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#86 (Dec 3, 2019, 12:25:47 PM)

  1. list to array fix in node ordering — rebeccae.morrison / bitbucketweb
  2. removed testing statements from SING — rebeccae.morrison / bitbucketweb
  3. multimodal gp plot — rebeccae.morrison / bitbucketweb
  4. laplacian eigenvector graphs — rebeccae.morrison / bitbucketweb
  5. modified truncation step to retain always old indices — dabi / bitbucketweb
  6. left-over changes — dabi / bitbucketweb
  7. started working on some examples — dabi / bitbucketweb
  8. working on euler bernoulli — dabi / bitbucketweb
  9. working on bod — dabi / bitbucketweb
  10. started with the a sketch of the algorithm — dabi / bitbucketweb
  11. working on algorithm — dabi / bitbucketweb
  12. lazy map implementation for BOD — dabi / bitbucketweb
  13. started algorithm for lazy map in Algorithms — dabi / bitbucketweb
  14. working on banana — dabi / bitbucketweb
  15. working on banana — dabi / bitbucketweb
  16. soft truncation, i.e. nearly linear map works better than hard truncation (which does not work at all but in few cases) — dabi / bitbucketweb
  17. playing with orders — dabi / bitbucketweb
  18. working on the generation of the distribution — dabi / bitbucketweb
  19. setup for Lorenz63 done — dabi / bitbucketweb
  20. some fixes for sequential data assimilation — dabi / bitbucketweb
  21. working on linear map approximation — dabi / bitbucketweb
  22. figuring out what's wrong... — dabi / bitbucketweb
  23. added testing of gradients for distributions — dabi / bitbucketweb
  24. added tests for gradients of distributions and tried on Lorenz63 — dabi / bitbucketweb
  25. working on forward Euler map — dabi / bitbucketweb
  26. working on Forward Euler — dabi / bitbucketweb
  27. fixed Lorenz63 and added ODEs discretization maps to the framework — dabi / bitbucketweb
  28. started implementation of Lorenz 96 — dabi / bitbucketweb
  29. working on Lorenz96 — dabi / bitbucketweb
  30. added the possibility of skipping prediction steps by composing Euler maps — dabi / bitbucketweb
  31. added rmse output for smoothing — dabi / bitbucketweb
  32. lorenz 96 distribution ready — dabi / bitbucketweb
  33. starting to generate distribution for Lorenz96 — dabi / bitbucketweb
  34. dynamics generated correctly — dabi / bitbucketweb
  35. working on the generator of maps with prescribed sparsity for L96 — dabi / bitbucketweb
  36. working on the generator of maps with prescribed sparsity for L96 — dabi / bitbucketweb
  37. working on loading maps for L96 — dabi / bitbucketweb
  38. working on postprocessing — dabi / bitbucketweb
  39. working on results for AGU — dabi / bitbucketweb
  40. working on results for AGU — dabi / bitbucketweb
  41. added missing files l96 — dabi / bitbucketweb
  42. fixed documentation — dabi / bitbucketweb
  43. gumbel example re-run for documentation — dabi / bitbucketweb
  44. working on time plotting of l63 — dabi / bitbucketweb
  45. fixed low-rank approximation for outer grad (lis) to not compute multiple likelihoods — dabi / bitbucketweb
  46. fixed low-rank approximation for outer grad (lis) to not compute multiple likelihoods — dabi / bitbucketweb
  47. working on reduced basis extraction — dabi / bitbucketweb
  48. working on reduced basis extraction — dabi / bitbucketweb
  49. working on low-rank filter — dabi / bitbucketweb
  50. working on low-rank for filtering — dabi / bitbucketweb
  51. working on generation of maps for low-rank approximations — dabi / bitbucketweb
  52. working on generation of maps for low-rank approximations — dabi / bitbucketweb
  53. experimenting with low-rank — dabi / bitbucketweb
  54. working on low-rank l96 — dabi / bitbucketweb
  55. working on low-rank l96 — dabi / bitbucketweb
  56. working on L96 M2 — dabi / bitbucketweb
  57. working on L96 M2 — dabi / bitbucketweb
  58. working on L96 M2 — dabi / bitbucketweb
  59. working on gradient of L96 model II — dabi / bitbucketweb
  60. cython implementation of gradient works — dabi / bitbucketweb
  61. action of hessian works for L96 model 2 — dabi / bitbucketweb
  62. working on preconditioning — dabi / bitbucketweb
  63. working on l96 m2 — dabi / bitbucketweb
  64. working on l96 m2 — dabi / bitbucketweb
  65. running l96 m2 — dabi / bitbucketweb
  66. preparing linear maps for low-rank model — dabi / bitbucketweb
  67. re-factoring some nomenclature for hidden Markov chains — dabi / bitbucketweb
  68. re-factoring some nomenclature for hidden Markov chains — dabi / bitbucketweb
  69. modal l96 model 2 done — dabi / bitbucketweb
  70. fixed tmap-seq-tm — dabi / bitbucketweb
  71. working on filtering preconditioning — dabi / bitbucketweb
  72. preconditioning through filter almost works — dabi / bitbucketweb
  73. working on both l96 and l63 — dabi / bitbucketweb
  74. filter preconditioning works!! — dabi / bitbucketweb
  75. prepared filtering preconditioning for l96 — dabi / bitbucketweb
  76. preconditioning through filtering works for l96 — dabi / bitbucketweb
  77. mpi_map now updates automatically the counters of the methods called on an object — dabi / bitbucketweb
  78. l96 with filter preconditioning works. NEXT: remove 1st step of smoother (first lag-1 smoothing) and substitute with the regular step using the 0-th filtering (0-th step inference problem) — dabi / bitbucketweb
  79. removed skip-first and made 0th step to be included in the final map. So the first map in the composition does not involve a transition — dabi / bitbucketweb
  80. working on combination of filt preconditioner and low-rank preconditioner — dabi / bitbucketweb
  81. low-rank preconditioning works with filter preconditioning — dabi / bitbucketweb
  82. working on lr l96 — dabi / bitbucketweb
  83. working on l96 — dabi / bitbucketweb
  84. working on l96 lr — dabi / bitbucketweb
  85. going.. — dabi / bitbucketweb
  86. working on banded maps — dabi / bitbucketweb
  87. fixed unit tests for test_derivatives functions — dabi / bitbucketweb
  88. now LinearSpanApproximation uses a semilattice for multiindex and coefficients storage — dabi / bitbucketweb
  89. passing tests — dabi / bitbucketweb
  90. semilattice constructors exposed in default transport map constructors — dabi / bitbucketweb
  91. experimenting low-rank subspace ideas — dabi / bitbucketweb
  92. fixed init coeffs bug — dabi / bitbucketweb
  93. fixed semilattice data structure for serialization — dabi / bitbucketweb
  94. fixed bugs in tests — dabi / bitbucketweb
  95. reshaped tests — dabi / bitbucketweb
  96. passes all tests — dabi / bitbucketweb
  97. working on fv linear candidate map — dabi / bitbucketweb
  98. semilattices integrated into adaptivity. To be tested! The spirit is there though. — dabi / bitbucketweb
  99. semilattices integrated into adaptivity algorithm. fixes #92 — dabi / bitbucketweb
  100. changed format of semilattices for linear span — dabi / bitbucketweb
  101. changed format of semilattices for linear span — dabi / bitbucketweb
  102. fixed callback parameter minimize kl. — dabi / bitbucketweb
  103. changed active_set to SortedSet to preserve iteration order after serialization (for parallel computing purposes) — dabi / bitbucketweb
  104. added LinearSpanVertex to the exposed classes — dabi / bitbucketweb
  105. fixed bug in LinearMap (defined twice...) — dabi / bitbucketweb
  106. working on constructor — dabi / bitbucketweb
  107. started on poisson — dabi / bitbucketweb
  108. working on runner for poisson — dabi / bitbucketweb
  109. embedding the deep lazy map construction into the builder cycle — dabi / bitbucketweb
  110. transformed tmap-tm in the logic of CLI. to be tested by doing... — dabi / bitbucketweb
  111. restructuring all the building architecture — dabi / bitbucketweb
  112. restructuring of building architecture done. todo on sequential algorithm as well. — dabi / bitbucketweb
  113. working on reshaping of builders — dabi / bitbucketweb
  114. some fixes after big merge. Going to branch off this in order to debug and work on Lazy maps at the same time — dabi / bitbucketweb
  115. working on the runner for lazy maps — dabi / bitbucketweb
  116. fixing here and there — dabi / bitbucketweb
  117. working on the lazy map script — dabi / bitbucketweb
  118. working on scripts for lazy maps — dabi / bitbucketweb
  119. working on scripts for lazy maps — dabi / bitbucketweb
  120. fixing new interface — dabi / bitbucketweb
  121. testing tmap-deep-lazy-tm — dabi / bitbucketweb
  122. testing tmap-deep-lazy-tm — dabi / bitbucketweb
  123. testing... — dabi / bitbucketweb
  124. script runs — dabi / bitbucketweb
  125. working on poisson with lazy maps — dabi / bitbucketweb
  126. working on poisson with lazy maps — dabi / bitbucketweb
  127. working on poisson problem — dabi / bitbucketweb
  128. working on taxonomy structure — dabi / bitbucketweb
  129. added missing file — dabi / bitbucketweb
  130. fixes for cse presentation on Lazy maps — dabi / bitbucketweb
  131. ... — dabi / bitbucketweb
  132. going on with taxonomy — dabi / bitbucketweb
  133. working on distributions — dabi / bitbucketweb
  134. ... — dabi / bitbucketweb
  135. working on taxonomy for distributions — dabi / bitbucketweb
  136. working on taxonomy — dabi / bitbucketweb
  137. advancing with distributions — dabi / bitbucketweb
  138. working on decomposable distributions... — dabi / bitbucketweb
  139. working on decomposable taxonomy — dabi / bitbucketweb
  140. working on Maps — dabi / bitbucketweb
