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Console Output

Skipping 434 KB.. Full Log
[ 37%] Checking style of src/Field/output_Tecplot/output_Tecplot_SA_DGBR2.cpp
[ 37%] Checking style of src/Field/tools/GroupElemIndex.cpp
[ 75%] Built target FieldLib_vera
[ 75%] Performing update step for 'libSuiteSparse'
[ 75%] No patch step for 'libSuiteSparse'
[ 75%] No configure step for 'libSuiteSparse'
[ 75%] Performing build step for 'libSuiteSparse'
-- Building SuiteSparse_config version: v7.4.0 (Dec 30, 2023)
-- Source:           /Users/jenkins/workspace/SANS_Nightly/builddir/analyze_clang/buildnode/macys/external/SuiteSparse/SuiteSparse_config 
-- Build:            /Users/jenkins/workspace/SANS_Nightly/builddir/analyze_clang/buildnode/macys/external/SuiteSparse/SuiteSparse_config/build 
-- Install lib:      lib
-- Install include:  include/suitesparse
-- Install bin:      bin
-- Install pkg-file: lib
-- Install rpath:    $ORIGIN
-- Build   rpath:    
-- Build type:       Release 
-- Fortran:          /usr/local/bin/gfortran
-- CUDA:             not found
-- CUDA:             not enabled
-- Could NOT find OpenMP_C (missing: OpenMP_C_FLAGS OpenMP_C_LIB_NAMES) 
-- Could NOT find OpenMP (missing: OpenMP_C_FOUND) (found version "4.5")
-- SuiteSparse has OpenMP:        OFF
-- SuiteSparse_config has OpenMP: OFF
-- Looking for Intel 32-bit BLAS
-- Could NOT find BLAS (missing: BLAS_LIBRARIES) 
-- Looking for 32-bit Apple BLAS
-- Found Apple 32-bit BLAS
-- OpenMP C libraries:       
-- OpenMP C include:         
-- OpenMP C flags:          NOTFOUND 
-- BLAS libraries:      /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX14.2.sdk/System/Library/Frameworks/Accelerate.framework 
-- BLAS linker flags:    
-- BLAS include:         
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- SuiteSparse CMAKE report for: SuiteSparseConfig
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- inside common SuiteSparse root:  OFF
-- install in SuiteSparse/lib and SuiteSparse/include: OFF
-- build type:           Release
-- C compiler:           /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/clang 
-- C flags:              
-- C++ compiler:         
-- C++ flags:            
-- C Flags release:      -O3 -DNDEBUG 
-- C++ Flags release:     
-- Fortran compiler:     /usr/local/bin/gfortran 
-- compile definitions:  BLAS_Apple
-- BLAS integer:         int32_t
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Configuring done (0.9s)
CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:189 (target_link_libraries):
  Target "SuiteSparseConfig" links to:


  but the target was not found.  Possible reasons include:

    * There is a typo in the target name.
    * A find_package call is missing for an IMPORTED target.
    * An ALIAS target is missing.

CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:194 (target_link_libraries):
  Target "SuiteSparseConfig_static" links to:


  but the target was not found.  Possible reasons include:

    * There is a typo in the target name.
    * A find_package call is missing for an IMPORTED target.
    * An ALIAS target is missing.

-- Generating done (0.0s)
CMake Generate step failed.  Build files cannot be regenerated correctly.
make[5]: *** [library] Error 1
make[4]: *** [library] Error 2
make[3]: *** [libSuiteSparse-prefix/src/libSuiteSparse-stamp/libSuiteSparse-build] Error 2
make[2]: *** [CMakeFiles/libSuiteSparse.dir/all] Error 2
make[1]: *** [src/Field/CMakeFiles/FieldLib.dir/rule] Error 2
make: *** [FieldLib] Error 2

real	0m47.303s
user	0m34.507s
sys	0m8.332s
+ for i in '$SANSLIBS'
+ make DGBR2EulerAVLib
+ tee -a build.out
[ 83%] Built target Discretization_vera
[ 83%] Performing update step for 'libSuiteSparse'
[ 83%] No patch step for 'libSuiteSparse'
[ 83%] No configure step for 'libSuiteSparse'
[ 83%] Performing build step for 'libSuiteSparse'
-- Building SuiteSparse_config version: v7.4.0 (Dec 30, 2023)
-- Source:           /Users/jenkins/workspace/SANS_Nightly/builddir/analyze_clang/buildnode/macys/external/SuiteSparse/SuiteSparse_config 
-- Build:            /Users/jenkins/workspace/SANS_Nightly/builddir/analyze_clang/buildnode/macys/external/SuiteSparse/SuiteSparse_config/build 
-- Install lib:      lib
-- Install include:  include/suitesparse
-- Install bin:      bin
-- Install pkg-file: lib
-- Install rpath:    $ORIGIN
-- Build   rpath:    
-- Build type:       Release 
-- Fortran:          /usr/local/bin/gfortran
-- CUDA:             not found
-- CUDA:             not enabled
-- Could NOT find OpenMP_C (missing: OpenMP_C_FLAGS OpenMP_C_LIB_NAMES) 
-- Could NOT find OpenMP (missing: OpenMP_C_FOUND) (found version "4.5")
-- SuiteSparse has OpenMP:        OFF
-- SuiteSparse_config has OpenMP: OFF
-- Looking for Intel 32-bit BLAS
-- Could NOT find BLAS (missing: BLAS_LIBRARIES) 
-- Looking for 32-bit Apple BLAS
-- Found Apple 32-bit BLAS
-- OpenMP C libraries:       
-- OpenMP C include:         
-- OpenMP C flags:          NOTFOUND 
-- BLAS libraries:      /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX14.2.sdk/System/Library/Frameworks/Accelerate.framework 
-- BLAS linker flags:    
-- BLAS include:         
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- SuiteSparse CMAKE report for: SuiteSparseConfig
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- inside common SuiteSparse root:  OFF
-- install in SuiteSparse/lib and SuiteSparse/include: OFF
-- build type:           Release
-- C compiler:           /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/clang 
-- C flags:              
-- C++ compiler:         
-- C++ flags:            
-- C Flags release:      -O3 -DNDEBUG 
-- C++ Flags release:     
-- Fortran compiler:     /usr/local/bin/gfortran 
-- compile definitions:  BLAS_Apple
-- BLAS integer:         int32_t
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Configuring done (0.8s)
CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:189 (target_link_libraries):
  Target "SuiteSparseConfig" links to:


  but the target was not found.  Possible reasons include:

    * There is a typo in the target name.
    * A find_package call is missing for an IMPORTED target.
    * An ALIAS target is missing.

CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:194 (target_link_libraries):
  Target "SuiteSparseConfig_static" links to:


  but the target was not found.  Possible reasons include:

    * There is a typo in the target name.
    * A find_package call is missing for an IMPORTED target.
    * An ALIAS target is missing.

-- Generating done (0.0s)
CMake Generate step failed.  Build files cannot be regenerated correctly.
make[5]: *** [library] Error 1
make[4]: *** [library] Error 2
make[3]: *** [libSuiteSparse-prefix/src/libSuiteSparse-stamp/libSuiteSparse-build] Error 2
make[2]: *** [CMakeFiles/libSuiteSparse.dir/all] Error 2
make[1]: *** [src/Discretization/CMakeFiles/DGBR2EulerAVLib.dir/rule] Error 2
make: *** [DGBR2EulerAVLib] Error 2

real	0m7.639s
user	0m6.672s
sys	0m0.929s
+ for i in '$SANSLIBS'
+ make TimeMarchingLib
+ tee -a build.out
[  0%] Checking style of src/SolutionTrek/TimeMarching/AlgebraicEquationSet_TimeMarch.h
[  0%] Checking style of src/SolutionTrek/TimeMarching/AlgebraicEquationSet_TimeStep.h
[  0%] Checking style of src/SolutionTrek/TimeMarching/BackwardsDifference/BDF.cpp
[  0%] Checking style of src/SolutionTrek/TimeMarching/BackwardsDifference/BDF.h
[  0%] Checking style of src/SolutionTrek/TimeMarching/GetCFLTimeStep.h
[  0%] Checking style of src/SolutionTrek/TimeMarching/RungeKutta/RungeKutta.h
[  0%] Checking style of src/SolutionTrek/TimeMarching/RungeKutta/RungeKutta.cpp
[  0%] Built target TimeMarchingLib_vera
[  0%] Performing update step for 'libSuiteSparse'
[  0%] No patch step for 'libSuiteSparse'
[  0%] No configure step for 'libSuiteSparse'
[  0%] Performing build step for 'libSuiteSparse'
-- Building SuiteSparse_config version: v7.4.0 (Dec 30, 2023)
-- Source:           /Users/jenkins/workspace/SANS_Nightly/builddir/analyze_clang/buildnode/macys/external/SuiteSparse/SuiteSparse_config 
-- Build:            /Users/jenkins/workspace/SANS_Nightly/builddir/analyze_clang/buildnode/macys/external/SuiteSparse/SuiteSparse_config/build 
-- Install lib:      lib
-- Install include:  include/suitesparse
-- Install bin:      bin
-- Install pkg-file: lib
-- Install rpath:    $ORIGIN
-- Build   rpath:    
-- Build type:       Release 
-- Fortran:          /usr/local/bin/gfortran
-- CUDA:             not found
-- CUDA:             not enabled
-- Could NOT find OpenMP_C (missing: OpenMP_C_FLAGS OpenMP_C_LIB_NAMES) 
-- Could NOT find OpenMP (missing: OpenMP_C_FOUND) (found version "4.5")
-- SuiteSparse has OpenMP:        OFF
-- SuiteSparse_config has OpenMP: OFF
-- Looking for Intel 32-bit BLAS
-- Could NOT find BLAS (missing: BLAS_LIBRARIES) 
-- Looking for 32-bit Apple BLAS
-- Found Apple 32-bit BLAS
-- OpenMP C libraries:       
-- OpenMP C include:         
-- OpenMP C flags:          NOTFOUND 
-- BLAS libraries:      /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX14.2.sdk/System/Library/Frameworks/Accelerate.framework 
-- BLAS linker flags:    
-- BLAS include:         
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- SuiteSparse CMAKE report for: SuiteSparseConfig
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- inside common SuiteSparse root:  OFF
-- install in SuiteSparse/lib and SuiteSparse/include: OFF
-- build type:           Release
-- C compiler:           /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/clang 
-- C flags:              
-- C++ compiler:         
-- C++ flags:            
-- C Flags release:      -O3 -DNDEBUG 
-- C++ Flags release:     
-- Fortran compiler:     /usr/local/bin/gfortran 
-- compile definitions:  BLAS_Apple
-- BLAS integer:         int32_t
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Configuring done (0.9s)
CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:189 (target_link_libraries):
  Target "SuiteSparseConfig" links to:


  but the target was not found.  Possible reasons include:

    * There is a typo in the target name.
    * A find_package call is missing for an IMPORTED target.
    * An ALIAS target is missing.

CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:194 (target_link_libraries):
  Target "SuiteSparseConfig_static" links to:


  but the target was not found.  Possible reasons include:

    * There is a typo in the target name.
    * A find_package call is missing for an IMPORTED target.
    * An ALIAS target is missing.

-- Generating done (0.0s)
CMake Generate step failed.  Build files cannot be regenerated correctly.
make[5]: *** [library] Error 1
make[4]: *** [library] Error 2
make[3]: *** [libSuiteSparse-prefix/src/libSuiteSparse-stamp/libSuiteSparse-build] Error 2
make[2]: *** [CMakeFiles/libSuiteSparse.dir/all] Error 2
make[1]: *** [src/SolutionTrek/TimeMarching/CMakeFiles/TimeMarchingLib.dir/rule] Error 2
make: *** [TimeMarchingLib] Error 2

real	0m8.630s
user	0m7.288s
sys	0m1.077s
+ for i in '$SANSLIBS'
+ make LIPSolverLib
+ tee -a build.out
[  0%] Checking style of src/UserInterfaces/LIPSolver.h
[  0%] Checking style of src/UserInterfaces/LIPSolver.cpp
[  0%] Built target LIPSolverLib_vera
[  0%] Performing update step for 'libSuiteSparse'
[  0%] No patch step for 'libSuiteSparse'
[  0%] No configure step for 'libSuiteSparse'
[  0%] Performing build step for 'libSuiteSparse'
-- Building SuiteSparse_config version: v7.4.0 (Dec 30, 2023)
-- Source:           /Users/jenkins/workspace/SANS_Nightly/builddir/analyze_clang/buildnode/macys/external/SuiteSparse/SuiteSparse_config 
-- Build:            /Users/jenkins/workspace/SANS_Nightly/builddir/analyze_clang/buildnode/macys/external/SuiteSparse/SuiteSparse_config/build 
-- Install lib:      lib
-- Install include:  include/suitesparse
-- Install bin:      bin
-- Install pkg-file: lib
-- Install rpath:    $ORIGIN
-- Build   rpath:    
-- Build type:       Release 
-- Fortran:          /usr/local/bin/gfortran
-- CUDA:             not found
-- CUDA:             not enabled
-- Could NOT find OpenMP_C (missing: OpenMP_C_FLAGS OpenMP_C_LIB_NAMES) 
-- Could NOT find OpenMP (missing: OpenMP_C_FOUND) (found version "4.5")
-- SuiteSparse has OpenMP:        OFF
-- SuiteSparse_config has OpenMP: OFF
-- Looking for Intel 32-bit BLAS
-- Could NOT find BLAS (missing: BLAS_LIBRARIES) 
-- Looking for 32-bit Apple BLAS
-- Found Apple 32-bit BLAS
-- OpenMP C libraries:       
-- OpenMP C include:         
-- OpenMP C flags:          NOTFOUND 
-- BLAS libraries:      /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX14.2.sdk/System/Library/Frameworks/Accelerate.framework 
-- BLAS linker flags:    
-- BLAS include:         
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- SuiteSparse CMAKE report for: SuiteSparseConfig
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- inside common SuiteSparse root:  OFF
-- install in SuiteSparse/lib and SuiteSparse/include: OFF
-- build type:           Release
-- C compiler:           /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/clang 
-- C flags:              
-- C++ compiler:         
-- C++ flags:            
-- C Flags release:      -O3 -DNDEBUG 
-- C++ Flags release:     
-- Fortran compiler:     /usr/local/bin/gfortran 
-- compile definitions:  BLAS_Apple
-- BLAS integer:         int32_t
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Configuring done (0.8s)
CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:189 (target_link_libraries):
  Target "SuiteSparseConfig" links to:


  but the target was not found.  Possible reasons include:

    * There is a typo in the target name.
    * A find_package call is missing for an IMPORTED target.
    * An ALIAS target is missing.

CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:194 (target_link_libraries):
  Target "SuiteSparseConfig_static" links to:


  but the target was not found.  Possible reasons include:

    * There is a typo in the target name.
    * A find_package call is missing for an IMPORTED target.
    * An ALIAS target is missing.

-- Generating done (0.0s)
CMake Generate step failed.  Build files cannot be regenerated correctly.
make[5]: *** [library] Error 1
make[4]: *** [library] Error 2
make[3]: *** [libSuiteSparse-prefix/src/libSuiteSparse-stamp/libSuiteSparse-build] Error 2
make[2]: *** [CMakeFiles/libSuiteSparse.dir/all] Error 2
make[1]: *** [src/UserInterfaces/CMakeFiles/LIPSolverLib.dir/rule] Error 2
make: *** [LIPSolverLib] Error 2

real	0m7.968s
user	0m6.903s
sys	0m0.956s
+ for i in '$SANSLIBS'
+ make gmshLib
+ tee -a build.out
[  0%] Checking style of src/Meshing/gmsh/GMSHtoSANS.h
[  0%] Checking style of src/Meshing/gmsh/WriteMesh_gmsh.h
[  0%] Checking style of src/Meshing/gmsh/XField_gmsh.h
[  0%] Checking style of src/Meshing/gmsh/GMSHtoSANS.cpp
[  0%] Checking style of src/Meshing/gmsh/WriteMesh_gmsh.cpp
[  0%] Checking style of src/Meshing/gmsh/XField_gmsh.cpp
[  0%] Built target gmshLib_vera
[  0%] Performing update step for 'libSuiteSparse'
[  0%] No patch step for 'libSuiteSparse'
[  0%] No configure step for 'libSuiteSparse'
[  0%] Performing build step for 'libSuiteSparse'
-- Building SuiteSparse_config version: v7.4.0 (Dec 30, 2023)
-- Source:           /Users/jenkins/workspace/SANS_Nightly/builddir/analyze_clang/buildnode/macys/external/SuiteSparse/SuiteSparse_config 
-- Build:            /Users/jenkins/workspace/SANS_Nightly/builddir/analyze_clang/buildnode/macys/external/SuiteSparse/SuiteSparse_config/build 
-- Install lib:      lib
-- Install include:  include/suitesparse
-- Install bin:      bin
-- Install pkg-file: lib
-- Install rpath:    $ORIGIN
-- Build   rpath:    
-- Build type:       Release 
-- Fortran:          /usr/local/bin/gfortran
-- CUDA:             not found
-- CUDA:             not enabled
-- Could NOT find OpenMP_C (missing: OpenMP_C_FLAGS OpenMP_C_LIB_NAMES) 
-- Could NOT find OpenMP (missing: OpenMP_C_FOUND) (found version "4.5")
-- SuiteSparse has OpenMP:        OFF
-- SuiteSparse_config has OpenMP: OFF
-- Looking for Intel 32-bit BLAS
-- Could NOT find BLAS (missing: BLAS_LIBRARIES) 
-- Looking for 32-bit Apple BLAS
-- Found Apple 32-bit BLAS
-- OpenMP C libraries:       
-- OpenMP C include:         
-- OpenMP C flags:          NOTFOUND 
-- BLAS libraries:      /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX14.2.sdk/System/Library/Frameworks/Accelerate.framework 
-- BLAS linker flags:    
-- BLAS include:         
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- SuiteSparse CMAKE report for: SuiteSparseConfig
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- inside common SuiteSparse root:  OFF
-- install in SuiteSparse/lib and SuiteSparse/include: OFF
-- build type:           Release
-- C compiler:           /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/clang 
-- C flags:              
-- C++ compiler:         
-- C++ flags:            
-- C Flags release:      -O3 -DNDEBUG 
-- C++ Flags release:     
-- Fortran compiler:     /usr/local/bin/gfortran 
-- compile definitions:  BLAS_Apple
-- BLAS integer:         int32_t
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Configuring done (0.9s)
CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:189 (target_link_libraries):
  Target "SuiteSparseConfig" links to:


  but the target was not found.  Possible reasons include:

    * There is a typo in the target name.
    * A find_package call is missing for an IMPORTED target.
    * An ALIAS target is missing.

CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:194 (target_link_libraries):
  Target "SuiteSparseConfig_static" links to:


  but the target was not found.  Possible reasons include:

    * There is a typo in the target name.
    * A find_package call is missing for an IMPORTED target.
    * An ALIAS target is missing.

-- Generating done (0.0s)
CMake Generate step failed.  Build files cannot be regenerated correctly.
make[5]: *** [library] Error 1
make[4]: *** [library] Error 2
make[3]: *** [libSuiteSparse-prefix/src/libSuiteSparse-stamp/libSuiteSparse-build] Error 2
make[2]: *** [CMakeFiles/libSuiteSparse.dir/all] Error 2
make[1]: *** [src/Meshing/gmsh/CMakeFiles/gmshLib.dir/rule] Error 2
make: *** [gmshLib] Error 2

real	0m8.326s
user	0m7.076s
sys	0m1.057s
+ for i in '$SANSLIBS'
+ make HDGLib
+ tee -a build.out
[ 83%] Built target Discretization_vera
[ 83%] Performing update step for 'libSuiteSparse'
[ 83%] No patch step for 'libSuiteSparse'
[ 83%] No configure step for 'libSuiteSparse'
[ 83%] Performing build step for 'libSuiteSparse'
-- Building SuiteSparse_config version: v7.4.0 (Dec 30, 2023)
-- Source:           /Users/jenkins/workspace/SANS_Nightly/builddir/analyze_clang/buildnode/macys/external/SuiteSparse/SuiteSparse_config 
-- Build:            /Users/jenkins/workspace/SANS_Nightly/builddir/analyze_clang/buildnode/macys/external/SuiteSparse/SuiteSparse_config/build 
-- Install lib:      lib
-- Install include:  include/suitesparse
-- Install bin:      bin
-- Install pkg-file: lib
-- Install rpath:    $ORIGIN
-- Build   rpath:    
-- Build type:       Release 
-- Fortran:          /usr/local/bin/gfortran
-- CUDA:             not found
-- CUDA:             not enabled
-- Could NOT find OpenMP_C (missing: OpenMP_C_FLAGS OpenMP_C_LIB_NAMES) 
-- Could NOT find OpenMP (missing: OpenMP_C_FOUND) (found version "4.5")
-- SuiteSparse has OpenMP:        OFF
-- SuiteSparse_config has OpenMP: OFF
-- Looking for Intel 32-bit BLAS
-- Could NOT find BLAS (missing: BLAS_LIBRARIES) 
-- Looking for 32-bit Apple BLAS
-- Found Apple 32-bit BLAS
-- OpenMP C libraries:       
-- OpenMP C include:         
-- OpenMP C flags:          NOTFOUND 
-- BLAS libraries:      /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX14.2.sdk/System/Library/Frameworks/Accelerate.framework 
-- BLAS linker flags:    
-- BLAS include:         
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- SuiteSparse CMAKE report for: SuiteSparseConfig
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- inside common SuiteSparse root:  OFF
-- install in SuiteSparse/lib and SuiteSparse/include: OFF
-- build type:           Release
-- C compiler:           /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/clang 
-- C flags:              
-- C++ compiler:         
-- C++ flags:            
-- C Flags release:      -O3 -DNDEBUG 
-- C++ Flags release:     
-- Fortran compiler:     /usr/local/bin/gfortran 
-- compile definitions:  BLAS_Apple
-- BLAS integer:         int32_t
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Configuring done (0.8s)
CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:189 (target_link_libraries):
  Target "SuiteSparseConfig" links to:


  but the target was not found.  Possible reasons include:

    * There is a typo in the target name.
    * A find_package call is missing for an IMPORTED target.
    * An ALIAS target is missing.

CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:194 (target_link_libraries):
  Target "SuiteSparseConfig_static" links to:


  but the target was not found.  Possible reasons include:

    * There is a typo in the target name.
    * A find_package call is missing for an IMPORTED target.
    * An ALIAS target is missing.

-- Generating done (0.0s)
CMake Generate step failed.  Build files cannot be regenerated correctly.
make[5]: *** [library] Error 1
make[4]: *** [library] Error 2
make[3]: *** [libSuiteSparse-prefix/src/libSuiteSparse-stamp/libSuiteSparse-build] Error 2
make[2]: *** [CMakeFiles/libSuiteSparse.dir/all] Error 2
make[1]: *** [src/Discretization/CMakeFiles/HDGLib.dir/rule] Error 2
make: *** [HDGLib] Error 2

real	0m7.684s
user	0m6.710s
sys	0m0.926s
+ for i in '$SANSLIBS'
+ make DGBR2NSLib
+ tee -a build.out
[ 83%] Built target Discretization_vera
[ 83%] Performing update step for 'libSuiteSparse'
[ 83%] No patch step for 'libSuiteSparse'
[ 83%] No configure step for 'libSuiteSparse'
[ 83%] Performing build step for 'libSuiteSparse'
-- Building SuiteSparse_config version: v7.4.0 (Dec 30, 2023)
-- Source:           /Users/jenkins/workspace/SANS_Nightly/builddir/analyze_clang/buildnode/macys/external/SuiteSparse/SuiteSparse_config 
-- Build:            /Users/jenkins/workspace/SANS_Nightly/builddir/analyze_clang/buildnode/macys/external/SuiteSparse/SuiteSparse_config/build 
-- Install lib:      lib
-- Install include:  include/suitesparse
-- Install bin:      bin
-- Install pkg-file: lib
-- Install rpath:    $ORIGIN
-- Build   rpath:    
-- Build type:       Release 
-- Fortran:          /usr/local/bin/gfortran
-- CUDA:             not found
-- CUDA:             not enabled
-- Could NOT find OpenMP_C (missing: OpenMP_C_FLAGS OpenMP_C_LIB_NAMES) 
-- Could NOT find OpenMP (missing: OpenMP_C_FOUND) (found version "4.5")
-- SuiteSparse has OpenMP:        OFF
-- SuiteSparse_config has OpenMP: OFF
-- Looking for Intel 32-bit BLAS
-- Could NOT find BLAS (missing: BLAS_LIBRARIES) 
-- Looking for 32-bit Apple BLAS
-- Found Apple 32-bit BLAS
-- OpenMP C libraries:       
-- OpenMP C include:         
-- OpenMP C flags:          NOTFOUND 
-- BLAS libraries:      /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX14.2.sdk/System/Library/Frameworks/Accelerate.framework 
-- BLAS linker flags:    
-- BLAS include:         
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- SuiteSparse CMAKE report for: SuiteSparseConfig
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- inside common SuiteSparse root:  OFF
-- install in SuiteSparse/lib and SuiteSparse/include: OFF
-- build type:           Release
-- C compiler:           /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/clang 
-- C flags:              
-- C++ compiler:         
-- C++ flags:            
-- C Flags release:      -O3 -DNDEBUG 
-- C++ Flags release:     
-- Fortran compiler:     /usr/local/bin/gfortran 
-- compile definitions:  BLAS_Apple
-- BLAS integer:         int32_t
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Configuring done (0.9s)
CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:189 (target_link_libraries):
  Target "SuiteSparseConfig" links to:


  but the target was not found.  Possible reasons include:

    * There is a typo in the target name.
    * A find_package call is missing for an IMPORTED target.
    * An ALIAS target is missing.

CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:194 (target_link_libraries):
  Target "SuiteSparseConfig_static" links to:


  but the target was not found.  Possible reasons include:

    * There is a typo in the target name.
    * A find_package call is missing for an IMPORTED target.
    * An ALIAS target is missing.

-- Generating done (0.0s)
CMake Generate step failed.  Build files cannot be regenerated correctly.
make[5]: *** [library] Error 1
make[4]: *** [library] Error 2
make[3]: *** [libSuiteSparse-prefix/src/libSuiteSparse-stamp/libSuiteSparse-build] Error 2
make[2]: *** [CMakeFiles/libSuiteSparse.dir/all] Error 2
make[1]: *** [src/Discretization/CMakeFiles/DGBR2NSLib.dir/rule] Error 2
make: *** [DGBR2NSLib] Error 2

real	0m7.722s
user	0m6.729s
sys	0m0.943s
+ for i in '$SANSLIBS'
+ make EGADSLib
+ tee -a build.out
[  0%] Checking style of src/Meshing/EGADS/Airfoils/NACA4.cpp
[  0%] Checking style of src/Meshing/EGADS/Airfoils/NACA4.h
[  0%] Checking style of src/Meshing/EGADS/EGApproximateCurve.h
[  0%] Checking style of src/Meshing/EGADS/EGBezierCurve.h
[  0%] Checking style of src/Meshing/EGADS/EGBody.h
[  0%] Checking style of src/Meshing/EGADS/EGCircle.h
[  0%] Checking style of src/Meshing/EGADS/EGContext.h
[  0%] Checking style of src/Meshing/EGADS/EGCurve.h
[  0%] Checking style of src/Meshing/EGADS/EGEdge.h
[ 50%] Checking style of src/Meshing/EGADS/EGFace.h
[ 50%] Checking style of src/Meshing/EGADS/EGGeometryBase.h
[ 50%] Checking style of src/Meshing/EGADS/EGIntersection.h
[ 50%] Checking style of src/Meshing/EGADS/EGLine.h
[ 50%] Checking style of src/Meshing/EGADS/EGLoop.h
[ 50%] Checking style of src/Meshing/EGADS/EGModel.h
[ 50%] Checking style of src/Meshing/EGADS/EGModelUnique.h
[ 50%] Checking style of src/Meshing/EGADS/EGNode.h
[ 50%] Checking style of src/Meshing/EGADS/EGObject.h
[ 50%] Checking style of src/Meshing/EGADS/EGPlane.h
[ 50%] Checking style of src/Meshing/EGADS/EGSense.h
[ 50%] Checking style of src/Meshing/EGADS/EGStatus.h
[ 50%] Checking style of src/Meshing/EGADS/EGTopologyBase.h
[ 50%] Checking style of src/Meshing/EGADS/RotorSource/ArcCamber.h
[ 50%] Checking style of src/Meshing/EGADS/RotorSource/BladeParams.h
[ 50%] Checking style of src/Meshing/EGADS/RotorSource/CamberBlade.h
[ 50%] Checking style of src/Meshing/EGADS/RotorSource/CamberLine.h
[ 50%] Checking style of src/Meshing/EGADS/RotorSource/CamberLineParams.h
[ 50%] Checking style of src/Meshing/EGADS/RotorSource/CubicCamber.h
[ 50%] Checking style of src/Meshing/EGADS/RotorSource/ParametricBody.h
[ 50%] Checking style of src/Meshing/EGADS/RotorSource/QuadCamber.h
[ 50%] Checking style of src/Meshing/EGADS/RotorSource/Rotor2D.h
[ 50%] Checking style of src/Meshing/EGADS/RotorSource/Rotor3D.h
[ 50%] Checking style of src/Meshing/EGADS/RotorSource/ThicknessBlade.h
[ 50%] Checking style of src/Meshing/EGADS/RotorSource/ThicknessLine.h
[ 50%] Checking style of src/Meshing/EGADS/RotorSource/ThicknessNACA6.h
[ 50%] Checking style of src/Meshing/EGADS/blend.h
[ 50%] Checking style of src/Meshing/EGADS/clone.h
[ 50%] Checking style of src/Meshing/EGADS/extrude.h
[ 50%] Checking style of src/Meshing/EGADS/isEquivalent.h
[ 50%] Checking style of src/Meshing/EGADS/isSame.h
[ 50%] Checking style of src/Meshing/EGADS/replaceFaces.h
[ 50%] Checking style of src/Meshing/EGADS/revolve.h
[ 50%] Checking style of src/Meshing/EGADS/ruled.h
[ 50%] Checking style of src/Meshing/EGADS/sewFaces.h
[ 50%] Checking style of src/Meshing/EGADS/solidBoolean.h
[ 50%] Checking style of src/Meshing/EGADS/tools.h
[ 50%] Checking style of src/Meshing/EGADS/transform.h
[ 50%] Checking style of src/Meshing/EGADS/EGApproximateCurve.cpp
[ 50%] Checking style of src/Meshing/EGADS/EGBezierCurve.cpp
[ 50%] Checking style of src/Meshing/EGADS/EGBody.cpp
[ 50%] Checking style of src/Meshing/EGADS/EGCircle.cpp
[ 50%] Checking style of src/Meshing/EGADS/EGContext.cpp
[ 50%] Checking style of src/Meshing/EGADS/EGCurve.cpp
[ 50%] Checking style of src/Meshing/EGADS/EGEdge.cpp
[ 50%] Checking style of src/Meshing/EGADS/EGFace.cpp
[ 50%] Checking style of src/Meshing/EGADS/EGGeometryBase.cpp
[ 50%] Checking style of src/Meshing/EGADS/EGLine.cpp
[ 50%] Checking style of src/Meshing/EGADS/EGLoop.cpp
[ 50%] Checking style of src/Meshing/EGADS/EGModel.cpp
[ 50%] Checking style of src/Meshing/EGADS/EGModelUnique.cpp
[ 50%] Checking style of src/Meshing/EGADS/EGNode.cpp
[ 50%] Checking style of src/Meshing/EGADS/EGObject.cpp
[ 50%] Checking style of src/Meshing/EGADS/EGPlane.cpp
[ 50%] Checking style of src/Meshing/EGADS/EGStatus.cpp
[ 50%] Checking style of src/Meshing/EGADS/EGTopologyBase.cpp
[ 50%] Checking style of src/Meshing/EGADS/RotorSource/ArcCamber.cpp
[ 50%] Checking style of src/Meshing/EGADS/RotorSource/BladeParams.cpp
[ 50%] Checking style of src/Meshing/EGADS/RotorSource/CamberBlade.cpp
[ 50%] Checking style of src/Meshing/EGADS/RotorSource/CamberLine.cpp
[ 50%] Checking style of src/Meshing/EGADS/RotorSource/CamberLineParams.cpp
[ 50%] Checking style of src/Meshing/EGADS/RotorSource/CubicCamber.cpp
[ 50%] Checking style of src/Meshing/EGADS/RotorSource/QuadCamber.cpp
[ 50%] Checking style of src/Meshing/EGADS/RotorSource/Rotor2D.cpp
[ 50%] Checking style of src/Meshing/EGADS/RotorSource/Rotor3D.cpp
[ 50%] Checking style of src/Meshing/EGADS/RotorSource/ThicknessBlade.cpp
[ 50%] Checking style of src/Meshing/EGADS/RotorSource/ThicknessLine.cpp
[ 50%] Checking style of src/Meshing/EGADS/RotorSource/ThicknessNACA6.cpp
[ 50%] Checking style of src/Meshing/EGADS/blend.cpp
[ 50%] Checking style of src/Meshing/EGADS/ruled.cpp
[ 50%] Checking style of src/Meshing/EGADS/transform.cpp
[ 50%] Built target EGADSLib_vera
[ 50%] Performing update step for 'libSuiteSparse'
[ 50%] No patch step for 'libSuiteSparse'
[ 50%] No configure step for 'libSuiteSparse'
[ 50%] Performing build step for 'libSuiteSparse'
-- Building SuiteSparse_config version: v7.4.0 (Dec 30, 2023)
-- Source:           /Users/jenkins/workspace/SANS_Nightly/builddir/analyze_clang/buildnode/macys/external/SuiteSparse/SuiteSparse_config 
-- Build:            /Users/jenkins/workspace/SANS_Nightly/builddir/analyze_clang/buildnode/macys/external/SuiteSparse/SuiteSparse_config/build 
-- Install lib:      lib
-- Install include:  include/suitesparse
-- Install bin:      bin
-- Install pkg-file: lib
-- Install rpath:    $ORIGIN
-- Build   rpath:    
-- Build type:       Release 
-- Fortran:          /usr/local/bin/gfortran
-- CUDA:             not found
-- CUDA:             not enabled
-- Could NOT find OpenMP_C (missing: OpenMP_C_FLAGS OpenMP_C_LIB_NAMES) 
-- Could NOT find OpenMP (missing: OpenMP_C_FOUND) (found version "4.5")
-- SuiteSparse has OpenMP:        OFF
-- SuiteSparse_config has OpenMP: OFF
-- Looking for Intel 32-bit BLAS
-- Could NOT find BLAS (missing: BLAS_LIBRARIES) 
-- Looking for 32-bit Apple BLAS
-- Found Apple 32-bit BLAS
-- OpenMP C libraries:       
-- OpenMP C include:         
-- OpenMP C flags:          NOTFOUND 
-- BLAS libraries:      /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX14.2.sdk/System/Library/Frameworks/Accelerate.framework 
-- BLAS linker flags:    
-- BLAS include:         
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- SuiteSparse CMAKE report for: SuiteSparseConfig
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- inside common SuiteSparse root:  OFF
-- install in SuiteSparse/lib and SuiteSparse/include: OFF
-- build type:           Release
-- C compiler:           /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/clang 
-- C flags:              
-- C++ compiler:         
-- C++ flags:            
-- C Flags release:      -O3 -DNDEBUG 
-- C++ Flags release:     
-- Fortran compiler:     /usr/local/bin/gfortran 
-- compile definitions:  BLAS_Apple
-- BLAS integer:         int32_t
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Configuring done (0.9s)
CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:189 (target_link_libraries):
  Target "SuiteSparseConfig" links to:


  but the target was not found.  Possible reasons include:

    * There is a typo in the target name.
    * A find_package call is missing for an IMPORTED target.
    * An ALIAS target is missing.

CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:194 (target_link_libraries):
  Target "SuiteSparseConfig_static" links to:


  but the target was not found.  Possible reasons include:

    * There is a typo in the target name.
    * A find_package call is missing for an IMPORTED target.
    * An ALIAS target is missing.

-- Generating done (0.0s)
CMake Generate step failed.  Build files cannot be regenerated correctly.
make[5]: *** [library] Error 1
make[4]: *** [library] Error 2
make[3]: *** [libSuiteSparse-prefix/src/libSuiteSparse-stamp/libSuiteSparse-build] Error 2
make[2]: *** [CMakeFiles/libSuiteSparse.dir/all] Error 2
make[1]: *** [src/Meshing/EGADS/CMakeFiles/EGADSLib.dir/rule] Error 2
make: *** [EGADSLib] Error 2

real	0m15.289s
user	0m11.783s
sys	0m2.543s
+ for i in '$SANSLIBS'
+ make SurrealLib
+ tee -a build.out
[  0%] Checking style of src/Surreal/PromoteSurreal.h
[  0%] Checking style of src/Surreal/SurrealD.h
[  0%] Checking style of src/Surreal/SurrealD_Lazy.h
[  0%] Checking style of src/Surreal/SurrealD_Trad.h
[  0%] Checking style of src/Surreal/SurrealS.h
[  0%] Checking style of src/Surreal/SurrealS_Lazy.h
[  0%] Checking style of src/Surreal/SurrealS_Reverse.h
[  0%] Checking style of src/Surreal/SurrealS_Trad.h
[  0%] Checking style of src/Surreal/SurrealS_Type.h
[  0%] Checking style of src/Surreal/SurrealS_fwd.h
[  0%] Checking style of src/Surreal/SurrealD.cpp
[  0%] Built target SurrealLib_vera
[  0%] Performing update step for 'libSuiteSparse'
[  0%] No patch step for 'libSuiteSparse'
[  0%] No configure step for 'libSuiteSparse'
[  0%] Performing build step for 'libSuiteSparse'
-- Building SuiteSparse_config version: v7.4.0 (Dec 30, 2023)
-- Source:           /Users/jenkins/workspace/SANS_Nightly/builddir/analyze_clang/buildnode/macys/external/SuiteSparse/SuiteSparse_config 
-- Build:            /Users/jenkins/workspace/SANS_Nightly/builddir/analyze_clang/buildnode/macys/external/SuiteSparse/SuiteSparse_config/build 
-- Install lib:      lib
-- Install include:  include/suitesparse
-- Install bin:      bin
-- Install pkg-file: lib
-- Install rpath:    $ORIGIN
-- Build   rpath:    
-- Build type:       Release 
-- Fortran:          /usr/local/bin/gfortran
-- CUDA:             not found
-- CUDA:             not enabled
-- Could NOT find OpenMP_C (missing: OpenMP_C_FLAGS OpenMP_C_LIB_NAMES) 
-- Could NOT find OpenMP (missing: OpenMP_C_FOUND) (found version "4.5")
-- SuiteSparse has OpenMP:        OFF
-- SuiteSparse_config has OpenMP: OFF
-- Looking for Intel 32-bit BLAS
-- Could NOT find BLAS (missing: BLAS_LIBRARIES) 
-- Looking for 32-bit Apple BLAS
-- Found Apple 32-bit BLAS
-- OpenMP C libraries:       
-- OpenMP C include:         
-- OpenMP C flags:          NOTFOUND 
-- BLAS libraries:      /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX14.2.sdk/System/Library/Frameworks/Accelerate.framework 
-- BLAS linker flags:    
-- BLAS include:         
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- SuiteSparse CMAKE report for: SuiteSparseConfig
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- inside common SuiteSparse root:  OFF
-- install in SuiteSparse/lib and SuiteSparse/include: OFF
-- build type:           Release
-- C compiler:           /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/clang 
-- C flags:              
-- C++ compiler:         
-- C++ flags:            
-- C Flags release:      -O3 -DNDEBUG 
-- C++ Flags release:     
-- Fortran compiler:     /usr/local/bin/gfortran 
-- compile definitions:  BLAS_Apple
-- BLAS integer:         int32_t
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Configuring done (0.9s)
CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:189 (target_link_libraries):
  Target "SuiteSparseConfig" links to:


  but the target was not found.  Possible reasons include:

    * There is a typo in the target name.
    * A find_package call is missing for an IMPORTED target.
    * An ALIAS target is missing.

CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:194 (target_link_libraries):
  Target "SuiteSparseConfig_static" links to:


  but the target was not found.  Possible reasons include:

    * There is a typo in the target name.
    * A find_package call is missing for an IMPORTED target.
    * An ALIAS target is missing.

-- Generating done (0.0s)
CMake Generate step failed.  Build files cannot be regenerated correctly.
make[5]: *** [library] Error 1
make[4]: *** [library] Error 2
make[3]: *** [libSuiteSparse-prefix/src/libSuiteSparse-stamp/libSuiteSparse-build] Error 2
make[2]: *** [CMakeFiles/libSuiteSparse.dir/all] Error 2
make[1]: *** [src/Surreal/CMakeFiles/SurrealLib.dir/rule] Error 2
make: *** [SurrealLib] Error 2

real	0m10.049s
user	0m8.633s
sys	0m1.165s
+ for i in '$SANSLIBS'
+ make PotentialStabilizationLib
+ tee -a build.out
[ 83%] Built target Discretization_vera
[ 83%] Performing update step for 'libSuiteSparse'
[ 83%] No patch step for 'libSuiteSparse'
[ 83%] No configure step for 'libSuiteSparse'
[ 83%] Performing build step for 'libSuiteSparse'
-- Building SuiteSparse_config version: v7.4.0 (Dec 30, 2023)
-- Source:           /Users/jenkins/workspace/SANS_Nightly/builddir/analyze_clang/buildnode/macys/external/SuiteSparse/SuiteSparse_config 
-- Build:            /Users/jenkins/workspace/SANS_Nightly/builddir/analyze_clang/buildnode/macys/external/SuiteSparse/SuiteSparse_config/build 
-- Install lib:      lib
-- Install include:  include/suitesparse
-- Install bin:      bin
-- Install pkg-file: lib
-- Install rpath:    $ORIGIN
-- Build   rpath:    
-- Build type:       Release 
-- Fortran:          /usr/local/bin/gfortran
-- CUDA:             not found
-- CUDA:             not enabled
-- Could NOT find OpenMP_C (missing: OpenMP_C_FLAGS OpenMP_C_LIB_NAMES) 
-- Could NOT find OpenMP (missing: OpenMP_C_FOUND) (found version "4.5")
-- SuiteSparse has OpenMP:        OFF
-- SuiteSparse_config has OpenMP: OFF
-- Looking for Intel 32-bit BLAS
-- Could NOT find BLAS (missing: BLAS_LIBRARIES) 
-- Looking for 32-bit Apple BLAS
-- Found Apple 32-bit BLAS
-- OpenMP C libraries:       
-- OpenMP C include:         
-- OpenMP C flags:          NOTFOUND 
-- BLAS libraries:      /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX14.2.sdk/System/Library/Frameworks/Accelerate.framework 
-- BLAS linker flags:    
-- BLAS include:         
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- SuiteSparse CMAKE report for: SuiteSparseConfig
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- inside common SuiteSparse root:  OFF
-- install in SuiteSparse/lib and SuiteSparse/include: OFF
-- build type:           Release
-- C compiler:           /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/clang 
-- C flags:              
-- C++ compiler:         
-- C++ flags:            
-- C Flags release:      -O3 -DNDEBUG 
-- C++ Flags release:     
-- Fortran compiler:     /usr/local/bin/gfortran 
-- compile definitions:  BLAS_Apple
-- BLAS integer:         int32_t
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Configuring done (0.9s)
CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:189 (target_link_libraries):
  Target "SuiteSparseConfig" links to:


  but the target was not found.  Possible reasons include:

    * There is a typo in the target name.
    * A find_package call is missing for an IMPORTED target.
    * An ALIAS target is missing.

CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:194 (target_link_libraries):
  Target "SuiteSparseConfig_static" links to:


  but the target was not found.  Possible reasons include:

    * There is a typo in the target name.
    * A find_package call is missing for an IMPORTED target.
    * An ALIAS target is missing.

-- Generating done (0.0s)
CMake Generate step failed.  Build files cannot be regenerated correctly.
make[5]: *** [library] Error 1
make[4]: *** [library] Error 2
make[3]: *** [libSuiteSparse-prefix/src/libSuiteSparse-stamp/libSuiteSparse-build] Error 2
make[2]: *** [CMakeFiles/libSuiteSparse.dir/all] Error 2
make[1]: *** [src/Discretization/CMakeFiles/PotentialStabilizationLib.dir/rule] Error 2
make: *** [PotentialStabilizationLib] Error 2

real	0m7.949s
user	0m6.957s
sys	0m0.936s
+ for i in '$SANSLIBS'
+ make AdaptationLib
+ tee -a build.out
[  0%] Checking style of src/Adaptation/MeshAdapter.h
[  0%] Checking style of src/Adaptation/MetricConformity.h
[  0%] Checking style of src/Adaptation/TargetMetric.h
[  0%] Checking style of src/Adaptation/callMesher.h
[  0%] Checking style of src/Adaptation/TargetMetric/TargetMetric1D.cpp
[  0%] Checking style of src/Adaptation/TargetMetric/TargetMetric2D.cpp
[  0%] Checking style of src/Adaptation/TargetMetric/TargetMetric3D.cpp
[  0%] Checking style of src/Adaptation/TargetMetric/TargetMetric4D.cpp
[  0%] Checking style of src/Adaptation/TargetMetric/TargetMetric_impl.h
[  0%] Checking style of src/Adaptation/MeshAdapter/MeshAdapter1D.cpp
[  0%] Checking style of src/Adaptation/MeshAdapter/MeshAdapter2D.cpp
[  0%] Checking style of src/Adaptation/MeshAdapter/MeshAdapter3D.cpp
[  0%] Checking style of src/Adaptation/MeshAdapter/MeshAdapter4D.cpp
[  0%] Checking style of src/Adaptation/MeshAdapter/MeshAdapter_impl.h
[  0%] Checking style of src/Adaptation/MOESS/MOESS_SANS_Optimizer_Base/MOESS_SANS_Optimizer_Base_1D.cpp
[  0%] Checking style of src/Adaptation/MOESS/MOESS_SANS_Optimizer_Base/MOESS_SANS_Optimizer_Base_2D.cpp
[  0%] Checking style of src/Adaptation/MOESS/MOESS_SANS_Optimizer_Base/MOESS_SANS_Optimizer_Base_3D.cpp
[  0%] Checking style of src/Adaptation/MOESS/MOESS_SANS_Optimizer_Base/MOESS_SANS_Optimizer_Base_4D.cpp
[  0%] Checking style of src/Adaptation/MOESS/MOESS_SANS_Optimizer_Base/MOESS_SANS_Optimizer_Base_impl.h
[  0%] Checking style of src/Adaptation/MOESS/NLOPT/ImpliedMetric_Optimizer_NLOPT.h
[  0%] Checking style of src/Adaptation/MOESS/NLOPT/MOESS_PX_Optimizer_NLOPT.h
[  0%] Checking style of src/Adaptation/MOESS/NLOPT/MOESS_SANS_Optimizer_NLOPT.h
[  0%] Checking style of src/Adaptation/MOESS/NLOPT/nloptResultDescription.cpp
[  0%] Checking style of src/Adaptation/MOESS/NLOPT/nloptResultDescription.h
[  0%] Checking style of src/Adaptation/MOESS/NLOPT/MOESS_SANS_Optimizer_NLOPT/MOESS_SANS_Optimizer_NLOPT_1D.cpp
[  0%] Checking style of src/Adaptation/MOESS/NLOPT/MOESS_SANS_Optimizer_NLOPT/MOESS_SANS_Optimizer_NLOPT_2D.cpp
[  0%] Checking style of src/Adaptation/MOESS/NLOPT/MOESS_SANS_Optimizer_NLOPT/MOESS_SANS_Optimizer_NLOPT_3D.cpp
[  0%] Checking style of src/Adaptation/MOESS/NLOPT/MOESS_SANS_Optimizer_NLOPT/MOESS_SANS_Optimizer_NLOPT_4D.cpp
[ 50%] Checking style of src/Adaptation/MOESS/NLOPT/MOESS_SANS_Optimizer_NLOPT/MOESS_SANS_Optimizer_NLOPT_impl.h
[ 50%] Checking style of src/Adaptation/MOESS/NLOPT/MOESS_PX_Optimizer_NLOPT/MOESS_PX_Optimizer_NLOPT_1D.cpp
[ 50%] Checking style of src/Adaptation/MOESS/NLOPT/MOESS_PX_Optimizer_NLOPT/MOESS_PX_Optimizer_NLOPT_2D.cpp
[ 50%] Checking style of src/Adaptation/MOESS/NLOPT/MOESS_PX_Optimizer_NLOPT/MOESS_PX_Optimizer_NLOPT_3D.cpp
[ 50%] Checking style of src/Adaptation/MOESS/NLOPT/MOESS_PX_Optimizer_NLOPT/MOESS_PX_Optimizer_NLOPT_4D.cpp
[ 50%] Checking style of src/Adaptation/MOESS/NLOPT/MOESS_PX_Optimizer_NLOPT/MOESS_PX_Optimizer_NLOPT_impl.h
[ 50%] Checking style of src/Adaptation/MOESS/NLOPT/ImpliedMetric_Optimizer_NLOPT/ImpliedMetric_Optimizer_NLOPT_1D.cpp
[ 50%] Checking style of src/Adaptation/MOESS/NLOPT/ImpliedMetric_Optimizer_NLOPT/ImpliedMetric_Optimizer_NLOPT_2D.cpp
[ 50%] Checking style of src/Adaptation/MOESS/NLOPT/ImpliedMetric_Optimizer_NLOPT/ImpliedMetric_Optimizer_NLOPT_3D.cpp
[ 50%] Checking style of src/Adaptation/MOESS/NLOPT/ImpliedMetric_Optimizer_NLOPT/ImpliedMetric_Optimizer_NLOPT_4D.cpp
[ 50%] Checking style of src/Adaptation/MOESS/NLOPT/ImpliedMetric_Optimizer_NLOPT/ImpliedMetric_Optimizer_NLOPT_impl.h
[ 50%] Checking style of src/Adaptation/MOESS/MMA/MOESS_SANS_Optimizer_MMA.h
[ 50%] Checking style of src/Adaptation/MOESS/MMA/MOESS_SANS_Optimizer_MMA/MOESS_SANS_Optimizer_MMA_1D.cpp
[ 50%] Checking style of src/Adaptation/MOESS/MMA/MOESS_SANS_Optimizer_MMA/MOESS_SANS_Optimizer_MMA_2D.cpp
[ 50%] Checking style of src/Adaptation/MOESS/MMA/MOESS_SANS_Optimizer_MMA/MOESS_SANS_Optimizer_MMA_3D.cpp
[ 50%] Checking style of src/Adaptation/MOESS/MMA/MOESS_SANS_Optimizer_MMA/MOESS_SANS_Optimizer_MMA_4D.cpp
[ 50%] Checking style of src/Adaptation/MOESS/MMA/MOESS_SANS_Optimizer_MMA/MOESS_SANS_Optimizer_MMA_impl.h
[ 50%] Built target AdaptationLib_vera
[ 50%] Performing update step for 'libSuiteSparse'
[ 50%] No patch step for 'libSuiteSparse'
[ 50%] No configure step for 'libSuiteSparse'
[ 50%] Performing build step for 'libSuiteSparse'
-- Building SuiteSparse_config version: v7.4.0 (Dec 30, 2023)
-- Source:           /Users/jenkins/workspace/SANS_Nightly/builddir/analyze_clang/buildnode/macys/external/SuiteSparse/SuiteSparse_config 
-- Build:            /Users/jenkins/workspace/SANS_Nightly/builddir/analyze_clang/buildnode/macys/external/SuiteSparse/SuiteSparse_config/build 
-- Install lib:      lib
-- Install include:  include/suitesparse
-- Install bin:      bin
-- Install pkg-file: lib
-- Install rpath:    $ORIGIN
-- Build   rpath:    
-- Build type:       Release 
-- Fortran:          /usr/local/bin/gfortran
-- CUDA:             not found
-- CUDA:             not enabled
-- Could NOT find OpenMP_C (missing: OpenMP_C_FLAGS OpenMP_C_LIB_NAMES) 
-- Could NOT find OpenMP (missing: OpenMP_C_FOUND) (found version "4.5")
-- SuiteSparse has OpenMP:        OFF
-- SuiteSparse_config has OpenMP: OFF
-- Looking for Intel 32-bit BLAS
-- Could NOT find BLAS (missing: BLAS_LIBRARIES) 
-- Looking for 32-bit Apple BLAS
-- Found Apple 32-bit BLAS
-- OpenMP C libraries:       
-- OpenMP C include:         
-- OpenMP C flags:          NOTFOUND 
-- BLAS libraries:      /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX14.2.sdk/System/Library/Frameworks/Accelerate.framework 
-- BLAS linker flags:    
-- BLAS include:         
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- SuiteSparse CMAKE report for: SuiteSparseConfig
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- inside common SuiteSparse root:  OFF
-- install in SuiteSparse/lib and SuiteSparse/include: OFF
-- build type:           Release
-- C compiler:           /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/clang 
-- C flags:              
-- C++ compiler:         
-- C++ flags:            
-- C Flags release:      -O3 -DNDEBUG 
-- C++ Flags release:     
-- Fortran compiler:     /usr/local/bin/gfortran 
-- compile definitions:  BLAS_Apple
-- BLAS integer:         int32_t
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Configuring done (0.9s)
CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:189 (target_link_libraries):
  Target "SuiteSparseConfig" links to:


  but the target was not found.  Possible reasons include:

    * There is a typo in the target name.
    * A find_package call is missing for an IMPORTED target.
    * An ALIAS target is missing.

CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:194 (target_link_libraries):
  Target "SuiteSparseConfig_static" links to:


  but the target was not found.  Possible reasons include:

    * There is a typo in the target name.
    * A find_package call is missing for an IMPORTED target.
    * An ALIAS target is missing.

-- Generating done (0.0s)
CMake Generate step failed.  Build files cannot be regenerated correctly.
make[5]: *** [library] Error 1
make[4]: *** [library] Error 2
make[3]: *** [libSuiteSparse-prefix/src/libSuiteSparse-stamp/libSuiteSparse-build] Error 2
make[2]: *** [CMakeFiles/libSuiteSparse.dir/all] Error 2
make[1]: *** [src/Adaptation/CMakeFiles/AdaptationLib.dir/rule] Error 2
make: *** [AdaptationLib] Error 2

real	0m11.745s
user	0m9.288s
sys	0m1.816s
+ for i in '$SANSLIBS'
+ make PorousMediaLib
+ tee -a build.out
[  0%] Checking style of src/pde/PorousMedia/BCBuckleyLeverett1D.cpp
[  0%] Checking style of src/pde/PorousMedia/BCBuckleyLeverett1D.h
[  0%] Checking style of src/pde/PorousMedia/BCBuckleyLeverett_ArtificialViscosity1D.cpp
[  0%] Checking style of src/pde/PorousMedia/BCBuckleyLeverett_ArtificialViscosity1D.h
[  0%] Checking style of src/pde/PorousMedia/BCTwoPhase1D.cpp
[  0%] Checking style of src/pde/PorousMedia/BCTwoPhase1D.h
[  0%] Checking style of src/pde/PorousMedia/BCTwoPhase2D.cpp
[  0%] Checking style of src/pde/PorousMedia/BCTwoPhase2D.h
[  0%] Checking style of src/pde/PorousMedia/BCTwoPhaseArtificialViscosity1D.cpp
[  0%] Checking style of src/pde/PorousMedia/BCTwoPhaseArtificialViscosity1D.h
[  0%] Checking style of src/pde/PorousMedia/BCTwoPhaseArtificialViscosity2D.cpp
[  0%] Checking style of src/pde/PorousMedia/BCTwoPhaseArtificialViscosity2D.h
[  0%] Checking style of src/pde/PorousMedia/BCTwoPhaseLinearized1D.cpp
[  0%] Checking style of src/pde/PorousMedia/BCTwoPhaseLinearized1D.h
[  0%] Checking style of src/pde/PorousMedia/CapillaryModel.h
[  0%] Checking style of src/pde/PorousMedia/CartTable.h
[  0%] Checking style of src/pde/PorousMedia/DensityModel.h
[  0%] Checking style of src/pde/PorousMedia/OutputTwoPhase.h
[  0%] Checking style of src/pde/PorousMedia/PDEBuckleyLeverett1D.h
[  0%] Checking style of src/pde/PorousMedia/PDEBuckleyLeverett_ArtificialViscosity1D.h
[  0%] Checking style of src/pde/PorousMedia/PDETwoPhase1D.h
[  0%] Checking style of src/pde/PorousMedia/PDETwoPhase2D.h
[  0%] Checking style of src/pde/PorousMedia/PDETwoPhaseLinearized1D.h
[  0%] Checking style of src/pde/PorousMedia/PDETwoPhase_ArtificialViscosity1D.h
[  0%] Checking style of src/pde/PorousMedia/PDETwoPhase_ArtificialViscosity2D.h
[  0%] Checking style of src/pde/PorousMedia/PermeabilityModel1D.h
[  0%] Checking style of src/pde/PorousMedia/PermeabilityModel2D.h
[  0%] Checking style of src/pde/PorousMedia/PorosityModel.h
[  0%] Checking style of src/pde/PorousMedia/Q1DPrimitive_SurrogateSw.h
[  0%] Checking style of src/pde/PorousMedia/Q1DPrimitive_Surrogate_pnSw.h
[  0%] Checking style of src/pde/PorousMedia/Q1DPrimitive_Sw.h
[  0%] Checking style of src/pde/PorousMedia/Q1DPrimitive_pnSw.h
[  0%] Checking style of src/pde/PorousMedia/Q2DPrimitive_LogpnSw.h
[  0%] Checking style of src/pde/PorousMedia/Q2DPrimitive_Surrogate_pnSw.h
[  0%] Checking style of src/pde/PorousMedia/Q2DPrimitive_pnSw.h
[  0%] Checking style of src/pde/PorousMedia/RelPermModel_PowerLaw.h
[  0%] Checking style of src/pde/PorousMedia/Sensor_BuckleyLeverett.h
[ 50%] Checking style of src/pde/PorousMedia/Sensor_TwoPhase.h
[ 50%] Checking style of src/pde/PorousMedia/SolutionFunction_BuckleyLeverett1D.h
[ 50%] Checking style of src/pde/PorousMedia/SolutionFunction_TwoPhase1D.h
[ 50%] Checking style of src/pde/PorousMedia/SolutionFunction_TwoPhase2D.h
[ 50%] Checking style of src/pde/PorousMedia/SourceTwoPhase1D.h
[ 50%] Checking style of src/pde/PorousMedia/SourceTwoPhase2D.h
[ 50%] Checking style of src/pde/PorousMedia/TraitsBuckleyLeverett.h
[ 50%] Checking style of src/pde/PorousMedia/TraitsBuckleyLeverettArtificialViscosity.h
[ 50%] Checking style of src/pde/PorousMedia/TraitsTwoPhase.h
[ 50%] Checking style of src/pde/PorousMedia/TraitsTwoPhaseArtificialViscosity.h
[ 50%] Checking style of src/pde/PorousMedia/TwoPhaseVariable.h
[ 50%] Checking style of src/pde/PorousMedia/ViscosityModel_Constant.h
[ 50%] Checking style of src/pde/PorousMedia/CapillaryModel.cpp
[ 50%] Checking style of src/pde/PorousMedia/CartTable.cpp
[ 50%] Checking style of src/pde/PorousMedia/DensityModel.cpp
[ 50%] Checking style of src/pde/PorousMedia/PermeabilityModel2D.cpp
[ 50%] Checking style of src/pde/PorousMedia/PorosityModel.cpp
[ 50%] Checking style of src/pde/PorousMedia/Q1DPrimitive_SurrogateSw.cpp
[ 50%] Checking style of src/pde/PorousMedia/Q1DPrimitive_Surrogate_pnSw.cpp
[ 50%] Checking style of src/pde/PorousMedia/Q1DPrimitive_Sw.cpp
[ 50%] Checking style of src/pde/PorousMedia/Q1DPrimitive_pnSw.cpp
[ 50%] Checking style of src/pde/PorousMedia/Q2DPrimitive_LogpnSw.cpp
[ 50%] Checking style of src/pde/PorousMedia/Q2DPrimitive_Surrogate_pnSw.cpp
[ 50%] Checking style of src/pde/PorousMedia/Q2DPrimitive_pnSw.cpp
[ 50%] Checking style of src/pde/PorousMedia/RelPermModel_PowerLaw.cpp
[ 50%] Checking style of src/pde/PorousMedia/SolutionFunction_TwoPhase1D.cpp
[ 50%] Checking style of src/pde/PorousMedia/SolutionFunction_TwoPhase2D.cpp
[ 50%] Checking style of src/pde/PorousMedia/SourceTwoPhase1D.cpp
[ 50%] Checking style of src/pde/PorousMedia/SourceTwoPhase2D.cpp
[ 50%] Checking style of src/pde/PorousMedia/TwoPhaseVariable.cpp
[ 50%] Checking style of src/pde/PorousMedia/ViscosityModel_Constant.cpp
[ 50%] Built target PorousMediaLib_vera
[ 50%] Performing update step for 'libSuiteSparse'
[ 50%] No patch step for 'libSuiteSparse'
[ 50%] No configure step for 'libSuiteSparse'
[ 50%] Performing build step for 'libSuiteSparse'
-- Building SuiteSparse_config version: v7.4.0 (Dec 30, 2023)
-- Source:           /Users/jenkins/workspace/SANS_Nightly/builddir/analyze_clang/buildnode/macys/external/SuiteSparse/SuiteSparse_config 
-- Build:            /Users/jenkins/workspace/SANS_Nightly/builddir/analyze_clang/buildnode/macys/external/SuiteSparse/SuiteSparse_config/build 
-- Install lib:      lib
-- Install include:  include/suitesparse
-- Install bin:      bin
-- Install pkg-file: lib
-- Install rpath:    $ORIGIN
-- Build   rpath:    
-- Build type:       Release 
-- Fortran:          /usr/local/bin/gfortran
-- CUDA:             not found
-- CUDA:             not enabled
-- Could NOT find OpenMP_C (missing: OpenMP_C_FLAGS OpenMP_C_LIB_NAMES) 
-- Could NOT find OpenMP (missing: OpenMP_C_FOUND) (found version "4.5")
-- SuiteSparse has OpenMP:        OFF
-- SuiteSparse_config has OpenMP: OFF
-- Looking for Intel 32-bit BLAS
-- Could NOT find BLAS (missing: BLAS_LIBRARIES) 
-- Looking for 32-bit Apple BLAS
-- Found Apple 32-bit BLAS
-- OpenMP C libraries:       
-- OpenMP C include:         
-- OpenMP C flags:          NOTFOUND 
-- BLAS libraries:      /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX14.2.sdk/System/Library/Frameworks/Accelerate.framework 
-- BLAS linker flags:    
-- BLAS include:         
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- SuiteSparse CMAKE report for: SuiteSparseConfig
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- inside common SuiteSparse root:  OFF
-- install in SuiteSparse/lib and SuiteSparse/include: OFF
-- build type:           Release
-- C compiler:           /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/clang 
-- C flags:              
-- C++ compiler:         
-- C++ flags:            
-- C Flags release:      -O3 -DNDEBUG 
-- C++ Flags release:     
-- Fortran compiler:     /usr/local/bin/gfortran 
-- compile definitions:  BLAS_Apple
-- BLAS integer:         int32_t
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Configuring done (0.9s)
CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:189 (target_link_libraries):
  Target "SuiteSparseConfig" links to:


  but the target was not found.  Possible reasons include:

    * There is a typo in the target name.
    * A find_package call is missing for an IMPORTED target.
    * An ALIAS target is missing.

CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:194 (target_link_libraries):
  Target "SuiteSparseConfig_static" links to:


  but the target was not found.  Possible reasons include:

    * There is a typo in the target name.
    * A find_package call is missing for an IMPORTED target.
    * An ALIAS target is missing.

-- Generating done (0.0s)
CMake Generate step failed.  Build files cannot be regenerated correctly.
make[5]: *** [library] Error 1
make[4]: *** [library] Error 2
make[3]: *** [libSuiteSparse-prefix/src/libSuiteSparse-stamp/libSuiteSparse-build] Error 2
make[2]: *** [CMakeFiles/libSuiteSparse.dir/all] Error 2
make[1]: *** [src/pde/PorousMedia/CMakeFiles/PorousMediaLib.dir/rule] Error 2
make: *** [PorousMediaLib] Error 2

real	0m15.800s
user	0m12.433s
sys	0m2.339s
+ for i in '$SANSLIBS'
+ make pdeLib
+ tee -a build.out
[  0%] Checking style of src/pde/BCCategory.h
[  0%] Checking style of src/pde/BCNone.cpp
[  0%] Checking style of src/pde/BCNone.h
[  0%] Checking style of src/pde/BCParameters.h
[  0%] Checking style of src/pde/BCParameters_impl.h
[  0%] Checking style of src/pde/ForcingFunction1D_MMS.h
[  0%] Checking style of src/pde/ForcingFunction2D_MMS.h
[  0%] Checking style of src/pde/ForcingFunction3D_MMS.h
[  0%] Checking style of src/pde/ForcingFunctionBase.h
[  0%] Checking style of src/pde/OutputCategory.h
[  0%] Checking style of src/pde/OutputCell_Distance.h
[  0%] Checking style of src/pde/OutputCell_FunctionalErrorSquared.h
[  0%] Checking style of src/pde/OutputCell_Solution.h
[  0%] Checking style of src/pde/OutputCell_SolutionError.h
[  0%] Checking style of src/pde/OutputCell_SolutionErrorL2.h
[  0%] Checking style of src/pde/OutputCell_SolutionErrorL2_Axisym.h
[  0%] Checking style of src/pde/OutputCell_SolutionErrorSquared.h
[  0%] Checking style of src/pde/OutputCell_SolutionGradientErrorSquared.h
[  0%] Checking style of src/pde/OutputCell_SolutionSquared.h
[  0%] Checking style of src/pde/OutputCell_WeightedSolution.h
[  0%] Checking style of src/pde/OutputCell_WeightedSolution_Axisym.h
[  0%] Checking style of src/pde/Output_Unit.h
[  0%] Checking style of src/pde/call_derived_functional.h
[  0%] Checking style of src/pde/sansPDEBase.h
[  0%] Built target pdeLib_vera
[  0%] Performing update step for 'libSuiteSparse'
[  0%] No patch step for 'libSuiteSparse'
[  0%] No configure step for 'libSuiteSparse'
[  0%] Performing build step for 'libSuiteSparse'
-- Building SuiteSparse_config version: v7.4.0 (Dec 30, 2023)
-- Source:           /Users/jenkins/workspace/SANS_Nightly/builddir/analyze_clang/buildnode/macys/external/SuiteSparse/SuiteSparse_config 
-- Build:            /Users/jenkins/workspace/SANS_Nightly/builddir/analyze_clang/buildnode/macys/external/SuiteSparse/SuiteSparse_config/build 
-- Install lib:      lib
-- Install include:  include/suitesparse
-- Install bin:      bin
-- Install pkg-file: lib
-- Install rpath:    $ORIGIN
-- Build   rpath:    
-- Build type:       Release 
-- Fortran:          /usr/local/bin/gfortran
-- CUDA:             not found
-- CUDA:             not enabled
-- Could NOT find OpenMP_C (missing: OpenMP_C_FLAGS OpenMP_C_LIB_NAMES) 
-- Could NOT find OpenMP (missing: OpenMP_C_FOUND) (found version "4.5")
-- SuiteSparse has OpenMP:        OFF
-- SuiteSparse_config has OpenMP: OFF
-- Looking for Intel 32-bit BLAS
-- Could NOT find BLAS (missing: BLAS_LIBRARIES) 
-- Looking for 32-bit Apple BLAS
-- Found Apple 32-bit BLAS
-- OpenMP C libraries:       
-- OpenMP C include:         
-- OpenMP C flags:          NOTFOUND 
-- BLAS libraries:      /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX14.2.sdk/System/Library/Frameworks/Accelerate.framework 
-- BLAS linker flags:    
-- BLAS include:         
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- SuiteSparse CMAKE report for: SuiteSparseConfig
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- inside common SuiteSparse root:  OFF
-- install in SuiteSparse/lib and SuiteSparse/include: OFF
-- build type:           Release
-- C compiler:           /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/clang 
-- C flags:              
-- C++ compiler:         
-- C++ flags:            
-- C Flags release:      -O3 -DNDEBUG 
-- C++ Flags release:     
-- Fortran compiler:     /usr/local/bin/gfortran 
-- compile definitions:  BLAS_Apple
-- BLAS integer:         int32_t
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Configuring done (0.9s)
CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:189 (target_link_libraries):
  Target "SuiteSparseConfig" links to:


  but the target was not found.  Possible reasons include:

    * There is a typo in the target name.
    * A find_package call is missing for an IMPORTED target.
    * An ALIAS target is missing.

CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:194 (target_link_libraries):
  Target "SuiteSparseConfig_static" links to:


  but the target was not found.  Possible reasons include:

    * There is a typo in the target name.
    * A find_package call is missing for an IMPORTED target.
    * An ALIAS target is missing.

-- Generating done (0.0s)
CMake Generate step failed.  Build files cannot be regenerated correctly.
make[5]: *** [library] Error 1
make[4]: *** [library] Error 2
make[3]: *** [libSuiteSparse-prefix/src/libSuiteSparse-stamp/libSuiteSparse-build] Error 2
make[2]: *** [CMakeFiles/libSuiteSparse.dir/all] Error 2
make[1]: *** [src/pde/CMakeFiles/pdeLib.dir/rule] Error 2
make: *** [pdeLib] Error 2

real	0m9.825s
user	0m8.035s
sys	0m1.390s
+ for i in '$SANSLIBS'
+ make DGBR2sansBOOMLib
+ tee -a build.out
[ 83%] Built target Discretization_vera
[ 83%] Performing update step for 'libSuiteSparse'
[ 83%] No patch step for 'libSuiteSparse'
[ 83%] No configure step for 'libSuiteSparse'
[ 83%] Performing build step for 'libSuiteSparse'
-- Building SuiteSparse_config version: v7.4.0 (Dec 30, 2023)
-- Source:           /Users/jenkins/workspace/SANS_Nightly/builddir/analyze_clang/buildnode/macys/external/SuiteSparse/SuiteSparse_config 
-- Build:            /Users/jenkins/workspace/SANS_Nightly/builddir/analyze_clang/buildnode/macys/external/SuiteSparse/SuiteSparse_config/build 
-- Install lib:      lib
-- Install include:  include/suitesparse
-- Install bin:      bin
-- Install pkg-file: lib
-- Install rpath:    $ORIGIN
-- Build   rpath:    
-- Build type:       Release 
-- Fortran:          /usr/local/bin/gfortran
-- CUDA:             not found
-- CUDA:             not enabled
-- Could NOT find OpenMP_C (missing: OpenMP_C_FLAGS OpenMP_C_LIB_NAMES) 
-- Could NOT find OpenMP (missing: OpenMP_C_FOUND) (found version "4.5")
-- SuiteSparse has OpenMP:        OFF
-- SuiteSparse_config has OpenMP: OFF
-- Looking for Intel 32-bit BLAS
-- Could NOT find BLAS (missing: BLAS_LIBRARIES) 
-- Looking for 32-bit Apple BLAS
-- Found Apple 32-bit BLAS
-- OpenMP C libraries:       
-- OpenMP C include:         
-- OpenMP C flags:          NOTFOUND 
-- BLAS libraries:      /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX14.2.sdk/System/Library/Frameworks/Accelerate.framework 
-- BLAS linker flags:    
-- BLAS include:         
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- SuiteSparse CMAKE report for: SuiteSparseConfig
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- inside common SuiteSparse root:  OFF
-- install in SuiteSparse/lib and SuiteSparse/include: OFF
-- build type:           Release
-- C compiler:           /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/clang 
-- C flags:              
-- C++ compiler:         
-- C++ flags:            
-- C Flags release:      -O3 -DNDEBUG 
-- C++ Flags release:     
-- Fortran compiler:     /usr/local/bin/gfortran 
-- compile definitions:  BLAS_Apple
-- BLAS integer:         int32_t
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Configuring done (0.9s)
CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:189 (target_link_libraries):
  Target "SuiteSparseConfig" links to:


  but the target was not found.  Possible reasons include:

    * There is a typo in the target name.
    * A find_package call is missing for an IMPORTED target.
    * An ALIAS target is missing.

CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:194 (target_link_libraries):
  Target "SuiteSparseConfig_static" links to:


  but the target was not found.  Possible reasons include:

    * There is a typo in the target name.
    * A find_package call is missing for an IMPORTED target.
    * An ALIAS target is missing.

-- Generating done (0.0s)
CMake Generate step failed.  Build files cannot be regenerated correctly.
make[5]: *** [library] Error 1
make[4]: *** [library] Error 2
make[3]: *** [libSuiteSparse-prefix/src/libSuiteSparse-stamp/libSuiteSparse-build] Error 2
make[2]: *** [CMakeFiles/libSuiteSparse.dir/all] Error 2
make[1]: *** [src/Discretization/CMakeFiles/DGBR2sansBOOMLib.dir/rule] Error 2
make: *** [DGBR2sansBOOMLib] Error 2

real	0m7.952s
user	0m6.999s
sys	0m0.926s
+ for i in '$SANSLIBS'
+ make QuaternionLib
+ tee -a build.out
[  0%] Checking style of src/Quaternion/Quaternion.h
[  0%] Built target QuaternionLib_vera
[  0%] Performing update step for 'libSuiteSparse'
[  0%] No patch step for 'libSuiteSparse'
[  0%] No configure step for 'libSuiteSparse'
[  0%] Performing build step for 'libSuiteSparse'
-- Building SuiteSparse_config version: v7.4.0 (Dec 30, 2023)
-- Source:           /Users/jenkins/workspace/SANS_Nightly/builddir/analyze_clang/buildnode/macys/external/SuiteSparse/SuiteSparse_config 
-- Build:            /Users/jenkins/workspace/SANS_Nightly/builddir/analyze_clang/buildnode/macys/external/SuiteSparse/SuiteSparse_config/build 
-- Install lib:      lib
-- Install include:  include/suitesparse
-- Install bin:      bin
-- Install pkg-file: lib
-- Install rpath:    $ORIGIN
-- Build   rpath:    
-- Build type:       Release 
-- Fortran:          /usr/local/bin/gfortran
-- CUDA:             not found
-- CUDA:             not enabled
-- Could NOT find OpenMP_C (missing: OpenMP_C_FLAGS OpenMP_C_LIB_NAMES) 
-- Could NOT find OpenMP (missing: OpenMP_C_FOUND) (found version "4.5")
-- SuiteSparse has OpenMP:        OFF
-- SuiteSparse_config has OpenMP: OFF
-- Looking for Intel 32-bit BLAS
-- Could NOT find BLAS (missing: BLAS_LIBRARIES) 
-- Looking for 32-bit Apple BLAS
-- Found Apple 32-bit BLAS
-- OpenMP C libraries:       
-- OpenMP C include:         
-- OpenMP C flags:          NOTFOUND 
-- BLAS libraries:      /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX14.2.sdk/System/Library/Frameworks/Accelerate.framework 
-- BLAS linker flags:    
-- BLAS include:         
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- SuiteSparse CMAKE report for: SuiteSparseConfig
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- inside common SuiteSparse root:  OFF
-- install in SuiteSparse/lib and SuiteSparse/include: OFF
-- build type:           Release
-- C compiler:           /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/clang 
-- C flags:              
-- C++ compiler:         
-- C++ flags:            
-- C Flags release:      -O3 -DNDEBUG 
-- C++ Flags release:     
-- Fortran compiler:     /usr/local/bin/gfortran 
-- compile definitions:  BLAS_Apple
-- BLAS integer:         int32_t
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Configuring done (0.9s)
CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:189 (target_link_libraries):
  Target "SuiteSparseConfig" links to:


  but the target was not found.  Possible reasons include:

    * There is a typo in the target name.
    * A find_package call is missing for an IMPORTED target.
    * An ALIAS target is missing.

CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:194 (target_link_libraries):
  Target "SuiteSparseConfig_static" links to:


  but the target was not found.  Possible reasons include:

    * There is a typo in the target name.
    * A find_package call is missing for an IMPORTED target.
    * An ALIAS target is missing.

-- Generating done (0.0s)
CMake Generate step failed.  Build files cannot be regenerated correctly.
make[5]: *** [library] Error 1
make[4]: *** [library] Error 2
make[3]: *** [libSuiteSparse-prefix/src/libSuiteSparse-stamp/libSuiteSparse-build] Error 2
make[2]: *** [CMakeFiles/libSuiteSparse.dir/all] Error 2
make[1]: *** [src/Quaternion/CMakeFiles/QuaternionLib.dir/rule] Error 2
make: *** [QuaternionLib] Error 2

real	0m8.457s
user	0m7.343s
sys	0m0.958s
+ for i in '$SANSLIBS'
+ make ElementFieldLib
+ tee -a build.out
[  0%] Built target ElementFieldLib_vera
[  0%] Performing update step for 'libSuiteSparse'
[  0%] No patch step for 'libSuiteSparse'
[  0%] No configure step for 'libSuiteSparse'
[  0%] Performing build step for 'libSuiteSparse'
-- Building SuiteSparse_config version: v7.4.0 (Dec 30, 2023)
-- Source:           /Users/jenkins/workspace/SANS_Nightly/builddir/analyze_clang/buildnode/macys/external/SuiteSparse/SuiteSparse_config 
-- Build:            /Users/jenkins/workspace/SANS_Nightly/builddir/analyze_clang/buildnode/macys/external/SuiteSparse/SuiteSparse_config/build 
-- Install lib:      lib
-- Install include:  include/suitesparse
-- Install bin:      bin
-- Install pkg-file: lib
-- Install rpath:    $ORIGIN
-- Build   rpath:    
-- Build type:       Release 
-- Fortran:          /usr/local/bin/gfortran
-- CUDA:             not found
-- CUDA:             not enabled
-- Could NOT find OpenMP_C (missing: OpenMP_C_FLAGS OpenMP_C_LIB_NAMES) 
-- Could NOT find OpenMP (missing: OpenMP_C_FOUND) (found version "4.5")
-- SuiteSparse has OpenMP:        OFF
-- SuiteSparse_config has OpenMP: OFF
-- Looking for Intel 32-bit BLAS
-- Could NOT find BLAS (missing: BLAS_LIBRARIES) 
-- Looking for 32-bit Apple BLAS
-- Found Apple 32-bit BLAS
-- OpenMP C libraries:       
-- OpenMP C include:         
-- OpenMP C flags:          NOTFOUND 
-- BLAS libraries:      /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX14.2.sdk/System/Library/Frameworks/Accelerate.framework 
-- BLAS linker flags:    
-- BLAS include:         
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- SuiteSparse CMAKE report for: SuiteSparseConfig
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- inside common SuiteSparse root:  OFF
-- install in SuiteSparse/lib and SuiteSparse/include: OFF
-- build type:           Release
-- C compiler:           /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/clang 
-- C flags:              
-- C++ compiler:         
-- C++ flags:            
-- C Flags release:      -O3 -DNDEBUG 
-- C++ Flags release:     
-- Fortran compiler:     /usr/local/bin/gfortran 
-- compile definitions:  BLAS_Apple
-- BLAS integer:         int32_t
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Configuring done (0.9s)
CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:189 (target_link_libraries):
  Target "SuiteSparseConfig" links to:


  but the target was not found.  Possible reasons include:

    * There is a typo in the target name.
    * A find_package call is missing for an IMPORTED target.
    * An ALIAS target is missing.

CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:194 (target_link_libraries):
  Target "SuiteSparseConfig_static" links to:


  but the target was not found.  Possible reasons include:

    * There is a typo in the target name.
    * A find_package call is missing for an IMPORTED target.
    * An ALIAS target is missing.

-- Generating done (0.0s)
CMake Generate step failed.  Build files cannot be regenerated correctly.
make[5]: *** [library] Error 1
make[4]: *** [library] Error 2
make[3]: *** [libSuiteSparse-prefix/src/libSuiteSparse-stamp/libSuiteSparse-build] Error 2
make[2]: *** [CMakeFiles/libSuiteSparse.dir/all] Error 2
make[1]: *** [src/Field/Element/CMakeFiles/ElementFieldLib.dir/rule] Error 2
make: *** [ElementFieldLib] Error 2

real	0m7.678s
user	0m6.686s
sys	0m0.926s
+ for i in '$SANSLIBS'
+ make CauchyRiemannLib
+ tee -a build.out
[  0%] Checking style of src/pde/CauchyRiemann/BCCauchyRiemann2D.cpp
[  0%] Checking style of src/pde/CauchyRiemann/BCCauchyRiemann2D.h
[  0%] Checking style of src/pde/CauchyRiemann/PDECauchyRiemann2D.h
[  0%] Built target CauchyRiemannLib_vera
[  0%] Performing update step for 'libSuiteSparse'
[  0%] No patch step for 'libSuiteSparse'
[  0%] No configure step for 'libSuiteSparse'
[  0%] Performing build step for 'libSuiteSparse'
-- Building SuiteSparse_config version: v7.4.0 (Dec 30, 2023)
-- Source:           /Users/jenkins/workspace/SANS_Nightly/builddir/analyze_clang/buildnode/macys/external/SuiteSparse/SuiteSparse_config 
-- Build:            /Users/jenkins/workspace/SANS_Nightly/builddir/analyze_clang/buildnode/macys/external/SuiteSparse/SuiteSparse_config/build 
-- Install lib:      lib
-- Install include:  include/suitesparse
-- Install bin:      bin
-- Install pkg-file: lib
-- Install rpath:    $ORIGIN
-- Build   rpath:    
-- Build type:       Release 
-- Fortran:          /usr/local/bin/gfortran
-- CUDA:             not found
-- CUDA:             not enabled
-- Could NOT find OpenMP_C (missing: OpenMP_C_FLAGS OpenMP_C_LIB_NAMES) 
-- Could NOT find OpenMP (missing: OpenMP_C_FOUND) (found version "4.5")
-- SuiteSparse has OpenMP:        OFF
-- SuiteSparse_config has OpenMP: OFF
-- Looking for Intel 32-bit BLAS
-- Could NOT find BLAS (missing: BLAS_LIBRARIES) 
-- Looking for 32-bit Apple BLAS
-- Found Apple 32-bit BLAS
-- OpenMP C libraries:       
-- OpenMP C include:         
-- OpenMP C flags:          NOTFOUND 
-- BLAS libraries:      /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX14.2.sdk/System/Library/Frameworks/Accelerate.framework 
-- BLAS linker flags:    
-- BLAS include:         
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- SuiteSparse CMAKE report for: SuiteSparseConfig
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- inside common SuiteSparse root:  OFF
-- install in SuiteSparse/lib and SuiteSparse/include: OFF
-- build type:           Release
-- C compiler:           /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/clang 
-- C flags:              
-- C++ compiler:         
-- C++ flags:            
-- C Flags release:      -O3 -DNDEBUG 
-- C++ Flags release:     
-- Fortran compiler:     /usr/local/bin/gfortran 
-- compile definitions:  BLAS_Apple
-- BLAS integer:         int32_t
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Configuring done (0.8s)
CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:189 (target_link_libraries):
  Target "SuiteSparseConfig" links to:


  but the target was not found.  Possible reasons include:

    * There is a typo in the target name.
    * A find_package call is missing for an IMPORTED target.
    * An ALIAS target is missing.

CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:194 (target_link_libraries):
  Target "SuiteSparseConfig_static" links to:


  but the target was not found.  Possible reasons include:

    * There is a typo in the target name.
    * A find_package call is missing for an IMPORTED target.
    * An ALIAS target is missing.

