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  1. delete lambda as input to wing setup for tails (commit: 283231f) (details)
  2. add lam back in as arg to phase out later (commit: 66ccd21) (details)
  3. add tail testing script (commit: 150f9c3) (details)
  4. add solar to external tests (commit: 475cc53) (details)
Commit 283231f07a56f3e8433ee53e079f30d756f5957a by mjburton
delete lambda as input to wing setup for tails
(commit: 283231f)
The file was modified gpkitmodels/GP/aircraft/tail/ (diff)
The file was modified gpkitmodels/GP/aircraft/tail/ (diff)
Commit 66ccd21882b3fed763c4ac19977dac7e15e75340 by mjburton
add lam back in as arg to phase out later
(commit: 66ccd21)
The file was modified gpkitmodels/GP/aircraft/wing/ (diff)
The file was addedgpkitmodels/GP/aircraft/tail/
Commit 475cc5336477667486f70033ea9c95898bbcc11f by mjburton
add solar to external tests
(commit: 475cc53)
The file was modified EXTERNALTESTS (diff)