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projectroot.test.system.ErrorOrder_1D_HDG_AD_btest_memcheck (from CTest)

Took 16 sec.

Standard Output

Running 2 test cases...
P = 1 ii = 2: L2 solution error = 0.403761
P = 1 ii = 4: L2 solution error = 0.29981  (ratio = 0.742543)  (rate = 0.429454)
P = 1 ii = 8: L2 solution error = 0.0805556  (ratio = 0.268689)  (rate = 1.89599)
P = 2 ii = 2: L2 solution error = 0.349387
P = 2 ii = 4: L2 solution error = 0.0379167  (ratio = 0.108523)  (rate = 3.20392)
P = 2 ii = 8: L2 solution error = 0.00498012  (ratio = 0.131344)  (rate = 2.92858)

*** No errors detected