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Skipping 707 KB.. Full Log
     Edge      8, npnt=      65, ibeg=  8, iend=  5
...after sorting into Loops
   Loop      0 (0:3)
     Edge      5, npnt=      65, ibeg=  5, iend=  6
     Edge      6, npnt=      65, ibeg=  6, iend=  7
     Edge      7, npnt=      65, ibeg=  7, iend=  8
     Edge      8, npnt=      65, ibeg=  8, iend=  5
Face      3 beginning
     Edge     -1, npnt=      65, iend=  2, ibeg=  1
     Edge     -5, npnt=      65, iend=  6, ibeg=  5
     Edge      9, npnt=     257, ibeg=  1, iend=  6
     Edge     10, npnt=     257, ibeg=  5, iend=  2
...after sorting into Loops
   Loop      0 (0:3)
     Edge     -1, npnt=      65, iend=  2, ibeg=  1
     Edge      9, npnt=     257, ibeg=  1, iend=  6
     Edge     -5, npnt=      65, iend=  6, ibeg=  5
     Edge     10, npnt=     257, ibeg=  5, iend=  2
Face      4 beginning
     Edge     -2, npnt=      65, iend=  1, ibeg=  3
     Edge     -6, npnt=      65, iend=  7, ibeg=  6
     Edge     -9, npnt=     257, iend=  6, ibeg=  1
     Edge     11, npnt=     257, ibeg=  3, iend=  7
...after sorting into Loops
   Loop      0 (0:3)
     Edge     -2, npnt=      65, iend=  1, ibeg=  3
     Edge     11, npnt=     257, ibeg=  3, iend=  7
     Edge     -6, npnt=      65, iend=  7, ibeg=  6
     Edge     -9, npnt=     257, iend=  6, ibeg=  1
Face      5 beginning
     Edge     -3, npnt=      68, iend=  3, ibeg=  4
     Edge     -7, npnt=      65, iend=  8, ibeg=  7
     Edge    -11, npnt=     257, iend=  7, ibeg=  3
     Edge     12, npnt=     257, ibeg=  4, iend=  8
...after sorting into Loops
   Loop      0 (0:3)
     Edge     -3, npnt=      68, iend=  3, ibeg=  4
     Edge     12, npnt=     257, ibeg=  4, iend=  8
     Edge     -7, npnt=      65, iend=  8, ibeg=  7
     Edge    -11, npnt=     257, iend=  7, ibeg=  3
Face      6 beginning
     Edge     -4, npnt=      65, iend=  4, ibeg=  2
     Edge     -8, npnt=      65, iend=  5, ibeg=  8
     Edge    -10, npnt=     257, iend=  2, ibeg=  5
     Edge    -12, npnt=     257, iend=  8, ibeg=  4
...after sorting into Loops
   Loop      0 (0:3)
     Edge     -4, npnt=      65, iend=  4, ibeg=  2
     Edge    -10, npnt=     257, iend=  2, ibeg=  5
     Edge     -8, npnt=      65, iend=  5, ibeg=  8
     Edge    -12, npnt=     257, iend=  8, ibeg=  4
rtype=0, nsmth=0
fit1dCloud(npnt=65, ncp=9) -> status=0, numiter=384, normf=  5.8629e-04, dotmin= 0.9476, nmin=8
rtype=0, nsmth=0
fit1dCloud(npnt=65, ncp=9) -> status=0, numiter=395, normf=  5.6069e-04, dotmin= 0.9557, nmin=7
rtype=0, nsmth=0
fit1dCloud(npnt=68, ncp=9) -> status=0, numiter=422, normf=  7.8264e-04, dotmin= 0.8374, nmin=7
rtype=0, nsmth=0
fit1dCloud(npnt=65, ncp=9) -> status=0, numiter=384, normf=  5.8568e-04, dotmin= 0.9481, nmin=8
rtype=0, nsmth=0
fit1dCloud(npnt=65, ncp=9) -> status=0, numiter=412, normf=  5.9554e-04, dotmin= 0.8773, nmin=6
rtype=0, nsmth=0
fit1dCloud(npnt=65, ncp=9) -> status=0, numiter=377, normf=  1.0059e-03, dotmin= 0.9148, nmin=8
rtype=0, nsmth=0
fit1dCloud(npnt=65, ncp=9) -> status=0, numiter=377, normf=  1.0024e-03, dotmin= 0.9143, nmin=8
rtype=0, nsmth=0
fit1dCloud(npnt=65, ncp=9) -> status=0, numiter=384, normf=  5.8556e-04, dotmin= 0.9482, nmin=8
rtype=0, nsmth=0
fit1dCloud(npnt=257, ncp=9) -> status=0, numiter=231, normf=  2.3560e-03, dotmin= 0.9834, nmin=32
rtype=0, nsmth=0
fit1dCloud(npnt=257, ncp=9) -> status=0, numiter= 13, normf=  1.4216e-06, dotmin=-nan(ind), nmin=32
rtype=0, nsmth=0
fit1dCloud(npnt=257, ncp=9) -> status=0, numiter=169, normf=  1.8147e-03, dotmin= 0.9965, nmin=32
rtype=0, nsmth=0
fit1dCloud(npnt=257, ncp=9) -> status=0, numiter=231, normf=  2.3560e-03, dotmin= 0.9834, nmin=32
generateFits(1D), CPU=      0.64 sec

iface=  1   npnt=    4177
            nfit=    1193 ( 28%)
non-planar (fitting)  ipnt=1, prod=    -0.01239
extracting south control points from iedge=    1
extracting east  control points from iedge=    4
extracting north control points from iedge=    3
extracting west  control points from iedge=    2

iface=  2   npnt=    3644
            nfit=    1039 ( 28%)
non-planar (fitting)  ipnt=1, prod=    -0.00118
extracting south control points from iedge=    5
extracting east  control points from iedge=    6
extracting north control points from iedge=    7
extracting west  control points from iedge=    8

iface=  3   npnt=    9696
            nfit=    1847 ( 19%)
non-planar (fitting)  ipnt=1, prod=     0.00170
extracting south control points from iedge=   -1
extracting east  control points from iedge=    9
extracting north control points from iedge=   -5
extracting west  control points from iedge=   10

iface=  4   npnt=    9511
            nfit=    1613 ( 16%)
non-planar (fitting)  ipnt=1, prod=    -0.03111
extracting south control points from iedge=   -2
extracting east  control points from iedge=   11
extracting north control points from iedge=   -6
extracting west  control points from iedge=   -9

iface=  5   npnt=    9673
            nfit=    1694 ( 17%)
non-planar (fitting)  ipnt=1, prod=     0.04501
extracting south control points from iedge=   -3
extracting east  control points from iedge=   12
extracting north control points from iedge=   -7
extracting west  control points from iedge=  -11

iface=  6   npnt=    9717
            nfit=    1664 ( 17%)
non-planar (fitting)  ipnt=1, prod=     0.04433
extracting south control points from iedge=   -4
extracting east  control points from iedge=  -10
extracting north control points from iedge=   -8
extracting west  control points from iedge=  -12
ID         2afc: is master
ID         2afc: iface   3 has  1847 fitting Points
ID         2534:           start thread
ID         2534: iface   5 has  1694 fitting Points
ID         2afc: iface   3 complete with status=0, numiter= 16, normf=  1.5211e-03, dotmin= 1.0000, nmin= 12
ID         2afc: iface   6 has  1664 fitting Points
ID         2534: iface   5 complete with status=0, numiter= 19, normf=  1.7672e-03, dotmin= 1.0000, nmin= 11
ID         2534: iface   4 has  1613 fitting Points
ID         2afc: iface   6 complete with status=0, numiter= 15, normf=  1.2181e-03, dotmin= 1.0000, nmin= 13
ID         2afc: iface   1 has  1193 fitting Points
ID         2afc: iface   1 complete with status=0, numiter= 13, normf=  6.5737e-04, dotmin= 1.0000, nmin= 18
ID         2afc: iface   2 has  1039 fitting Points
ID         2534: iface   4 complete with status=0, numiter= 28, normf=  1.9705e-03, dotmin= 1.0000, nmin= 11
ID         2534:           stop  thread
ID         2afc: iface   2 complete with status=0, numiter= 21, normf=  8.9088e-04, dotmin= 1.0000, nmin= 15
generateFits(2D), CPU=      6.06 sec
inode=  1, nedg=  3, xyz=   2.28868    0.00000    8.70413
inode=  2, nedg=  3, xyz=   0.00000    2.00000    8.77496
inode=  3, nedg=  3, xyz=   0.00000   -2.27302    8.70824
inode=  4, nedg=  3, xyz=  -2.28868    0.00000    8.70413
inode=  5, nedg=  3, xyz=   0.00000    2.00000   -8.77496
inode=  6, nedg=  3, xyz=   2.28810    0.00000   -8.70429
inode=  7, nedg=  3, xyz=   0.00000   -4.03040   -8.04711
inode=  8, nedg=  3, xyz=  -2.28810    0.00000   -8.70429
iedge=  1, ibeg=  1, iend=  2, ileft=  1, irite=  3
iedge=  2, ibeg=  3, iend=  1, ileft=  1, irite=  4
iedge=  3, ibeg=  4, iend=  3, ileft=  1, irite=  5
iedge=  4, ibeg=  2, iend=  4, ileft=  1, irite=  6
iedge=  5, ibeg=  5, iend=  6, ileft=  2, irite=  3
iedge=  6, ibeg=  6, iend=  7, ileft=  2, irite=  4
iedge=  7, ibeg=  7, iend=  8, ileft=  2, irite=  5
iedge=  8, ibeg=  8, iend=  5, ileft=  2, irite=  6
iedge=  9, ibeg=  1, iend=  6, ileft=  3, irite=  4
iedge= 10, ibeg=  5, iend=  2, ileft=  3, irite=  6
iedge= 11, ibeg=  3, iend=  7, ileft=  4, irite=  5
iedge= 12, ibeg=  4, iend=  8, ileft=  5, irite=  6
iface=  1, icol=  1, nedg=  4, nlup=  1
           edg=   1   4   3   2
           lup=   0
iface=  2, icol=  2, nedg=  4, nlup=  1
           edg=   5   6   7   8
           lup=   0
iface=  3, icol=  3, nedg=  4, nlup=  1
           edg=  -1   9  -5  10
           lup=   0
iface=  4, icol=  4, nedg=  4, nlup=  1
           edg=  -2  11  -6  -9
           lup=   0
iface=  5, icol=  5, nedg=  4, nlup=  1
           edg=  -3  12  -7 -11
           lup=   0
iface=  6, icol=  6, nedg=  4, nlup=  1
           edg=  -4 -10  -8 -12
           lup=   0
cp[ 0]:      0.00000      0.00000      0.00000
cp[ 8]:      8.73240      1.61208      1.39930
EG_makeGeometry(CURVE) -> status=0
cp[ 0]:      0.00000      0.00000      0.00000
cp[ 8]:      8.67972      1.71919     -1.70851
EG_makeGeometry(CURVE) -> status=0
cp[ 0]:      0.00000      0.00000      0.00000
cp[ 8]:      8.56155     -2.03281     -2.03055
EG_makeGeometry(CURVE) -> status=0
cp[ 0]:      0.00000      0.00000      0.00000
cp[ 8]:      8.75886     -1.61455      1.40181
EG_makeGeometry(CURVE) -> status=0
cp[ 0]:      0.00000      0.00000      0.00000
cp[ 8]:     -8.66561      1.86622      1.74152
EG_makeGeometry(CURVE) -> status=0
cp[ 0]:      0.00000      0.00000      0.00000
cp[ 8]:     -8.47010      1.78559     -2.90116
EG_makeGeometry(CURVE) -> status=0
cp[ 0]:      0.00000      0.00000      0.00000
cp[ 8]:     -8.22533     -1.78029     -2.89941
EG_makeGeometry(CURVE) -> status=0
cp[ 0]:      0.00000      0.00000      0.00000
cp[ 8]:     -8.73193     -1.61417      1.40185
EG_makeGeometry(CURVE) -> status=0
cp[ 0]:      0.00000      0.00000      0.00000
cp[ 8]:      2.17489      4.06691      0.00000
EG_makeGeometry(CURVE) -> status=0
cp[ 0]:      0.00000      0.00000      0.00000
cp[ 8]:     -2.19373      0.00000      2.00000
EG_makeGeometry(CURVE) -> status=0
cp[ 0]:      0.00000      0.00000      0.00000
cp[ 8]:      2.48483      0.00000     -3.98629
EG_makeGeometry(CURVE) -> status=0
cp[ 0]:      0.00000      0.00000      0.00000
cp[ 8]:      2.17489     -4.06691      0.00000
EG_makeGeometry(CURVE) -> status=0
iface=1, nedg=4, nlup=1
cpdata[ 0, 0]:      2.28868      0.00000      8.70413
cpdata[ 8, 0]:      0.00000      2.00000      8.77496
cpdata[ 0, 8]:      0.00000     -2.27302      8.70824
cpdata[ 8, 8]:     -2.28868      0.00000      8.70413
EG_makeGeometry(SURFACE) -> status=0
EG_makeGeometry(PCURVE 0) -> status=0
EG_makeGeometry(PCURVE 1) -> status=0
EG_makeGeometry(PCURVE 2) -> status=0
EG_makeGeometry(PCURVE 3) -> status=0
EG_makeTopology(LOOP) -> status=0
EG_makeTopology(FACE) -> status=0

iface=  1  nfit=    1193  rms=  6.069e-04
           npnt=    4177  rms=  5.718e-04
iface=2, nedg=4, nlup=1
cpdata[ 0, 0]:      0.00000      2.00000     -8.77496
cpdata[ 8, 0]:      2.28810      0.00000     -8.70429
cpdata[ 0, 8]:     -2.28810      0.00000     -8.70429
cpdata[ 8, 8]:      0.00000     -4.03040     -8.04711
EG_makeGeometry(SURFACE) -> status=0
EG_makeGeometry(PCURVE 0) -> status=0
EG_makeGeometry(PCURVE 1) -> status=0
EG_makeGeometry(PCURVE 2) -> status=0
EG_makeGeometry(PCURVE 3) -> status=0
EG_makeTopology(LOOP) -> status=0
EG_makeTopology(FACE) -> status=0

iface=  2  nfit=    1039  rms=  8.399e-04
           npnt=    3644  rms=  8.847e-04
iface=3, nedg=4, nlup=1
cpdata[ 0, 0]:     -0.00000      2.00000      8.77496
cpdata[ 8, 0]:      2.28868      0.00000      8.70413
cpdata[ 0, 8]:     -0.00000      2.00000     -8.77496
cpdata[ 8, 8]:      2.28810      0.00000     -8.70429
EG_makeGeometry(SURFACE) -> status=0
EG_makeGeometry(PCURVE 0) -> status=0
EG_makeGeometry(PCURVE 1) -> status=0
EG_makeGeometry(PCURVE 2) -> status=0
EG_makeGeometry(PCURVE 3) -> status=0
EG_makeTopology(LOOP) -> status=0
EG_makeTopology(FACE) -> status=0

iface=  3  nfit=    1847  rms=  1.984e-03
           npnt=    9696  rms=  1.932e-03
iface=4, nedg=4, nlup=1
cpdata[ 0, 0]:      2.28868      0.00000      8.70413
cpdata[ 8, 0]:      0.00000     -2.27302      8.70824
cpdata[ 0, 8]:      2.28810      0.00000     -8.70429
cpdata[ 8, 8]:      0.00000     -4.03040     -8.04711
EG_makeGeometry(SURFACE) -> status=0
EG_makeGeometry(PCURVE 0) -> status=0
EG_makeGeometry(PCURVE 1) -> status=0
EG_makeGeometry(PCURVE 2) -> status=0
EG_makeGeometry(PCURVE 3) -> status=0
EG_makeTopology(LOOP) -> status=0
EG_makeTopology(FACE) -> status=0

iface=  4  nfit=    1613  rms=  2.246e-03
           npnt=    9511  rms=  2.140e-03
iface=5, nedg=4, nlup=1
cpdata[ 0, 0]:      0.00000     -2.27302      8.70824
cpdata[ 8, 0]:     -2.28868      0.00000      8.70413
cpdata[ 0, 8]:      0.00000     -4.03040     -8.04711
cpdata[ 8, 8]:     -2.28810      0.00000     -8.70429
EG_makeGeometry(SURFACE) -> status=0
EG_makeGeometry(PCURVE 0) -> status=0
EG_makeGeometry(PCURVE 1) -> status=0
EG_makeGeometry(PCURVE 2) -> status=0
EG_makeGeometry(PCURVE 3) -> status=0
EG_makeTopology(LOOP) -> status=0
EG_makeTopology(FACE) -> status=0

iface=  5  nfit=    1694  rms=  2.129e-03
           npnt=    9673  rms=  2.068e-03
iface=6, nedg=4, nlup=1
cpdata[ 0, 0]:     -2.28868      0.00000      8.70413
cpdata[ 8, 0]:      0.00000      2.00000      8.77496
cpdata[ 0, 8]:     -2.28810      0.00000     -8.70429
cpdata[ 8, 8]:      0.00000      2.00000     -8.77496
EG_makeGeometry(SURFACE) -> status=0
EG_makeGeometry(PCURVE 0) -> status=0
EG_makeGeometry(PCURVE 1) -> status=0
EG_makeGeometry(PCURVE 2) -> status=0
EG_makeGeometry(PCURVE 3) -> status=0
EG_makeTopology(LOOP) -> status=0
EG_makeTopology(FACE) -> status=0

iface=  6  nfit=    1664  rms=  1.737e-03
           npnt=    9717  rms=  1.781e-03
before makeTopology(SHELL, nfaces=6, closed=1)
File "../../OpenCSM/trunk/data/Slugs/duct_1.egads" is being written
==> Closing input journal file

real	0m43.377s
user	0m0.015s
sys	0m0.000s
+ set +x
duct_0                              passed (as expected)
+ 'C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\ESP_RegCaps\7.7\OpenCSM\data\Slugs\WIN64.2019\ESP\WIN64/bin/serveESP' '..\..\OpenCSM\trunk\data\Slugs\duct_1' -outLevel 0 -batch -verify

