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Build History trend
EGADS 2036 OpenCSM 2476
EGADS 2034 OpenCSM 2476
EGADS 2032 OpenCSM 2475
EGADS 2029 OpenCSM 2475
EGADS 2028 OpenCSM 2474
EGADS 2025 OpenCSM 2474
EGADS 2020 OpenCSM 2472
EGADS 2016 OpenCSM 2469
EGADS 2012 OpenCSM 2467
EGADS 2004 OpenCSM 2459
EGADS 1992 OpenCSM 2453
EGADS 1991 OpenCSM 2451
EGADS 1984 OpenCSM 2451
EGADS 1982 OpenCSM 2446
EGADS 1982 OpenCSM 2442
EGADS 1982 OpenCSM 2442
EGADS 1978 OpenCSM 2440
EGADS 1971 OpenCSM 2428
EGADS 1971 OpenCSM 2427
EGADS 1969 OpenCSM 2423


#341 (Apr 14, 2024, 6:43:11 PM)

  1. Add lred, lgreen, and lblue to STEP/IGES IO — galbramc / detail
  2. Avoid segfault when IGES file lacks units — galbramc / detail
  3. Suppress missaligned memory for OCC 7.8 — galbramc / detail
  4. Look for stanalizer runtime errors — galbramc / detail

#340 (Apr 7, 2024, 6:43:07 PM)

  1. fix bug that causes output from pyscript to be lost if the pyscript uses os.chdir; fix bug that can lose attributes when SUBTRACTing two co-planar SheetBodys; add plateHoles* test cases; update _edgeID documentation in OpenCSM.h and ESP-help; change SUBTRACTion of two co-planar SheetBodys so that the tool always pokes a hole in the source (instead of scribing the source as was previously done if the source and tool intersect); update scribe11* and subtract7* test cases; if any boolean fails, leave the stack unchanged; add scribeAll argument to SUBTRACT to scribe Edges even when they are coincident with a Face; add scribe12* test cases — jfdannen / detail
  2. Fix EG_matchBody functions — galbramc / detail
  3. Upgrade ESP config to Python 3.11.9 — galbramc / detail

#339 (Mar 31, 2024, 6:43:09 PM)

  1. Further propagate Name attribute in step files — galbramc / detail
  2. Revert last commit — galbramc / detail
  3. Use face bbx in EG_matchBodyFaces — galbramc / detail

#338 (Mar 24, 2024, 6:43:11 PM)

  1. fix bug when selecting with xmin=xmax, ymi=ymax, and zmin=zmax; update bentWaffle test case — jfdannen / detail
  2. Remove memory leaks from UVMAP when reporting errors — haimes / detail
  3. Supprees fighter4 with OCC 7.8 — galbramc / detail

#337 (Mar 17, 2024, 6:43:10 PM)

  1. Protect against segFaults for unusual situations in UVMAP — haimes / detail
  2. Suppress lint — galbramc / detail
  3. Enable FullAttr for EG_imprintBody — galbramc / detail

#336 (Mar 10, 2024, 6:43:08 PM)

  1. pass flags from parent MODL into MODL created by udpCsm — jfdannen / detail
  2. add OCC 7.8.0 verification data — jfdannen / detail
  3. Consitency between Linux x86_64 and aarch64 — galbramc / detail
  4. Updated ESP config files for OCC 7.8 — galbramc / detail
  5. Fix typo — galbramc / detail
  6. Write Loop Name to underlying curves. Read WireBody from step files. — galbramc / detail
  7. EG_isIsoPCurve only works for OCC 7.6 or above — galbramc / detail
  8. Update Win Env for 7.8 — galbramc / detail
  9. prepare for testing with OCC 7.8.0 — jfdannen / detail

#335 (Mar 3, 2024, 6:43:08 PM)