  141. ... — dabi / bitbucketweb
  142. ... — dabi / bitbucketweb
  143. added Functionals module — dabi / bitbucketweb
  144. done with Functionals — dabi / bitbucketweb
  145. adde Likelihoods — dabi / bitbucketweb
  146. fixed edge — dabi / bitbucketweb
  147. Started with the refactoring of the code... Things breaks from here... — dabi / bitbucketweb
  148. working on Maps module refactoring — dabi / bitbucketweb
  149. ... — dabi / bitbucketweb
  150. ... — dabi / bitbucketweb
  151. started working on TriangularCompoentwiseTransportMap — dabi / bitbucketweb
  152. ... — dabi / bitbucketweb
  153. ... — dabi / bitbucketweb
  154. ... — dabi / bitbucketweb
  155. working on ListCompositeTransportMapBase — dabi / bitbucketweb
  156. done with ListCompositeTransportMap — dabi / bitbucketweb
  157. done with InverseTransportMap — dabi / bitbucketweb
  158. ... — dabi / bitbucketweb
  159. working on AffineMaps — dabi / bitbucketweb
  160. ... — dabi / bitbucketweb
  161. ... — dabi / bitbucketweb
  162. ... — dabi / bitbucketweb
  163. ... — dabi / bitbucketweb
  164. starting with debugging of Maps — dabi / bitbucketweb
  165. starting with debugging of Maps — dabi / bitbucketweb
  166. ... — dabi / bitbucketweb
  167. unit testing Maps — dabi / bitbucketweb
  168. working on unittest Maps — dabi / bitbucketweb
  169. working on unit tests... — dabi / bitbucketweb
  170. working on unittests — dabi / bitbucketweb
  171. passes test_transportmaps — dabi / bitbucketweb
  172. fixed most of unittests... — dabi / bitbucketweb
  173. some other fixes — dabi / bitbucketweb
  174. working on distributions — dabi / bitbucketweb
  175. distributions done — dabi / bitbucketweb
  176. adding missing file — dabi / bitbucketweb
  177. working on Functionals — dabi / bitbucketweb
  178. testing Functionals — dabi / bitbucketweb
  179. updated distribution — dabi / bitbucketweb
  180. some fixed — dabi / bitbucketweb
  181. fixing unittests — dabi / bitbucketweb
  182. some fixes — dabi / bitbucketweb
  183. working on reaction diffusion problem — dabi / bitbucketweb
  184. working on pdes — dabi / bitbucketweb
  185. fitz hugh — dabi / bitbucketweb
  186. still picking a pde... — dabi / bitbucketweb
  187. left two l2 minimization errors... — dabi / bitbucketweb
  188. passes all tests — dabi / bitbucketweb
  189. picking pde... — dabi / bitbucketweb
  190. added missing file — dabi / bitbucketweb
  191. working on Burgers test problem — dabi / bitbucketweb
  192. working on burgers; — dabi / bitbucketweb
  193. working on Burgers — dabi / bitbucketweb
  194. working on Burgers — dabi / bitbucketweb
  195. generating distribution — dabi / bitbucketweb
  196. working on burgers Laplace approximation — dabi / bitbucketweb
  197. fix committed for mpi with inverse from samples. The mpi_pool is not attached to objects anymore (so that it will be never serialized), but passed along with parameters — dabi / bitbucketweb
  198. additional fixes — dabi / bitbucketweb
  199. working on Burgers — dabi / bitbucketweb
  200. adding Hessian — dabi / bitbucketweb
  201. added plotting of generated samples — dabi / bitbucketweb
  202. working on Burgers — dabi / bitbucketweb
  203. modified gradboot stopping criterion — dabi / bitbucketweb
  204. updates... — dabi / bitbucketweb
  205. fixed semilattice handling in adaptation and many other things.. — dabi / bitbucketweb
  206. adding TC setting for Poisson equation — dabi / bitbucketweb
  207. working on Poisson — dabi / bitbucketweb
  208. ... — dabi / bitbucketweb
  209. adjoint of log-likelihood cost works... — dabi / bitbucketweb
  210. working on Poisson generation — dabi / bitbucketweb
  211. working on transforming Functionals into Maps — dabi / bitbucketweb
  212. moving Functionals into Maps — dabi / bitbucketweb
  213. updated taxonomy... needs to reflect the fact that Functionals is a submodule of Maps — dabi / bitbucketweb
  214. fixed taxonomy — dabi / bitbucketweb
  215. fixing unit tests — dabi / bitbucketweb
  216. added deprecation message if importing TransportMaps.Functionals — dabi / bitbucketweb
  217. working on unittests and fixed some docs — dabi / bitbucketweb
  218. fixed dependencies — dabi / bitbucketweb
  219. passing unit tests — dabi / bitbucketweb
  220. added speed test for Poisson — dabi / bitbucketweb
  221. working on Poisson — dabi / bitbucketweb
  222. working on Poisson. Introduced action_grad_x in order to speed up in certain cases — dabi / bitbucketweb
  223. making Functionals into maps with output in one dimension. This will allow the use of all the machinery available for maps (composition etc) also for functionals... — dabi / bitbucketweb
  224. working on unit tests... — dabi / bitbucketweb
  225. added title to taxonomy — dabi / bitbucketweb
  226. all tests pass — dabi / bitbucketweb
  227. fixed merge with Functionals->Maps. Working on Poisson. Fixed taxonomy. — dabi / bitbucketweb
  228. RejectionSampler + multi dim uniform — dabi / bitbucketweb
  229. working on poisson — dabi / bitbucketweb
  230. working on dimension reduction... — dabi / bitbucketweb
  231. working on poisson — dabi / bitbucketweb
  232. working on Cantilever — dabi / bitbucketweb
  233. adding missing file — dabi / bitbucketweb
  234. working on timoshenko — dabi / bitbucketweb
  235. working on banana — dabi / bitbucketweb
  236. working on lazy with identity tails — dabi / bitbucketweb
  237. lazy maps have now an identity tail — dabi / bitbucketweb
  238. working on timoshenko — dabi / bitbucketweb
  239. working on the generation of the target distribution — dabi / bitbucketweb
  240. working on Timoshenko distribution — dabi / bitbucketweb
  241. added puwr ess routine :) — dabi / bitbucketweb
  242. timoshenko... — dabi / bitbucketweb
  243. working on timoshenko — dabi / bitbucketweb
  244. working on timoshenko — dabi / bitbucketweb
  245. timoshenko set up done — dabi / bitbucketweb
  246. timoshenko works O_O' — dabi / bitbucketweb
  247. postprocessing timoshenko — dabi / bitbucketweb
  248. working on timoshenko — dabi / bitbucketweb
  249. hard truncation is back.. — dabi / bitbucketweb
  250. improved action_grad_x with action_adjoint_grad_x to compute gradients left to right if output < input — dabi / bitbucketweb
  251. improved action_grad_x with action_adjoint_grad_x to compute gradients left to right if output < input — dabi / bitbucketweb
  252. implementing missing adjoint functions — dabi / bitbucketweb
  253. Done with LogCox for Lazy maps — dabi / bitbucketweb
  254. working on cantilever — dabi / bitbucketweb
  255. staring with Poisson — dabi / bitbucketweb
  256. added IdentityEmbeddedParametricTransprotMap and made minimize_kl_divergence general for any parametric transport map — dabi / bitbucketweb
  257. added dolfin version markers/warnings for solvers — dabi / bitbucketweb
  258. modified ess reporting — dabi / bitbucketweb
  259. working on timoshenko — dabi / bitbucketweb
  260. going on with plots — dabi / bitbucketweb
  261. timoshenko plots — dabi / bitbucketweb
  262. poisson plots — dabi / bitbucketweb
  263. preparing code for submission NIPS — dabi / bitbucketweb
  264. working on Poisson... — dabi / bitbucketweb
  265. modified poisson distribution (with diagonal likielihood) to allow for lis type model reduction — dabi / bitbucketweb
  266. Laplace approximation log output to INFO — dabi / bitbucketweb
  267. added PATH for Jenkins — dabi / bitbucketweb
  268. update setup — rsb / bitbucketweb
  269. updating setup — rsb / bitbucketweb
  270. updating default map call — rsb / bitbucketweb
  271. working on poisson — dabi / bitbucketweb
  272. updating to TMv3 — rsb / bitbucketweb
  273. updating hess x to TM v3 — rsb / bitbucketweb
  274. updating numerical examples for SING — rsb / bitbucketweb
  275. fixing tests — dabi / bitbucketweb
  276. fixed unit tests — dabi / bitbucketweb
  277. added pip install cython in jenkins script — dabi / bitbucketweb
  278. added .pyx to the manifest — dabi / bitbucketweb
  279. updated jenkins script — dabi / bitbucketweb
  280. working on jenkins script — dabi / bitbucketweb
  281. passing all tests and updated jenkins scripts — dabi / bitbucketweb
  282. fixed construction script — dabi / bitbucketweb
  283. made CYTHON submodules optional — dabi / bitbucketweb
  284. made CYTHON submodules optional — dabi / bitbucketweb
  285. workign on random rotations — dabi / bitbucketweb
  286. working on LogisticRegression model — dabi / bitbucketweb
  287. working on parkinson — dabi / bitbucketweb
  288. done likelikhood — dabi / bitbucketweb
  289. distribution generation done — dabi / bitbucketweb
  290. working on results for logit problem — dabi / bitbucketweb
  291. working on differente settings for parkinson — dabi / bitbucketweb
  292. working on posterior predictive — dabi / bitbucketweb
  293. mod to logit likelihood — dabi / bitbucketweb
  294. working on stan example — dabi / bitbucketweb
  295. working on stan example — dabi / bitbucketweb
  296. fixed bug in adjoint_grad_x for composite maps — dabi / bitbucketweb
  297. working on parkinson dataset — dabi / bitbucketweb
  298. working on parkinson data set — dabi / bitbucketweb
  299. fixed log-likelihood for logistic regression models with log(1+\eps) approximation — dabi / bitbucketweb
  300. fixed bug in hess_x_log_pullback function — dabi / bitbucketweb
  301. renamed aux for windows benefit... — dabi / bitbucketweb
  302. auxiliary.... — dabi / bitbucketweb