real	0m0.618s
user	0m0.000s
sys	0m0.015s
==> serveESP completed successfully
+ set +x
duct_1                              passed (as expected)
( 11 )
+ 'C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\ESP_RegCaps\7.7\OpenCSM\data\Slugs\WIN64.2019\ESP\WIN64/bin/Slugs' '..\..\OpenCSM\trunk\data\Slugs\eyeball_0' -outLevel 0 -batch -jrnl '..\..\OpenCSM\trunk\data\Slugs\eyeball_0.mod.jrnl'
    After reading: npnt =    17507
                   ntri =    35010
==> Opening input journal file "..\..\OpenCSM\trunk\data\Slugs\eyeball_0.mod.jrnl"
starting dijkstra passes . done
starting dijkstra passes . done
starting dijkstra passes . done
starting dijkstra passes . done
starting dijkstra passes . done
starting dijkstra passes . done
Face      1 beginning
     Edge      1, npnt=      33, ibeg=  1, iend=  2
     Edge      2, npnt=      33, ibeg=  2, iend=  1
...after sorting into Loops
   Loop      0 (0:1)
     Edge      1, npnt=      33, ibeg=  1, iend=  2
     Edge      2, npnt=      33, ibeg=  2, iend=  1
Face      2 beginning
     Edge      3, npnt=      33, ibeg=  3, iend=  4
     Edge      4, npnt=      33, ibeg=  4, iend=  3
     Edge      5, npnt=      65, ibeg=  5, iend=  6
     Edge      6, npnt=      65, ibeg=  6, iend=  5
...after sorting into Loops
   Loop      0 (0:1)
     Edge      3, npnt=      33, ibeg=  3, iend=  4
     Edge      4, npnt=      33, ibeg=  4, iend=  3
   Loop      1 (2:3)
     Edge      5, npnt=      65, ibeg=  5, iend=  6
     Edge      6, npnt=      65, ibeg=  6, iend=  5
   Loop  0 starts at i= 0 (iedge=   3) and has area 3.968057
   Loop  1 starts at i= 2 (iedge=   5) and has area 0.565260
...after sorting Loops so that largest area is first
   Loop      0 (0:1)
     Edge      3, npnt=      33, ibeg=  3, iend=  4
     Edge      4, npnt=      33, ibeg=  4, iend=  3
   Loop      1 (2:3)
     Edge      5, npnt=      65, ibeg=  5, iend=  6
     Edge      6, npnt=      65, ibeg=  6, iend=  5
there are 2 Loops, so no face* file created
Face      3 beginning
     Edge     -1, npnt=      33, iend=  2, ibeg=  1
     Edge     -3, npnt=      33, iend=  4, ibeg=  3
     Edge      7, npnt=      65, ibeg=  3, iend=  2
     Edge      8, npnt=      65, ibeg=  1, iend=  4
...after sorting into Loops
   Loop      0 (0:3)
     Edge     -1, npnt=      33, iend=  2, ibeg=  1
     Edge      8, npnt=      65, ibeg=  1, iend=  4
     Edge     -3, npnt=      33, iend=  4, ibeg=  3
     Edge      7, npnt=      65, ibeg=  3, iend=  2
Face      4 beginning
     Edge     -2, npnt=      33, iend=  1, ibeg=  2
     Edge     -4, npnt=      33, iend=  3, ibeg=  4
     Edge     -7, npnt=      65, iend=  2, ibeg=  3
     Edge     -8, npnt=      65, iend=  4, ibeg=  1
...after sorting into Loops
   Loop      0 (0:3)
     Edge     -2, npnt=      33, iend=  1, ibeg=  2
     Edge     -7, npnt=      65, iend=  2, ibeg=  3
     Edge     -4, npnt=      33, iend=  3, ibeg=  4
     Edge     -8, npnt=      65, iend=  4, ibeg=  1
Face      5 beginning
     Edge     -5, npnt=      65, iend=  6, ibeg=  5
     Edge      9, npnt=      33, ibeg=  5, iend=  7
     Edge     10, npnt=      33, ibeg=  8, iend=  6
     Edge     11, npnt=      65, ibeg=  7, iend=  8
...after sorting into Loops
   Loop      0 (0:3)
     Edge     -5, npnt=      65, iend=  6, ibeg=  5
     Edge      9, npnt=      33, ibeg=  5, iend=  7
     Edge     11, npnt=      65, ibeg=  7, iend=  8
     Edge     10, npnt=      33, ibeg=  8, iend=  6
Face      6 beginning
     Edge     -6, npnt=      65, iend=  5, ibeg=  6
     Edge     -9, npnt=      33, iend=  7, ibeg=  5
     Edge    -10, npnt=      33, iend=  6, ibeg=  8
     Edge     12, npnt=      65, ibeg=  8, iend=  7
...after sorting into Loops
   Loop      0 (0:3)
     Edge     -6, npnt=      65, iend=  5, ibeg=  6
     Edge    -10, npnt=      33, iend=  6, ibeg=  8
     Edge     12, npnt=      65, ibeg=  8, iend=  7
     Edge     -9, npnt=      33, iend=  7, ibeg=  5
Face      7 beginning
     Edge    -11, npnt=      65, iend=  8, ibeg=  7
     Edge    -12, npnt=      65, iend=  7, ibeg=  8
     Edge     13, npnt=      65, ibeg=  9, iend= 10
     Edge     14, npnt=      65, ibeg= 10, iend=  9
...after sorting into Loops
   Loop      0 (0:1)
     Edge    -11, npnt=      65, iend=  8, ibeg=  7
     Edge    -12, npnt=      65, iend=  7, ibeg=  8
   Loop      1 (2:3)
     Edge     13, npnt=      65, ibeg=  9, iend= 10
     Edge     14, npnt=      65, ibeg= 10, iend=  9
   Loop  0 starts at i= 0 (iedge= -11) and has area 0.565260
   Loop  1 starts at i= 2 (iedge=  13) and has area 0.062807
...after sorting Loops so that largest area is first
   Loop      0 (0:1)
     Edge    -11, npnt=      65, iend=  8, ibeg=  7
     Edge    -12, npnt=      65, iend=  7, ibeg=  8
   Loop      1 (2:3)
     Edge     13, npnt=      65, ibeg=  9, iend= 10
     Edge     14, npnt=      65, ibeg= 10, iend=  9
there are 2 Loops, so no face* file created
Face      8 beginning
     Edge    -13, npnt=      65, iend= 10, ibeg=  9
     Edge     15, npnt=      65, ibeg=  9, iend= 11
     Edge     16, npnt=      65, ibeg= 12, iend= 10
     Edge     17, npnt=      65, ibeg= 11, iend= 12
...after sorting into Loops
   Loop      0 (0:3)
     Edge    -13, npnt=      65, iend= 10, ibeg=  9
     Edge     15, npnt=      65, ibeg=  9, iend= 11
     Edge     17, npnt=      65, ibeg= 11, iend= 12
     Edge     16, npnt=      65, ibeg= 12, iend= 10
Face      9 beginning
     Edge    -14, npnt=      65, iend=  9, ibeg= 10
     Edge    -15, npnt=      65, iend= 11, ibeg=  9
     Edge    -16, npnt=      65, iend= 10, ibeg= 12
     Edge     18, npnt=      65, ibeg= 12, iend= 11
...after sorting into Loops
   Loop      0 (0:3)
     Edge    -14, npnt=      65, iend=  9, ibeg= 10
     Edge    -16, npnt=      65, iend= 10, ibeg= 12
     Edge     18, npnt=      65, ibeg= 12, iend= 11
     Edge    -15, npnt=      65, iend= 11, ibeg=  9
Face     10 beginning
     Edge    -17, npnt=      65, iend= 12, ibeg= 11
     Edge    -18, npnt=      65, iend= 11, ibeg= 12
...after sorting into Loops
   Loop      0 (0:1)
     Edge    -17, npnt=      65, iend= 12, ibeg= 11
     Edge    -18, npnt=      65, iend= 11, ibeg= 12
rtype=0, nsmth=0
fit1dCloud(npnt=33, ncp=9) -> status=0, numiter=576, normf=  4.2086e-04, dotmin= 0.9150, nmin=4
rtype=0, nsmth=0
fit1dCloud(npnt=33, ncp=9) -> status=0, numiter=576, normf=  4.2085e-04, dotmin= 0.9150, nmin=4
rtype=0, nsmth=0
fit1dCloud(npnt=33, ncp=9) -> status=0, numiter=576, normf=  4.2086e-04, dotmin= 0.9150, nmin=4
rtype=0, nsmth=0
fit1dCloud(npnt=33, ncp=9) -> status=0, numiter=576, normf=  4.2085e-04, dotmin= 0.9150, nmin=4
rtype=0, nsmth=0
fit1dCloud(npnt=65, ncp=9) -> status=0, numiter=669, normf=  1.0793e-04, dotmin= 0.8847, nmin=8
rtype=0, nsmth=0
fit1dCloud(npnt=65, ncp=9) -> status=0, numiter=669, normf=  1.0793e-04, dotmin= 0.8847, nmin=8
rtype=0, nsmth=0
fit1dCloud(npnt=65, ncp=9) -> status=0, numiter= 10, normf=  8.9740e-07, dotmin=-nan(ind), nmin=8
rtype=0, nsmth=0
fit1dCloud(npnt=65, ncp=9) -> status=0, numiter= 10, normf=  8.9740e-07, dotmin=-nan(ind), nmin=8
rtype=0, nsmth=0
fit1dCloud(npnt=33, ncp=9) -> status=0, numiter=  9, normf=  4.0663e-07, dotmin=-nan(ind), nmin=4
rtype=0, nsmth=0
fit1dCloud(npnt=33, ncp=9) -> status=0, numiter=  9, normf=  4.0663e-07, dotmin=-nan(ind), nmin=4
rtype=0, nsmth=0
fit1dCloud(npnt=65, ncp=9) -> status=0, numiter=669, normf=  1.0793e-04, dotmin= 0.8847, nmin=8
rtype=0, nsmth=0
fit1dCloud(npnt=65, ncp=9) -> status=0, numiter=669, normf=  1.0793e-04, dotmin= 0.8847, nmin=8
rtype=0, nsmth=0
fit1dCloud(npnt=65, ncp=9) -> status=0, numiter=669, normf=  3.5975e-05, dotmin= 0.8847, nmin=8
rtype=0, nsmth=0
fit1dCloud(npnt=65, ncp=9) -> status=0, numiter=669, normf=  3.5975e-05, dotmin= 0.8847, nmin=8
rtype=0, nsmth=0
fit1dCloud(npnt=65, ncp=9) -> status=0, numiter= 10, normf=  4.8498e-07, dotmin=-nan(ind), nmin=8
rtype=0, nsmth=0
fit1dCloud(npnt=65, ncp=9) -> status=0, numiter= 10, normf=  4.8498e-07, dotmin=-nan(ind), nmin=8
rtype=0, nsmth=0
fit1dCloud(npnt=65, ncp=9) -> status=0, numiter=669, normf=  3.5975e-05, dotmin= 0.8847, nmin=8
rtype=0, nsmth=0
fit1dCloud(npnt=65, ncp=9) -> status=0, numiter=669, normf=  3.5975e-05, dotmin= 0.8847, nmin=8
generateFits(1D), CPU=      0.85 sec

iface=  1   npnt=     283
            nfit=     176 ( 62%)
non-planar (fitting)  ipnt=1, prod=    -0.00841
extracting south control points from iedge=    1
copying    east  control points from degen        -0.9539     0.0000    -1.7578
extracting north control points from iedge=    2
copying    west  control points from degen         0.9539     0.0000    -1.7578

iface=  2   npnt=     966
            nfit=     384 ( 39%)
non-planar (fitting)  ipnt=1, prod=     0.02887
extracting south control points from iedge=    3
copying    east  control points from degen         0.9539     0.0000     1.7578
extracting north control points from iedge=    4
copying    west  control points from degen        -0.9539     0.0000     1.7578

iface=  3   npnt=    2122
            nfit=     940 ( 44%)
non-planar (fitting)  ipnt=1, prod=    -0.07061
extracting south control points from iedge=   -1
extracting east  control points from iedge=    8
extracting north control points from iedge=   -3
extracting west  control points from iedge=    7

iface=  4   npnt=    2138
            nfit=     981 ( 45%)
non-planar (fitting)  ipnt=1, prod=    -0.05724
extracting south control points from iedge=   -2
extracting east  control points from iedge=   -7
extracting north control points from iedge=   -4
extracting west  control points from iedge=   -8

iface=  5   npnt=    1960
            nfit=     967 ( 49%)
non-planar (fitting)  ipnt=1, prod=    -0.01252
extracting south control points from iedge=   -5
extracting east  control points from iedge=    9
extracting north control points from iedge=   11
extracting west  control points from iedge=   10

iface=  6   npnt=    1943
            nfit=     947 ( 48%)
non-planar (fitting)  ipnt=1, prod=     0.00697
extracting south control points from iedge=   -6
extracting east  control points from iedge=  -10
extracting north control points from iedge=   12
extracting west  control points from iedge=   -9

iface=  7   npnt=    2403
            nfit=    2403 (100%)

iface=  8   npnt=    2749
            nfit=    1226 ( 44%)
non-planar (fitting)  ipnt=1, prod=    -0.00391
extracting south control points from iedge=  -13
extracting east  control points from iedge=   15
extracting north control points from iedge=   17
extracting west  control points from iedge=   16

iface=  9   npnt=    2775
            nfit=    1222 ( 44%)
non-planar (fitting)  ipnt=1, prod=    -0.00323
extracting south control points from iedge=  -14
extracting east  control points from iedge=  -16
extracting north control points from iedge=   18
extracting west  control points from iedge=  -15

iface= 10   npnt=    1134
            nfit=    1134 (100%)
ID         1358: is master
ID         1358: iface   7 has  2403 fitting Points
ID         1358: iface   7 skipped
ID         1358: iface   8 has  1226 fitting Points
ID         17e8:           start thread
ID         17e8: iface   9 has  1222 fitting Points
ID         1358: iface   8 complete with status=0, numiter=  8, normf=  3.7241e-05, dotmin= 1.0000, nmin= 11
ID         1358: iface  10 has  1134 fitting Points
ID         1358: iface  10 skipped
ID         1358: iface   4 has   981 fitting Points
ID         17e8: iface   9 complete with status=0, numiter=  8, normf=  3.7678e-05, dotmin= 1.0000, nmin= 13
ID         17e8: iface   5 has   967 fitting Points
ID         17e8: iface   5 complete with status=0, numiter=  8, normf=  1.0676e-04, dotmin= 1.0000, nmin= 12
ID         17e8: iface   6 has   947 fitting Points
ID         1358: iface   4 complete with status=0, numiter= 11, normf=  4.2493e-04, dotmin= 1.0000, nmin= 12
ID         1358: iface   3 has   940 fitting Points
ID         17e8: iface   6 complete with status=0, numiter=  7, normf=  1.0818e-04, dotmin= 1.0000, nmin= 12
ID         17e8: iface   2 has   384 fitting Points
ID         1358: iface   3 complete with status=0, numiter= 13, normf=  4.2259e-04, dotmin= 1.0000, nmin=  9
ID         1358: iface   1 has   176 fitting Points
ID         1358: iface   1 complete with status=0, numiter=100, normf=  1.0258e-03, dotmin= 1.0000, nmin=  1
ID         17e8: iface   2 complete with status=0, numiter=100, normf=  3.3235e-04, dotmin= 1.0000, nmin=  2
ID         17e8:           stop  thread
generateFits(2D), CPU=      4.21 sec
inode=  1, nedg=  3, xyz=   0.95394    0.00000   -1.75784
inode=  2, nedg=  3, xyz=  -0.95394    0.00000   -1.75784
inode=  3, nedg=  3, xyz=  -0.95394    0.00000    1.75784
inode=  4, nedg=  3, xyz=   0.95394    0.00000    1.75784
inode=  5, nedg=  3, xyz=   0.30000   -0.00000    1.97737
inode=  6, nedg=  3, xyz=  -0.30000    0.00000    1.97737
inode=  7, nedg=  3, xyz=   0.30000   -0.00000    0.00000
inode=  8, nedg=  3, xyz=  -0.30000    0.00000    0.00000
inode=  9, nedg=  3, xyz=   0.10000   -0.00000    0.00000
inode= 10, nedg=  3, xyz=  -0.10000    0.00000    0.00000
inode= 11, nedg=  3, xyz=   0.10000   -0.00000    1.90000
inode= 12, nedg=  3, xyz=  -0.10000    0.00000    1.90000
iedge=  1, ibeg=  1, iend=  2, ileft=  1, irite=  3
iedge=  2, ibeg=  2, iend=  1, ileft=  1, irite=  4
iedge=  3, ibeg=  3, iend=  4, ileft=  2, irite=  3
iedge=  4, ibeg=  4, iend=  3, ileft=  2, irite=  4
iedge=  5, ibeg=  5, iend=  6, ileft=  2, irite=  5
iedge=  6, ibeg=  6, iend=  5, ileft=  2, irite=  6
iedge=  7, ibeg=  3, iend=  2, ileft=  3, irite=  4
iedge=  8, ibeg=  1, iend=  4, ileft=  3, irite=  4
iedge=  9, ibeg=  5, iend=  7, ileft=  5, irite=  6
iedge= 10, ibeg=  8, iend=  6, ileft=  5, irite=  6
iedge= 11, ibeg=  7, iend=  8, ileft=  5, irite=  7
iedge= 12, ibeg=  8, iend=  7, ileft=  6, irite=  7
iedge= 13, ibeg=  9, iend= 10, ileft=  7, irite=  8
iedge= 14, ibeg= 10, iend=  9, ileft=  7, irite=  9
iedge= 15, ibeg=  9, iend= 11, ileft=  8, irite=  9
iedge= 16, ibeg= 12, iend= 10, ileft=  8, irite=  9
iedge= 17, ibeg= 11, iend= 12, ileft=  8, irite= 10
iedge= 18, ibeg= 12, iend= 11, ileft=  9, irite= 10
iface=  1, icol=  1, nedg=  2, nlup=  1
           edg=   1   2
           lup=   0
iface=  2, icol=  2, nedg=  4, nlup=  2
           edg=   3   4   5   6
           lup=   0   2
iface=  3, icol=  3, nedg=  4, nlup=  1
           edg=  -1   8  -3   7
           lup=   0
iface=  4, icol=  4, nedg=  4, nlup=  1
           edg=  -2  -7  -4  -8
           lup=   0
iface=  5, icol=  5, nedg=  4, nlup=  1
           edg=  -5   9  11  10
           lup=   0
iface=  6, icol=  6, nedg=  4, nlup=  1
           edg=  -6 -10  12  -9
           lup=   0
iface=  7, icol=  7, nedg=  4, nlup=  2
           edg= -11 -12  13  14
           lup=   0   2
iface=  8, icol=  8, nedg=  4, nlup=  1
           edg= -13  15  17  16
           lup=   0
iface=  9, icol=  9, nedg=  4, nlup=  1
           edg= -14 -16  18 -15
           lup=   0
iface= 10, icol= 10, nedg=  2, nlup=  1
           edg= -17 -18
           lup=   0
cp[ 0]:      0.00000      0.00000      0.00000
cp[ 8]:     -1.86717      0.00000     -0.71976
EG_makeGeometry(CURVE) -> status=0
cp[ 0]:      0.00000      0.00000      0.00000
cp[ 8]:     -1.86717      0.00000      0.71976
EG_makeGeometry(CURVE) -> status=0
cp[ 0]:      0.00000      0.00000      0.00000
cp[ 8]:      1.86717      0.00000     -0.71976
EG_makeGeometry(CURVE) -> status=0
cp[ 0]:      0.00000      0.00000      0.00000
cp[ 8]:      1.86717      0.00000      0.71976
EG_makeGeometry(CURVE) -> status=0
cp[ 0]:      0.00000      0.00000      0.00000
cp[ 8]:      1.97737     -0.00000     -0.31033
EG_makeGeometry(CURVE) -> status=0
cp[ 0]:      0.00000      0.00000      0.00000
cp[ 8]:      1.97737     -0.00000      0.31033
EG_makeGeometry(CURVE) -> status=0
cp[ 0]:      0.00000      0.00000      0.00000
cp[ 8]:      0.43947     -0.95394      0.00000
EG_makeGeometry(CURVE) -> status=0
cp[ 0]:      0.00000      0.00000      0.00000
cp[ 8]:     -0.43947      0.95394      0.00000
EG_makeGeometry(CURVE) -> status=0
cp[ 0]:      0.00000      0.00000      0.00000
cp[ 8]:      1.23586      0.30000     -0.00000
EG_makeGeometry(CURVE) -> status=0
cp[ 0]:      0.00000      0.00000      0.00000
cp[ 8]:      0.74151     -0.30000      0.00000
EG_makeGeometry(CURVE) -> status=0
cp[ 0]:      0.00000      0.00000      0.00000
cp[ 8]:      0.00000     -0.00000     -0.31033
EG_makeGeometry(CURVE) -> status=0
cp[ 0]:      0.00000      0.00000      0.00000
cp[ 8]:      0.00000     -0.00000      0.31033
EG_makeGeometry(CURVE) -> status=0
cp[ 0]:      0.00000      0.00000      0.00000
cp[ 8]:      0.00000      0.00000     -0.10344
EG_makeGeometry(CURVE) -> status=0
cp[ 0]:      0.00000      0.00000      0.00000
cp[ 8]:      0.00000      0.00000      0.10344
EG_makeGeometry(CURVE) -> status=0
cp[ 0]:      0.00000      0.00000      0.00000
cp[ 8]:      0.71250      0.10000     -0.00000
EG_makeGeometry(CURVE) -> status=0
cp[ 0]:      0.00000      0.00000      0.00000
cp[ 8]:      1.18750     -0.10000      0.00000
EG_makeGeometry(CURVE) -> status=0
cp[ 0]:      0.00000      0.00000      0.00000
cp[ 8]:      1.90000      0.00000     -0.10344
EG_makeGeometry(CURVE) -> status=0
cp[ 0]:      0.00000      0.00000      0.00000
cp[ 8]:      1.90000      0.00000      0.10344
EG_makeGeometry(CURVE) -> status=0
iface=1, nedg=2, nlup=1
cpdata[ 0, 0]:      0.95394      0.00000     -1.75784
cpdata[ 8, 0]:     -0.95394      0.00000     -1.75784
cpdata[ 0, 8]:      0.95394      0.00000     -1.75784
cpdata[ 8, 8]:     -0.95394      0.00000     -1.75784
EG_makeGeometry(SURFACE) -> status=0
EG_makeGeometry(PCURVE 0) -> status=0
EG_makeTopology(DEGEN  1) -> status=0
EG_makeGeometry(PCURVE 1) -> status=0
EG_makeGeometry(PCURVE 2) -> status=0
EG_makeTopology(DEGEN  3) -> status=0
EG_makeGeometry(PCURVE 3) -> status=0
EG_makeTopology(LOOP) -> status=0
EG_makeTopology(FACE) -> status=0

