibleBCs.c
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXCompressible.h
The file was modified src/PXSensitivity.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXIntersect2d_PXU.c
The file was modified src/LinearizedEuler/PXLinearizedEuler_PXU.c
The file was modified src/PXAdaptMetric_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Reference/PXNormalReference_PXU.c
The file was modified src/NonEquilibrium/PXNonEquilibriumOutput.c
The file was modified utils/PXTestCutCellNullElementAdaptation.c
The file was modified src/PXHPAdapt_PXU.c
The file was modified include/Grid/PXCutQuad.h
The file was modified src/NonEquilibrium/PXAirModel_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Reference/PXCoordinatesReference.c
The file was modified include/PXPlot_Adapt.h
The file was modified utils/PXRecomputeQnDistanceAttach.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXTriangulatePolygon_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXNormal_PXU.c
The file was modified utils/PXAdaptWithFunction.c
The file was modified utils/PXGridInfo.c
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXCompressible_PXU.c
The file was modified src/PXHPAdaptDirect_PXU.c
The file was modified src/PXUnitPXAs.c
The file was modified src/MultiComponentConvDiff/PXMultiComponentConvDiff_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXGrid_PXU.c
The file was modified src/PXDGSolver_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Reference/PXQuadReference.c
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXConic.cpp
The file was modified src/PXSolutionTransfer_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXNumberType.cpp
The file was modified src/PXOutputFunctional_PXU.c
The file was modified src/MultiComponentConvDiffConj/PXMultiComponentConvDiffConj.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXMesh.c
The file was modified src/PXRunSolver.c
The file was modified src/UnitEquationSet/PXUnitEquationSet.c
The file was modified utils/PXCheckMetricConformity.c
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXBoundingBox3d.cpp
The file was modified src/WaveSpaceTime/PXWaveSpaceTime.c
The file was modified utils/PXUniformRefine.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXQuad_PXU.c
The file was modified src/PXHDGSolver_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXIntersect2d.c
The file was modified include/Grid/CutCell3D/PXConicStruct.h
The file was modified src/Grid/PXMeshSize_PXU.c
The file was modified src/PXHDGOutputFunctional.c
The file was modified src/NewCompressible/PXCompressible.h
The file was modified src/Fundamentals/PXString.c
The file was modified src/PXUnsteady_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Reference/PXMetric.c
The file was modified src/CauchyRiemann/PXCauchyRiemann.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXCutCellTools2d.c
The file was modified src/PXShockCapture_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXCompressibleFunction.c
The file was modified src/NonEquilibrium/PXAirModel.c
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXCutBasis3d_PXU.cpp
The file was modified src/Grid/PXDistanceFunctionSurfGrid_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXSubMesh_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXViscous_PXU.c
The file was modified utils/ehliutest2.c
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXBoundingBox3d_PXU.cpp
The file was modified utils/PXRefineGrid.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXBasis_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXDistanceFunction_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXCompressible.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXAttachmentMath_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXUnitGrids.c
The file was modified src/NonEquilibrium/PXNonEquilibriumBCs_PXU.c
The file was modified src/CompressibleHeatConj/PXCompressible.h
The file was modified src/Grid/PXLinearElasticity.c
The file was modified utils/PXHPAdaptFromMeshPXA.c
The file was modified src/NonEquilibrium/PXNonEquilibriumFlux_PXU.c
The file was modified src/PXResState_PXU.c
The file was modified include/Grid/CutCell3D/PXConic.h
The file was modified src/NewCompressible/PXCompressibleUnitUtils.c
The file was modified src/LinearSolver/PXBDDC_PXU.c
The file was modified utils/PXProject3DMetric.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXModifyGrid.c
The file was modified src/PXUnitPXAs_PXU.c
The file was modified utils/PXSensitivityFDdot.c
The file was modified utils/PXViz_V3PEVENT.c
The file was modified src/LinearSolver/PXCaseInfo.c
The file was modified utils/PXGenNacaMesh.c
The file was modified src/NonEquilibrium/PXNonEquilibriumOutput_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXGrid.c
The file was modified src/Reference/PXOrder.c
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXParallelCutCell3d.cpp
The file was modified src/Grid/PXMesh_PXU.c
The file was modified src/CompressibleHeatConj/PXCompressibleBCs.c
The file was modified src/Fundamentals/PXParameter_PXU.c
The file was modified utils/PXConvertKarmanGrid.c
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXCompressibleBCs_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXParallelGrid.c
The file was modified src/LinearSolver/PXLinearSolver.c
The file was modified src/NonEquilibrium/PXAirModel.h
The file was modified CMakeInclude/CompileFlags.cmake
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXReadWriteCutCell3d_PXU.cpp
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXCutQuad3d.cpp
The file was modified src/LinearSolver/PXASM_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXUnitGrids_PXU.c
The file was modified utils/PXGmsh2Grm.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXGridAttachments.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXParallelGridAttachments_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXSpline.c
The file was modified src/NonEquilibrium/PXNonEquilibrium.c
Commit d7eb66555314bae64a697e6292ab5c4f3fbe992d by galbramc
Fixed warnings that I missed. Added all serial reg tests to cmake. Fixed some bugs introduced when cleaning up all the warnings.

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10511 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/CompressibleHeatConj/PXEulerFlux.c
The file was modified utils/PXGenNacaMesh.c
The file was modified test/runTests.csh
The file was modified src/Makefile
The file was modified include/Grid/PXGridAttachments.h
The file was modified src/CMakeLists.txt
The file was modified src/CompressibleSpaceTime/PXCompressibleSpaceTime.c
The file was modified src/CompressibleSpaceTime/PXCompressibleSpaceTime_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXEulerFlux.c
The file was modified src/Fundamentals/PXSerial.c
The file was addedtest/CMakeLists.txt
The file was modified src/Grid/PXGridAttachments.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXParallelGrid.c
The file was modified utils/PXEstimateNumberElem.c
The file was modified utils/PXViz.c
The file was modified configure
The file was modified utils/PXIsotropicRefinementTable.c
The file was modified CMakeInclude/CompileFlags.cmake
The file was modified utils/CMakeLists.txt
The file was modified utils/PXCutCell3d.c
The file was modified utils/PXViz_V3PEVENT.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXReadWriteGrid.c
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXReadWriteCutCell3d_PXU.cpp
The file was modified src/Fundamentals/PXMath_old.c
Commit 8c2436226c32d1d24c9006008b09d987d050ba08 by galbramc
Fixed the regression tests to work even when there are no warnings generated by the compiler

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10512 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified utils/
Commit b54ee93656dd339c48564e03849ffd597f240fbd by galbramc
Forgot a file

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10513 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was addedsrc/CompressibleSpaceTime/CMakeLists.txt
Commit ceaf747f31e255839ecae34999532687e8202d21 by savithru
Added line-dump functionality which outputs values of a specified variable, along a user specified line, to a file.

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10514 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXCompressible.h
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXCompressibleStateFunctional.c
The file was modified src/PXOutputFunctional.c
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXCompressible.c
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXCompressibleStateFunctional.h
Commit 9ac6b1684c5603448976b7de84a48f8239027163 by savithru
added function definition for PXCalcCharacteristicSpeed

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10515 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXCompressibleStateFunctional.h
Commit fc65006d4030378abb5e27951be08b759edd3a12 by savithru
removed unused variables

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10516 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXCompressibleStateFunctional.c
Commit ee6cee6c3f92bcf57dcef844d6a5cfe04324bdd4 by savithru
fixed unused variable

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10517 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/PXOutputFunctional.c
Commit c034eef12d18c4fbad084023d57a2a887cd47499 by jkudo
Fixing divide by zero issue in PXLimitAdaptMetricBounds during unit test.

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10518 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/PXHPAdaptDirect_PXU.c
The file was modified include/GeneralParameters/PXAdaptationParameters.h
The file was modified src/PXHPAdaptDirect.c
Commit 8cbd0d642e240315c5fee268034608dcfa54d030 by jkudo
Fixing previous commit

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10519 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/PXHPAdaptDirect_PXU.c
Commit f985b297b41db1db1dc19e48ad2f6ba27711e2be by galbramc
Fixed a bunch of divide by zero caught by clang. Fixed some null pointers. Added options to cmake.

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10520 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified include/PXOutput.h
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXCutCellMetric3d_PXU.cpp
The file was modified src/PXAuxVariable_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXCutCellTools2d_PXU.c
The file was modified src/LinearSolver/PXGMRES_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXMeshSize.c
The file was modified src/PXAuxVariable.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXAttachmentMath_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXMesh_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXBasis_PXU.c
The file was modified src/LinearSolver/PXLinearSolver_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXReadWriteCutCell3d_PXU.cpp
The file was modified src/Grid/PXMeshAttachment_PXU.c
The file was modified src/LinearSolver/PXUnitLinearAlgebra.c
The file was modified src/Fundamentals/PXMemory.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXNormal_PXU.c
The file was modified src/PXHPAdaptDirect_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXCutCell3d_PXU.cpp
The file was modified CMakeLists.txt
The file was modified src/Grid/PXCutQuad_PXU.c
The file was modified utils/PXDiff.c
The file was modified utils/PXTestCutCellNullElementAdaptation.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXModifyGrid_PXU.c
The file was modified utils/PXGmsh2Grm.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXQuad_PXU.c
The file was modified src/PXShockCapture_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Adaptation/PXElasticMesher_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXIntersect2d_PXU.c
The file was modified src/LinearSolver/PXASM_DG.c
The file was modified src/PXSolutionTransfer.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXCurvedMeshMaps_PXU.c
The file was modified src/LinearSolver/PXInPlaceILU_PXU.c
The file was modified src/PXCDAll_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXMoveMesh.c
The file was addedCTestConfig.cmake
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXSpalartAllmaras_PXU.c
The file was modified utils/PXExtrude2DGridToPrisms.c
The file was modified src/LinearSolver/PXLU_PXU.c
The file was modified src/LinearSolver/PXVec.c
The file was modified src/PXDGSolver.c
The file was modified src/PXUnitPXAs_PXU.c
The file was modified utils/PXH1Projection.c
The file was modified src/LinearSolver/PXASM_PXU.c
The file was modified configure
The file was modified src/Adaptation/PXWriteMesherFiles_PXU.c
The file was modified utils/ehliutest.c
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXCutCell3d.cpp
The file was modified src/PXDGSolver_PXU.c
The file was modified utils/PXRecomputeQnDistanceAttach.c
The file was modified src/Adaptation/PXMetricAdapt3d.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXQuadraticConic.c
The file was modified src/PXOutputFunctional.c
The file was modified src/LinearSolver/PXLinearMG.c
The file was modified src/Adaptation/PXGridAnisoRefine_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXReadWriteGrid.c
The file was modified src/LinearSolver/PXUMFPACK_PXU.c
The file was modified src/PXAdaptMetric.c
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXViscous_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXGridAttachments.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXParallelGrid.c
The file was modified src/LinearizedEuler/PXLinearizedEuler.c
The file was modified src/ScalarConvDiff/PXScalarConvDiff_PXU.c
The file was modified src/LinearSolver/PXJacobi.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXMerge_PXU.c
The file was modified include/LinearSolver/PXLinearSolver.h
The file was modified src/Grid/PXBasis.c
The file was modified src/PXAdaptMetric_PXU.c
The file was modified test/runTests_parallel.csh
The file was modified src/Adaptation/PXCVTDirectAdaptMechanics2d_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXCoordinates_PXU.c
The file was modified src/PXHDGSolver_PXU.c
The file was modified utils/PXInterpolationError.c
The file was modified test/CMakeLists.txt
The file was modified utils/PXViz.c
The file was modified src/PXSolver.c
The file was modified src/LinearSolver/PXLinearSolver.c
The file was modified src/Fundamentals/PXMath_old.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXMeshSize_PXU.c
The file was modified src/PXBC.c
The file was modified src/PXOutput_PXU.c
The file was modified utils/PXCheckMetricConformity.c
The file was modified src/LinearSolver/PXJacobi_PXU.c
The file was modified src/PXCDAll.c
The file was modified utils/PXMeshElasticity.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXDistanceToSurface.c
The file was modified src/ScalarConvDiff/PXScalarConvDiff.c
The file was modified utils/PXConvert.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXMesh.c
The file was modified src/Fundamentals/PXMath.c
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXCutCell3dViz_PXU.cpp
The file was modified src/Grid/PXSpline_PXU.c
The file was modified utils/PXSolutionTransferExtruded.c
The file was modified src/PXHDGSolver.c
The file was modified include/PXResidual.h
The file was modified src/LinearSolver/PXMat.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXCutCell2dViz_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXMoveMesh_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Fundamentals/PXLapack.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXIntersect_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Adaptation/PXElasticMesher.c
The file was modified utils/PXConvertKarmanMetric.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXMeshMetric_PXU.c
The file was modified src/PXHPAdaptDirect.c
The file was modified src/CompressibleHeatConj/PXEulerFlux.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXParallelGridAttachments_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXDistanceFunctionSurfGrid_PXU.c
The file was modified src/LinearSolver/PXLinearMG_PXU.c
The file was modified include/Grid/PXGrid.h
The file was modified src/Grid/PXGrid_PXU.c
The file was modified src/PXResidual.c
The file was modified src/LinearSolver/PXASM.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXModifyGrid.c
The file was modified CMakeInclude/UnitTest.cmake
The file was modified src/Adaptation/PXGridAnisoRefine.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXIntersect2d.c
The file was modified src/PXShockCapture.c
The file was modified src/UnitEquationSet/PXUnitEquationSet_PXU.c
The file was modified utils/PXCutCell3d.c
The file was modified src/LinearSolver/PXCaseInfo.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXUnitCutGrids_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXDistanceToSurface_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXGridAttachments_PXU.c
The file was modified src/LinearSolver/PXLinearAlgebra.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXGridUniformRefine_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXDistanceFunction_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXSubMesh_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXUnitParallelGrids.c
The file was modified utils/PXSolutionTransferMain.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXMeshOperation2d_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXParallelGrid_PXU.c
The file was modified src/PXOutput.c
The file was modified utils/PXRefineGrid.c
The file was modified src/Adaptation/PXMetricAdapt2d.c
The file was modified utils/PXAnalyzeElementSize.c
The file was modified src/LinearSolver/PXVec.h
The file was modified utils/PXCurveBumpSurface.c
The file was modified utils/PXWriteMeshCode.c
The file was modified src/LinearSolver/PXMat_PXU.c
The file was modified src/LinearSolver/PXBDDC_PXU.c
The file was modified src/LinearSolver/PXBDDC.c
The file was modified src/PXSolutionTransfer_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Adaptation/PXMetricAdapt1d.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXReadWriteGrid_PXU.c
The file was modified src/LinearSolver/PXGMRES.c
The file was modified src/PXResidual_PXU.c
The file was modified src/PXRegionAttribute_PXU.c
The file was modified src/PXUnitPXAs.c
The file was modified src/UnitEquationSet/PXUnitEquationSet.c
The file was modified src/PXHPAdapt_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Adaptation/PXWriteMesherFiles.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXUnitGrids_PXU.c
The file was modified src/PXHPAdapt.c
The file was modified src/Fundamentals/PXKDTree_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXIntersect3d.cpp
The file was modified utils/PXExtrude2DGrid.c
The file was modified src/PXInit.c
The file was modified utils/PXLasloUtil.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXMeshMetric.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXMerge.c
The file was modified utils/PXUniformRefine.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXCutCell_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXGrid.c
The file was modified src/LinearSolver/PXUnitLinearAlgebra_PXU.c
The file was modified src/NewCompressible/PXCompressibleFlux_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXNormal.c
The file was modified utils/PXTextOutVectorized.c
The file was modified src/LinearSolver/PXVec_PXU.c
Commit 598d54531c2bc5b1bf73f1eeac466f235c7f7d10 by jmartin3
Fixed CMake for MAC

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10521 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified CMakeInclude/CompileFlags.cmake
The file was modified CMakeInclude/FindSUITESPARSE.cmake
The file was modified utils/utils.make
The file was modified utils/CMakeLists.txt
The file was modified CMakeInclude/PX.cmake
The file was modified CMakeLists.txt
Commit b9c499768a4bf36ec68e32a0e8c87ef12a34e20a by galbramc
Regression tests now run with ctest. Made other cosmetic changes to cmake

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10522 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified CMakeInclude/PX.cmake
The file was modified CMakeInclude/CompileFlags.cmake
The file was modified src/Fundamentals/CMakeLists.txt
The file was modified CMakeInclude/UnitTest.cmake
The file was modified CMakeInclude/FindSUITESPARSE.cmake
The file was modified test/CMakeLists.txt
The file was modified CMakeLists.txt
The file was modified src/CMakeLists.txt
Commit e6c42231e5f6db50024caf08b4db686edc28da00 by galbramc
Fixed some compile warnings

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10523 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/PXSolver.c
Commit 7ba32164eb5f4c51afdff185843fb2ea7b635edb by galbramc
Cleaned up NLOPT library error message. Fixed warnings when compilig with PX_SHADOW

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10524 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Grid/PXCoordinates.c
The file was modified CMakeLists.txt
Commit da752d3316d53861c28ee6ab6812e382628fe3bc by galbramc
Fixed some PARALLEL bugs in cmake. Added local coverage information to cmake

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10525 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified CMakeInclude/UnitTest.cmake
The file was modified CMakeInclude/CompileFlags.cmake
The file was modified CMakeLists.txt
Commit d1ba0847fd32f0b1d7bb945d0c8f40403772fc46 by galbramc
Minor fixes

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10526 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified test/runTests_parallel.csh
The file was modified utils/utils.make
The file was modified CMakeInclude/UnitTest.cmake
Commit 1a644cad02f9f628c06a3c41ca8eb1fc9b9cab08 by galbramc
Small change to make sure CMakeLists.txt does not get deleted by runclean.csh

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10527 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified test/runclean.csh
Commit d068cc67a0f6ea1fedce12ee215bff6970d4fa85 by galbramc
addede a coverage_clean command

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10528 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified CMakeInclude/UnitTest.cmake
Commit fdf839885d7692762c1295a59a250c0c6c5e5ad6 by savithru
Added NuTildeLine, and headers for line output files

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10529 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXCompressibleStateFunctional.h
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXCompressibleStateFunctional.c
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXCompressible.h
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXCompressible.c
The file was modified src/PXOutputFunctional.c
Commit aa51e4df1684b65b63f0f40224747851369d41ec by savithru
forgot header file

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10530 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified include/PXOutputFunctional.h
The file was modified src/PXOutputFunctional.c
Commit d8f8991f9dbe6978e35fff1b4c8f3111702bb592 by galbramc
Fixed a bunch of warnings with gcc 4.8. Fixed wrong number of arguments for PXEqnSetFillRegionAttributeStruct in PXUnitEquationSet.c

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10531 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/CompressibleHeatConj/PXCompressibleStateFunctional_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Fundamentals/PXString_PXU.c
The file was modified utils/PXAdaptVizGrid.c
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXCompressibleStateFunctional_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Fundamentals/PXMath_old_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXCompressibleBCs_PXU.c
The file was modified src/LinearSolver/PXUnitLinearAlgebra_PXU.c
The file was modified src/NewCompressible/PXSpalartAllmaras_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXViscous_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Reference/PXMetric_PXU.c
The file was addedshare/libVisual3_cygwin64gfort.a
The file was modified src/PXResidual_PXU.c
The file was modified src/NewCompressible/PXSpalartAllmaras.c
The file was modified utils/PXRefineGrid.c
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXSpalartAllmaras.c
The file was modified src/NewCompressible/PXCompressibleFlux.c
The file was modified src/PXSolutionTransfer.c
The file was modified src/NonEquilibrium/PXReactions_PXU.c
The file was modified src/LinearSolver/PXASM_DG.c
The file was modified src/LinearSolver/PXOrdering_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXIntersect.c
The file was modified src/Reference/PXCoordinatesReference.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXBasis_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXCutQuad_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXCompressibleShock_PXU.c
The file was modified src/NonEquilibrium/PXAirModel_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXQuadraticConic_PXU.c
The file was modified src/PXHPAdaptDirect.c
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXCompressible.c
The file was modified src/Reference/PXOrder_PXU.c
The file was addedshare/libVisual3_cygwin32gfort.a
The file was modified src/ScalarConvDiff/PXScalarConvDiff_PXU.c
The file was modified src/PXHPAdapt_PXU.c
The file was modified src/WaveSpaceTime/PXWaveSpaceTime_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXCutQuad.c
The file was modified src/PXShockCapture_PXU.c
The file was modified src/CompressibleSpaceTime/PXCompressibleSpaceTime.c
The file was modified src/LinearSolver/PXUMFPACK_PXU.c
The file was modified src/LinearizedEuler/PXLinearizedEuler.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXAttachmentMath_PXU.c
The file was modified src/CompressibleSpaceTime/PXCompressibleSpaceTime_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXGrid_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXMeshAttachment_PXU.c
The file was modified src/LinearSolver/PXMat_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXIntersect2d.c
The file was modified src/Reference/PXShape.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXGrid.c
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXCompressible_PXU.c
The file was modified src/CompressibleHeatConj/PXCompressible.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXParallelGrid.c
The file was modified src/NewCompressible/PXCompressibleBCs_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXMesh.c
The file was modified include/Fundamentals/PX.h
The file was modified src/Grid/PXCoordinates.c
The file was modified src/NewCompressible/PXCompressibleStateFunctional_PXU.c
The file was modified src/PXHDGSolver.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXAttachmentMath.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXCutCell_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXIntersect_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXPartition.c
The file was modified src/PXHPAdaptDirect_PXU.c
The file was modified src/UnitEquationSet/PXUnitEquationSet.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXMesh_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXQuad_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXGridAttachments_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXSpalartAllmaras_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXModifyGrid.c
The file was modified src/PXRegionAttribute.c
The file was modified utils/PXTestCutCellNullElementAdaptation.c
The file was modified src/Adaptation/PXMetricAdapt1d_PXU.c
The file was modified src/PXAdaptMetric.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXCutCellTools2d_PXU.c
The file was modified src/PXAuxVariable_PXU.c
The file was modified src/LinearSolver/PXLinearMG_PXU.c
The file was modified src/NonEquilibrium/PXNonEquilibriumOutput_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Adaptation/PXElasticMesher.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXModifyGrid_PXU.c
Commit 7223417c12bc706bf46b13853813d55bb4643b18 by galbramc
Fixed mistakes in coverage. Formatting cleanup.

