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Console Output

Started by upstream project "CE_gplibrary_Push_research_models" build number 224
originally caused by:
 Started by upstream project "CE_gpkit_Push_unit_tests" build number 721
 originally caused by:
  Started by GitHub push by bqpd
  Started by GitHub push by bqpd
Running as SYSTEM
[EnvInject] - Loading node environment variables.
Building remotely on windows10x64 in workspace C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\CE_gplibrary_Push_research_models\mosek
No credentials specified
Wiping out workspace first.
Cloning the remote Git repository
Cloning repository
 > C:\Program Files\Git\cmd\git init C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\CE_gplibrary_Push_research_models\mosek # timeout=10
Fetching upstream changes from
 > C:\Program Files\Git\cmd\git --version # timeout=10
 > C:\Program Files\Git\cmd\git fetch --tags --progress -- +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/* # timeout=10
 > C:\Program Files\Git\cmd\git config remote.origin.url # timeout=10
 > C:\Program Files\Git\cmd\git config --add remote.origin.fetch +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/* # timeout=10
 > C:\Program Files\Git\cmd\git config remote.origin.url # timeout=10
Fetching upstream changes from
 > C:\Program Files\Git\cmd\git fetch --tags --progress -- +refs/pull/*:refs/remotes/origin/pr/* +refs/heads/master:refs/remotes/origin/master # timeout=10
Checking out Revision bfe797f6b5e866938c9dfe2b4d64b8d618331ff2 (origin/master)
 > C:\Program Files\Git\cmd\git config core.sparsecheckout # timeout=10
 > C:\Program Files\Git\cmd\git checkout -f bfe797f6b5e866938c9dfe2b4d64b8d618331ff2 # timeout=3
Commit message: "preparing for convexengineering/gpkit#1463"
 > C:\Program Files\Git\cmd\git rev-list --no-walk bfe797f6b5e866938c9dfe2b4d64b8d618331ff2 # timeout=10
Run condition [Execution node ] enabling prebuild for step [Execute shell]
Run condition [Execution node ] enabling prebuild for step [Execute Windows batch command]
[Execution node] check if [windows10x64] is in [[macys, macys_VM, reynolds, reynolds-ubuntu16]]
Run condition [Execution node ] preventing perform for step [Execute shell]
[Execution node] check if [windows10x64] is in [[windows10x64, windows7x64]]
Run condition [Execution node ] enabling perform for step [Execute Windows batch command]
[mosek] $ cmd /c call C:\Users\jenkins\AppData\Local\Temp\jenkins6044920338362141454.bat

C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\CE_gplibrary_Push_research_models\mosek>set PATH=C:\Users\jenkins\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python37;C:\Users\jenkins\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python37\Scripts;C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Oracle\Java\javapath;C:\ProgramData\Oracle\Java\javapath;C:\WINDOWS\system32;C:\WINDOWS;C:\WINDOWS\System32\Wbem;C:\WINDOWS\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\;C:\Anaconda2;C:\Anaconda2\Scripts;C:\Anaconda2\Library\bin;C:\Program Files\Mosek\8\tools\platform\win64x86\bin;C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\Compiler\Fortran\9.1\EM64T\Bin;C:\WINDOWS\System32\OpenSSH\;C:\Program Files\Git\bin;C:\Program Files\TortoiseSVN\bin;C:\Program Files\Mosek\9.1\tools\platform\win64x86\bin;C:\Users\jenkins\AppData\Local\Microsoft\WindowsApps 

C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\CE_gplibrary_Push_research_models\mosek>set PATH=C:\mingw-w64\x86_64-6.4.0-posix-seh-rt_v5-rev0\mingw64\bin;C:\Users\jenkins\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python37;C:\Users\jenkins\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python37\Scripts;C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Oracle\Java\javapath;C:\ProgramData\Oracle\Java\javapath;C:\WINDOWS\system32;C:\WINDOWS;C:\WINDOWS\System32\Wbem;C:\WINDOWS\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\;C:\Anaconda2;C:\Anaconda2\Scripts;C:\Anaconda2\Library\bin;C:\Program Files\Mosek\8\tools\platform\win64x86\bin;C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\Compiler\Fortran\9.1\EM64T\Bin;C:\WINDOWS\System32\OpenSSH\;C:\Program Files\Git\bin;C:\Program Files\TortoiseSVN\bin;C:\Program Files\Mosek\9.1\tools\platform\win64x86\bin;C:\Users\jenkins\AppData\Local\Microsoft\WindowsApps 

C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\CE_gplibrary_Push_research_models\mosek>echo C:\mingw-w64\x86_64-6.4.0-posix-seh-rt_v5-rev0\mingw64\bin;C:\Users\jenkins\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python37;C:\Users\jenkins\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python37\Scripts;C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Oracle\Java\javapath;C:\ProgramData\Oracle\Java\javapath;C:\WINDOWS\system32;C:\WINDOWS;C:\WINDOWS\System32\Wbem;C:\WINDOWS\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\;C:\Anaconda2;C:\Anaconda2\Scripts;C:\Anaconda2\Library\bin;C:\Program Files\Mosek\8\tools\platform\win64x86\bin;C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\Compiler\Fortran\9.1\EM64T\Bin;C:\WINDOWS\System32\OpenSSH\;C:\Program Files\Git\bin;C:\Program Files\TortoiseSVN\bin;C:\Program Files\Mosek\9.1\tools\platform\win64x86\bin;C:\Users\jenkins\AppData\Local\Microsoft\WindowsApps 
C:\mingw-w64\x86_64-6.4.0-posix-seh-rt_v5-rev0\mingw64\bin;C:\Users\jenkins\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python37;C:\Users\jenkins\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python37\Scripts;C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Oracle\Java\javapath;C:\ProgramData\Oracle\Java\javapath;C:\WINDOWS\system32;C:\WINDOWS;C:\WINDOWS\System32\Wbem;C:\WINDOWS\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\;C:\Anaconda2;C:\Anaconda2\Scripts;C:\Anaconda2\Library\bin;C:\Program Files\Mosek\8\tools\platform\win64x86\bin;C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\Compiler\Fortran\9.1\EM64T\Bin;C:\WINDOWS\System32\OpenSSH\;C:\Program Files\Git\bin;C:\Program Files\TortoiseSVN\bin;C:\Program Files\Mosek\9.1\tools\platform\win64x86\bin;C:\Users\jenkins\AppData\Local\Microsoft\WindowsApps

C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\CE_gplibrary_Push_research_models\mosek>where python 

C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\CE_gplibrary_Push_research_models\mosek>python --version 
Python 3.7.6

C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\CE_gplibrary_Push_research_models\mosek>REM Create a virtualenv to install everything into 

C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\CE_gplibrary_Push_research_models\mosek>SET VENV=C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\CE_gplibrary_Push_research_models\mosek\venv_gpkit 

C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\CE_gplibrary_Push_research_models\mosek>virtualenv --system-site-packages C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\CE_gplibrary_Push_research_models\mosek\venv_gpkit  
created virtual environment in 4688ms

  creator CPython3Windows(dest=C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\CE_gplibrary_Push_research_models\mosek\venv_gpkit, clear=False, global=True)

  seeder FromAppData(download=False, pip=latest, setuptools=latest, wheel=latest, via=copy, app_data_dir=C:\Users\jenkins\AppData\Local\Temp\tmpabz8bu8r\seed-app-data\v1)

  activators BashActivator,BatchActivator,FishActivator,PowerShellActivator,PythonActivator,XonshActivator

C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\CE_gplibrary_Push_research_models\mosek>call C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\CE_gplibrary_Push_research_models\mosek\venv_gpkit\Scripts\activate.bat  

C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\CE_gplibrary_Push_research_models\mosek>python -m pip install --upgrade pip 
Requirement already up-to-date: pip in c:\users\jenkins\workspace\ce_gplibrary_push_research_models\mosek\venv_gpkit\lib\site-packages (20.0.2)

C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\CE_gplibrary_Push_research_models\mosek>pip install --upgrade ad 
Processing c:\users\jenkins\appdata\local\pip\cache\wheels\05\ca\c3\e346f6d92289be5bcf02827cd5602dac6c8dc74ae3a846e34d\ad-1.3.2-py3-none-any.whl
Installing collected packages: ad
Successfully installed ad-1.3.2

C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\CE_gplibrary_Push_research_models\mosek>pip install --upgrade unittest-xml-reporting 
Collecting unittest-xml-reporting
  Using cached unittest_xml_reporting-3.0.2-py2.py3-none-any.whl (19 kB)
Installing collected packages: unittest-xml-reporting
Successfully installed unittest-xml-reporting-3.0.2

C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\CE_gplibrary_Push_research_models\mosek>pip install --upgrade pandas 
Collecting pandas
  Using cached pandas-1.0.1-cp37-cp37m-win_amd64.whl (9.0 MB)
Collecting numpy>=1.13.3
  Using cached numpy-1.18.1-cp37-cp37m-win_amd64.whl (12.8 MB)
Collecting python-dateutil>=2.6.1
  Using cached python_dateutil-2.8.1-py2.py3-none-any.whl (227 kB)
Collecting pytz>=2017.2
  Using cached pytz-2019.3-py2.py3-none-any.whl (509 kB)
Requirement already satisfied, skipping upgrade: six>=1.5 in c:\users\jenkins\appdata\local\programs\python\python37\lib\site-packages (from python-dateutil>=2.6.1->pandas) (1.14.0)
Installing collected packages: numpy, python-dateutil, pytz, pandas
Successfully installed numpy-1.18.1 pandas-1.0.1 python-dateutil-2.8.1 pytz-2019.3