iface=  1  nfit=     176  rms=  7.586e-04
           npnt=     281  rms=  7.738e-04
iface=2, nedg=4, nlup=2
cpdata[ 0, 0]:     -0.95394      0.00000      1.75784
cpdata[ 8, 0]:      0.95394      0.00000      1.75784
cpdata[ 0, 8]:     -0.95394      0.00000      1.75784
cpdata[ 8, 8]:      0.95394      0.00000      1.75784
EG_makeGeometry(SURFACE) -> status=0
EG_makeGeometry(PCURVE 0) -> status=0
EG_makeTopology(DEGEN  1) -> status=0
EG_makeGeometry(PCURVE 1) -> status=0
EG_makeGeometry(PCURVE 2) -> status=0
EG_makeTopology(DEGEN  3) -> status=0
EG_makeGeometry(PCURVE 3) -> status=0
EG_makeTopology(LOOP) -> status=0
EG_otherCurve(0) -> status=0
EG_otherCurve(1) -> status=0
EG_makeTopology(FACE) -> status=0

iface=  2  nfit=     384  rms=  3.133e-04
           npnt=     964  rms=  2.587e-04
iface=3, nedg=4, nlup=1
cpdata[ 0, 0]:     -0.95394      0.00000     -1.75784
cpdata[ 8, 0]:      0.95394      0.00000     -1.75784
cpdata[ 0, 8]:     -0.95394      0.00000      1.75784
cpdata[ 8, 8]:      0.95394      0.00000      1.75784
EG_makeGeometry(SURFACE) -> status=0
EG_makeGeometry(PCURVE 0) -> status=0
EG_makeGeometry(PCURVE 1) -> status=0
EG_makeGeometry(PCURVE 2) -> status=0
EG_makeGeometry(PCURVE 3) -> status=0
EG_makeTopology(LOOP) -> status=0
EG_makeTopology(FACE) -> status=0

iface=  3  nfit=     940  rms=  6.940e-04
           npnt=    2122  rms=  6.573e-04
iface=4, nedg=4, nlup=1
cpdata[ 0, 0]:      0.95394      0.00000     -1.75784
cpdata[ 8, 0]:     -0.95394      0.00000     -1.75784
cpdata[ 0, 8]:      0.95394      0.00000      1.75784
cpdata[ 8, 8]:     -0.95394      0.00000      1.75784
EG_makeGeometry(SURFACE) -> status=0
EG_makeGeometry(PCURVE 0) -> status=0
EG_makeGeometry(PCURVE 1) -> status=0
EG_makeGeometry(PCURVE 2) -> status=0
EG_makeGeometry(PCURVE 3) -> status=0
EG_makeTopology(LOOP) -> status=0
EG_makeTopology(FACE) -> status=0

iface=  4  nfit=     981  rms=  7.095e-04
           npnt=    2138  rms=  6.799e-04
iface=5, nedg=4, nlup=1
cpdata[ 0, 0]:     -0.30000      0.00000      1.97737
cpdata[ 8, 0]:      0.30000     -0.00000      1.97737
cpdata[ 0, 8]:     -0.30000      0.00000      0.00000
cpdata[ 8, 8]:      0.30000     -0.00000      0.00000
EG_makeGeometry(SURFACE) -> status=0
EG_makeGeometry(PCURVE 0) -> status=0
EG_makeGeometry(PCURVE 1) -> status=0
EG_makeGeometry(PCURVE 2) -> status=0
EG_makeGeometry(PCURVE 3) -> status=0
EG_makeTopology(LOOP) -> status=0
EG_makeTopology(FACE) -> status=0

iface=  5  nfit=     967  rms=  1.882e-04
           npnt=    1960  rms=  1.858e-04
iface=6, nedg=4, nlup=1
cpdata[ 0, 0]:      0.30000     -0.00000      1.97737
cpdata[ 8, 0]:     -0.30000      0.00000      1.97737
cpdata[ 0, 8]:      0.30000     -0.00000      0.00000
cpdata[ 8, 8]:     -0.30000      0.00000      0.00000
EG_makeGeometry(SURFACE) -> status=0
EG_makeGeometry(PCURVE 0) -> status=0
EG_makeGeometry(PCURVE 1) -> status=0
EG_makeGeometry(PCURVE 2) -> status=0
EG_makeGeometry(PCURVE 3) -> status=0
EG_makeTopology(LOOP) -> status=0
EG_makeTopology(FACE) -> status=0

iface=  6  nfit=     947  rms=  1.914e-04
           npnt=    1943  rms=  1.874e-04

iface=  7  is planar, so accuracy is not computed
iface=8, nedg=4, nlup=1
cpdata[ 0, 0]:     -0.10000      0.00000      0.00000
cpdata[ 8, 0]:      0.10000     -0.00000      0.00000
cpdata[ 0, 8]:     -0.10000      0.00000      1.90000
cpdata[ 8, 8]:      0.10000     -0.00000      1.90000
EG_makeGeometry(SURFACE) -> status=0
EG_makeGeometry(PCURVE 0) -> status=0
EG_makeGeometry(PCURVE 1) -> status=0
EG_makeGeometry(PCURVE 2) -> status=0
EG_makeGeometry(PCURVE 3) -> status=0
EG_makeTopology(LOOP) -> status=0
EG_makeTopology(FACE) -> status=0

iface=  8  nfit=    1226  rms=  6.451e-05
           npnt=    2749  rms=  6.499e-05
iface=9, nedg=4, nlup=1
cpdata[ 0, 0]:      0.10000     -0.00000      0.00000
cpdata[ 8, 0]:     -0.10000      0.00000      0.00000
cpdata[ 0, 8]:      0.10000     -0.00000      1.90000
cpdata[ 8, 8]:     -0.10000      0.00000      1.90000
EG_makeGeometry(SURFACE) -> status=0
EG_makeGeometry(PCURVE 0) -> status=0
EG_makeGeometry(PCURVE 1) -> status=0
EG_makeGeometry(PCURVE 2) -> status=0
EG_makeGeometry(PCURVE 3) -> status=0
EG_makeTopology(LOOP) -> status=0
EG_makeTopology(FACE) -> status=0

iface=  9  nfit=    1222  rms=  6.524e-05
           npnt=    2775  rms=  6.508e-05

iface= 10  is planar, so accuracy is not computed
before makeTopology(SHELL, nfaces=10, closed=1)
File "../../OpenCSM/trunk/data/Slugs/eyeball_1.egads" is being written
==> Closing input journal file

real	0m18.150s
user	0m0.000s
sys	0m0.031s
+ set +x
eyeball_0                           passed (as expected)
+ 'C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\ESP_RegCaps\7.7\OpenCSM\data\Slugs\WIN64.2019\ESP\WIN64/bin/serveESP' '..\..\OpenCSM\trunk\data\Slugs\eyeball_1' -outLevel 0 -batch -verify
==> serveESP completed successfully with 1 warnings

real	0m1.308s
user	0m0.015s
sys	0m0.000s
+ set +x
eyeball_1                           passed (as expected)
( 12 )
+ 'C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\ESP_RegCaps\7.7\OpenCSM\data\Slugs\WIN64.2019\ESP\WIN64/bin/Slugs' '..\..\OpenCSM\trunk\data\Slugs\holes_0' -outLevel 0 -batch -jrnl '..\..\OpenCSM\trunk\data\Slugs\holes_0.mod.jrnl'
    After reading: npnt =     1811
                   ntri =     3626
==> Opening input journal file "..\..\OpenCSM\trunk\data\Slugs\holes_0.mod.jrnl"
starting dijkstra passes . done
starting dijkstra passes . done
starting dijkstra passes . done
starting dijkstra passes . done
Face      1 beginning
     Edge      1, npnt=       9, ibeg=  1, iend=  2
     Edge      2, npnt=       9, ibeg=  3, iend=  4
     Edge      3, npnt=      17, ibeg=  4, iend=  1
     Edge      4, npnt=      17, ibeg=  2, iend=  3
...after sorting into Loops
   Loop      0 (0:3)
     Edge      1, npnt=       9, ibeg=  1, iend=  2
     Edge      4, npnt=      17, ibeg=  2, iend=  3
     Edge      2, npnt=       9, ibeg=  3, iend=  4
     Edge      3, npnt=      17, ibeg=  4, iend=  1
Face      2 beginning
     Edge     -1, npnt=       9, iend=  2, ibeg=  1
     Edge     -2, npnt=       9, iend=  4, ibeg=  3
     Edge      5, npnt=      17, ibeg=  1, iend=  4
     Edge      6, npnt=      17, ibeg=  3, iend=  2
...after sorting into Loops
   Loop      0 (0:3)
     Edge     -1, npnt=       9, iend=  2, ibeg=  1
     Edge      5, npnt=      17, ibeg=  1, iend=  4
     Edge     -2, npnt=       9, iend=  4, ibeg=  3
     Edge      6, npnt=      17, ibeg=  3, iend=  2
Face      3 beginning
     Edge     -3, npnt=      17, iend=  1, ibeg=  4
     Edge     -5, npnt=      17, iend=  4, ibeg=  1
     Edge      7, npnt=      17, ibeg=  5, iend=  6
     Edge      8, npnt=      33, ibeg=  6, iend=  7
     Edge      9, npnt=      33, ibeg=  8, iend=  5
     Edge     10, npnt=      17, ibeg=  9, iend= 10
     Edge     11, npnt=      17, ibeg= 10, iend=  9
     Edge     12, npnt=      17, ibeg=  7, iend=  8
...after sorting into Loops
   Loop      0 (0:1)
     Edge     -3, npnt=      17, iend=  1, ibeg=  4
     Edge     -5, npnt=      17, iend=  4, ibeg=  1
   Loop      1 (2:5)
     Edge      7, npnt=      17, ibeg=  5, iend=  6
     Edge      8, npnt=      33, ibeg=  6, iend=  7
     Edge     12, npnt=      17, ibeg=  7, iend=  8
     Edge      9, npnt=      33, ibeg=  8, iend=  5
   Loop      2 (6:7)
     Edge     11, npnt=      17, ibeg= 10, iend=  9
     Edge     10, npnt=      17, ibeg=  9, iend= 10
   Loop  0 starts at i= 0 (iedge=  -3) and has area 1.560723
   Loop  1 starts at i= 2 (iedge=   7) and has area 16.000009
   Loop  2 starts at i= 6 (iedge=  11) and has area 1.560723
...after sorting Loops so that largest area is first
   Loop      0 (0:3)
     Edge      7, npnt=      17, ibeg=  5, iend=  6
     Edge      8, npnt=      33, ibeg=  6, iend=  7
     Edge     12, npnt=      17, ibeg=  7, iend=  8
     Edge      9, npnt=      33, ibeg=  8, iend=  5
   Loop      1 (4:5)
     Edge     -3, npnt=      17, iend=  1, ibeg=  4
     Edge     -5, npnt=      17, iend=  4, ibeg=  1
   Loop      2 (6:7)
     Edge     11, npnt=      17, ibeg= 10, iend=  9
     Edge     10, npnt=      17, ibeg=  9, iend= 10
there are 3 Loops, so no face* file created
Face      4 beginning
     Edge     -7, npnt=      17, iend=  6, ibeg=  5
     Edge     13, npnt=      17, ibeg= 11, iend= 12
     Edge     14, npnt=       9, ibeg= 12, iend=  6
     Edge     15, npnt=       9, ibeg=  5, iend= 11
...after sorting into Loops
   Loop      0 (0:3)
     Edge     -7, npnt=      17, iend=  6, ibeg=  5
     Edge     15, npnt=       9, ibeg=  5, iend= 11
     Edge     13, npnt=      17, ibeg= 11, iend= 12
     Edge     14, npnt=       9, ibeg= 12, iend=  6
Face      5 beginning
     Edge     -4, npnt=      17, iend=  3, ibeg=  2
     Edge     -6, npnt=      17, iend=  2, ibeg=  3
     Edge    -13, npnt=      17, iend= 12, ibeg= 11
     Edge     16, npnt=      33, ibeg= 13, iend= 12
     Edge     17, npnt=      33, ibeg= 11, iend= 14
     Edge     18, npnt=      17, ibeg= 15, iend= 16
     Edge     19, npnt=      17, ibeg= 16, iend= 15
     Edge     20, npnt=      17, ibeg= 14, iend= 13
...after sorting into Loops
   Loop      0 (0:1)
     Edge     -4, npnt=      17, iend=  3, ibeg=  2
     Edge     -6, npnt=      17, iend=  2, ibeg=  3
   Loop      1 (2:5)
     Edge    -13, npnt=      17, iend= 12, ibeg= 11
     Edge     17, npnt=      33, ibeg= 11, iend= 14
     Edge     20, npnt=      17, ibeg= 14, iend= 13
     Edge     16, npnt=      33, ibeg= 13, iend= 12
   Loop      2 (6:7)
     Edge     19, npnt=      17, ibeg= 16, iend= 15
     Edge     18, npnt=      17, ibeg= 15, iend= 16
   Loop  0 starts at i= 0 (iedge=  -4) and has area 1.560723
   Loop  1 starts at i= 2 (iedge= -13) and has area 16.000007
   Loop  2 starts at i= 6 (iedge=  19) and has area 1.560723
...after sorting Loops so that largest area is first
   Loop      0 (0:3)
     Edge    -13, npnt=      17, iend= 12, ibeg= 11
     Edge     17, npnt=      33, ibeg= 11, iend= 14
     Edge     20, npnt=      17, ibeg= 14, iend= 13
     Edge     16, npnt=      33, ibeg= 13, iend= 12
   Loop      1 (4:5)
     Edge     19, npnt=      17, ibeg= 16, iend= 15
     Edge     18, npnt=      17, ibeg= 15, iend= 16
   Loop      2 (6:7)
     Edge     -4, npnt=      17, iend=  3, ibeg=  2
     Edge     -6, npnt=      17, iend=  2, ibeg=  3
there are 3 Loops, so no face* file created
Face      6 beginning
     Edge     -8, npnt=      33, iend=  7, ibeg=  6
     Edge    -14, npnt=       9, iend=  6, ibeg= 12
     Edge    -16, npnt=      33, iend= 12, ibeg= 13
     Edge     21, npnt=       9, ibeg= 13, iend=  7
...after sorting into Loops
   Loop      0 (0:3)
     Edge     -8, npnt=      33, iend=  7, ibeg=  6
     Edge    -14, npnt=       9, iend=  6, ibeg= 12
     Edge    -16, npnt=      33, iend= 12, ibeg= 13
     Edge     21, npnt=       9, ibeg= 13, iend=  7
Face      7 beginning
     Edge     -9, npnt=      33, iend=  5, ibeg=  8
     Edge    -15, npnt=       9, iend= 11, ibeg=  5
     Edge    -17, npnt=      33, iend= 14, ibeg= 11
     Edge     22, npnt=       9, ibeg=  8, iend= 14
...after sorting into Loops
   Loop      0 (0:3)
     Edge     -9, npnt=      33, iend=  5, ibeg=  8
     Edge     22, npnt=       9, ibeg=  8, iend= 14
     Edge    -17, npnt=      33, iend= 14, ibeg= 11
     Edge    -15, npnt=       9, iend= 11, ibeg=  5
Face      8 beginning
     Edge    -10, npnt=      17, iend= 10, ibeg=  9
     Edge    -18, npnt=      17, iend= 16, ibeg= 15
     Edge     23, npnt=       9, ibeg= 15, iend= 10
     Edge     24, npnt=       9, ibeg=  9, iend= 16
...after sorting into Loops
   Loop      0 (0:3)
     Edge    -10, npnt=      17, iend= 10, ibeg=  9
     Edge     24, npnt=       9, ibeg=  9, iend= 16
     Edge    -18, npnt=      17, iend= 16, ibeg= 15
     Edge     23, npnt=       9, ibeg= 15, iend= 10
Face      9 beginning
     Edge    -11, npnt=      17, iend=  9, ibeg= 10
     Edge    -19, npnt=      17, iend= 15, ibeg= 16
     Edge    -23, npnt=       9, iend= 10, ibeg= 15
     Edge    -24, npnt=       9, iend= 16, ibeg=  9
...after sorting into Loops
   Loop      0 (0:3)
     Edge    -11, npnt=      17, iend=  9, ibeg= 10
     Edge    -23, npnt=       9, iend= 10, ibeg= 15
     Edge    -19, npnt=      17, iend= 15, ibeg= 16
     Edge    -24, npnt=       9, iend= 16, ibeg=  9
Face     10 beginning
     Edge    -12, npnt=      17, iend=  8, ibeg=  7
     Edge    -20, npnt=      17, iend= 13, ibeg= 14
     Edge    -21, npnt=       9, iend=  7, ibeg= 13
     Edge    -22, npnt=       9, iend= 14, ibeg=  8
...after sorting into Loops
   Loop      0 (0:3)
     Edge    -12, npnt=      17, iend=  8, ibeg=  7
     Edge    -21, npnt=       9, iend=  7, ibeg= 13
     Edge    -20, npnt=      17, iend= 13, ibeg= 14
     Edge    -22, npnt=       9, iend= 14, ibeg=  8
rtype=0, nsmth=0
fit1dCloud(npnt=9, ncp=7) -> status=0, numiter=  8, normf=  4.9372e-08, dotmin= 1.0000, nmin=1
rtype=0, nsmth=0
fit1dCloud(npnt=9, ncp=7) -> status=0, numiter=  8, normf=  2.6189e-08, dotmin= 1.0000, nmin=1
rtype=0, nsmth=0
fit1dCloud(npnt=17, ncp=7) -> status=0, numiter=1000, normf=  3.5838e-04, dotmin= 0.7847, nmin=3
rtype=0, nsmth=0
fit1dCloud(npnt=17, ncp=7) -> status=0, numiter=1000, normf=  3.5839e-04, dotmin= 0.7847, nmin=3
rtype=0, nsmth=0
fit1dCloud(npnt=17, ncp=7) -> status=0, numiter=1000, normf=  3.5837e-04, dotmin= 0.7847, nmin=3
rtype=0, nsmth=0
fit1dCloud(npnt=17, ncp=7) -> status=0, numiter=1000, normf=  3.5837e-04, dotmin= 0.7847, nmin=3
rtype=0, nsmth=0
fit1dCloud(npnt=17, ncp=7) -> status=0, numiter=  8, normf=  8.0133e-08, dotmin=-nan(ind), nmin=2
rtype=0, nsmth=0
fit1dCloud(npnt=33, ncp=7) -> status=0, numiter=  8, normf=  7.6465e-07, dotmin= 1.0000, nmin=5
rtype=0, nsmth=0
fit1dCloud(npnt=33, ncp=7) -> status=0, numiter=  8, normf=  7.6465e-07, dotmin= 1.0000, nmin=5
rtype=0, nsmth=0
fit1dCloud(npnt=17, ncp=7) -> status=0, numiter=1000, normf=  3.5840e-04, dotmin= 0.7847, nmin=3
rtype=0, nsmth=0
fit1dCloud(npnt=17, ncp=7) -> status=0, numiter=1000, normf=  3.5842e-04, dotmin= 0.7847, nmin=3
rtype=0, nsmth=0
fit1dCloud(npnt=17, ncp=7) -> status=0, numiter=  8, normf=  8.0133e-08, dotmin=-nan(ind), nmin=2
rtype=0, nsmth=0
fit1dCloud(npnt=17, ncp=7) -> status=0, numiter=  8, normf=  8.0133e-08, dotmin=-nan(ind), nmin=2
rtype=0, nsmth=0
fit1dCloud(npnt=9, ncp=7) -> status=0, numiter=  8, normf=  4.9639e-08, dotmin= 1.0000, nmin=1
rtype=0, nsmth=0
fit1dCloud(npnt=9, ncp=7) -> status=0, numiter=  8, normf=  4.9639e-08, dotmin= 1.0000, nmin=1
rtype=0, nsmth=0
fit1dCloud(npnt=33, ncp=7) -> status=0, numiter=  8, normf=  7.6337e-07, dotmin= 1.0000, nmin=5
rtype=0, nsmth=0
fit1dCloud(npnt=33, ncp=7) -> status=0, numiter=  8, normf=  7.6337e-07, dotmin= 1.0000, nmin=5
rtype=0, nsmth=0
fit1dCloud(npnt=17, ncp=7) -> status=0, numiter=1000, normf=  3.5838e-04, dotmin= 0.7847, nmin=3
rtype=0, nsmth=0
fit1dCloud(npnt=17, ncp=7) -> status=0, numiter=1000, normf=  3.5840e-04, dotmin= 0.7847, nmin=3
rtype=0, nsmth=0
fit1dCloud(npnt=17, ncp=7) -> status=0, numiter=  8, normf=  8.0133e-08, dotmin=-nan(ind), nmin=2
rtype=0, nsmth=0
fit1dCloud(npnt=9, ncp=7) -> status=0, numiter=  8, normf=  1.2037e-08, dotmin= 1.0000, nmin=1
rtype=0, nsmth=0
fit1dCloud(npnt=9, ncp=7) -> status=0, numiter=  8, normf=  1.2037e-08, dotmin= 1.0000, nmin=1
rtype=0, nsmth=0
fit1dCloud(npnt=9, ncp=7) -> status=0, numiter=  8, normf=  1.1748e-08, dotmin= 1.0000, nmin=1
rtype=0, nsmth=0
fit1dCloud(npnt=9, ncp=7) -> status=0, numiter=  8, normf=  1.1329e-08, dotmin= 1.0000, nmin=1
generateFits(1D), CPU=      0.17 sec