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10532 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXCompressibleShock.c
The file was modified src/Test/valgrind.supp
The file was modified CMakeLists.txt
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXCompressibleBCs.c
The file was modified CMakeInclude/CompileFlags.cmake
The file was modified src/PXHPAdaptDirect.c
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXViscous.c
The file was modified src/Reference/PXShape.c
The file was modified CMakeInclude/UnitTest.cmake
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXCompressible.c
The file was modified src/PXResidual.c
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXViscous_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Fundamentals/PX.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXMoveMesh.c
The file was modified include/Fundamentals/PX.h
The file was modified src/PXAuxVariable.c
The file was modified src/PXAdaptMetric.c
The file was modified src/Fundamentals/PXMemory.c
The file was modified src/PXShockCapture.c
Commit dcaffc2ff90100b6e8cab7e84e6238b2c9c347a4 by jmartin3
Fixed Cmake for Ubuntu

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10533 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified utils/CMakeLists.txt
The file was modified CMakeLists.txt
Commit ad77bd0da0eb470754c5a5b9f01a24043f524a96 by galbramc
More work cleaning up memory

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10534 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Grid/PXUnitGridAddOns.c
The file was modified src/PXShockCapture_PXU.c
The file was modified src/LinearSolver/PXLinearSolver_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXGrid_PXU.c
The file was modified src/UnitEquationSet/PXUnitEquationSet.c
The file was modified src/LinearSolver/PXLinearMG_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Fundamentals/PXMemory.c
The file was modified src/Fundamentals/PXParameter_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXUnitCutGrids.c
The file was modified src/Fundamentals/PXGeometry.c
The file was modified src/PXUnitPXAs_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Fundamentals/PXMath_old.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXModifyGrid.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXCutCellTools2d.c
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXViscous_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXBasis.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXUnitGrids.c
The file was modified src/PXShockCapture.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXGrid.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXLinearElasticity.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXUnitCutGrids_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXCutQuad.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXMoveMesh.c
The file was modified src/Fundamentals/PXMath.c
The file was modified src/PXErrEst.c
The file was modified src/Fundamentals/PXKDTree.c
The file was modified src/Fundamentals/PXKDTree_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Fundamentals/PXMath_old_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXIntersect2d_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXSpline.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXUnitGrids_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXIntersect2d.c
The file was modified src/PXCDAll.c
The file was modified src/Fundamentals/PXMemory_PXU.c
The file was modified src/PXUnsteady.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXMoveMesh_PXU.c
The file was modified include/Fundamentals/PX.h
The file was modified src/PXInit.c
The file was modified include/Fundamentals/PXParameter.h
The file was modified src/Fundamentals/PXParameter.c
The file was modified src/LinearSolver/PXBDDC_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXGridAttachments.c
The file was modified src/Fundamentals/PX.c
The file was modified src/Fundamentals/PXError.c
The file was modified src/Fundamentals/PXBasicStructures_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Fundamentals/PXMath_PXU.c
The file was modified src/LinearSolver/PXASM_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Fundamentals/PXLapack.c
The file was modified src/Fundamentals/PXHeap.c
The file was modified include/Test/PXUnit.h
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXCompressibleUnitUtils.c
The file was modified CMakeInclude/UnitTest.cmake
The file was modified src/PXRunSolver.c
The file was modified src/LinearSolver/PXGMRES_PXU.c
Commit e80ff515097e05c851f8ed5875bb791d3c4a5507 by galbramc
Fixed some compile errors

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10535 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified utils/PXRefineGrid.c
The file was modified utils/PXSolutionTransferExtruded.c
The file was modified utils/PXLasloUtil.c
The file was modified utils/PXMeshElasticity.c
The file was modified utils/PXAdaptWithFunction.c
The file was modified utils/PXChangeEquation.c
Commit 4a2354cf5c3f21430fd0721f19c9c60e506af8b2 by galbramc
Just some cleanup of memory error message

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10536 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Fundamentals/PXMemory_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Fundamentals/PXMemory.c
Commit efb0cd9051289aa68f5c5a7b504df7138fc91d3f by galbramc
Fixed valgrid suppression file mistake. Fixed memory in KDTree unit test

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10537 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified CTestConfig.cmake
The file was modified src/Fundamentals/PXKDTree_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Fundamentals/PXMemory_PXU.c
The file was modified CMakeLists.txt
Commit 045000274c49b5694879689fc7c8dc5f92f0de85 by galbramc
Fixed so that Makefile.cmake has tab completion. Fixed some memory prolems in Fundamentals

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10538 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Fundamentals/PXMath_old.c
The file was modified src/Fundamentals/PXParameter_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Fundamentals/PXBasicStructures.c
The file was modified Makefile.cmake
The file was modified src/Fundamentals/PXMemory.c
Commit 602bb4b6be9c238f24c43cf1ecf3d7230bceeb89 by jkudo
fixing allocation issue in NLOPT unit test in PXHPAdaptDirect_PXU.c

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10539 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/PXHPAdaptDirect_PXU.c
Commit 23410e5a3f38bb0170b4b75c4b0d1af55d7344f3 by galbramc
Some general cleanup

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10540 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Test/valgrind.supp
The file was modified src/PXSensitivity.c
The file was modified src/Fundamentals/PXMemory_PXU.c
The file was modified src/PXAuxVariable.c
The file was modified src/PXUnsteady.c
The file was modified src/PXResidual.c
The file was modified man/viscous_discretization/Makefile
The file was modified src/PXUnsteady_PXU.c
The file was modified src/PXResidual_PXU.c
The file was modified include/PXEquationSetEntryStruct.h
The file was modified src/ScalarConvDiff/PXScalarConvDiff_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXBasis.c
The file was modified src/PXOutput.c
Commit 5c413681c40a873232968d85b85260e6dc029963 by smojeda
Job/Knob updates

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10541 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified include/Fundamentals/PXMasterJobParameters.h
The file was modified test/MasterJob_Example.job
The file was modified src/PXInit.c
Commit f6cdf1b607139f384e8229e5d2389a6a545d8efb by smojeda
Job/Knob updates

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10542 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/PXInit.c
Commit 0baa93987cd8ea5d920d7e600177439314ad0603 by savithru
Fixed uninitialized pointers in LinearSolver

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10543 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/LinearSolver/PXVec.c
The file was modified src/LinearSolver/PXASM.c
The file was modified src/LinearSolver/PXBDDC.c
The file was modified src/LinearSolver/PXVec_PXU.c
The file was modified src/LinearSolver/PXLU.c
The file was modified src/LinearSolver/PXLU_PXU.c
The file was modified src/LinearSolver/PXLinearSolver.c
The file was modified src/LinearSolver/PXJacobi_PXU.c
The file was modified src/LinearSolver/PXLinearAlgebra_PXU.c
The file was modified src/LinearSolver/PXInPlaceILU_PXU.c
The file was modified src/LinearSolver/PXUnitLinearAlgebra.c
The file was modified src/LinearSolver/PXLinearAlgebra.c
The file was modified src/LinearSolver/PXOrdering.c
The file was modified src/LinearSolver/PXCaseInfo_PXU.c
The file was modified src/LinearSolver/PXOrdering_PXU.c
The file was modified src/LinearSolver/PXMat.c
The file was modified src/LinearSolver/PXASM_DG_PXU.c
The file was modified src/LinearSolver/PXLinearSolver_PXU.c
The file was modified src/LinearSolver/PXBDDC_PXU.c
The file was modified src/LinearSolver/PXUMFPACK_PXU.c
The file was modified src/LinearSolver/PXGMRES_PXU.c
The file was modified src/LinearSolver/PXGMRES.c
The file was modified src/LinearSolver/PXInPlaceILU.c
The file was modified src/LinearSolver/PXLinearMG.c
The file was modified src/LinearSolver/PXMat_PXU.c
The file was modified src/LinearSolver/PXUMFPACK.c
The file was modified src/LinearSolver/PXASM_DG.c
The file was modified src/LinearSolver/PXJacobi.c
The file was modified src/LinearSolver/PXUnitLinearAlgebra_PXU.c
The file was modified src/LinearSolver/PXASM_PXU.c
The file was modified src/LinearSolver/PXLinearMG_PXU.c
Commit ceddcc8999c0e0a8c79573625e1972fb3e10d952 by savithru
fixed integer cast error

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10544 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/LinearSolver/PXMat.c
Commit f702526130a68a5480253656d710f025307fd6c0 by galbramc
Fixed up things so the intel compiler works. Hopefylly fixed FindSUITESPARSE.cmake to work with a non-system install of suitesparse

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10545 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Adaptation/CMakeLists.txt
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXCompressible_PXU.c
The file was modified src/CompressibleSpaceTime/PXCompressibleSpaceTime.c
The file was modified utils/NOdials.c
The file was modified src/Adaptation/PXWriteMesherFiles.c
The file was modified CMakeInclude/FindSUITESPARSE.cmake
The file was modified utils/ehliutest2.c
The file was modified utils/ehliutest.c
The file was modified src/PXLog.c
The file was modified utils/PXTestCutCellNullElementAdaptation.c
The file was modified utils/PXViz.c
The file was modified utils/ProjectXParallel
The file was modified CMakeInclude/CompileFlags.cmake
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXCompressible.c
The file was modified CMakeLists.txt
Commit 646893f70f47ec4d7fcc77d98f3ec97c6d058962 by smojeda
Multi-Region and Fully Embedded Cut-Cell Methods with Visualization

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10546 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/PXResState.c
The file was modified include/Grid/PXIntersect2dStruct.h
The file was modified src/Grid/PXSpline.c
The file was modified utils/PXViz.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXReadWriteGrid.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXIntersect2d.c
The file was modified src/PXRegionAttribute.c
The file was modified utils/PXAdaptVizGrid.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXCutCell2dViz.c
The file was modified src/PXOutputFunctional.c
The file was modified src/PXOutput.c
The file was modified include/Grid/PXCutCell2dViz.h
Commit c5a844f8b424cafcfa0541f29d6c6d7102d7af25 by galbramc
Cleaned up some more non-NULL pointers and other memory problems

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10547 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXViscous_PXU.c
The file was modified src/NonEquilibrium/PXNonEquilibriumUtils.c
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXSpalartAllmaras.c
The file was modified src/NonEquilibrium/PXNonEquilibriumStateFunctional.c
The file was modified src/NonEquilibrium/PXAirModel.c
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXCompressible_PXU.c
The file was modified src/NonEquilibrium/PXNonEquilibriumShock_PXU.c
The file was modified src/NonEquilibrium/PXNonEquilibriumShock.c
The file was modified src/NonEquilibrium/PXNonEquilibriumBCs_PXU.c
The file was modified src/NonEquilibrium/PXNonEquilibriumUtils_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Fundamentals/PXParallel_PXU.c
The file was modified src/NonEquilibrium/PXNonEquilibriumOutput_PXU.c
The file was modified src/WaveSpaceTime/PXWaveSpaceTime_PXU.c
The file was modified src/NonEquilibrium/PXNonEquilibriumFlux_PXU.c
The file was modified src/NonEquilibrium/PXReactions.c
The file was modified src/NonEquilibrium/PXNonEquilibriumStateFunctional_PXU.c
The file was modified src/NonEquilibrium/PXNonEquilibriumFlux.c
The file was modified src/UnitEquationSet/PXUnitEquationSet_PXU.c
The file was modified src/LinearSolver/PXLU_PXU.c
The file was modified src/CompressibleSpaceTime/PXCompressibleSpaceTime.c
The file was modified src/NonEquilibrium/PXNonEquilibrium.c
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXCompressibleBCs_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Fundamentals/PXParallel.c
The file was modified src/NonEquilibrium/PXNonEquilibriumOutput.c
The file was modified src/NonEquilibrium/PXReactions_PXU.c
The file was modified src/NonEquilibrium/PXNonEquilibriumBCs.c
Commit 9b2d2af49655d57e4d2ace3c2cb5aebfa4aa01c8 by galbramc
Revived two unit tests

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10548 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Adaptation/PXMoveMesh3d.c
The file was modified src/Grid/Grid.make
The file was modified CMakeLists.txt
The file was modified src/LinearSolver/PXUMFPACK.h
The file was modified src/Grid/PXUnitParallelGrids_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXUnitGridAddOns_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXUnitParallelGrids.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXUnitGridAddOns.c
Commit 1051c7bb26c17f6500102f48d4f1d9168781946d by galbramc
Typo in the makefile

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10549 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Grid/Grid.make
Commit b0e7b45b91de8897a95ad351a562470fd72cdb25 by galbramc
Small formatting changes

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10550 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Adaptation/PXElasticMesher.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXMoveMesh.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXMeshSize.c
The file was modified src/PXAuxVariable.c
The file was modified src/Reference/PXOrder.c
The file was modified src/Fundamentals/PXMath_old_PXU.c
The file was modified src/PXResidual.c
Commit a426b76b78d0a91466f041b49f64fa929f47d4cc by carlee
git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10551 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Reference/PXMeshSizeReference_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Reference/PXMasterPolynomial_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Reference/PXMetric.c
The file was modified src/Reference/PXQuadReference_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Reference/PXMasterPolynomial.c
The file was modified src/Reference/PXCoordinatesReference_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Reference/PXCoordinatesReference.c
The file was modified src/Reference/PXMetric_PXU.c
Commit fbca830d38d66282f6dd593477af7620b151923f by smojeda
CHT Interface/Error Outputs, Test Functions, Initialize Functionality

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10552 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/CompressibleHeatConj/PXCompressible.c
The file was modified src/CompressibleHeatConj/PXCompressibleHeatConj.c
The file was modified src/CompressibleHeatConj/PXCompressibleFunction.c
The file was modified src/CompressibleHeatConj/PXScalarConvDiff.c
The file was modified src/CompressibleHeatConj/PXScalarConvDiff.h
The file was modified src/CompressibleHeatConj/PXCompressibleHeatConj.h
The file was modified include/GeneralParameters/PXCompressibleHeatConjParameters.h
The file was modified src/CompressibleHeatConj/PXCompressible.h
The file was modified src/CompressibleHeatConj/PXCompressibleFunction.h
The file was modified src/CompressibleHeatConj/PXViscous.c
Commit ee8f9229cbc415372d0d704e25aba72b60caee72 by jkudo
Josh's fix for using the Resolution Indicator with MOESS

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10553 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/PXShockCapture.c
Commit 1cb850c4135f43c1b45e4ec074e309e59a9a556e by galbramc
Trying to fix CMake for non-system suitesparse

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10554 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified CMakeInclude/FindSUITESPARSE.cmake
The file was modified CMakeInclude/CompileFlags.cmake
Commit 931532b5cabcecba6ac54f3c78ad5d6e3e7f9a24 by galbramc
Still working on suitesparse

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10555 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified CMakeInclude/FindSUITESPARSE.cmake
Commit 3d03be98be8cd30fb5db2495340319b72b740407 by jkudo
changing madcap script to not locally refine elements while curving

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10556 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Adaptation/PXWriteMesherFiles.c
Commit 25772a1cfeddabcfae7b13b9aa668e44789339ff by smojeda
Unit Testing InitFunction

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10557 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/UnitEquationSet/PXUnitEquationSet.h
The file was modified src/PXResState_PXU.c
The file was modified include/PXUnitPXAs.h
The file was modified src/UnitEquationSet/PXUnitEquationSet.c
The file was modified src/PXUnitPXAs.c
The file was modified src/PXResState.c
Commit 064600652807965198491ee42e66e7797d1330a4 by jkudo
Iterative constraint method for MOESS NLOPT optimization

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10558 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/PXHPAdaptDirect.c
The file was modified include/GeneralParameters/PXAdaptationParameters.h
The file was modified src/Fundamentals/PX.c
The file was modified src/PXHPAdaptDirect_PXU.c
The file was modified include/Fundamentals/PX.h
Commit 00c63c02fc7259f6df65a83c72ee706533cca5bf by galbramc
Changed CMake to bias towards static libraries rather than shared libraries

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10559 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified CMakeLists.txt
The file was modified CMakeInclude/FindSUITESPARSE.cmake
The file was modified src/CompressibleHeatConj/PXCompressibleBCs.c
The file was modified Makefile.cmake
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXCompressibleBCs.c
Commit e8e65ee302fa1778f5764197780da45006df92cd by galbramc
Changed this so that intel compiler links staticaly to the mkl library

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10560 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified CMakeLists.txt
The file was modified utils/CMakeLists.txt
Commit 88a575038ad437551b44b096b19707e26197e392 by galbramc
Forgot to remove the gfortran library from the link

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10561 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified CMakeLists.txt
Commit 108a2f25267e9afe3a1068e8fad563f0fe20f8f4 by galbramc
Cleaning up CMake stuff

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10562 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified utils/CMakeLists.txt
The file was modified CMakeLists.txt
The file was modified Makefile.cmake
Commit c00a441fab44165f6513da4c2fde0d568d099d61 by galbramc
Forgot a file

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10563 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was addedCMakeInclude/Add_Target_Property.cmake
Commit e3431167627bf84dc1278032775b6dddb3331cde by galbramc
Modified cmake files some more

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10564 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified CMakeInclude/PX.cmake
The file was addedCMakeInclude/SetCompiler.cmake
The file was modified CMakeLists.txt
The file was modified test/CMakeLists.txt
The file was modified CMakeInclude/CompileFlags.cmake
The file was modified CMakeInclude/FindLEDA.cmake
Commit 42f67658299aa9b94515bda098a3cadcf1db5843 by galbramc
Fixed some clang warnings

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10565 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/PXResState.c
Commit 69c52f6bb24c19e7ba3fb43a2af59ba10aad48f7 by carlee
fixed some NULL pointers in Grid folder

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10566 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Grid/PXGrid.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXGrid_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXReadWriteMesh_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXSpline_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXMeshOperation2d.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXGridUniformRefine.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXGridAttachments.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXIntersect_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXCutQuad.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXCutCell_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXTree.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXMeshMetric.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXUnitGridAddOns.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXIntersect.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXBasis.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXDistanceFunction.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXQuad.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXMeshMetric_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXReadWriteGrid_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXMeshOperation2d_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXGridUniformRefine_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXDistanceFunction_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXBasis_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXQuad_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXSubMesh_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXAttachmentMath.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXCurvedMeshMaps_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXCutCellTools2d_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXCutCell2dViz.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXAttachmentMath_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXReadWriteGrid.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXTree_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXTriangulatePolygon.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXDistanceFunctionSurfGrid.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXGridAttachments_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXSpline.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXDistanceToSurface.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXQuadraticConic.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXDistanceToSurface_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXCoordinates.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXMeshAttachment.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXUnitGrids.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXCutCell2dViz_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXCutCell.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXUnitGridAddOns_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXCutQuad_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXTriangulatePolygon_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXSubMesh.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXDistanceFunctionSurfGrid_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXCutCellTools2d.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXIntersect2d.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXIntersect2d_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXReadWriteMesh.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXCoordinates_PXU.c
Commit 5acfe51817b6a4aa84b22e7b5105a61a55043254 by pcaplan
Call to ursa (unstructured anisotropic mesher), can be set with Mesher = URSA but don't do this yet, fixed a semicolon in src/Grid/PXMeshMetric_PXU.c

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10567 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified include/PXWriteMesherFiles.h
The file was modified include/Fundamentals/PX.h
The file was modified src/Fundamentals/PX.c
The file was modified src/PXHPAdapt.c
The file was modified include/GeneralParameters/PXAdaptationParameters.h
The file was modified src/Adaptation/PXWriteMesherFiles.c
The file was modified src/PXHPAdaptDirect.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXMesh.c
Commit 53c39c3ed3a24ba55a089250d8a1ee8684fbcc1d by pcaplan
removed unused

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10568 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/PXHPAdaptDirect.c
Commit 395c7ccd34f9e5d9bbec7a727cc961e5f823c018 by pcaplan
forgot to commit this

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10569 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Grid/PXMeshMetric_PXU.c
Commit 006f93c25b8937282185c8b0fd4d295e1452a713 by pcaplan
Noticed a segfault from nullifying pointers

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10570 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Grid/PXGrid.c
Commit eacd52d205052f6481673121ee751b8f3ba6fcd1 by galbramc
Fixed some NULL pointers

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10571 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Grid/PXModifyGrid.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXIntersect2d.c
The file was modified src/PXHPAdapt.c
The file was modified src/Fundamentals/PXMemory.c
The file was modified src/PXHPAdapt_PXU.c
The file was modified Makefile.cmake
The file was modified src/Grid/PXCutCellTools2d.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXMoveMesh.c
The file was modified include/Grid/PXIntersect2dStruct.h
Commit 8879cf91316c001746f9d355c7e55d11e6f693e3 by galbramc
Accidentally forgot to revert PXMemory

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10572 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Fundamentals/PXMemory.c
Commit cfd4e1bfe4c96593c362e492b0fb30b99432ceb0 by galbramc
Cleaning up Viscous calculations

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10573 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Grid/PXUnitGridAddOns_PXU.c
The file was modified test/CMakeLists.txt
The file was modified src/Grid/PXCutQuad_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXCompressibleStateFunctional_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXViscous.c
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXCompressibleStateFunctional.c
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXCompressible.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXUnitGridAddOns.c
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXCompressibleStateFunctional.h
The file was modified src/WaveSpaceTime/PXWaveSpaceTime_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Fundamentals/PXMath_old.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXUnitCutGrids_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXViscous_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXIntersect2d.c
The file was modified include/Test/PXUnit.h
The file was modified src/PXHDGSolver_PXU.c
Commit e2274e81f9ed37170d46f005c47f6b96b8b9dfee by galbramc
Refactoring viscous terms

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10574 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXViscous_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXCompressibleStateFunctional_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXCompressible.c
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXCompressibleStateFunctional.h
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXCompressibleStateFunctional.c
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXViscous.c
Commit 83b21f92874d408179ac731611f9542ab3641552 by pcaplan
philip wrote a unit test?

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10575 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Grid/PXReadWriteGrid_PXU.c
Commit c775f632403ea30704cf5a44fd05a23bd3734e2d by smojeda
Fully Embedded CutCell, Spline, UnitCutGrids, Visualization Unit Tests

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10576 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified include/Grid/PXUnitGridAddOns.h
The file was modified src/Grid/PXGrid.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXUnitCutGrids.c
The file was modified include/Grid/PXUnitCutGrids.h
The file was modified src/Grid/PXIntersect2d_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXUnitGridAddOns.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXUnitCutGrids_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXUnitGridAddOns_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXSpline_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXCutCell2dViz_PXU.c
Commit 4f9203e07c34e5f6c3560ace8fca16347e339539 by jkudo
Making change to ensure that MADCAP pulls the q1 background grid from the curved higher-order grid instead of pre-curved q1 grid

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10577 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Adaptation/PXWriteMesherFiles.c
Commit ba10ec80177d0593e948b0879274a668099406fa by jkudo
Trying again...

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10578 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Adaptation/PXWriteMesherFiles.c
Commit d9a0849f7234b45886df32233ba1b22771cc8f3b by jkudo
Trying again 2...

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10579 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Adaptation/PXWriteMesherFiles.c
Commit 27a2117ca61c4c5bee7e80bee1df8dde429fd554 by smojeda
Region attachment modification for adaptive multi-disciplinary cases

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10580 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Grid/PXCutQuad.c
The file was modified src/PXRegionAttribute.c
Commit 2b60e64bdf33c73645995b98e26067dc4b422837 by savithru
Added DynamicEddyViscosity lineplot

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10581 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Grid/PXIntersect2d.c
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXCompressible.h
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXCompressible.c
The file was modified include/PXOutputFunctional.h
Commit 7ebd10e100093a8cdd07b5e1b99f6f6c94d84e72 by galbramc
Cleaned up some NULL pointers. Refactoring PXVisxous.c

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10582 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Grid/PXParallelGrid.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXMesh.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXPartitionMesh.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXUnitMeshes.c
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXBoundingBox3d.cpp
The file was modified src/Grid/PXParallelMesh.c
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXViscous.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXIntersect.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXDistanceFunction.c
The file was modified src/Fundamentals/PXParallel.c
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXCutCell3d.cpp
The file was modified src/Grid/PXParallelGrid_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXViscous_PXU.c
Commit 2b348bda215d6d5696dce71aef6c0d1347377167 by savithru
Fixed null pointers

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10583 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/PXCDAll.c
The file was modified src/PXDGSolver.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXUnitParallelGrids.c
The file was modified src/PXAuxVariable.c
The file was modified src/PXCGNS.c
The file was modified src/PXAnisotropicMetric.c
The file was modified src/PXDGSolver_PXU.c
The file was modified src/PXBoundary2d_PXU_old.c
The file was modified src/PXAdaptMetric_PXU.c
The file was modified src/PXAuxVariable_PXU.c
The file was modified src/PXBC.c
The file was modified src/PXBC_PXU.c
The file was modified src/PXCGNS_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXGridAttachments.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXReadWriteGrid.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXUnitGrids.c
The file was modified src/PXAdapt.c
The file was modified src/PXAdaptMetric.c
Commit b79051b1bba9043a9e590b6b76a68ed5356065aa by galbramc
Fixing NULL pointers and working on PXParallelGrid_PXU

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10584 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Grid/PXParallelMesh_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXMesh.c
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXIntersect3d.cpp
The file was modified src/Grid/PXParallelMesh.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXGrid.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXUnitMeshes.c
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXCutCell3d.cpp
Commit fea09090d5537cb2012d1a108fa5622053ecd0b6 by galbramc
Fixed some NULL pointers

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10585 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified include/Grid/PXMeshStruct.h
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXIntersect3d.cpp
The file was modified src/Grid/PXMesh_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXBasis_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXMesh.c
Commit eabb8f413f41b1b7b3e217c5dd4934227ccd3956 by galbramc
Fixed failing unit test to get PX back into green

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10586 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/PXHPAdapt_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXMeshMetric.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXGridAttachments.c
The file was modified src/PXHPAdapt.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXMeshMetric_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXMeshSize_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXGridAttachments_PXU.c
The file was modified include/Grid/PXGridAttachments.h
The file was modified src/Grid/PXReadWriteGrid.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXReadWriteGrid_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXParallelGridAttachments_PXU.c
Commit 2f392bbce1ca441b09bf649945824a320ffd2a44 by savithru
Fixed all null pointers in Grid folder. All unit tests passed, but valgrind checks still need to be done.