#85 (Oct 24, 2019, 5:22:11 AM)

  1. list to array fix in node ordering — rebeccae.morrison / bitbucketweb
  2. removed testing statements from SING — rebeccae.morrison / bitbucketweb
  3. multimodal gp plot — rebeccae.morrison / bitbucketweb
  4. laplacian eigenvector graphs — rebeccae.morrison / bitbucketweb
  5. update setup — rsb / bitbucketweb
  6. updating setup — rsb / bitbucketweb
  7. updating default map call — rsb / bitbucketweb
  8. updating to TMv3 — rsb / bitbucketweb
  9. updating hess x to TM v3 — rsb / bitbucketweb
  10. updating numerical examples for SING — rsb / bitbucketweb
  11. auxiliary.... — dabi / bitbucketweb

#84 (Oct 24, 2019, 3:35:25 AM)

  1. fixed documentation — dabi / bitbucketweb
  2. gumbel example re-run for documentation — dabi / bitbucketweb
  3. fix committed for mpi with inverse from samples. The mpi_pool is not attached to objects anymore (so that it will be never serialized), but passed along with parameters — dabi / bitbucketweb
  4. additional fixes — dabi / bitbucketweb
  5. added PATH for Jenkins — dabi / bitbucketweb
  6. renamed aux for windows benefit... — dabi / bitbucketweb

#83 (Aug 5, 2019, 9:53:36 AM)

  1. preparing code for submission NIPS — dabi / bitbucketweb
  2. workign on random rotations — dabi / bitbucketweb
  3. working on LogisticRegression model — dabi / bitbucketweb
  4. working on parkinson — dabi / bitbucketweb
  5. done likelikhood — dabi / bitbucketweb
  6. distribution generation done — dabi / bitbucketweb
  7. working on results for logit problem — dabi / bitbucketweb
  8. working on differente settings for parkinson — dabi / bitbucketweb
  9. working on posterior predictive — dabi / bitbucketweb
  10. mod to logit likelihood — dabi / bitbucketweb
  11. working on stan example — dabi / bitbucketweb
  12. working on stan example — dabi / bitbucketweb
  13. working on parkinson dataset — dabi / bitbucketweb
  14. working on parkinson data set — dabi / bitbucketweb
  15. fixed log-likelihood for logistic regression models with log(1+\eps) approximation — dabi / bitbucketweb