iface=  1   npnt=     102
            nfit=      65 ( 63%)
non-planar (fitting)  ipnt=1, prod=    -0.11418
extracting south control points from iedge=    1
extracting east  control points from iedge=    4
extracting north control points from iedge=    2
extracting west  control points from iedge=    3

iface=  2   npnt=     102
            nfit=      65 ( 63%)
non-planar (fitting)  ipnt=1, prod=    -0.04089
extracting south control points from iedge=   -1
extracting east  control points from iedge=    5
extracting north control points from iedge=   -2
extracting west  control points from iedge=    6

iface=  3   npnt=     512
            nfit=     239 ( 46%)

iface=  4   npnt=     135
            nfit=      86 ( 63%)

iface=  5   npnt=     510
            nfit=     242 ( 47%)

iface=  6   npnt=     256
            nfit=     256 (100%)

iface=  7   npnt=     251
            nfit=     251 (100%)

iface=  8   npnt=     102
            nfit=      65 ( 63%)
non-planar (fitting)  ipnt=1, prod=     0.08379
extracting south control points from iedge=  -10
extracting east  control points from iedge=   24
extracting north control points from iedge=  -18
extracting west  control points from iedge=   23

iface=  9   npnt=     102
            nfit=      65 ( 63%)
non-planar (fitting)  ipnt=1, prod=     0.05199
extracting south control points from iedge=  -11
extracting east  control points from iedge=  -23
extracting north control points from iedge=  -19
extracting west  control points from iedge=  -24

iface= 10   npnt=     131
            nfit=      78 ( 59%)
ID         1758: is master
ID         1758: iface   6 has   256 fitting Points
ID         1758: iface   6 skipped
ID         1758: iface   7 has   251 fitting Points
ID         1758: iface   7 skipped
ID         1758: iface   5 has   242 fitting Points
ID         1758: iface   5 skipped
ID         1758: iface   3 has   239 fitting Points
ID         1758: iface   3 skipped
ID         1758: iface   4 has    86 fitting Points
ID         1758: iface   4 skipped
ID         1758: iface  10 has    78 fitting Points
ID         1758: iface  10 skipped
ID         1758: iface   1 has    65 fitting Points
ID         142c:           start thread
ID         142c: iface   2 has    65 fitting Points
ID         142c: iface   2 complete with status=0, numiter= 10, normf=  3.4214e-04, dotmin= 1.0000, nmin=  1
ID         142c: iface   8 has    65 fitting Points
ID         1758: iface   1 complete with status=0, numiter= 13, normf=  3.4327e-04, dotmin= 1.0000, nmin=  0
ID         1758: iface   9 has    65 fitting Points
ID         142c: iface   8 complete with status=0, numiter= 10, normf=  3.5851e-04, dotmin= 1.0000, nmin=  1
ID         142c:           stop  thread
ID         1758: iface   9 complete with status=0, numiter= 13, normf=  3.5960e-04, dotmin= 1.0000, nmin=  0
generateFits(2D), CPU=      0.04 sec
inode=  1, nedg=  3, xyz=   3.53109    1.00000   -0.88397
inode=  2, nedg=  3, xyz=   3.03109    1.00000   -1.75000
inode=  3, nedg=  3, xyz=   2.16506    1.00000   -1.25000
inode=  4, nedg=  3, xyz=   2.66506    1.00000   -0.38397
inode=  5, nedg=  3, xyz=   3.96410    0.00000   -1.13397
inode=  6, nedg=  3, xyz=   3.96410    2.00000   -1.13397
inode=  7, nedg=  3, xyz=   0.50000    2.00000    0.86603
inode=  8, nedg=  3, xyz=   0.50000    0.00000    0.86603
inode=  9, nedg=  3, xyz=   0.93301    1.00000    0.61603
inode= 10, nedg=  3, xyz=   1.79904    1.00000    0.11603
inode= 11, nedg=  3, xyz=   3.46410    0.00000   -2.00000
inode= 12, nedg=  3, xyz=   3.46410    2.00000   -2.00000
inode= 13, nedg=  3, xyz=   0.00000    2.00000    0.00000
inode= 14, nedg=  3, xyz=   0.00000    0.00000    0.00000
inode= 15, nedg=  3, xyz=   1.29904    1.00000   -0.75000
inode= 16, nedg=  3, xyz=   0.43301    1.00000   -0.25000
iedge=  1, ibeg=  1, iend=  2, ileft=  1, irite=  2
iedge=  2, ibeg=  3, iend=  4, ileft=  1, irite=  2
iedge=  3, ibeg=  4, iend=  1, ileft=  1, irite=  3
iedge=  4, ibeg=  2, iend=  3, ileft=  1, irite=  5
iedge=  5, ibeg=  1, iend=  4, ileft=  2, irite=  3
iedge=  6, ibeg=  3, iend=  2, ileft=  2, irite=  5
iedge=  7, ibeg=  5, iend=  6, ileft=  3, irite=  4
iedge=  8, ibeg=  6, iend=  7, ileft=  3, irite=  6
iedge=  9, ibeg=  8, iend=  5, ileft=  3, irite=  7
iedge= 10, ibeg=  9, iend= 10, ileft=  3, irite=  8
iedge= 11, ibeg= 10, iend=  9, ileft=  3, irite=  9
iedge= 12, ibeg=  7, iend=  8, ileft=  3, irite= 10
iedge= 13, ibeg= 11, iend= 12, ileft=  4, irite=  5
iedge= 14, ibeg= 12, iend=  6, ileft=  4, irite=  6
iedge= 15, ibeg=  5, iend= 11, ileft=  4, irite=  7
iedge= 16, ibeg= 13, iend= 12, ileft=  5, irite=  6
iedge= 17, ibeg= 11, iend= 14, ileft=  5, irite=  7
iedge= 18, ibeg= 15, iend= 16, ileft=  5, irite=  8
iedge= 19, ibeg= 16, iend= 15, ileft=  5, irite=  9
iedge= 20, ibeg= 14, iend= 13, ileft=  5, irite= 10
iedge= 21, ibeg= 13, iend=  7, ileft=  6, irite= 10
iedge= 22, ibeg=  8, iend= 14, ileft=  7, irite= 10
iedge= 23, ibeg= 15, iend= 10, ileft=  8, irite=  9
iedge= 24, ibeg=  9, iend= 16, ileft=  8, irite=  9
iface=  1, icol=  1, nedg=  4, nlup=  1
           edg=   1   4   2   3
           lup=   0
iface=  2, icol=  2, nedg=  4, nlup=  1
           edg=  -1   5  -2   6
           lup=   0
iface=  3, icol=  3, nedg=  8, nlup=  3
           edg=   7   8  12   9  -3  -5  11  10
           lup=   0   4   6
iface=  4, icol=  4, nedg=  4, nlup=  1
           edg=  -7  15  13  14
           lup=   0
iface=  5, icol=  5, nedg=  8, nlup=  3
           edg= -13  17  20  16  19  18  -4  -6
           lup=   0   4   6
iface=  6, icol=  6, nedg=  4, nlup=  1
           edg=  -8 -14 -16  21
           lup=   0
iface=  7, icol=  7, nedg=  4, nlup=  1
           edg=  -9  22 -17 -15
           lup=   0
iface=  8, icol=  8, nedg=  4, nlup=  1
           edg= -10  24 -18  23
           lup=   0
iface=  9, icol=  9, nedg=  4, nlup=  1
           edg= -11 -23 -19 -24
           lup=   0
iface= 10, icol= 10, nedg=  4, nlup=  1
           edg= -12 -21 -20 -22
           lup=   0
cp[ 0]:      0.00000      0.00000      0.00000
cp[ 6]:      1.00000     -1.17265      3.28109
EG_makeGeometry(CURVE) -> status=0
cp[ 0]:      0.00000      0.00000      0.00000
cp[ 6]:      1.00000     -0.96132      2.41506
EG_makeGeometry(CURVE) -> status=0
cp[ 0]:      0.00000      0.00000      0.00000
cp[ 6]:      0.55076     -0.48800      3.09808
EG_makeGeometry(CURVE) -> status=0
cp[ 0]:      0.00000      0.00000      0.00000
cp[ 6]:      0.55076     -1.64597      2.59808
EG_makeGeometry(CURVE) -> status=0
cp[ 0]:      0.00000      0.00000      0.00000
cp[ 6]:      1.44924     -0.77995      3.09808
EG_makeGeometry(CURVE) -> status=0
cp[ 0]:      0.00000      0.00000      0.00000
cp[ 6]:      1.44924     -1.35403      2.59808
EG_makeGeometry(CURVE) -> status=0
cp[ 0]:      0.00000      0.00000      0.00000
cp[ 6]:      0.66667     -1.13397      3.96410
EG_makeGeometry(CURVE) -> status=0
cp[ 0]:      0.00000      0.00000      0.00000
cp[ 6]:      2.00000     -0.46731      2.23205
EG_makeGeometry(CURVE) -> status=0
cp[ 0]:      0.00000      0.00000      0.00000
cp[ 6]:      0.00000      0.19936      2.23205
EG_makeGeometry(CURVE) -> status=0
cp[ 0]:      0.00000      0.00000      0.00000
cp[ 6]:      1.44924      0.51200      1.36603
EG_makeGeometry(CURVE) -> status=0
cp[ 0]:      0.00000      0.00000      0.00000
cp[ 6]:      0.55076      0.22005      1.36603
EG_makeGeometry(CURVE) -> status=0
cp[ 0]:      0.00000      0.00000      0.00000
cp[ 6]:      1.33333      0.86603      0.50000
EG_makeGeometry(CURVE) -> status=0
cp[ 0]:      0.00000      0.00000      0.00000
cp[ 6]:      0.66667     -2.00000      3.46410
EG_makeGeometry(CURVE) -> status=0
cp[ 0]:      0.00000      0.00000      0.00000
cp[ 6]:      2.00000     -1.71132      3.71410
EG_makeGeometry(CURVE) -> status=0
cp[ 0]:      0.00000      0.00000      0.00000
cp[ 6]:      0.00000     -1.42265      3.71410
EG_makeGeometry(CURVE) -> status=0
cp[ 0]:      0.00000      0.00000      0.00000
cp[ 6]:      2.00000     -0.66666      1.73205
EG_makeGeometry(CURVE) -> status=0
cp[ 0]:      0.00000      0.00000      0.00000
cp[ 6]:      0.00000     -1.33334      1.73205
EG_makeGeometry(CURVE) -> status=0
cp[ 0]:      0.00000      0.00000      0.00000
cp[ 6]:      1.44924     -0.64597      0.86602
EG_makeGeometry(CURVE) -> status=0
cp[ 0]:      0.00000      0.00000      0.00000
cp[ 6]:      0.55076     -0.35403      0.86602
EG_makeGeometry(CURVE) -> status=0
cp[ 0]:      0.00000      0.00000      0.00000
cp[ 6]:      0.66667      0.00000      0.00000
EG_makeGeometry(CURVE) -> status=0
cp[ 0]:      0.00000      0.00000      0.00000
cp[ 6]:      2.00000      0.28868      0.25000
EG_makeGeometry(CURVE) -> status=0
cp[ 0]:      0.00000      0.00000      0.00000
cp[ 6]:      0.00000      0.57735      0.25000
EG_makeGeometry(CURVE) -> status=0
cp[ 0]:      0.00000      0.00000      0.00000
cp[ 6]:      1.00000     -0.46132      1.54904
EG_makeGeometry(CURVE) -> status=0
cp[ 0]:      0.00000      0.00000      0.00000
cp[ 6]:      1.00000      0.32735      0.68301
EG_makeGeometry(CURVE) -> status=0
iface=1, nedg=4, nlup=1
cpdata[ 0, 0]:      3.53109      1.00000     -0.88397
cpdata[ 6, 0]:      3.03109      1.00000     -1.75000
cpdata[ 0, 6]:      2.66506      1.00000     -0.38397
cpdata[ 6, 6]:      2.16506      1.00000     -1.25000
EG_makeGeometry(SURFACE) -> status=0
EG_makeGeometry(PCURVE 0) -> status=0
EG_makeGeometry(PCURVE 1) -> status=0
EG_makeGeometry(PCURVE 2) -> status=0
EG_makeGeometry(PCURVE 3) -> status=0
EG_makeTopology(LOOP) -> status=0
EG_makeTopology(FACE) -> status=0

iface=  1  nfit=      65  rms=  6.913e-04
           npnt=     102  rms=  7.127e-04
iface=2, nedg=4, nlup=1
cpdata[ 0, 0]:      3.03109      1.00000     -1.75000
cpdata[ 6, 0]:      3.53109      1.00000     -0.88397
cpdata[ 0, 6]:      2.16506      1.00000     -1.25000
cpdata[ 6, 6]:      2.66506      1.00000     -0.38397
EG_makeGeometry(SURFACE) -> status=0
EG_makeGeometry(PCURVE 0) -> status=0
EG_makeGeometry(PCURVE 1) -> status=0
EG_makeGeometry(PCURVE 2) -> status=0
EG_makeGeometry(PCURVE 3) -> status=0
EG_makeTopology(LOOP) -> status=0
EG_makeTopology(FACE) -> status=0

iface=  2  nfit=      65  rms=  6.866e-04
           npnt=     102  rms=  7.212e-04

iface=  3  is planar, so accura
real	0m0.835s
user	0m0.000s
sys	0m0.015s
cy is not computed

iface=  4  is planar, so accuracy is not computed

iface=  5  is planar, so accuracy is not computed

iface=  6  is planar, so accuracy is not computed

iface=  7  is planar, so accuracy is not computed
iface=8, nedg=4, nlup=1
cpdata[ 0, 0]:      1.79904      1.00000      0.11603
cpdata[ 6, 0]:      0.93301      1.00000      0.61603
cpdata[ 0, 6]:      1.29904      1.00000     -0.75000
cpdata[ 6, 6]:      0.43301      1.00000     -0.25000
EG_makeGeometry(SURFACE) -> status=0
EG_makeGeometry(PCURVE 0) -> status=0
EG_makeGeometry(PCURVE 1) -> status=0
EG_makeGeometry(PCURVE 2) -> status=0
EG_makeGeometry(PCURVE 3) -> status=0
EG_makeTopology(LOOP) -> status=0
EG_makeTopology(FACE) -> status=0

iface=  8  nfit=      65  rms=  7.204e-04
           npnt=     102  rms=  7.212e-04
iface=9, nedg=4, nlup=1
cpdata[ 0, 0]:      0.93301      1.00000      0.61603
cpdata[ 6, 0]:      1.79904      1.00000      0.11603
cpdata[ 0, 6]:      0.43301      1.00000     -0.25000
cpdata[ 6, 6]:      1.29904      1.00000     -0.75000
EG_makeGeometry(SURFACE) -> status=0
EG_makeGeometry(PCURVE 0) -> status=0
EG_makeGeometry(PCURVE 1) -> status=0
EG_makeGeometry(PCURVE 2) -> status=0
EG_makeGeometry(PCURVE 3) -> status=0
EG_makeTopology(LOOP) -> status=0
EG_makeTopology(FACE) -> status=0

iface=  9  nfit=      65  rms=  7.249e-04
           npnt=     102  rms=  7.126e-04

iface= 10  is planar, so accuracy is not computed
before makeTopology(SHELL, nfaces=10, closed=1)
File "../../OpenCSM/trunk/data/Slugs/holes_1.egads" is being written
==> Closing input journal file
+ set +x
holes_0                             passed (as expected)
+ 'C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\ESP_RegCaps\7.7\OpenCSM\data\Slugs\WIN64.2019\ESP\WIN64/bin/serveESP' '..\..\OpenCSM\trunk\data\Slugs\holes_1' -outLevel 0 -batch -verify
==> serveESP completed successfully