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10587 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Grid/PXBasis_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXMeshOperation2d.c
The file was modified src/PXHDGSolver.c
The file was modified src/Adaptation/PXGridAnisoRefine_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXCutQuad_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXMeshSize_PXU.c
The file was modified src/PXHPAdaptDirect.c
The file was modified src/PXSolver_PXU.c
The file was modified src/PXAdaptMetric_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXCutCellTools2d.c
The file was modified src/PXResidual.c
The file was modified src/PXSensitivity.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXParallelGridAttachments.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXReadWriteGrid.c
The file was modified src/PXSolutionTransfer_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXParallelMesh_PXU.c
The file was modified src/PXOutputFunctional_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXCutCell2dViz_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXAttachmentMath_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXTree.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXParallelGridAttachments_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXMesh.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXMeshAttachment.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXPartitionMesh.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXDistanceToSurface.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXGrid.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXUnitParallelGrids.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXMoveMesh.c
The file was modified src/PXAdaptMetric.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXDistanceFunctionSurfGrid.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXNormal_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXReadWriteMesh.c
The file was modified src/PXResidual_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXParallelMesh.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXMeshAttachment_PXU.c
The file was modified src/PXHPAdapt_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXPartitionMesh_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXMeshMetric_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXGridAttachments.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXTree_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXParallelGrid.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXCutCell2dViz.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXMesh_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXGridAttachments_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXDistanceFunction.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXSubMesh.c
The file was modified src/PXShockCapture_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXSpline_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXMerge.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXCutQuad.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXGridUniformRefine.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXMeshSize.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXMoveMesh_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Reference/PXOrder.c
The file was modified src/Adaptation/PXGridAnisoRefine.c
The file was modified src/PXSolver.c
The file was modified include/Grid/PXGridAttachments.h
The file was modified src/Grid/PXDistanceFunctionSurfGrid_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXModifyGrid_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXModifyGrid.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXNormal.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXPartition.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXReadWriteGrid_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXDistanceFunction_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXMerge_PXU.c
The file was modified src/PXResState.c
Commit db0563cc0161552f7dd905f3911b0f5d9e495925 by savithru
forgot to update utils folder

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10588 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified utils/PXH1Projection.c
The file was modified utils/PXInterpolationError.c
The file was modified utils/PXConvertKarmanMetric.c
Commit 64f3bc1aab4dbd0737b12835e4c8a755f222e7ad by savithru
forgot to fix one more file

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10589 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified utils/PXChangeEquation.c
Commit 4b3b902004d6271c0a076a80606ce80feb4781f5 by savithru
more errors..

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10590 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified utils/PXExactUnsteadyError.c
Commit 3cc04d6c70e408ae8a327f0c8e79728d21a0f727 by galbramc
Fixed more NULL pointers

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10591 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Adaptation/PXElasticMesher.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXCutQuad_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXMerge3d.cpp
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXParallelCutCell3d.cpp
The file was modified src/Grid/PXCutCell.c
The file was modified src/CompressibleSpaceTime/PXCompressibleSpaceTime.c
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXPolynomial.cpp
The file was modified src/Grid/PXParallelGrid.c
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXIntersect3d.cpp
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXCutCell3dPrintInfo_PXU.cpp
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXCutQuad3d_PXU.cpp
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXReadWriteCutCell3d_PXU.cpp
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXCutCell3d.cpp
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXCutBasis3d.cpp
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXCutQuad3d.cpp
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXIntersect3d_PXU.cpp
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXConic.cpp
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXNumberType.cpp
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXReadWriteCutCell3d.cpp
The file was modified CMakeInclude/UnitTest.cmake
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXCutBasis3d_PXU.cpp
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXBoundingBox3d.cpp
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXMerge3d_PXU.cpp
The file was modified src/Grid/PXIntersect2d.c
The file was modified include/Grid/CutCell3D/PXIntersect3d.h
The file was modified src/Grid/PXSpline.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXParallelGrid_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXParallelCutCell3d_PXU.cpp
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXCutCell3d_PXU.cpp
The file was modified src/Adaptation/PXElasticMesher_PXU.c
Commit a9a0b5e51f4526adcb9a3dee25621bbd919b0616 by galbramc
I think all the poiners are finally set to NULL. It's a miracle!

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10592 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified utils/PXSensitivityStatistics.c
The file was modified utils/PXWrite2DGridPlotter.c
The file was modified utils/PXChangeGrid2d.c
The file was modified utils/PXUnstructuredMeshGen.c
The file was modified src/PXHPAdapt.c
The file was modified src/NewCompressible/PXCompressibleShock.c
The file was modified src/PXSolutionTransfer_PXU.c
The file was modified utils/PXDiff.c
The file was modified src/NonEquilibrium/PXNonEquilibrium.c
The file was modified src/PXCDAll_PXU.c
The file was modified src/PXUnsteady_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Adaptation/PXMetricAdapt1d.c
The file was modified utils/PXChangeGridQ.c
The file was modified src/PXSolutionTransfer.c
The file was modified src/PXSolver_PXU.c
The file was modified src/PXResState.c
The file was modified src/PXSolver.c
The file was modified src/NewCompressible/PXCompressibleBCs.c
The file was modified utils/PXTestCutCellNullElementAdaptation.c
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXCutCellMetric3d_PXU.cpp
The file was modified legacy/PXMG_PXU.c
The file was modified utils/PXTextOutVectorized.c
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXBasicGeometry_PXU.cpp
The file was modified utils/PXRecomputeQnDistanceAttach.c
The file was modified legacy/PXViscous2d_legacy_PXU.c
The file was modified src/PXHDGSolver.c
The file was modified utils/PXSolutionTransferExtruded.c
The file was modified src/PXHDGSolver_PXU.c
The file was modified utils/PXConvert.c
The file was modified src/PXAdaptMetric_PXU.c
The file was modified src/PXAuxVariable_PXU.c
The file was modified utils/PXAdaptWithFunction.c
The file was modified utils/PXPerturbSolution.c
The file was modified src/Adaptation/PXWriteMesherFiles_PXU.c
The file was modified utils/PXSolutionRotate.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXReadWriteGrid.c
The file was modified src/PXOutput.c
The file was modified utils/PXSolutionExtract.c
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXReadWriteCutCell3d_PXU.cpp
The file was modified src/Eikonal/PXEikonal_PXU.c
The file was modified src/PXShockCapture_PXU.c
The file was modified utils/PXSensitivityErrorTerms.c
The file was modified src/PXOutput_PXU.c
The file was modified src/PXHDGOutputFunctional_PXU.c
The file was modified legacy/PXParallelJoin.c
The file was modified src/Adaptation/PXWriteMesherFiles.c
The file was modified utils/PXUniformRefine.c
The file was modified src/PXHPAdaptDirect.c
The file was modified src/ScalarConvDiff/PXScalarConvDiff.c
The file was modified utils/PXTextOut.c
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXReadWriteCutCell3d.cpp
The file was modified src/NewCompressible/PXSpalartAllmaras_PXU.c
The file was modified src/NewCompressible/PXCompressible.c
The file was modified utils/PXUniformRefineCurved2d.c
The file was modified src/PXRunSolver.c
The file was modified src/PXLog.c
The file was modified src/PXHPAdaptDirect_PXU.c
The file was modified src/PXUnitPXAs_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Adaptation/PXGridAnisoRefine_PXU.c
The file was modified src/NewCompressible/PXCompressibleUnitUtils.c
The file was modified src/PXHPAdapt_PXU.c
The file was modified utils/PXHPAdaptFromMeshPXA.c
The file was modified utils/PXPostExecMain.c
The file was modified utils/PXTestMeshOpt.c
The file was modified src/NewCompressible/PXCompressibleShock_PXU.c
The file was modified include/PXCDAll.h
The file was modified utils/PXResidualHistogram.c
The file was modified utils/PXSensitivityFDdot.c
The file was modified utils/PXExactUnsteadyError.c
The file was modified src/Adaptation/PXQuadraticPatchKernel_PXU.c
The file was modified utils/PXGridInfo.c
The file was modified src/PXOutputFunctional_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXCutCell.c
The file was modified src/Adaptation/PXCVTDirectAdaptMechanics2d_PXU.c
The file was modified utils/PXChangeEquation.c
The file was modified utils/JMPost.c
The file was modified src/PXUnsteady.c
The file was modified legacy/PXOutputAdapt.c
The file was modified utils/PXModifyGrid.c
The file was modified legacy/PXWingHO.c
The file was modified src/PXResState_PXU.c
The file was modified utils/PXCountAspectRatio.c
The file was modified utils/PXErrorInfo.c
The file was modified utils/PXAddImpliedMetric.c
The file was modified legacy/PXParallelSplit.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXModifyGrid.c
The file was modified src/NewCompressible/PXCompressibleBCs_PXU.c
The file was modified src/NewCompressible/PXCompressibleFlux_PXU.c
The file was modified src/PXCDAll.c
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXBoundingBox3d_PXU.cpp
The file was modified src/Fundamentals/PXMemory.c
The file was modified src/Adaptation/PXCVTDirectAdaptMechanics2d.c
The file was modified test/CMakeLists.txt
The file was modified utils/PXAddHONodesCurved2d.c
The file was modified src/PXErrEst.c
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXCutCell3dViz.cpp
The file was modified utils/PXVizParallelOLD.c
The file was modified utils/PXWriteCutGridInfo.c
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXConic_PXU.cpp
The file was modified src/NewCompressible/PXCompressibleFlux.c
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXCompressible.c
The file was modified utils/PXNaca0012HO.c
The file was modified utils/PXGrd2Pxa.c
The file was modified utils/PXMeshSmooth.c
The file was modified utils/PXLinearElasticMeshMover.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXMeshOperation2d.c
The file was modified src/Adaptation/PXCVTAdaptMechanics2d_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXCutCell3dPrintInfo_PXU.cpp
The file was modified src/PXResidual.c
The file was modified src/PXResidual_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXCutCell3dViz_PXU.cpp
The file was modified src/Grid/PXSubMesh.c
The file was modified utils/PXSolutionTransferMain.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXBasis_PXU.c
Commit 5909a6cd5da7e17c884e8a6aef045cefb362343a by galbramc
Hopefully this puts us back in green, but with NULL pointer checking

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10593 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/PXHPAdaptDirect.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXPartition.c
The file was modified src/PXSensitivity.c
The file was modified src/ScalarConvDiff/PXScalarConvDiff.c
The file was modified src/PXSolver.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXParallelGridAttachments.c
The file was modified src/PXResState.c
Commit 7d006c2855d66cdf459ca09e2a21d5fe51d8dce8 by galbramc
Did a better job checking things this time. I think this should put is back in the green now.

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10594 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/PXOutputFunctional_PXU.c
The file was modified src/PXHPAdaptDirect.c
The file was modified src/CompressibleHeatConj/PXCompressibleHeatConj.c
The file was modified src/PXResidual_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXMerge3d_PXU.cpp
The file was modified src/Grid/PXCutCellTools2d_PXU.c
The file was modified src/NewCompressible/PXSpalartAllmaras_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXConic_PXU.cpp
The file was modified src/PXHDGSolver_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Test/valgrind.supp
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXCutQuad3d_PXU.cpp
Commit fd95928750ab0e5fbbe488e5909b6c1939b190e0 by galbramc
Now hopefully fixed all the NULL pointer problems

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10595 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/PXResidual.c
The file was modified test/jobTest.csh
The file was modified src/Grid/PXMeshOperation2d.c
The file was modified src/PXResidual_PXU.c
The file was modified src/PXSensitivity.c
The file was modified test/jobTest_parallel.csh
The file was modified src/Fundamentals/PXBasicStructures.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXIntersect.c
The file was modified CMakeInclude/CompileFlags.cmake
The file was modified src/Grid/PXMeshAttachment_PXU.c
Commit 5a7e790a59232fc75eae60ee663d5d3de737c209 by galbramc
Fixed memcheck so it works properly and fixed some more non-NULL pointers

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10596 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/PXRegionAttribute_PXU.c
The file was modified src/PXRegionAttribute.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXDistanceFunction.c
The file was modified CMakeLists.txt
Commit 7047ac062b0e18996ac315f5f1856d9ab8f6f3e3 by galbramc
Cleaned up some more memory leaks. Added a switch to dissable the build of PXViz.

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10597 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Adaptation/PXMetricAdapt1d.c
The file was modified src/PXResidual.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXParallelGrid.c
The file was modified test/CMakeLists.txt
The file was modified utils/CMakeLists.txt
The file was modified src/Fundamentals/PXMemory_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXGrid.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXUnitParallelGrids.c
Commit 7ac938ae5116b430b070c5ef97fab5d807157898 by galbramc
Fixed unit test failure

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10598 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Grid/PXModifyGrid.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXCutCell2dViz_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXDistanceFunction.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXSubMesh.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXCutCell2dViz.c
Commit 37992eee180e0b06218e627982e3aa8ffd581fd6 by galbramc
All the pointers tested by unit and regression test have been set to NULL. That does not mean we are done...

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10599 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Grid/PXCutCell2dViz_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXSpline_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXCutCell2dViz.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXModifyGrid.c
The file was modified src/PXHPAdapt.c
The file was modified include/Grid/PXTriangulatePolygon.h
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXBoundingBox3d_PXU.cpp
The file was modified src/Grid/PXGrid.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXSpline.c
The file was modified src/Test/valgrind.supp
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXCutCell3dViz_PXU.cpp
The file was modified src/Grid/PXDistanceFunction.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXTriangulatePolygon.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXTree_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXMeshAttachment_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXParallelGrid.c
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXCutCell3dViz.cpp
Commit 478f5b7f69e9a7509cfc8901b288283e1aa2e6ae by galbramc
Fixed a bunch of NULL pointers in PXViz

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10600 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/PXHPAdapt.c
The file was modified utils/PXVizz
The file was modified src/Grid/PXParallelGrid.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXDistanceFunctionSurfGrid.c
The file was modified utils/PXViz.c
Commit dca37d4036ee44cf00323f59b7236171687fedcd by galbramc
Fixed some NULL pointers for PXViz

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10601 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXCompressible.c
The file was modified src/CompressibleSpaceTime/PXCompressibleSpaceTime.c
Commit 29634fbdd774c2cd9a14be29f19b62192fb2811f by galbramc
Fxied parallel issue with PXMatchingPartitionParallelGrid by not using it...

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10602 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Grid/PXDistanceFunctionSurfGrid.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXMeshSize.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXParallelGrid.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXParallelGrid_PXU.c
The file was modified src/PXInit.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXPartition.c
The file was modified src/PXHPAdapt.c
Commit f70ba97e7f711d8e419ad370186a2c5f0d731514 by galbramc
Added a ebg file plotter

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10603 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was addedutils/plotebg
Commit c9c0e7269c56b197f16bd0399bc41f3b8b7328d4 by galbramc
Added a python plotter for ebg files

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10604 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified utils/plotebg
The file was modified utils/CMakeLists.txt
Commit cbaeb348d2b077d0f7cb10fe928eeab0ec6cabc9 by galbramc
Cleaned up the plotebg script

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10605 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified utils/plotebg
Commit c1856b6590147c025dc5d9da64fdb50bde5075e5 by jkudo
Cleaned up some NLOPT stuff - changed Normal Verbosity output to print out initial and final DOF estimates

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10606 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified include/PXHPAdaptDirectStruct.h
The file was modified src/PXHPAdaptDirect.c
Commit dfb486a70cb03f8b3dbad45e81a18cc0b3e75e86 by jkudo
Forgot to commit changes to unit test! - trying again

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10607 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/PXHPAdaptDirect_PXU.c
Commit 7f15329ce9b06ea43d632afd62536c4727129fc8 by galbramc
Fixed MatchingParallelPartition. Added arguments to make the diffusive A matrix a function of the solution gradient.

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10608 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Grid/PXModifyGrid.c
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXViscous_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXGrid.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXQuad.c
The file was modified src/PXResidual.c
The file was modified src/MultiComponentConvDiff/PXMultiComponentConvDiff_PXU.c
The file was modified src/MultiComponentConvDiff/PXMultiComponentConvDiff.c
The file was modified src/Fundamentals/PXString.c
The file was modified src/PXOutputFunctional.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXReadWriteGrid.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXMoveMesh.c
The file was modified src/MultiComponentConvDiffConj/PXMultiComponentConvDiffConj.c
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXCompressibleBCs_PXU.c
The file was modified src/PXHDGSolver.c
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXCompressible_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXNormal.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXParallelGridAttachments.c
The file was modified src/NewCompressible/PXCompressible.c
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXCompressible.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXParallelGrid.c
The file was modified src/LinearizedEuler/PXLinearizedEuler_PXU.c
The file was modified src/PXResidual_PXU.c
The file was modified src/PXSolutionTransfer.c
The file was modified src/LinearizedEuler/PXLinearizedEuler.c
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXViscous.h
The file was modified src/CompressibleSpaceTime/PXCompressibleSpaceTime.c
The file was modified src/ScalarConvDiff/PXScalarConvDiff.c
The file was modified include/PXAuxVariable.h
The file was modified src/CompressibleHeatConj/PXCompressible.c
The file was modified src/PXAuxVariable.c
The file was modified src/NonEquilibrium/PXNonEquilibrium.c
The file was modified src/UnitEquationSet/PXUnitEquationSet.c
The file was modified src/MultiComponentConvDiffConj/PXMultiComponentConvDiffConj_PXU.c
The file was modified src/PXRunSolver.c
The file was modified src/CompressibleHeatConj/PXCompressibleHeatConj.c
The file was modified CMakeInclude/UnitTest.cmake
The file was modified src/CompressibleHeatConj/PXScalarConvDiff.h
The file was modified src/PXAuxVariable_PXU.c
The file was modified include/PXEquationSetEntryStruct.h
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXViscous.c
The file was modified src/CompressibleHeatConj/PXScalarConvDiff.c
The file was modified src/PXHPAdapt.c
The file was modified src/Reference/PXNormalReference.c
The file was modified src/CompressibleHeatConj/PXCompressible.h
The file was modified src/Grid/PXCoordinates.c
The file was modified src/UnitEquationSet/PXUnitEquationSet_PXU.c
The file was modified include/Fundamentals/PXString.h
The file was modified include/PXResidual.h
The file was modified src/PXHDGOutputFunctional.c
Commit 3d833ea93e116e62bf57815c430d1315aae36a0a by galbramc
Hopefully fixed HighOrderFaceBoundingBox

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10609 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Grid/PXCoordinates.c
Commit 917eeeb26d2754a5302b9e293547dbc83eac95dd by galbramc
Fixed the problem with not all elements distributed to processors in MatchingParallelPartition. Now there is a problem with the Error Indicator instead...

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10610 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified test/CMakeLists.txt
The file was modified src/Grid/PXParallelGrid.c
Commit 3c910cb23683be48f8fa28ee56168df78a82a63b by smojeda
allow init function to be used to initialize adaptation iter; clarifications

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10611 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXEulerFlux.c
The file was modified src/PXRegionAttribute.c
The file was modified src/PXHPAdapt.c
Commit 53812e588f2e7cbc21dd98b8d1bbb35f04f907e7 by galbramc
Added a Critical Speed of Sound calculation in preparation for Dilation based shock capturing

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10612 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXCompressibleStateFunctional_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXCompressibleStateFunctional.h
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXViscous.c
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXCompressibleStateFunctional.c
The file was modified include/Reference/PXOrder.h
Commit 324258b871d213095a79e5960b9a420909e94ad8 by jmartin3
Fixed some non-NULL pointers

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10613 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified utils/PXConvert.c
Commit 86b6ff3cfc537f66b250fda929b089e9a37436e2 by galbramc
Added nightly memcheck scripts

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10614 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was addedutils/
The file was addedutils/
The file was addedutils/
Commit fbdfaf4190e77c30ec9619c3269e18e3f01e7e69 by galbramc
Added a general airfoil mesh generator

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10615 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXCompressibleBCs.c
The file was modified utils/PXMeshElasticity.c
The file was modified utils/CMakeLists.txt
The file was addedutils/PXGenAirfoilMesh.c
The file was modified utils/PXGenNacaMesh.c
Commit f599e436ffc58f422e5d6bb73449226e70ff732e by galbramc
Forgot to uncomment something

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10616 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified utils/PXGenAirfoilMesh.c
The file was modified utils/PXGenNacaMesh.c
Commit 3a7c7d3b28829c51fbf1c6c0a6d98ad38137d078 by galbramc
Working on the webpage scripts

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10617 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified utils/
The file was modified utils/
The file was modified utils/
The file was modified utils/
The file was addedutils/
The file was modified utils/
Commit 553b8ebae016d722e202966de8664956b1e582ed by galbramc
More work on nightly memcheck scripts

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10618 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified utils/
The file was modified utils/
Commit 7158eb73288d5c625e8ef04c6a73522380b9562b by galbramc
Fixed a typo

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10619 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified utils/
Commit ce3a73db060c68f380e4708ff3751924019af51b by galbramc
Hopefully fixed up the nightly memcheck

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10620 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified utils/
The file was modified CMakeLists.txt
The file was modified utils/
The file was modified utils/
The file was modified src/Test/valgrind.supp
Commit c248420c221e10a5ca319113c530658135cdcb93 by galbramc
Hopefully fixed up parallel memcheck and nightly memcheck

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10621 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXViscous.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXUnitParallelGrids.c
The file was modified CMakeLists.txt
The file was modified utils/
The file was modified src/Fundamentals/PXMath_old.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXModifyGrid.c
The file was modified include/Fundamentals/PXMath_old.h
The file was modified src/Grid/PXParallelGrid.c
Commit af84b137d86282bd471abf46374cf1c390245198 by galbramc
Still trying to get memcheck working on Reynolds

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10622 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified CMakeLists.txt
The file was modified utils/
Commit 03ab41a9cf73e2d15056bd476d6b06e0296cae3d by galbramc
Twaeking nightly build

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10623 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified utils/
The file was modified utils/
The file was modified utils/
Commit e12f95939df1d32d1cadf2f4a74bab47ac3ffef3 by galbramc
Added another valgrind  suppression

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10624 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Test/valgrind.supp
Commit 476e90068d68f7d8b61a0766fbd6dbe04d7850e0 by galbramc
Hopefully the nightly memcheck scripts are finally properly configured

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10625 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified utils/
The file was modified utils/
Commit b7d5d6366d214c77fda0df487358bcf6a80ddac5 by jkudo
Changing regression test hemisphere_Euler3d_Adapt to have DualErrorFlag = False

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10626 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified test/hemisphere_Euler3d_Adapt_TEST.knob
The file was modified test/TrueMetric/hemisphere_Euler3d_Adapt_Metric_a00.attach
The file was modified test/TrueMetric/hemisphere_Euler3d_Adapt_Metric_a01.attach
The file was modified test/trueOUT/hemisphere_Euler3d_Adapt.hist.TRUE
Commit 25b91e8792b9d3b0a8a10afb1a48ebff64f455da by allmaras
Modified TtPta BC to improve robustness; incorporated BC into new function (PXInflow_TtPta);
added reverse flow check and associated BC; modified inflow Mach calculation to
eliminate error modes, including complex roots (use maximum possible J+ that gives
real roots) and both roots negative (now produces reverse flow UB); added unit
tests for PXInflowM, PXInflow and PXInflow_TtPta.  All modifications only affect
2D; 3D code has not been modified.

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10627 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXCompressible.c
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXCompressibleBCs.c
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXCompressibleBCs_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXCompressibleBCs.h
Commit 893068e4b97ea573ab1386e95485551cbb81fe22 by allmaras
compiler warning fix for TtPta BC

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10628 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXCompressibleBCs.c
Commit 4644ac78e1ef5ce7471b791bebe0946004c7a746 by galbramc
Added regeneration to the regression tests

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10629 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified test/CMakeLists.txt
Commit e92b6b8c71344f2f5b6ece6cdb541f2691ac85eb by galbramc
Explicitly added pthread as a library linked to. This is needed when linking with LEDA in serial

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10630 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified CMakeLists.txt
Commit 1d7ca25f26fd5554c65de8bc6009511b12b50fe1 by galbramc
Changed BTRun to email the log of runTests.csh rather than results.out as results.out is 28MB

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10631 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified utils/
The file was modified CMakeInclude/CompileFlags.cmake
Commit 0476efe8f1ca4b4b6fcc2e24cc034b8015fd787d by galbramc
Did get the regtest log fixed on the last try. Hopefully works now

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10632 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified utils/
Commit 7ab691bc7fc04a079527da903b977e42e3b3deaa by galbramc
Third time is the charm

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10633 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified utils/
Commit 01b320cc115752e6330adebcab8f49bc064ad227 by allmaras
git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10634 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXCompressible.c
Commit 546a1e1e68d079fe986bb99cddbcd6ef898a8141 by galbramc
Hopefully suppressed odd MPI warning with valgrind

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10635 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Test/valgrind.supp
Commit 05434228704b48245f793d63ff72bfb506aa43c8 by savithru
Added fix for state gradient calculation bug in PXOutputFunctional.c
Added a new line output type for Reynolds stress.
The state gradient bug fix should also fix the vorticity magnitude line output error.

