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Started 5 yr 10 mo ago
Took 17 min on reynolds

#90 (Jun 25, 2018, 11:43:52 AM)

  1. working on figures for beta dist on monotone paper; (details / bitbucketweb)
  2. working on figures for Beta plots (details / bitbucketweb)
  3. working on banana example and adaptivity (details / bitbucketweb)
  4. beta plots done (details / bitbucketweb)
  5. working on banana adaptivity (details / bitbucketweb)
  6. working on BOD example (details / bitbucketweb)
  7. working on BOD (details / bitbucketweb)
  8. working on IceThickness model (details / bitbucketweb)
  9. working on the ice thickness problem (details / bitbucketweb)
  10. working on ice (details / bitbucketweb)
  11. working on bod and ice model with changes on adaptivity routines (details / bitbucketweb)
  12. working on BOD and IceThickness models. Added Conditioning through maps. (details / bitbucketweb)
  13. working on BOD (details / bitbucketweb)
  14. working on BOD (details / bitbucketweb)
  15. done figures of BOD. Maybe we should compare to MCMC (details / bitbucketweb)
  16. working on bod plots (details / bitbucketweb)
  17. fixed Markov Chain sampling (big bug) (details / bitbucketweb)

Started by upstream project TransportMaps-private-develop-mpi build number 90
originally caused by:

Revision: 11ced0ec7ce5ab31454e73859392c197327a72b3
  • refs/remotes/origin/develop/master