real	0m0.651s
user	0m0.015s
sys	0m0.015s
+ set +x
holes_1                             passed (as expected)
( 13 )
+ 'C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\ESP_RegCaps\7.7\OpenCSM\data\Slugs\WIN64.2019\ESP\WIN64/bin/Slugs' '..\..\OpenCSM\trunk\data\Slugs\pieslice_0' -outLevel 0 -batch -jrnl '..\..\OpenCSM\trunk\data\Slugs\pieslice_0.mod.jrnl'
    After reading: npnt =     1529
                   ntri =     3054
==> Opening input journal file "..\..\OpenCSM\trunk\data\Slugs\pieslice_0.mod.jrnl"
Face      1 beginning
     Edge      1, npnt=      33, ibeg=  1, iend=  2
     Edge      2, npnt=      33, ibeg=  3, iend=  4
     Edge      3, npnt=      17, ibeg=  2, iend=  3
     Edge      4, npnt=      17, ibeg=  4, iend=  1
...after sorting into Loops
   Loop      0 (0:3)
     Edge      1, npnt=      33, ibeg=  1, iend=  2
     Edge      3, npnt=      17, ibeg=  2, iend=  3
     Edge      2, npnt=      33, ibeg=  3, iend=  4
     Edge      4, npnt=      17, ibeg=  4, iend=  1
Face      2 beginning
     Edge     -1, npnt=      33, iend=  2, ibeg=  1
     Edge      5, npnt=      33, ibeg=  5, iend=  6
     Edge      6, npnt=      17, ibeg=  6, iend=  2
     Edge      7, npnt=      17, ibeg=  1, iend=  5
...after sorting into Loops
   Loop      0 (0:3)
     Edge     -1, npnt=      33, iend=  2, ibeg=  1
     Edge      7, npnt=      17, ibeg=  1, iend=  5
     Edge      5, npnt=      33, ibeg=  5, iend=  6
     Edge      6, npnt=      17, ibeg=  6, iend=  2
Face      3 beginning
     Edge     -2, npnt=      33, iend=  4, ibeg=  3
     Edge     -5, npnt=      33, iend=  6, ibeg=  5
     Edge      8, npnt=      17, ibeg=  3, iend=  6
     Edge      9, npnt=      17, ibeg=  5, iend=  4
...after sorting into Loops
   Loop      0 (0:3)
     Edge     -2, npnt=      33, iend=  4, ibeg=  3
     Edge      8, npnt=      17, ibeg=  3, iend=  6
     Edge     -5, npnt=      33, iend=  6, ibeg=  5
     Edge      9, npnt=      17, ibeg=  5, iend=  4
Face      4 beginning
     Edge     -3, npnt=      17, iend=  3, ibeg=  2
     Edge     -6, npnt=      17, iend=  2, ibeg=  6
     Edge     -8, npnt=      17, iend=  6, ibeg=  3
...after sorting into Loops
   Loop      0 (0:2)
     Edge     -3, npnt=      17, iend=  3, ibeg=  2
     Edge     -6, npnt=      17, iend=  2, ibeg=  6
     Edge     -8, npnt=      17, iend=  6, ibeg=  3
Face      5 beginning
     Edge     -4, npnt=      17, iend=  1, ibeg=  4
     Edge     -7, npnt=      17, iend=  5, ibeg=  1
     Edge     -9, npnt=      17, iend=  4, ibeg=  5
...after sorting into Loops
   Loop      0 (0:2)
     Edge     -4, npnt=      17, iend=  1, ibeg=  4
     Edge     -9, npnt=      17, iend=  4, ibeg=  5
     Edge     -7, npnt=      17, iend=  5, ibeg=  1
rtype=0, nsmth=0
fit1dCloud(npnt=33, ncp=9) -> status=0, numiter=  9, normf=  3.7016e-07, dotmin=-nan(ind), nmin=4
rtype=0, nsmth=0
fit1dCloud(npnt=33, ncp=9) -> status=0, numiter=  9, normf=  3.3503e-07, dotmin=-nan(ind), nmin=4
rtype=0, nsmth=0
fit1dCloud(npnt=17, ncp=9) -> status=0, numiter=231, normf=  9.8898e-05, dotmin= 1.0000, nmin=2
rtype=0, nsmth=0
fit1dCloud(npnt=17, ncp=9) -> status=0, numiter=231, normf=  9.8899e-05, dotmin= 1.0000, nmin=2
rtype=0, nsmth=0
fit1dCloud(npnt=33, ncp=9) -> status=0, numiter=  9, normf=  3.3503e-07, dotmin=-nan(ind), nmin=4
rtype=0, nsmth=0
fit1dCloud(npnt=17, ncp=9) -> status=0, numiter=231, normf=  9.8898e-05, dotmin= 1.0000, nmin=2
rtype=0, nsmth=0
fit1dCloud(npnt=17, ncp=9) -> status=0, numiter=231, normf=  9.8899e-05, dotmin= 1.0000, nmin=2
rtype=0, nsmth=0
fit1dCloud(npnt=17, ncp=9) -> status=0, numiter=393, normf=  1.2923e-04, dotmin= 0.9825, nmin=2
rtype=0, nsmth=0
fit1dCloud(npnt=17, ncp=9) -> status=0, numiter=393, normf=  1.2923e-04, dotmin= 0.9825, nmin=2
generateFits(1D), CPU=      0.07 sec

iface=  1   npnt=     496
            nfit=     293 ( 59%)

iface=  2   npnt=     500
            nfit=     303 ( 60%)

iface=  3   npnt=     480
            nfit=     279 ( 58%)
non-planar (fitting)  ipnt=1, prod=     0.00344
extracting south control points from iedge=   -2
extracting east  control points from iedge=    8
extracting north control points from iedge=   -5
extracting west  control points from iedge=    9

iface=  4   npnt=     124
            nfit=      78 ( 62%)
non-planar (fitting)  ipnt=1, prod=    -0.00508
extracting south control points from iedge=   -3
extracting east  control points from iedge=   -6
extracting north control points from iedge=   -8
copying    west  control points from degen         0.9239    -0.3827     0.1854

iface=  5   npnt=     124
            nfit=      78 ( 62%)
non-planar (fitting)  ipnt=1, prod=     0.00231
extracting south control points from iedge=   -4
extracting east  control points from iedge=   -9
extracting north control points from iedge=   -7
copying    west  control points from degen         0.0000     0.0000     1.9000
ID          890: is master
ID          890: iface   2 has   303 fitting Points
ID          890: iface   2 skipped
ID          890: iface   1 has   293 fitting Points
ID          890: iface   1 skipped
ID          890: iface   3 has   279 fitting Points
ID         25b0:           start thread
ID         25b0: iface   4 has    78 fitting Points
ID         25b0: iface   4 complete with status=0, numiter= 12, normf=  5.4123e-05, dotmin= 1.0000, nmin=  0
ID         25b0: iface   5 has    78 fitting Points
ID          890: iface   3 complete with status=0, numiter=  7, normf=  6.0842e-05, dotmin= 1.0000, nmin=  2
ID         25b0: iface   5 complete with status=0, numiter= 24, normf=  1.1546e-04, dotmin= 1.0000, nmin=  0
ID         25b0:           stop  thread
generateFits(2D), CPU=      0.24 sec
inode=  1, nedg=  3, xyz=   0.00000    0.00000    1.90000
inode=  2, nedg=  3, xyz=   0.00000    0.00000    0.10000
inode=  3, nedg=  3, xyz=   0.92388   -0.38268    0.18541
inode=  4, nedg=  3, xyz=   0.92388   -0.38268    1.81459
inode=  5, nedg=  3, xyz=   0.92388    0.38268    1.81459
inode=  6, nedg=  3, xyz=   0.92388    0.38268    0.18541
iedge=  1, ibeg=  1, iend=  2, ileft=  1, irite=  2
iedge=  2, ibeg=  3, iend=  4, ileft=  1, irite=  3
iedge=  3, ibeg=  2, iend=  3, ileft=  1, irite=  4
iedge=  4, ibeg=  4, iend=  1, ileft=  1, irite=  5
iedge=  5, ibeg=  5, iend=  6, ileft=  2, irite=  3
iedge=  6, ibeg=  6, iend=  2, ileft=  2, irite=  4
iedge=  7, ibeg=  1, iend=  5, ileft=  2, irite=  5
iedge=  8, ibeg=  3, iend=  6, ileft=  3, irite=  4
iedge=  9, ibeg=  5, iend=  4, ileft=  3, irite=  5
iface=  1, icol=  1, nedg=  4, nlup=  1
           edg=   1   3   2   4
           lup=   0
iface=  2, icol=  2, nedg=  4, nlup=  1
           edg=  -1   7   5   6
           lup=   0
iface=  3, icol=  3, nedg=  4, nlup=  1
           edg=  -2   8  -5   9
           lup=   0
iface=  4, icol=  4, nedg=  3, nlup=  1
           edg=  -3  -6  -8
           lup=   0
iface=  5, icol=  5, nedg=  3, nlup=  1
           edg=  -4  -9  -7
           lup=   0
cp[ 0]:      0.00000      0.00000      0.00000
cp[ 8]:      1.22500      0.00000      0.00000
EG_makeGeometry(CURVE) -> status=0
cp[ 0]:      0.00000      0.00000      0.00000
cp[ 8]:      0.79635      0.92388     -0.38268
EG_makeGeometry(CURVE) -> status=0
cp[ 0]:      0.00000      0.00000      0.00000
cp[ 8]:      0.11124      0.46411     -0.19224
EG_makeGeometry(CURVE) -> status=0
cp[ 0]:      0.00000      0.00000      0.00000
cp[ 8]:      1.86780      0.46411     -0.19224
EG_makeGeometry(CURVE) -> status=0
cp[ 0]:      0.00000      0.00000      0.00000
cp[ 8]:      1.20365      0.92388      0.38268
EG_makeGeometry(CURVE) -> status=0
cp[ 0]:      0.00000      0.00000      0.00000
cp[ 8]:      0.13220      0.46411      0.19224
EG_makeGeometry(CURVE) -> status=0
cp[ 0]:      0.00000      0.00000      0.00000
cp[ 8]:      1.88876      0.46411      0.19224
EG_makeGeometry(CURVE) -> status=0
cp[ 0]:      0.00000      0.00000      0.00000
cp[ 8]:      0.10387      1.00176      0.00000
EG_makeGeometry(CURVE) -> status=0
cp[ 0]:      0.00000      0.00000      0.00000
cp[ 8]:      1.89613      1.00176      0.00000
EG_makeGeometry(CURVE) -> status=0

iface=  1  is planar, so accuracy is not computed

iface=  2  is planar, so accuracy is not computed
iface=3, nedg=4, nlup=1
cpdata[ 0, 0]:      0.92388     -0.38268      1.81459
cpdata[ 8, 0]:      0.92388     -0.38268      0.18541
cpdata[ 0, 8]:      0.92388      0.38268      1.81459
cpdata[ 8, 8]:      0.92388      0.38268      0.18541
EG_makeGeometry(SURFACE) -> status=0
EG_makeGeometry(PCURVE 0) -> status=0
EG_makeGeometry(PCURVE 1) -> status=0
EG_makeGeometry(PCURVE 2) -> status=0
EG_makeGeometry(PCURVE 3) -> status=0
EG_makeTopology(LOOP) -> status=0
EG_makeTopology(FACE) -> status=0

iface=  3  nfit=     279  rms=  1.135e-04
           npnt=     480  rms=  1.137e-04
iface=4, nedg=3, nlup=1
cpdata[ 0, 0]:      0.92388     -0.38268      0.18541
cpdata[ 8, 0]:      0.00000      0.00000      0.10000
cpdata[ 0, 8]:      0.92388     -0.38268      0.18541
cpdata[ 8, 8]:      0.92388      0.38268      0.18541
EG_makeGeometry(SURFACE) -> status=0
EG_makeGeometry(PCURVE 0) -> status=0
EG_makeGeometry(PCURVE 1) -> status=0
EG_makeGeometry(PCURVE 2) -> status=0
EG_makeTopology(DEGEN  3) -> status=0
EG_makeGeometry(PCURVE 3) -> status=0
EG_makeTopology(LOOP) -> status=0
EG_makeTopology(FACE) -> status=0

iface=  4  nfit=      78  rms=  9.753e-05
           npnt=     123  rms=  9.911e-05
iface=5, nedg=3, nlup=1
cpdata[ 0, 0]:  
real	0m1.294s
user	0m0.000s
sys	0m0.000s
    0.00000      0.00000      1.90000
cpdata[ 8, 0]:      0.92388     -0.38268      1.81459
cpdata[ 0, 8]:      0.00000      0.00000      1.90000
cpdata[ 8, 8]:      0.92388      0.38268      1.81459
EG_makeGeometry(SURFACE) -> status=0
EG_makeGeometry(PCURVE 0) -> status=0
EG_makeGeometry(PCURVE 1) -> status=0
EG_makeGeometry(PCURVE 2) -> status=0
EG_makeTopology(DEGEN  3) -> status=0
EG_makeGeometry(PCURVE 3) -> status=0
EG_makeTopology(LOOP) -> status=0
EG_makeTopology(FACE) -> status=0

iface=  5  nfit=      78  rms=  9.672e-05
           npnt=     123  rms=  1.021e-04
before makeTopology(SHELL, nfaces=5, closed=1)
File "../../OpenCSM/trunk/data/Slugs/pieslice_1.egads" is being written
==> Closing input journal file
+ set +x
pieslice_0                          passed (as expected)
+ 'C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\ESP_RegCaps\7.7\OpenCSM\data\Slugs\WIN64.2019\ESP\WIN64/bin/serveESP' '..\..\OpenCSM\trunk\data\Slugs\pieslice_1' -outLevel 0 -batch -verify

real	0m0.622s
user	0m0.031s
sys	0m0.016s
==> serveESP completed successfully
+ set +x
pieslice_1                          passed (as expected)
( 14 )
+ 'C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\ESP_RegCaps\7.7\OpenCSM\data\Slugs\WIN64.2019\ESP\WIN64/bin/Slugs' '..\..\OpenCSM\trunk\data\Slugs\sphere_0' -outLevel 0 -batch -jrnl '..\..\OpenCSM\trunk\data\Slugs\sphere_0.mod.jrnl'
    After reading: npnt =     2631
                   ntri =     5258
==> Opening input journal file "..\..\OpenCSM\trunk\data\Slugs\sphere_0.mod.jrnl"
starting dijkstra passes . done
starting dijkstra passes . done
starting dijkstra passes . done
starting dijkstra passes . done
Face      1 beginning
     Edge      1, npnt=      33, ibeg=  1, iend=  2
     Edge      2, npnt=      33, ibeg=  2, iend=  3
     Edge      3, npnt=      33, ibeg=  3, iend=  1
...after sorting into Loops
   Loop      0 (0:2)
     Edge      1, npnt=      33, ibeg=  1, iend=  2
     Edge      2, npnt=      33, ibeg=  2, iend=  3
     Edge      3, npnt=      33, ibeg=  3, iend=  1
Face      2 beginning
     Edge     -1, npnt=      33, iend=  2, ibeg=  1
     Edge      4, npnt=      33, ibeg=  4, iend=  2
     Edge      5, npnt=      33, ibeg=  1, iend=  4
...after sorting into Loops
   Loop      0 (0:2)
     Edge     -1, npnt=      33, iend=  2, ibeg=  1
     Edge      5, npnt=      33, ibeg=  1, iend=  4
     Edge      4, npnt=      33, ibeg=  4, iend=  2
Face      3 beginning
     Edge     -2, npnt=      33, iend=  3, ibeg=  2
     Edge     -4, npnt=      33, iend=  2, ibeg=  4
     Edge      6, npnt=      33, ibeg=  4, iend=  3
...after sorting into Loops
   Loop      0 (0:2)
     Edge     -2, npnt=      33, iend=  3, ibeg=  2
     Edge     -4, npnt=      33, iend=  2, ibeg=  4
     Edge      6, npnt=      33, ibeg=  4, iend=  3
Face      4 beginning
     Edge     -3, npnt=      33, iend=  1, ibeg=  3
     Edge     -5, npnt=      33, iend=  4, ibeg=  1
     Edge     -6, npnt=      33, iend=  3, ibeg=  4
...after sorting into Loops
   Loop      0 (0:2)
     Edge     -3, npnt=      33, iend=  1, ibeg=  3
     Edge     -6, npnt=      33, iend=  3, ibeg=  4
     Edge     -5, npnt=      33, iend=  4, ibeg=  1
rtype=0, nsmth=0
fit1dCloud(npnt=33, ncp=9) -> status=0, numiter=476, normf=  2.4424e-04, dotmin= 0.9622, nmin=4
rtype=0, nsmth=0
fit1dCloud(npnt=33, ncp=9) -> status=0, numiter=476, normf=  2.4422e-04, dotmin= 0.9622, nmin=4
rtype=0, nsmth=0
fit1dCloud(npnt=33, ncp=9) -> status=0, numiter=476, normf=  2.4422e-04, dotmin= 0.9622, nmin=4
rtype=0, nsmth=0
fit1dCloud(npnt=33, ncp=9) -> status=0, numiter=476, normf=  2.4422e-04, dotmin= 0.9622, nmin=4
rtype=0, nsmth=0
fit1dCloud(npnt=33, ncp=9) -> status=0, numiter=476, normf=  2.4422e-04, dotmin= 0.9622, nmin=4
rtype=0, nsmth=0
fit1dCloud(npnt=33, ncp=9) -> status=0, numiter=  9, normf=  4.1129e-07, dotmin= 1.0000, nmin=4
generateFits(1D), CPU=      0.13 sec

iface=  1   npnt=    1057
            nfit=     556 ( 52%)
non-planar (fitting)  ipnt=1, prod=    -0.02701
extracting south control points from iedge=    1
extracting east  control points from iedge=    2
extracting north control points from iedge=    3
copying    west  control points from degen         0.0000    -0.0000     1.0000

iface=  2   npnt=     823
            nfit=     442 ( 53%)
non-planar (fitting)  ipnt=1, prod=    -0.02772
extracting south control points from iedge=   -1
extracting east  control points from iedge=    5
extracting north control points from iedge=    4
copying    west  control points from degen        -1.0000     0.0000     0.0000

iface=  3   npnt=     470
            nfit=     269 ( 57%)