-- Generating done (0.0s)
CMake Generate step failed.  Build files cannot be regenerated correctly.
make[5]: *** [library] Error 1
make[4]: *** [library] Error 2
make[3]: *** [libSuiteSparse-prefix/src/libSuiteSparse-stamp/libSuiteSparse-build] Error 2
make[2]: *** [CMakeFiles/libSuiteSparse.dir/all] Error 2
make[1]: *** [src/pde/CauchyRiemann/CMakeFiles/CauchyRiemannLib.dir/rule] Error 2
make: *** [CauchyRiemannLib] Error 2

real	0m7.855s
user	0m6.728s
sys	0m0.978s
+ for i in '$SANSLIBS'
+ make toolsLib
+ tee -a build.out
[  0%] Checking style of src/tools/AlignMem.h
[  0%] Checking style of src/tools/Axes.h
[  0%] Checking style of src/tools/BackTraceException.cpp
[  0%] Checking style of src/tools/CacheLineSize.h
[  0%] Checking style of src/tools/KahanSum.h
[  0%] Checking style of src/tools/PointerArray.h
[  0%] Checking style of src/tools/PointerSequence.h
[  0%] Checking style of src/tools/ProgressBar.h
[  0%] Checking style of src/tools/Ref.h
[  0%] Checking style of src/tools/SANSException.h
[  0%] Checking style of src/tools/SANSTraitsInitListAssign.h
[  0%] Checking style of src/tools/SANSTraitsPOD.h
[  0%] Checking style of src/tools/SANSTraitsScalar.h
[  0%] Checking style of src/tools/SANSnumerics.h
[  0%] Checking style of src/tools/Tuple.h
[  0%] Checking style of src/tools/Type2String.h
[  0%] Checking style of src/tools/WhichType.h
[  0%] Checking style of src/tools/abs.h
[  0%] Checking style of src/tools/add_decorator.h
[  0%] Checking style of src/tools/always_inline.h
[  0%] Checking style of src/tools/call_derived_functor.h
[  0%] Checking style of src/tools/call_with_derived.h
[  0%] Checking style of src/tools/demangle.h
[  0%] Checking style of src/tools/file_extension.h
[  0%] Checking style of src/tools/file_skiplines.h
[  0%] Checking style of src/tools/init_array_copy.h
[  0%] Checking style of src/tools/linspace.h
[  0%] Checking style of src/tools/make_unique.h
[  0%] Checking style of src/tools/minmax.h
[  0%] Checking style of src/tools/noncopyable.h
[  0%] Checking style of src/tools/output_std_vector.h
[  0%] Checking style of src/tools/plus_std_vector.h
[  0%] Checking style of src/tools/safe_at.h
[  0%] Checking style of src/tools/sign.h
[  0%] Checking style of src/tools/smoothmath.h
[  0%] Checking style of src/tools/split_cat_std_vector.h
[  0%] Checking style of src/tools/split_string.h
[  0%] Checking style of src/tools/stringify.h
[  0%] Checking style of src/tools/system_call.h
[  0%] Checking style of src/tools/timer.h
[  0%] Checking style of src/tools/SANSException.cpp
[  0%] Checking style of src/tools/demangle.cpp
[  0%] Checking style of src/tools/split_string.cpp
[  0%] Checking style of src/tools/system_call.cpp
[  0%] Built target toolsLib_vera
[  0%] Performing update step for 'libSuiteSparse'
[  0%] No patch step for 'libSuiteSparse'
[  0%] No configure step for 'libSuiteSparse'
[  0%] Performing build step for 'libSuiteSparse'
-- Building SuiteSparse_config version: v7.4.0 (Dec 30, 2023)
-- Source:           /Users/jenkins/workspace/SANS_Nightly/builddir/analyze_clang/buildnode/macys/external/SuiteSparse/SuiteSparse_config 
-- Build:            /Users/jenkins/workspace/SANS_Nightly/builddir/analyze_clang/buildnode/macys/external/SuiteSparse/SuiteSparse_config/build 
-- Install lib:      lib
-- Install include:  include/suitesparse
-- Install bin:      bin
-- Install pkg-file: lib
-- Install rpath:    $ORIGIN
-- Build   rpath:    
-- Build type:       Release 
-- Fortran:          /usr/local/bin/gfortran
-- CUDA:             not found
-- CUDA:             not enabled
-- Could NOT find OpenMP_C (missing: OpenMP_C_FLAGS OpenMP_C_LIB_NAMES) 
-- Could NOT find OpenMP (missing: OpenMP_C_FOUND) (found version "4.5")
-- SuiteSparse has OpenMP:        OFF
-- SuiteSparse_config has OpenMP: OFF
-- Looking for Intel 32-bit BLAS
-- Could NOT find BLAS (missing: BLAS_LIBRARIES) 
-- Looking for 32-bit Apple BLAS
-- Found Apple 32-bit BLAS
-- OpenMP C libraries:       
-- OpenMP C include:         
-- OpenMP C flags:          NOTFOUND 
-- BLAS libraries:      /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX14.2.sdk/System/Library/Frameworks/Accelerate.framework 
-- BLAS linker flags:    
-- BLAS include:         
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- SuiteSparse CMAKE report for: SuiteSparseConfig
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- inside common SuiteSparse root:  OFF
-- install in SuiteSparse/lib and SuiteSparse/include: OFF
-- build type:           Release
-- C compiler:           /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/clang 
-- C flags:              
-- C++ compiler:         
-- C++ flags:            
-- C Flags release:      -O3 -DNDEBUG 
-- C++ Flags release:     
-- Fortran compiler:     /usr/local/bin/gfortran 
-- compile definitions:  BLAS_Apple
-- BLAS integer:         int32_t
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Configuring done (0.9s)
CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:189 (target_link_libraries):
  Target "SuiteSparseConfig" links to:


  but the target was not found.  Possible reasons include:

    * There is a typo in the target name.
    * A find_package call is missing for an IMPORTED target.
    * An ALIAS target is missing.

CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:194 (target_link_libraries):
  Target "SuiteSparseConfig_static" links to:


  but the target was not found.  Possible reasons include:

    * There is a typo in the target name.
    * A find_package call is missing for an IMPORTED target.
    * An ALIAS target is missing.

-- Generating done (0.0s)
CMake Generate step failed.  Build files cannot be regenerated correctly.
make[5]: *** [library] Error 1
make[4]: *** [library] Error 2
make[3]: *** [libSuiteSparse-prefix/src/libSuiteSparse-stamp/libSuiteSparse-build] Error 2
make[2]: *** [CMakeFiles/libSuiteSparse.dir/all] Error 2
make[1]: *** [src/tools/CMakeFiles/toolsLib.dir/rule] Error 2
make: *** [toolsLib] Error 2

real	0m11.659s
user	0m9.398s
sys	0m1.789s
+ for i in '$SANSLIBS'
+ make BasisFunctionLib
+ tee -a build.out
[  0%] Checking style of src/BasisFunction/BasisFunctionArea.h
[  0%] Checking style of src/BasisFunction/BasisFunctionArea_Projection.cpp
[  0%] Checking style of src/BasisFunction/BasisFunctionArea_Projection.h
[  0%] Checking style of src/BasisFunction/BasisFunctionArea_Quad.cpp
[  0%] Checking style of src/BasisFunction/BasisFunctionArea_Quad.h
[  0%] Checking style of src/BasisFunction/BasisFunctionArea_Quad_Bernstein.cpp
[  0%] Checking style of src/BasisFunction/BasisFunctionArea_Quad_Bernstein.h
[  0%] Checking style of src/BasisFunction/BasisFunctionArea_Quad_Hierarchical.cpp
[  0%] Checking style of src/BasisFunction/BasisFunctionArea_Quad_Hierarchical.h
[  0%] Checking style of src/BasisFunction/BasisFunctionArea_Quad_Lagrange.cpp
[  0%] Checking style of src/BasisFunction/BasisFunctionArea_Quad_Lagrange.h
[  0%] Checking style of src/BasisFunction/BasisFunctionArea_Quad_Legendre.cpp
[  0%] Checking style of src/BasisFunction/BasisFunctionArea_Quad_Legendre.h
[ 50%] Checking style of src/BasisFunction/BasisFunctionArea_Quad_RBS.cpp
[ 50%] Checking style of src/BasisFunction/BasisFunctionArea_Quad_RBS.h
[ 50%] Checking style of src/BasisFunction/BasisFunctionArea_Triangle.cpp
[ 50%] Checking style of src/BasisFunction/BasisFunctionArea_Triangle.h
[ 50%] Checking style of src/BasisFunction/BasisFunctionArea_Triangle_Bernstein.cpp
[ 50%] Checking style of src/BasisFunction/BasisFunctionArea_Triangle_Bernstein.h
[ 50%] Checking style of src/BasisFunction/BasisFunctionArea_Triangle_Hierarchical.cpp
[ 50%] Checking style of src/BasisFunction/BasisFunctionArea_Triangle_Hierarchical.h
[ 50%] Checking style of src/BasisFunction/BasisFunctionArea_Triangle_Lagrange.cpp
[ 50%] Checking style of src/BasisFunction/BasisFunctionArea_Triangle_Lagrange.h
[ 50%] Checking style of src/BasisFunction/BasisFunctionArea_Triangle_Legendre.cpp
[ 50%] Checking style of src/BasisFunction/BasisFunctionArea_Triangle_Legendre.h
[ 50%] Checking style of src/BasisFunction/BasisFunctionArea_Triangle_RBS.cpp
[ 50%] Checking style of src/BasisFunction/BasisFunctionArea_Triangle_RBS.h
[ 50%] Checking style of src/BasisFunction/BasisFunctionBase.h
[ 50%] Checking style of src/BasisFunction/BasisFunctionCategory.h
[ 50%] Checking style of src/BasisFunction/BasisFunctionLine.cpp
[ 50%] Checking style of src/BasisFunction/BasisFunctionLine.h
[ 50%] Checking style of src/BasisFunction/BasisFunctionLineBase.h
[ 50%] Checking style of src/BasisFunction/BasisFunctionLine_Bernstein.cpp
[ 50%] Checking style of src/BasisFunction/BasisFunctionLine_Bernstein.h
[ 50%] Checking style of src/BasisFunction/BasisFunctionLine_Hierarchical.cpp
[ 50%] Checking style of src/BasisFunction/BasisFunctionLine_Hierarchical.h
[ 50%] Checking style of src/BasisFunction/BasisFunctionLine_Lagrange.cpp
[ 50%] Checking style of src/BasisFunction/BasisFunctionLine_Lagrange.h
[ 50%] Checking style of src/BasisFunction/BasisFunctionLine_Legendre.cpp
[ 50%] Checking style of src/BasisFunction/BasisFunctionLine_Legendre.h
[ 50%] Checking style of src/BasisFunction/BasisFunctionLine_Projection.cpp
[ 50%] Checking style of src/BasisFunction/BasisFunctionLine_Projection.h
[ 50%] Checking style of src/BasisFunction/BasisFunctionLine_RBS.cpp
[ 50%] Checking style of src/BasisFunction/BasisFunctionLine_RBS.h
[ 50%] Checking style of src/BasisFunction/BasisFunctionNode.cpp
[ 50%] Checking style of src/BasisFunction/BasisFunctionNode.h
[ 50%] Checking style of src/BasisFunction/BasisFunctionSpacetime.h
[ 50%] Checking style of src/BasisFunction/BasisFunctionSpacetime_Pentatope.cpp
[ 50%] Checking style of src/BasisFunction/BasisFunctionSpacetime_Pentatope.h
[ 50%] Checking style of src/BasisFunction/BasisFunctionSpacetime_Pentatope_Bernstein.cpp
[ 50%] Checking style of src/BasisFunction/BasisFunctionSpacetime_Pentatope_Bernstein.h
[ 50%] Checking style of src/BasisFunction/BasisFunctionSpacetime_Pentatope_Hierarchical.h
[ 50%] Checking style of src/BasisFunction/BasisFunctionSpacetime_Pentatope_Lagrange.cpp
[ 50%] Checking style of src/BasisFunction/BasisFunctionSpacetime_Pentatope_Lagrange.h
[ 50%] Checking style of src/BasisFunction/BasisFunctionSpacetime_Pentatope_Legendre.cpp
[ 50%] Checking style of src/BasisFunction/BasisFunctionSpacetime_Pentatope_Legendre.h
[ 50%] Checking style of src/BasisFunction/BasisFunctionSpacetime_Projection.cpp
[ 50%] Checking style of src/BasisFunction/BasisFunctionSpacetime_Projection.h
[ 50%] Checking style of src/BasisFunction/BasisFunctionVolume.h
[ 50%] Checking style of src/BasisFunction/BasisFunctionVolume_Hexahedron.cpp
[ 50%] Checking style of src/BasisFunction/BasisFunctionVolume_Hexahedron.h
[ 50%] Checking style of src/BasisFunction/BasisFunctionVolume_Hexahedron_Bernstein.cpp
[ 50%] Checking style of src/BasisFunction/BasisFunctionVolume_Hexahedron_Bernstein.h
[ 50%] Checking style of src/BasisFunction/BasisFunctionVolume_Hexahedron_Hierarchical.cpp
[ 50%] Checking style of src/BasisFunction/BasisFunctionVolume_Hexahedron_Hierarchical.h
[ 50%] Checking style of src/BasisFunction/BasisFunctionVolume_Hexahedron_Lagrange.cpp
[ 50%] Checking style of src/BasisFunction/BasisFunctionVolume_Hexahedron_Lagrange.h
[ 50%] Checking style of src/BasisFunction/BasisFunctionVolume_Hexahedron_Legendre.cpp
[ 50%] Checking style of src/BasisFunction/BasisFunctionVolume_Hexahedron_Legendre.h
[ 50%] Checking style of src/BasisFunction/BasisFunctionVolume_Hexahedron_RBS.cpp
[ 50%] Checking style of src/BasisFunction/BasisFunctionVolume_Hexahedron_RBS.h
[ 50%] Checking style of src/BasisFunction/BasisFunctionVolume_Projection.cpp
[ 50%] Checking style of src/BasisFunction/BasisFunctionVolume_Projection.h
[ 50%] Checking style of src/BasisFunction/BasisFunctionVolume_Tetrahedron.cpp
[ 50%] Checking style of src/BasisFunction/BasisFunctionVolume_Tetrahedron.h
[ 50%] Checking style of src/BasisFunction/BasisFunctionVolume_Tetrahedron_Bernstein.cpp
[ 50%] Checking style of src/BasisFunction/BasisFunctionVolume_Tetrahedron_Bernstein.h
[ 50%] Checking style of src/BasisFunction/BasisFunctionVolume_Tetrahedron_Hierarchical.cpp
[ 50%] Checking style of src/BasisFunction/BasisFunctionVolume_Tetrahedron_Hierarchical.h
[ 50%] Checking style of src/BasisFunction/BasisFunctionVolume_Tetrahedron_Lagrange.cpp
[ 50%] Checking style of src/BasisFunction/BasisFunctionVolume_Tetrahedron_Lagrange.h
[ 50%] Checking style of src/BasisFunction/BasisFunctionVolume_Tetrahedron_Legendre.cpp
[ 50%] Checking style of src/BasisFunction/BasisFunctionVolume_Tetrahedron_Legendre.h
[ 50%] Checking style of src/BasisFunction/BasisFunctionVolume_Tetrahedron_RBS.cpp
[ 50%] Checking style of src/BasisFunction/BasisFunctionVolume_Tetrahedron_RBS.h
[ 50%] Checking style of src/BasisFunction/BasisFunction_RefElement_Split.cpp
[ 50%] Checking style of src/BasisFunction/BasisFunction_RefElement_Split.h
[ 50%] Checking style of src/BasisFunction/BasisFunction_RefElement_Split_TraceToCell.cpp
[ 50%] Checking style of src/BasisFunction/BasisFunction_RefElement_Split_TraceToCell.h
[ 50%] Checking style of src/BasisFunction/BasisFunction_TraceOrientation.cpp
[ 50%] Checking style of src/BasisFunction/BasisFunction_TraceOrientation.h
[ 50%] Checking style of src/BasisFunction/BasisPoint.h
[ 50%] Checking style of src/BasisFunction/BasisPointDerivative.h
[ 50%] Checking style of src/BasisFunction/CanonicalTraceToCell.h
[ 50%] Checking style of src/BasisFunction/ElementEdges.h
[ 50%] Checking style of src/BasisFunction/ElementFrame.h
[ 50%] Checking style of src/BasisFunction/LagrangeDOFMap.h
[ 50%] Checking style of src/BasisFunction/Quadrature_Cache.h
[ 50%] Checking style of src/BasisFunction/RefElement_Split_Types.h
[ 50%] Checking style of src/BasisFunction/ReferenceElement.h
[ 50%] Checking style of src/BasisFunction/TraceToCellRefCoord.h
[ 50%] Checking style of src/BasisFunction/CellToTrace.cpp
[ 50%] Checking style of src/BasisFunction/ElementEdges.cpp
[ 50%] Checking style of src/BasisFunction/ElementFrame.cpp
[ 50%] Checking style of src/BasisFunction/ReferenceElement.cpp
[ 50%] Checking style of src/BasisFunction/TraceToCellRefCoord_Hexahedron.cpp
[ 50%] Checking style of src/BasisFunction/TraceToCellRefCoord_Line.cpp
[ 50%] Checking style of src/BasisFunction/TraceToCellRefCoord_Pentatope.cpp
[ 50%] Checking style of src/BasisFunction/TraceToCellRefCoord_Quad.cpp
[ 50%] Checking style of src/BasisFunction/TraceToCellRefCoord_Tetrahedron.cpp
[ 50%] Checking style of src/BasisFunction/TraceToCellRefCoord_Triangle.cpp
[ 50%] Built target BasisFunctionLib_vera
[ 50%] Performing update step for 'libSuiteSparse'
[ 50%] No patch step for 'libSuiteSparse'
[ 50%] No configure step for 'libSuiteSparse'
[ 50%] Performing build step for 'libSuiteSparse'
-- Building SuiteSparse_config version: v7.4.0 (Dec 30, 2023)
-- Source:           /Users/jenkins/workspace/SANS_Nightly/builddir/analyze_clang/buildnode/macys/external/SuiteSparse/SuiteSparse_config 
-- Build:            /Users/jenkins/workspace/SANS_Nightly/builddir/analyze_clang/buildnode/macys/external/SuiteSparse/SuiteSparse_config/build 
-- Install lib:      lib
-- Install include:  include/suitesparse
-- Install bin:      bin
-- Install pkg-file: lib
-- Install rpath:    $ORIGIN
-- Build   rpath:    
-- Build type:       Release 
-- Fortran:          /usr/local/bin/gfortran
-- CUDA:             not found
-- CUDA:             not enabled
-- Could NOT find OpenMP_C (missing: OpenMP_C_FLAGS OpenMP_C_LIB_NAMES) 
-- Could NOT find OpenMP (missing: OpenMP_C_FOUND) (found version "4.5")
-- SuiteSparse has OpenMP:        OFF
-- SuiteSparse_config has OpenMP: OFF
-- Looking for Intel 32-bit BLAS
-- Could NOT find BLAS (missing: BLAS_LIBRARIES) 
-- Looking for 32-bit Apple BLAS
-- Found Apple 32-bit BLAS
-- OpenMP C libraries:       
-- OpenMP C include:         
-- OpenMP C flags:          NOTFOUND 
-- BLAS libraries:      /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX14.2.sdk/System/Library/Frameworks/Accelerate.framework 
-- BLAS linker flags:    
-- BLAS include:         
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- SuiteSparse CMAKE report for: SuiteSparseConfig
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- inside common SuiteSparse root:  OFF
-- install in SuiteSparse/lib and SuiteSparse/include: OFF
-- build type:           Release
-- C compiler:           /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/clang 
-- C flags:              
-- C++ compiler:         
-- C++ flags:            
-- C Flags release:      -O3 -DNDEBUG 
-- C++ Flags release:     
-- Fortran compiler:     /usr/local/bin/gfortran 
-- compile definitions:  BLAS_Apple
-- BLAS integer:         int32_t
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Configuring done (0.9s)
CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:189 (target_link_libraries):
  Target "SuiteSparseConfig" links to:


  but the target was not found.  Possible reasons include:

    * There is a typo in the target name.
    * A find_package call is missing for an IMPORTED target.
    * An ALIAS target is missing.

CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:194 (target_link_libraries):
  Target "SuiteSparseConfig_static" links to:


  but the target was not found.  Possible reasons include:

    * There is a typo in the target name.
    * A find_package call is missing for an IMPORTED target.
    * An ALIAS target is missing.