C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\CE_gplibrary_Push_research_models\mosek>pip install --upgrade matplotlib 
Collecting matplotlib
  Using cached matplotlib-3.2.0-cp37-cp37m-win_amd64.whl (9.2 MB)
Collecting cycler>=0.10
  Using cached cycler-0.10.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl (6.5 kB)
Requirement already satisfied, skipping upgrade: python-dateutil>=2.1 in c:\users\jenkins\workspace\ce_gplibrary_push_research_models\mosek\venv_gpkit\lib\site-packages (from matplotlib) (2.8.1)
Collecting pyparsing!=2.0.4,!=2.1.2,!=2.1.6,>=2.0.1
  Using cached pyparsing-2.4.6-py2.py3-none-any.whl (67 kB)
Collecting kiwisolver>=1.0.1
  Using cached kiwisolver-1.1.0-cp37-none-win_amd64.whl (57 kB)
Requirement already satisfied, skipping upgrade: numpy>=1.11 in c:\users\jenkins\workspace\ce_gplibrary_push_research_models\mosek\venv_gpkit\lib\site-packages (from matplotlib) (1.18.1)
Requirement already satisfied, skipping upgrade: six in c:\users\jenkins\appdata\local\programs\python\python37\lib\site-packages (from cycler>=0.10->matplotlib) (1.14.0)
Requirement already satisfied, skipping upgrade: setuptools in c:\users\jenkins\workspace\ce_gplibrary_push_research_models\mosek\venv_gpkit\lib\site-packages (from kiwisolver>=1.0.1->matplotlib) (45.2.0)
Installing collected packages: cycler, pyparsing, kiwisolver, matplotlib
Successfully installed cycler-0.10.0 kiwisolver-1.1.0 matplotlib-3.2.0 pyparsing-2.4.6

C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\CE_gplibrary_Push_research_models\mosek>pip install --upgrade coverage 
Collecting coverage
  Using cached coverage-5.0.3-cp37-cp37m-win_amd64.whl (205 kB)
Installing collected packages: coverage
Successfully installed coverage-5.0.3

C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\CE_gplibrary_Push_research_models\mosek>pip install --upgrade numpy 
Requirement already up-to-date: numpy in c:\users\jenkins\workspace\ce_gplibrary_push_research_models\mosek\venv_gpkit\lib\site-packages (1.18.1)

C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\CE_gplibrary_Push_research_models\mosek>pip install --upgrade scipy 
Collecting scipy
  Using cached scipy-1.4.1-cp37-cp37m-win_amd64.whl (30.9 MB)
Requirement already satisfied, skipping upgrade: numpy>=1.13.3 in c:\users\jenkins\workspace\ce_gplibrary_push_research_models\mosek\venv_gpkit\lib\site-packages (from scipy) (1.18.1)
Installing collected packages: scipy
Successfully installed scipy-1.4.1

C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\CE_gplibrary_Push_research_models\mosek>pip install --upgrade pint==0.9 
Collecting pint==0.9
  Using cached Pint-0.9-py2.py3-none-any.whl (138 kB)
Installing collected packages: pint
Successfully installed pint-0.9

C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\CE_gplibrary_Push_research_models\mosek>if mosek == cvxopt (
pip install --upgrade cvxopt   || exit /b 666  
 python -c "import cvxopt; print(cvxopt.__version__)"  
 set GPKITSOLVERS=cvxopt 

C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\CE_gplibrary_Push_research_models\mosek>REM for mosek9/mosek_conif 

C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\CE_gplibrary_Push_research_models\mosek>REM if mosek==mosek python -c "__import__('mosek').Env()" 

C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\CE_gplibrary_Push_research_models\mosek>if mosek == mosek (
 set GPKITSOLVERS=mosek_cli 
  Name                   :                 
  Objective sense        : min             
  Type                   : LO (linear optimization problem)
  Constraints            : 1               
  Cones                  : 0               
  Scalar variables       : 5000            
  Matrix variables       : 0               
  Integer variables      : 0               

Optimizer started.
Mosek license manager: License path: C:\Users\jenkins\mosek\mosek.lic
Mosek license manager:  Checkout license feature 'PTS' from flexlm.
Mosek license manager:  Checkout time 0.02. r: 0 status: 0
Interior-point optimizer started.
Presolve started.
Eliminator started.
Freed constraints in eliminator : 0
Eliminator terminated.
Eliminator - tries                  : 1                 time                   : 0.00            
Lin. dep.  - tries                  : 0                 time                   : 0.00            
Lin. dep.  - number                 : 0               
Presolve terminated. Time: 0.00    
Interior-point optimizer terminated. Time: 0.00. 

Optimizer terminated. Time: 0.03    
A license was checked out correctly.

C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\CE_gplibrary_Push_research_models\mosek>python -c "import scipy; print(scipy.__version__)" 

C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\CE_gplibrary_Push_research_models\mosek>python -c "import numpy; print(numpy.__version__)" 

C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\CE_gplibrary_Push_research_models\mosek>python -c "import pint; print(pint.__version__)" 

C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\CE_gplibrary_Push_research_models\mosek>git --version 
git version

C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\CE_gplibrary_Push_research_models\mosek>git clone --depth 1 C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\CE_gplibrary_Push_research_models\mosek\gpkit   || exit /b 666 
Cloning into 'C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\CE_gplibrary_Push_research_models\mosek\gpkit'...

C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\CE_gplibrary_Push_research_models\mosek>pip install --no-cache-dir --no-deps -e C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\CE_gplibrary_Push_research_models\mosek\gpkit   || exit /b 666 
Obtaining file:///C:/Users/jenkins/workspace/CE_gplibrary_Push_research_models/mosek/gpkit
Installing collected packages: gpkit
  Running develop for gpkit
Successfully installed gpkit

C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\CE_gplibrary_Push_research_models\mosek>REM python -c "from import rebuild; rebuild()" 

C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\CE_gplibrary_Push_research_models\mosek>REM type C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\CE_gplibrary_Push_research_models\mosek\gpkit\gpkit\env\settings 

C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\CE_gplibrary_Push_research_models\mosek>REM dir  

C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\CE_gplibrary_Push_research_models\mosek>python -c "import gpkit; print(gpkit.__version__)"   || exit /b 666 
No filename given.
     mskexpopt FILENAME [-primal] [-dual] [-p parameterfile]
Return code: 1052
Description: MSK_RES_ERR_FILE_OPEN [An error occurred while opening a file.]
Ran 185 tests in 64.487s

Found no installed solvers, beginning a build.
# Moving to the directory from which GPkit was imported.
Started building gpkit...

Attempting to find and build solvers:

# Looking for mosek_cli
#   Trying to run mskexpopt...
#     Calling 'mskexpopt'
# Found mosek_cli in system path
# Looking for mosek_conif
#   Trying to import mosek...
# Did not find
# mosek_conif
# Looking for cvxopt
#   Trying to import cvxopt...
# Did not find
# cvxopt
...finished building gpkit.
Replaced found solvers (['mosek_cli']) with environment var GPKITSOLVERS (mosek_cli)

Found the following solvers: mosek_cli
#     Replacing directory env

GPkit is now installed with solver(s) ['mosek_cli']
To incorporate new solvers at a later date, run ``.

If any tests didn't pass, please post the output above
(starting from "Found no installed solvers, beginning a build.")
to or
so we can prevent others from having these errors.

The same goes for any other bugs you encounter with GPkit:
send 'em our way, along with any interesting models, speculative features,
comments, discussions, or clarifications you feel like sharing.

Finally, we hope you find our documentation (
and engineering-design models (
to be useful resources for your own applications.



C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\CE_gplibrary_Push_research_models\mosek>REM Limit number of threads that be can used 

C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\CE_gplibrary_Push_research_models\mosek>set MSK_IPAR_NUM_THREADS=2 

C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\CE_gplibrary_Push_research_models\mosek>set MKL_NUM_THREADS=2 

C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\CE_gplibrary_Push_research_models\mosek>set NUMEXPR_NUM_THREADS=2 

C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\CE_gplibrary_Push_research_models\mosek>set OPENBLAS_NUM_THREADS=2 

C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\CE_gplibrary_Push_research_models\mosek>set OMP_NUM_THREADS=2 

C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\CE_gplibrary_Push_research_models\mosek>python -c "from gpkit.tests.test_repo import test_repos; test_repos(xmloutput=True)"   || exit /b 666 
Cloning into 'gplibrary'...
Obtaining file:///C:/Users/jenkins/workspace/CE_gplibrary_Push_research_models/mosek/gplibrary
Installing collected packages: gpkitmodels
  Running develop for gpkitmodels
Successfully installed gpkitmodels
Cloning into 'robust'...
Processing c:\users\jenkins\workspace\ce_gplibrary_push_research_models\mosek\robust
Requirement already satisfied: gpkit in c:\users\jenkins\workspace\ce_gplibrary_push_research_models\mosek\gpkit (from robust==0.0.0) (1.0.0)
ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement gplibrary (from robust==0.0.0) (from versions: none)
ERROR: No matching distribution found for gplibrary (from robust==0.0.0)
Processing c:\users\jenkins\workspace\ce_gplibrary_push_research_models\mosek\robust
Requirement already satisfied: gpkit in c:\users\jenkins\workspace\ce_gplibrary_push_research_models\mosek\gpkit (from robust==0.0.0) (1.0.0)
ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement gplibrary (from robust==0.0.0) (from versions: none)
ERROR: No matching distribution found for gplibrary (from robust==0.0.0)
Processing c:\users\jenkins\workspace\ce_gplibrary_push_research_models\mosek\robust
Requirement already satisfied: gpkit in c:\users\jenkins\workspace\ce_gplibrary_push_research_models\mosek\gpkit (from robust==0.0.0) (1.0.0)
ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement gplibrary (from robust==0.0.0) (from versions: none)
ERROR: No matching distribution found for gplibrary (from robust==0.0.0)
Processing c:\users\jenkins\workspace\ce_gplibrary_push_research_models\mosek\robust
Requirement already satisfied: gpkit in c:\users\jenkins\workspace\ce_gplibrary_push_research_models\mosek\gpkit (from robust==0.0.0) (1.0.0)
ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement gplibrary (from robust==0.0.0) (from versions: none)
ERROR: No matching distribution found for gplibrary (from robust==0.0.0)
Processing c:\users\jenkins\workspace\ce_gplibrary_push_research_models\mosek\robust
Requirement already satisfied: gpkit in c:\users\jenkins\workspace\ce_gplibrary_push_research_models\mosek\gpkit (from robust==0.0.0) (1.0.0)
ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement gplibrary (from robust==0.0.0) (from versions: none)
ERROR: No matching distribution found for gplibrary (from robust==0.0.0)
adding test for ''

Running tests...