#82 (Aug 4, 2019, 1:03:34 PM)

  1. fixed bug in hess_x_log_pullback function — dabi / bitbucketweb

#81 (Aug 1, 2019, 2:30:14 PM)

  1. fixed bug in adjoint_grad_x for composite maps — dabi / bitbucketweb

#80 (Jul 25, 2019, 3:22:13 PM)

  1. made CYTHON submodules optional — dabi / bitbucketweb

#79 (Jul 25, 2019, 1:53:35 PM)

  1. made CYTHON submodules optional — dabi / bitbucketweb

#78 (Jul 25, 2019, 10:10:31 AM)

  1. fixed construction script — dabi / bitbucketweb

#76 (Jul 24, 2019, 5:26:56 PM)

  1. passing all tests and updated jenkins scripts — dabi / bitbucketweb

#75 (Jul 24, 2019, 4:31:54 PM)

  1. working on jenkins script — dabi / bitbucketweb

#74 (Jul 24, 2019, 4:30:06 PM)

  1. updated jenkins script — dabi / bitbucketweb

#73 (Jul 24, 2019, 4:27:25 PM)

  1. added .pyx to the manifest — dabi / bitbucketweb

#72 (Jul 24, 2019, 4:08:38 PM)

  1. added pip install cython in jenkins script — dabi / bitbucketweb

#71 (Jul 24, 2019, 4:05:21 PM)

  1. fixing tests — dabi / bitbucketweb
  2. fixed unit tests — dabi / bitbucketweb

#70 (Jun 13, 2019, 2:44:41 PM)

  1. working on Poisson... — dabi / bitbucketweb
  2. modified poisson distribution (with diagonal likielihood) to allow for lis type model reduction — dabi / bitbucketweb
  3. working on poisson — dabi / bitbucketweb

#68 (Jun 10, 2019, 4:15:58 PM)

  1. Laplace approximation log output to INFO — dabi / bitbucketweb

#67 (May 24, 2019, 3:40:56 PM)

  1. working on poisson problem — dabi / bitbucketweb
  2. fixes for cse presentation on Lazy maps — dabi / bitbucketweb
  3. working on reaction diffusion problem — dabi / bitbucketweb
  4. working on pdes — dabi / bitbucketweb
  5. fitz hugh — dabi / bitbucketweb
  6. still picking a pde... — dabi / bitbucketweb
  7. picking pde... — dabi / bitbucketweb
  8. working on Burgers test problem — dabi / bitbucketweb
  9. working on burgers; — dabi / bitbucketweb
  10. working on Burgers — dabi / bitbucketweb
  11. working on Burgers — dabi / bitbucketweb
  12. generating distribution — dabi / bitbucketweb
  13. working on burgers Laplace approximation — dabi / bitbucketweb
  14. working on Burgers — dabi / bitbucketweb
  15. adding Hessian — dabi / bitbucketweb
  16. added plotting of generated samples — dabi / bitbucketweb
  17. working on Burgers — dabi / bitbucketweb
  18. modified gradboot stopping criterion — dabi / bitbucketweb
  19. updates... — dabi / bitbucketweb
  20. fixed semilattice handling in adaptation and many other things.. — dabi / bitbucketweb
  21. adding TC setting for Poisson equation — dabi / bitbucketweb
  22. working on Poisson — dabi / bitbucketweb
  23. ... — dabi / bitbucketweb
  24. adjoint of log-likelihood cost works... — dabi / bitbucketweb
  25. working on Poisson generation — dabi / bitbucketweb
  26. added speed test for Poisson — dabi / bitbucketweb
  27. working on Poisson — dabi / bitbucketweb
  28. working on Poisson. Introduced action_grad_x in order to speed up in certain cases — dabi / bitbucketweb
  29. added title to taxonomy — dabi / bitbucketweb
  30. fixed merge with Functionals->Maps. Working on Poisson. Fixed taxonomy. — dabi / bitbucketweb
  31. RejectionSampler + multi dim uniform — dabi / bitbucketweb
  32. working on poisson — dabi / bitbucketweb
  33. working on dimension reduction... — dabi / bitbucketweb
  34. working on poisson — dabi / bitbucketweb
  35. working on Cantilever — dabi / bitbucketweb
  36. adding missing file — dabi / bitbucketweb
  37. working on timoshenko — dabi / bitbucketweb
  38. working on banana — dabi / bitbucketweb
  39. working on lazy with identity tails — dabi / bitbucketweb
  40. lazy maps have now an identity tail — dabi / bitbucketweb
  41. working on timoshenko — dabi / bitbucketweb
  42. working on the generation of the target distribution — dabi / bitbucketweb
  43. working on Timoshenko distribution — dabi / bitbucketweb
  44. added puwr ess routine :) — dabi / bitbucketweb
  45. timoshenko... — dabi / bitbucketweb
  46. working on timoshenko — dabi / bitbucketweb
  47. working on timoshenko — dabi / bitbucketweb
  48. timoshenko set up done — dabi / bitbucketweb
  49. timoshenko works O_O' — dabi / bitbucketweb
  50. postprocessing timoshenko — dabi / bitbucketweb
  51. working on timoshenko — dabi / bitbucketweb
  52. hard truncation is back.. — dabi / bitbucketweb
  53. improved action_grad_x with action_adjoint_grad_x to compute gradients left to right if output < input — dabi / bitbucketweb
  54. improved action_grad_x with action_adjoint_grad_x to compute gradients left to right if output < input — dabi / bitbucketweb
  55. implementing missing adjoint functions — dabi / bitbucketweb
  56. Done with LogCox for Lazy maps — dabi / bitbucketweb
  57. working on cantilever — dabi / bitbucketweb
  58. staring with Poisson — dabi / bitbucketweb
  59. added IdentityEmbeddedParametricTransprotMap and made minimize_kl_divergence general for any parametric transport map — dabi / bitbucketweb
  60. added dolfin version markers/warnings for solvers — dabi / bitbucketweb
  61. modified ess reporting — dabi / bitbucketweb
  62. working on timoshenko — dabi / bitbucketweb
  63. going on with plots — dabi / bitbucketweb
  64. timoshenko plots — dabi / bitbucketweb
  65. poisson plots — dabi / bitbucketweb

#66 (Apr 18, 2019, 11:01:37 AM)

  1. making Functionals into maps with output in one dimension. This will allow the use of all the machinery available for maps (composition etc) also for functionals... — dabi / bitbucketweb
  2. working on unit tests... — dabi / bitbucketweb
  3. all tests pass — dabi / bitbucketweb

#65 (Apr 17, 2019, 11:43:17 AM)

  1. working on transforming Functionals into Maps — dabi / bitbucketweb
  2. moving Functionals into Maps — dabi / bitbucketweb
  3. updated taxonomy... needs to reflect the fact that Functionals is a submodule of Maps — dabi / bitbucketweb
  4. fixed taxonomy — dabi / bitbucketweb
  5. fixing unit tests — dabi / bitbucketweb
  6. added deprecation message if importing TransportMaps.Functionals — dabi / bitbucketweb
  7. working on unittests and fixed some docs — dabi / bitbucketweb
  8. fixed dependencies — dabi / bitbucketweb
  9. passing unit tests — dabi / bitbucketweb

#64 (Mar 26, 2019, 3:42:33 PM)

  1. added missing file — dabi / bitbucketweb

#63 (Mar 25, 2019, 2:37:43 PM)