iface=  4   npnt=     475
            nfit=     271 ( 57%)
ID          448: is master
ID          448: iface   1 has   556 fitting Points
ID         285c:           start thread
ID         285c: iface   2 has   442 fitting Points
ID          448: iface   1 complete with status=0, numiter= 78, normf=  2.8400e-04, dotmin= 1.0000, nmin=  6
ID          448: iface   4 has   271 fitting Points
ID          448: iface   4 skipped
ID          448: iface   3 has   269 fitting Points
ID          448: iface   3 skipped
ID         285c: iface   2 complete with status=0, numiter=100, normf=  2.8168e-04, dotmin= 1.0000, nmin=  2
ID         285c:           stop  thread
generateFits(2D), CPU=      2.86 sec
inode=  1, nedg=  3, xyz=   0.00000   -0.00000    1.00000
inode=  2, nedg=  3, xyz=  -1.00000    0.00000   -0.00000
inode=  3, nedg=  3, xyz=  -0.00000   -1.00000    0.00000
inode=  4, nedg=  3, xyz=   0.00000    1.00000    0.00000
iedge=  1, ibeg=  1, iend=  2, ileft=  1, irite=  2
iedge=  2, ibeg=  2, iend=  3, ileft=  1, irite=  3
iedge=  3, ibeg=  3, iend=  1, ileft=  1, irite=  4
iedge=  4, ibeg=  4, iend=  2, ileft=  2, irite=  3
iedge=  5, ibeg=  1, iend=  4, ileft=  2, irite=  4
iedge=  6, ibeg=  4, iend=  3, ileft=  3, irite=  4
iface=  1, icol=  1, nedg=  3, nlup=  1
           edg=   1   2   3
           lup=   0
iface=  2, icol=  2, nedg=  3, nlup=  1
           edg=  -1   5   4
           lup=   0
iface=  3, icol=  3, nedg=  3, nlup=  1
           edg=  -2  -4   6
           lup=   0
iface=  4, icol=  4, nedg=  3, nlup=  1
           edg=  -3  -6  -5
           lup=   0
cp[ 0]:      0.00000      0.00000      0.00000
cp[ 8]:      0.84333     -0.71188      0.00000
EG_makeGeometry(CURVE) -> status=0
cp[ 0]:      0.00000      0.00000      0.00000
cp[ 8]:      0.00000     -0.71188     -0.71188
EG_makeGeometry(CURVE) -> status=0
cp[ 0]:      0.00000      0.00000      0.00000
cp[ 8]:      0.55126     -0.00000     -0.71188
EG_makeGeometry(CURVE) -> status=0
cp[ 0]:      0.00000      0.00000      0.00000
cp[ 8]:      0.00000     -0.71188      0.71188
EG_makeGeometry(CURVE) -> status=0
cp[ 0]:      0.00000      0.00000      0.00000
cp[ 8]:      0.84333      0.00000      0.71188
EG_makeGeometry(CURVE) -> status=0
cp[ 0]:      0.00000      0.00000      0.00000
cp[ 8]:      0.00000      0.00000     -0.00000
EG_makeGeometry(CURVE) -> status=0
iface=1, nedg=3, nlup=1
cpdata[ 0, 0]:      0.00000      0.00000      1.00000
cpdata[ 8, 0]:     -1.00000      0.00000      0.00000
cpdata[ 0, 8]:      0.00000      0.00000      1.00000
cpdata[ 8, 8]:     -0.00000     -1.00000      0.00000
EG_makeGeometry(SURFACE) -> status=0
EG_makeGeometry(PCURVE 0) -> status=0
EG_makeGeometry(PCURVE 1) -> status=0
EG_makeGeometry(PCURVE 2) -> status=0
EG_makeTopology(DEGEN  3) -> status=0
EG_makeGeometry(PCURVE 3) -> status=0
EG_makeTopology(LOOP) -> status=0
EG_makeTopology(FACE) -> status=0

iface=  1  nfit=     556  rms=  4.446e-04
           npnt=    1056  rms=  4.745e-04
iface=2, nedg=3, nlup=1
cpdata[ 0, 0]:     -1.00000      0.00000      0.00000
cpdata[ 8, 0]:      0.00000      0.00000      1.00000
cpdata[ 0, 8]:     -1.00000      0.00000      0.00000
cpdata[ 8, 8]:      0.00000      1.00000      0.00000
EG_makeGeometry(SURFACE) -> status=0
EG_makeGeometry(PCURVE 0) -> status=0
EG_makeGeometry(PCURVE 1) -> status=0
EG_makeGeometry(PCURVE 2) -> status=0
EG_makeTopology(DEGEN  3) -> status=0
EG_makeGeometry(PCURVE 3) -> status=0
EG_makeTopology(LOOP) -> status=0
EG_makeTopology(FACE) -> status=0

iface=  2  nfit=     442  rms=  4.453e-04
           npnt=     822  rms=  4.812e-04

iface=  3  is planar, so accuracy is not computed

iface=  4  is planar, so accuracy is not computed
before makeTopology(SHELL, nfaces=4, closed=1)
File "../../OpenCSM/trunk/data/Slugs/sphere_1.egads" is being written
==> Closing input journal file

real	0m4.809s
user	0m0.015s
sys	0m0.000s
+ set +x
sphere_0                            passed (as expected)
+ 'C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\ESP_RegCaps\7.7\OpenCSM\data\Slugs\WIN64.2019\ESP\WIN64/bin/serveESP' '..\..\OpenCSM\trunk\data\Slugs\sphere_1' -outLevel 0 -batch -verify
==> serveESP completed successfully

real	0m0.412s
user	0m0.015s
sys	0m0.031s
+ set +x
sphere_1                            passed (as expected)
( 15 )
+ 'C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\ESP_RegCaps\7.7\OpenCSM\data\Slugs\WIN64.2019\ESP\WIN64/bin/Slugs' '..\..\OpenCSM\trunk\data\Slugs\torus_0' -outLevel 0 -batch -jrnl '..\..\OpenCSM\trunk\data\Slugs\torus_0.mod.jrnl'
    After reading: npnt =    13247
                   ntri =    26494
==> Opening input journal file "..\..\OpenCSM\trunk\data\Slugs\torus_0.mod.jrnl"
starting dijkstra passes . done
starting dijkstra passes . done
starting dijkstra passes . done
starting dijkstra passes . done
starting dijkstra passes . done
starting dijkstra passes . done
starting dijkstra passes . done
starting dijkstra passes . done
starting dijkstra passes . done
starting dijkstra passes . done
starting dijkstra passes . done
starting dijkstra passes . done
starting dijkstra passes . done
starting dijkstra passes . done
starting dijkstra passes . done
starting dijkstra passes . done
starting dijkstra passes . done
starting dijkstra passes . done
starting dijkstra passes . done
starting dijkstra passes . done
starting dijkstra passes . done
starting dijkstra passes . done
starting dijkstra passes . done
starting dijkstra passes . done
starting dijkstra passes . done
starting dijkstra passes . done
starting dijkstra passes . done
starting dijkstra passes . done
starting dijkstra passes . done
starting dijkstra passes . done
starting dijkstra passes . done
starting dijkstra passes . done
starting dijkstra passes . done
starting dijkstra passes . done
Face      1 beginning
     Edge      1, npnt=      65, ibeg=  1, iend=  2
     Edge      2, npnt=      65, ibeg=  3, iend=  4
     Edge      3, npnt=      33, ibeg=  4, iend=  1
     Edge      4, npnt=      33, ibeg=  2, iend=  3
...after sorting into Loops
   Loop      0 (0:3)
     Edge      1, npnt=      65, ibeg=  1, iend=  2
     Edge      4, npnt=      33, ibeg=  2, iend=  3
     Edge      2, npnt=      65, ibeg=  3, iend=  4
     Edge      3, npnt=      33, ibeg=  4, iend=  1
Face      2 beginning
     Edge      5, npnt=      65, ibeg=  5, iend=  6
     Edge      6, npnt=      65, ibeg=  7, iend=  8
     Edge      7, npnt=      33, ibeg=  8, iend=  5
     Edge      8, npnt=      33, ibeg=  6, iend=  7
...after sorting into Loops
   Loop      0 (0:3)
     Edge      5, npnt=      65, ibeg=  5, iend=  6
     Edge      8, npnt=      33, ibeg=  6, iend=  7
     Edge      6, npnt=      65, ibeg=  7, iend=  8
     Edge      7, npnt=      33, ibeg=  8, iend=  5
Face      3 beginning
     Edge     -1, npnt=      65, iend=  2, ibeg=  1
     Edge     -5, npnt=      65, iend=  6, ibeg=  5
     Edge      9, npnt=      33, ibeg=  1, iend=  6
     Edge     10, npnt=      33, ibeg=  5, iend=  2
...after sorting into Loops
   Loop      0 (0:3)
     Edge     -1, npnt=      65, iend=  2, ibeg=  1
     Edge      9, npnt=      33, ibeg=  1, iend=  6
     Edge     -5, npnt=      65, iend=  6, ibeg=  5
     Edge     10, npnt=      33, ibeg=  5, iend=  2
Face      4 beginning
     Edge     -2, npnt=      65, iend=  4, ibeg=  3
     Edge     -6, npnt=      65, iend=  8, ibeg=  7
     Edge     11, npnt=      33, ibeg=  3, iend=  8
     Edge     12, npnt=      33, ibeg=  7, iend=  4
...after sorting into Loops
   Loop      0 (0:3)
     Edge     -2, npnt=      65, iend=  4, ibeg=  3
     Edge     11, npnt=      33, ibeg=  3, iend=  8
     Edge     -6, npnt=      65, iend=  8, ibeg=  7
     Edge     12, npnt=      33, ibeg=  7, iend=  4
Face      5 beginning
     Edge     -7, npnt=      33, iend=  5, ibeg=  8
     Edge     -8, npnt=      33, iend=  7, ibeg=  6
     Edge     13, npnt=      65, ibeg=  8, iend=  7
     Edge     14, npnt=      65, ibeg=  6, iend=  5
...after sorting into Loops
   Loop      0 (0:3)
     Edge     -7, npnt=      33, iend=  5, ibeg=  8
     Edge     13, npnt=      65, ibeg=  8, iend=  7
     Edge     -8, npnt=      33, iend=  7, ibeg=  6
     Edge     14, npnt=      65, ibeg=  6, iend=  5
Face      6 beginning
     Edge    -11, npnt=      33, iend=  8, ibeg=  3
     Edge    -12, npnt=      33, iend=  4, ibeg=  7
     Edge    -13, npnt=      65, iend=  7, ibeg=  8
     Edge     15, npnt=      65, ibeg=  3, iend=  4
...after sorting into Loops
   Loop      0 (0:3)
     Edge    -11, npnt=      33, iend=  8, ibeg=  3
     Edge     15, npnt=      65, ibeg=  3, iend=  4
     Edge    -12, npnt=      33, iend=  4, ibeg=  7
     Edge    -13, npnt=      65, iend=  7, ibeg=  8
Face      7 beginning
     Edge     -3, npnt=      33, iend=  1, ibeg=  4
     Edge     -4, npnt=      33, iend=  3, ibeg=  2
     Edge    -15, npnt=      65, iend=  4, ibeg=  3
     Edge     16, npnt=      65, ibeg=  2, iend=  1
...after sorting into Loops
   Loop      0 (0:3)
     Edge     -3, npnt=      33, iend=  1, ibeg=  4
     Edge    -15, npnt=      65, iend=  4, ibeg=  3
     Edge     -4, npnt=      33, iend=  3, ibeg=  2
     Edge     16, npnt=      65, ibeg=  2, iend=  1
Face      8 beginning
     Edge     -9, npnt=      33, iend=  6, ibeg=  1
     Edge    -10, npnt=      33, iend=  2, ibeg=  5
     Edge    -14, npnt=      65, iend=  5, ibeg=  6
     Edge    -16, npnt=      65, iend=  1, ibeg=  2
...after sorting into Loops
   Loop      0 (0:3)
     Edge     -9, npnt=      33, iend=  6, ibeg=  1
     Edge    -16, npnt=      65, iend=  1, ibeg=  2
     Edge    -10, npnt=      33, iend=  2, ibeg=  5
     Edge    -14, npnt=      65, iend=  5, ibeg=  6
rtype=0, nsmth=0
fit1dCloud(npnt=65, ncp=9) -> status=0, numiter=670, normf=  1.7973e-04, dotmin= 0.8848, nmin=8
rtype=0, nsmth=0
fit1dCloud(npnt=65, ncp=9) -> status=0, numiter=670, normf=  1.7975e-04, dotmin= 0.8848, nmin=8
rtype=0, nsmth=0
fit1dCloud(npnt=33, ncp=9) -> status=0, numiter=476, normf=  3.6629e-04, dotmin= 0.9622, nmin=4
rtype=0, nsmth=0
fit1dCloud(npnt=33, ncp=9) -> status=0, numiter=476, normf=  1.2210e-04, dotmin= 0.9622, nmin=4
rtype=0, nsmth=0
fit1dCloud(npnt=65, ncp=9) -> status=0, numiter=669, normf=  1.7987e-04, dotmin= 0.8847, nmin=8
rtype=0, nsmth=0
fit1dCloud(npnt=65, ncp=9) -> status=0, numiter=670, normf=  1.7973e-04, dotmin= 0.8848, nmin=8
rtype=0, nsmth=0
fit1dCloud(npnt=33, ncp=9) -> status=0, numiter=476, normf=  1.2210e-04, dotmin= 0.9622, nmin=4
rtype=0, nsmth=0
fit1dCloud(npnt=33, ncp=9) -> status=0, numiter=476, normf=  3.6629e-04, dotmin= 0.9622, nmin=4
rtype=0, nsmth=0
fit1dCloud(npnt=33, ncp=9) -> status=0, numiter=476, normf=  3.6629e-04, dotmin= 0.9622, nmin=4
rtype=0, nsmth=0
fit1dCloud(npnt=33, ncp=9) -> status=0, numiter=476, normf=  1.2210e-04, dotmin= 0.9622, nmin=4
rtype=0, nsmth=0
fit1dCloud(npnt=33, ncp=9) -> status=0, numiter=476, normf=  1.2210e-04, dotmin= 0.9622, nmin=4
rtype=0, nsmth=0
fit1dCloud(npnt=33, ncp=9) -> status=0, numiter=476, normf=  3.6629e-04, dotmin= 0.9622, nmin=4
rtype=0, nsmth=0
fit1dCloud(npnt=65, ncp=9) -> status=0, numiter=670, normf=  1.7973e-04, dotmin= 0.8848, nmin=8
rtype=0, nsmth=0
fit1dCloud(npnt=65, ncp=9) -> status=0, numiter=669, normf=  1.7987e-04, dotmin= 0.8847, nmin=8
rtype=0, nsmth=0
fit1dCloud(npnt=65, ncp=9) -> status=0, numiter=670, normf=  1.7975e-04, dotmin= 0.8848, nmin=8
rtype=0, nsmth=0
fit1dCloud(npnt=65, ncp=9) -> status=0, numiter=670, normf=  1.7973e-04, dotmin= 0.8848, nmin=8
generateFits(1D), CPU=      0.89 sec

iface=  1   npnt=    1759
            nfit=     894 ( 50%)
non-planar (fitting)  ipnt=1, prod=     0.02082
extracting south control points from iedge=    1
extracting east  control points from iedge=    4
extracting north control points from iedge=    2
extracting west  control points from iedge=    3

iface=  2   npnt=    1750
            nfit=     885 ( 50%)
non-planar (fitting)  ipnt=1, prod=    -0.01990
extracting south control points from iedge=    5
extracting east  control points from iedge=    8
extracting north control points from iedge=    6
extracting west  control points from iedge=    7

iface=  3   npnt=    1769
            nfit=     864 ( 48%)
non-planar (fitting)  ipnt=1, prod=     0.00459
extracting south control points from iedge=   -1
extracting east  control points from iedge=    9
extracting north control points from iedge=   -5
extracting west  control points from iedge=   10

iface=  4   npnt=    1746
            nfit=     873 ( 50%)
non-planar (fitting)  ipnt=1, prod=     0.00688
extracting south control points from iedge=   -2
extracting east  control points from iedge=   11
extracting north control points from iedge=   -6
extracting west  control points from iedge=   12

iface=  5   npnt=    1748
            nfit=     873 ( 49%)
non-planar (fitting)  ipnt=1, prod=     0.00967
extracting south control points from iedge=   -7
extracting east  control points from iedge=   13
extracting north control points from iedge=   -8
extracting west  control points from iedge=   14

iface=  6   npnt=    1757
            nfit=     863 ( 49%)
non-planar (fitting)  ipnt=1, prod=    -0.00612
extracting south control points from iedge=  -11
extracting east  control points from iedge=   15
extracting north control points from iedge=  -12
extracting west  control points from iedge=  -13

iface=  7   npnt=    1763
            nfit=     892 ( 50%)
non-planar (fitting)  ipnt=2, prod=     0.00274
extracting south control points from iedge=   -3
extracting east  control points from iedge=  -15
extracting north control points from iedge=   -4
extracting west  control points from iedge=   16