Running tests...
...................SGP not convergent: Cost rose by 9% on GP solve 2. Details can be found in `m.program.results` or by solving at a higher verbosity. Note that convergence is not guaranteed for models with SignomialEqualities.

SGP not convergent: Cost rose by 9% on GP solve 2. Details can be found in `m.program.results` or by solving at a higher verbosity. Note that convergence is not guaranteed for models with SignomialEqualities.

SGP not convergent: Cost rose by 9% on GP solve 2. Details can be found in `m.program.results` or by solving at a higher verbosity. Note that convergence is not guaranteed for models with SignomialEqualities.

Final solution let signomial constraints slacken by 0.038%. Calling .localsolve with a higher `pccp_penalty` (it was 200 this time) will reduce final slack if the model is solvable with less. If you think it might not be, check by solving with `use_pccp=False, x0=(this model's final solution)`.

SGP not convergent: Cost rose by 0.27% on GP solve 3. Details can be found in `m.program.results` or by solving at a higher verbosity. Note that convergence is not guaranteed for models with SignomialEqualities.

SGP not convergent: Cost rose by 0.085% on GP solve 3. Details can be found in `m.program.results` or by solving at a higher verbosity. Note that convergence is not guaranteed for models with SignomialEqualities.

SGP not convergent: Cost rose by 0.022% on GP solve 3. Details can be found in `m.program.results` or by solving at a higher verbosity. Note that convergence is not guaranteed for models with SignomialEqualities.

.SGP not convergent: Cost rose by 9% on GP solve 2. Details can be found in `m.program.results` or by solving at a higher verbosity. Note that convergence is not guaranteed for models with SignomialEqualities.

SGP not convergent: Cost rose by 9.4% on GP solve 2. Details can be found in `m.program.results` or by solving at a higher verbosity. Note that convergence is not guaranteed for models with SignomialEqualities.

SGP not convergent: Cost rose by 0.33% on GP solve 4. Details can be found in `m.program.results` or by solving at a higher verbosity. Note that convergence is not guaranteed for models with SignomialEqualities.

SGP not convergent: Cost rose by 9% on GP solve 2. Details can be found in `m.program.results` or by solving at a higher verbosity. Note that convergence is not guaranteed for models with SignomialEqualities.

SGP not convergent: Cost rose by 9% on GP solve 2. Details can be found in `m.program.results` or by solving at a higher verbosity. Note that convergence is not guaranteed for models with SignomialEqualities.

Ran 21 tests in 114.534s


Generating XML reports...
Ran 1 test in 117.976s


Generating XML reports...
Cloning into 'shopping'...
adding test for ''

Running tests...
Using solver 'mosek_cli'
 for 25 free variables
  in 40 posynomial inequalities.
Solving took 0.214 seconds.
.Using solver 'mosek_cli'
 for 25 free variables
  in 40 posynomial inequalities.
Solving took 0.201 seconds.
Ran 2 tests in 0.698s


Generating XML reports...
Cloning into 'gassolar'...
Checking out files:  14% (302/2110)   
Checking out files:  15% (317/2110)   
Checking out files:  16% (338/2110)   
Checking out files:  17% (359/2110)   
Checking out files:  18% (380/2110)   
Checking out files:  19% (401/2110)   
Checking out files:  20% (422/2110)   
Checking out files:  21% (444/2110)   
Checking out files:  22% (465/2110)   
Checking out files:  23% (486/2110)   
Checking out files:  24% (507/2110)   
Checking out files:  25% (528/2110)   
Checking out files:  26% (549/2110)   
Checking out files:  27% (570/2110)   
Checking out files:  28% (591/2110)   
Checking out files:  29% (612/2110)   
Checking out files:  30% (633/2110)   
Checking out files:  31% (655/2110)   
Checking out files:  32% (676/2110)   
Checking out files:  33% (697/2110)   
Checking out files:  34% (718/2110)   
Checking out files:  35% (739/2110)   
Checking out files:  36% (760/2110)   
Checking out files:  37% (781/2110)   
Checking out files:  38% (802/2110)   
Checking out files:  39% (823/2110)   
Checking out files:  40% (844/2110)   
Checking out files:  41% (866/2110)   
Checking out files:  42% (887/2110)   
Checking out files:  43% (908/2110)   
Checking out files:  44% (929/2110)   
Checking out files:  45% (950/2110)   
Checking out files:  46% (971/2110)   
Checking out files:  47% (992/2110)   
Checking out files:  48% (1013/2110)   
Checking out files:  49% (1034/2110)   
Checking out files:  50% (1055/2110)   
Checking out files:  51% (1077/2110)   
Checking out files:  51% (1092/2110)   
Checking out files:  52% (1098/2110)   
Checking out files:  53% (1119/2110)   
Checking out files:  54% (1140/2110)   
Checking out files:  55% (1161/2110)   
Checking out files:  56% (1182/2110)   
Checking out files:  57% (1203/2110)   
Checking out files:  58% (1224/2110)   
Checking out files:  59% (1245/2110)   
Checking out files:  60% (1266/2110)   
Checking out files:  61% (1288/2110)   
Checking out files:  62% (1309/2110)   
Checking out files:  63% (1330/2110)   
Checking out files:  64% (1351/2110)   
Checking out files:  65% (1372/2110)   
Checking out files:  66% (1393/2110)   
Checking out files:  67% (1414/2110)   
Checking out files:  68% (1435/2110)   
Checking out files:  69% (1456/2110)   
Checking out files:  69% (1470/2110)   
Checking out files:  70% (1477/2110)   
Checking out files:  71% (1499/2110)   
Checking out files:  72% (1520/2110)   
Checking out files:  73% (1541/2110)   
Checking out files:  74% (1562/2110)   
Checking out files:  75% (1583/2110)   
Checking out files:  76% (1604/2110)   
Checking out files:  77% (1625/2110)   
Checking out files:  78% (1646/2110)   
Checking out files:  79% (1667/2110)   
Checking out files:  80% (1688/2110)   
Checking out files:  81% (1710/2110)   
Checking out files:  82% (1731/2110)   
Checking out files:  83% (1752/2110)   
Checking out files:  84% (1773/2110)   
Checking out files:  85% (1794/2110)   
Checking out files:  86% (1815/2110)   
Checking out files:  87% (1836/2110)   
Checking out files:  87% (1846/2110)   
Checking out files:  88% (1857/2110)   
Checking out files:  89% (1878/2110)   
Checking out files:  90% (1899/2110)   
Checking out files:  91% (1921/2110)   
Checking out files:  92% (1942/2110)   
Checking out files:  93% (1963/2110)   
Checking out files:  94% (1984/2110)   
Checking out files:  95% (2005/2110)   
Checking out files:  96% (2026/2110)   
Checking out files:  97% (2047/2110)   
Checking out files:  98% (2068/2110)   
Checking out files:  99% (2089/2110)   
Checking out files: 100% (2110/2110)   
Checking out files: 100% (2110/2110), done.
Requirement already satisfied: pandas in c:\users\jenkins\workspace\ce_gplibrary_push_research_models\mosek\venv_gpkit\lib\site-packages (1.0.1)
Requirement already satisfied: numpy>=1.13.3 in c:\users\jenkins\workspace\ce_gplibrary_push_research_models\mosek\venv_gpkit\lib\site-packages (from pandas) (1.18.1)
Requirement already satisfied: pytz>=2017.2 in c:\users\jenkins\workspace\ce_gplibrary_push_research_models\mosek\venv_gpkit\lib\site-packages (from pandas) (2019.3)
Requirement already satisfied: python-dateutil>=2.6.1 in c:\users\jenkins\workspace\ce_gplibrary_push_research_models\mosek\venv_gpkit\lib\site-packages (from pandas) (2.8.1)
Requirement already satisfied: six>=1.5 in c:\users\jenkins\appdata\local\programs\python\python37\lib\site-packages (from python-dateutil>=2.6.1->pandas) (1.14.0)
Collecting git+
  Cloning to c:\users\jenkins\appdata\local\temp\pip-req-build-r5mgcnnz
  Running command git clone -q 'C:\Users\jenkins\AppData\Local\Temp\pip-req-build-r5mgcnnz'
Requirement already satisfied: numpy in c:\users\jenkins\workspace\ce_gplibrary_push_research_models\mosek\venv_gpkit\lib\site-packages (from gpfit==0.1) (1.18.1)
Requirement already satisfied: scipy in c:\users\jenkins\workspace\ce_gplibrary_push_research_models\mosek\venv_gpkit\lib\site-packages (from gpfit==0.1) (1.4.1)
Requirement already satisfied: gpkit in c:\users\jenkins\workspace\ce_gplibrary_push_research_models\mosek\gpkit (from gpfit==0.1) (1.0.0)
Requirement already satisfied: pint<0.10,>=0.8.1 in c:\users\jenkins\workspace\ce_gplibrary_push_research_models\mosek\venv_gpkit\lib\site-packages (from gpkit->gpfit==0.1) (0.9)
Requirement already satisfied: ad in c:\users\jenkins\workspace\ce_gplibrary_push_research_models\mosek\venv_gpkit\lib\site-packages (from gpkit->gpfit==0.1) (1.3.2)
Collecting cvxopt>=1.1.8
  Using cached cvxopt-1.2.4-cp37-cp37m-win_amd64.whl (815 kB)
Collecting mkl
  Using cached mkl-2019.0-py2.py3-none-win_amd64.whl (224.1 MB)
Collecting intel-openmp
  Using cached intel_openmp-2019.0-py2.py3-none-win_amd64.whl (1.9 MB)
Building wheels for collected packages: gpfit
  Building wheel for gpfit ( started
  Building wheel for gpfit ( finished with status 'done'
  Created wheel for gpfit: filename=gpfit-0.1-py3-none-any.whl size=25631 sha256=7686831166e414693a422556485a89372f8bb4d60450a6396cc021eac340348b
  Stored in directory: C:\Users\jenkins\AppData\Local\Temp\pip-ephem-wheel-cache-wkq1ew8j\wheels\57\29\3e\8d7ba8db76ea975ecfe679ec45f25d64a6eaec893d16b3d378
Successfully built gpfit
Installing collected packages: gpfit, intel-openmp, mkl, cvxopt
Successfully installed cvxopt-1.2.4 gpfit-0.1 intel-openmp-2019.0 mkl-2019.0
Processing c:\users\jenkins\workspace\ce_gplibrary_push_research_models\mosek\gassolar
Requirement already satisfied: numpy in c:\users\jenkins\workspace\ce_gplibrary_push_research_models\mosek\venv_gpkit\lib\site-packages (from gassolar== (1.18.1)
Requirement already satisfied: scipy in c:\users\jenkins\workspace\ce_gplibrary_push_research_models\mosek\venv_gpkit\lib\site-packages (from gassolar== (1.4.1)
Requirement already satisfied: gpkit in c:\users\jenkins\workspace\ce_gplibrary_push_research_models\mosek\gpkit (from gassolar== (1.0.0)
Requirement already satisfied: pandas in c:\users\jenkins\workspace\ce_gplibrary_push_research_models\mosek\venv_gpkit\lib\site-packages (from gassolar== (1.0.1)
Requirement already satisfied: gpfit in c:\users\jenkins\workspace\ce_gplibrary_push_research_models\mosek\venv_gpkit\lib\site-packages (from gassolar== (0.1)
Requirement already satisfied: pint<0.10,>=0.8.1 in c:\users\jenkins\workspace\ce_gplibrary_push_research_models\mosek\venv_gpkit\lib\site-packages (from gpkit->gassolar== (0.9)
Requirement already satisfied: ad in c:\users\jenkins\workspace\ce_gplibrary_push_research_models\mosek\venv_gpkit\lib\site-packages (from gpkit->gassolar== (1.3.2)
Requirement already satisfied: cvxopt>=1.1.8 in c:\users\jenkins\workspace\ce_gplibrary_push_research_models\mosek\venv_gpkit\lib\site-packages (from gpkit->gassolar== (1.2.4)
Requirement already satisfied: pytz>=2017.2 in c:\users\jenkins\workspace\ce_gplibrary_push_research_models\mosek\venv_gpkit\lib\site-packages (from pandas->gassolar== (2019.3)
Requirement already satisfied: python-dateutil>=2.6.1 in c:\users\jenkins\workspace\ce_gplibrary_push_research_models\mosek\venv_gpkit\lib\site-packages (from pandas->gassolar== (2.8.1)
Requirement already satisfied: mkl in c:\users\jenkins\workspace\ce_gplibrary_push_research_models\mosek\venv_gpkit\lib\site-packages (from cvxopt>=1.1.8->gpkit->gassolar== (2019.0)
Requirement already satisfied: six>=1.5 in c:\users\jenkins\appdata\local\programs\python\python37\lib\site-packages (from python-dateutil>=2.6.1->pandas->gassolar== (1.14.0)
Requirement already satisfied: intel-openmp in c:\users\jenkins\workspace\ce_gplibrary_push_research_models\mosek\venv_gpkit\lib\site-packages (from mkl->cvxopt>=1.1.8->gpkit->gassolar== (2019.0)
Building wheels for collected packages: gassolar
  Building wheel for gassolar ( started
  Building wheel for gassolar ( finished with status 'done'
  Created wheel for gassolar: filename=gassolar- size=4895568 sha256=91c7e0f5e5e9c4b4b4e6e297fceba8a1ed243331df371deb6c0feef3ee241366
  Stored in directory: C:\Users\jenkins\AppData\Local\Temp\pip-ephem-wheel-cache-uhdcp0sv\wheels\0b\6c\be\e3149399c1f6c65f9031f86c534878f2f14e3a9c0bf628b6e9
Successfully built gassolar
Installing collected packages: gassolar
Successfully installed gassolar-
adding test for 'gassolar/gas/'
adding test for 'gassolar/solar/'