  1. working on taxonomy structure — dabi / bitbucketweb
  2. added missing file — dabi / bitbucketweb
  3. ... — dabi / bitbucketweb
  4. going on with taxonomy — dabi / bitbucketweb
  5. working on distributions — dabi / bitbucketweb
  6. ... — dabi / bitbucketweb
  7. working on taxonomy for distributions — dabi / bitbucketweb
  8. working on taxonomy — dabi / bitbucketweb
  9. advancing with distributions — dabi / bitbucketweb
  10. working on decomposable distributions... — dabi / bitbucketweb
  11. working on decomposable taxonomy — dabi / bitbucketweb
  12. working on Maps — dabi / bitbucketweb
  13. ... — dabi / bitbucketweb
  14. ... — dabi / bitbucketweb
  15. added Functionals module — dabi / bitbucketweb
  16. done with Functionals — dabi / bitbucketweb
  17. adde Likelihoods — dabi / bitbucketweb
  18. fixed edge — dabi / bitbucketweb
  19. Started with the refactoring of the code... Things breaks from here... — dabi / bitbucketweb
  20. working on Maps module refactoring — dabi / bitbucketweb
  21. ... — dabi / bitbucketweb
  22. ... — dabi / bitbucketweb
  23. started working on TriangularCompoentwiseTransportMap — dabi / bitbucketweb
  24. ... — dabi / bitbucketweb
  25. ... — dabi / bitbucketweb
  26. ... — dabi / bitbucketweb
  27. working on ListCompositeTransportMapBase — dabi / bitbucketweb
  28. done with ListCompositeTransportMap — dabi / bitbucketweb
  29. done with InverseTransportMap — dabi / bitbucketweb
  30. ... — dabi / bitbucketweb
  31. working on AffineMaps — dabi / bitbucketweb
  32. ... — dabi / bitbucketweb
  33. ... — dabi / bitbucketweb
  34. ... — dabi / bitbucketweb
  35. ... — dabi / bitbucketweb
  36. starting with debugging of Maps — dabi / bitbucketweb
  37. starting with debugging of Maps — dabi / bitbucketweb
  38. ... — dabi / bitbucketweb
  39. unit testing Maps — dabi / bitbucketweb
  40. working on unittest Maps — dabi / bitbucketweb
  41. working on unit tests... — dabi / bitbucketweb
  42. working on unittests — dabi / bitbucketweb
  43. passes test_transportmaps — dabi / bitbucketweb
  44. fixed most of unittests... — dabi / bitbucketweb
  45. some other fixes — dabi / bitbucketweb
  46. working on distributions — dabi / bitbucketweb
  47. distributions done — dabi / bitbucketweb
  48. adding missing file — dabi / bitbucketweb
  49. working on Functionals — dabi / bitbucketweb
  50. testing Functionals — dabi / bitbucketweb
  51. updated distribution — dabi / bitbucketweb
  52. some fixed — dabi / bitbucketweb
  53. fixing unittests — dabi / bitbucketweb
  54. some fixes — dabi / bitbucketweb
  55. left two l2 minimization errors... — dabi / bitbucketweb
  56. passes all tests — dabi / bitbucketweb

#62 (Mar 4, 2019, 9:30:32 AM)

  1. started working on some examples — dabi / bitbucketweb
  2. working on euler bernoulli — dabi / bitbucketweb
  3. working on bod — dabi / bitbucketweb
  4. started with the a sketch of the algorithm — dabi / bitbucketweb
  5. working on algorithm — dabi / bitbucketweb
  6. lazy map implementation for BOD — dabi / bitbucketweb
  7. started algorithm for lazy map in Algorithms — dabi / bitbucketweb
  8. working on banana — dabi / bitbucketweb
  9. working on banana — dabi / bitbucketweb
  10. soft truncation, i.e. nearly linear map works better than hard truncation (which does not work at all but in few cases) — dabi / bitbucketweb
  11. playing with orders — dabi / bitbucketweb
  12. working on forward Euler map — dabi / bitbucketweb
  13. working on Forward Euler — dabi / bitbucketweb
  14. fixed Lorenz63 and added ODEs discretization maps to the framework — dabi / bitbucketweb
  15. started implementation of Lorenz 96 — dabi / bitbucketweb
  16. working on Lorenz96 — dabi / bitbucketweb
  17. added the possibility of skipping prediction steps by composing Euler maps — dabi / bitbucketweb
  18. added rmse output for smoothing — dabi / bitbucketweb
  19. lorenz 96 distribution ready — dabi / bitbucketweb
  20. starting to generate distribution for Lorenz96 — dabi / bitbucketweb
  21. dynamics generated correctly — dabi / bitbucketweb
  22. working on the generator of maps with prescribed sparsity for L96 — dabi / bitbucketweb
  23. working on the generator of maps with prescribed sparsity for L96 — dabi / bitbucketweb
  24. working on loading maps for L96 — dabi / bitbucketweb
  25. working on postprocessing — dabi / bitbucketweb
  26. working on results for AGU — dabi / bitbucketweb
  27. working on results for AGU — dabi / bitbucketweb
  28. added missing files l96 — dabi / bitbucketweb
  29. working on time plotting of l63 — dabi / bitbucketweb
  30. working on reduced basis extraction — dabi / bitbucketweb
  31. working on reduced basis extraction — dabi / bitbucketweb
  32. working on low-rank filter — dabi / bitbucketweb
  33. working on low-rank for filtering — dabi / bitbucketweb
  34. working on generation of maps for low-rank approximations — dabi / bitbucketweb
  35. working on generation of maps for low-rank approximations — dabi / bitbucketweb
  36. experimenting with low-rank — dabi / bitbucketweb
  37. working on low-rank l96 — dabi / bitbucketweb
  38. working on low-rank l96 — dabi / bitbucketweb
  39. working on L96 M2 — dabi / bitbucketweb
  40. working on L96 M2 — dabi / bitbucketweb
  41. working on L96 M2 — dabi / bitbucketweb
  42. working on gradient of L96 model II — dabi / bitbucketweb
  43. cython implementation of gradient works — dabi / bitbucketweb
  44. action of hessian works for L96 model 2 — dabi / bitbucketweb
  45. working on preconditioning — dabi / bitbucketweb
  46. working on l96 m2 — dabi / bitbucketweb
  47. working on l96 m2 — dabi / bitbucketweb
  48. running l96 m2 — dabi / bitbucketweb
  49. preparing linear maps for low-rank model — dabi / bitbucketweb
  50. re-factoring some nomenclature for hidden Markov chains — dabi / bitbucketweb
  51. re-factoring some nomenclature for hidden Markov chains — dabi / bitbucketweb
  52. modal l96 model 2 done — dabi / bitbucketweb
  53. fixed tmap-seq-tm — dabi / bitbucketweb
  54. working on filtering preconditioning — dabi / bitbucketweb
  55. preconditioning through filter almost works — dabi / bitbucketweb
  56. working on both l96 and l63 — dabi / bitbucketweb
  57. filter preconditioning works!! — dabi / bitbucketweb
  58. prepared filtering preconditioning for l96 — dabi / bitbucketweb
  59. preconditioning through filtering works for l96 — dabi / bitbucketweb
  60. mpi_map now updates automatically the counters of the methods called on an object — dabi / bitbucketweb
  61. l96 with filter preconditioning works. NEXT: remove 1st step of smoother (first lag-1 smoothing) and substitute with the regular step using the 0-th filtering (0-th step inference problem) — dabi / bitbucketweb
  62. removed skip-first and made 0th step to be included in the final map. So the first map in the composition does not involve a transition — dabi / bitbucketweb
  63. working on combination of filt preconditioner and low-rank preconditioner — dabi / bitbucketweb
  64. low-rank preconditioning works with filter preconditioning — dabi / bitbucketweb
  65. working on lr l96 — dabi / bitbucketweb
  66. working on l96 — dabi / bitbucketweb
  67. working on l96 lr — dabi / bitbucketweb
  68. going.. — dabi / bitbucketweb
  69. working on banded maps — dabi / bitbucketweb
  70. experimenting low-rank subspace ideas — dabi / bitbucketweb
  71. working on constructor — dabi / bitbucketweb
  72. working on runner for poisson — dabi / bitbucketweb
  73. embedding the deep lazy map construction into the builder cycle — dabi / bitbucketweb
  74. restructuring all the building architecture — dabi / bitbucketweb
  75. restructuring of building architecture done. todo on sequential algorithm as well. — dabi / bitbucketweb
  76. working on reshaping of builders — dabi / bitbucketweb
  77. some fixes after big merge. Going to branch off this in order to debug and work on Lazy maps at the same time — dabi / bitbucketweb
  78. working on the runner for lazy maps — dabi / bitbucketweb
  79. fixing here and there — dabi / bitbucketweb
  80. working on the lazy map script — dabi / bitbucketweb
  81. working on scripts for lazy maps — dabi / bitbucketweb
  82. working on scripts for lazy maps — dabi / bitbucketweb
  83. fixing new interface — dabi / bitbucketweb
  84. testing tmap-deep-lazy-tm — dabi / bitbucketweb
  85. testing tmap-deep-lazy-tm — dabi / bitbucketweb
  86. testing... — dabi / bitbucketweb
  87. script runs — dabi / bitbucketweb
  88. working on poisson with lazy maps — dabi / bitbucketweb
  89. working on poisson with lazy maps — dabi / bitbucketweb