  1. Fix OpenCSM.h dependencies when copying to include — haimes / detail
  2. add blend32* test cases; add more OPAM1* test cases; add _vspID attribute to Faces in udpVsp3; update nuscale* verification data — jfdannen / detail
  3. More Linux RPATH changes — haimes / detail
  4. Update egads.def — galbramc / detail
  5. Udpate addKnots test — galbramc / detail
  6. Expose EG_addKnots. Add EG_isIsoPCurve. Ensure convertToBspline for LINE/PLANE is degree 1 — galbramc / detail
  7. More Linux RPATH changes — haimes / detail

#334 (Feb 25, 2024, 6:43:08 PM)

  1. add checkVtk.c; remove blank lines in .vtk writer; add vtk2stl.c — jfdannen / detail
  2. loosen tolerance in convertToBSplines to overcome sloppy Pcurves on DARWIN_ARM64; improve efficiency of .vtk ASCII file writer — jfdannen / detail
  3. Correctly trim a trimmed surface in convertToBspline — galbramc / detail
  4. Fix so blend rounded tip works when the first edge in the section loop is the trailing edge — galbramc / detail
  5. Use consistent CURVE/SURFACE approximation algorithms and preserve periodicity in convertToBspline — galbramc / detail
  6. OpenCASCADE messed up the dependency on their libraries for 7.8 — haimes / detail

#333 (Feb 18, 2024, 6:43:11 PM)

  1. working to debug nuscale8* on ARM — jfdannen / detail
  2. working to debug nuscale8* on ARM — jfdannen / detail
  3. working to debug nuscale8* on ARM — jfdannen / detail
  4. working to debug nuscale8* on ARM — jfdannen / detail
  5. add ability to DUMP .vtk ASCII files; fix memory leak in nuscale8* test cases — jfdannen / detail
  6. modify fatal error messages in include line number — jfdannen / detail
  7. fix bug in udfNuscale that occurs for periodic Faces; add nuscale5-8 test cases; fix stanalizer error in ocsmPrintEgo — jfdannen / detail
  8. improve formatting in ocsmPrinEgo when printing BEZIERs or BSPLINEs; fix memory leak in ocsmClearance; fix sensitivity bug in BLEND when tangency is specified; add blend31* test cases; add winglet* test cases; include notations in ESP-help for the commands that cause finite difference sensitivities (CHAMFER, CONNECT, EVALUATE, FILLET, HOLLOW, IMPORT, LOFT, REVOLVE, SSLOPE, SWEEP, TORUS); fix bug that did not compute mass-properties-dots if a group of Nodes, Edges, or Faces were selected (independent of the Body type) — jfdannen / detail
  9. Improved error message when PCurves do not form a closed loop — galbramc / detail
  10. Drive the use of RPATH in linux by an environment variable at build — haimes / detail
  11. Write SHELL names to underlying step shells — galbramc / detail
  12. Fix check for copying a PCurve — galbramc / detail
  13. Fix stanalizer warning — galbramc / detail
  14. Restor egads.pdf — galbramc / detail
  15. Allow copyObject on PCurve without transformation. Relax geometric consistency check on dot functions. — galbramc / detail
  16. Update Curve-to-Surface distance calculation to match OCCVER >= 7.6 algorithm — galbramc / detail

#332 (Feb 11, 2024, 6:43:07 PM)