Running tests...
C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\CE_gplibrary_Push_research_models\mosek\venv_gpkit\lib\site-packages\pint\ UnitStrippedWarning: The unit of the quantity is stripped.
  warnings.warn("The unit of the quantity is stripped.", UnitStrippedWarning)
C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\CE_gplibrary_Push_research_models\mosek\venv_gpkit\lib\site-packages\pint\ UnitStrippedWarning: The unit of the quantity is stripped.
  warnings.warn("The unit of the quantity is stripped.", UnitStrippedWarning)
.Using solver 'mosek_cli'
 for 592 free variables
  in 918 posynomial inequalities.
Solving took 0.414 seconds.
Warning: Variable Mission.Climb.FlightSegment.AircraftPerf.EnginePerf.P_{total}[:]/Mission.Climb.FlightSegment.Aircraf could cause inaccurate result because it is above upper bound. Solution is 1.0000 but bound is 0.9685
Starting a sequence of GP solves
 for 5 free variables
  in 2 signomial constraints
  and for 600 free variables
       in 926 posynomial inequalities.
Solving took 1.72 seconds and 4 GP solves.
Warning: Variable Mission1.Climb.FlightSegment.AircraftPerf.EnginePerf.P_{total}[:]/Mission1.Climb.FlightSegment.Aircr could cause inaccurate result because it is above upper bound. Solution is 1.0000 but bound is 0.9685
Using solver 'mosek_cli'
 for 1250 free variables
  in 1872 posynomial inequalities.
Solving took 0.584 seconds.
Warning: Variable Mission.FlightSegment.AircraftPerf.WingAero.Re could cause inaccurate result because it is below lower bound. Solution is 102558.6388 but bound is 150000.0000
Warning: Variable Mission.FlightSegment10.AircraftPerf.WingAero.Re could cause inaccurate result because it is below lower bound. Solution is 102558.6388 but bound is 150000.0000
Starting a sequence of GP solves
 for 25 free variables
  in 12 signomial constraints
  and for 1298 free variables
       in 1930 posynomial inequalities.
Solving took 3.35 seconds and 4 GP solves.
Warning: Variable Mission1.FlightSegment.AircraftPerf.WingAero.Re could cause inaccurate result because it is below lower bound. Solution is 103379.2971 but bound is 150000.0000
Warning: Variable Mission1.FlightSegment10.AircraftPerf.WingAero.Re could cause inaccurate result because it is below lower bound. Solution is 103406.1793 but bound is 150000.0000
C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\CE_gplibrary_Push_research_models\mosek\venv_gpkit\lib\site-packages\gassolar\environment\ RuntimeWarning: overflow encountered in exp
  tau = np.exp(-0.175/costhsun)
Ran 2 tests in 12.534s


Generating XML reports...
Cloning into 'jho'...
Requirement already satisfied: pandas in c:\users\jenkins\workspace\ce_gplibrary_push_research_models\mosek\venv_gpkit\lib\site-packages (1.0.1)
Requirement already satisfied: python-dateutil>=2.6.1 in c:\users\jenkins\workspace\ce_gplibrary_push_research_models\mosek\venv_gpkit\lib\site-packages (from pandas) (2.8.1)
Requirement already satisfied: pytz>=2017.2 in c:\users\jenkins\workspace\ce_gplibrary_push_research_models\mosek\venv_gpkit\lib\site-packages (from pandas) (2019.3)
Requirement already satisfied: numpy>=1.13.3 in c:\users\jenkins\workspace\ce_gplibrary_push_research_models\mosek\venv_gpkit\lib\site-packages (from pandas) (1.18.1)
Requirement already satisfied: six>=1.5 in c:\users\jenkins\appdata\local\programs\python\python37\lib\site-packages (from python-dateutil>=2.6.1->pandas) (1.14.0)
Collecting git+
  Cloning to c:\users\jenkins\appdata\local\temp\pip-req-build-o4p8prwl
  Running command git clone -q 'C:\Users\jenkins\AppData\Local\Temp\pip-req-build-o4p8prwl'
Requirement already satisfied (use --upgrade to upgrade): gpfit==0.1 from git+ in c:\users\jenkins\workspace\ce_gplibrary_push_research_models\mosek\venv_gpkit\lib\site-packages
Requirement already satisfied: numpy in c:\users\jenkins\workspace\ce_gplibrary_push_research_models\mosek\venv_gpkit\lib\site-packages (from gpfit==0.1) (1.18.1)
Requirement already satisfied: scipy in c:\users\jenkins\workspace\ce_gplibrary_push_research_models\mosek\venv_gpkit\lib\site-packages (from gpfit==0.1) (1.4.1)
Requirement already satisfied: gpkit in c:\users\jenkins\workspace\ce_gplibrary_push_research_models\mosek\gpkit (from gpfit==0.1) (1.0.0)
Requirement already satisfied: pint<0.10,>=0.8.1 in c:\users\jenkins\workspace\ce_gplibrary_push_research_models\mosek\venv_gpkit\lib\site-packages (from gpkit->gpfit==0.1) (0.9)
Requirement already satisfied: ad in c:\users\jenkins\workspace\ce_gplibrary_push_research_models\mosek\venv_gpkit\lib\site-packages (from gpkit->gpfit==0.1) (1.3.2)
Requirement already satisfied: cvxopt>=1.1.8 in c:\users\jenkins\workspace\ce_gplibrary_push_research_models\mosek\venv_gpkit\lib\site-packages (from gpkit->gpfit==0.1) (1.2.4)
Requirement already satisfied: mkl in c:\users\jenkins\workspace\ce_gplibrary_push_research_models\mosek\venv_gpkit\lib\site-packages (from cvxopt>=1.1.8->gpkit->gpfit==0.1) (2019.0)
Requirement already satisfied: intel-openmp in c:\users\jenkins\workspace\ce_gplibrary_push_research_models\mosek\venv_gpkit\lib\site-packages (from mkl->cvxopt>=1.1.8->gpkit->gpfit==0.1) (2019.0)
Building wheels for collected packages: gpfit
  Building wheel for gpfit ( started
  Building wheel for gpfit ( finished with status 'done'
  Created wheel for gpfit: filename=gpfit-0.1-py3-none-any.whl size=25631 sha256=ad0f7d09ed6a0c5036bf75e0e989d6976ae0d7062c495cafe7b03f9004770ff1
  Stored in directory: C:\Users\jenkins\AppData\Local\Temp\pip-ephem-wheel-cache-ce4w_wyt\wheels\57\29\3e\8d7ba8db76ea975ecfe679ec45f25d64a6eaec893d16b3d378
Successfully built gpfit
adding test for 'model/'
adding test for 'model/'