#61 (Feb 20, 2019, 5:13:56 PM)

  1. transformed tmap-tm in the logic of CLI. to be tested by doing... — dabi / bitbucketweb

#60 (Feb 19, 2019, 7:57:56 PM)

  1. started on poisson — dabi / bitbucketweb

#59 (Feb 19, 2019, 4:06:48 PM)

  1. changed format of semilattices for linear span — dabi / bitbucketweb
  2. changed format of semilattices for linear span — dabi / bitbucketweb
  3. fixed callback parameter minimize kl. — dabi / bitbucketweb
  4. changed active_set to SortedSet to preserve iteration order after serialization (for parallel computing purposes) — dabi / bitbucketweb
  5. added LinearSpanVertex to the exposed classes — dabi / bitbucketweb
  6. fixed bug in LinearMap (defined twice...) — dabi / bitbucketweb

#58 (Feb 18, 2019, 10:03:00 PM)

  1. modified truncation step to retain always old indices — dabi / bitbucketweb
  2. left-over changes — dabi / bitbucketweb
  3. fixed low-rank approximation for outer grad (lis) to not compute multiple likelihoods — dabi / bitbucketweb
  4. fixed low-rank approximation for outer grad (lis) to not compute multiple likelihoods — dabi / bitbucketweb
  5. working on fv linear candidate map — dabi / bitbucketweb
  6. semilattices integrated into adaptivity. To be tested! The spirit is there though. — dabi / bitbucketweb
  7. semilattices integrated into adaptivity algorithm. fixes #92 — dabi / bitbucketweb

#57 (Feb 16, 2019, 8:22:03 AM)

  1. now LinearSpanApproximation uses a semilattice for multiindex and coefficients storage — dabi / bitbucketweb
  2. passing tests — dabi / bitbucketweb
  3. semilattice constructors exposed in default transport map constructors — dabi / bitbucketweb
  4. fixed init coeffs bug — dabi / bitbucketweb
  5. fixed semilattice data structure for serialization — dabi / bitbucketweb
  6. fixed bugs in tests — dabi / bitbucketweb
  7. reshaped tests — dabi / bitbucketweb
  8. passes all tests — dabi / bitbucketweb

#56 (Feb 4, 2019, 10:29:53 AM)

  1. working on the generation of the distribution — dabi / bitbucketweb
  2. setup for Lorenz63 done — dabi / bitbucketweb
  3. some fixes for sequential data assimilation — dabi / bitbucketweb
  4. working on linear map approximation — dabi / bitbucketweb
  5. figuring out what's wrong... — dabi / bitbucketweb
  6. added testing of gradients for distributions — dabi / bitbucketweb
  7. added tests for gradients of distributions and tried on Lorenz63 — dabi / bitbucketweb
  8. fixed unit tests for test_derivatives functions — dabi / bitbucketweb

#55 (Nov 17, 2018, 12:13:20 PM)

  1. started working on the Lorenz63 model — dabi / bitbucketweb

#54 (Nov 17, 2018, 11:47:21 AM)

  1. Finite difference is just one function for all the cases. — dabi / bitbucketweb
  2. all unit tests pass with new DerivativesChecks module — dabi / bitbucketweb
  3. remomved try catch from DerivativesChecks. Started with test_derivatives — dabi / bitbucketweb
  4. added action_hess_a interface to Parametric distributions — dabi / bitbucketweb
  5. added vectorized derivative check for the action of the Hessian — dabi / bitbucketweb

#53 (Oct 25, 2018, 10:20:20 PM)

  1. working on fixing init for examples — dabi / bitbucketweb
  2. removed examples from init imports in order to avoid cycles — dabi / bitbucketweb

#52 (Oct 24, 2018, 10:24:32 PM)

  1. added missing file — dabi / bitbucketweb

#51 (Oct 24, 2018, 9:44:09 PM)

  1. updated installation docs requirements for libsuitesparse-dev — dabi / bitbucketweb

#49 (Sep 25, 2018, 9:58:13 PM)

  1. working on linear maps — dabi / bitbucketweb
  2. working on linear maps — dabi / bitbucketweb
  3. working on new implementation of NormalDistribution — dabi / bitbucketweb
  4. working on NormalDistribution — dabi / bitbucketweb
  5. going on with NormalDistribution — dabi / bitbucketweb
  6. debugging — dabi / bitbucketweb
  7. Laplace approximation work with new NormalDistribution implementation — dabi / bitbucketweb
  8. fixed bug on Normal to Uniform transformation — dabi / bitbucketweb
  9. working on sequential linear inference... — dabi / bitbucketweb
  10. fixed last unit test on sequential inference — dabi / bitbucketweb

#48 (Sep 23, 2018, 5:38:55 PM)

