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  1. unified solve/adapt output framework (details)
  2. finished that up with the cg case. (details)
  3. Added new PETSc version to CMake (details)
Commit 66a4fbc9d9aea4c06b6f47258fe96844af83ff2a by cfrontin
unified solve/adapt output framework
The file was modified test/sandbox/Solve4D_DGBR2_AD_ST_toy.cpp
The file was addedtest/sandbox/Solve4D_VMSD_AD_ST_SquareChannel_toy.cpp
The file was modified src/pde/AdvectionDiffusion/AdvectiveFlux3D.cpp
The file was modified src/pde/AnalyticFunction/ScalarFunction3D.cpp
The file was addedtest/sandbox/Solve4D_VMSD_AD_ST_ExpandingSphericalWave_toy.cpp
The file was modified src/pde/AdvectionDiffusion/AdvectiveFlux3D.h
The file was modified src/pde/AnalyticFunction/ScalarFunction3D.h
The file was modified test/sandbox/Solve4D_VMSD_AD_ST_toy.cpp
The file was modified src/pde/AdvectionDiffusion/BCAdvectionDiffusion3D.cpp
Commit be865ae2a1ded7a35fe894bed6bf25a70a7222aa by cfrontin
finished that up with the cg case.
The file was modified test/sandbox/Solve4D_VMSD_AD_ST_toy.cpp
The file was modified test/sandbox/Solve4D_Galerkin_Stabilized_AD_ST_toy.cpp
Commit f58a082f9a2deecc1c94a7d329645aec2d10de98 by galbramc
Added new PETSc version to CMake
The file was modified CMakeInclude/Builds/BuildPETSC.cmake