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10636 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXCompressibleStateFunctional.c
The file was modified include/PXOutputFunctional.h
The file was modified src/PXOutputFunctional.c
The file was modified src/PXResidual.c
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXCompressibleStateFunctional.h
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXCompressible.h
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXCompressible.c
Commit 08dcff3e0a4655f7f7df85d3836199a0bffcb533 by galbramc
Fixed memcheck log

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10637 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified utils/
The file was modified utils/
Commit 676d8d626dd0162564eeadfa0248fdce3c1ed7af by allmaras
regenerated TtPta related regression tests

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10638 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified test/TrueMetric/RAE2822_RANS_Subsonic_NoMaxQuad_UniAdapt_TEST_Metric_a00.attach
The file was modified test/TrueMetric/RAE2822_RANS_Subsonic_UniAdapt_TEST_Metric_a00.attach
The file was modified test/TrueMetric/RAE2822_RANS_Transonic_UniAdapt_TEST_Metric_a01.attach
The file was modified test/TrueMetric/CutCell_rae2822_RANS_M0p3_Re6p5e6_TEST_Metric_a00.attach
The file was modified test/TrueMetric/RAE2822_RANS_Subsonic_NoMaxQuad_UniAdapt_TEST_Metric_a01.attach
The file was modified test/trueOUT/RAE2822_RANS_Subsonic_UniAdapt_TEST.hist.TRUE
The file was modified test/trueOUT/RAE2822_RANS_Subsonic_NoMaxQuad_UniAdapt_TEST.hist.TRUE
The file was modified test/trueOUT/RAE2822_A28_RANS_M0p3_AA2p31_RE6p5e6_TEST.hist.TRUE
The file was modified test/trueOUT/CutCell_rae2822_RANS_M0p3_Re6p5e6_TEST.hist.TRUE
The file was modified test/TrueMetric/RAE2822_RANS_Transonic_UniAdapt_TEST_Metric_a00.attach
The file was modified test/TrueMetric/RAE2822_RANS_Subsonic_UniAdapt_TEST_Metric_a01.attach
The file was modified test/trueOUT/RAE2822_RANS_Transonic_UniAdapt_TEST.hist.TRUE
Commit 8e4c8d2d6330818c28c47a5ce75fa2ff3857c819 by galbramc
Updated regression test stuff

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10639 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified utils/
The file was modified utils/
The file was modified CMakeInclude/CompileFlags.cmake
The file was modified test/regenerate_parallel.csh
The file was modified test/regenerate.csh
The file was modified test/AdDiffBL2_DofControl_TEST.knob
The file was modified test/trueOUT/AdDiffBL2_DofControl_TEST.hist.TRUE
Commit a8bc0477f0012050cbc5e583ff00b23ba8fb8214 by galbramc
Fixing the BTRun script to work with openmpi-1.6.5

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10640 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified utils/
Commit 9f1a69c272d209540754c223c60f760fe24acdf9 by allmaras
regression test using TtPta BC regenerated

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10641 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified test/TrueMetric/CutCell_rae2822_RANS_M0p3_Re6p5e6_UniAdapt_TEST_Metric_a00.attach
The file was modified test/trueOUT/CutCell_rae2822_RANS_M0p3_Re6p5e6_UniAdapt_Test.hist.TRUE
Commit 588007434029dc57cf1d01a984a73c498929ba79 by allmaras
added diagnostic output for internal inconsistency error in triangle/line
intersection detection

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10642 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Grid/PXIntersect2d.c
Commit 31f3369bc529a71921a2e5fbcebf57944bb6af16 by galbramc
Fixed BTRun acripy from chenging MPI_DIR

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10643 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified utils/
Commit eaf0f1124b18ee06f27b84f543350bddded41d32 by allmaras
removed logic error introduced in previous commit; improved processing of
SEARCH_NOT_FOUND return value in element/line intersection

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10644 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Grid/PXIntersect2d.c
Commit 8b65f0772eb91a6c74de8806e7e8d9ff1838b236 by yixuan
change in PXIntersect2DLinearSegmentWithLine

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10645 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Grid/PXIntersectTools2d.c
Commit b6d74a8888f0875e1494ae157aa5479c946f8d11 by savithru
Added a new line output for velocity components - VelocityLine

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10646 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/PXOutputFunctional.c
The file was modified include/PXOutputFunctional.h
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXCompressible.c
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXCompressibleStateFunctional.h
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXCompressible.h
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXCompressibleStateFunctional.c
Commit 6dc35fdffd332d08e6c15b46d36ec39070dc3486 by yixuan
tolerance to regression tests

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10647 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified test/runTests.csh
The file was modified test/CMakeLists.txt
Commit 6e166a7df60ac25d3de53cb714373e72c109ecf6 by jmartin3
Added unit test for PXCalcReynoldsStress

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10648 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified utils/PXGenNacaMesh.c
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXCompressibleUnitUtils.c
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXCompressibleStateFunctional.h
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXCompressibleStateFunctional_PXU.c
The file was modified utils/PXGenAirfoilMesh.c
Commit a16c3dc8102ec3f495b3f6d9562a3441105947b8 by jmartin3
Commented out ping test for PXCalcReynoldsStress

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10649 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXCompressibleUnitUtils.c
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXCompressibleStateFunctional_PXU.c
Commit 8c549350c6683f52c6dc70aabe2f6353445ce99f by savithru
Fix for Reynolds stress Jacobian + unit tests

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10650 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXCompressibleStateFunctional_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXCompressibleStateFunctional.c
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXCompressible.c
Commit 552e71c844d954559ba6bdb2a4bd86a60515fcd8 by jmartin3
Fixed  PingPXCalcReynoldsStress_J_UX_2d

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10651 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXCompressibleStateFunctional.c
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXCompressibleStateFunctional_PXU.c
Commit a08443264c1d09f7ea4c11aeca194aece39b0bd2 by savithru
Added StateTensorLine to UnitEquationSet's line output code

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10652 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/PXUnitPXAs.c
The file was modified src/UnitEquationSet/PXUnitEquationSet.c
The file was modified src/UnitEquationSet/PXUnitEquationSet.h
Commit 665c78611a08fff542a1d5a7295208f98828dc6e by savithru
Modifications to UnitEquationSet unit tests. Removed output type StateTensorLine, and upgraded StateLine.

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10653 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/UnitEquationSet/PXUnitEquationSet.h
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXCompressibleStateFunctional_PXU.c
The file was modified src/UnitEquationSet/PXUnitEquationSet.c
Commit 03fff8165f059471b6972a0e5a4bbf7699dc1b9e by savithru
Forgot 2 files.

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10654 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/PXOutputFunctional_PXU.c
The file was modified src/PXOutputFunctional.c
Commit bac13143f50cabf6392e566c7e2bedfd9f569db1 by jmartin3
Added PXCalcStateOutput_PXU, which is still messed up.

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10655 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/UnitEquationSet/PXUnitEquationSet_PXU.c
Commit 3729eeaec17c83dd2dc0f0ea68137e2a00ce0524 by jmartin3
Commented out error return

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10656 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/UnitEquationSet/PXUnitEquationSet_PXU.c
Commit 3227e4c6df78dfe07d37c363fd9be82b083e1d6c by jmartin3
Added Dim

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10657 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/UnitEquationSet/PXUnitEquationSet_PXU.c
Commit 8d62212bfedf8475bec21440f28aa6d7fe833e2d by savithru
Replaced ReynoldsStressLine output with 3 separate line outputs for the tau11, tau12 and tau22 components.
Updated unit tests for Reynolds stress outputs in PXCompressibleStateFunctional_PXU.
Added a new unit test for the line output code - PXOutputFunctional_PXU (slightly buggy - more work needed).

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10658 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/UnitEquationSet/PXUnitEquationSet.h
The file was modified include/PXOutputFunctional.h
The file was modified src/UnitEquationSet/PXUnitEquationSet.c
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXCompressibleStateFunctional.h
The file was modified src/UnitEquationSet/PXUnitEquationSet_PXU.c
The file was modified src/PXOutputFunctional.c
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXCompressible.h
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXCompressible.c
The file was modified src/PXOutputFunctional_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXCompressibleStateFunctional.c
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXCompressibleStateFunctional_PXU.c
Commit 03c5f4d5659757f0cd076a2312fc51336e6a159e by jkudo
Modification to call new madcap

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10659 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Adaptation/PXWriteMesherFiles.c
Commit cf2d72707eecadb4c495edd0851656a3b4a23a9c by jkudo
MaxAnisotropy specification will now properly go into MADCAP

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10660 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Adaptation/PXWriteMesherFiles.c
Commit d3232d2bf8a65f73b9e273ec1a0554e068ae7e09 by yixuan
matlab util for grid conversion

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10661 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was addedmatlab/PLOT3DtoGRI.m
The file was addedmatlab/PLOT3DtoGRM.m
Commit d2f52f22d1e98b3cc317ada2e8d9642905bb76c7 by savithru
Fixed issues with unit tests in PXOutputFunctional_PXU and PXUnitEquationSet_PXU.
Displays new error message if someone tries to adapt to multiple outputs.

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10662 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/UnitEquationSet/PXUnitEquationSet_PXU.c
The file was modified src/PXOutputFunctional.c
The file was modified src/PXOutputFunctional_PXU.c
The file was modified src/UnitEquationSet/PXUnitEquationSet.c
Commit ee89e3677ee1ae722ff74ed8af8ff2f9072b7517 by yixuan
few changes in computing line-line intersection

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10663 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Grid/PXIntersect2d.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXIntersectTools2d.c
Commit fda22bf5ba87f95c20a47e5637c99ed942cbed8f by savithru
Added in boundary integral output for density.

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10664 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXCompressible.c
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXCompressible.h
The file was modified include/PXOutputFunctional.h
Commit 911e8ccb79c51fd38179111b8f23cf5390a13f87 by yixuan
turned off comment for out-of-range intersection

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10665 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Grid/PXIntersectTools2d.c
Commit 7fa2f1e94c083101e780c2280200315bc86dbc17 by smojeda
CHT Framework - interface and wrapper functions, multiple region geometry and material property definition

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10666 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified include/PXOutputStruct.h
The file was addedsrc/Compressible/PXCompressibleInterface.c
The file was modified test/FuncFile/CutCell_Circle_Interface_Scalar2d.func
The file was modified utils/PXSensitivityFDdot.c
The file was modified src/NewCompressible/PXCompressible_PXU.c
The file was addedinclude/GeneralParameters/PXConjugateHeatTransferParameters.h
The file was modified test/CutCell_Circle_Interface_Scalar2d_UniAdapt_Test.job
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXCompressibleUnitUtils.h
The file was modified include/PXRegionAttributeStruct.h
The file was modified src/ScalarConvDiff/CMakeLists.txt
The file was modified src/Grid/PXReadWriteGrid.c
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXViscous.h
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXCompressibleBCs.c
The file was addedsrc/ConjugateHeatTransfer/PXConjugateHeatTransfer.h
The file was modified src/PXAuxVariable.c
The file was modified utils/PXAddImpliedMetric.c
The file was modified src/PXHPAdapt.c
The file was addedsrc/ConjugateHeatTransfer/PXConjugateHeatTransfer.c
The file was modified src/Fundamentals/PX.c
The file was modified src/NewCompressible/PXCompressibleUnitUtils.h
The file was modified include/PXBCStruct.h
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXCompressibleStateFunctional_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXEulerFlux.h
The file was modified src/PXDGSolver.c
The file was modified utils/PXExactUnsteadyError.c
The file was modified include/Fundamentals/PXMasterJobParameters.h
The file was modified test/FuncFile/CutCell_Interface_StarShape_Jump.func
The file was modified utils/PXTextOut.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXGrid.c
The file was modified src/UnitEquationSet/PXUnitEquationSet.c
The file was modified utils/PXPostExecMain.c
The file was modified utils/PXPerturbSolution.c
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXKOmega_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXSpalartAllmaras.c
The file was modified utils/PXSensitivityStatistics.c
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXCompressibleStateFunctional.c
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXCompressible_PXU.c
The file was modified utils/PXConvert.c
The file was modified src/NonEquilibrium/PXNonEquilibrium.c
The file was modified src/PXSolutionTransfer.c
The file was modified test/CutCell_rae2822_CHT_TEST.job
The file was modified src/PXRegionAttribute.c
The file was modified src/ScalarConvDiff/ScalarConvDiff.make
The file was modified src/Compressible/CMakeLists.txt
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXViscous.c
The file was modified src/MultiComponentConvDiff/PXMultiComponentConvDiff.c
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXCompressibleShock.c
The file was modified src/Compressible/Compressible.make
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXCompressibleFunction_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXCompressibleUnitUtils.c
The file was addedsrc/ConjugateHeatTransfer/Makefile
The file was modified src/LinearSolver/PXUMFPACK.c
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXCompressibleBCs_PXU.c
The file was modified test/FuncFile/CutCell_rae2822_CHT.func
The file was modified utils/PXViz.c
The file was modified src/Makefile
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXCompressibleStateFunctional.h
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXSpalartAllmaras.h
The file was modified src/PXOutputFunctional.c
The file was modified test/CutCell_rae2822_CHT_TEST.knob
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXEulerFlux_PXU.c
The file was modified test/CutCell_Interface_StarShape_Jump_TEST.job
The file was modified include/GeneralParameters/PXCompressibleParameters.h
The file was modified include/PXInit.h
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXKOmega.c
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXCompressibleBCs.h
The file was modified src/CompressibleHeatConj/PXCompressibleHeatConj.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXIntersect2d.c
The file was modified src/PXResidual.c
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXCompressibleShock_PXU.c
The file was modified src/ScalarConvDiff/PXScalarConvDiff_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXViscous_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXSpalartAllmaras_PXU.c
The file was modified test/CutCell_Interface_StarShape_Jump_TEST.knob
The file was modified src/PXEquationSet.c
The file was modified include/PXDGSolver.h
The file was modified src/PXBC.c
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXEulerFlux.c
The file was modified src/PXCDAll.c
The file was modified utils/PXTextOutVectorized.c
The file was modified src/Fundamentals/PXParameter.c
The file was modified test/CutCell_Circle_Interface_Scalar2d_UniAdapt_Test.knob
The file was modified utils/PXRecomputeQnDistanceAttach.c
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXCompressibleFunction.h
The file was modified include/GeneralParameters/PXScalarConvDiffParameters.h
The file was modified src/LinearizedEuler/PXLinearizedEuler.c
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXCompressible.h
The file was modified include/PXRegionAttribute.h
The file was modified include/PXEquationSetEntryStruct.h
The file was modified utils/PXSolutionTransferExtruded.c
The file was modified src/NewCompressible/PXCompressible.c
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXCompressibleCGNS.c
The file was modified src/NewCompressible/PXCompressibleUnitUtils.c
The file was modified include/Fundamentals/PX.h
The file was modified test/RegionFile/CutCell_Interface_StarShape_Jump.ra
The file was addedsrc/ConjugateHeatTransfer/CMakeLists.txt
The file was modified src/UnitEquationSet/PXUnitEquationSet.h
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXCompressible.c
The file was modified src/CauchyRiemann/PXCauchyRiemann.c
The file was modified src/PXHPAdaptDirect.c
The file was addedsrc/ScalarConvDiff/PXScalarConvDiffInterface.c
The file was modified utils/PXSolutionTransferMain.c
The file was modified src/WaveSpaceTime/PXWaveSpaceTime.c
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXCompressibleFunction.c
The file was modified src/PXOutput.c
The file was modified utils/PXSolutionExtract.c
The file was modified utils/PXAdaptWithFunction.c
The file was modified src/PXRunSolver.c
The file was modified src/CompressibleSpaceTime/PXCompressibleSpaceTime.c
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXCompressibleShock.h
The file was modified utils/PXChangeEquation.c
The file was modified src/CMakeLists.txt
The file was modified test/RegionFile/CutCell_Circle_Interface_Scalar2d.ra
The file was modified test/MasterJob_Example.job
The file was modified src/ScalarConvDiff/PXScalarConvDiff.h
The file was modified src/PXSolver.c
The file was modified include/Fundamentals/PXParameter.h
The file was modified src/ScalarConvDiff/PXScalarConvDiff.c
The file was addedsrc/ConjugateHeatTransfer/ConjugateHeatTransfer.make
The file was modified utils/PXHPAdaptFromMeshPXA.c
The file was modified include/PXEquationSet.h
The file was modified utils/PXSolutionRotate.c
The file was modified utils/PXSensitivityErrorTerms.c
The file was modified utils/PXUniformRefineCurved2d.c
The file was modified test/RegionFile/CutCell_rae2822_CHT.ra
The file was modified src/PXInit.c
The file was modified src/MultiComponentConvDiffConj/PXMultiComponentConvDiffConj.c
The file was modified src/PXUnitPXAs.c
The file was modified src/PXResState.c
Commit ca63ad3e1aafc31cff5d23b334afc53c76d4fea4 by smojeda
Include VelocityFunction as JobFile parameter (set in .RA for CHT)

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10667 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified test/MasterJob_Example.job
The file was modified include/Fundamentals/PXMasterJobParameters.h
Commit 76b15890fb08a01fb95f7c33cee502ec4a76e70d by jmartin3
Updated Gold Standard for parallel jobs to use the Additive Schwartz preconditioner

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10668 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/PXInit.c
Commit e33571344c64a23b9c431f002f0a27654f2a773e by galbramc
Fixed a bunch of unsigned/signed comparisons

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10669 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXCompressible.c
The file was modified src/Fundamentals/PXParameter.c
The file was modified src/Fundamentals/PXMath_old.c
The file was modified src/PXRegionAttribute.c
The file was modified src/PXOutput.c
The file was modified src/PXUnsteady.c
The file was modified src/PXSensitivity.c
The file was modified src/LinearSolver/PXOrdering.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXIntersect.c
The file was modified src/PXBC.c
The file was modified include/Fundamentals/PXHeap.h
The file was modified CMakeInclude/UnitTest.cmake
The file was modified src/PXSolver.c
The file was modified src/Fundamentals/PXHeap.c
Commit 3104f0219de41490a248fe66c55a4112dbb0f139 by pcaplan
2d Hybrid mesh support for linear/nonlinear elastic mesh deformation models

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10670 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Grid/PXReadWriteGrid.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXDistanceFunction_PXU.c
The file was modified utils/PXMeshElasticity.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXModifyGrid_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Adaptation/PXMetricAdapt2d.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXSpline.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXMesh_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXModifyGrid.c
The file was modified src/PXHPAdapt.c
The file was modified utils/PXChangeGridQ.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXMoveMesh.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXMoveMesh_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXGrid.c
The file was modified src/PXDGSolver.c
The file was modified src/PXCDAll.c
The file was modified src/PXHPAdaptDirect.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXUnitGrids.c
The file was modified src/Adaptation/PXWriteMesherFiles.c
Commit d14e59ef42f6433724e2e2fea6ad53dff24c596a by pcaplan
Forgot to include header in commit

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10671 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified include/Grid/PXModifyGrid.h
Commit 4bed8c8f91d25df4506238d1483a655f8f199dd7 by pcaplan
fixed utility

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10672 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified utils/PXChangeGridQ.c
Commit 41f170b4ef82cf7c46aa8921120bbeb70826f5d0 by galbramc
Added the compilation of bamg, tetgen, and qhull so that regtest will automtically work. Also updated NightlyMemcheck so it is not deleted by

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10673 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified test/CMakeLists.txt
The file was addedshare/CMakeLists.txt
The file was modified utils/
The file was modified CMakeInclude/CompileFlags.cmake
The file was modified CMakeLists.txt
The file was modified utils/PXViz.c
Commit c85ed2b75288095d9e0e495fd6d782ca9acd7afa by galbramc
Prematuerly commited -Wextra

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10674 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified CMakeInclude/CompileFlags.cmake
Commit 83673356d25fb9c21179b3c025bda7cc69fda5f4 by galbramc
Renamed some log files for the nightly memcheck. Testing that the nightly memcheck folder is not deleted when a commit occurs while the memcheck is running.

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10675 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified utils/
Commit 82b9839f20c262af40ca1023c9efe4baf31c6a82 by smojeda
unsigned/signed integer issues resolved, RegionAttribute_PXU memcheck resolved

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10676 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified utils/PXViz.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXModifyGrid.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXIntersect2d.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXUnitCutGrids.c
The file was modified src/PXRegionAttribute.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXSpline.c
The file was modified src/Test/valgrind.supp
The file was modified src/Grid/PXGrid.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXIntersect2d_PXU.c
The file was modified src/PXRegionAttribute_PXU.c
Commit 31a6a4ce3658de11a796f185f067ec554acac7ac by smojeda
Compiler flag set to include all warnings in compiler output

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10677 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified CMakeInclude/CompileFlags.cmake
Commit b3b8618afb54bf25b1104408c87fbdc69a7ce91b by galbramc
Updated how coverage works. coverage does not include PXU files, coverage_PXU does. Added a missing -Werror

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10678 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified CMakeInclude/UnitTest.cmake
The file was modified CMakeInclude/CompileFlags.cmake
Commit 0a74819d84466b0937c764b58031f8747f8d507c by smojeda
fixing compiler warnings

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10679 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Grid/PXDistanceFunction_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXDistanceFunction.c
Commit f84d1956504622908a1478f062d4d37d1a1b4bbc by savithru
Updated header writing code for line outputs.

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10680 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/PXOutputFunctional.c
The file was modified include/PXOutputFunctional.h
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXCompressible.h
Commit fa34c45d43fe3d14e460bd7b6004884d006f3348 by galbramc
Fixed some compiler warnings

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10681 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified utils/
The file was modified src/Grid/PXDistanceFunction_PXU.c
The file was modified CMakeInclude/UnitTest.cmake
The file was modified src/Fundamentals/PXHeap_PXU.c
The file was modified test/CMakeLists.txt
The file was modified CMakeLists.txt
Commit 4b74a66488749f219e8483360dc3e9f1380495bf by smojeda
fixed WriteParameter function

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10682 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Fundamentals/PXParameter.c
Commit 82d6dedba8e9d9b33c7f080823f1d237ad1459f3 by jmartin3
Added a section that explains what the Gold Standard is and how to view/change default parameters. Also removed the exhaustive listing of all default parameters.