  1. get some initial code thoughts up.. — joshuawchen / bitbucketweb
  2. quadrature params stuff — joshuawchen / bitbucketweb
  3. personal add to gitignore — joshuawchen / bitbucketweb
  4. merge in branch — joshuawchen / bitbucketweb
  5. minor — joshuawchen / bitbucketweb
  6. done plots for BOD — dabi / bitbucketweb
  7. working on ice model — dabi / bitbucketweb
  8. minor testing — joshuawchen / bitbucketweb
  9. working on multi-dimensional ice model — dabi / bitbucketweb
  10. stopping crit based on first iteration. — joshuawchen / bitbucketweb
  11. pre_solve and post_solve methods — joshuawchen / bitbucketweb
  12. working on adaptivity for spatially varying ice model — dabi / bitbucketweb
  13. push for daniele — joshuawchen / bitbucketweb
  14. modified interface for refinement — dabi / bitbucketweb
  15. modified refinement for sparse grid — dabi / bitbucketweb
  16. initialized map to identity prior to minimize_kl_divergence first call — dabi / bitbucketweb
  17. move sparse grid adaptation (forming the sparse grid)  into 'quadrature' — joshuawchen / bitbucketweb
  18. current tests on BananPlots — joshuawchen / bitbucketweb
  19. add comments for myself for tomorrow — joshuawchen / bitbucketweb
  20. working on ice settin — dabi / bitbucketweb
  21. 'GradientDimensionAdaptiveSparseGridKLMinimizationValidator' — joshuawchen / bitbucketweb
  22. working on ice model — dabi / bitbucketweb
  23. working on whitening of ice model — dabi / bitbucketweb
  24. working on ice — dabi / bitbucketweb
  25. better inverse map for ice problem — dabi / bitbucketweb
  26. minor — dabi / bitbucketweb
  27. sparse grid is not extracting f from kwargs, to be passed every time — dabi / bitbucketweb
  28. preparing for run — joshuawchen / bitbucketweb
  29. trying modification to variance diag calculation — joshuawchen / bitbucketweb
  30. try except in _refinement of KLAdaptivity — joshuawchen / bitbucketweb
  31. sign error. BOD — joshuawchen / bitbucketweb
  32. working on ice — dabi / bitbucketweb
  33. modified external interface for (x,w) for sparse grid library. — joshuawchen / bitbucketweb
  34. BananaPlots works perfectly. — joshuawchen / bitbucketweb
  35. BananaPlots MC vs SG. curently the MC doesnt work because in my branch — joshuawchen / bitbucketweb
  36. just some printing for diagnosing — joshuawchen / bitbucketweb
  37. consistent naming — joshuawchen / bitbucketweb
  38. bod plots for mcqmc — dabi / bitbucketweb
  39. add the points on the top of the plots for BOD sparse grid — joshuawchen / bitbucketweb
  40. kwargs — joshuawchen / bitbucketweb
  41. Is this a bug? — joshuawchen / bitbucketweb
  42. setting results on paper — dabi / bitbucketweb
  43. add arguments to pre/post solve — joshuawchen / bitbucketweb
  44. testing ideas... — joshuawchen / bitbucketweb
  45. add x,w, to dictionary after error estimation — joshuawchen / bitbucketweb
  46. validators — joshuawchen / bitbucketweb
  47. finished with tests for this branch. starting new branch for quadrature — joshuawchen / bitbucketweb
  48. pushing commented out code that shows the error of log(0) — joshuawchen / bitbucketweb
  49. changed tolerance for bod problem — dabi / bitbucketweb
  50. figuring out tolerances — dabi / bitbucketweb
  51. Remove class GradientDimensionAdaptiveSparseGridKLMinimizationValidator. — joshuawchen / bitbucketweb
  52. comments, and justfication for changes with comments  for Daniele — joshuawchen / bitbucketweb
  53. remove some unnecesssary code. — joshuawchen / bitbucketweb
  54. remove more comments, etc — joshuawchen / bitbucketweb
  55. testing default_initial_quadrature. — joshuawchen / bitbucketweb
  56. Trying to case on whether or not 'initial' grid was laready created. — joshuawchen / bitbucketweb
  57. some order in the tolerances (maybe) — dabi / bitbucketweb
  58. sort weights by absolute value for more stability in order of addition. — joshuawchen / bitbucketweb
  59. Place plotting under a boolean for toggling ease. — joshuawchen / bitbucketweb
  60. commenting and refining quadrature... — joshuawchen / bitbucketweb
  61. clean up quadrature qtype 4 — joshuawchen / bitbucketweb
  62. remove 'np.newaxis' everywhere. use [x], now that I understand the — joshuawchen / bitbucketweb
  63. no need for 'previous_fval' under current algorithm.. — joshuawchen / bitbucketweb
  64. KeyError exception for default quadrature — joshuawchen / bitbucketweb
  65. KeyError for presolve. — joshuawchen / bitbucketweb
  66. coment an issue with this branch. why is pull_tar.n_coeffs missing if we — joshuawchen / bitbucketweb
  67. add ref_params to post_solve — joshuawchen / bitbucketweb
  68. add ref_params to post_solve, logger info — joshuawchen / bitbucketweb
  69. Fix BananaPlots for current interface — joshuawchen / bitbucketweb
  70. Oops, I accidentally merged branches incorrectly. Just rolling back some — joshuawchen / bitbucketweb
  71. add stochastic volatility to this branch. — joshuawchen / bitbucketweb
  72. trying much simpler interface to functions/integrands for sparse grid — joshuawchen / bitbucketweb
  73. bug fix — joshuawchen / bitbucketweb
  74. space — joshuawchen / bitbucketweb
  75. comments — joshuawchen / bitbucketweb
  76. add stochastic volatility  to this branch — joshuawchen / bitbucketweb
  77. change tol for StochasticVolatility.. decrase max_grid_pts to alleviate — joshuawchen / bitbucketweb
  78. rethinking instantiation of parameters for GaussianDistribution — dabi / bitbucketweb
  79. reshaping the quadrature function in GaussianDistribution — dabi / bitbucketweb
  80. using bfgs in adaptivity for now to make sense of tolerances. working on — dabi / bitbucketweb
  81. we don't need 'converged', or 'termination reason' or the integral — joshuawchen / bitbucketweb
  82. BFGS for the BOD problem — joshuawchen / bitbucketweb
  83. now adaptive_quadratures can be built also wrt for pushforward/pullback — dabi / bitbucketweb
  84. relegate checking for uniqueness if x,w to some 'debug' mode in future — joshuawchen / bitbucketweb
  85. start testing laplace approximation. new BOD file for that. — joshuawchen / bitbucketweb
  86. added missing file — dabi / bitbucketweb
  87. mirroring what we've done in frozendistributions quadature, dont need to — joshuawchen / bitbucketweb
  88. adapter -> qparams['adapter'] — joshuawchen / bitbucketweb
  89. techincally dont need two files, just separate them though so we can — joshuawchen / bitbucketweb
  90. nax = np.newaxis — joshuawchen / bitbucketweb
  91. standard normal doesn't need trnasformation (dont need to use sampling — joshuawchen / bitbucketweb
  92. right now quadratur requires abs_tol, even if initial grid is just an — joshuawchen / bitbucketweb
  93. pre/post solve fixes try except - > if else — joshuawchen / bitbucketweb
  94. pre/post solve fixes — joshuawchen / bitbucketweb
  95. Decrease optimizaiton tol for the Laplace Approx problem, since its — joshuawchen / bitbucketweb
  96. testing parameters for initial_quadrature — joshuawchen / bitbucketweb
  97. I believe you need to warmstart here. — joshuawchen / bitbucketweb
  98. use error estimation points in post_solve — joshuawchen / bitbucketweb
  99. allow first variation/line serach to use the last set of points from — joshuawchen / bitbucketweb
  100. add L^2 regularization part of objective gradient. this right now is — joshuawchen / bitbucketweb
  101. add regularization to the laplace approx example — joshuawchen / bitbucketweb
  102. Revert "add L^2 regularization part of objective gradient. this right — joshuawchen / bitbucketweb
  103. slash \, and justification for qparams abs_tol — joshuawchen / bitbucketweb
  104. add norm printing — joshuawchen / bitbucketweb
  105. more informative comment. realized that the regularization is — joshuawchen / bitbucketweb
  106. stuff for l2 regularization — joshuawchen / bitbucketweb
  107. parameter adjustments: decrease regularizaztion, relax the initial — joshuawchen / bitbucketweb
  108. make the optimization a bit easier for this regularized problem. too — joshuawchen / bitbucketweb
  109. setting up Poisson — dabi / bitbucketweb
  110. almost done with the constant field Poisson setting — dabi / bitbucketweb
  111. fixing gradients — dabi / bitbucketweb
  112. Poisson problem set up for constant field and Gaussian field — dabi / bitbucketweb
  113. whitening script for Poisson — dabi / bitbucketweb
  114. added action of the Hessian — dabi / bitbucketweb
  115. fixed whitening script and added xml map descriptor — dabi / bitbucketweb
  116. fixed bug in FrozenDistributions qtype==0 — dabi / bitbucketweb
  117. change how w outputs in darkspark — joshuawchen / bitbucketweb
  118. increase max allowed levels... all quadarture levels were maxing out at — joshuawchen / bitbucketweb
  119. increase max allowed levels to a very high amount.. — joshuawchen / bitbucketweb
  120. fix a bug — joshuawchen / bitbucketweb
  121. working on sv — dabi / bitbucketweb
  122. working on new active variable detection technique — dabi / bitbucketweb
  123. turn try except into if/else. comment out new metho for  prunning of — joshuawchen / bitbucketweb
  124. abs_tol is not needed for the default quad case. bring back 'self.eps', — joshuawchen / bitbucketweb
  125. if BFGS with inf norm, print inf norm of jacobina, not 2 norm. — joshuawchen / bitbucketweb
  126. eps in validator — joshuawchen / bitbucketweb
  127. working on SV. Try ½ solve tol to start with. ½ each time. set a minimum — joshuawchen / bitbucketweb
  128. prints — joshuawchen / bitbucketweb
  129. Informative printing of info, revert to 1/10 solve_tol, seems to work. — joshuawchen / bitbucketweb
  130. start MC SV — joshuawchen / bitbucketweb
  131. working on sv tests for talk — dabi / bitbucketweb
  132. figures generated for Josh talk — dabi / bitbucketweb
  133. update poisson example for newer versions of fenics — joshuawchen / bitbucketweb
  134. undo bug — joshuawchen / bitbucketweb
  135. start with diagonal — joshuawchen / bitbucketweb
  136. Fixed Poisson problem set up in SG adaptivity — dabi / bitbucketweb
  137. made DARKSparK and optional External package — dabi / bitbucketweb
  138. mpi works on the poisson example — dabi / bitbucketweb
  139. cleaning up poisson problem to be included to the available — dabi / bitbucketweb
  140. working on general setting of PDE problems with FENICS — dabi / bitbucketweb
  141. going on... — dabi / bitbucketweb
  142. going on.. — dabi / bitbucketweb
  143. going on.. — dabi / bitbucketweb
  144. almost done with the Poisson setting — dabi / bitbucketweb
  145. added LinearTriangularMap for fast regression (nested Cholesky) — dabi / bitbucketweb
  146. working on setting for Poisson problem — dabi / bitbucketweb
  147. working on Poisson — dabi / bitbucketweb
  148. added the bootstrap validator and changed arguments on error_estimation — dabi / bitbucketweb
  149. added bootstrap option to tmap-tm — dabi / bitbucketweb
  150. working on the bootstrap validator — dabi / bitbucketweb
  151. changed the stopping criterion for the bootstrap validator — dabi / bitbucketweb
  152. polishing adaptivity — dabi / bitbucketweb
  153. fixing coefficients update and cache usage in first variation — dabi / bitbucketweb
  154. added better estimation of points multiplier for bootstrap validator — dabi / bitbucketweb
  155. working on randomized approximation of Hessian for Laplace approximation — dabi / bitbucketweb
  156. randomized_direct_svd works — dabi / bitbucketweb
  157. randomized svd is consistent with eigenvalue decomposition — dabi / bitbucketweb
  158. low-rank laplace work with outer gradients and low-rank hessian — dabi / bitbucketweb
  159. implementing likelihood informed subspace procedure — dabi / bitbucketweb
  160. working on Laplace approximation with lis in the head of the square root — dabi / bitbucketweb
  161. added option lis on tmap-laplace. LinearTransportMaps and — dabi / bitbucketweb