Running tests...
C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\CE_gplibrary_Push_research_models\mosek\venv_gpkit\lib\site-packages\pint\ UnitStrippedWarning: The unit of the quantity is stripped.
  warnings.warn("The unit of the quantity is stripped.", UnitStrippedWarning)
C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\CE_gplibrary_Push_research_models\mosek\venv_gpkit\lib\site-packages\pint\ UnitStrippedWarning: The unit of the quantity is stripped.
  warnings.warn("The unit of the quantity is stripped.", UnitStrippedWarning)
.Starting a sequence of GP solves
 for 5 free variables
  in 6 signomial constraints
  and for 847 free variables
       in 2010 posynomial inequalities.
Solving took 3.96 seconds and 4 GP solves.
MTOW [lbs] = 141.77
Zero fuel weight [lbs] = 53.80
Wing span [ft] = 24.00
Aicraft length [ft] = 12.90
Aspect ratio = 25.60
mean aerodynamic chord [ft] = 0.9722
root chord [ft] = 1.250
speed for best rate of climb [m/s]: Vy = 21.829
speed at top of climb [m/s] = 26.622
design loiter speed [m/s] = 25.070
rotation speed at 55 lbs [m/s] = 18.185
rotation speed at 150 lbs [m/s] = 28.236
optimum loiter speed for min power, start of loiter [m/s] = 25.279
optimum loiter speed for min power, end of loiter [m/s] = 17.233
optimum cruise speed, inbound [m/s] = 25.637
optimum cruise speed, outbound [m/s] = 36.269
Starting a sequence of GP solves
 for 5 free variables
  in 6 signomial constraints
  and for 827 free variables
       in 1995 posynomial inequalities.
Solving took 4.76 seconds and 4 GP solves.
Max Speed [m/s]: 74.76
Starting a sequence of GP solves
 for 5 free variables
  in 6 signomial constraints
  and for 828 free variables
       in 1995 posynomial inequalities.
Solving took 2.63 seconds and 4 GP solves.
Max payload weight [lbf] = 28.083
Max take off weight [lbf] = 166.418
Ran 2 tests in 25.137s


Generating XML reports...
Cloning into 'turbofan'...
Processing c:\users\jenkins\workspace\ce_gplibrary_push_research_models\mosek\turbofan
Requirement already satisfied: numpy in c:\users\jenkins\workspace\ce_gplibrary_push_research_models\mosek\venv_gpkit\lib\site-packages (from turbofan== (1.18.1)
Requirement already satisfied: scipy in c:\users\jenkins\workspace\ce_gplibrary_push_research_models\mosek\venv_gpkit\lib\site-packages (from turbofan== (1.4.1)
Requirement already satisfied: pint in c:\users\jenkins\workspace\ce_gplibrary_push_research_models\mosek\venv_gpkit\lib\site-packages (from turbofan== (0.9)
Processing c:\users\jenkins\appdata\local\pip\cache\wheels\56\b0\fe\4410d17b32f1f0c3cf54cdfb2bc04d7b4b8f4ae377e2229ba0\future-0.18.2-py3-none-any.whl
Building wheels for collected packages: turbofan
  Building wheel for turbofan ( started
  Building wheel for turbofan ( finished with status 'done'
  Created wheel for turbofan: filename=turbofan- size=44145 sha256=2455b1b651075e19c3c3e74fbc0ddcfbd625fd0ebc8da2f0b0201f627ad062ef
  Stored in directory: C:\Users\jenkins\AppData\Local\Temp\pip-ephem-wheel-cache-xu1mw896\wheels\fd\86\5e\ffc2d135ebbff74b65cf75c64880920e67a4eae437762ecf52
Successfully built turbofan
Installing collected packages: future, turbofan
Successfully installed future-0.18.2 turbofan-
adding test for 'turbofan/'