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10683 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified man/PXUserGuide.tex
Commit 7c743ef1dac379a2d27e4488a4750bb75a37e6ad by galbramc
Fixed compiler warnings

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10684 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified utils/PXGenAirfoilMesh.c
Commit 7512f72a2bfbf9af90e0fbc16ade04f60edaa6c6 by galbramc
Updating the website checks to use cmake

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10685 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/ScalarConvDiff/PXScalarConvDiff.c
The file was modified utils/
The file was modified src/PXResidual.c
The file was modified test/CMakeLists.txt
The file was modified utils/
The file was modified src/Grid/PXAttachmentMath.c
The file was modified utils/
The file was modified CMakeInclude/UnitTest.cmake
The file was modified src/Test/valgrind.supp
The file was modified utils/
The file was addedutils/
The file was modified src/Grid/PXPartition.c
Commit 63db1ed3e125e299f17563d64e0854acb808d34d by galbramc
more work on the website

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10686 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified utils/
Commit 7b97eda62c4b0fd0a763c6d60a8b0290e0788301 by galbramc
Fixed a problem with regtest_memcheck

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10687 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified utils/
The file was modified test/CMakeLists.txt
The file was modified utils/
Commit 2063ddd75edfad763e1f2fb599369693de31ff90 by galbramc
Still tweaking the website

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10688 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified utils/
The file was modified utils/
Commit 6afa534c5321b9ca5dfc12de9f22f15d50945665 by galbramc
More tweaks to the website

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10689 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified utils/
The file was modified utils/
The file was modified utils/
The file was modified utils/
The file was modified utils/
The file was modified test/CMakeLists.txt
Commit 1241b6702b5119e826234fb123df2f13c652ebcd by galbramc
Fixed a mistake in

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10690 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified utils/
Commit ed18c440bd6d4168bcfb6dec595363db596b71ef by galbramc
More tweaks to the website

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10691 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified utils/
Commit efe67a4bc97356537eb4781b2c79f8697d511279 by pcaplan
bug fix in Grid2Mesh

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10692 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Grid/PXMesh.c
Commit 43f9c57491e003899146d52d6afa5148f88573ef by galbramc
Added a flag for extra valgrind flags. Fixed uninitialized SA_cn1 in PXInitTurbulenceStruct_SA

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10693 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified CMakeInclude/CompileFlags.cmake
The file was modified src/PXSolver.c
The file was modified test/CMakeLists.txt
The file was modified CMakeLists.txt
The file was modified utils/
The file was modified utils/
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXCompressible.c
The file was modified CMakeInclude/UnitTest.cmake
Commit a37b4f72873c6f2a2d24a23beda2febf7cba1d1e by galbramc
Found that gnFactor was not initialzed for SA as well. Fixed a bunch of uninitialized data as well as memory leaks

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10694 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXCompressible.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXUnitGridAddOns.c
The file was modified utils/
The file was modified src/Grid/PXIntersect2d.c
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXCutCell3d.cpp
The file was modified src/PXOutput.c
The file was modified test/CMakeLists.txt
The file was modified src/Grid/PXGridUniformRefine.c
The file was modified CMakeLists.txt
The file was modified src/Grid/PXReadWriteGrid.c
The file was modified utils/
The file was modified src/Grid/PXParallelGrid.c
The file was modified src/PXRunSolver.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXUnitCutGrids.c
The file was modified test/jobTest.csh
The file was modified src/PXCDAll.c
The file was modified utils/
The file was modified src/Grid/PXModifyGrid.c
The file was modified src/Adaptation/PXMetricAdapt3d.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXParallelMesh.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXCutCell.c
The file was modified test/jobTest_parallel.csh
The file was modified src/Adaptation/PXGridAnisoRefine.c
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXCompressible_PXU.c
Commit df92d16c4a2e14242d154c2b80c09cb027a22467 by smojeda
Fixed EqnSetStruct handling within PXViz (resolved DSYEV error)

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10695 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified utils/PXViz.c
Commit 482988293666a2d40832a33e181b6549f9d5c39f by galbramc
Changed the tetgen website so it hopefully is more reliable

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10696 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified utils/
The file was modified share/CMakeLists.txt
Commit 281f58c54967379a23741d60dafcb4deb978337b by galbramc
Fixed coverage for lcov 1.9

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10697 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified CMakeInclude/UnitTest.cmake
Commit 28aff34fa3503028d7cbffc148cb814c926c00c9 by allmaras
added if-tests to eliminate allocation/use of ElemNull for boundary
conforming cases (should only be used for cut-cell)

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10698 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/PXHPAdaptDirect.c
Commit b3115f6ad50d9e0c3bd69739f1e7b9d584602279 by smojeda
New CHT, CutCell, FullyEmbedded, Adaptation, FlatSlab regression test

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10699 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was addedtest/TrueMetric/CHT_FlatSlab_TEST_Metric_a00.attach
The file was modified test/runTests.csh
The file was addedtest/CHT_NS2d_Scalar2d_FullEmb_FlatSlab_TEST.knob
The file was addedtest/trueOUT/CHT_FlatSlab.hist.TRUE
The file was addedtest/RegionFile/CHT_FlatSlab.ra
The file was addedtest/CHT_NS2d_Scalar2d_FullEmb_FlatSlab_TEST.job
The file was addedtest/FuncFile/CHT_FlatSlab.func
The file was addedtest/BCFile/CHT_FlatSlab.bc
Commit 704faf34277dcb355dae20564b7d1fb1b9addc25 by galbramc
Cleaned up regression test CMakeLists.txt

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10700 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified test/CMakeLists.txt
Commit 5185bf301195ca4438c9ab71c283cb32e4441012 by galbramc
Regenerated failing regression tests

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10701 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified test/TrueMetric/CutCell_rae2822_RANS_M0p3_Re6p5e6_UniAdapt_TEST_Metric_a00.attach
The file was modified test/TrueMetric/RAE2822_RANS_Subsonic_NoMaxQuad_UniAdapt_TEST_Metric_a01.attach
The file was modified test/TrueMetric/RAE2822_RANS_Subsonic_UniAdapt_TEST_Metric_a00.attach
The file was modified test/TrueMetric/CutCell_rae2822_RANS_M0p3_Re6p5e6_TEST_Metric_a00.attach
The file was modified test/TrueMetric/RAE2822_RANS_Subsonic_NoMaxQuad_UniAdapt_TEST_Metric_a00.attach
The file was modified test/trueOUT/RAE2822_A28_RANS_M0p3_AA2p31_RE6p5e6_TEST.hist.TRUE
The file was modified test/trueOUT/RAE2822_RANS_Subsonic_NoMaxQuad_UniAdapt_TEST.hist.TRUE
The file was modified test/trueOUT/CutCell_rae2822_RANS_M0p3_Re6p5e6_TEST.hist.TRUE
The file was modified test/trueOUT/RAE2822_RANS_Subsonic_UniAdapt_TEST.hist.TRUE
The file was modified test/trueOUT/RAE2822_RANS_Transonic_UniAdapt_TEST.hist.TRUE
The file was modified test/TrueMetric/RAE2822_RANS_Transonic_UniAdapt_TEST_Metric_a01.attach
The file was modified test/TrueMetric/RAE2822_RANS_Transonic_UniAdapt_TEST_Metric_a00.attach
The file was modified test/TrueMetric/RAE2822_RANS_Subsonic_UniAdapt_TEST_Metric_a01.attach
The file was modified test/trueOUT/CutCell_rae2822_RANS_M0p3_Re6p5e6_UniAdapt_Test.hist.TRUE
Commit 6749fcc0dbe2121282d7cf3409f53a0abc78b570 by smojeda
added CHT regression test to cmake / eqnset modifications

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10702 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified test/CMakeLists.txt
The file was modified src/ScalarConvDiff/PXScalarConvDiff.c
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXCompressibleFunction.c
Commit 92908c6b15868cef1170d4094159adbcca3e2674 by smojeda
CHT regression grid files

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10703 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was addedGrids/CHT_FlatSlab.ebg
The file was addedGrids/CHT_FlatSlab.gri
Commit 0dc9323b1053dbd7a06a83d527e03cf3e1727d57 by galbramc
Switched the Makefile so it now uses CMake. Nearly all regression tests now pass through valgrind.

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10704 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Grid/PXReadWriteGrid.c
The file was modified src/PXSolver.c
The file was modified include/Grid/PXGridAttachments.h
The file was modified src/Grid/PXIntersect2d.c
The file was addedMakefile.configure
The file was modified utils/
The file was modified src/Grid/PXMeshMetric.c
The file was removedman/Building/building.tex
The file was modified src/PXErrEst.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXGridAttachments.c
The file was modified man/Building/Makefile
The file was modified src/PXInit.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXModifyGrid.c
The file was modified src/PXHPAdaptDirect.c
The file was modified src/PXOutputFunctional.c
The file was modified utils/
The file was modified src/Grid/PXSpline.c
The file was addedman/Building/building_cmake.tex
The file was modified src/Fundamentals/PXString.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXLinearElasticity.c
The file was addedman/Building/building_configure.tex
The file was modified Makefile
The file was modified test/CMakeLists.txt
The file was modified src/PXHPAdapt.c
The file was modified src/PXRunSolver.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXParallelGrid.c
The file was modified src/Fundamentals/PXParallel.c
The file was modified src/PXUnsteady.c
Commit df178382bc044145035c116d7cce7575877ddc1d by galbramc
Fixed a memory error in LinearElasticity. Cleaned up cmake a little and started working on documentation.

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10705 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was addedCMakeInclude/BinDirName.cmake
The file was modified man/Building/Makefile
The file was modified src/Grid/PXLinearElasticity.c
The file was modified man/Building/building_configure.tex
The file was modified CMakeInclude/UnitTest.cmake
The file was modified CMakeInclude/SetCompiler.cmake
The file was modified CMakeInclude/CompileFlags.cmake
The file was modified man/Building/building_cmake.tex
The file was modified CMakeLists.txt
Commit af9d30ba91e6a6dedb135524877836583d1cd9db by smojeda
added Read/Write checks to allow for old pxa visualization

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10706 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/PXOutput.c
The file was modified src/PXBC.c
Commit 76774957bb7fc99c43bc9e14c003dc422c7dae17 by galbramc
Added more cmake documentation

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10707 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified man/Building/building_cmake.tex
Commit 9bba3753cf4cf132868064d8812a524741744d12 by galbramc
More or less finished documenting the cmake build process

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10708 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified CMakeInclude/UnitTest.cmake
The file was modified test/CMakeLists.txt
The file was modified man/Building/building_cmake.tex
The file was modified Makefile.cmake
The file was modified Makefile
Commit 5638540044d6dc50baf16190578e4d637b4762a7 by galbramc
Fixed a bug in cmake files

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10709 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified CMakeInclude/UnitTest.cmake
The file was modified test/CMakeLists.txt
Commit 40d1fd55e34951b6c5db5bf54533043a17fe7730 by pcaplan
Removed output of trS to adapt pxa

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10710 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/PXHPAdaptDirect.c
The file was modified include/PXHPAdaptDirectStruct.h
Commit 3ea159ed0ff61e1dcb95d2713532e4a86e187ffe by pcaplan
one of the trS still lingered around?

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10711 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/PXHPAdaptDirect.c
Commit f271b04165a3ab36d39c63502c041d675bc8ce57 by pcaplan
removed unused variables

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10712 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/PXHPAdaptDirect.c
Commit e2b0e03a9f618f0d5f41271403d98aeacb3ff66e by smojeda
CHT unit tests, memcheck fixes

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10713 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXCompressible.h
The file was modified src/PXHPAdaptDirect.c
The file was modified src/ScalarConvDiff/PXScalarConvDiff.h
The file was modified src/ConjugateHeatTransfer/PXConjugateHeatTransfer.c
The file was modified src/ScalarConvDiff/PXScalarConvDiffInterface.c
The file was modified src/ConjugateHeatTransfer/PXConjugateHeatTransfer.h
The file was modified include/PXRegionAttribute.h
The file was modified src/ConjugateHeatTransfer/ConjugateHeatTransfer.make
The file was modified src/PXRegionAttribute.c
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXCompressibleInterface.c
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXCompressible.c
The file was modified src/ScalarConvDiff/PXScalarConvDiff.c
Commit 8d723f4e0fc2a434867a6d7b682f299a326a2a4d by smojeda
forgot the pxu

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10714 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was addedsrc/ConjugateHeatTransfer/PXConjugateHeatTransfer_PXU.c
Commit c1c2a00896ecd86df5aa36163fbbbb07e4fe04a1 by smojeda
more CHT unit tests

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10715 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/ConjugateHeatTransfer/PXConjugateHeatTransfer_PXU.c
Commit 57fd5967108fc436ed47f86c99ec0b40c967c5ab by smojeda
more CHT unit tests

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10716 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/ConjugateHeatTransfer/PXConjugateHeatTransfer_PXU.c
Commit e8e6e148f29ac3bd1444325503b4f6766bf3bc9f by smojeda
git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10717 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/ConjugateHeatTransfer/PXConjugateHeatTransfer_PXU.c
Commit a3bd860a4c500276e66bbfc616f2ac0154cb86ba by galbramc
Added a unit test. Reverted to use wget to download Qhull and TetGen.

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10718 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/PXRunSolver.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXPartitionMesh.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXPartitionMesh_PXU.c
The file was modified src/PXLog.c
The file was modified include/Grid/PXPartition.h
The file was modified src/PXHPAdaptDirect.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXParallelGrid.c
The file was modified utils/
The file was modified include/Test/PXUnit.h
The file was modified src/Grid/PXParallelGrid_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXPartition.c
The file was addedsrc/Grid/PXPartition_PXU.c
Commit 50d689f892eebf3463f45c8511c0a752f912f488 by galbramc
Chanced the script back to not use wget

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10719 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified utils/
Commit abbbf2c42acb604998a6f860aeea6bffb49b0f84 by galbramc
Added a temporary fix to deal with tetgen website being down

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10720 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified utils/
Commit 383393328889b26e6c8cc23c055b0502c96f4583 by galbramc
Fixed the regtest failure I made

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10721 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified test/CMakeLists.txt
The file was modified src/PXRunSolver.c
The file was modified src/PXLog.c
Commit bedf2a31b5fbe800992ad98d9337fe09250df556 by smojeda
lots of CHT unit tests

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10722 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/ConjugateHeatTransfer/PXConjugateHeatTransfer_PXU.c
The file was modified src/ScalarConvDiff/PXScalarConvDiff.c
Commit 14397c32d3c6e5b790440c0f573a3e188e030160 by galbramc
Fixed tetgen link bug. Added _nocheck to regression tests that just runs the test without checking the output

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10723 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified test/CMakeLists.txt
The file was modified utils/
The file was modified share/CMakeLists.txt
Commit e2030cfee6072978452bf0ddf0bf788630d9e6cc by galbramc
Fixed memory leaks in PXPartition

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10724 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Grid/PXPartition.c
Commit 071083fe466c40cafd28dce9d645704a2b32eb97 by smojeda
Create/Destroy CHT tests

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10725 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/ConjugateHeatTransfer/PXConjugateHeatTransfer_PXU.c
Commit 9ac216df3530e1910a6a3ea57266200086d0c29e by jkudo
NLopt Metric optimization changes to help with poor behavior with error became very low + other small changes

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10726 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/PXLog.c
The file was modified include/PXLog.h
The file was modified src/PXHPAdaptDirect_PXU.c
The file was modified src/PXInit.c
The file was addedmatlab/PXToolbox/readErrFile.m
The file was modified include/GeneralParameters/PXAdaptationParameters.h
The file was modified src/PXHPAdaptDirect.c
The file was modified include/PXHPAdaptDirectStruct.h
Commit db57b3f4f94df1ab0cb3076d73fc997ca0e78888 by galbramc
Added some more documentation for cmake build

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10727 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified man/Building/building_cmake.tex
Commit cf7ffa8776e0283486b8c67da284ff787be311a2 by savithru
Added grid attachment for processor IDs during parallel runs. PX prints out an additional pxa file (Mesh_ParallelInfo.pxa) during parallel executions.

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10728 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/PXHPAdapt.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXParallelGrid.c
The file was modified src/PXHPAdaptDirect.c
The file was modified src/PXCDAll.c
Commit 4647c6a5b392b718e1d4ed60d8cf2814e9e07654 by galbramc
Hopefully fixed the last memory bug in the regression tests

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10729 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Grid/PXMerge.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXIntersect2d.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXReadWriteGrid.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXModifyGrid.c
Commit 13ba509bbf8e5b8c17a59f9a1d02a27c7ee0f5f6 by jkudo
Append number of function evaluations to NLopt .adapthist output

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10730 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified include/PXLog.h
The file was modified src/PXHPAdaptDirect.c
The file was modified src/PXLog.c
Commit 1675a49b67f1d0d49d26973cdc84c0035e6e848b by smojeda
CHT and cut-cell documentation for BC's, Outputs, Meshing, EBG File, and Region File

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10731 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified man/PXUserGuide.tex
The file was modified man/Meshing/meshing.tex
Commit 3f890f92d9db468e5b60b699e20147b6224832e1 by galbramc
Added debug information for PXMatchingParallelPartition

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10732 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Fundamentals/PXParallel.c
The file was modified src/PXHPAdapt.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXGrid.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXIntersect2d.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXParallelGrid.c
The file was modified src/PXCDAll.c
Commit d84d6357e25619171813773833d56caa25811ac6 by jkudo
fixing small error for NLopt function evaluation printing in .adapthist

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10733 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/PXHPAdaptDirect.c
Commit 3a723b3dbc25d4335e60a6e67038fa395ead873b by jkudo
Modifications to golden standard for NLopt optimization

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10734 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/PXInit.c
Commit 1fc92a1d0568bfd8714f3a33b3c8a62a8b4a7a12 by jkudo
Fixing regression test that was using golden standards

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10735 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified test/CHT_NS2d_Scalar2d_FullEmb_FlatSlab_TEST.knob
Commit c55408be729dbdb42e3852eb686f6742e4da9a8f by smojeda
part 1 viz fix, fixed null pointers, segmentation fault cleaned up with error returns

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10736 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified utils/PXViz.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXReadWriteGrid.c
The file was modified utils/PXUniformRefine.c
Commit 4477aa70f59ba2e874f35fd7b0ece5d1161afba0 by galbramc
Fixed the last memory problem in the regression tests

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10737 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/PXHPAdaptDirect.c
Commit b10a345b0693b247408be74ada3e0c6008be690d by galbramc
Setting things up so the nightly memcheck updates the outstanding commits

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10738 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified utils/
The file was addedutils/
The file was modified utils/
The file was modified utils/
The file was removedutils/
The file was addedutils/
The file was modified utils/
Commit d396d07b1184f76df7abd6e73f78cffdef7c83ca by galbramc
Fixed up the website scripts so nightly outstanding commits are updated when a regular commit occurs

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10739 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified utils/
The file was modified utils/
The file was modified utils/
The file was modified utils/
Commit adc11f3fae960f4683668415e68dfba33e335c5d by galbramc
Adding the weekly memcheck

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10740 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was addedutils/
The file was addedutils/
The file was modified utils/
The file was modified utils/
The file was removedutils/
The file was removedutils/
The file was addedutils/
The file was removedutils/
The file was modified utils/
The file was addedutils/
Commit ec007302c766784d061f9759d07ccc7d6b89ee69 by galbramc
Fixed bugs in the nightly and weekly memcheck scripts

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10741 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified utils/
The file was modified utils/
Commit 791d89810b66ba493b3c73ef912050e228749c6c by smojeda
region attribute unit test, comp/scal function modifications

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10742 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXCompressible.h
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXCompressibleFunction.c
The file was modified src/ScalarConvDiff/PXScalarConvDiff.c
The file was modified src/PXBC.c
The file was modified src/PXRegionAttribute_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXCompressible.c
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXCompressibleFunction.h
Commit 1709834ea78c867e368c815e867f22121642efed by galbramc
Finally fixed PXMachingParallelPartition by removing the error checking :P

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10743 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/PXOutputFunctional.c
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXViscous.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXParallelGrid.c
The file was modified utils/
Commit 35419242fb96740eadbb4a29d663c8089b2a3e9a by galbramc
Changed the timeout for the regression tests

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10744 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified test/CMakeLists.txt
Commit a7d7cabd370278ceefb26ca2f373797c4b10d18f by galbramc
Hopefully PXMatchingParallelPartition is finally fixed

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10745 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified test/CMakeLists.txt
The file was modified src/Grid/PXParallelGrid.c
Commit f65af1e6eb45e3f29a35ba68748efdd26e482a61 by galbramc
Added the extra arguments CalcA_uv to do dilitation based artificial viscosity

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10746 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXViscous.c
The file was modified src/MultiComponentConvDiff/PXMultiComponentConvDiff_PXU.c
The file was modified src/MultiComponentConvDiffConj/PXMultiComponentConvDiffConj_PXU.c
The file was modified src/PXHDGSolver.c
The file was modified src/LinearizedEuler/PXLinearizedEuler_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXCompressibleBCs_PXU.c
The file was modified src/MultiComponentConvDiff/PXMultiComponentConvDiff.c
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXViscous_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXCompressible.c
The file was modified src/PXAuxVariable.c
The file was modified src/ScalarConvDiff/PXScalarConvDiff.c
The file was modified src/PXOutputFunctional.c
The file was modified src/UnitEquationSet/PXUnitEquationSet_PXU.c
The file was modified src/ConjugateHeatTransfer/PXConjugateHeatTransfer_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXCompressible.h
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXCompressible_PXU.c
The file was modified src/ScalarConvDiff/PXScalarConvDiff.h
The file was modified src/LinearizedEuler/PXLinearizedEuler.c
The file was modified src/NewCompressible/PXCompressible.c
The file was modified src/CompressibleSpaceTime/PXCompressibleSpaceTime.c
The file was modified src/MultiComponentConvDiffConj/PXMultiComponentConvDiffConj.c
The file was modified src/UnitEquationSet/PXUnitEquationSet.c
The file was modified include/PXEquationSetEntryStruct.h
The file was modified src/NonEquilibrium/PXNonEquilibrium.c
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXViscous.h
The file was modified src/PXResidual.c
The file was modified src/ConjugateHeatTransfer/PXConjugateHeatTransfer.c
Commit bb62d113538a792df43b6bc4aca09d56989b06a7 by jkudo
Fixing bug to allow NLopt initial scaling to work with CutCells

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10747 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/PXHPAdaptDirect.c
Commit 76c798f58a7da74ba145629e7fab232ef5832517 by galbramc
Added some dilation shock capturing unit tests

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10748 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXViscous_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXViscous.c
Commit e032fb9d77b98aca75b09f8197c1149196919790 by galbramc
Added a dilation artificial viscosity function and unit tested the Jacobians

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10749 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXCompressibleStateFunctional_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXViscous.c
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXViscous_PXU.c
Commit 19eabe1c275211a34ad67ea216dce43bc147cf74 by smojeda
Parallelize CHT Region Information, parallel region unit tests, parameter/print mods

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10750 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified include/PXRegionAttribute.h
The file was modified src/ConjugateHeatTransfer/PXConjugateHeatTransfer_PXU.c
The file was modified src/PXRegionAttribute_PXU.c
The file was modified src/PXOutput.c
The file was modified src/Fundamentals/PXString.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXParallelGrid.c
The file was modified src/PXBC.c
The file was modified src/PXRegionAttribute.c
The file was modified src/ConjugateHeatTransfer/PXConjugateHeatTransfer.c
The file was modified src/Fundamentals/PXParameter.c
Commit 5a8b78a256fc9de67cd095f72ad729eb44e4d6bb by galbramc
Dilation Jacobians with respect the gradients seem to be working

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10751 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXViscous_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXViscous.c
Commit 81c8290ba2b86b768962ca837d7924f68f44e4ac by smojeda
Updated physics parallelization in BC info

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10752 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/PXBC.c
Commit ee0b7a02ef75495b1b6d49a0b9bbf6a9ccd89a5e by galbramc
Fixed bug in website outstandint giles. Added more Dilation tesing. Added more PXBC unit tests

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10753 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/UnitEquationSet/PXUnitEquationSet.h
The file was modified utils/
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXViscous_PXU.c
The file was modified src/PXBC.c
The file was modified src/PXBC_PXU.c
The file was modified utils/
Commit dcae3302d41426dd033f14b185da79a3c873b51c by smojeda
Interface heat flux calculations

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10754 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXCompressible.h
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXCompressible.c
Commit 6aec969b7a83b1c4d21f8bc882d564b62214f3eb by galbramc
Fixed segfault problem when transfering solution from old grid to new in paralle. Added a Tecplot file conversion tool based on PXViz

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10755 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Fundamentals/PXParallel.c
The file was modified utils/PXTextOut.c
The file was modified utils/PXAdaptVizGrid.c
The file was modified utils/CMakeLists.txt
The file was modified utils/
The file was modified utils/
The file was modified src/Grid/PXParallelGrid.c
The file was addedutils/PXTecplot.c
The file was modified src/PXHPAdaptDirect.c
The file was modified utils/PXViz.c
Commit 7bbc5aba2d3737f1366f5bbbf9741ffa81dc9c94 by carlee
Added metric-biased gaussian fcn & unit test

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10756 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Fundamentals/PXMath_old.c
The file was modified include/Fundamentals/PXMath_old.h
The file was modified src/Fundamentals/PXMath_old_PXU.c
Commit 864827dc71a5bf41810278b07385d65a8acf9f0e by galbramc
Addd distance calculation to PXTecpot

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10757 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified utils/PXAdaptVizGrid.c
The file was modified utils/PXViz.c
The file was modified utils/PXTecplot.c
Commit 0cb508aa5e3e8158a79f54b9f9f94dcdf81d38ea by galbramc
Forgot to commit a file

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10758 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified include/PXAdaptVizGrid.h
Commit 3c0ecf534ee0f7c3b1f501f5627f352e96fc55da by smojeda
Null pointers

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10759 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Grid/PXGrid.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXReadWriteGrid.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXParallelGrid.c
Commit 420858fe36b02a03aaa8eacbfa980ab8737ad705 by smojeda
removed print statement

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10760 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Grid/PXGrid.c
Commit 887c0abfb0eb37a7bd740e923f1770ebd297da11 by carlee
Added to ReadFuncFile unit test and added supporting func files in new folder test

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10761 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was addedtest/FuncFileUnit/UnitEmpty.func
The file was modified src/PXOutput.c
The file was addedtest/FuncFileUnit/Unit2.func
The file was addedtest/FuncFileUnit/UnitBdry0.func
The file was addedtest/FuncFileUnit/UnitPhysicsE.func
The file was addedtest/FuncFileUnit/UnitNoSuffix
The file was modified src/PXOutputFunctional.c
The file was addedtest/FuncFileUnit/UnitBdry1.func
The file was modified src/UnitEquationSet/PXUnitEquationSet.h
The file was addedtest/FuncFileUnit/Unit1.func
The file was addedtest/FuncFileUnit/UnitPhysics2.func
The file was addedtest/FuncFileUnit/UnitPhysics1.func
The file was addedtest/FuncFileUnit/UnitPhysics0.func
The file was modified src/PXOutput_PXU.c
Commit 3f94af531136af028a063f2f6286d2969d3a7f86 by carlee
Fixed memory leaks in PXOutput_PXU

