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The Jenkins Controller is preparing for shutdown. No new builds can be started.
Started 5 mo 18 days ago
Took 31 sec on macys

macys (Dec 16, 2023, 1:49:18 AM)

  1. 0033521: Visualization - possibility to redefine rotation persistence in Graphic3d_TransformPers (details)
  2. 0033370: Foundation Classes - Moving into STL and Boost functionality (details)
  3. 0033529: Data Exchange, Step - Move on IncAllocator functionality (details)
  4. 0033425: Configuration - Implement JeMalloc memory manager (details)
  5. 0033531: Configuration - Rework DataExchange ToolKits organization (details)
  6. 0033474: Data Exchange - Implement stream reading into RWMesh interface (details)
  7. 0033483: Data Exchange - Static_Interface local instance for the model (details)
  8. 0033540: Data Exchange - Segmentation fault on loading model (details)
  9. 0033399: Configuration - Research into opportunities to increase performance (details)
  10. 0033300: Data Exchange, DE Wrapper - Specialize WS for each transfer process (details)
  11. Update OCCT version to 7.8.0 (details)
  12. 0033544: Foundation Classes - Fixing compiler problems [HotFix] (details)
  13. 0033548: Tests - VC142 internal problem for Chamfer functionality (details)

Started by upstream project ESP_OCCT build number 26
originally caused by:

Revision: e8605596c901d48b5e79deae24eece67f1bc11cf
  • refs/remotes/origin/master
SCM: git
  • Commits since last build: 13
  • Latest commit: e860559