Running tests...
Ran 1 test in 0.012s


Generating XML reports...
Cloning into 'solar'...
Requirement already satisfied: pandas in c:\users\jenkins\workspace\ce_gplibrary_push_research_models\mosek\venv_gpkit\lib\site-packages (1.0.1)
Requirement already satisfied: pytz>=2017.2 in c:\users\jenkins\workspace\ce_gplibrary_push_research_models\mosek\venv_gpkit\lib\site-packages (from pandas) (2019.3)
Requirement already satisfied: numpy>=1.13.3 in c:\users\jenkins\workspace\ce_gplibrary_push_research_models\mosek\venv_gpkit\lib\site-packages (from pandas) (1.18.1)
Requirement already satisfied: python-dateutil>=2.6.1 in c:\users\jenkins\workspace\ce_gplibrary_push_research_models\mosek\venv_gpkit\lib\site-packages (from pandas) (2.8.1)
Requirement already satisfied: six>=1.5 in c:\users\jenkins\appdata\local\programs\python\python37\lib\site-packages (from python-dateutil>=2.6.1->pandas) (1.14.0)
Collecting git+
  Cloning to c:\users\jenkins\appdata\local\temp\pip-req-build-bovcfhyb
  Running command git clone -q 'C:\Users\jenkins\AppData\Local\Temp\pip-req-build-bovcfhyb'
Requirement already satisfied (use --upgrade to upgrade): gpfit==0.1 from git+ in c:\users\jenkins\workspace\ce_gplibrary_push_research_models\mosek\venv_gpkit\lib\site-packages
Requirement already satisfied: numpy in c:\users\jenkins\workspace\ce_gplibrary_push_research_models\mosek\venv_gpkit\lib\site-packages (from gpfit==0.1) (1.18.1)
Requirement already satisfied: scipy in c:\users\jenkins\workspace\ce_gplibrary_push_research_models\mosek\venv_gpkit\lib\site-packages (from gpfit==0.1) (1.4.1)
Requirement already satisfied: gpkit in c:\users\jenkins\workspace\ce_gplibrary_push_research_models\mosek\gpkit (from gpfit==0.1) (1.0.0)
Requirement already satisfied: pint<0.10,>=0.8.1 in c:\users\jenkins\workspace\ce_gplibrary_push_research_models\mosek\venv_gpkit\lib\site-packages (from gpkit->gpfit==0.1) (0.9)
Requirement already satisfied: ad in c:\users\jenkins\workspace\ce_gplibrary_push_research_models\mosek\venv_gpkit\lib\site-packages (from gpkit->gpfit==0.1) (1.3.2)
Requirement already satisfied: cvxopt>=1.1.8 in c:\users\jenkins\workspace\ce_gplibrary_push_research_models\mosek\venv_gpkit\lib\site-packages (from gpkit->gpfit==0.1) (1.2.4)
Requirement already satisfied: mkl in c:\users\jenkins\workspace\ce_gplibrary_push_research_models\mosek\venv_gpkit\lib\site-packages (from cvxopt>=1.1.8->gpkit->gpfit==0.1) (2019.0)
Requirement already satisfied: intel-openmp in c:\users\jenkins\workspace\ce_gplibrary_push_research_models\mosek\venv_gpkit\lib\site-packages (from mkl->cvxopt>=1.1.8->gpkit->gpfit==0.1) (2019.0)
Building wheels for collected packages: gpfit
  Building wheel for gpfit ( started
  Building wheel for gpfit ( finished with status 'done'
  Created wheel for gpfit: filename=gpfit-0.1-py3-none-any.whl size=25631 sha256=444888fd98d2f381b7ba4727be8cedb01d93bb23147eea042f562ab42f3228a7
  Stored in directory: C:\Users\jenkins\AppData\Local\Temp\pip-ephem-wheel-cache-0i318y0b\wheels\68\65\b3\0afb13c0a818424d0e07427d1c5a4312849fc7491f18bd34a0
Successfully built gpfit
Collecting git+
  Cloning to c:\users\jenkins\appdata\local\temp\pip-req-build-rcmqn64y
  Running command git clone -q 'C:\Users\jenkins\AppData\Local\Temp\pip-req-build-rcmqn64y'
Requirement already satisfied (use --upgrade to upgrade): gassolar== from git+ in c:\users\jenkins\workspace\ce_gplibrary_push_research_models\mosek\venv_gpkit\lib\site-packages
Requirement already satisfied: numpy in c:\users\jenkins\workspace\ce_gplibrary_push_research_models\mosek\venv_gpkit\lib\site-packages (from gassolar== (1.18.1)
Requirement already satisfied: scipy in c:\users\jenkins\workspace\ce_gplibrary_push_research_models\mosek\venv_gpkit\lib\site-packages (from gassolar== (1.4.1)
Requirement already satisfied: gpkit in c:\users\jenkins\workspace\ce_gplibrary_push_research_models\mosek\gpkit (from gassolar== (1.0.0)
Requirement already satisfied: pandas in c:\users\jenkins\workspace\ce_gplibrary_push_research_models\mosek\venv_gpkit\lib\site-packages (from gassolar== (1.0.1)
Requirement already satisfied: gpfit in c:\users\jenkins\workspace\ce_gplibrary_push_research_models\mosek\venv_gpkit\lib\site-packages (from gassolar== (0.1)
Requirement already satisfied: pint<0.10,>=0.8.1 in c:\users\jenkins\workspace\ce_gplibrary_push_research_models\mosek\venv_gpkit\lib\site-packages (from gpkit->gassolar== (0.9)
Requirement already satisfied: ad in c:\users\jenkins\workspace\ce_gplibrary_push_research_models\mosek\venv_gpkit\lib\site-packages (from gpkit->gassolar== (1.3.2)
Requirement already satisfied: cvxopt>=1.1.8 in c:\users\jenkins\workspace\ce_gplibrary_push_research_models\mosek\venv_gpkit\lib\site-packages (from gpkit->gassolar== (1.2.4)
Requirement already satisfied: python-dateutil>=2.6.1 in c:\users\jenkins\workspace\ce_gplibrary_push_research_models\mosek\venv_gpkit\lib\site-packages (from pandas->gassolar== (2.8.1)
Requirement already satisfied: pytz>=2017.2 in c:\users\jenkins\workspace\ce_gplibrary_push_research_models\mosek\venv_gpkit\lib\site-packages (from pandas->gassolar== (2019.3)
Requirement already satisfied: mkl in c:\users\jenkins\workspace\ce_gplibrary_push_research_models\mosek\venv_gpkit\lib\site-packages (from cvxopt>=1.1.8->gpkit->gassolar== (2019.0)
Requirement already satisfied: six>=1.5 in c:\users\jenkins\appdata\local\programs\python\python37\lib\site-packages (from python-dateutil>=2.6.1->pandas->gassolar== (1.14.0)
Requirement already satisfied: intel-openmp in c:\users\jenkins\workspace\ce_gplibrary_push_research_models\mosek\venv_gpkit\lib\site-packages (from mkl->cvxopt>=1.1.8->gpkit->gassolar== (2019.0)
Building wheels for collected packages: gassolar
  Building wheel for gassolar ( started
  Building wheel for gassolar ( finished with status 'done'
  Created wheel for gassolar: filename=gassolar- size=4895568 sha256=a3c5ffa1c283eb83207c6d8b1479a8d2c8985a14ab6c349b58305af991189cd9
  Stored in directory: C:\Users\jenkins\AppData\Local\Temp\pip-ephem-wheel-cache-n_4os20e\wheels\84\16\d2\54d8f9e64f486a627f1c5353e5786ffa7a35c88bec592de580
Successfully built gassolar
Processing c:\users\jenkins\workspace\ce_gplibrary_push_research_models\mosek\solar
Requirement already satisfied: numpy in c:\users\jenkins\workspace\ce_gplibrary_push_research_models\mosek\venv_gpkit\lib\site-packages (from solar== (1.18.1)
Requirement already satisfied: scipy in c:\users\jenkins\workspace\ce_gplibrary_push_research_models\mosek\venv_gpkit\lib\site-packages (from solar== (1.4.1)
Requirement already satisfied: gpkit in c:\users\jenkins\workspace\ce_gplibrary_push_research_models\mosek\gpkit (from solar== (1.0.0)
Requirement already satisfied: pandas in c:\users\jenkins\workspace\ce_gplibrary_push_research_models\mosek\venv_gpkit\lib\site-packages (from solar== (1.0.1)
Requirement already satisfied: gpfit in c:\users\jenkins\workspace\ce_gplibrary_push_research_models\mosek\venv_gpkit\lib\site-packages (from solar== (0.1)
Requirement already satisfied: gpkitmodels in c:\users\jenkins\workspace\ce_gplibrary_push_research_models\mosek\gplibrary (from solar== (
Requirement already satisfied: pint<0.10,>=0.8.1 in c:\users\jenkins\workspace\ce_gplibrary_push_research_models\mosek\venv_gpkit\lib\site-packages (from gpkit->solar== (0.9)
Requirement already satisfied: ad in c:\users\jenkins\workspace\ce_gplibrary_push_research_models\mosek\venv_gpkit\lib\site-packages (from gpkit->solar== (1.3.2)
Requirement already satisfied: cvxopt>=1.1.8 in c:\users\jenkins\workspace\ce_gplibrary_push_research_models\mosek\venv_gpkit\lib\site-packages (from gpkit->solar== (1.2.4)
Requirement already satisfied: python-dateutil>=2.6.1 in c:\users\jenkins\workspace\ce_gplibrary_push_research_models\mosek\venv_gpkit\lib\site-packages (from pandas->solar== (2.8.1)
Requirement already satisfied: pytz>=2017.2 in c:\users\jenkins\workspace\ce_gplibrary_push_research_models\mosek\venv_gpkit\lib\site-packages (from pandas->solar== (2019.3)
Requirement already satisfied: future in c:\users\jenkins\workspace\ce_gplibrary_push_research_models\mosek\venv_gpkit\lib\site-packages (from gpkitmodels->solar== (0.18.2)
Requirement already satisfied: mkl in c:\users\jenkins\workspace\ce_gplibrary_push_research_models\mosek\venv_gpkit\lib\site-packages (from cvxopt>=1.1.8->gpkit->solar== (2019.0)
Requirement already satisfied: six>=1.5 in c:\users\jenkins\appdata\local\programs\python\python37\lib\site-packages (from python-dateutil>=2.6.1->pandas->solar== (1.14.0)
Requirement already satisfied: intel-openmp in c:\users\jenkins\workspace\ce_gplibrary_push_research_models\mosek\venv_gpkit\lib\site-packages (from mkl->cvxopt>=1.1.8->gpkit->solar== (2019.0)
Building wheels for collected packages: solar
  Building wheel for solar ( started
  Building wheel for solar ( finished with status 'done'
  Created wheel for solar: filename=solar- size=14959 sha256=7212466e91b92f21fa3d642ddc20d55c95b1275b584de1af1acd49adce54a7f6
  Stored in directory: C:\Users\jenkins\AppData\Local\Temp\pip-ephem-wheel-cache-56k6706u\wheels\9a\1b\90\cba4ddb2b3dd265220c5926cc1d7df211efa38760f98005ce6
Successfully built solar
Installing collected packages: solar
Successfully installed solar-
adding test for 'solar/'
adding test for 'solar/'
adding test for 'solar/'

Running tests...
C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\CE_gplibrary_Push_research_models\mosek\venv_gpkit\lib\site-packages\pint\ UnitStrippedWarning: The unit of the quantity is stripped.
  warnings.warn("The unit of the quantity is stripped.", UnitStrippedWarning)
Starting a sequence of GP solves
 for 63 free variables
  in 21 signomial constraints
  and for 980 free variables
       in 1300 posynomial inequalities.
Solving took 2.25 seconds and 4 GP solves.
Warning: Variable Mission.Climb.AircraftDrag.WingAero.CL[:] could cause inaccurate result because it is below lower bound. Solution is 0.8904 but bound is 0.9465
Warning: Variable Mission.Climb.AircraftDrag.WingAero.Re[:] could cause inaccurate result because it is above upper bound. Solution is 1632919.3776 but bound is 600000.0000
Warning: Variable Mission.Climb.AircraftDrag.TailAero1.Re[:] could cause inaccurate result because it is above upper bound. Solution is 1259329.5070 but bound is 1000000.0000

Starting a sequence of GP solves
 for 67 free variables
  in 23 signomial constraints
  and for 1032 free variables
       in 1384 posynomial inequalities.
Solving took 2.18 seconds and 4 GP solves.
Warning: Variable Mission1.Climb.AircraftDrag.WingAero.CL[:] could cause inaccurate result because it is below lower bound. Solution is 1.1135 but bound is 0.9465
Warning: Variable Mission1.Climb.AircraftDrag.WingAero.Re[:] could cause inaccurate result because it is above upper bound. Solution is 1036209.6021 but bound is 600000.0000
Warning: Variable Mission1.Climb.AircraftDrag.TailAero1.Re[:] could cause inaccurate result because it is above upper bound. Solution is 1006641.3990 but bound is 1000000.0000

Starting a sequence of GP solves
 for 63 free variables
  in 21 signomial constraints
  and for 1084 free variables
       in 1492 posynomial inequalities.
Solving took 2.24 seconds and 4 GP solves.
Warning: Variable Mission2.Climb.AircraftDrag.WingAero.CL[:] could cause inaccurate result because it is below lower bound. Solution is 1.0043 but bound is 0.9465
Warning: Variable Mission2.Climb.AircraftDrag.WingAero.Re[:] could cause inaccurate result because it is above upper bound. Solution is 1329202.9037 but bound is 600000.0000
Warning: Variable Mission2.Climb.AircraftDrag.TailAero1.Re[:] could cause inaccurate result because it is above upper bound. Solution is 1208149.0070 but bound is 1000000.0000