  1. try again at minor fix to avoid unwarranted stanalizer warnings — jfdannen / detail
  2. minor fix to avoid unwarranted stanalizer warnings — jfdannen / detail
  3. fix propagation of Edge attributes for Edges that are LINEs; add persist3* test cases; improve ocsmClearance — jfdannen / detail
  4. Fix dependency on esp.h copy — haimes / detail
  5. remove velocity cache at beginning of build to avoid possible memory leaks — jfdannen / detail
  6. improve accuracy and robustness in ocsmClearance; modify clearance* test cases to make Bodys transparent; add ocsm.Clearance() to pyOCSM; update WAFFLE documentation in ESP-help; add SPLITTER option to udfGanged to scribe a common Body — jfdannen / detail
  7. Fix library file names for Windoze at 7.8 — haimes / detail
  8. Allow for the use of RPATH in LINUX builds — haimes / detail
  9. Test blend tangency treatment sensitvities — galbramc / detail
  10. Cleanup dot testing — galbramc / detail
  11. Fix Color attribute for IGES/STEP — galbramc / detail
  12. Also read/write Name attribute to STEP geometry — galbramc / detail
  13. ffp-model does not exist for older clang — galbramc / detail
  14. Fix DARWIN64.gcc — galbramc / detail
  15. Use -ffp-model=strict on macOS x86_64 as well — galbramc / detail
  16. Missed one file — galbramc / detail
  17. Update win README — galbramc / detail
  18. Add OCC 7.8 to build — galbramc / detail

#330 (Jan 28, 2024, 6:43:10 PM)

  1. increase number of iterations to match point count on opposite Edges in a Face in udfCreateBEM — jfdannen / detail
  2. add metaMaterial test case; allow tilde (~) in strings; in BLEND, allow 3 consecutive C1 xsects if .C1side is specified on the middle one(s); add more blend23* test cases; update udfDroop so that cross-section does not have to be in unit-chord standard position; update udfDroop so that it works with a blunt trailing edge; add droop9* test cases; allow arbitrary paths for UDCs; add udprim4 and udprim5 test cases (udprim1 to udprim3 have jfdannen absolute addresses and are not tested by Jenkins) — jfdannen / detail
  3. Fix Node return in localToGlobal by not looking at Degenerate Edges — haimes / detail

#329 (Jan 21, 2024, 6:43:12 PM)

  1. Uprev DARWIN configs — haimes / detail
  2. Fix warning — galbramc / detail
  3. Fix compile error on Linux — galbramc / detail
  4. Fix typo — galbramc / detail
  5. EGADS redme update for Windoze download — haimes / detail
  6. Missed files — galbramc / detail
  7. Uprev EGADS. Add Face Color attribute for STEP/IGES — galbramc / detail

#328 (Jan 14, 2024, 6:43:11 PM)

  1. allow DisplayFilter to select everything that does not match a pattern; update ESP-help near end of tutorial 1; add displayFilter2 test case — jfdannen / detail
  2. uprev to v1.25 (ESP.html, ESP-localhost.html, ESP-help.html, OpenCSM.h, ocsm.rc, ESP_QuickReference.tex); fix memory leak in RULE and BLEND when reorder=1 or -1 for open xsects; add rule30* and blend30* test cases; fix bug that did not reorder xsects in RULE and BLEND when xsect contains only one Edge — jfdannen / detail
  3. Update training material comment in README — galbramc / detail
  4. Compile Tutorial.pdf — galbramc / detail

#326 (Dec 31, 2023, 6:43:10 PM)

  1. fix ESP bug that did not exit pyscript properly; update version number in some tutorial files; update testScript.txt — jfdannen / detail
  2. Pointwise leak suppression — galbramc / detail
  3. Upgrade Pointwise for new license — galbramc / detail

#324 (Dec 24, 2023, 6:43:10 PM)

  1. allow assert_failed signal to be caught; check that arguments to COMBINE command are all valid Edge and/or Face numbers; fix bug in serveESP that seg faulted when a DESPMTR exceeded its LBOUND or UBOUND in the .csm file; fix memory leak associated with private data in UDP/UDFs; fix bug in GROUP command when ngroup was positive; update group5 test case and its verification data; start to modify ESP-help to include examples — jfdannen / detail
  2. fix undefined variable associated with degenerate Edges when using udfOffset — jfdannen / detail
  3. Remove MACOSX from makeEnv — galbramc / detail
  4. Add macOS 14 to makeEnv — galbramc / detail
  5. Add more checks on Julia version and ESP env for jlEGADS — galbramc / detail
  6. Update EGADS copyright — galbramc / detail
  7. Uptrade asan path to 15.0.0 — galbramc / detail