-- Generating done (0.0s)
CMake Generate step failed.  Build files cannot be regenerated correctly.
make[5]: *** [library] Error 1
make[4]: *** [library] Error 2
make[3]: *** [libSuiteSparse-prefix/src/libSuiteSparse-stamp/libSuiteSparse-build] Error 2
make[2]: *** [CMakeFiles/libSuiteSparse.dir/all] Error 2
make[1]: *** [src/BasisFunction/CMakeFiles/BasisFunctionLib.dir/rule] Error 2
make: *** [BasisFunctionLib] Error 2

real	0m22.173s
user	0m17.171s
sys	0m3.277s
+ for i in '$SANSLIBS'
+ make OutputFunctionalLib
+ tee -a build.out
[  0%] Checking style of src/OutputFunctional/FunctionalCellwise.h
[  0%] Checking style of src/OutputFunctional/IntegrandBoundaryTrace_LagrangeMultiplier.h
[  0%] Checking style of src/OutputFunctional/QtoOutput_ShallowWater1D.h
[  0%] Checking style of src/OutputFunctional/QtoOutput_ShallowWater2D.h
[  0%] Checking style of src/OutputFunctional/QtoOutput_ShallowWater2D_manifold.h
[  0%] Built target OutputFunctionalLib_vera
[  0%] Performing update step for 'libSuiteSparse'
[  0%] No patch step for 'libSuiteSparse'
[  0%] No configure step for 'libSuiteSparse'
[  0%] Performing build step for 'libSuiteSparse'
-- Building SuiteSparse_config version: v7.4.0 (Dec 30, 2023)
-- Source:           /Users/jenkins/workspace/SANS_Nightly/builddir/analyze_clang/buildnode/macys/external/SuiteSparse/SuiteSparse_config 
-- Build:            /Users/jenkins/workspace/SANS_Nightly/builddir/analyze_clang/buildnode/macys/external/SuiteSparse/SuiteSparse_config/build 
-- Install lib:      lib
-- Install include:  include/suitesparse
-- Install bin:      bin
-- Install pkg-file: lib
-- Install rpath:    $ORIGIN
-- Build   rpath:    
-- Build type:       Release 
-- Fortran:          /usr/local/bin/gfortran
-- CUDA:             not found
-- CUDA:             not enabled
-- Could NOT find OpenMP_C (missing: OpenMP_C_FLAGS OpenMP_C_LIB_NAMES) 
-- Could NOT find OpenMP (missing: OpenMP_C_FOUND) (found version "4.5")
-- SuiteSparse has OpenMP:        OFF
-- SuiteSparse_config has OpenMP: OFF
-- Looking for Intel 32-bit BLAS
-- Could NOT find BLAS (missing: BLAS_LIBRARIES) 
-- Looking for 32-bit Apple BLAS
-- Found Apple 32-bit BLAS
-- OpenMP C libraries:       
-- OpenMP C include:         
-- OpenMP C flags:          NOTFOUND 
-- BLAS libraries:      /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX14.2.sdk/System/Library/Frameworks/Accelerate.framework 
-- BLAS linker flags:    
-- BLAS include:         
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- SuiteSparse CMAKE report for: SuiteSparseConfig
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- inside common SuiteSparse root:  OFF
-- install in SuiteSparse/lib and SuiteSparse/include: OFF
-- build type:           Release
-- C compiler:           /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/clang 
-- C flags:              
-- C++ compiler:         
-- C++ flags:            
-- C Flags release:      -O3 -DNDEBUG 
-- C++ Flags release:     
-- Fortran compiler:     /usr/local/bin/gfortran 
-- compile definitions:  BLAS_Apple
-- BLAS integer:         int32_t
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Configuring done (0.8s)
CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:189 (target_link_libraries):
  Target "SuiteSparseConfig" links to:


  but the target was not found.  Possible reasons include:

    * There is a typo in the target name.
    * A find_package call is missing for an IMPORTED target.
    * An ALIAS target is missing.

CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:194 (target_link_libraries):
  Target "SuiteSparseConfig_static" links to:


  but the target was not found.  Possible reasons include:

    * There is a typo in the target name.
    * A find_package call is missing for an IMPORTED target.
    * An ALIAS target is missing.

-- Generating done (0.0s)
CMake Generate step failed.  Build files cannot be regenerated correctly.
make[5]: *** [library] Error 1
make[4]: *** [library] Error 2
make[3]: *** [libSuiteSparse-prefix/src/libSuiteSparse-stamp/libSuiteSparse-build] Error 2
make[2]: *** [CMakeFiles/libSuiteSparse.dir/all] Error 2
make[1]: *** [src/OutputFunctional/CMakeFiles/OutputFunctionalLib.dir/rule] Error 2
make: *** [OutputFunctionalLib] Error 2

real	0m8.312s
user	0m7.184s
sys	0m1.002s
+ for i in '$SANSLIBS'
+ make GalerkinLib
+ tee -a build.out
[ 83%] Built target Discretization_vera
[ 83%] Performing update step for 'libSuiteSparse'
[ 83%] No patch step for 'libSuiteSparse'
[ 83%] No configure step for 'libSuiteSparse'
[ 83%] Performing build step for 'libSuiteSparse'
-- Building SuiteSparse_config version: v7.4.0 (Dec 30, 2023)
-- Source:           /Users/jenkins/workspace/SANS_Nightly/builddir/analyze_clang/buildnode/macys/external/SuiteSparse/SuiteSparse_config 
-- Build:            /Users/jenkins/workspace/SANS_Nightly/builddir/analyze_clang/buildnode/macys/external/SuiteSparse/SuiteSparse_config/build 
-- Install lib:      lib
-- Install include:  include/suitesparse
-- Install bin:      bin
-- Install pkg-file: lib
-- Install rpath:    $ORIGIN
-- Build   rpath:    
-- Build type:       Release 
-- Fortran:          /usr/local/bin/gfortran
-- CUDA:             not found
-- CUDA:             not enabled
-- Could NOT find OpenMP_C (missing: OpenMP_C_FLAGS OpenMP_C_LIB_NAMES) 
-- Could NOT find OpenMP (missing: OpenMP_C_FOUND) (found version "4.5")
-- SuiteSparse has OpenMP:        OFF
-- SuiteSparse_config has OpenMP: OFF
-- Looking for Intel 32-bit BLAS
-- Could NOT find BLAS (missing: BLAS_LIBRARIES) 
-- Looking for 32-bit Apple BLAS
-- Found Apple 32-bit BLAS
-- OpenMP C libraries:       
-- OpenMP C include:         
-- OpenMP C flags:          NOTFOUND 
-- BLAS libraries:      /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX14.2.sdk/System/Library/Frameworks/Accelerate.framework 
-- BLAS linker flags:    
-- BLAS include:         
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- SuiteSparse CMAKE report for: SuiteSparseConfig
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- inside common SuiteSparse root:  OFF
-- install in SuiteSparse/lib and SuiteSparse/include: OFF
-- build type:           Release
-- C compiler:           /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/clang 
-- C flags:              
-- C++ compiler:         
-- C++ flags:            
-- C Flags release:      -O3 -DNDEBUG 
-- C++ Flags release:     
-- Fortran compiler:     /usr/local/bin/gfortran 
-- compile definitions:  BLAS_Apple
-- BLAS integer:         int32_t
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Configuring done (0.9s)
CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:189 (target_link_libraries):
  Target "SuiteSparseConfig" links to:


  but the target was not found.  Possible reasons include:

    * There is a typo in the target name.
    * A find_package call is missing for an IMPORTED target.
    * An ALIAS target is missing.

CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:194 (target_link_libraries):
  Target "SuiteSparseConfig_static" links to:


  but the target was not found.  Possible reasons include:

    * There is a typo in the target name.
    * A find_package call is missing for an IMPORTED target.
    * An ALIAS target is missing.

-- Generating done (0.0s)
CMake Generate step failed.  Build files cannot be regenerated correctly.
make[5]: *** [library] Error 1
make[4]: *** [library] Error 2
make[3]: *** [libSuiteSparse-prefix/src/libSuiteSparse-stamp/libSuiteSparse-build] Error 2
make[2]: *** [CMakeFiles/libSuiteSparse.dir/all] Error 2
make[1]: *** [src/Discretization/CMakeFiles/GalerkinLib.dir/rule] Error 2
make: *** [GalerkinLib] Error 2

real	0m7.800s
user	0m6.811s
sys	0m0.940s
+ make unit_build
+ tee -a build.out
[  0%] Built target libtriangle
[  0%] Performing update step for 'libSuiteSparse'
[  0%] No patch step for 'libSuiteSparse'
[  0%] No configure step for 'libSuiteSparse'
[  0%] Performing build step for 'libSuiteSparse'
-- Building SuiteSparse_config version: v7.4.0 (Dec 30, 2023)
-- Source:           /Users/jenkins/workspace/SANS_Nightly/builddir/analyze_clang/buildnode/macys/external/SuiteSparse/SuiteSparse_config 
-- Build:            /Users/jenkins/workspace/SANS_Nightly/builddir/analyze_clang/buildnode/macys/external/SuiteSparse/SuiteSparse_config/build 
-- Install lib:      lib
-- Install include:  include/suitesparse
-- Install bin:      bin
-- Install pkg-file: lib
-- Install rpath:    $ORIGIN
-- Build   rpath:    
-- Build type:       Release 
-- Fortran:          /usr/local/bin/gfortran
-- CUDA:             not found
-- CUDA:             not enabled
-- Could NOT find OpenMP_C (missing: OpenMP_C_FLAGS OpenMP_C_LIB_NAMES) 
-- Could NOT find OpenMP (missing: OpenMP_C_FOUND) (found version "4.5")
-- SuiteSparse has OpenMP:        OFF
-- SuiteSparse_config has OpenMP: OFF
-- Looking for Intel 32-bit BLAS
-- Could NOT find BLAS (missing: BLAS_LIBRARIES) 
-- Looking for 32-bit Apple BLAS
-- Found Apple 32-bit BLAS
-- OpenMP C libraries:       
-- OpenMP C include:         
-- OpenMP C flags:          NOTFOUND 
-- BLAS libraries:      /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX14.2.sdk/System/Library/Frameworks/Accelerate.framework 
-- BLAS linker flags:    
-- BLAS include:         
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- SuiteSparse CMAKE report for: SuiteSparseConfig
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- inside common SuiteSparse root:  OFF
-- install in SuiteSparse/lib and SuiteSparse/include: OFF
-- build type:           Release
-- C compiler:           /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/clang 
-- C flags:              
-- C++ compiler:         
-- C++ flags:            
-- C Flags release:      -O3 -DNDEBUG 
-- C++ Flags release:     
-- Fortran compiler:     /usr/local/bin/gfortran 
-- compile definitions:  BLAS_Apple
-- BLAS integer:         int32_t
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Configuring done (0.8s)
CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:189 (target_link_libraries):
  Target "SuiteSparseConfig" links to:


  but the target was not found.  Possible reasons include:

    * There is a typo in the target name.
    * A find_package call is missing for an IMPORTED target.
    * An ALIAS target is missing.

CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:194 (target_link_libraries):
  Target "SuiteSparseConfig_static" links to:


  but the target was not found.  Possible reasons include:

    * There is a typo in the target name.
    * A find_package call is missing for an IMPORTED target.
    * An ALIAS target is missing.

-- Generating done (0.0s)
CMake Generate step failed.  Build files cannot be regenerated correctly.
make[5]: *** [library] Error 1
make[4]: *** [library] Error 2
make[3]: *** [libSuiteSparse-prefix/src/libSuiteSparse-stamp/libSuiteSparse-build] Error 2
make[2]: *** [CMakeFiles/libSuiteSparse.dir/all] Error 2
make[1]: *** [test/unit/CMakeFiles/unit_build.dir/rule] Error 2
make: *** [unit_build] Error 2

real	0m8.046s
user	0m7.072s
sys	0m0.925s
+ make system_build
+ tee -a build.out
[  0%] Built target libtriangle
[  0%] Performing update step for 'libSuiteSparse'
[  0%] No patch step for 'libSuiteSparse'
[  0%] No configure step for 'libSuiteSparse'
[  0%] Performing build step for 'libSuiteSparse'
-- Building SuiteSparse_config version: v7.4.0 (Dec 30, 2023)
-- Source:           /Users/jenkins/workspace/SANS_Nightly/builddir/analyze_clang/buildnode/macys/external/SuiteSparse/SuiteSparse_config 
-- Build:            /Users/jenkins/workspace/SANS_Nightly/builddir/analyze_clang/buildnode/macys/external/SuiteSparse/SuiteSparse_config/build 
-- Install lib:      lib
-- Install include:  include/suitesparse
-- Install bin:      bin
-- Install pkg-file: lib
-- Install rpath:    $ORIGIN
-- Build   rpath:    
-- Build type:       Release 
-- Fortran:          /usr/local/bin/gfortran
-- CUDA:             not found
-- CUDA:             not enabled
-- Could NOT find OpenMP_C (missing: OpenMP_C_FLAGS OpenMP_C_LIB_NAMES) 
-- Could NOT find OpenMP (missing: OpenMP_C_FOUND) (found version "4.5")
-- SuiteSparse has OpenMP:        OFF
-- SuiteSparse_config has OpenMP: OFF
-- Looking for Intel 32-bit BLAS
-- Could NOT find BLAS (missing: BLAS_LIBRARIES) 
-- Looking for 32-bit Apple BLAS
-- Found Apple 32-bit BLAS
-- OpenMP C libraries:       
-- OpenMP C include:         
-- OpenMP C flags:          NOTFOUND 
-- BLAS libraries:      /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX14.2.sdk/System/Library/Frameworks/Accelerate.framework 
-- BLAS linker flags:    
-- BLAS include:         
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- SuiteSparse CMAKE report for: SuiteSparseConfig
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- inside common SuiteSparse root:  OFF
-- install in SuiteSparse/lib and SuiteSparse/include: OFF
-- build type:           Release
-- C compiler:           /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/clang 
-- C flags:              
-- C++ compiler:         
-- C++ flags:            
-- C Flags release:      -O3 -DNDEBUG 
-- C++ Flags release:     
-- Fortran compiler:     /usr/local/bin/gfortran 
-- compile definitions:  BLAS_Apple
-- BLAS integer:         int32_t
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Configuring done (0.9s)
CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:189 (target_link_libraries):
  Target "SuiteSparseConfig" links to:


  but the target was not found.  Possible reasons include:

    * There is a typo in the target name.
    * A find_package call is missing for an IMPORTED target.
    * An ALIAS target is missing.

CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:194 (target_link_libraries):
  Target "SuiteSparseConfig_static" links to:


  but the target was not found.  Possible reasons include:

    * There is a typo in the target name.
    * A find_package call is missing for an IMPORTED target.
    * An ALIAS target is missing.

-- Generating done (0.0s)
CMake Generate step failed.  Build files cannot be regenerated correctly.
make[5]: *** [library] Error 1
make[4]: *** [library] Error 2
make[3]: *** [libSuiteSparse-prefix/src/libSuiteSparse-stamp/libSuiteSparse-build] Error 2
make[2]: *** [CMakeFiles/libSuiteSparse.dir/all] Error 2
make[1]: *** [test/system/CMakeFiles/system_build.dir/rule] Error 2
make: *** [system_build] Error 2