iface=  8   npnt=    1731
            nfit=     862 ( 49%)
non-planar (fitting)  ipnt=1, prod=    -0.00667
extracting south control points from iedge=   -9
extracting east  control points from iedge=  -16
extracting north control points from iedge=  -10
extracting west  control points from iedge=  -14
ID         1084: is master
ID         1084: iface   1 has   894 fitting Points
ID          81c:           start thread
ID          81c: iface   7 has   892 fitting Points
ID         1084: iface   1 complete with status=0, numiter=100, normf=  3.0002e-04, dotmin= 1.0000, nmin=  8
ID         1084: iface   2 has   885 fitting Points
ID          81c: iface   7 complete with status=0, numiter=100, normf=  2.9366e-04, dotmin= 1.0000, nmin=  9
ID          81c: iface   4 has   873 fitting Points
ID         1084: iface   2 complete with status=0, numiter=100, normf=  2.9548e-04, dotmin= 1.0000, nmin=  9
ID         1084: iface   5 has   873 fitting Points
ID          81c: iface   4 complete with status=0, numiter=100, normf=  2.9381e-04, dotmin= 1.0000, nmin= 10
ID          81c: iface   3 has   864 fitting Points
ID         1084: iface   5 complete with status=0, numiter=100, normf=  2.9374e-04, dotmin= 1.0000, nmin= 10
ID         1084: iface   6 has   863 fitting Points
ID          81c: iface   3 complete with status=0, numiter=100, normf=  3.0421e-04, dotmin= 1.0000, nmin=  8
ID          81c: iface   8 has   862 fitting Points
ID         1084: iface   6 complete with status=0, numiter=100, normf=  3.0273e-04, dotmin= 1.0000, nmin= 10
ID          81c: iface   8 complete with status=0, numiter=100, normf=  2.9992e-04, dotmin= 1.0000, nmin=  8
ID          81c:           stop  thread
generateFits(2D), CPU=     23.25 sec
inode=  1, nedg=  4, xyz=  -1.50000   -0.00000   -0.00000
inode=  2, nedg=  4, xyz=  -0.50000    0.00000   -0.00000
inode=  3, nedg=  4, xyz=   0.00000    0.00000   -0.50000
inode=  4, nedg=  4, xyz=   0.00000    0.00000   -1.50000
inode=  5, nedg=  4, xyz=   0.00000    0.00000    0.50000
inode=  6, nedg=  4, xyz=  -0.00000   -0.00000    1.50000
inode=  7, nedg=  4, xyz=   1.50000   -0.00000    0.00000
inode=  8, nedg=  4, xyz=   0.50000    0.00000    0.00000
iedge=  1, ibeg=  1, iend=  2, ileft=  1, irite=  3
iedge=  2, ibeg=  3, iend=  4, ileft=  1, irite=  4
iedge=  3, ibeg=  4, iend=  1, ileft=  1, irite=  7
iedge=  4, ibeg=  2, iend=  3, ileft=  1, irite=  7
iedge=  5, ibeg=  5, iend=  6, ileft=  2, irite=  3
iedge=  6, ibeg=  7, iend=  8, ileft=  2, irite=  4
iedge=  7, ibeg=  8, iend=  5, ileft=  2, irite=  5
iedge=  8, ibeg=  6, iend=  7, ileft=  2, irite=  5
iedge=  9, ibeg=  1, iend=  6, ileft=  3, irite=  8
iedge= 10, ibeg=  5, iend=  2, ileft=  3, irite=  8
iedge= 11, ibeg=  3, iend=  8, ileft=  4, irite=  6
iedge= 12, ibeg=  7, iend=  4, ileft=  4, irite=  6
iedge= 13, ibeg=  8, iend=  7, ileft=  5, irite=  6
iedge= 14, ibeg=  6, iend=  5, ileft=  5, irite=  8
iedge= 15, ibeg=  3, iend=  4, ileft=  6, irite=  7
iedge= 16, ibeg=  2, iend=  1, ileft=  7, irite=  8
iface=  1, icol=  1, nedg=  4, nlup=  1
           edg=   1   4   2   3
           lup=   0
iface=  2, icol=  2, nedg=  4, nlup=  1
           edg=   5   8   6   7
           lup=   0
iface=  3, icol=  3, nedg=  4, nlup=  1
           edg=  -1   9  -5  10
           lup=   0
iface=  4, icol=  4, nedg=  4, nlup=  1
           edg=  -2  11  -6  12
           lup=   0
iface=  5, icol=  5, nedg=  4, nlup=  1
           edg=  -7  13  -8  14
           lup=   0
iface=  6, icol=  6, nedg=  4, nlup=  1
           edg= -11  15 -12 -13
           lup=   0
iface=  7, icol=  7, nedg=  4, nlup=  1
           edg=  -3 -15  -4  16
           lup=   0
iface=  8, icol=  8, nedg=  4, nlup=  1
           edg=  -9 -16 -10 -14
           lup=   0
cp[ 0]:      0.00000      0.00000      0.00000
cp[ 8]:      0.00000     -0.99999      0.51723
EG_makeGeometry(CURVE) -> status=0
cp[ 0]:      0.00000      0.00000      0.00000
cp[ 8]:     -0.78241      0.00000      0.51722
EG_makeGeometry(CURVE) -> status=0
cp[ 0]:      0.00000      0.00000      0.00000
cp[ 8]:     -1.26499     -1.06781     -0.00000
EG_makeGeometry(CURVE) -> status=0
cp[ 0]:      0.00000      0.00000      0.00000
cp[ 8]:     -0.27562     -0.35594      0.00000
EG_makeGeometry(CURVE) -> status=0
cp[ 0]:      0.00000      0.00000      0.00000
cp[ 8]:      0.78244     -0.00000      0.51722
EG_makeGeometry(CURVE) -> status=0
cp[ 0]:      0.00000      0.00000      0.00000
cp[ 8]:     -0.00000      0.99999      0.51723
EG_makeGeometry(CURVE) -> status=0
cp[ 0]:      0.00000      0.00000      0.00000
cp[ 8]:      0.27563      0.35594      0.00000
EG_makeGeometry(CURVE) -> status=0
cp[ 0]:      0.00000      0.00000      0.00000
cp[ 8]:      1.26499      1.06781     -0.00000
EG_makeGeometry(CURVE) -> status=0
cp[ 0]:      0.00000      0.00000      0.00000
cp[ 8]:      0.82689     -1.06781     -0.00000
EG_makeGeometry(CURVE) -> status=0
cp[ 0]:      0.00000      0.00000      0.00000
cp[ 8]:      0.42166     -0.35594      0.00000
EG_makeGeometry(CURVE) -> status=0
cp[ 0]:      0.00000      0.00000      0.00000
cp[ 8]:     -0.42166      0.35594      0.00000
EG_makeGeometry(CURVE) -> status=0
cp[ 0]:      0.00000      0.00000      0.00000
cp[ 8]:     -0.82689      1.06781     -0.00000
EG_makeGeometry(CURVE) -> status=0
cp[ 0]:      0.00000      0.00000      0.00000
cp[ 8]:     -0.00000      0.99999     -0.51723
EG_makeGeometry(CURVE) -> status=0
cp[ 0]:      0.00000      0.00000      0.00000
cp[ 8]:      1.21756     -0.00000     -0.51722
EG_makeGeometry(CURVE) -> status=0
cp[ 0]:      0.00000      0.00000      0.00000
cp[ 8]:     -0.78241      0.00000     -0.51722
EG_makeGeometry(CURVE) -> status=0
cp[ 0]:      0.00000      0.00000      0.00000
cp[ 8]:      0.00000     -0.99999     -0.51723
EG_makeGeometry(CURVE) -> status=0
iface=1, nedg=4, nlup=1
cpdata[ 0, 0]:     -1.50000     -0.00000     -0.00000
cpdata[ 8, 0]:     -0.50000      0.00000     -0.00000
cpdata[ 0, 8]:      0.00000      0.00000     -1.50000
cpdata[ 8, 8]:      0.00000      0.00000     -0.50000
EG_makeGeometry(SURFACE) -> status=0
EG_makeGeometry(PCURVE 0) -> status=0
EG_makeGeometry(PCURVE 1) -> status=0
EG_makeGeometry(PCURVE 2) -> status=0
EG_makeGeometry(PCURVE 3) -> status=0
EG_makeTopology(LOOP) -> status=0
EG_makeTopology(FACE) -> status=0

iface=  1  nfit=     894  rms=  4.433e-04
           npnt=    1759  rms=  4.136e-04
iface=2, nedg=4, nlup=1
cpdata[ 0, 0]:      0.00000     -0.00000      0.50000
cpdata[ 8, 0]:     -0.00000     -0.00000      1.50000
cpdata[ 0, 8]:      0.50000      0.00000      0.00000
cpdata[ 8, 8]:      1.50000     -0.00000      0.00000
EG_makeGeometry(SURFACE) -> status=0
EG_makeGeometry(PCURVE 0) -> status=0
EG_makeGeometry(PCURVE 1) -> status=0
EG_makeGeometry(PCURVE 2) -> status=0
EG_makeGeometry(PCURVE 3) -> status=0
EG_makeTopology(LOOP) -> status=0
EG_makeTopology(FACE) -> status=0

iface=  2  nfit=     885  rms=  4.350e-04
           npnt=    1750  rms=  4.193e-04
iface=3, nedg=4, nlup=1
cpdata[ 0, 0]:     -0.50000      0.00000     -0.00000
cpdata[ 8, 0]:     -1.50000     -0.00000     -0.00000
cpdata[ 0, 8]:      0.00000      0.00000      0.50000
cpdata[ 8, 8]:     -0.00000     -0.00000      1.50000
EG_makeGeometry(SURFACE) -> status=0
EG_makeGeometry(PCURVE 0) -> status=0
EG_makeGeometry(PCURVE 1) -> status=0
EG_makeGeometry(PCURVE 2) -> status=0
EG_makeGeometry(PCURVE 3) -> status=0
EG_makeTopology(LOOP) -> status=0
EG_makeTopology(FACE) -> status=0

iface=  3  nfit=     864  rms=  4.503e-04
           npnt=    1769  rms=  4.182e-04
iface=4, nedg=4, nlup=1
cpdata[ 0, 0]:      0.00000      0.00000     -1.50000
cpdata[ 8, 0]:      0.00000      0.00000     -0.50000
cpdata[ 0, 8]:      1.50000     -0.00000      0.00000
cpdata[ 8, 8]:      0.50000      0.00000      0.00000
EG_makeGeometry(SURFACE) -> status=0
EG_makeGeometry(PCURVE 0) -> status=0
EG_makeGeometry(PCURVE 1) -> status=0
EG_makeGeometry(PCURVE 2) -> status=0
EG_makeGeometry(PCURVE 3) -> status=0
EG_makeTopology(LOOP) -> status=0
EG_makeTopology(FACE) -> status=0

iface=  4  nfit=     873  rms=  4.324e-04
           npnt=    1746  rms=  4.127e-04
iface=5, nedg=4, nlup=1
cpdata[ 0, 0]:      0.00000      0.00000      0.50000
cpdata[ 8, 0]:      0.50000      0.00000      0.00000
cpdata[ 0, 8]:     -0.00000     -0.00000      1.50000
cpdata[ 8, 8]:      1.50000     -0.00000      0.00000
real	0m36.155s
user	0m0.000s
sys	0m0.046s
eGeometry(SURFACE) -> status=0
EG_makeGeometry(PCURVE 0) -> status=0
EG_makeGeometry(PCURVE 1) -> status=0
EG_makeGeometry(PCURVE 2) -> status=0
EG_makeGeometry(PCURVE 3) -> status=0
EG_makeTopology(LOOP) -> status=0
EG_makeTopology(FACE) -> status=0

iface=  5  nfit=     873  rms=  4.326e-04
           npnt=    1748  rms=  4.174e-04
iface=6, nedg=4, nlup=1
cpdata[ 0, 0]:      0.50000      0.00000      0.00000
cpdata[ 8, 0]:      0.00000      0.00000     -0.50000
cpdata[ 0, 8]:      1.50000     -0.00000      0.00000
cpdata[ 8, 8]:      0.00000      0.00000     -1.50000
EG_makeGeometry(SURFACE) -> status=0
EG_makeGeometry(PCURVE 0) -> status=0
EG_makeGeometry(PCURVE 1) -> status=0
EG_makeGeometry(PCURVE 2) -> status=0
EG_makeGeometry(PCURVE 3) -> status=0
EG_makeTopology(LOOP) -> status=0
EG_makeTopology(FACE) -> status=0

iface=  6  nfit=     863  rms=  4.483e-04
           npnt=    1757  rms=  4.161e-04
iface=7, nedg=4, nlup=1
cpdata[ 0, 0]:     -1.50000     -0.00000     -0.00000
cpdata[ 8, 0]:      0.00000      0.00000     -1.50000
cpdata[ 0, 8]:     -0.50000      0.00000     -0.00000
cpdata[ 8, 8]:      0.00000      0.00000     -0.50000
EG_makeGeometry(SURFACE) -> status=0
EG_makeGeometry(PCURVE 0) -> status=0
EG_makeGeometry(PCURVE 1) -> status=0
EG_makeGeometry(PCURVE 2) -> status=0
EG_makeGeometry(PCURVE 3) -> status=0
EG_makeTopology(LOOP) -> status=0
EG_makeTopology(FACE) -> status=0

iface=  7  nfit=     892  rms=  4.311e-04
           npnt=    1763  rms=  4.187e-04
iface=8, nedg=4, nlup=1
cpdata[ 0, 0]:     -0.00000     -0.00000      1.50000
cpdata[ 8, 0]:     -1.50000     -0.00000     -0.00000
cpdata[ 0, 8]:      0.00000      0.00000      0.50000
cpdata[ 8, 8]:     -0.50000      0.00000     -0.00000
EG_makeGeometry(SURFACE) -> status=0
EG_makeGeometry(PCURVE 0) -> status=0
EG_makeGeometry(PCURVE 1) -> status=0
EG_makeGeometry(PCURVE 2) -> status=0
EG_makeGeometry(PCURVE 3) -> status=0
EG_makeTopology(LOOP) -> status=0
EG_makeTopology(FACE) -> status=0

iface=  8  nfit=     862  rms=  4.421e-04
           npnt=    1731  rms=  4.179e-04
before makeTopology(SHELL, nfaces=8, closed=1)
File "../../OpenCSM/trunk/data/Slugs/torus_1.egads" is being written
==> Closing input journal file
+ set +x
torus_0                             passed (as expected)
+ 'C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\ESP_RegCaps\7.7\OpenCSM\data\Slugs\WIN64.2019\ESP\WIN64/bin/serveESP' '..\..\OpenCSM\trunk\data\Slugs\torus_1' -outLevel 0 -batch -verify
==> serveESP completed successfully