Starting a sequence of GP solves
 for 71 free variables
  in 27 signomial constraints
  and for 1136 free variables
       in 1624 posynomial inequalities.
Solving took 2.44 seconds and 4 GP solves.
Warning: Variable Mission3.Climb.AircraftDrag.WingAero.CL[:] could cause inaccurate result because it is below lower bound. Solution is 1.1643 but bound is 0.9465
Warning: Variable Mission3.Climb.AircraftDrag.WingAero.Re[:] could cause inaccurate result because it is above upper bound. Solution is 976138.7332 but bound is 600000.0000
Warning: Variable Mission3.Climb.AircraftDrag.TailAero1.Re[:] could cause inaccurate result because it is above upper bound. Solution is 1042059.9154 but bound is 1000000.0000

Starting a sequence of GP solves
 for 73 free variables
  in 29 signomial constraints
  and for 1188 free variables
       in 1780 posynomial inequalities.
Solving took 3.06 seconds and 4 GP solves.
Warning: Variable Mission4.Climb.AircraftDrag.WingAero.CL[:] could cause inaccurate result because it is below lower bound. Solution is 1.1567 but bound is 0.9465
Warning: Variable Mission4.Climb.AircraftDrag.WingAero.Re[:] could cause inaccurate result because it is above upper bound. Solution is 1007396.6632 but bound is 600000.0000
Warning: Variable Mission4.Climb.AircraftDrag.TailAero1.Re[:] could cause inaccurate result because it is above upper bound. Solution is 1092544.5684 but bound is 1000000.0000

Starting a sequence of GP solves
 for 63 free variables
  in 21 signomial constraints
  and for 954 free variables
       in 1269 posynomial inequalities.
Solving took 2.21 seconds and 4 GP solves.
Warning: Variable Mission5.Climb.AircraftDrag.WingAero.CL[:] could cause inaccurate result because it is below lower bound. Solution is 1.0536 but bound is 0.9465
Warning: Variable Mission5.Climb.AircraftDrag.WingAero.Re[:] could cause inaccurate result because it is above upper bound. Solution is 1119116.3963 but bound is 600000.0000
Using solver 'mosek_cli'
 for 7672 free variables
  in 10814 posynomial inequalities.
Solving took 2.62 seconds.
Warning: Variable Mission.Climb.AircraftDrag.WingAero.CL[:] could cause inaccurate result because it is below lower bound. Solution is 1.2008 but bound is 0.9465
Warning: Variable Mission.Climb.AircraftDrag.WingAero.Re[:] could cause inaccurate result because it is above upper bound. Solution is 839120.8369 but bound is 600000.0000
C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\CE_gplibrary_Push_research_models\mosek\venv_gpkit\lib\site-packages\gassolar\environment\ RuntimeWarning: overflow encountered in exp
  tau = np.exp(-0.175/costhsun)
.Starting a sequence of GP solves
 for 63 free variables
  in 21 signomial constraints
  and for 954 free variables
       in 1269 posynomial inequalities.
Solving took 2.23 seconds and 4 GP solves.
Warning: Variable Mission.Climb.AircraftDrag.WingAero.CL[:] could cause inaccurate result because it is below lower bound. Solution is 1.0536 but bound is 0.9465
Warning: Variable Mission.Climb.AircraftDrag.WingAero.Re[:] could cause inaccurate result because it is above upper bound. Solution is 1119116.3963 but bound is 600000.0000
Ran 3 tests in 38.822s


Generating XML reports...
fatal: destination path 'gplibrary' already exists and is not an empty directory.
fatal: destination path 'gplibrary' already exists and is not an empty directory.
fatal: destination path 'gplibrary' already exists and is not an empty directory.
fatal: destination path 'gplibrary' already exists and is not an empty directory.
fatal: destination path 'gplibrary' already exists and is not an empty directory.
Requirement already satisfied: pandas in c:\users\jenkins\workspace\ce_gplibrary_push_research_models\mosek\venv_gpkit\lib\site-packages (1.0.1)
Requirement already satisfied: numpy>=1.13.3 in c:\users\jenkins\workspace\ce_gplibrary_push_research_models\mosek\venv_gpkit\lib\site-packages (from pandas) (1.18.1)
Requirement already satisfied: python-dateutil>=2.6.1 in c:\users\jenkins\workspace\ce_gplibrary_push_research_models\mosek\venv_gpkit\lib\site-packages (from pandas) (2.8.1)
Requirement already satisfied: pytz>=2017.2 in c:\users\jenkins\workspace\ce_gplibrary_push_research_models\mosek\venv_gpkit\lib\site-packages (from pandas) (2019.3)
Requirement already satisfied: six>=1.5 in c:\users\jenkins\appdata\local\programs\python\python37\lib\site-packages (from python-dateutil>=2.6.1->pandas) (1.14.0)
Collecting git+
  Cloning to c:\users\jenkins\appdata\local\temp\pip-req-build-msf914rz
  Running command git clone -q 'C:\Users\jenkins\AppData\Local\Temp\pip-req-build-msf914rz'
Requirement already satisfied (use --upgrade to upgrade): gpfit==0.1 from git+ in c:\users\jenkins\workspace\ce_gplibrary_push_research_models\mosek\venv_gpkit\lib\site-packages
Requirement already satisfied: numpy in c:\users\jenkins\workspace\ce_gplibrary_push_research_models\mosek\venv_gpkit\lib\site-packages (from gpfit==0.1) (1.18.1)
Requirement already satisfied: scipy in c:\users\jenkins\workspace\ce_gplibrary_push_research_models\mosek\venv_gpkit\lib\site-packages (from gpfit==0.1) (1.4.1)
Requirement already satisfied: gpkit in c:\users\jenkins\workspace\ce_gplibrary_push_research_models\mosek\gpkit (from gpfit==0.1) (1.0.0)
Requirement already satisfied: pint<0.10,>=0.8.1 in c:\users\jenkins\workspace\ce_gplibrary_push_research_models\mosek\venv_gpkit\lib\site-packages (from gpkit->gpfit==0.1) (0.9)
Requirement already satisfied: ad in c:\users\jenkins\workspace\ce_gplibrary_push_research_models\mosek\venv_gpkit\lib\site-packages (from gpkit->gpfit==0.1) (1.3.2)
Requirement already satisfied: cvxopt>=1.1.8 in c:\users\jenkins\workspace\ce_gplibrary_push_research_models\mosek\venv_gpkit\lib\site-packages (from gpkit->gpfit==0.1) (1.2.4)
Requirement already satisfied: mkl in c:\users\jenkins\workspace\ce_gplibrary_push_research_models\mosek\venv_gpkit\lib\site-packages (from cvxopt>=1.1.8->gpkit->gpfit==0.1) (2019.0)
Requirement already satisfied: intel-openmp in c:\users\jenkins\workspace\ce_gplibrary_push_research_models\mosek\venv_gpkit\lib\site-packages (from mkl->cvxopt>=1.1.8->gpkit->gpfit==0.1) (2019.0)
Building wheels for collected packages: gpfit
  Building wheel for gpfit ( started
  Building wheel for gpfit ( finished with status 'done'
  Created wheel for gpfit: filename=gpfit-0.1-py3-none-any.whl size=25631 sha256=203540b6edc0836dd794a49e9212ffc512f783bbb3c9b2994e35cebd6c304c76
  Stored in directory: C:\Users\jenkins\AppData\Local\Temp\pip-ephem-wheel-cache-0i419wgd\wheels\57\29\3e\8d7ba8db76ea975ecfe679ec45f25d64a6eaec893d16b3d378
Successfully built gpfit
Processing c:\users\jenkins\workspace\ce_gplibrary_push_research_models\mosek\gplibrary
Requirement already satisfied: numpy>=1.12 in c:\users\jenkins\workspace\ce_gplibrary_push_research_models\mosek\venv_gpkit\lib\site-packages (from gpkitmodels== (1.18.1)
Requirement already satisfied: scipy in c:\users\jenkins\workspace\ce_gplibrary_push_research_models\mosek\venv_gpkit\lib\site-packages (from gpkitmodels== (1.4.1)
Requirement already satisfied: pint in c:\users\jenkins\workspace\ce_gplibrary_push_research_models\mosek\venv_gpkit\lib\site-packages (from gpkitmodels== (0.9)
Requirement already satisfied: future in c:\users\jenkins\workspace\ce_gplibrary_push_research_models\mosek\venv_gpkit\lib\site-packages (from gpkitmodels== (0.18.2)
Building wheels for collected packages: gpkitmodels
  Building wheel for gpkitmodels ( started
  Building wheel for gpkitmodels ( finished with status 'done'
  Created wheel for gpkitmodels: filename=gpkitmodels- size=66686 sha256=477f06c246255f7890daea81ab0af9733045b8891ca48b82c44b7fe9fb811efd
  Stored in directory: C:\Users\jenkins\AppData\Local\Temp\pip-ephem-wheel-cache-_cpzbiab\wheels\cb\16\1c\2baba38d9f6dccc02796c3c6db82c81b84bdddee1507c96f33
Successfully built gpkitmodels
Installing collected packages: gpkitmodels
  Attempting uninstall: gpkitmodels
    Found existing installation: gpkitmodels
    Uninstalling gpkitmodels-
      Successfully uninstalled gpkitmodels-
Successfully installed gpkitmodels-
adding test for 'gpkitmodels/GP/aircraft/wing/'
adding test for 'gpkitmodels/GP/aircraft/tail/'
adding test for 'gpkitmodels/GP/aircraft/fuselage/'
adding test for 'gpkitmodels/GP/aircraft/prop/'
adding test for 'gpkitmodels/GP/aircraft/motor/'
adding test for 'gpkitmodels/SP/SimPleAC/'
adding test for 'gpkitmodels/SP/SimPleAC/'
adding test for 'gpkitmodels/SP/SimPleAC/'