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10762 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/PXOutput_PXU.c
The file was modified src/PXOutput.c
Commit 0720b8fe8e8f5f2d6c01e1af9b5d58d73544a29d by smojeda
Set Gold Standard for LocalSolveSurrogate to False

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10763 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/PXInit.c
Commit 09731ff972da427d96d0fb650a2d256ec9b2f134 by galbramc
Revived a CutCell 3d regression test

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10764 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified utils/PXCutCell3d.c
The file was modified utils/CMakeLists.txt
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXCutQuad3d.cpp
The file was modified test/CMakeLists.txt
The file was modified utils/
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXCutCell3d.cpp
The file was modified src/PXCDAll.c
Commit b0bca26d44b69b9348d7ea5062b2096edd76d2c4 by galbramc
Fixed nan issue when doing shock capturing with adaptation

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10765 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/PXShockCapture.c
Commit f4f16ef9c8c155c56c8a27676116a9e087834ca5 by galbramc
Dilation based adapatation is linearized and implemented.
Added ProjectX_memcheck to run valgrind on PX
Cleaned up VizScalar in compressible
Added wedge regression test to increase coverage

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10766 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified CMakeLists.txt
The file was addedGrids/Wedge.gri
The file was modified src/UnitEquationSet/PXUnitEquationSet.h
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXCompressible.c
The file was modified src/LinearSolver/PXMat.c
The file was modified include/GeneralParameters/PXGeneralParameters.h
The file was modified src/UnitEquationSet/PXUnitEquationSet_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXCompressibleUnitUtils.c
The file was modified utils/ProjectX
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXViscous_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Reference/PXOrder.c
The file was addedtest/FuncFile/Wedge_PDEShock_Adapt_TEST.func
The file was modified src/PXResidual.c
The file was modified test/CMakeLists.txt
The file was addedtest/Wedge_PDEShock_Adapt_TEST.knob
The file was addedtest/BCFile/Wedge_PDEShock_Adapt_TEST.bc
The file was addedsrc/PXResidual_Dilation_PXU.c
The file was addedtest/Wedge_PDEShock_Adapt_TEST.job
The file was modified utils/PXTecplot.c
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXViscous.h
The file was modified src/PXResidual_PXU.c
The file was modified src/UnitEquationSet/PXUnitEquationSet.c
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXViscous.c
The file was modified src/LinearSolver/PXLinearMG.c
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXCompressible.h
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXCompressibleShock.c
The file was modified src/PXHPAdaptDirect.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXParallelGrid.c
The file was modified src/Fundamentals/PXMath_old_PXU.c
The file was modified src/PXHDGSolver.c
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXCompressibleBCs.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXBasis.c
The file was modified utils/ProjectXParallel
Commit e71388d889a9335923b1a767a65d47adfdb4e732 by galbramc
Forgot the the truth file for Wedge regression test
Removed Dilation arguments that were not needed

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10767 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/PXResidual_Dilation_PXU.c
The file was modified src/PXResidual_PXU.c
The file was modified include/PXResidual.h
The file was modified src/PXResidual.c
The file was addedtest/trueOUT/Wedge_PDEShock_Adapt_TEST.hist.TRUE
Commit 2b80587ee2389ef9dfc9df5efabaf035e16d6cd3 by galbramc
Forgot more files for the wedge regression test

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10768 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was addedtest/TrueMetric/Wedge_PDEShock_Adapt_TEST_Metric_a01.attach
The file was addedtest/TrueMetric/Wedge_PDEShock_Adapt_TEST_Metric_a00.attach
Commit 9f02706351ad6faa4e1b92b879e231c5ef042d97 by smojeda
Distance Function for CutCells, Viz Fix, CHT additions

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10769 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXCompressible.h
The file was modified src/Grid/PXParallelGrid.c
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXCompressibleFunction.c
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXCompressible.c
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXCompressibleFunction.h
The file was modified src/PXHPAdaptDirect.c
The file was modified src/ConjugateHeatTransfer/PXConjugateHeatTransfer.c
The file was modified utils/PXAdaptVizGrid.c
The file was modified src/PXInit.c
The file was modified test/CutCell_rae2822_RANS_M0p3_Re6p5e6_UniAdapt_Test.knob
The file was modified src/ScalarConvDiff/PXScalarConvDiff.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXDistanceFunction_PXU.c
The file was modified src/PXBC.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXDistanceFunction.c
The file was modified src/PXResidual.c
The file was modified include/Grid/PXDistanceFunction.h
The file was modified utils/PXViz.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXDistanceFunctionSurfGrid_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXDistanceToSurface.c
Commit 44d01635c763f9cf0422c8bb7c1a7fb1b7dd902f by smojeda
Python scripts for running cases at multiple dof and porder

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10770 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was addedutils/
The file was addedutils/
Commit 6d6adec121a68b4870fb92deb3be5485966ee4d5 by smojeda
Set PX_ARC to current environment

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10771 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified utils/
Commit a1f6c650169490fdd967c8a3f8500f495b3e659d by galbramc
Fixed the nightly memcheck. Updated scripts to run the nighty memcheck upon commits when there are failures

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10772 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified utils/
The file was modified src/PXResidual.c
The file was addedutils/
The file was modified utils/
The file was modified src/UnitEquationSet/PXUnitEquationSet_PXU.c
The file was modified src/UnitEquationSet/PXUnitEquationSet.c
The file was modified utils/
Commit 9afd7566438ff698ac3c4a7612397dc352139811 by galbramc
Forgot to commit some files. Updated weekly memcheck to also run upon a commit if there is a failure

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10773 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified utils/
The file was addedutils/
The file was modified utils/
The file was modified utils/
The file was modified utils/
The file was modified src/PXResidual_Dilation_PXU.c
The file was modified src/PXResidual_PXU.c
The file was modified utils/
Commit 0d1f75ccaf569ba28f834cf791ea789ff123a300 by galbramc
Hopefully fixed up all the new build test scripts

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10774 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified utils/
The file was modified utils/
The file was addedutils/
The file was modified utils/
Commit 650c04abe98212327bbf48a2490db220ceda621a by galbramc
One last fix to the new build test scripts

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10775 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified utils/
The file was modified utils/
Commit 42575a2033b152379dc4340e50dc7e231b92dcd6 by smojeda
fixed regression knob parameter, fixed environment variables for runadapt

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10776 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified test/CutCell_rae2822_RANS_M0p3_Re6p5e6_UniAdapt_Test.knob
The file was modified utils/
Commit 2130f8e6db140038db7863ec31aad4e6a9a507a7 by galbramc
One more fix to the build scripts

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10777 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified utils/
The file was modified utils/
Commit ff4d2a60bc629743fca2aad7d0d9643affe549b4 by smojeda
fixed CHT regression test memcheck error, adjusted regression memcheck timeout to 86400

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10778 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/PXBC.c
The file was modified test/CMakeLists.txt
Commit 3cf3d473245aa95282279faa49dcaaaafd3a86d1 by smojeda
minor changes to

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10779 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified utils/
Commit 4ee907ce713e5f1c3aca62043fd2e9c4fac546e9 by galbramc
Updated the regression test scripts to generate more informative errors when PX exits with a non-zero return code

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10780 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified utils/ProjectX
The file was modified test/jobTest_parallel.csh
The file was modified utils/
The file was modified test/jobTest.csh
The file was modified utils/
The file was modified utils/ProjectXParallel
Commit cde1aa186b862c11987c8fc8b53693ce8cfc28cb by smojeda
null pointers, solid wall spec

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10781 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXCompressibleFunction.c
The file was modified src/ConjugateHeatTransfer/PXConjugateHeatTransfer.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXReadWriteGrid.c
Commit ee5d7b8484e0f8073b30d70b60d98d0700c4a923 by galbramc
Dissabled Linear Multigrid for P=0. UMFPACK uses gobs of memory otherwise.

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10782 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/LinearSolver/PXMat.c
The file was modified src/PXErrEst.c
The file was modified src/PXShockCapture.c
The file was modified src/LinearSolver/PXASM_DG.c
The file was modified src/LinearSolver/PXLinearSolver.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXAttachmentMath.c
The file was modified src/LinearSolver/PXLinearMG.c
The file was modified src/LinearSolver/PXInPlaceILU_PXU.c
The file was modified src/LinearSolver/PXLU_PXU.c
The file was modified src/LinearSolver/PXOrdering.c
The file was modified src/LinearSolver/PXUnitLinearAlgebra_PXU.c
The file was modified src/LinearSolver/PXUMFPACK.c
The file was modified src/LinearSolver/PXASM.c
The file was modified src/LinearSolver/PXUMFPACK_PXU.c
The file was modified src/LinearSolver/PXBDDC_PXU.c
The file was modified src/LinearSolver/PXLinearAlgebra.c
The file was modified src/LinearSolver/PXLinearMG_PXU.c
The file was modified src/LinearSolver/PXOrdering_PXU.c
The file was modified src/LinearSolver/PXGMRES.c
The file was modified src/LinearSolver/PXASM_DG_PXU.c
The file was modified src/LinearSolver/PXMat_PXU.c
The file was modified src/LinearSolver/PXJacobi_PXU.c
The file was modified src/LinearSolver/PXLinearAlgebra_PXU.c
The file was modified src/LinearSolver/PXVec_PXU.c
The file was modified src/PXHDGSolver.c
The file was modified src/LinearSolver/PXBDDC.c
Commit c7ad991a1a9ac8ae18896c6d86fef22eabcd4eab by galbramc
Forgot to commit header files

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10783 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/LinearSolver/PXUMFPACK.h
The file was modified src/LinearSolver/PXMat.h
The file was modified src/LinearSolver/PXLinearAlgebra.h
Commit d9ccd332ed339b182f03ab4ff2a876aa69ee881e by pcaplan
quad adaptation mechanics, still making it look pretty, unit tests on added functions in progress so I'm pretty sure the coverage will go down

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10784 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified include/Grid/PXSubMesh.h
The file was modified include/GeneralParameters/PXAdaptationParameters.h
The file was modified src/Grid/PXMeshMetric.c
The file was modified test/RAE2822_RANS_Subsonic_UniAdapt_TEST.knob
The file was modified test/Scalar2d_UniAdapt_TEST.knob
The file was modified test/Scalar2d_UniAdapt_Unsteady1_TEST.knob
The file was modified src/Grid/PXModifyGrid.c
The file was modified utils/utils.make
The file was modified src/Reference/PXOrder.c
The file was modified test/Wedge_PDEShock_Adapt_TEST.knob
The file was modified utils/PXMeshElasticity.c
The file was modified test/CutCell_rae2822_CHT_TEST.knob
The file was modified src/Grid/PXReadWriteGrid.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXMoveMesh.c
The file was modified test/naca_NavierStokes2d_UniAdapt_TEST.knob
The file was modified src/PXHPAdaptDirect_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXCoordinates.c
The file was modified test/Scalar2d_UniAdapt_Unsteady2_TEST.knob
The file was modified src/Adaptation/PXWriteMesherFiles.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXSubMesh_PXU.c
The file was modified src/PXInit.c
The file was modified src/Reference/PXCoordinatesReference.c
The file was modified include/Reference/PXOrder.h
The file was modified test/CutCell_Circle_Interface_Scalar2d_UniAdapt_Test.knob
The file was modified src/Grid/PXMesh.c
The file was modified src/PXHPAdaptDirect.c
The file was modified test/CutCell_rae2822_RANS_M0p3_Re6p5e6_UniAdapt_Test.knob
The file was modified test/RAE2822_RANS_Subsonic_NoMaxQuad_UniAdapt_TEST.knob
The file was modified src/Grid/PXSubMesh.c
The file was modified test/naca_Euler2d_UniAdapt_TEST.knob
The file was modified test/RAE2822_RANS_Transonic_UniAdapt_TEST.knob
The file was modified test/CutCell_Interface_StarShape_Jump_TEST.knob
The file was modified src/PXHPAdapt.c
The file was modified test/diamond_Euler2d_UniAdapt_TEST.knob
The file was modified src/src.make
The file was modified configure
The file was modified include/PXHPAdaptDirectStruct.h
The file was modified src/Grid/PXQuad.c
Commit 549fff8256400657a5cbc39bfe0e850b82f12293 by pcaplan
increase max number of samples for 3d

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10785 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified include/PXHPAdaptDirectStruct.h
Commit 8ebda1bbe875cdb039ae3a6e8eae0017fb9adf57 by pcaplan
this should fix the memcheck error at short term, but I want to remove this part of ElemProp data structure anyway

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10786 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/PXHPAdaptDirect.c
Commit ff972b9195ca82b0574c8ec8cfa014e2741f8ae5 by galbramc
Fixed coverage checking to work with floating point numbers

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10787 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified utils/
Commit 1f22bee5ac1d13c552b5ebeeb0fc33c1a85f1223 by pcaplan
regtest failures prints to screen

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10788 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified test/jobTest.csh
The file was modified test/jobTest_parallel.csh
Commit 1193c7360bc668f5fbf64b5cf505101c321e66b6 by pcaplan
hybrid support for PXSpline needed for adaptation

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10789 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Grid/PXSpline.c
Commit 3eeb6e7abdeee6d79b551e066acef68610bfca50 by pcaplan
fixed warning

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10790 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Grid/PXSpline.c
Commit 8b5abd11c584e29022a3d9f428a5ab03a73e1935 by galbramc
Fixed the namechange of the unit test coverage file

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10791 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified utils/
Commit 50344ddec45dd2c5eaa48d5ed1e197b4b9b08099 by smojeda
source derivative initialization (uninitialized terms caused NaN's in local solve), RANS constant function

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10792 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/PXHPAdaptDirect.c
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXCompressible.c
The file was modified src/ConjugateHeatTransfer/PXConjugateHeatTransfer.c
The file was modified src/PXResidual.c
Commit 0d156057e35662d097c7af2088c4a8878de6d808 by pcaplan
cleaned adaptation and removed old implementation, tomorrow unit testing

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10793 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified include/PXHPAdaptDirectStruct.h
The file was modified include/Grid/PXSubMesh.h
The file was modified src/Grid/PXSubMesh.c
The file was modified src/PXHPAdaptDirect_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXSubMesh_PXU.c
The file was modified src/PXHPAdaptDirect.c
Commit 16fd15d545a944cbbbde9f9fc195295c66291da8 by pcaplan
forgot to adjust arguments to a function

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10794 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/PXHPAdaptDirect_PXU.c
Commit 2eda755fe4a6a24cfbd1e6235cefe3de598cfc90 by smojeda
added interface skin friction integrand

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10795 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXCompressible.h
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXCompressible.c
Commit fece63e7b0d29b617d5224376cd7ad0273066c29 by pcaplan
testing for splining routines (also allow diff't qorder and elem types) and hybrid, mixed-qorder unit grid

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10796 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Grid/PXUnitGrids_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXSpline.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXUnitGrids.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXSpline_PXU.c
Commit 6534876f486d81e8f7aa7dc6e47d293b93634021 by pcaplan
obviously forgot header file

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10797 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified include/Grid/PXUnitGrids.h
Commit 113c1f4c88f33b22da76142821d69e0990e538b3 by pcaplan
overallocate NodesOnFace to highest qorder+1 on face group

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10798 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Grid/PXSpline.c
Commit c7d56bd08540ea9f8949d229c44d452d2bd7faf5 by yixuan
utils to support Gaussian weighted integration

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10799 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/PXRunSolver.c
The file was addedsrc/PXOutputFunctionalTools_PXU.c
The file was addedsrc/PXOutputFunctionalTools.c
Commit c2c8f1b7d32cf31422a53e24905eea5a78f9b10a by yixuan
delete pxu for now.

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10800 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was removedsrc/PXOutputFunctionalTools_PXU.c
Commit e6aaeba64e4b328ae6ea2b7848af560a75ebf1a9 by yixuan
git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10801 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/PXRunSolver.c
Commit 01cfcf3ab48b16aaddb59299c49fa05707245ca2 by pcaplan
quad adaptation unit tests and found a massive bug in state transfer

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10802 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Grid/PXSubMesh.c
The file was modified src/PXHPAdaptDirect_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXSubMesh_PXU.c
The file was modified src/PXHPAdaptDirect.c
Commit 975ed00063c5c8a4c501e6be30660472b8e0cc7c by pcaplan
removed warnings

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10803 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/PXHPAdaptDirect_PXU.c
Commit 38f9cfa609537572fd2334e5ba2b91a8ac10db38 by pcaplan
forgot a warning

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10804 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/PXHPAdaptDirect_PXU.c
Commit eff35bf77f053d03c0160d7a09a454ac793c0738 by pcaplan
forgot to destroy pg in all unit tests so lots of memory remained in heap

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10805 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Grid/PXSubMesh_PXU.c
The file was modified src/PXHPAdaptDirect_PXU.c
Commit 0aa859daed649e184f7950b7077958936d434d36 by pcaplan
fixed some of the remaining memory in unit tests

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10806 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Grid/PXSubMesh_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXSubMesh.c
Commit 6f6e2f67d1afe373e284a4b26bd18c169c491eaf by pcaplan
...and this should fix other remaining memory (forgot to deallocate quad stuff before allocating to tri in diagonal split)

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10807 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Grid/PXSubMesh.c
Commit 5c1713205ac2fed43a16f0f66435bd46ed074acb by pcaplan
freed memory

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10808 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Grid/PXSubMesh_PXU.c
The file was modified src/PXHPAdaptDirect_PXU.c
The file was modified src/PXHPAdaptDirect.c
Commit 170210b3fe4226ddcee896b04f2f147a98e7a5b1 by galbramc
Fixed issues with Nightly and Weekly memchecks overwriting each others log files

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10809 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified utils/
The file was modified utils/
The file was modified utils/
Commit f7004fac80b9333e86ff6144f1925109d1724d55 by carlee
valgrind suppressions

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10810 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Test/valgrind.supp
Commit 096ea8eedbe96414d1e349b545b6b75b904c7ac1 by pcaplan
release metricR upon destruction of ElemProp

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10811 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/PXHPAdaptDirect.c
Commit 90cea7f83e6806f5f2faeac1800b2f2cea7d8a94 by pcaplan

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10812 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/PXHPAdaptDirect.c
Commit 53c5f768cb99964301e29052174a0c86b46d2efa by pcaplan
uninitialized Stil caught by compiler on mac

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10813 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXCompressible.c
Commit b5307ec1bcec8685048da5e9d618472cb9ba8914 by pcaplan
fixed a memory leak when writing out adapt_pxa...but not the one that fails the regetst

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10814 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/PXHPAdaptDirect.c
Commit 16039f1b3de20a4ce9b9c994a48da1f058ed1996 by galbramc
Changed things so the error reports are only cleaned out on a successfull build

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10815 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified utils/
The file was modified utils/
The file was modified utils/
Commit 2038c53d3f7c2a9d2588294507fa65508bec8198 by galbramc
Removed tabs, trying to trigger a build

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10816 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Grid/PXNormal.c
Commit a3a7c6eab229600851838e638c14b392bc2de623 by carlee
Fixed bug in MetricGaussian

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10817 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Fundamentals/PXMath_old_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Fundamentals/PXMath_old.c
Commit d53de4ac5ce4dcb8fda90283b9a3089b8d3d0391 by pcaplan
distance function calculation for face groups with both triangles and quads

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10818 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Grid/PXReadWriteGrid.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXDistanceToSurface.c
The file was modified src/Adaptation/PXWriteMesherFiles.c
Commit 4b7625da02cee69d1631ab0b009764e49fa75716 by yixuan
Gaussian weighted line integral.

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10819 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/CompressibleSpaceTime/PXCompressibleSpaceTime.c
The file was modified src/NewCompressible/PXCompressible.h
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXCompressibleStateFunctional.c
The file was modified src/src.make
The file was modified src/Grid/PXIntersect2d.c
The file was modified src/PXOutput.c
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXCompressible.c
The file was modified src/PXHPAdaptDirect.c
The file was modified src/PXOutputFunctional_PXU.c
The file was modified src/NewCompressible/PXCompressible.c
The file was modified src/PXOutput_PXU.c
The file was modified src/CMakeLists.txt
The file was modified src/Grid/PXUnitGrids.c
The file was modified src/PXOutputFunctional.c
The file was modified src/UnitEquationSet/PXUnitEquationSet.c
The file was modified include/Grid/PXGridStruct.h
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXCompressible.h
The file was modified src/PXOutputFunctionalTools.c
The file was modified include/PXOutputStruct.h
The file was modified src/UnitEquationSet/PXUnitEquationSet.h
The file was modified include/PXOutputFunctional.h
Commit 22d6cd1db3d3512b191fbc21e098b31217160348 by yixuan
forgot to add it

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10820 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/PXOutputFunctional_PXU.c
The file was addedinclude/PXOutputFunctionalTools.h
Commit 0c61e1811de78985299491c441c0a7e4e29e779c by galbramc
One more t

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10821 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified utils/
The file was modified utils/
The file was modified utils/
Commit fec742824742ecf2f078846125202a8621663fc6 by galbramc
Tweaking run scripts for the situtation where qhull and tetgen websites might be down

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10822 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified utils/
The file was modified utils/
The file was modified utils/
Commit f35e493d3548a98656ad75cb9c2256d2126a9189 by smojeda
allow initial states to be set for CHT problems

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10823 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Grid/PXGridAttachments_PXU.c
The file was modified src/PXResState.c
The file was modified include/Grid/PXGridAttachments.h
The file was modified src/Grid/PXGridAttachments.c
Commit 1a076c5df7f32890447e9f5c3f676cb7fcb9d909 by smojeda
forgot a file

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10824 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/PXHPAdapt.c
Commit 06097b5377536f021133f20668c66625f3b31bc8 by galbramc
Changed coverage checks to allow regtest coverage to decrease, but the unit and total may not decrease

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10825 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified CMakeInclude/UnitTest.cmake
The file was modified utils/
The file was modified utils/
Commit ce3992bdcd5350a703072f81c68ed78922df8fba by galbramc
Still tweaking the coverage

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10826 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified utils/
Commit 19feda9d5ecda4b278f86c7de6721b0b1edfcb75 by pcaplan
should fix regtest memcheck failure

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10827 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/PXHPAdaptDirect.c
Commit a696abf61e6c83d5511661156e32257a87b17469 by galbramc
One more fix to the total coverage

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10828 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified utils/
The file was modified utils/
Commit 54d733dea68b799dbaa654b272ca9ae998435f9b by yixuan
memory fix

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10829 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/PXOutput.c
The file was modified src/PXOutputFunctional.c
The file was modified src/PXOutputFunctional_PXU.c
Commit a44dff592cc0f966ecb209b1e56a45d42cee58f6 by yixuan
wrong commit

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10830 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/PXOutputFunctional.c
Commit 3cb985080d189723f0e955d54f97f4abcd114368 by jkudo
Added vertex based NLopt optimization with penalty terms, unit tests, and regression tests

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10831 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/PXHPAdaptDirect_PXU.c
The file was modified include/GeneralParameters/PXAdaptationParameters.h
The file was modified src/PXInit.c
The file was modified test/CMakeLists.txt
The file was addedtest/trueOUT/naca_Euler2d_AdaptNLOPTVert_TEST.hist.TRUE
The file was addedtest/naca_Euler2d_AdaptNLOPTVert_TEST.job
The file was addedtest/naca_Euler2d_AdaptNLOPTVert_TEST.knob
The file was addedtest/TrueMetric/naca_Euler2d_AdaptNLOPTVertWPenalty_TEST_Metric_a00.attach
The file was modified include/PXHPAdaptDirectStruct.h
The file was addedtest/naca_Euler2d_AdaptNLOPTVertWPenalty_TEST.job
The file was modified src/PXHPAdaptDirect.c
The file was addedtest/TrueMetric/naca_Euler2d_AdaptNLOPTVert_TEST_Metric_a00.attach
The file was addedtest/trueOUT/naca_Euler2d_AdaptNLOPTVertWPenalty_TEST.hist.TRUE
The file was addedtest/naca_Euler2d_AdaptNLOPTVertWPenalty_TEST.knob
Commit 5abaad8b97ad9364371c348d668576afd39250ea by smojeda
initializations, init adapt state, SA viz fixes

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10832 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/ConjugateHeatTransfer/PXConjugateHeatTransfer.c
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXCompressible.c
The file was modified src/PXHPAdapt.c
The file was modified src/PXResidual.c
The file was modified src/PXResState.c
Commit 2c6eadd634c14579a15d2d6ce4f215f970e5e860 by smojeda
Updated adapt run script, post-processing plotting tools, cluster capability

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10833 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was addedutils/PlotAdaptConv.m
The file was addedutils/PlotRunAdapt.m
The file was modified utils/
The file was modified utils/
Commit 553fcb1dbc457a167ce0ab533ff1405e6909a580 by smojeda
CHT RANS scalar fixes

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10834 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/PXResidual.c
The file was modified src/ScalarConvDiff/PXScalarConvDiff.c
The file was modified src/ConjugateHeatTransfer/PXConjugateHeatTransfer.c
Commit a3a0425e425a551339094bc26869d342690a1d46 by jkudo
Made changes to compile Oliver's Compressible library (but not the unit tests...)