#323 (Dec 19, 2023, 7:10:28 PM)

  1. add deprecation warnings to all .csm/.udc/.cpc files that use LOFT, MACBEG, MACEND, and RECALL — jfdannen / detail
  2. update sensitivity calculations in udpParsec; add capNacelle*, testAdjoint6, and testAdjoint7 test cases; change copyright dates from 2023 to 2024 — jfdannen / detail
  3. fix bug in ocsmCopy that seg faulted when a Branch name exceeded 11 characters — jfdannen / detail
  4. re-add duplicate libraries for linking (even though latest linker will issue a warning) — jfdannen / detail
  5. fix udp.def for udpPost — jfdannen / detail
  6. try to eliminate duplicate library warnings when linking — jfdannen / detail
  7. fix bug in transferring Edge attributes when SUBTRACTing a SheetBody from another SheetBody (due to an OpenCASCADE error); fix bug that (erroneously) evalauted arguments to ELSEIF even when the matching IFTHEN evaluated to true; provide udps.ndotchg to tell it any inputs to sensitivities have changed since previous call for sensitivities; provide COPYUDPDATA to copy private data in UDP/UDFs — jfdannen / detail
  8. attempt to fix stanalizer errors — jfdannen / detail
  9. attempt to fix stanalizer errors — jfdannen / detail
  10. attempt to fix stanalizer errors — jfdannen / detail
  11. update udp.def for Windoze — jfdannen / detail
  12. refactor UDP/UDF global storage — jfdannen / detail
  13. change copyright date from 2023 to 2024 — jfdannen / detail
  14. Update README release in January 2024 — galbramc / detail
  15. Suppress gfortran link warnings on macOS — galbramc / detail
  16. Remove more undefined error link warnings. Stanalizer fixes — galbramc / detail
  17. More link warning suppression on macOS — galbramc / detail
  18. Remove depricated macOS undefined error link flag — galbramc / detail
  19. EGADS doc fixes — galbramc / detail
  20. Comment out IRIT — galbramc / detail
  21. Only suppress link warnings on macOS — galbramc / detail
  22. Suppress link warnings with PYTHONLIB — galbramc / detail

#322 (Dec 11, 2023, 4:11:30 AM)

  1. fix the code that finds the (non-manifold) Edge velocities generated by a Boolean operation on SheetBodys as well as SolidBodys; update ESP to account for new arguments to DUMP command; fix bug in copying UDP/UDF data that was identified by memcheck; fix bug with optional last argument to DUMP; fix bug associated with copying bodyList in ocsmCopy; print triangle and quadrilateral count when writing .obj file — jfdannen / detail

#321 (Dec 3, 2023, 6:43:08 PM)

  1. fix bug in the pattern counter when executing PATBREAK — jfdannen / detail
  2. make UDP/UDFs thread-safe.  THIS REQUIRED A CHANGE IN ALL UDP/UDFs.  See OpenCSM/src/ for information — jfdannen / detail
  3. fixed bug when using a UDP/UDF that returns a value and finite difference sensitivities are being computed; fix compiler warning associated with _viz attribute; clean up memory at end of ocsmAdjoint — jfdannen / detail
  4. added _grd, _trn, and _ori attributes to change initial settings for Faces and Edges; fix RALLOC so that it can be thread-safe — jfdannen / detail
  5. update udp.def in udpTire folder — jfdannen / detail
  6. update to account for UDP/UDF changes — jfdannen / detail

#320 (Nov 26, 2023, 6:43:07 PM)

  1. add Node tolerance checks when reporting tolerance associated with a Body; adding _viz=off Attribute to a Face, Edge, or Node makes them initially not displayed in serveESP (although they can be toggled via the GUI); fix valgrind error associated with not initializing the output Body to EG_mapBody — jfdannen / detail
  2. remove BWB.vsp3 test case since bug in OpenVSP sometimes causes OpenVSP to fail — jfdannen / detail