#47 (Aug 23, 2018, 11:06:58 AM)

  1. throwing an error if ders!=[0,1] used in decoupled LinearSpan min_kl — dabi / bitbucketweb
  2. fixed last fix... — dabi / bitbucketweb
  3. generalized input arguments to ParametricDistriubtion, so that calls can — dabi / bitbucketweb
  4. generalized input arguments to ParametricDistriubtion, so that calls can — dabi / bitbucketweb
  5. fixing bugs in tutorial examples — dabi / bitbucketweb
  6. in the process of fixing documentation. Todo: sequential stochastic — dabi / bitbucketweb
  7. fixed direct construction tutorial — dabi / bitbucketweb
  8. checked inverse gumbel tutorial — dabi / bitbucketweb
  9. updated version — dabi / bitbucketweb

#46 (Jun 26, 2018, 5:09:33 AM)

  1. added bod and banana examples for sparse grid testing — dabi / bitbucketweb

#45 (Jun 26, 2018, 3:00:50 AM)

  1. modified interface of solve_to_target and generalized — dabi / bitbucketweb
  2. tested new interface for validators — dabi / bitbucketweb

#44 (Jun 25, 2018, 11:43:52 AM)

  1. working on figures for beta dist on monotone paper; — dabi / bitbucketweb
  2. working on figures for Beta plots — dabi / bitbucketweb
  3. working on banana example and adaptivity — dabi / bitbucketweb
  4. beta plots done — dabi / bitbucketweb
  5. working on banana adaptivity — dabi / bitbucketweb
  6. working on BOD example — dabi / bitbucketweb
  7. working on BOD — dabi / bitbucketweb
  8. working on IceThickness model — dabi / bitbucketweb
  9. working on the ice thickness problem — dabi / bitbucketweb
  10. working on ice — dabi / bitbucketweb
  11. working on bod and ice model with changes on adaptivity routines — dabi / bitbucketweb
  12. working on BOD and IceThickness models. Added Conditioning through maps. — dabi / bitbucketweb
  13. working on BOD — dabi / bitbucketweb
  14. working on BOD — dabi / bitbucketweb
  15. done figures of BOD. Maybe we should compare to MCMC — dabi / bitbucketweb
  16. working on bod plots — dabi / bitbucketweb
  17. fixed Markov Chain sampling (big bug) — dabi / bitbucketweb

#43 (May 2, 2018, 9:45:28 AM)

  1. removed unnecessary folders in Examples and updated mirroring script — dabi / bitbucketweb
  2. added algorithms documentation section — dabi / bitbucketweb
  3. updated script for public mirroring — dabi / bitbucketweb

#42 (Apr 30, 2018, 3:02:23 PM)

  1. example on Gumbel 1d — rsb / bitbucketweb
  2. subtract identity_coeffs + l1_reg to component kl — rsb / bitbucketweb
  3. fixed compatibility issue with py2 — dabi / bitbucketweb

#41 (Apr 30, 2018, 1:46:37 PM)

  1. removed dependency on FileNotFoundError for compatibility with py2 — dabi / bitbucketweb

#40 (Apr 30, 2018, 12:16:59 PM)

  1. fixing bugs for release — dabi / bitbucketweb
  2. working to fix grax_gradt_kl — dabi / bitbucketweb
  3. fixed grad_x of first variation — dabi / bitbucketweb

#39 (Apr 16, 2018, 9:44:10 AM)

  1. fixed processtime name — dabi / bitbucketweb

#37 (Apr 16, 2018, 9:40:49 AM)

  1. fixed process_time PyV3 PyV2 — dabi / bitbucketweb