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10835 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/CompressibleOliver/PXCompressibleBCs.c
The file was modified src/CompressibleOliver/PXCompressibleShock.c
The file was modified src/CompressibleOliver/PXCompressibleStateFunctional.c
The file was modified src/CompressibleOliver/PXCompressible.h
The file was modified src/CompressibleOliver/PXCompressibleFunction.c
The file was modified src/CompressibleOliver/PXViscous.c
The file was modified src/CMakeLists.txt
The file was addedsrc/CompressibleOliver/CMakeLists.txt
The file was modified src/CompressibleOliver/PXEulerFlux.c
The file was modified src/CompressibleOliver/PXCompressible.c
The file was modified src/CompressibleOliver/PXSpalartAllmaras.c
The file was modified src/CompressibleOliver/PXKOmega.c
Commit cb11918aa61d970390897b52202e12cf0a4c05f9 by jkudo
Change to eliminate warnings

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10836 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/CompressibleOliver/PXEulerFlux.c
Commit 26eccbac87dcd90ed036e2fa71ff387d15de516a by smojeda
Prealloc initializations

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10837 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/PXResidual.c
Commit a7062c90166cacbe72787852298f92a22cc68083 by yixuan
Gaussian line integral, unit test on J_UX

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10838 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/PXOutputFunctionalTools.c
The file was modified src/UnitEquationSet/PXUnitEquationSet.h
The file was modified src/PXOutputFunctional.c
The file was modified src/PXOutput.c
The file was modified src/PXOutputFunctional_PXU.c
The file was modified src/UnitEquationSet/PXUnitEquationSet.c
Commit 37e5e6c4170e5a6a684d0728c058e04adc97ad00 by jkudo
Error Indicator print out now properly reflects the value used in the MOESS optimization process

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10839 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified test/trueOUT/RAE2822_RANS_Transonic_UniAdapt_TEST.hist.TRUE
The file was modified test/trueOUT/naca_Euler2d_AdaptNLOPTVertWPenalty_TEST.hist.TRUE
The file was modified test/trueOUT/RAE2822_RANS_Subsonic_UniAdapt_TEST.hist.TRUE
The file was modified test/trueOUT/naca_Euler2d_AdaptNLOPTVert_TEST.hist.TRUE
The file was modified src/Grid/PXAttachmentMath.c
The file was modified test/trueOUT/CutCell_rae2822_RANS_M0p3_Re6p5e6_UniAdapt_Test.hist.TRUE
The file was modified test/trueOUT/diamond_Euler2d_UniAdapt_TEST.hist.TRUE
The file was modified test/trueOUT/naca_Euler2d_CurvedAdapt_TEST.hist.TRUE
The file was modified test/trueOUT/hemisphere_Euler3d_Adapt.hist.TRUE
The file was modified test/trueOUT/CutCell_rae2822_RANS_M0p3_Re6p5e6_TEST.hist.TRUE
The file was modified test/trueOUT/naca_NavierStokes2d_UniAdapt_TEST.hist.TRUE
The file was modified test/trueOUT/naca_Euler2d_UniAdapt_TEST.hist.TRUE
The file was modified test/trueOUT/RAE2822_RANS_Subsonic_NoMaxQuad_UniAdapt_TEST.hist.TRUE
The file was modified test/trueOUT/Wedge_PDEShock_Adapt_TEST.hist.TRUE
The file was modified test/trueOUT/CHT_FlatSlab.hist.TRUE
The file was modified test/trueOUT/CutCell_rae2822_CHT_TEST.hist.TRUE
The file was modified test/trueOUT/naca_Euler2d_Adapt_TEST.hist.TRUE
The file was modified src/Grid/PXAttachmentMath_PXU.c
Commit 248852ed49c111b3c21f44cb435c02d1e002b325 by jkudo
fixing previous mistake

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10840 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified test/trueOUT/CHT_FlatSlab.hist.TRUE
The file was modified test/trueOUT/RAE2822_RANS_Subsonic_NoMaxQuad_UniAdapt_TEST.hist.TRUE
The file was modified test/trueOUT/RAE2822_RANS_Subsonic_UniAdapt_TEST.hist.TRUE
The file was modified test/trueOUT/RAE2822_RANS_Transonic_UniAdapt_TEST.hist.TRUE
The file was modified test/trueOUT/naca_Euler2d_CurvedAdapt_TEST.hist.TRUE
The file was modified test/trueOUT/CutCell_rae2822_RANS_M0p3_Re6p5e6_UniAdapt_Test.hist.TRUE
The file was modified test/trueOUT/naca_Euler2d_UniAdapt_TEST.hist.TRUE
The file was modified test/trueOUT/naca_NavierStokes2d_UniAdapt_TEST.hist.TRUE
The file was modified test/trueOUT/CutCell_rae2822_CHT_TEST.hist.TRUE
The file was modified test/trueOUT/diamond_Euler2d_UniAdapt_TEST.hist.TRUE
The file was modified test/trueOUT/CutCell_rae2822_RANS_M0p3_Re6p5e6_TEST.hist.TRUE
Commit 133b18f384a65d9375f515a672fdca2c361f4fa0 by smojeda
util updates, NULL pointers

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10841 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified utils/PXTextOutVectorized.c
The file was modified utils/PlotAdaptConv.m
The file was modified utils/PlotRunAdapt.m
The file was modified src/Grid/PXReadWriteGrid.c
Commit 6d0f502b8ea80ed594e05e7e5205408feaf8af09 by jkudo
Changed the way step matrices are initialized when current dof > initial dof.  Now initializes to negative trace but respects the frobenius norm limit.  Added missing ping test

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10842 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/PXHPAdaptDirect.c
The file was modified src/PXHPAdaptDirect_PXU.c
Commit 8f703917668b3d2ce2debc7a7c28715301428609 by jkudo
Corrected 2D assumption in step matrix initialization

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10843 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/PXHPAdaptDirect.c
Commit 7a982c91586563248d09368905dca1ce64cd9efb by pcaplan
check elem node distribution! and ursa expects .grm for metric

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10844 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified include/Reference/PXShape.h
The file was modified src/Adaptation/PXWriteMesherFiles.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXBasis.c
Commit a2cdfa77390a45ba400badf4aea8a71ec9eaa0b2 by yixuan
fixed a few bugs for Gaussian weighted line integral

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10845 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/PXOutputFunctional.c
The file was modified src/PXOutputFunctionalTools.c
Commit 210e819f4de3aaf3adbc48def81ee75a5a5031ea by galbramc
Removed redundant function calls from PXUnit2CuTest scripts. Changed the PX website log messages to stand out a bit more.

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10846 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified utils/
The file was modified utils/
The file was modified src/Test/
The file was modified src/Test/
The file was modified utils/
Commit 98d348287f720e0d73fb182f46911f5f694a5dbe by smojeda
Added interface output calculations

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10847 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXCompressible.h
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXCompressible.c
Commit fa0f4691e6dc7cd78603b11eca20e63a3f01f52e by smojeda
Modify region in line integrals so that they can be evaluated for CHT

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10848 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/PXOutputFunctional.c
Commit ed1c7c0d4124ee15d3dc214118af4bcc05393f26 by smojeda
calculate scalar line in solid regions for CHT

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10849 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/ScalarConvDiff/PXScalarConvDiff.c
Commit 3b4097d376e0739873750b570d69e895efed2410 by jkudo
Cleaned up SA stuffs + more pings tests

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10850 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXSpalartAllmaras.c
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXSpalartAllmaras_PXU.c
Commit 858187dd0a818168d9cb05d08dbb70833c102420 by galbramc
One more tweak to the PX website log format

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10851 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified utils/
Commit 6adc813e453f0ae827142cdda5b6180f72ebd38f by galbramc
Another fix to the formatting

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10852 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified utils/
Commit d1bd3c0c9dec04fdad3f5f0f975fe157e9e69c35 by galbramc
More formatting tweaks

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10853 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified utils/
The file was modified utils/
The file was modified utils/
Commit b5be244ed033444bd72716f602f0e46bc2fcd784 by galbramc
Still messing up the formatting...

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10854 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified utils/
Commit 22fd00ec410ee46bcceb21b0a482b06fed4ed7aa by galbramc
Fixed one more bug in the logging

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10855 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified utils/
Commit 4141922d073adc78e65bacce533f003f43e2af24 by galbramc
Started working on an adapt hist plotter

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10856 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified utils/CMakeLists.txt
The file was addedutils/plotadapthist
Commit da7f6ceb8b078584ea5793a71cfcff12e8a4cfe4 by galbramc
Fixed compiler warnings

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10857 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/CompressibleOliver/PXEulerFlux.c
Commit 2015ca274d98fa2b8f03f350b70b44f15b710cd0 by galbramc
Fixed up the adapt hist plotter. Should work pretty generally now

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10858 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/PXLog.c
The file was modified utils/plotadapthist
Commit e7de39a09309280900d6c66ae82d4922f91f354e by galbramc
I think plotadpathist is working rather generally now

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10859 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified utils/plotadapthist
Commit c5c2e2cf1ec2241f287583bb60f337f30ead3066 by galbramc
More tweaks to plotters

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10860 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified utils/plotebg
The file was modified utils/plotadapthist
Commit 39a9dcb5eeb972636970f537e4c00d5c6850b642 by smojeda
Null vertex metric averaging/growth, CHT viz, tecplot utility for CHT

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10861 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified test/TrueMetric/CutCell_rae2822_Euler_M0p2_TEST_Metric_a00.attach
The file was modified test/trueOUT/CHT_FlatSlab.hist.TRUE
The file was modified utils/PXTecplot.c
The file was modified test/TrueMetric/CutCell_rae2822_Euler_M0p2_TEST_Metric_a01.attach
The file was modified test/TrueMetric/CutCell_rae2822_RANS_M0p3_Re6p5e6_UniAdapt_TEST_Metric_a00.attach
The file was modified test/TrueMetric/CHT_FlatSlab_TEST_Metric_a00.attach
The file was modified src/Grid/PXCutQuad.c
The file was modified src/PXHPAdaptDirect.c
The file was modified test/TrueMetric/CutCell_rae2822_CHT_Metric_a00.attach
The file was modified test/trueOUT/CutCell_rae2822_CHT_TEST.hist.TRUE
The file was modified test/trueOUT/CutCell_rae2822_Euler_M0p2_TEST.hist.TRUE
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXCompressible.c
The file was modified src/ConjugateHeatTransfer/PXConjugateHeatTransfer.c
The file was modified test/trueOUT/CutCell_rae2822_RANS_M0p3_Re6p5e6_UniAdapt_Test.hist.TRUE
Commit a103350ca68e9daf00fdd0afb7cf57b73b2892ce by galbramc
Added falgs to dissable LEDA and NLOPT

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10862 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXCompressibleBCs.c
The file was modified CMakeLists.txt
The file was modified src/ScalarConvDiff/PXScalarConvDiff.c
The file was modified src/Reference/PXShape.c
The file was modified src/PXResidual.c
The file was modified include/PXResidual.h
The file was modified src/Fundamentals/PXParameter_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXViscous.c
The file was modified src/MultiComponentConvDiff/PXMultiComponentConvDiff.c
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXCompressible.c
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXCompressible.h
The file was modified src/Reference/PXNormalReference.c
The file was modified src/CompressibleOliver/PXCompressible.c
The file was modified src/PXBC.c
The file was modified src/PXErrEst.c
The file was modified src/PXOutput.c
The file was modified src/MultiComponentConvDiffConj/PXMultiComponentConvDiffConj.c
The file was modified utils/PXAdaptVizGrid.c
The file was modified src/Fundamentals/PXString.c
The file was modified src/WaveSpaceTime/PXWaveSpaceTime.c
The file was modified src/NonEquilibrium/PXNonEquilibrium.c
The file was modified src/ConjugateHeatTransfer/PXConjugateHeatTransfer.c
The file was modified src/Fundamentals/PXParameter.c
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXCompressibleBCs.h
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXViscous_PXU.c
The file was modified src/CompressibleSpaceTime/PXCompressibleSpaceTime.c
The file was modified CMakeInclude/PX.cmake
The file was modified include/PXEquationSetEntryStruct.h
The file was modified src/CauchyRiemann/PXCauchyRiemann.c
The file was modified src/PXSensitivity.c
The file was modified utils/PXTecplot.c
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/CMakeLists.txt
The file was modified src/PXSolver.c
The file was modified src/PXResidual_PXU.c
The file was modified src/UnitEquationSet/PXUnitEquationSet.c
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXCompressible_PXU.c
The file was modified src/PXAdapt_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Reference/PXCoordinatesReference.c
The file was modified CMakeInclude/FindLEDA.cmake
The file was modified include/PXSolver.h
The file was modified src/PXSolver_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXQuad.c
The file was modified src/NewCompressible/PXCompressible.c
The file was modified src/ScalarConvDiff/PXScalarConvDiff.h
The file was modified utils/PXSensitivityErrorTerms.c
The file was modified utils/PXViz.c
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXCompressibleStateFunctional.c
The file was modified src/LinearizedEuler/PXLinearizedEuler.c
Commit c2c2f3895fbef7df4cb8b9fa5ca6046b5d487c3f by galbramc
Fixed the compile errors

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10863 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/ConjugateHeatTransfer/PXConjugateHeatTransfer_PXU.c
Commit 5b4698f1cbd2ca9801a067adabea5e6ab5152708 by jkudo
PX changes for cell quality ratio, face quality ratio, and node movement inputs for MADCAP.  Changed some PX MADCAP defaults

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10864 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified include/GeneralParameters/PXAdaptationParameters.h
The file was modified src/Adaptation/PXWriteMesherFiles.c
Commit 88cc7733874b319b68cd9aa818160ffd2efd95c3 by smojeda
default cut-cell quadrature to magic points

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10865 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified test/TrueMetric/CutCell_rae2822_RANS_M0p3_Re6p5e6_UniAdapt_TEST_Metric_a00.attach
The file was modified src/Grid/PXCutQuad.c
The file was modified test/TrueMetric/CHT_FlatSlab_TEST_Metric_a00.attach
The file was modified test/trueOUT/CutCell_rae2822_CHT_TEST.hist.TRUE
The file was modified test/trueOUT/CutCell_rae2822_RANS_M0p3_Re6p5e6_UniAdapt_Test.hist.TRUE
The file was modified test/trueOUT/CHT_FlatSlab.hist.TRUE
The file was modified test/TrueMetric/CutCell_rae2822_CHT_Metric_a00.attach
Commit 0702114e0fed8303149660168bf4a18e50f461ab by jkudo
Fixing small mistake that did not allow compiling without NLOPT

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10866 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/PXHPAdaptDirect.c
Commit 45765790163d1c20fe2cbe940383dcf7a92d1f61 by smojeda
unit test memcheck timeout set to 2 hours

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10867 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified CMakeInclude/UnitTest.cmake
Commit e915803a7cb976e68bf480a7201c44be6636a007 by carlee
Gaussian point smoothing for pressure, temperature, nutilde.  More to come.  Smoothing on bdry faces not functional yet.

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10868 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/PXInit.c
The file was removedsrc/PXOutput_PXU.c
The file was modified test/FuncFileUnit/Unit2.func
The file was modified src/UnitEquationSet/PXUnitEquationSet.c
The file was modified src/PXOutputFunctional.c
The file was addedtest/FuncFileUnit/Unit3.func
The file was modified include/PXInit.h
The file was modified src/Fundamentals/PXParallel.c
The file was addedtest/FuncFileUnit/UnitPointSmooth.func
The file was modified src/PXOutput.c
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXCompressible.h
The file was modified include/PXOutputStruct.h
The file was modified src/PXOutputFunctional_PXU.c
The file was modified src/PXUnitPXAs.c
The file was modified src/PXBC_PXU.c
The file was modified src/UnitEquationSet/PXUnitEquationSet.h
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXCompressible.c
Commit 77726daae8849b76ccc8228ee19db7330d716c5e by carlee
PXOutput unit test

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10869 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was addedsrc/PXOutput_PXU.c
Commit ee9ab38f15fb293eb77a83428fc89199fd5fbec7 by carlee
Fixed PXOutput unit test bugs

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10870 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/PXOutput.c
The file was modified src/PXOutput_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXCompressible.h
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXCompressible.c
The file was modified src/UnitEquationSet/PXUnitEquationSet.c
The file was modified test/FuncFileUnit/Unit3.func
Commit f64b39ede411f722f298f11ff66a8cf3b063fe4f by carlee
fixed the bug in boundary integral that was making regression tests fail

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10871 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/PXOutputFunctional.c
Commit b274327f62e58e6ab8bb4cb7b1eaac83c4c2dfd5 by savithru
Added support for non-linear viscosity (i.e. A matrix = f(U)) in the scalar library.
If non-linear viscosity is used, you have to set the flag "NonlinearViscosity  = True" in the job file.
Added source functions/exact solutions for a reservoir flow problem in space-time.
Added a ping test to PXScalarConvDiff_PXU to check the A_uv matrix in the scalar library.
Modified PXCallBamg2 to tell bamg to keep its background mesh.

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10872 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Adaptation/PXWriteMesherFiles.c
The file was modified include/Fundamentals/PXMasterJobParameters.h
The file was modified include/GeneralParameters/PXScalarConvDiffParameters.h
The file was modified src/ScalarConvDiff/PXScalarConvDiff_PXU.c
The file was modified src/ScalarConvDiff/PXScalarConvDiff.h
The file was modified src/ScalarConvDiff/PXScalarConvDiff.c
Commit 9a40b84e140069199c64b78175a07b9d76220d11 by savithru
Updated header file, and fixed the seg fault.

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10873 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/ScalarConvDiff/PXScalarConvDiff.c
The file was modified include/GeneralParameters/PXConjugateHeatTransferParameters.h
The file was modified src/ConjugateHeatTransfer/PXConjugateHeatTransfer_PXU.c
Commit 75ce06756836d9150bf8181f537453ddb4bf7406 by galbramc
Fixed a bug in PXGridInfo. Fixed PXTecplot for mixed element 2D meshes.

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10874 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified utils/PXGridInfo.c
The file was modified utils/PXTecplot.c
Commit 585d756d5b2a102be78d9d7c919ed7152fb90b46 by savithru
Turning the KeepBackVertices flag on for bamg broke all reg tests. Resetting to noKeepBackVertices.

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10875 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Adaptation/PXWriteMesherFiles.c
The file was modified src/ScalarConvDiff/PXScalarConvDiff.c
Commit f8007377f90a1b6bff27e9c52513e0e0bb97aedb by savithru
Fixed more memory leaks.

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10876 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/ScalarConvDiff/PXScalarConvDiff_PXU.c
The file was modified src/ConjugateHeatTransfer/PXConjugateHeatTransfer_PXU.c
Commit 851dc278b70c54d30d4c7c3bfe97033059a98bfd by savithru
The reg tests that failed should be fixed now.

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10877 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/ScalarConvDiff/PXScalarConvDiff.c
The file was modified src/ScalarConvDiff/PXScalarConvDiff.h
Commit 23ac7747a49595642e9b9936bccefc0c461ab614 by smojeda
cht output function calc

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10878 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified test/trueOUT/CHT_FlatSlab.hist.TRUE
The file was modified src/PXOutputFunctional.c
Commit 95843b0d7c04ecd2990e023a3849577c4db39e73 by savithru
Added "Flux" BC support, and more unit tests to the scalar conv-diff library.

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10879 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/ScalarConvDiff/PXScalarConvDiff.c
The file was modified src/ScalarConvDiff/PXScalarConvDiff.h
The file was modified src/ScalarConvDiff/PXScalarConvDiff_PXU.c
Commit 85b2958167f35dcab797f049f8c247abe9adca9b by smojeda
CHT interface consistent discretization added in comments, CHT viz sources comp/scal viz routines, comments on cut cell canonical conversion speed-up

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10880 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Grid/PXLinearElasticity.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXIntersect2d.c
The file was modified src/ScalarConvDiff/PXScalarConvDiff.c
The file was modified src/ConjugateHeatTransfer/PXConjugateHeatTransfer.c
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXViscous.c
Commit a7d0ab0a5600c24318a0b0567a9b05f15948ff89 by smojeda
Null pointers, CHT viz unit test updates

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10881 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/ConjugateHeatTransfer/PXConjugateHeatTransfer_PXU.c
The file was modified src/ScalarConvDiff/PXScalarConvDiff.c
Commit 0a6cfb57235c072494d10b210889ae0cc376d898 by pcaplan
detect if cubes in the mesh and force (p+1)^dim as dof factor

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10882 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/PXHPAdaptDirect.c
Commit 5fff14bc609ada3005bd82f97c450068bac393ac by pcaplan
uncommented declaration that was an unused variable?

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10883 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/PXHPAdaptDirect.c
Commit fdaed2d6c6d7ec967d8c750b13bd09e4c67d20db by pcaplan
check vertices for ForceCube, not nodes

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10884 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/PXHPAdaptDirect.c
Commit d7113607291360ccee4da943d5c3a3613ca86b80 by pcaplan
again needed to uncomment PenaltyMethod

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10885 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/PXHPAdaptDirect.c
Commit 472afe09c66011239bc680a8f103ffffb8f20d58 by galbramc
Added _stackcheck to check static memory problems

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10886 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified test/CMakeLists.txt
The file was modified src/Test/valgrind.supp
The file was modified CMakeLists.txt
The file was modified CMakeInclude/UnitTest.cmake
Commit 0faa700dcb3b8d9a546e037279342e61e464b819 by galbramc
Updated cmake documentation

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10887 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified man/Building/building_cmake.tex
Commit 80188750daf77e62cbd878e7ba76df6f4f504276 by galbramc
Forgot to update the ctest lable for stackcheck

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10888 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified CMakeInclude/UnitTest.cmake
Commit d849ac940d71ecf1eb8e47163ccf82dd097733aa by carlee
Boundary smoothing

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10889 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/PXOutputFunctional_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXCutCell3dDummy.c
The file was modified test/CMakeLists.txt
The file was modified src/PXOutputFunctional.c
Commit 3a323608e109fc7aaecb0221334e1e2aaa9246df by galbramc
Added ProjectX_stackcheck

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10890 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified CMakeLists.txt
Commit 7575ae1a7d482b330a8a6625fdba7968e608f969 by allmaras
added 2D Burger's (u_t + u u_x - nu (u_xx + u_yy)) PDE

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10891 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was addedsrc/Burgers/PXBurgersShock_PXU.c
The file was addedsrc/Burgers/PXBurgersStateFunctional.h
The file was addedsrc/Burgers/PXBurgersCGNS.h
The file was addedsrc/Burgers/PXBurgers.c
The file was addedsrc/Burgers/PXBurgersViscous.c
The file was addedsrc/Burgers/PXBurgersInviscid.h
The file was addedsrc/Burgers/PXBurgersUnitUtils.h
The file was modified src/CMakeLists.txt
The file was addedsrc/Burgers/PXBurgers_PXU.c
The file was addedsrc/Burgers/PXBurgersInterface.c
The file was addedsrc/Burgers/PXBurgersStateFunctional_PXU.c
The file was addedsrc/Burgers/PXBurgers.h
The file was addedsrc/Burgers/Makefile
The file was addedsrc/Burgers/PXBurgersViscous.h
The file was addedsrc/Burgers/CMakeLists.txt
The file was addedsrc/Burgers/Burgers.make
The file was addedsrc/Burgers/PXBurgersInviscid.c
The file was addedsrc/Burgers/PXBurgersStateFunctional.c
The file was addedsrc/Burgers/PXBurgersBCs.h
The file was addedsrc/Burgers/PXBurgersInviscid_PXU.c
The file was addedsrc/Burgers/PXBurgersFunction.h
The file was addedsrc/Burgers/PXBurgersFunction_PXU.c
The file was addedsrc/Burgers/PXBurgersShock.c
The file was modified include/Fundamentals/PX.h
The file was addedsrc/Burgers/PXBurgersBCs.c
The file was addedsrc/Burgers/PXBurgersBCs_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Fundamentals/PX.c
The file was addedsrc/Burgers/PXBurgersShock.h
The file was modified src/PXEquationSet.c
The file was addedsrc/Burgers/PXBurgersFunction.c
The file was addedsrc/Burgers/PXBurgersUnitUtils.c
The file was addedsrc/Burgers/PXBurgersCGNS.c
The file was modified src/PXInit.c
The file was addedinclude/GeneralParameters/PXBurgersParameters.h
The file was addedsrc/Burgers/PXBurgersViscous_PXU.c
Commit 4e4ebdfea25aef2c0b589d1a4e052f591fa1f11d by allmaras
bug fix in PXEigenDecomSymmetricPacked: both input matrix and local copy are in
compressed-row storage, but copy was done for full matrix

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10892 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Fundamentals/PXMath.c
Commit c26e0c3c2e68886634f95baaa1fe9ef41e59f28d by allmaras
added Burgers subdirectory

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10893 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Makefile
Commit 6ac43ef2190bd9feda608a3811e6f8e911dac361 by allmaras
fixed useles compiler warning

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10894 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Burgers/PXBurgersFunction.c
Commit f46c06e65f3f4525bbb807ce037b7916e0043798 by allmaras
dummy commit

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10895 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Burgers/PXBurgersFunction.h
Commit 22b0bb5f9a898427694e8bdb6f2600852cd1b5f8 by savithru
Included missing header file so that PX compiles properly with debug flags.