Running tests...
Using solver 'mosek_cli'
 for 11 free variables
  in 14 posynomial inequalities.
Solving took 0.133 seconds.
.Using solver 'mosek_cli'
 for 9 free variables
  in 15 posynomial inequalities.
Solving took 0.198 seconds.
Using solver 'mosek_cli'
 for 25 free variables
  in 35 posynomial inequalities.
Solving took 0.152 seconds.
Using solver 'mosek_cli'
 for 25 free variables
  in 35 posynomial inequalities.
Solving took 0.148 seconds.
Starting a sequence of GP solves
 for 42 free variables
  in 11 signomial constraints
  and for 129 free variables
       in 211 posynomial inequalities.
Solving took 3.58 seconds and 16 GP solves.
C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\CE_gplibrary_Push_research_models\mosek\venv_gpkit\lib\site-packages\pint\ UnitStrippedWarning: The unit of the quantity is stripped.
  warnings.warn("The unit of the quantity is stripped.", UnitStrippedWarning)
.Using solver 'mosek_cli'
 for 13 free variables
  in 16 posynomial inequalities.
Solving took 0.142 seconds.
Starting a sequence of GP solves
 for 42 free variables
  in 11 signomial constraints
  and for 117 free variables
       in 190 posynomial inequalities.
Solving took 2.52 seconds and 11 GP solves.
Warning: Variable[:] could cause inaccurate result because it is below lower bound. Solution is 0.6000 but bound is 0.4742
Warning: Variable BladeElementProp.BladeElementPerf.Re[:] could cause inaccurate result because it is above upper bound. Solution is 1619891.9379 but bound is 700000.0000
.Warning: Variable TailAero.Re could cause inaccurate result because it is above upper bound. Solution is 2220959.7939 but bound is 1000000.0000
Warning: Variable TailAero1.Re could cause inaccurate result because it is above upper bound. Solution is 2499796.7837 but bound is 1000000.0000
Warning: Variable TailAero2.Re could cause inaccurate result because it is above upper bound. Solution is 2223871.1577 but bound is 1000000.0000
Warning: Variable TailAero3.Re could cause inaccurate result because it is above upper bound. Solution is 2223871.1577 but bound is 1000000.0000
Warning: Variable TailAero4.Re could cause inaccurate result because it is above upper bound. Solution is 1853896.1324 but bound is 1000000.0000
Warning: Variable TailAero5.Re could cause inaccurate result because it is above upper bound. Solution is 1853896.1324 but bound is 1000000.0000
.Warning: Variable WingAero.Re could cause inaccurate result because it is above upper bound. Solution is 1884889.9591 but bound is 700000.0000
Warning: Variable WingAero1.Re could cause inaccurate result because it is above upper bound. Solution is 1910412.9866 but bound is 700000.0000
..SGP not convergent: Cost rose by 9% on GP solve 2. Details can be found in `m.program.results` or by solving at a higher verbosity. Note that convergence is not guaranteed for models with SignomialEqualities.

SGP not convergent: Cost rose by 27% on GP solve 2. Details can be found in `m.program.results` or by solving at a higher verbosity. Note that convergence is not guaranteed for models with SignomialEqualities.

SGP not convergent: Cost rose by 0.49% on GP solve 4. Details can be found in `m.program.results` or by solving at a higher verbosity. Note that convergence is not guaranteed for models with SignomialEqualities.

.Starting a sequence of GP solves
 for 3 free variables
  in 1 signomial constraints
  and for 21 free variables
       in 22 posynomial inequalities.

GP Solve 1
Using solver 'mosek_cli'
 for 21 free variables
  in 22 posynomial inequalities.
Solving took 0.125 seconds.
Solved cost was 5717.

GP Solve 2
Using solver 'mosek_cli'
 for 21 free variables
  in 22 posynomial inequalities.
Solving took 0.144 seconds.
Solved cost was 4538.

GP Solve 3
Using solver 'mosek_cli'
 for 21 free variables
  in 22 posynomial inequalities.
Solving took 0.168 seconds.
Solved cost was 4536.

GP Solve 4
Using solver 'mosek_cli'
 for 21 free variables
  in 22 posynomial inequalities.
Solving took 0.16 seconds.
Solved cost was 4536.

Solving took 0.613 seconds and 4 GP solves.
Ran 8 tests in 14.238s


Generating XML reports...
Cloning into 'eVTOL'...
Checking out files:  43% (53/122)   
Checking out files:  44% (54/122)   
Checking out files:  45% (55/122)   
Checking out files:  46% (57/122)   
Checking out files:  47% (58/122)   
Checking out files:  48% (59/122)   
Checking out files:  49% (60/122)   
Checking out files:  50% (61/122)   
Checking out files:  51% (63/122)   
Checking out files:  52% (64/122)   
Checking out files:  53% (65/122)   
Checking out files:  54% (66/122)   
Checking out files:  55% (68/122)   
Checking out files:  56% (69/122)   
Checking out files:  57% (70/122)   
Checking out files:  58% (71/122)   
Checking out files:  59% (72/122)   
Checking out files:  60% (74/122)   
Checking out files:  61% (75/122)   
Checking out files:  62% (76/122)   
Checking out files:  63% (77/122)   
Checking out files:  64% (79/122)   
Checking out files:  65% (80/122)   
Checking out files:  66% (81/122)   
Checking out files:  67% (82/122)   
Checking out files:  68% (83/122)   
Checking out files:  69% (85/122)   
Checking out files:  70% (86/122)   
Checking out files:  71% (87/122)   
Checking out files:  72% (88/122)   
Checking out files:  73% (90/122)   
Checking out files:  74% (91/122)   
Checking out files:  75% (92/122)   
Checking out files:  76% (93/122)   
Checking out files:  77% (94/122)   
Checking out files:  78% (96/122)   
Checking out files:  79% (97/122)   
Checking out files:  80% (98/122)   
Checking out files:  81% (99/122)   
Checking out files:  82% (101/122)   
Checking out files:  83% (102/122)   
Checking out files:  84% (103/122)   
Checking out files:  85% (104/122)   
Checking out files:  86% (105/122)   
Checking out files:  87% (107/122)   
Checking out files:  88% (108/122)   
Checking out files:  89% (109/122)   
Checking out files:  90% (110/122)   
Checking out files:  91% (112/122)   
Checking out files:  92% (113/122)   
Checking out files:  93% (114/122)   
Checking out files:  94% (115/122)   
Checking out files:  95% (116/122)   
Checking out files:  96% (118/122)   
Checking out files:  97% (119/122)   
Checking out files:  98% (120/122)   
Checking out files:  99% (121/122)   
Checking out files: 100% (122/122)   
Checking out files: 100% (122/122), done.
adding test for 'models/'

Running tests...
Ran 1 test in 3.421s


Generating XML reports...
calling ['git', 'clone', '--depth', '1', '-b', 'master', '']
  attempt 1
calling ['pip', 'install', '--no-cache-dir', '--no-deps', '-e', 'gplibrary']
  attempt 1
calling ['git', 'clone', '--depth', '1', '-b', 'master', '']
  attempt 1

defaultdict(<class 'str'>, {})

calling ['pip', 'install', '.']
  attempt 1
  attempt 2
  attempt 3
  attempt 4
  attempt 5
calling ['git', 'clone', '--depth', '1', '-b', 'master', '']
  attempt 1

defaultdict(<class 'str'>, {})

calling ['git', 'clone', '--depth', '1', '-b', 'master', '']
  attempt 1

defaultdict(<class 'str'>, {'pip install': 'pandas, git+', 'gpkit-models branch': 'master', 'skipsolvers': 'cvxopt'})

calling ['pip', 'install', 'pandas']
  attempt 1
calling ['pip', 'install', 'git+']
  attempt 1
calling ['pip', 'install', '.']
  attempt 1
calling ['git', 'clone', '--depth', '1', '-b', 'master', '']
  attempt 1

defaultdict(<class 'str'>, {'pip install': 'pandas, git+', 'gpkit-models branch': 'master', 'skipsolvers': 'cvxopt'})

calling ['pip', 'install', 'pandas']
  attempt 1
calling ['pip', 'install', 'git+']
  attempt 1
calling ['git', 'clone', '--depth', '1', '-b', 'master', '']
  attempt 1

defaultdict(<class 'str'>, {'skipsolvers': 'cvxopt, mosek_cli', 'gpkit-models branch': 'master'})

calling ['pip', 'install', '.']
  attempt 1
calling ['git', 'clone', '--depth', '1', '-b', 'master', '']
  attempt 1

defaultdict(<class 'str'>, {'pip install': 'pandas, git+, git+', 'gpkit-models branch': 'master', 'skipsolvers': 'cvxopt'})

calling ['pip', 'install', 'pandas']
  attempt 1
calling ['pip', 'install', 'git+']
  attempt 1
calling ['pip', 'install', 'git+']
  attempt 1
calling ['pip', 'install', '.']
  attempt 1
calling ['git', 'clone', '--depth', '1', '-b', 'master', '']
  attempt 1
  attempt 2
  attempt 3
  attempt 4
  attempt 5

defaultdict(<class 'str'>, {'pip install': 'pandas, git+'})

calling ['pip', 'install', 'pandas']
  attempt 1
calling ['pip', 'install', 'git+']
  attempt 1
calling ['pip', 'install', '.']
  attempt 1
calling ['git', 'clone', '--depth', '1', '-b', 'master', '']
  attempt 1

defaultdict(<class 'str'>, {'skipsolvers': 'cvxopt'})

C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\CE_gplibrary_Push_research_models\mosek>exit 0 
Recording test results
[WS-CLEANUP] Deleting project workspace...
[WS-CLEANUP] Deferred wipeout is used...
Finished: SUCCESS