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  1. Guard against INTERNAL Edges in EG_matchBodyEdges. Warn about INTERNAL Edges.
  2. Update to AFLR 11.5.15
Revision 2068 by galbramc:
Guard against INTERNAL Edges in EG_matchBodyEdges. Warn about INTERNAL Edges.
Change TypePath in RepositoryPath in Workspace
The file was modified /trunk/src/egadsCopy.cppEGADS/trunk/src/egadsCopy.cpp
The file was modified /trunk/src/egadsTopo.cppEGADS/trunk/src/egadsTopo.cpp
Revision 880 by galbramc:
Update to AFLR 11.5.15
Change TypePath in RepositoryPath in Workspace
The file was modified /ESP_Env.batJenkinsESP/ESP_Env.bat
The file was modified /ESP_Env.shJenkinsESP/