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10896 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXCutCell3dDummy.c
Commit 663eb4755b4c75e45d711ee8929dfddae8847df6 by jkudo
Changing edge based post-processing step to eigenvalue based post-processing step + updating relevant unit tests and regression tests

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10897 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified test/TrueMetric/naca_Euler2d_AdaptNLOPTVertWPenalty_TEST_Metric_a00.attach
The file was modified test/trueOUT/naca_Euler2d_AdaptNLOPTVertWPenalty_TEST.hist.TRUE
The file was modified src/PXHPAdaptDirect_PXU.c
The file was modified src/PXHPAdaptDirect.c
The file was modified test/naca_Euler2d_AdaptNLOPTVertWPenalty_TEST.knob
The file was modified include/GeneralParameters/PXAdaptationParameters.h
Commit d8d342c64d97c7091f6d9ab51cc838c0569c4111 by jkudo
Eliminating a golden standard parameter that does not exist

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10898 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/PXInit.c
Commit 33e6b54ef7457a83a330e5becb124712e7bfee39 by galbramc
Cleaned up things to compile on OS X

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10899 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/PXResidual.c
The file was modified CMakeInclude/FindNLOPT.cmake
The file was modified utils/CMakeLists.txt
The file was modified src/PXOutputFunctional.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXDistanceFunctionSurfGrid.c
The file was modified src/PXSolver.c
The file was modified share/bamg128/cvmsh2.cpp
The file was modified src/Grid/PXDistanceFunction.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXDistanceFunction_PXU.c
The file was modified utils/PXViz.c
The file was modified CMakeInclude/FindSUITESPARSE.cmake
The file was modified CMakeInclude/ForceOutOfSource.cmake
The file was modified include/Visual3.h
The file was modified src/Fundamentals/PXParallel.c
The file was modified src/Fundamentals/PXHeap_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXMerge.c
The file was modified src/PXOutput_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXMoveMesh_PXU.c
The file was modified src/PXHPAdaptDirect.c
The file was modified src/PXHPAdaptDirect_PXU.c
Commit fdec050dda9a3c8f2084e1c7ab3744e45acf25fd by galbramc
Updated PXIntersect2d_PXU to not cast double to int in unit tests

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10900 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Grid/PXIntersect2d_PXU.c
Commit 08451d258c244111a56297b3961bc20c274c1276 by galbramc
Updating PX to be able to use git revisions as well as svn revisions

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10901 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/PXRunSolver.c
The file was modified utils/storerevision.csh
Commit 7b8adf8bf89f98c58105995d53704b9c07c7a2b3 by galbramc
Fixed up store revision to properly work now with both git and svn

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10902 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/PXRunSolver.c
The file was modified utils/storerevision.csh
Commit 08792d02cc35376fe31496932ed0a94955a1dbad by galbramc
Relaxed tolerance on a unit test

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10903 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Grid/PXCutQuad_PXU.c
Commit 0d698f3a4e279ccfd2cbd514a7bfa172ab5f82b9 by galbramc
Added scripts for regression testing with jenkins. Other general cleanup of many things.

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10904 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/PXAdaptMetric.c
The file was modified src/PXOutputFunctional.c
The file was modified src/PXErrEst.c
The file was modified src/Reference/PXCoordinatesReference.c
The file was modified utils/plotadapthist
The file was modified src/Grid/PXMoveMesh.c
The file was addedutils/jenkins/README.txt
The file was addedutils/
The file was addedutils/jenkins/
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXEulerFlux.c
The file was addedutils/jenkins/
The file was addedutils/jenkins/
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXViscous.c
The file was modified CMakeInclude/UnitTest.cmake
The file was modified src/ConjugateHeatTransfer/PXConjugateHeatTransfer_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXGridAttachments.c
The file was modified src/Test/valgrind.supp
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXCompressible.c
The file was modified utils/storerevision.csh
The file was modified src/Adaptation/PXWriteMesherFiles.c
The file was modified test/CMakeLists.txt
The file was modified src/PXSolver.c
The file was addedutils/jenkins/
The file was modified src/Grid/PXBasis.c
The file was addedutils/jenkins/
The file was modified src/ScalarConvDiff/PXScalarConvDiff.c
Commit b0c093c2948e2bb747593a20c1a26be51e4520cb by galbramc
Fixed clang compiler warnings

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10905 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXIntersect3d.cpp
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXQuadPatch.cpp
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXCutQuad3d.cpp
Commit 9618c326bc45224e1505ef45a9dc6500a4b97cef by galbramc
Fixing floating point failures with the intel compiler

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10906 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Test/valgrind.supp
The file was modified src/PXOutputFunctional_PXU.c
The file was modified src/PXResidual_PXU.c
The file was modified src/PXResidual.c
Commit ffa6fe412c220528c3276726cd1b130b4cc9e0eb by galbramc
Updated jenkins build scripts

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10907 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was addedDeveloperEmailAddresses
The file was modified utils/jenkins/
The file was modified utils/jenkins/
The file was modified CMakeInclude/CompileFlags.cmake
The file was removedutils/jenkins/
The file was modified utils/
The file was modified utils/jenkins/
Commit 47b31797bc372f3833a95c1e6e8a66bbeba06921 by galbramc
Fixed more floating point problems with unit test

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10908 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/NewCompressible/PXCompressibleFlux_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXSpalartAllmaras.c
The file was modified src/Reference/PXQuadReference_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXCoordinates_PXU.c
Commit a742b7a3d85a798791ddb190c4302ebbcf2c54e7 by galbramc
Fixed a whole bunch of unit tests for intel

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10909 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Grid/PXIntersect2d_PXU.c
The file was modified src/NonEquilibrium/PXAirModel_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXCutQuad3d.cpp
The file was modified src/Grid/PXCoordinates_PXU.c
The file was addedtest/OUT/.empty_folder
The file was modified src/Grid/CutCell3D/PXCutQuad3d_PXU.cpp
The file was modified src/Grid/PXCutQuad.c
The file was modified src/Grid/PXUnitCutGrids.c
The file was modified src/PXRunSolver.c
The file was modified CMakeInclude/CompileFlags.cmake
The file was modified utils/jenkins/
The file was modified src/Compressible/PXSpalartAllmaras_PXU.c
Commit 163fac2703dac24644496fa4096cbe831be8473a by galbramc
Tweaking jenkins scripts

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10910 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified utils/jenkins/
The file was addedutils/jenkins/git_hooks/post-receive
The file was addedutils/jenkins/git_hooks/update
Commit 462572a33ed62283cfa2d561c79b5d8aca03d34f by galbramc
One more tweak to the jenkins scripts

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10911 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified utils/jenkins/
The file was modified CMakeInclude/UnitTest.cmake
Commit e5868a4c46f853c40a454fe99f58303ddaf1703e by galbramc
Was missing parmetis in the jenkins env

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10912 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified utils/jenkins/
Commit 4fcb42d1257c8cd8992d8f88fa82d76ca6cf559b by galbramc
Fixed memory problem with PXOutput_PXU. Changed coverage file location for jenkins.

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10913 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/PXOutput_PXU.c
The file was modified utils/jenkins/
Commit dfb73de33ae10989526c723cb1f62a9af3c0489a by galbramc
Still tweakig jenkins scripts

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10914 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified utils/jenkins/
The file was modified utils/jenkins/
The file was modified utils/jenkins/
Commit 0c855202aa1a1b0e059c70f28ee946cacf65af85 by galbramc
Added OSX and Intel valgrind suppression files. Need to fill the intel one.

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10915 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified CMakeInclude/UnitTest.cmake
The file was addedsrc/Test/intel.supp
The file was addedsrc/Test/OSX.supp
The file was modified CMakeLists.txt
Commit c73726ea084319226870b9983e23b90dca9f13e3 by galbramc
Created intel suppressions for valgrind

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10916 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Test/intel.supp
The file was modified src/Test/valgrind.supp
Commit d0f8b2e58817adad3e082df4a2224e2448b58b3a by galbramc
Added intel suppression. Fixed memleak in unit test

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10917 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Test/intel.supp
The file was modified src/Grid/PXTriangulatePolygon_PXU.c
Commit 71757bc88471186380a7f8a5529b45804bb5d7b8 by galbramc
Fixed more memory problems and added more suppressions

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10918 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/Test/valgrind.supp
The file was modified src/Grid/PXReadWriteMesh_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Test/intel.supp
The file was modified src/Burgers/PXBurgersFunction.c
Commit 19184e77ffe7b6a367f2d328d4bf03dfd9779cc5 by galbramc
Updated CMake to remove warnings by cmake 3.0

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10919 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified CMakeInclude/PX.cmake
Commit 7f2d403516a547d617f2f279be20623315267e74 by savithru
Functions added for reservoir simulations (analytical model and real)

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10920 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/ScalarConvDiff/PXScalarConvDiff.h
The file was modified src/ScalarConvDiff/PXScalarConvDiff.c
Commit 7fe88742eac81867c6188ab12f3012729ca287b5 by galbramc
Fixed bug in Updated to make avilable from

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10921 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified utils/
The file was modified utils/jenkins/
The file was modified CMakeInclude/CompileFlags.cmake
Commit 4e7f62382a5c9c27f0e34ba044d6a06509b5cda6 by galbramc
Updated to also commit DeveloperEmailAdresses when adding a new developer

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10922 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified utils/
Commit 43d28c0bafe7d3761e0e30bb1bb3024a73a011d1 by allmaras
reset default: WriteParameterFile = True

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10923 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified include/GeneralParameters/PXGeneralParameters.h
Commit 0f0375527e9e5a6a3f3a43b1fe3578d83edb4f85 by allmaras
reset default: WriteParameterFile = True

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10923 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified include/GeneralParameters/PXGeneralParameters.h
Commit af98c6c49ca0947fbdc25ae1936c981d25ce4820 by yixuan
scalar conv diff

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10924 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/CompressibleHeatConj/PXScalarConvDiff.c
The file was modified src/CompressibleHeatConj/PXScalarConvDiff.h
The file was modified src/ScalarConvDiff/PXScalarConvDiff.h
The file was modified utils/PXGenNacaMesh.c
The file was modified src/PXOutputFunctionalTools.c
The file was modified include/GeneralParameters/PXLinearSolverParameters.h
The file was modified src/ScalarConvDiff/PXScalarConvDiff.c
The file was modified src/PXInit.c
The file was modified src/PXSolver.c
The file was modified src/PXOutputFunctional.c
Commit 909a646edf44055127d783b34fbaa8af4d9dfd7e by yixuan
scalar conv diff

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10924 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified include/GeneralParameters/PXLinearSolverParameters.h
The file was modified src/ScalarConvDiff/PXScalarConvDiff.c
The file was modified src/CompressibleHeatConj/PXScalarConvDiff.h
The file was modified src/PXInit.c
The file was modified src/PXSolver.c
The file was modified src/PXOutputFunctional.c
The file was modified utils/PXGenNacaMesh.c
The file was modified src/CompressibleHeatConj/PXScalarConvDiff.c
The file was modified src/PXOutputFunctionalTools.c
The file was modified src/ScalarConvDiff/PXScalarConvDiff.h
Commit 6c11111d9a6a668011325b4140c818487a3bec45 by galbramc
Hopefully fixed the compile error

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10925 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/ScalarConvDiff/PXScalarConvDiff.c
Commit 30acc3d64d3672ac8ff178157ad72f940b1a7b75 by galbramc
Hopefully fixed the compile error

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10925 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/ScalarConvDiff/PXScalarConvDiff.c
Commit 14cfbcda5d058ca59d6f28e0e2a832f148a5abeb by galbramc
Added an option to not perform metric optimization
The file was modified src/PXHPAdaptDirect.c
The file was modified src/Fundamentals/PX.c
The file was modified include/Fundamentals/PX.h
Commit 0728dd54b311cc93cbee803f779c7661ba05858f by galbramc
Looking for clang and clang-3.4 in SetCompiler.cmake
The file was modified CMakeInclude/SetCompiler.cmake
Commit 739a5dacd706548453234196c1aba82b64b27dd0 by acdl
Added git ignore file. Added madcap parameters.
The file was addedman/.gitignore
The file was modified src/Fundamentals/PX.c
The file was modified include/Fundamentals/PX.h
The file was removedplatforms/linux64p/
The file was addedplatforms/.EmptyFolder
The file was removedplatforms/darwin64p/
The file was modified include/GeneralParameters/PXAdaptationParameters.h
The file was addedshare/.gitignore
The file was removedplatforms/linux64s/
The file was modified src/PXInit.c
The file was added.gitignore
The file was removedplatforms/darwin64s/
The file was modified src/Adaptation/PXWriteMesherFiles.c
Commit e544acd9d5d6ee2a73f5a1a918db9a313bc9335b by acdl
created new library for porous media
The file was modified src/CMakeLists.txt
The file was addedsrc/PorousMedia/PXPorousMedia.c
The file was addedsrc/PorousMedia/PXPorousMediaBCs_PXU.c
The file was addedsrc/PorousMedia/PXPorousMediaStateFunctional_PXU.c
The file was addedsrc/PorousMedia/PXPorousMediaUnitUtils.c
The file was addedsrc/PorousMedia/PXPorousMediaShock.c
The file was modified src/Fundamentals/PX.c
The file was addedsrc/PorousMedia/PXPorousMediaShock.h
The file was addedsrc/PorousMedia/PXPorousMediaStateFunctional.h
The file was addedsrc/PorousMedia/CMakeLists.txt
The file was addedsrc/PorousMedia/PXPorousMediaViscous.c
The file was addedsrc/PorousMedia/PXPorousMediaFunction_PXU.c
The file was addedsrc/PorousMedia/PXPorousMediaFunction.c
The file was addedsrc/PorousMedia/PXPorousMedia_PXU.c
The file was addedsrc/PorousMedia/PXPorousMediaUnitUtils.h
The file was modified include/Fundamentals/PX.h
The file was addedsrc/PorousMedia/PXPorousMediaViscous.h
The file was addedsrc/PorousMedia/PXPorousMediaViscous_PXU.c
The file was addedinclude/GeneralParameters/PXPorousMediaParameters.h
The file was addedsrc/PorousMedia/PXPorousMediaBCs.h
The file was addedsrc/PorousMedia/PXPorousMediaBCs.c
The file was modified src/PXEquationSet.c
The file was addedsrc/PorousMedia/PXPorousMediaInviscid.h
The file was addedsrc/PorousMedia/PXPorousMediaInviscid_PXU.c
The file was addedsrc/PorousMedia/PXPorousMediaInterface.c
The file was addedsrc/PorousMedia/PXPorousMediaShock_PXU.c
The file was addedsrc/PorousMedia/PXPorousMediaFunction.h
The file was addedsrc/PorousMedia/PXPorousMediaInviscid.c
The file was addedsrc/PorousMedia/PXPorousMedia.h
The file was addedsrc/PorousMedia/PXPorousMediaStateFunctional.c
Commit 1f824dc75d97ff04accc14960919793f803d0904 by acdl
Updated testing to run in parallel
The file was modified utils/jenkins/
The file was modified utils/jenkins/
The file was modified utils/jenkins/
Commit 33ff67739e9da1523c069e8856a893e48d3cbfae by acdl
Updated regression test dependencies so they can be executed in parallel
The file was modified test/CMakeLists.txt
The file was modified .gitignore
Commit 659b1b8df5667f9442fb06240ab41551f988f804 by acdl
Using homebrew version of lcov
The file was modified utils/jenkins/
Commit e708b0db15e64a16a1895188409ee4788621d66c by acdl
Increased regression test timeout
The file was modified test/CMakeLists.txt
Commit 30f9cebb4a3d47d3d76f8d568dcc2b0586cead11 by acdl
created the PorousMedia library, and added functions/variables to the equationset
The file was modified src/PorousMedia/PXPorousMediaInterface.c
The file was modified src/PorousMedia/PXPorousMediaStateFunctional_PXU.c
The file was modified src/Fundamentals/PX.c
The file was modified src/PorousMedia/PXPorousMediaInviscid.c
The file was modified src/PorousMedia/PXPorousMedia.h
The file was modified src/PorousMedia/PXPorousMediaViscous.c
The file was removedsrc/PorousMedia/PXPorousMediaShock.h
The file was modified src/PorousMedia/PXPorousMedia_PXU.c
The file was removedsrc/PorousMedia/PXPorousMediaShock.c
The file was modified src/PorousMedia/PXPorousMediaStateFunctional.c
The file was modified src/PorousMedia/PXPorousMediaFunction.h
The file was modified src/PorousMedia/PXPorousMediaFunction_PXU.c
The file was modified include/Fundamentals/PX.h
The file was modified src/PorousMedia/PXPorousMediaBCs.c
The file was modified src/PorousMedia/PXPorousMediaViscous_PXU.c
The file was modified src/PorousMedia/PXPorousMediaUnitUtils.h
The file was modified src/PorousMedia/PXPorousMediaViscous.h
The file was modified src/PorousMedia/PXPorousMediaBCs_PXU.c
The file was modified src/PorousMedia/PXPorousMediaBCs.h
The file was modified src/PorousMedia/PXPorousMediaUnitUtils.c
The file was modified src/PorousMedia/PXPorousMediaInviscid.h
The file was modified src/PorousMedia/CMakeLists.txt
The file was modified src/PorousMedia/PXPorousMediaStateFunctional.h
The file was modified src/PorousMedia/PXPorousMediaFunction.c
The file was removedsrc/PorousMedia/PXPorousMediaShock_PXU.c
The file was modified src/PXEquationSet.c
The file was modified src/PorousMedia/PXPorousMediaInviscid_PXU.c
The file was modified src/PorousMedia/PXPorousMedia.c
Commit 77c296fc9637eb3990e2c898de606481e648bfeb by acdl
Forgot to increase the timeout on commit_check
The file was modified CMakeInclude/UnitTest.cmake
Commit ddc16393aad1cecfd5223e6f699481582b05933a by acdl
Changed commit_check to clean OUT first. Added to gitignore for regression tests.
The file was modified test/jobTest.csh
The file was modified test/jobTest_parallel.csh
The file was modified .gitignore
The file was modified CMakeInclude/UnitTest.cmake
The file was modified test/CMakeLists.txt
Commit 240752938729a1e72770ef70be53ad50549b2fe3 by acdl
Modifed pxbamg* files to use the SavePrefix. This allows regression tests to be run in parallel.
The file was modified test/naca_Euler2d_Newton_ILUK_PARALLEL_TEST.job
The file was modified src/Adaptation/PXWriteMesherFiles.c
The file was addedtest/trueOUT/naca_Euler2d_Newton_ILUK_PARALLEL_TEST.hist.TRUE
The file was modified test/CMakeLists.txt
Commit c7355d12691626786340914d0b6ac8fd97273b2c by acdl
Missed a regression test dependency
The file was modified test/CMakeLists.txt
Commit fe75e374c2a0aabe8ad340b88c1797833173e9a1 by acdl
Added RelWithDebInfo as a dir name option.
The file was modified CMakeInclude/CompileFlags.cmake
Commit 96904950efed3f33775e20d162b53e08c5b1d219 by acdl
Fixed parallel test execution dependency
The file was modified test/naca_Euler2d_Newton_ILUK_TEST.job
The file was addedtest/trueOUT/naca_Euler2d_Newton_ILUK_TEST.hist.TRUE
Commit 122bd06bfccf20141b9c9563c7953ca7850b8a34 by acdl
Fixed regtest memcheck dependencies. Updated storerevision to only show message when actually storing a revision.
The file was modified test/CMakeLists.txt
The file was modified utils/storerevision.csh
Commit 92c308fe7d9ede096867c98055fcd476c76182a1 by acdl
Added inviscid and viscous flux terms to PorousMedia library
The file was modified src/PorousMedia/PXPorousMediaStateFunctional.c
The file was modified src/PorousMedia/PXPorousMediaViscous.c
The file was modified include/GeneralParameters/PXPorousMediaParameters.h
The file was modified src/PorousMedia/PXPorousMedia.c
The file was modified src/PorousMedia/PXPorousMedia.h
The file was modified src/PorousMedia/PXPorousMediaInviscid.c
The file was modified src/PorousMedia/PXPorousMediaStateFunctional.h
The file was modified src/PXInit.c
Commit 1d3f06df3025077f346b50df44600d49fd4e9726 by acdl
added unit tests to PorousMedia library
The file was modified src/PorousMedia/PXPorousMedia.c
The file was modified src/PorousMedia/PXPorousMediaBCs_PXU.c
The file was modified src/PorousMedia/PXPorousMediaInviscid.c
The file was modified src/PorousMedia/PXPorousMediaUnitUtils.c
The file was modified src/PorousMedia/PXPorousMediaFunction_PXU.c
The file was modified src/PorousMedia/PXPorousMediaViscous.c
The file was modified src/PorousMedia/PXPorousMediaStateFunctional_PXU.c
The file was modified include/GeneralParameters/PXPorousMediaParameters.h
The file was modified src/PXEquationSet.c
The file was modified src/PorousMedia/PXPorousMedia.h
The file was modified src/PorousMedia/PXPorousMediaStateFunctional.c
The file was modified src/Fundamentals/PX.c
The file was modified src/PXInit.c
The file was modified src/PorousMedia/PXPorousMediaInviscid_PXU.c
The file was modified include/Fundamentals/PX.h
The file was modified src/PorousMedia/PXPorousMediaViscous_PXU.c
Commit 3605338acfa0c3a9789d60cddb38f633f6a1d2db by acdl
changes to updatefraction
The file was modified src/PorousMedia/PXPorousMedia.c
Commit c9b6d9ccfd66da7322e0ae5b30fb1ed0173b4b73 by acdl
changes to unit tests
The file was modified src/PorousMedia/PXPorousMediaViscous_PXU.c
The file was modified src/PorousMedia/PXPorousMedia_PXU.c
The file was modified src/PorousMedia/PXPorousMediaFunction.c
Commit 0c99733720a3f0c4b219d501f02a040032a3f94d by acdl
fixed memory leaks in unit tests
The file was modified src/PorousMedia/PXPorousMediaInviscid_PXU.c
The file was modified src/PorousMedia/PXPorousMediaViscous_PXU.c
The file was modified src/PorousMedia/PXPorousMediaStateFunctional_PXU.c
Commit 2efef6de68810bb74541eccbdd54641a017144a1 by galbramc
This is hopefully the scalar fix now

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10926 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/ScalarConvDiff/PXScalarConvDiff.c
Commit 374b09ef663e029cf00a0230a4b009e23e436012 by galbramc
Fixed the regression tests because of calling PXE_BC_ScalarRobin with UB, UI reversed

git-svn-id: file:///home/svnroot/projectx/trunk@10927 2d3a0d64-3a26-0410-b007-c58072358898
The file was modified src/ScalarConvDiff/PXScalarConvDiff.c
Commit ab8245cf5a4eb8ee185c14fe62c415ffb6537175 by acdl
Missed a merge conflict
The file was modified test/CMakeLists.txt
Commit 55ffc5773e486d1f4b970b0bd40147f2399a4720 by allmaras
changed default to write parameters file
The file was modified include/GeneralParameters/PXGeneralParameters.h