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  1. Update version to 7.8.2 dev (details)
  2. 0032750: Visualization, AIS_Manipulator - selection of moved object is broken (details)
  3. 0033430: IFC Import - Adding basic support of materials (details)
  4. 0033371: USD - Implementation of import and export USD files using the USD SDK. 1 Stage (details)
  5. 0033699: Data Exchange, DE Wrapper - Integration activation plug-in mechanism plug-in (details)
  6. 0033514: Visualization - Scaled view twists zoom persistence objects (details)
  7. 0033533: Visualization - possibility to redefine Graphic3d_TransformPers (details)
  8. 0030484: Visualization, SelectMgr_ViewerSelector - Graphic3d_TMF_2d persistence sorting issues (details)
  9. 0033146: Modeling Algorithms - 2D Offset with arc-lin approximation fails on open B-spline edge (details)
  10. 0033156: Modeling Algorithms - Planar face creation problem (details)
  11. 0032964: Modeling Algorithms - 2d Offset sometimes 'split' straight edges (details)
  12. 0032752: Visualization, TKOpenGl - extend V3d_View::ToPixMap() options with Z-layer (details)
Commit 4fb9b2f250b2ed7f355b2b80f34be71c128311ff by dpasukhi
Update version to 7.8.2 dev
The file was modified src/Standard/Standard_Version.hxx
Commit d4dbeab49bea128a59ca34166532d96ebfaae445 by dpasukhi
0032750: Visualization, AIS_Manipulator - selection of moved object is broken

Completed the stop transform action when dragging manipulator with mouse.
Added context redisplay for update of interactive object sensitive areas.
Added test.
The file was modified src/AIS/AIS_Manipulator.cxx
The file was addedtests/vselect/bugs/bug32750
Commit ead71c66a3bad3e28d837af34d23a05c4047271b by dpasukhi
0033430: IFC Import - Adding basic support of materials

Updated XStat to show VisMaterials info
The file was modified src/XDEDRAW/XDEDRAW.cxx
Commit 36dc3d20372ff37c6c3b35e1fd10ae4c8f945517 by dpasukhi
0033371: USD - Implementation of import and export USD files using the USD SDK. 1 Stage

Do auxiliary improvement in OCCT.
The file was modified src/RWMesh/RWMesh_CafReader.cxx
The file was modified src/RWMesh/RWMesh_CafReader.hxx
Commit 69f380ae3288dcb07fb993017ed09d6e8c60c9a1 by dpasukhi
0033699: Data Exchange, DE Wrapper - Integration activation plug-in mechanism plug-in

New virtual function is implemented
The file was modified src/DE/DE_ConfigurationNode.hxx
Commit 7f1d0563bb95894a5f156665bcda7ac57f08cf88 by dpasukhi
0033514: Visualization - Scaled view twists zoom persistence objects

Added flag to transform persistence to handle axial scaling.
Modified manipulator's zoom transform persistence to fit in axial scaling events.
Added tests for cases 27832 and 33514.
Logic change on Graphic3d_TransformPers::Apply for Graphic3d_TMF_AxialScalePers.
Logic fixes in AIS_Manipulator to integrate axial scale in both zoomable and unzoomable states.
The file was modified src/Graphic3d/Graphic3d_TransformPers.hxx
The file was addedtests/v3d/trihedron/bug27832
The file was modified src/Graphic3d/Graphic3d_Camera.cxx
The file was modified src/AIS/AIS_Manipulator.cxx
The file was addedtests/v3d/manipulator/bug33514
The file was modified src/Graphic3d/Graphic3d_TransModeFlags.hxx
The file was modified src/ViewerTest/ViewerTest.cxx
Commit ad9840d4d47c96fbdfab7fc30b439d67e1d1d722 by dpasukhi
0033533: Visualization - possibility to redefine Graphic3d_TransformPers

Split template method apply and moved calculations to virtual method.
The file was modified src/Graphic3d/Graphic3d_TransformPers.hxx
Commit fc51ce503e793ac5fb784f48f4419d556ba55f31 by dpasukhi
0030484: Visualization, SelectMgr_ViewerSelector - Graphic3d_TMF_2d persistence sorting issues

Added property to SelectableObject for selection focused on display priority.
Modified SelectMgr_ViewerSelector CompareResults based on the focus priority property.
Added display priority to the sorting criterion
Added tests for multiple types of sensitive entities.
Modified vpriority command to change an object's selection priority.
The file was addedtests/vselect/bugs/bug30484_3
The file was addedtests/vselect/bugs/bug30484_4
The file was modified src/SelectMgr/SelectMgr_ViewerSelector.cxx
The file was addedtests/vselect/bugs/bug30484_2
The file was addedtests/vselect/bugs/bug30484_1
The file was modified src/SelectMgr/SelectMgr_SortCriterion.hxx
The file was modified src/ViewerTest/ViewerTest_ViewerCommands.cxx
Commit 1db93f640ee46de9dec9051862df8a09fef44782 by dpasukhi
0033146: Modeling Algorithms - 2D Offset with arc-lin approximation fails on open B-spline edge

Added additional conditions to avoid crash.
Added a test case.
The file was addedtests/bugs/modalg_8/bug33146
The file was modified src/BRepFill/BRepFill_OffsetWire.cxx
Commit 899108205130c440303459c059a8db0b2723e176 by dpasukhi
0033156: Modeling Algorithms - Planar face creation problem

Implemented suggested patch to avoid unnecessary replacement of a wire.
Added the second test case.
The file was removedtests/mkface/mkplane/bug33156
The file was modified src/BRepLib/BRepLib_MakeFace.cxx
The file was addedtests/bugs/modalg_8/bug33156_2
Commit 65d8eece350df6e92710f64687f2dc1cabb9edbd by dpasukhi
0032964: Modeling Algorithms - 2d Offset sometimes 'split' straight edges

Implemented avoiding force cut of an edge in case of simple edge (that contains just 1 curve).
The file was modified src/BRepFill/BRepFill_OffsetWire.cxx
The file was addedtests/bugs/modalg_8/bug32964
The file was modified tests/bugs/modalg_5/bug25704_6
Commit 4c8faa5e2dd0d3e4bd7039c908016d8204889c09 by dpasukhi
0032752: Visualization, TKOpenGl - extend V3d_View::ToPixMap() options with Z-layer

Added option to dump only a selection of zlayer's content.
Changed zlayers redraw and render method for selection of layers to render.
Added filters for layer parsing.
Modified vdump command.
Added test with multiple dumps for comparison.
Added option to dump shadow maps.
The file was addedtests/v3d/bugs/bug32752
The file was modified src/Graphic3d/Graphic3d_BufferType.hxx
The file was modified src/V3d/V3d_ImageDumpOptions.hxx
The file was modified src/V3d/V3d_View.cxx
The file was modified src/OpenGl/OpenGl_View.cxx
The file was modified src/V3d/V3d_View.hxx
The file was modified src/Graphic3d/Graphic3d_CView.hxx
The file was modified src/OpenGl/OpenGl_LayerList.hxx
The file was modified src/OpenGl/OpenGl_LayerList.cxx
The file was modified src/OpenGl/OpenGl_LayerFilter.hxx
The file was modified src/Graphic3d/Graphic3d_CView.cxx
The file was modified src/OpenGl/OpenGl_View.hxx
The file was modified src/ViewerTest/ViewerTest.cxx
The file was modified src/OpenGl/OpenGl_FrameBuffer.cxx