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The Jenkins Controller is preparing for shutdown. No new builds can be started.

Test Result : ElementPointData_test_suite

0 failures (±0)
14 tests (±0)
Took 8 ms.

All Tests

Test nameDurationStatus
IO0 msPassed
accessors_Area_Triangle0 msPassed
accessors_Line0 msPassed
accessors_Node0 msPassed
accessors_Volume_Tet0 msPassed
ctors_Area_Triangle2 msPassed
ctors_Line2 msPassed
ctors_Node2 msPassed
ctors_Volume_Tet2 msPassed
extract_basis_Area_Triangle0 msPassed
extract_basis_Line0 msPassed
extract_basis_Node0 msPassed
extract_basis_Volume_Tet0 msPassed
static_test0 msPassed