real	0m7.532s
user	0m6.556s
sys	0m0.946s
+ [[ analyze_clang == *\a\n\a\l\y\z\e* ]]
+ make sandbox_build
+ tee -a build.out
[  0%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Adapt1D_DGAdvective_Line_Euler_GilesPierce_toy.cpp
[  2%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Adapt1D_DGBR2_Line_Euler_GilesPierce_toy.cpp
[  2%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Adapt1D_DGBR2_Line_Euler_SSMENozzle_toy.cpp
[  2%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Adapt1D_DGBR2_MMS_toy.cpp
[  2%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Adapt1D_Galerkin_Stabilized_AD_BoundaryLayer_toy.cpp
[  2%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Adapt1D_Galerkin_Stabilized_AR_toy.cpp
[  2%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Adapt1D_L2Project_MOESS_toy.cpp
[  2%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Adapt2D_CGStabilized_HOW5_CI1_ArtificialViscosity_toy.cpp
[  2%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Adapt2D_CGStabilized_Triangle_RANSSA_Joukowski_ArtificialViscosity_toy.cpp
[  2%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Adapt2D_CGStabilized_Triangle_RANSSA_Joukowski_Subsonic_ArtificialViscosity_toy.cpp
[  2%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Adapt2D_CGStabilized_Triangle_RANSSA_Joukowski_Subsonic_toy.cpp
[  2%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Adapt2D_CGStabilized_Triangle_RANSSA_Joukowski_Transonic_ArtificialViscosity_toy.cpp
[  2%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Adapt2D_DGAdvective_Euler_CubicSource_toy.cpp
[  2%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Adapt2D_DGAdvective_Euler_Joukowski_Pointwise_toy.cpp
[  2%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Adapt2D_DGBR2_AD_ArtificialViscosity_toy.cpp
[  2%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Adapt2D_DGBR2_AD_Axisymmetric_DoubleBoundaryLayer_toy.cpp
[  2%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Adapt2D_DGBR2_AD_BlasiusAnnulus_toy.cpp
[  2%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Adapt2D_DGBR2_AD_Burgers_ST_toy.cpp
[  2%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Adapt2D_DGBR2_AD_DoubleBoundaryLayer_toy.cpp
[  2%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Adapt2D_DGBR2_AD_Polar_BlasiusAnnulus_toy.cpp
[  2%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Adapt2D_DGBR2_AD_PrimalOnlyBoundaryLayer_toy.cpp
[  2%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Adapt2D_DGBR2_AD_ST_toy.cpp
[  2%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Adapt2D_DGBR2_AR_toy.cpp
[  2%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Adapt2D_DGBR2_BuckleyLeverett_ArtificialViscosity_ST_Block2x2_toy.cpp
[  2%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Adapt2D_DGBR2_BuckleyLeverett_ArtificialViscosity_ST_toy.cpp
[  2%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Adapt2D_DGBR2_BuckleyLeverett_ST_toy.cpp
[  2%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Adapt2D_DGBR2_Euler_ArtNozzle_AV_ST_toy.cpp
[  2%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Adapt2D_DGBR2_Euler_ArtificialViscosity_ST_toy.cpp
[  2%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Adapt2D_DGBR2_Euler_GilesPierce_AV_toy.cpp
[  2%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Adapt2D_DGBR2_HOW5_CI1_toy.cpp
[  2%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Adapt2D_DGBR2_Helmholtz_toy.cpp
[  2%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Adapt2D_DGBR2_L2_ASExp_toy.cpp
[  2%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Adapt2D_DGBR2_L2_BoundaryLayer_toy.cpp
[  2%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Adapt2D_DGBR2_L2_CornerSingularity_toy.cpp
[  2%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Adapt2D_DGBR2_NavierStokes_BackwardsStep_toy.cpp
[  2%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Adapt2D_DGBR2_NavierStokes_FlatPlate_LikelihoodSweep_toy.cpp
[  2%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Adapt2D_DGBR2_NavierStokes_FlatPlate_MCMC_toy.cpp
[  2%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Adapt2D_DGBR2_NavierStokes_FlatPlate_toy.cpp
[  2%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Adapt2D_DGBR2_NavierStokes_Joukowski_toy.cpp
[  2%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Adapt2D_DGBR2_NavierStokes_NACADuct_toy.cpp
[  2%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Adapt2D_DGBR2_NavierStokes_ParkMMS_toy.cpp
[  2%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Adapt2D_DGBR2_Poisson_toy.cpp
[  2%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Adapt2D_DGBR2_RANSSA_FlatPlate_toy.cpp
[  2%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Adapt2D_DGBR2_RANSSA_Joukowski_toy.cpp
[  2%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Adapt2D_DGBR2_RANSSA_Nakayama_toy.cpp
[  2%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Adapt2D_DGBR2_Triangle_RANSSA_Joukowski_ArtificialViscosity_toy.cpp
[  2%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Adapt2D_DGBR2_Triangle_RANSSA_Joukowski_Subsonic_ArtificialViscosity_toy.cpp
[  2%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Adapt2D_DGBR2_Triangle_RANSSA_Joukowski_Subsonic_toy.cpp
[  2%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Adapt2D_DGBR2_Triangle_RANSSA_Joukowski_Transonic_ArtificialViscosity_toy.cpp
[  2%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Adapt2D_DGBR2_Triangle_RANSSA_NACA0012_ArtificialViscosity_toy.cpp
[  2%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Adapt2D_DGBR2_Triangle_RANSSA_RAE2822_ArtificialViscosity_toy.cpp
[  2%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Adapt2D_DGBR2_TwoPhase_ArtificialViscosity_ST_toy.cpp
[  2%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Adapt2D_DGBR2_TwoPhase_ST_Symmetric_toy.cpp
[  2%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Adapt2D_DGBR2_TwoPhase_ST_toy.cpp
[  2%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Adapt2D_DGBR2_TwoPhase_Steady_QuarterFiveSpot_toy.cpp
[  2%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Adapt2D_DGBR2_sansBOOM2D_toy.cpp
[  2%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Adapt2D_DGBR2_sansBOOM_toy.cpp
[  2%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Adapt2D_Galerkin_Stabilized_AD_AxiSymDoubleBoundaryLayer_hack_toy.cpp
[  2%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Adapt2D_Galerkin_Stabilized_AD_Axisymmetric_DoubleBoundaryLayer_toy.cpp
[  2%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Adapt2D_Galerkin_Stabilized_AD_BlasiusAnnulus_toy.cpp
[  2%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Adapt2D_Galerkin_Stabilized_AD_DoubleBoundaryLayer_toy.cpp
[  2%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Adapt2D_Galerkin_Stabilized_AD_Polar_BlasiusAnnulus_toy.cpp
[  2%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Adapt2D_Galerkin_Stabilized_AD_Pollutant_toy.cpp
[  2%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Adapt2D_Galerkin_Stabilized_AR_toy.cpp
[  2%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Adapt2D_Galerkin_Stabilized_Euler_CubicSource_toy.cpp
[  2%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Adapt2D_Galerkin_Stabilized_Helmholtz_toy.cpp
[  2%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Adapt2D_Galerkin_Stabilized_L2_CornerSingularity_toy.cpp
[  2%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Adapt2D_Galerkin_Stabilized_NavierStokes_BackwardsStep_toy.cpp
[  2%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Adapt2D_Galerkin_Stabilized_NavierStokes_FlatPlate_toy.cpp
[  2%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Adapt2D_Galerkin_Stabilized_NavierStokes_Joukowski_toy.cpp
[  2%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Adapt2D_Galerkin_Stabilized_Poisson_toy.cpp
[  2%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Adapt2D_Galerkin_Stabilized_RANSSA_Joukowski_toy.cpp
[  2%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Adapt2D_HDG_AD_DoubleBoundaryLayer_toy.cpp
[  2%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Adapt2D_HDG_BuckleyLeverett_ST_toy.cpp
[  2%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Adapt2D_HDG_NavierStokes_FlatPlate_toy.cpp
[  2%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Adapt2D_L2Project_MOESS_toy.cpp
[  2%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Adapt2D_Mesh_Optimizer_toy.cpp
[  2%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Adapt2D_VMSDBR2_AD_Axisymmetric_DoubleBoundaryLayer_toy.cpp
[  2%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Adapt2D_VMSDBR2_AD_BlasiusAnnulus_toy.cpp
[  2%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Adapt2D_VMSDBR2_AD_DoubleBoundaryLayer_toy.cpp
[  2%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Adapt2D_VMSDBR2_AD_Polar_BlasiusAnnulus_toy.cpp
[  2%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Adapt2D_VMSDBR2_AD_ST_toy.cpp
[  2%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Adapt2D_VMSDBR2_Euler_GaussianBump_Transformation_toy.cpp
[  2%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Adapt2D_VMSDBR2_Euler_Ringleb_toy.cpp
[  2%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Adapt2D_VMSDBR2_NavierStokes_Blottner_Mach20_AV_HTC_toy.cpp
[  2%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Adapt2D_VMSDBR2_NavierStokes_LaminarJoukowski_AV_HTC_P1_2k_toy.cpp
[  2%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Adapt2D_VMSDBR2_NavierStokes_LaminarJoukowski_AV_HTC_toy.cpp
[  2%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Adapt2D_VMSDBR2_NavierStokes_ParkMMS_toy.cpp
[  2%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Adapt2D_VMSDBR2_RANSAFT_Flatplate_toy.cpp
[  2%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Adapt2D_VMSDBR2_RANSAFT_Flatplate_toy_BlasiusBC.cpp
[  2%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Adapt2D_VMSDBR2_RANSAFT_Flatplate_toy_RESTART.cpp
[  2%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Adapt2D_VMSDBR2_RANSAFT_NLF_1_0416_toy.cpp
[  2%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Adapt2D_VMSDBR2_RANSSA_AV_MultiElementAirfoil_Q1_toy.cpp
[  2%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Adapt2D_VMSDBR2_RANSSA_AV_MultiElementAirfoil_toy.cpp
[  2%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Adapt2D_VMSDBR2_RANSSA_DuanS_AV_HTC_toy.cpp
[  2%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Adapt2D_VMSDBR2_RANSSA_Flatplate_toy.cpp
[  2%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Adapt2D_VMSDBR2_RANSSA_Joukowski_toy.cpp
[  2%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Adapt2D_VMSDBR2_RANSSA_MultiElementAirfoil_Q1_refine_toy.cpp
[  2%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Adapt2D_VMSDBR2_RANSSA_MultiElementAirfoil_Q1_toy.cpp
[  2%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Adapt2D_VMSDBR2_RANSSA_MultiElementAirfoil_toy.cpp
[  2%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Adapt2D_VMSDBR2_RANSSA_Subsonic_IsoFlatPlate_toy.cpp
[  2%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Adapt2D_VMSDBR2_RANSSA_Supersonic_AV_HTC_toy.cpp
[  2%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Adapt2D_VMSDBR2_WMRANSSA_Airfoil_toy.cpp
[  2%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Adapt2D_VMSDBR2_sansBOOM2D_toy.cpp
[  2%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Adapt2D_VMSD_AD_DoubleBoundaryLayer_toy.cpp
[  2%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Adapt2D_VMSD_RANSSA_Joukowski_toy.cpp
[  2%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Adapt2D_VMSD_RANSSA_RAE2822_toy.cpp
[  2%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Adapt2D_VMSD_Triangle_RANSSA_Joukowski_ArtificialViscosity_toy.cpp
[  2%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Adapt3D_CGStabilized_RANSSA_ArtificialViscosity_ONERA_M6_toy.cpp
[  2%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Adapt3D_CG_TwoPhase_ST_toy.cpp
[  2%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Adapt3D_DGAdvective_Euler_HCH_toy.cpp
[  2%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Adapt3D_DGBR2_AD_HemisphereCylinder_toy.cpp
[  2%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Adapt3D_DGBR2_AD_ST_toy.cpp
[  2%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Adapt3D_DGBR2_AD_TripleBoundaryLayer_toy.cpp
[  2%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Adapt3D_DGBR2_NavierStokes_DeltaWing_Chain_toy.cpp
[  4%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Adapt3D_DGBR2_NavierStokes_DeltaWing_FixDOF_toy.cpp
[  4%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Adapt3D_DGBR2_NavierStokes_DeltaWing_MultiScaleMetric_toy.cpp
[  4%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Adapt3D_DGBR2_NavierStokes_DeltaWing_toy.cpp
[  4%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Adapt3D_DGBR2_NavierStokes_FlatPlate_toy.cpp
[  4%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Adapt3D_DGBR2_NavierStokes_HCH_toy.cpp
[  4%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Adapt3D_DGBR2_NavierStokes_HemisphereCylinder_toy.cpp
[  4%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Adapt3D_DGBR2_RANSSA_ArtificialViscosity_ONERA_M6_toy.cpp
[  4%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Adapt3D_DGBR2_RANSSA_CRM_Sub_toy.cpp
[  4%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Adapt3D_DGBR2_RANSSA_CRM_toy.cpp
[  4%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Adapt3D_DGBR2_RANSSA_CornerFlatPlate_toy.cpp
[  4%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Adapt3D_DGBR2_RANSSA_FlatPlate_toy.cpp
[  4%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Adapt3D_DGBR2_RANSSA_HCH_toy.cpp
[  4%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Adapt3D_DGBR2_RANSSA_HemisphereCylinder_toy.cpp
[  4%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Adapt3D_DGBR2_TwoPhase_ArtificialViscosity_ST_QuarterFiveSpot_toy.cpp
[  4%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Adapt3D_DGBR2_TwoPhase_ArtificialViscosity_ST_SPE10_Lookup_toy.cpp
[  4%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Adapt3D_DGBR2_TwoPhase_ArtificialViscosity_ST_SPE10_Param_toy.cpp
[  4%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Adapt3D_DGBR2_TwoPhase_ArtificialViscosity_ST_internalface2D_toy.cpp
[  4%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Adapt3D_DGBR2_TwoPhase_ST_QuarterFiveSpot_toy.cpp
[  4%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Adapt3D_DGBR2_TwoPhase_ST_internalface2D_toy.cpp
[  4%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Adapt3D_DGBR2_TwoPhase_ST_toy.cpp
[  4%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Adapt3D_Galerkin_Stabilized_AD_ST_toy.cpp
[  4%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Adapt3D_Galerkin_Stabilized_AD_TripleBoundaryLayer_MultiScale_toy.cpp
[  4%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Adapt3D_Galerkin_Stabilized_AD_TripleBoundaryLayer_toy.cpp
[  4%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Adapt3D_Galerkin_Stabilized_NavierStokes_FlatPlate_toy.cpp
[  4%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Adapt3D_L2Project_MOESS_toy.cpp
[  4%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Adapt3D_L2Project_MultiScale_toy.cpp
[  4%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Adapt3D_Mesh_Optimizer_toy.cpp
[  4%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Adapt3D_VMSDBR2_NavierStokes_DeltaWing_Chain_toy.cpp
[  4%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Adapt3D_VMSDBR2_RANSSA_CornerFlatPlate_toy.cpp
[  4%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Adapt3D_VMSDBR2_RANSSA_DPW_AV_HTC_toy.cpp
[  4%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Adapt3D_VMSDBR2_RANSSA_FlatPlate_toy.cpp
[  4%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Adapt3D_VMSDBR2_RANSSA_HemisphereCylinder_toy.cpp
[  4%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Adapt3D_VMSDBR2_TwoPhase_ST_toy.cpp
[  4%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Adapt3D_VMSD_AD_ST_toy.cpp
[  4%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Adapt3D_VMSD_AD_TripleBoundaryLayer_toy.cpp
[  4%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Adapt3D_VMSD_NavierStokes_DeltaWing_Chain_toy.cpp
[  4%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Adapt3D_VMSD_NavierStokes_DeltaWing_FixDOF_toy.cpp
[  4%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Adapt3D_VMSD_NavierStokes_DeltaWing_toy.cpp
[  4%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Adapt3D_VMSD_TwoPhase_ArtificialViscosity_ST_SPE10_toy.cpp
[  4%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Adapt4D_DGBR2_AD_ST_SquareChannel_toy.cpp
[  4%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Adapt4D_DGBR2_AD_ST_toy.cpp
[  4%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Adapt4D_Galerkin_Stabilized_AD_ST_SquareChannel_toy.cpp
[  4%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Adapt4D_Galerkin_Stabilized_AD_ST_toy.cpp
[  4%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Adapt4D_L2Project_MOESS_toy.cpp
[  4%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Adapt4D_L2Project_toy.cpp
[  4%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Adapt4D_Mesh_Optimizer_toy.cpp
[  4%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Adapt4D_VMSD_AD_ST_AdvectiveField_toy.cpp
[  4%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Adapt4D_VMSD_AD_ST_ExpandingSphericalWave_toy.cpp
[  4%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Adapt4D_VMSD_AD_ST_SquareChannel_toy.cpp
[  4%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Adapt4D_VMSD_AD_ST_toy.cpp
[  4%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Adjoint1D_DGAdvective_AD_ST_toy.cpp
[  4%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Adjoint1D_DGAdvective_BuckleyLeverett_ST_toy.cpp
[  4%] Checking style of test/sandbox/CurveGrid_toy.cpp
[  4%] Checking style of test/sandbox/ErrorOrder_1D_DGBR2_NonLinPoisson_toy.cpp
[  4%] Checking style of test/sandbox/ErrorOrder_1D_Galerkin_Stabilized_AD_DoubleBL_toy.cpp
[  4%] Checking style of test/sandbox/ErrorOrder_1D_Galerkin_Stabilized_AD_Oliver_toy.cpp
[  4%] Checking style of test/sandbox/ErrorOrder_1D_Galerkin_Stabilized_AD_toy.cpp
[  4%] Checking style of test/sandbox/ErrorOrder_1D_VMSD_AD_toy.cpp
[  4%] Checking style of test/sandbox/ErrorOrder_2D_DGBR2_Triangle_AD_toy.cpp
[  4%] Checking style of test/sandbox/ErrorOrder_2D_Galerkin_Stabilized_Triangle_AD_toy.cpp
[  4%] Checking style of test/sandbox/ErrorOrder_2D_VMSDBR2_Triangle_AD_toy.cpp
[  4%] Checking style of test/sandbox/ErrorOrder_2D_VMSD_Triangle_AD_toy.cpp
[  4%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Optimize_Blade_HSM2D_toy.cpp
[  4%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Quadrature_Testing_toy.cpp
[  4%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Refine_ADR2D_toy.cpp
[  4%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Solve1D_CG_AD_RK_toy.cpp
[  4%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Solve1D_CG_IncRANSSA1D_Channel_toy.cpp
[  4%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Solve1D_CG_IncWMRANSSA_Channel_toy.cpp
[  4%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Solve1D_CG_IncWMRANSSA_Equilibrium_Channel_toy.cpp
[  4%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Solve1D_CG_Line_Euler_Sod_toy.cpp
[  4%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Solve1D_DGAdvective_AD_ST_toy.cpp
[  4%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Solve1D_DGAdvective_AR_toy.cpp
[  4%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Solve1D_DGAdvective_BuckleyLeverett_BDF_toy.cpp
[  4%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Solve1D_DGAdvective_BuckleyLeverett_ST_toy.cpp
[  4%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Solve1D_DGAdvective_Line_Euler_Nozzle_toy.cpp
[  4%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Solve1D_DGAdvective_Line_Euler_Pulse_toy.cpp
[  4%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Solve1D_DGAdvective_Line_Euler_SSMENozzle_toy.cpp
[  4%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Solve1D_DGAdvective_Line_Euler_Sod_ST_toy.cpp
[  4%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Solve1D_DGAdvective_Line_Euler_Sod_toy.cpp
[  4%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Solve1D_DGBR2_BuckleyLeverett_ArtificialViscosity_BDF_toy.cpp
[  4%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Solve1D_DGBR2_BuckleyLeverett_ArtificialViscosity_ST_toy.cpp
[  4%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Solve1D_DGBR2_Line_Euler_ArtNozzle_AV_BDF_toy.cpp
[  4%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Solve1D_DGBR2_Line_Euler_ArtNozzle_AV_ST_toy.cpp
[  4%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Solve1D_DGBR2_Line_Euler_ArtNozzle_AV_Steady_toy.cpp
[  4%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Solve1D_DGBR2_Line_Euler_Lax_AV_ST_toy.cpp
[  4%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Solve1D_DGBR2_Line_Euler_Nozzle_ArtificialViscosity_toy.cpp
[  4%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Solve1D_DGBR2_Line_Euler_ShuOsher_AV_ST_toy.cpp
[  4%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Solve1D_DGBR2_Line_Euler_Sod_AV_ST_toy.cpp
[  4%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Solve1D_DGBR2_Line_NS_Nozzle_toy.cpp
[  4%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Solve1D_DGBR2_TwoPhaseLinearized_BDF_toy.cpp
[  4%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Solve1D_EDG_Line_Euler_Sod_ST_toy.cpp
[  4%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Solve1D_HDG_AD_HB_toy_LGOFF.cpp
[  4%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Solve1D_HDG_AD_ST_toy_LGOFF.cpp
[  4%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Solve1D_HDG_Burgers_DBC_toy_LGOFF.cpp
[  4%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Solve1D_HDG_Burgers_HTC_toy_LGOFF.cpp
[  4%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Solve1D_HDG_Burgers_PS_toy_LGOFF.cpp
[  4%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Solve1D_HDG_Burgers_PTC_toy_LGOFF.cpp
[  4%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Solve1D_HDG_Burgers_toy_LGOFF.cpp
[  4%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Solve1D_HDG_Line_Euler_Sod_ST_toy.cpp
[  4%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Solve1D_HDG_Line_Euler_Sod_toy_LGOFF.cpp
[  4%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Solve1D_Lorenz_toy.cpp
[  4%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Solve1D_VMSD_AD_toy.cpp
[  4%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Solve2D_CGStabilized_HOW5_CI1_toy.cpp
[  4%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Solve2D_CGStabilized_Triangle_Euler_GaussianBump_ArtificialViscosity_toy.cpp
[  4%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Solve2D_CGStabilized_Triangle_Euler_GaussianBump_toy.cpp
[  4%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Solve2D_CGStabilized_Triangle_Euler_NACA0012_ArtificialViscosity_toy.cpp
[  4%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Solve2D_CGStabilized_Triangle_NavierStokesAxi_DrivenCavity_MassConstraint_toy.cpp
[  4%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Solve2D_CGStabilized_Triangle_NavierStokes_DrivenCavity_MassConstraint_toy.cpp
[  4%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Solve2D_CGStabilized_Triangle_NavierStokes_DrivenCavity_toy.cpp
[  4%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Solve2D_CGStabilized_Triangle_NavierStokes_FlatPlate_toy.cpp
[  4%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Solve2D_CGStabilized_Triangle_NavierStokes_GaussianBump_ArtificialViscosity_toy.cpp
[  4%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Solve2D_CGStabilized_Triangle_NavierStokes_Joukowski_ArtificialViscosity_toy.cpp
[  4%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Solve2D_CGStabilized_Triangle_NavierStokes_Joukowski_toy.cpp
[  7%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Solve2D_CGStabilized_Triangle_NavierStokes_OjedaMMS_toy.cpp
[  7%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Solve2D_CGStabilized_Triangle_RANSSA_Joukowski_ArtificialViscosity_toy.cpp
[  7%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Solve2D_CGStabilized_Triangle_RANSSA_Joukowski_BLSC_toy.cpp
[  7%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Solve2D_CGStabilized_Triangle_RANSSA_Joukowski_toy.cpp
[  7%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Solve2D_CG_AD_ArtificialViscosity_toy.cpp
[  7%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Solve2D_CG_Eikonal_Distance_toy.cpp
[  7%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Solve2D_CG_Line_Euler_Sod_ST_toy.cpp
[  7%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Solve2D_CG_NACABTE_IPTF_toy.cpp
[  7%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Solve2D_CG_NACA_IPTF_linearsolve_toy.cpp
[  7%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Solve2D_CG_NACA_IPTF_toy.cpp
[  7%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Solve2D_CG_NACA_LIP_toy.cpp
[  7%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Solve2D_CG_Plate_HSM_toy.cpp
[  7%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Solve2D_CG_Quad_AD_toy.cpp
[  7%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Solve2D_CG_Triangle_Euler_CubicSource_toy.cpp
[  7%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Solve2D_CG_Triangle_LIP_CubicSource_toy.cpp
[  7%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Solve2D_CG_Triangle_Poisson_toy.cpp
[  7%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Solve2D_Coupled4x4_IBL_fx67k170_drag_polar_toy.cpp
[  7%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Solve2D_Coupled4x4_IBL_fx67k170_single_run_toy.cpp
[  7%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Solve2D_DGAdvective_AD_RK_ParallelPeriodic_toy.cpp
[  7%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Solve2D_DGAdvective_AD_RK_toy.cpp
[  7%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Solve2D_DGAdvective_AdvectionOnly_Circle_toy.cpp
[  7%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Solve2D_DGAdvective_Euler_Joukowski_toy.cpp
[  7%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Solve2D_DGAdvective_HOW5_CI1_toy.cpp
[  7%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Solve2D_DGAdvective_HOW5_VI2_toy.cpp
[  7%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Solve2D_DGAdvective_Line_Euler_Sod_ST_toy.cpp
[  7%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Solve2D_DGAdvective_TiltedFlat_Line_ShallowWater_toy.cpp
[  7%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Solve2D_DGAdvective_Triangle_Euler_CubicSource_toy.cpp
[  7%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Solve2D_DGAdvective_Triangle_Euler_Entropy_CubicSource_toy.cpp
[  7%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Solve2D_DGAdvective_Triangle_Euler_GaussianBump_toy.cpp
[  7%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Solve2D_DGAdvective_Triangle_Euler_SmoothBump_toy.cpp
[  7%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Solve2D_DGAdvective_Triangle_Euler_Surrogate_CubicSource_toy.cpp
[  7%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Solve2D_DGAdvective_Triangle_Euler_Taylor_Green_toy.cpp
[  7%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Solve2D_DGAdvective_Triangle_Euler_Vortex_toy.cpp
[  7%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Solve2D_DGAdvective_Triangle_Euler_Wake_toy.cpp
[  7%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Solve2D_DGBR2_AD_ST_toy.cpp
[  7%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Solve2D_DGBR2_Circle_Line_ShallowWater_toy.cpp
[  7%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Solve2D_DGBR2_Eikonal_Distance_toy.cpp
[  7%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Solve2D_DGBR2_Ellipse_Line_ShallowWater_toy.cpp
[  7%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Solve2D_DGBR2_Euler_ForwardStep_AV_ST_toy.cpp
[  7%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Solve2D_DGBR2_Euler_Riemann_AV_RK_toy.cpp
[  7%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Solve2D_DGBR2_HOW5_CI1_toy.cpp
[  7%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Solve2D_DGBR2_HOW5_VI2_AV_toy.cpp
[  7%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Solve2D_DGBR2_LinearRobin_mitLG_sansLG_Consistency_AD_toy.cpp
[  7%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Solve2D_DGBR2_Quad_Euler_ForwardFacingStep_AV_BDF_toy.cpp
[  7%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Solve2D_DGBR2_Quadrilateral_RANSSA_Joukowski_UROP_toy.cpp
[  7%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Solve2D_DGBR2_TiltedFlat_Line_ShallowWater_toy.cpp
[  7%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Solve2D_DGBR2_Triangle_AD_LocalRefine_toy.cpp
[  7%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Solve2D_DGBR2_Triangle_Euler_GaussianBump_ArtificialViscosity_toy.cpp
[  7%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Solve2D_DGBR2_Triangle_Euler_NACA0012_ArtificialViscosity_toy.cpp
[  7%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Solve2D_DGBR2_Triangle_Euler_RAE2822_ArtificialViscosity_toy.cpp
[  7%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Solve2D_DGBR2_Triangle_Euler_Ramp_ArtificialViscosity_toy.cpp
[  7%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Solve2D_DGBR2_Triangle_NavierStokes_FlatPlate_toy.cpp
[  7%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Solve2D_DGBR2_Triangle_NavierStokes_Joukowski_toy.cpp
[  7%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Solve2D_DGBR2_Triangle_NavierStokes_NACADuct_toy.cpp
[  7%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Solve2D_DGBR2_Triangle_NavierStokes_OjedaMMS_toy.cpp
[  7%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Solve2D_DGBR2_Triangle_NavierStokes_SpaceTime_Ellipse_toy.cpp
[  7%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Solve2D_DGBR2_Triangle_P_Poisson_Distance_toy.cpp
[  7%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Solve2D_DGBR2_Triangle_Poisson_toy.cpp
[  7%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Solve2D_DGBR2_Triangle_RANSSA_FlatPlate_toy.cpp
[  7%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Solve2D_DGBR2_Triangle_RANSSA_Joukowski_ArtificialViscosity_toy.cpp
[  7%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Solve2D_DGBR2_Triangle_RANSSA_Joukowski_toy.cpp
[  7%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Solve2D_DGBR2_Triangle_RANSSA_OjedaMMS_toy.cpp
[  7%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Solve2D_DGBR2_TwoPhase_ArtificialViscosity_QuarterFiveSpot_BDF_toy.cpp
[  7%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Solve2D_DGBR2_TwoPhase_ArtificialViscosity_SPE10_BDF_toy.cpp
[  7%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Solve2D_DGBR2_TwoPhase_QuarterFiveSpot_BDF_toy.cpp
[  7%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Solve2D_EDG_Line_Euler_Sod_ST_toy.cpp
[  7%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Solve2D_EDG_Triangle_Stokes_OjedaMMS_toy.cpp
[  7%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Solve2D_FV_TwoPhase_QuarterFiveSpot_BDF_toy.cpp
[  7%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Solve2D_FV_TwoPhase_SPE10_BDF_toy.cpp
[  7%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Solve2D_Galerkin_Stabilized_AD_Axisymmetric_DoubleBoundaryLayer_toy.cpp
[  7%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Solve2D_Galerkin_Stabilized_AD_Polar_BlasiusAnnulus_toy.cpp
[  7%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Solve2D_Galerkin_Stabilized_AD_ST_toy.cpp
[  7%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Solve2D_HDG_Line_Euler_Sod_ST_toy.cpp
[  7%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Solve2D_HDG_Triangle_AD_STtrick_toy_LGOFF.cpp
[  7%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Solve2D_HDG_Triangle_Euler_CubicSource_toy.cpp
[  7%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Solve2D_HDG_Triangle_NavierStokes_FlatPlate_toy.cpp
[  7%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Solve2D_HDG_Triangle_NavierStokes_Joukowski_toy.cpp
[  7%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Solve2D_HDG_Triangle_NavierStokes_OjedaMMS_toy.cpp
[  7%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Solve2D_HDG_Triangle_RANSSA_Joukowski_toy.cpp
[  7%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Solve2D_L2Project_MOESS_toy.cpp
[  7%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Solve2D_VMSDBR2_Euler_RadialShock_AV_HTC_toy.cpp
[  7%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Solve2D_VMSDBR2_Euler_RadialShock_Corrected_AV_HTC_toy.cpp
[  7%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Solve2D_VMSDBR2_HOW5_VI2_AV_HTC_toy.cpp
[  7%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Solve2D_VMSDBR2_HOW5_VI2_Surface_AV_HTC_toy.cpp
[  7%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Solve2D_VMSDBR2_HOW5_VI2_toy.cpp
[  7%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Solve2D_VMSDBR2_RANSSA_Joukowski_HTC_toy.cpp
[  7%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Solve2D_VMSDBR2_Triangle_NavierStokes_DrivenCavity_MassConstraint_toy.cpp
[  7%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Solve2D_VMSDBR2_Triangle_RANSSA_Joukowski_toy.cpp
[  7%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Solve2D_VMSD_HOW5_CI1_toy.cpp
[  7%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Solve2D_VMSD_HOW5_VI2_AV_toy.cpp
[  7%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Solve2D_VMSD_HOW5_VI2_toy.cpp
[  7%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Solve2D_VMSD_Triangle_NavierStokes_Joukowski_ArtificialViscosity_toy.cpp
[  7%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Solve2D_VMSD_Triangle_NavierStokes_Joukowski_toy.cpp
[  7%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Solve2D_VMSD_Triangle_NavierStokes_OjedaMMS_toy.cpp
[  7%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Solve3D_3eqn_IBL3_duct_ring_toy.cpp
[  7%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Solve3D_3eqn_IBL3_duct_toy.cpp
[  7%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Solve3D_CGStabilized_Euler_Bump_ArtificialViscosity_toy.cpp
[  7%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Solve3D_CGStabilized_RANSSA_CRM_Sub_toy.cpp
[  7%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Solve3D_CGStabilized_RANSSA_HemisphereCylinder_toy.cpp
[  7%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Solve3D_CGStabilized_RANSSA_OneraM6_ArtificialViscosity_toy.cpp
[  7%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Solve3D_CGStabilized_RANSSA_OneraM6_Subsonic_ArtificialViscosity_toy.cpp
[  7%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Solve3D_CGStabilized_RANSSA_OneraM6_Subsonic_toy.cpp
[  7%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Solve3D_CG_FP_duct_toy.cpp
[  7%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Solve3D_CG_LIP_KuttaHACK_toy.cpp
[  7%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Solve3D_CG_NACA_FP_Drela_toy.cpp
[  7%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Solve3D_CG_NACA_FP_MD_toy.cpp
[  7%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Solve3D_CG_NACA_FP_Virtual_toy.cpp
[  7%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Solve3D_CG_NACA_LIP2_toy.cpp
[  7%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Solve3D_CG_NACA_LIP_Darmofal_toy.cpp
[  7%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Solve3D_CG_NACA_LIP_Drela_toy.cpp
[  7%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Solve3D_CG_NACA_LIP_toy.cpp
[  7%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Solve3D_CG_xNonLinPoisson_toy.cpp
[  7%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Solve3D_CG_xtNonLinPoisson_RK_toy.cpp
[  7%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Solve3D_Coupled3x3_IBLFourEqn_FlatPlate_torpedo_agrid45_toy.cpp
[  9%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Solve3D_Coupled_FP_IBL3_duct_toy.cpp
[  9%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Solve3D_Coupled_LIP_IBL3_duct_ring_toy.cpp
[  9%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Solve3D_Coupled_LIP_IBL3_duct_toy.cpp
[  9%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Solve3D_DGAdvective_Euler_Suboff_toy.cpp
[  9%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Solve3D_DGBR2_AD_ST_toy.cpp
[  9%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Solve3D_DGBR2_Hex_ADPeriodic_RK_toy.cpp
[  9%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Solve3D_DGBR2_Hex_TaylorGreen_toy.cpp
[  9%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Solve3D_DGBR2_NavierStokes_DeltaWing_toy.cpp
[  9%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Solve3D_DGBR2_NavierStokes_OjedaMMS_toy.cpp
[  9%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Solve3D_DGBR2_RANSSA_CRM_Sub_toy.cpp
[  9%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Solve3D_DGBR2_RANSSA_CRM_toy.cpp
[  9%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Solve3D_DGBR2_RANSSA_HemisphereCylinder_toy.cpp
[  9%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Solve3D_DGBR2_RANSSA_OjedaMMS_toy.cpp
[  9%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Solve3D_DGBR2_Tet_NS_2_Cylinder_toy.cpp
[  9%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Solve3D_DGBR2_xtNonLinAdvDiff_RK_toy.cpp
[  9%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Solve3D_DGBR2_xtNonLinPoisson_RK_toy.cpp
[  9%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Solve3D_Galerkin_Stabilized_AD_ST_toy.cpp
[  9%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Solve3D_Galerkin_Stabilized_AD_TripleBoundaryLayer_toy.cpp
[  9%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Solve3D_Galerkin_Stabilized_NavierStokes_OjedaMMS_toy.cpp
[  9%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Solve3D_Galerkin_Stabilized_RANSSA_HemisphereCylinder_toy.cpp
[  9%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Solve3D_Galerkin_Stabilized_RANSSA_OjedaMMS_toy.cpp
[  9%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Solve3D_Uncoupled_IBLFourEqn_FlatPlate_Blasius_toy.cpp
[  9%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Solve3D_Uncoupled_IBLFourEqn_FlatPlate_StagnationRadial_toy.cpp
[  9%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Solve3D_Uncoupled_IBLFourEqn_FlatPlate_toy.cpp
[  9%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Solve3D_Uncoupled_IBLThreeEqn_FlatPlate_toy.cpp
[  9%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Solve3D_VMSDBR2_BlottnerSphere_AV_HTC_toy.cpp
[  9%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Solve3D_VMSDBR2_NavierStokes_Sduct_toy.cpp
[  9%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Solve3D_VMSDBR2_RANSSA_HemisphereCylinder_toy.cpp
[  9%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Solve3D_VMSDBR2_RANSSA_OjedaMMS_toy.cpp
[  9%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Solve3D_VMSD_AD_ST_toy.cpp
[  9%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Solve3D_VMSD_NavierStokes_OjedaMMS_toy.cpp
[  9%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Solve3D_VMSD_RANSSA_OjedaMMS_toy.cpp
[  9%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Solve4D_DGBR2_AD_ST_SquareChannel_toy.cpp
[  9%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Solve4D_DGBR2_AD_ST_toy.cpp
[  9%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Solve4D_Galerkin_Stabilized_AD_ST_SquareChannel_toy.cpp
[  9%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Solve4D_Galerkin_Stabilized_AD_ST_toy.cpp
[  9%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Solve4D_L2Project_toy.cpp
[  9%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Solve4D_VMSD_AD_ST_ExpandingSphericalWave_toy.cpp
[  9%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Solve4D_VMSD_AD_ST_SquareChannel_toy.cpp
[  9%] Checking style of test/sandbox/Solve4D_VMSD_AD_ST_toy.cpp
[  9%] Built target sandbox_build_vera
[  9%] Performing update step for 'libSuiteSparse'
[  9%] No patch step for 'libSuiteSparse'
[  9%] No configure step for 'libSuiteSparse'
[  9%] Performing build step for 'libSuiteSparse'
-- Building SuiteSparse_config version: v7.4.0 (Dec 30, 2023)
-- Source:           /Users/jenkins/workspace/SANS_Nightly/builddir/analyze_clang/buildnode/macys/external/SuiteSparse/SuiteSparse_config 
-- Build:            /Users/jenkins/workspace/SANS_Nightly/builddir/analyze_clang/buildnode/macys/external/SuiteSparse/SuiteSparse_config/build 
-- Install lib:      lib
-- Install include:  include/suitesparse
-- Install bin:      bin
-- Install pkg-file: lib
-- Install rpath:    $ORIGIN
-- Build   rpath:    
-- Build type:       Release 
-- Fortran:          /usr/local/bin/gfortran
-- CUDA:             not found
-- CUDA:             not enabled
-- Could NOT find OpenMP_C (missing: OpenMP_C_FLAGS OpenMP_C_LIB_NAMES) 
-- Could NOT find OpenMP (missing: OpenMP_C_FOUND) (found version "4.5")
-- SuiteSparse has OpenMP:        OFF
-- SuiteSparse_config has OpenMP: OFF
-- Looking for Intel 32-bit BLAS
-- Could NOT find BLAS (missing: BLAS_LIBRARIES) 
-- Looking for 32-bit Apple BLAS
-- Found Apple 32-bit BLAS
-- OpenMP C libraries:       
-- OpenMP C include:         
-- OpenMP C flags:          NOTFOUND 
-- BLAS libraries:      /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX14.2.sdk/System/Library/Frameworks/Accelerate.framework 
-- BLAS linker flags:    
-- BLAS include:         
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- SuiteSparse CMAKE report for: SuiteSparseConfig
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- inside common SuiteSparse root:  OFF
-- install in SuiteSparse/lib and SuiteSparse/include: OFF
-- build type:           Release
-- C compiler:           /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/clang 
-- C flags:              
-- C++ compiler:         
-- C++ flags:            
-- C Flags release:      -O3 -DNDEBUG 
-- C++ Flags release:     
-- Fortran compiler:     /usr/local/bin/gfortran 
-- compile definitions:  BLAS_Apple
-- BLAS integer:         int32_t
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Configuring done (0.9s)
CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:189 (target_link_libraries):
  Target "SuiteSparseConfig" links to:


  but the target was not found.  Possible reasons include:

    * There is a typo in the target name.
    * A find_package call is missing for an IMPORTED target.
    * An ALIAS target is missing.

CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:194 (target_link_libraries):
  Target "SuiteSparseConfig_static" links to:


  but the target was not found.  Possible reasons include:

    * There is a typo in the target name.
    * A find_package call is missing for an IMPORTED target.
    * An ALIAS target is missing.

-- Generating done (0.0s)
CMake Generate step failed.  Build files cannot be regenerated correctly.
make[5]: *** [library] Error 1
make[4]: *** [library] Error 2
make[3]: *** [libSuiteSparse-prefix/src/libSuiteSparse-stamp/libSuiteSparse-build] Error 2
make[2]: *** [CMakeFiles/libSuiteSparse.dir/all] Error 2
make[1]: *** [test/sandbox/CMakeFiles/sandbox_build.dir/rule] Error 2
make: *** [sandbox_build] Error 2

real	1m3.254s
user	0m48.779s
sys	0m9.448s
+ [[ analyze_clang == *\r\e\l\e\a\s\e* ]]
+ [[ analyze_clang == *\m\e\m\c\h\e\c\k* ]]
+ [[ analyze_clang == *\u\n\d\e\f\i\n\e\d* ]]
+ make clean

real	2m40.570s
user	1m45.065s
sys	0m39.977s
+ cd /Users/jenkins/workspace/SANS_Nightly/builddir/analyze_clang/buildnode/macys
++ git ls-files --others --exclude-standard
++ wc -l
+ tmpfiles='       0'
+ '[' 0 -ne 0 ']'
[GNU C Compiler (gcc)] Parsing console log (workspace: '/Users/jenkins/workspace/SANS_Nightly/builddir/analyze_clang/buildnode/macys')
[GNU C Compiler (gcc)] Successfully parsed console log
[GNU C Compiler (gcc)] -> found 0 issues (skipped 0 duplicates)
[GNU C Compiler (gcc)] Skipping post processing
[GNU C Compiler (gcc)] No filter has been set, publishing all 0 issues
[GNU C Compiler (gcc)] Repository miner is not configured, skipping repository mining
[Clang] Parsing console log (workspace: '/Users/jenkins/workspace/SANS_Nightly/builddir/analyze_clang/buildnode/macys')
[Clang] -> found 0 issues (skipped 0 duplicates)
[Clang] Parsing console log (workspace: '/Users/jenkins/workspace/SANS_Nightly/builddir/analyze_clang/buildnode/macys')
[Clang] -> found 0 issues (skipped 0 duplicates)
[Clang] Successfully parsed console log
[Clang] -> found 0 issues (skipped 0 duplicates)
[Clang] Parsing console log (workspace: '/Users/jenkins/workspace/SANS_Nightly/builddir/analyze_clang/buildnode/macys')
[Clang] Skipping post processing
[Clang] No filter has been set, publishing all 0 issues
[Clang] Repository miner is not configured, skipping repository mining
[Intel Compiler (C, Fortran)] Parsing console log (workspace: '/Users/jenkins/workspace/SANS_Nightly/builddir/analyze_clang/buildnode/macys')
[Intel Compiler (C, Fortran)] -> found 0 issues (skipped 0 duplicates)
[Intel Compiler (C, Fortran)] Parsing console log (workspace: '/Users/jenkins/workspace/SANS_Nightly/builddir/analyze_clang/buildnode/macys')
[Intel Compiler (C, Fortran)] -> found 0 issues (skipped 0 duplicates)
[Intel Compiler (C, Fortran)] Successfully parsed console log
[Intel Compiler (C, Fortran)] -> found 0 issues (skipped 0 duplicates)
[Intel Compiler (C, Fortran)] Parsing console log (workspace: '/Users/jenkins/workspace/SANS_Nightly/builddir/analyze_clang/buildnode/macys')
[Intel Compiler (C, Fortran)] Skipping post processing
[Intel Compiler (C, Fortran)] No filter has been set, publishing all 0 issues
[Intel Compiler (C, Fortran)] Repository miner is not configured, skipping repository mining
[Vera++] Searching for all files in '/Users/jenkins/workspace/SANS_Nightly/builddir/analyze_clang/buildnode/macys' that match the pattern '**/*build.out'
[Vera++] Traversing of symbolic links: enabled
[Vera++] -> found 1 file
[Vera++] Successfully parsed file /Users/jenkins/workspace/SANS_Nightly/builddir/analyze_clang/buildnode/macys/build/analyze_clang/build.out
[Vera++] -> found 0 issues (skipped 0 duplicates)
[Vera++] Successfully processed file 'build/analyze_clang/build.out'
[Vera++] Skipping post processing
[Vera++] No filter has been set, publishing all 0 issues
[Vera++] Repository miner is not configured, skipping repository mining
[Static Analysis] Successfully parsed console log
[Static Analysis] -> found 0 issues (skipped 0 duplicates)
[Static Analysis] Successfully parsed console log
[Static Analysis] -> found 0 issues (skipped 0 duplicates)
[Static Analysis] Searching for all files in '/Users/jenkins/workspace/SANS_Nightly/builddir/analyze_clang/buildnode/macys' that match the pattern '**/*build.out'
[Static Analysis] Traversing of symbolic links: enabled
[Static Analysis] -> found 1 file
[Static Analysis] Successfully parsed file /Users/jenkins/workspace/SANS_Nightly/builddir/analyze_clang/buildnode/macys/build/analyze_clang/build.out
[Static Analysis] -> found 0 issues (skipped 0 duplicates)
[Static Analysis] Successfully processed file 'build/analyze_clang/build.out'
[Static Analysis] Skipping post processing
[Static Analysis] No filter has been set, publishing all 0 issues
[Static Analysis] Parsing console log (workspace: '/Users/jenkins/workspace/SANS_Nightly/builddir/analyze_clang/buildnode/macys')
[Static Analysis] Successfully parsed console log
[Static Analysis] -> found 0 issues (skipped 0 duplicates)
[Static Analysis] Skipping post processing
[Static Analysis] No filter has been set, publishing all 0 issues
[Static Analysis] Repository miner is not configured, skipping repository mining
[Static Analysis] Successfully parsed console log
[Static Analysis] -> found 0 issues (skipped 0 duplicates)
[Static Analysis] Successfully parsed console log
[Static Analysis] -> found 0 issues (skipped 0 duplicates)
[Static Analysis] Successfully parsed console log
[Static Analysis] -> found 0 issues (skipped 0 duplicates)
[Static Analysis] Parsing console log (workspace: '/Users/jenkins/workspace/SANS_Nightly/builddir/analyze_clang/buildnode/macys')
[Static Analysis] Skipping post processing
[Static Analysis] No filter has been set, publishing all 0 issues
[Static Analysis] Repository miner is not configured, skipping repository mining
[Static Analysis] Successfully parsed console log
[Static Analysis] -> found 0 issues (skipped 0 duplicates)
[Static Analysis] Successfully parsed console log
[Static Analysis] -> found 0 issues (skipped 0 duplicates)
[Static Analysis] Successfully parsed console log
[Static Analysis] -> found 0 issues (skipped 0 duplicates)
[Static Analysis] Parsing console log (workspace: '/Users/jenkins/workspace/SANS_Nightly/builddir/analyze_clang/buildnode/macys')
[Static Analysis] Skipping post processing
[Static Analysis] No filter has been set, publishing all 0 issues
[Static Analysis] Repository miner is not configured, skipping repository mining
[Static Analysis] Searching for all files in '/Users/jenkins/workspace/SANS_Nightly/builddir/analyze_clang/buildnode/macys' that match the pattern '**/*build.out'
[Static Analysis] Traversing of symbolic links: enabled
[Static Analysis] -> found 1 file
[Static Analysis] Successfully parsed file /Users/jenkins/workspace/SANS_Nightly/builddir/analyze_clang/buildnode/macys/build/analyze_clang/build.out
[Static Analysis] -> found 0 issues (skipped 0 duplicates)
[Static Analysis] Successfully processed file 'build/analyze_clang/build.out'
[Static Analysis] Skipping post processing
[Static Analysis] No filter has been set, publishing all 0 issues
[Static Analysis] Repository miner is not configured, skipping repository mining
[Static Analysis] Reference build recorder is not configured
[Static Analysis] Obtaining reference build from same job (analyze_clang,macys)
[Static Analysis] Using reference build 'SANS_Nightly/builddir=analyze_clang,buildnode=macys #1391' to compute new, fixed, and outstanding issues
[Static Analysis] Issues delta (vs. reference build): outstanding: 0, new: 0, fixed: 0
[Static Analysis] Evaluating quality gates
[Static Analysis] -> PASSED - Total (any severity): 0 - Quality Gate: 1
[Static Analysis] -> All quality gates have been passed
[Static Analysis] Health report is disabled - skipping
[Static Analysis] Created analysis result for 0 issues (found 0 new issues, fixed 0 issues)
[Static Analysis] Attaching ResultAction with ID 'analysis' to build 'SANS_Nightly/builddir=analyze_clang,buildnode=macys #1599'.
[Checks API] No suitable checks publisher found.
Build step 'Console output (build log) parsing' changed build result to FAILURE
[Valgrind] Files to copy:
[Valgrind] Analysing valgrind results
[Valgrind] Ending the valgrind analysis.
INFO: Processing BoostTest-1.x (default)
INFO: [BoostTest-1.x (default)] - No test report file(s) were found with the pattern 'build/boosttest/*.xml' relative to '/Users/jenkins/workspace/SANS_Nightly/builddir/analyze_clang/buildnode/macys' for the testing framework 'BoostTest-1.x (default)'.
Did you enter a pattern relative to (and within) the workspace directory?
Did you generate the result report(s) for 'BoostTest-1.x (default)'?"
WARNING: All test reports are empty.
INFO: Check 'Failed Tests' threshold.
INFO: Check 'Skipped Tests' threshold.
[Checks API] No suitable checks publisher found.
INFO: Setting the build status to SUCCESS
[PostBuildScript] - [INFO] Executing post build scripts.
[PostBuildScript] - [INFO] Node does not have the role MASTER. Did not execute build step #0.
[PostBuildScript] - [INFO] Node does not have the role MASTER. Did not execute build step #1.
[WS-CLEANUP] Deleting project workspace...
[WS-CLEANUP] Deferred wipeout is used...
Finished: FAILURE