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The Jenkins Controller is preparing for shutdown. No new builds can be started.

Test Result : QuadratureArea_Quad_test_suite

0 failures (±0)
18 tests (±0)
Took 29 ms.

All Tests

Test nameDurationStatus
IO18 msPassed
_10 msPassed
_11_coord0 msPassed
_13_coord1 msPassed
_15_coord1 msPassed
_17_coord1 msPassed
_19_coord1 msPassed
_1a0 msPassed
_21_coord1 msPassed
_23_coord1 msPassed
_30 msPassed
_39_coord3 msPassed
_50 msPassed
_5_coord0 msPassed
_70 msPassed
_7_coord0 msPassed
_9_coord0 msPassed
orderReqd2 msPassed