real	0m1.378s
user	0m0.000s
sys	0m0.015s
+ set +x
torus_1                             passed (as expected)
( 16 )
+ 'C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\ESP_RegCaps\7.7\OpenCSM\data\Slugs\WIN64.2019\ESP\WIN64/bin/Slugs' '..\..\OpenCSM\trunk\data\Slugs\tutorial1' -outLevel 0 -batch -jrnl '..\..\OpenCSM\trunk\data\Slugs\tutorial1.mod.jrnl'
    After reading: npnt =     4064
                   ntri =     8102
                  ncolr =        0
==> Opening input journal file "..\..\OpenCSM\trunk\data\Slugs\tutorial1.mod.jrnl"
starting dijkstra passes . done
starting dijkstra passes . done
starting dijkstra passes . done
    0  dxyzmax= 2.56402e-02 (  1,1)    -2.9163    -0.0289     0.9983
  100  dxyzmax= 1.45323e-04 (  9,1)    -1.9409    -0.0146     0.9997
  200  dxyzmax= 5.09396e-05 (  8,1)    -2.0590    -0.0046     0.9969
  300  dxyzmax= 1.49616e-05 (  8,1)    -2.0594    -0.0017     0.9971
  400  dxyzmax= 4.45655e-06 (  8,1)    -2.0595    -0.0009     0.9971
  500  dxyzmax= 1.32919e-06 (  8,1)    -2.0596    -0.0006     0.9971
  600  dxyzmax= 3.96947e-07 (  8,1)    -2.0596    -0.0005     0.9971
  697  dxyzmax= 1.23076e-07 (  8,1)    -2.0596    -0.0005     0.9971
starting dijkstra passes . done
starting dijkstra passes . done
    0  dxyzmax= 2.20868e-02 (  7,0)     2.1405    -0.5575     0.8297
  100  dxyzmax= 2.28547e-04 (  9,1)     1.8131    -0.5377     0.8412
  200  dxyzmax= 6.12840e-05 (  8,1)     1.9363    -0.5296     0.8469
  300  dxyzmax= 1.48521e-05 (  8,1)     1.9338    -0.5265     0.8485
  400  dxyzmax= 3.19534e-06 (  8,1)     1.9332    -0.5257     0.8489
  500  dxyzmax= 6.83221e-07 (  8,1)     1.9331    -0.5255     0.8490
  600  dxyzmax= 1.46041e-07 (  8,1)     1.9330    -0.5255     0.8490
  603  dxyzmax= 1.39434e-07 (  8,1)     1.9330    -0.5255     0.8490
starting dijkstra passes . done
starting dijkstra passes . done
    0  dxyzmax= 2.09568e-02 (  9,0)     1.9247     0.5882     0.8083
  100  dxyzmax= 4.25922e-04 (  8,1)     1.9585     0.5157     0.8530
  200  dxyzmax= 1.03603e-04 (  9,1)     1.8056     0.4941     0.8664
  300  dxyzmax= 2.51013e-05 (  7,1)     2.0683     0.4859     0.8726
  400  dxyzmax= 5.55542e-06 (  7,1)     2.0672     0.4847     0.8733
  500  dxyzmax= 1.23147e-06 (  7,1)     2.0670     0.4844     0.8735
  600  dxyzmax= 2.73002e-07 (  7,1)     2.0669     0.4843     0.8735
  645  dxyzmax= 1.38598e-07 (  7,1)     2.0669     0.4843     0.8735
starting dijkstra passes . done
starting dijkstra passes . done
    0  dxyzmax= 2.73743e-02 ( 10,0)    -0.9049     0.3021     0.9528
  100  dxyzmax= 5.24984e-05 (  5,2)    -0.9610     0.7923     0.6088
  200  dxyzmax= 2.68814e-06 (  5,2)    -0.9610     0.7912     0.6105
  300  dxyzmax= 1.37019e-07 (  5,2)    -0.9610     0.7912     0.6106
  301  dxyzmax= 1.33000e-07 (  5,2)    -0.9610     0.7912     0.6106
starting dijkstra passes . done
starting dijkstra passes . done
    0  dxyzmax= 2.33401e-02 (  1,2)     0.8663     0.9931     0.1057
  100  dxyzmax= 6.17670e-05 (  4,0)     0.9634     0.8916     0.4515
  200  dxyzmax= 1.09056e-06 (  4,0)     0.9648     0.8914     0.4518
  254  dxyzmax= 1.23321e-07 (  4,0)     0.9649     0.8914     0.4518
starting dijkstra passes . done
starting dijkstra passes . done
    0  dxyzmax= 2.86805e-02 (  1,0)    -0.9729    -0.9848     0.1687
  100  dxyzmax= 3.52678e-04 (  8,1)    -0.9799    -0.4233     0.9051
  200  dxyzmax= 1.13721e-05 (  5,0)    -0.9673    -0.7572     0.6516
  300  dxyzmax= 7.39764e-07 (  5,0)    -0.9676    -0.7570     0.6518
  359  dxyzmax= 1.46460e-07 (  5,0)    -0.9677    -0.7570     0.6518
starting dijkstra passes . done
starting dijkstra passes . done
    0  dxyzmax= 2.75324e-02 (  6,0)     0.9700    -0.7365     0.6764
  100  dxyzmax= 3.45937e-05 (  3,0)     0.9611    -0.9229     0.3831
  200  dxyzmax= 2.02092e-07 (  4,0)     0.9695    -0.8624     0.4997
  207  dxyzmax= 1.41049e-07 (  4,0)     0.9695    -0.8624     0.4997
starting dijkstra passes . done
starting dijkstra passes . done
    0  dxyzmax= 1.68911e-02 ( 13,0)    -0.9112     0.1974    -0.9802
  100  dxyzmax= 7.77697e-05 ( 10,1)    -0.9244     0.4911    -0.8690
  200  dxyzmax= 2.73423e-05 (  5,2)    -0.9303     0.8652    -0.5011
  300  dxyzmax= 5.88987e-06 ( 10,1)    -0.9210     0.4974    -0.8656
  400  dxyzmax= 1.67538e-06 (  8,0)    -0.9240     0.6680    -0.7439
  500  dxyzmax= 5.31026e-07 (  8,0)    -0.9239     0.6680    -0.7439
  600  dxyzmax= 1.67928e-07 (  8,0)    -0.9239     0.6680    -0.7439
  638  dxyzmax= 1.08376e-07 (  8,0)    -0.9238     0.6680    -0.7439
starting dijkstra passes . done
starting dijkstra passes . done
    0  dxyzmax= 2.92202e-02 ( 11,0)    -0.9816    -0.9814    -0.1903
  100  dxyzmax= 7.90250e-05 (  6,0)    -0.9248    -0.7432    -0.6680
  200  dxyzmax= 1.09405e-05 (  6,0)    -0.9214    -0.7426    -0.6686
  300  dxyzmax= 1.56026e-06 (  6,0)    -0.9209    -0.7425    -0.6687
  400  dxyzmax= 2.22447e-07 (  6,0)    -0.9208    -0.7425    -0.6687
  435  dxyzmax= 1.12489e-07 (  6,0)    -0.9208    -0.7425    -0.6687
starting dijkstra passes . done
starting dijkstra passes . done
    0  dxyzmax= 2.38941e-02 (  7,0)     1.0525    -0.6857    -0.7274
  100  dxyzmax= 2.80061e-04 (  3,2)     0.9560    -0.9428    -0.3330
  200  dxyzmax= 2.47659e-04 ( 10,1)     0.9764    -0.4559    -0.8897
  300  dxyzmax= 1.89916e-05 (  9,1)     0.9690    -0.5557    -0.8307
  400  dxyzmax= 4.73644e-06 (  8,0)     0.9647    -0.6441    -0.7640
  500  dxyzmax= 1.26399e-06 (  8,0)     0.9645    -0.6442    -0.7639
  600  dxyzmax= 3.39281e-07 (  8,0)     0.9644    -0.6442    -0.7639
  684  dxyzmax= 1.12725e-07 (  8,0)     0.9644    -0.6442    -0.7639
starting dijkstra passes . done
starting dijkstra passes . done
    0  dxyzmax= 2.08145e-02 (  8,0)     0.9860     0.7973    -0.6027
  100  dxyzmax= 1.81990e-04 (  7,0)     0.9742     0.7633    -0.6454
  200  dxyzmax= 2.63937e-05 (  6,0)     0.9700     0.6973    -0.7162
  300  dxyzmax= 4.79353e-06 (  7,0)     0.9650     0.7653    -0.6431
  400  dxyzmax= 8.86350e-07 (  7,0)     0.9648     0.7653    -0.6430
  500  dxyzmax= 1.63828e-07 (  7,0)     0.9647     0.7653    -0.6430
  526  dxyzmax= 1.05617e-07 (  7,0)     0.9647     0.7653    -0.6430
starting dijkstra passes . done
Face      1 beginning
     Edge      1, npnt=      17, ibeg=  1, iend=  2
     Edge      2, npnt=      17, ibeg=  3, iend=  1
     Edge      3, npnt=      33, ibeg=  2, iend=  3
...after sorting into Loops
   Loop      0 (0:2)
     Edge      1, npnt=      17, ibeg=  1, iend=  2
     Edge      3, npnt=      33, ibeg=  2, iend=  3
     Edge      2, npnt=      17, ibeg=  3, iend=  1
Face      2 beginning
     Edge      4, npnt=      33, ibeg=  4, iend=  5
     Edge      5, npnt=      12, ibeg=  6, iend=  7
     Edge      6, npnt=      12, ibeg=  5, iend=  6
     Edge      7, npnt=      11, ibeg=  7, iend=  4
...after sorting into Loops
   Loop      0 (0:3)
     Edge      4, npnt=      33, ibeg=  4, iend=  5
     Edge      6, npnt=      12, ibeg=  5, iend=  6
     Edge      5, npnt=      12, ibeg=  6, iend=  7
     Edge      7, npnt=      11, ibeg=  7, iend=  4
Face      3 beginning
     Edge      8, npnt=      17, ibeg=  8, iend=  9
     Edge      9, npnt=      17, ibeg= 10, iend= 11
     Edge     10, npnt=      17, ibeg=  9, iend= 10
     Edge     11, npnt=      17, ibeg= 11, iend=  8
...after sorting into Loops
   Loop      0 (0:3)
     Edge      8, npnt=      17, ibeg=  8, iend=  9
     Edge     10, npnt=      17, ibeg=  9, iend= 10
     Edge      9, npnt=      17, ibeg= 10, iend= 11
     Edge     11, npnt=      17, ibeg= 11, iend=  8
Face      4 beginning
     Edge     -8, npnt=      17, iend=  9, ibeg=  8
     Edge     12, npnt=      17, ibeg= 12, iend= 13
     Edge     13, npnt=      17, ibeg= 13, iend=  9
     Edge     14, npnt=      17, ibeg=  8, iend= 12
...after sorting into Loops
   Loop      0 (0:3)
     Edge     -8, npnt=      17, iend=  9, ibeg=  8
     Edge     14, npnt=      17, ibeg=  8, iend= 12
     Edge     12, npnt=      17, ibeg= 12, iend= 13
     Edge     13, npnt=      17, ibeg= 13, iend=  9
Face      5 beginning
     Edge     -9, npnt=      17, iend= 11, ibeg= 10
     Edge    -12, npnt=      17, iend= 13, ibeg= 12
     Edge     15, npnt=       9, ibeg= 10, iend= 13
     Edge     16, npnt=       9, ibeg= 12, iend= 11
...after sorting into Loops
   Loop      0 (0:3)
     Edge     -9, npnt=      17, iend= 11, ibeg= 10
     Edge     15, npnt=       9, ibeg= 10, iend= 13
     Edge    -12, npnt=      17, iend= 13, ibeg= 12
     Edge     16, npnt=       9, ibeg= 12, iend= 11
Face      6 beginning
     Edge    -10, npnt=      17, iend= 10, ibeg=  9
     Edge    -13, npnt=      17, iend=  9, ibeg= 13
     Edge    -15, npnt=       9, iend= 13, ibeg= 10
...after sorting into Loops
   Loop      0 (0:2)
     Edge    -10, npnt=      17, iend= 10, ibeg=  9
     Edge    -13, npnt=      17, iend=  9, ibeg= 13
     Edge    -15, npnt=       9, iend= 13, ibeg= 10
Face      7 beginning
     Edge     -1, npnt=      17, iend=  2, ibeg=  1
     Edge     17, npnt=      26, ibeg=  8, iend= 14
     Edge     18, npnt=      32, ibeg=  1, iend=  8
     Edge     19, npnt=      23, ibeg= 14, iend=  2
...after sorting into Loops
   Loop      0 (0:3)
     Edge     -1, npnt=      17, iend=  2, ibeg=  1
     Edge     18, npnt=      32, ibeg=  1, iend=  8
     Edge     17, npnt=      26, ibeg=  8, iend= 14
     Edge     19, npnt=      23, ibeg= 14, iend=  2
Face      8 beginning
     Edge     -4, npnt=      33, iend=  5, ibeg=  4
     Edge     20, npnt=      23, ibeg= 15, iend=  5
     Edge     21, npnt=      62, ibeg= 16, iend= 15
     Edge     22, npnt=      23, ibeg=  4, iend= 16
...after sorting into Loops
   Loop      0 (0:3)
     Edge     -4, npnt=      33, iend=  5, ibeg=  4
     Edge     22, npnt=      23, ibeg=  4, iend= 16
     Edge     21, npnt=      62, ibeg= 16, iend= 15
     Edge     20, npnt=      23, ibeg= 15, iend=  5
Face      9 beginning
     Edge     -5, npnt=      12, iend=  7, ibeg=  6
     Edge    -16, npnt=       9, iend= 11, ibeg= 12
     Edge     23, npnt=      31, ibeg=  6, iend= 11
     Edge     24, npnt=      33, ibeg= 12, iend=  7
...after sorting into Loops
   Loop      0 (0:3)
     Edge     -5, npnt=      12, iend=  7, ibeg=  6
     Edge     23, npnt=      31, ibeg=  6, iend= 11
     Edge    -16, npnt=       9, iend= 11, ibeg= 12
     Edge     24, npnt=      33, ibeg= 12, iend=  7
Face     10 beginning
     Edge    -11, npnt=      17, iend=  8, ibeg= 11
     Edge    -17, npnt=      26, iend= 14, ibeg=  8
     Edge     25, npnt=      19, ibeg= 11, iend= 15
     Edge     26, npnt=      21, ibeg= 15, iend= 14
...after sorting into Loops
   Loop      0 (0:3)
     Edge    -11, npnt=      17, iend=  8, ibeg= 11
     Edge     25, npnt=      19, ibeg= 11, iend= 15
     Edge     26, npnt=      21, ibeg= 15, iend= 14
     Edge    -17, npnt=      26, iend= 14, ibeg=  8
Face     11 beginning
     Edge     -6, npnt=      12, iend=  6, ibeg=  5
     Edge    -20, npnt=      23, iend=  5, ibeg= 15
     Edge    -23, npnt=      31, iend= 11, ibeg=  6
     Edge    -25, npnt=      19, iend= 15, ibeg= 11
...after sorting into Loops
   Loop      0 (0:3)
     Edge     -6, npnt=      12, iend=  6, ibeg=  5
     Edge    -20, npnt=      23, iend=  5, ibeg= 15
     Edge    -25, npnt=      19, iend= 15, ibeg= 11
     Edge    -23, npnt=      31, iend= 11, ibeg=  6
Face     12 beginning
     Edge     -2, npnt=      17, iend=  1, ibeg=  3
     Edge    -18, npnt=      32, iend=  8, ibeg=  1
     Edge     27, npnt=      25, ibeg= 17, iend=  8
     Edge     28, npnt=      23, ibeg=  3, iend= 17
...after sorting into Loops
   Loop      0 (0:3)
     Edge     -2, npnt=      17, iend=  1, ibeg=  3
     Edge     28, npnt=      23, ibeg=  3, iend= 17
     Edge     27, npnt=      25, ibeg= 17, iend=  8
     Edge    -18, npnt=      32, iend=  8, ibeg=  1
Face     13 beginning
     Edge    -14, npnt=      17, iend= 12, ibeg=  8
     Edge    -27, npnt=      25, iend=  8, ibeg= 17
     Edge     29, npnt=      21, ibeg= 17, iend= 16
     Edge     30, npnt=      18, ibeg= 16, iend= 12
...after sorting into Loops
   Loop      0 (0:3)
     Edge    -14, npnt=      17, iend= 12, ibeg=  8
     Edge    -27, npnt=      25, iend=  8, ibeg= 17
     Edge     29, npnt=      21, ibeg= 17, iend= 16
     Edge     30, npnt=      18, ibeg= 16, iend= 12
Face     14 beginning
     Edge     -3, npnt=      33, iend=  3, ibeg=  2
     Edge    -19, npnt=      23, iend=  2, ibeg= 14
     Edge    -28, npnt=      23, iend= 17, ibeg=  3
     Edge     31, npnt=      64, ibeg= 14, iend= 17
...after sorting into Loops
   Loop      0 (0:3)
     Edge     -3, npnt=      33, iend=  3, ibeg=  2
     Edge    -19, npnt=      23, iend=  2, ibeg= 14
     Edge     31, npnt=      64, ibeg= 14, iend= 17
     Edge    -28, npnt=      23, iend= 17, ibeg=  3
Face     15 beginning
     Edge    -21, npnt=      62, iend= 15, ibeg= 16
     Edge    -26, npnt=      21, iend= 14, ibeg= 15
     Edge    -29, npnt=      21, iend= 16, ibeg= 17
     Edge    -31, npnt=      64, iend= 17, ibeg= 14
...after sorting into Loops
   Loop      0 (0:3)
     Edge    -21, npnt=      62, iend= 15, ibeg= 16
     Edge    -29, npnt=      21, iend= 16, ibeg= 17
     Edge    -31, npnt=      64, iend= 17, ibeg= 14
     Edge    -26, npnt=      21, iend= 14, ibeg= 15
Face     16 beginning
     Edge     -7, npnt=      11, iend=  4, ibeg=  7
     Edge    -22, npnt=      23, iend= 16, ibeg=  4
     Edge    -24, npnt=      33, iend=  7, ibeg= 12
     Edge    -30, npnt=      18, iend= 12, ibeg= 16
...after sorting into Loops
   Loop      0 (0:3)
     Edge     -7, npnt=      11, iend=  4, ibeg=  7
     Edge    -24, npnt=      33, iend=  7, ibeg= 12
     Edge    -30, npnt=      18, iend= 12, ibeg= 16
     Edge    -22, npnt=      23, iend= 16, ibeg=  4
rtype=0, nsmth=0
fit1dCloud(npnt=17, ncp=9) -> status=0, numiter=514, normf=  2.4080e-04, dotmin= 0.9614, nmin=2
rtype=0, nsmth=0
fit1dCloud(npnt=17, ncp=9) -> status=0, numiter=514, normf=  2.4080e-04, dotmin= 0.9614, nmin=2
rtype=0, nsmth=0
fit1dCloud(npnt=33, ncp=9) -> status=0, numiter=774, normf=  4.2593e-04, dotmin= 0.8790, nmin=4
rtype=0, nsmth=0
fit1dCloud(npnt=33, ncp=9) -> status=0, numiter=774, normf=  4.2593e-04, dotmin= 0.8790, nmin=4
rtype=0, nsmth=0
fit1dCloud(npnt=12, ncp=9) -> status=0, numiter=402, normf=  1.7605e-04, dotmin= 0.9818, nmin=1
rtype=0, nsmth=0
fit1dCloud(npnt=12, ncp=9) -> status=0, numiter=412, normf=  1.6679e-04, dotmin= 0.9817, nmin=1
rtype=0, nsmth=0
fit1dCloud(npnt=11, ncp=9) -> status=0, numiter=414, normf=  1.2413e-04, dotmin= 0.9844, nmin=1
rtype=0, nsmth=0
fit1dCloud(npnt=17, ncp=9) -> status=0, numiter=  8, normf=  3.5006e-07, dotmin=-nan(ind), nmin=2
rtype=0, nsmth=0
fit1dCloud(npnt=17, ncp=9) -> status=0, numiter=  8, normf=  3.7351e-07, dotmin=-nan(ind), nmin=2
rtype=0, nsmth=0
fit1dCloud(npnt=17, ncp=9) -> status=0, numiter=  8, normf=  3.6084e-07, dotmin=-nan(ind), nmin=2
rtype=0, nsmth=0
fit1dCloud(npnt=17, ncp=9) -> status=0, numiter=202, normf=  2.1021e-04, dotmin= 1.0000, nmin=2
rtype=0, nsmth=0
fit1dCloud(npnt=17, ncp=9) -> status=0, numiter=  8, normf=  3.7351e-07, dotmin=-nan(ind), nmin=2
rtype=0, nsmth=0
fit1dCloud(npnt=17, ncp=9) -> status=0, numiter=  8, normf=  3.6084e-07, dotmin=-nan(ind), nmin=2
rtype=0, nsmth=0
fit1dCloud(npnt=17, ncp=9) -> status=0, numiter=202, normf=  2.1021e-04, dotmin= 1.0000, nmin=2
rtype=0, nsmth=0
fit1dCloud(npnt=9, ncp=9) -> status=0, numiter=472, normf=  1.0011e-04, dotmin= 0.9658, nmin=1
rtype=0, nsmth=0
fit1dCloud(npnt=9, ncp=9) -> status=0, numiter=486, normf=  9.9262e-05, dotmin= 0.9670, nmin=1
rtype=0, nsmth=0
fit1dCloud(npnt=26, ncp=9) -> status=0, numiter=498, normf=  3.3299e-04, dotmin= 0.9587, nmin=3
rtype=0, nsmth=0
fit1dCloud(npnt=32, ncp=9) -> status=0, numiter=100, normf=  4.8649e-04, dotmin= 0.9999, nmin=4
rtype=0, nsmth=0
fit1dCloud(npnt=23, ncp=9) -> status=0, numiter=  8, normf=  7.5848e-07, dotmin=-nan(ind), nmin=2
rtype=0, nsmth=0
fit1dCloud(npnt=23, ncp=9) -> status=0, numiter=  8, normf=  7.5848e-07, dotmin=-nan(ind), nmin=2
rtype=0, nsmth=0
fit1dCloud(npnt=62, ncp=9) -> status=0, numiter=533, normf=  6.8306e-04, dotmin= 0.8774, nmin=6
rtype=0, nsmth=0
fit1dCloud(npnt=23, ncp=9) -> status=0, numiter=  8, normf=  7.5848e-07, dotmin=-nan(ind), nmin=2
rtype=0, nsmth=0
fit1dCloud(npnt=31, ncp=9) -> status=0, numiter=  8, normf=  5.1324e-04, dotmin= 1.0000, nmin=3
rtype=0, nsmth=0
fit1dCloud(npnt=33, ncp=9) -> status=0, numiter=  8, normf=  6.0209e-04, dotmin= 1.0000, nmin=2
rtype=0, nsmth=0
fit1dCloud(npnt=19, ncp=9) -> status=0, numiter=362, normf=  2.7223e-04, dotmin= 0.9854, nmin=2
rtype=0, nsmth=0
fit1dCloud(npnt=21, ncp=9) -> status=0, numiter=  8, normf=  5.5073e-07, dotmin=-nan(ind), nmin=2
rtype=0, nsmth=0
fit1dCloud(npnt=25, ncp=9) -> status=0, numiter=1000, normf=  3.1980e-04, dotmin= 0.9553, nmin=2
rtype=0, nsmth=0
fit1dCloud(npnt=23, ncp=9) -> status=0, numiter=  8, normf=  7.5848e-07, dotmin=-nan(ind), nmin=2
rtype=0, nsmth=0
fit1dCloud(npnt=21, ncp=9) -> status=0, numiter=  8, normf=  5.5073e-07, dotmin=-nan(ind), nmin=2
rtype=0, nsmth=0
fit1dCloud(npnt=18, ncp=9) -> status=0, numiter=377, normf=  3.8584e-04, dotmin= 0.9867, nmin=1
rtype=0, nsmth=0
fit1dCloud(npnt=64, ncp=9) -> status=0, numiter=473, normf=  7.0379e-04, dotmin= 0.8759, nmin=7
generateFits(1D), CPU=      0.40 sec

iface=  1   npnt=     302
            nfit=     302 (100%)

iface=  2   npnt=     299
            nfit=     299 (100%)

iface=  3   npnt=     241
            nfit=     151 ( 62%)

iface=  4   npnt=     236
            nfit=     145 ( 61%)

iface=  5   npnt=     148
            nfit=      96 ( 64%)
non-planar (fitting)  ipnt=1, prod=     0.08122
extracting south control points from iedge=   -9
extracting east  control points from iedge=   15
extracting north control points from iedge=  -12
extracting west  control points from iedge=   16

iface=  6   npnt=      80
            nfit=      80 (100%)

iface=  7   npnt=     310
            nfit=     181 ( 58%)
non-planar (fitting)  ipnt=1, prod=     0.03425
extracting south control points from iedge=   -1
extracting east  control points from iedge=   18
extracting north control points from iedge=   17
extracting west  control points from iedge=   19

iface=  8   npnt=     667
            nfit=     418 ( 62%)
non-planar (fitting)  ipnt=1, prod=     0.01162
extracting south control points from iedge=   -4
extracting east  control points from iedge=   22
extracting north control points from iedge=   21
extracting west  control points from iedge=   20

iface=  9   npnt=     187
            nfit=     108 ( 57%)
non-planar (fitting)  ipnt=1, prod=    -0.01804
extracting south control points from iedge=   -5
extracting east  control points from iedge=   23
extracting north control points from iedge=  -16
extracting west  control points from iedge=   24

iface= 10   npnt=     227
            nfit=     132 ( 58%)
non-planar (fitting)  ipnt=1, prod=    -0.07063
extracting south control points from iedge=  -11
extracting east  control points from iedge=   25
extracting north control points from iedge=   26
extracting west  control points from iedge=  -17

iface= 11   npnt=     224
            nfit=     131 ( 58%)
non-planar (fitting)  ipnt=1, prod=    -0.03309
extracting south control points from iedge=   -6
extracting east  control points from iedge=  -20
extracting north control points from iedge=  -25
extracting west  control points from iedge=  -23

iface= 12   npnt=     315
            nfit=     199 ( 63%)
non-planar (fitting)  ipnt=1, prod=     0.03056
extracting south control points from iedge=   -2
extracting east  control points from iedge=   28
extracting north control points from iedge=   27
extracting west  control points from iedge=  -18

iface= 13   npnt=     234
            nfit=     138 ( 58%)
non-planar (fitting)  ipnt=1, prod=     0.00222
extracting south control points from iedge=  -14
extracting east  control points from iedge=  -27
extracting north control points from iedge=   29
extracting west  control points from iedge=   30

iface= 14   npnt=     687
            nfit=     407 ( 59%)
non-planar (fitting)  ipnt=1, prod=     0.04193
extracting south control points from iedge=   -3
extracting east  control points from iedge=  -19
extracting north control points from iedge=   31
extracting west  control points from iedge=  -28

iface= 15   npnt=     679
            nfit=     398 ( 58%)
non-planar (fitting)  ipnt=1, prod=    -0.10927
extracting south control points from iedge=  -21
extracting east  control points from iedge=  -29
extracting north control points from iedge=  -31
extracting west  control points from iedge=  -26

iface= 16   npnt=     217
            nfit=     126 ( 58%)
non-planar (fitting)  ipnt=1, prod=    -0.03905
extracting south control points from iedge=   -7
extracting east  control points from iedge=  -24
extracting north control points from iedge=  -30
extracting west  control points from iedge=  -22
ID         1fe8: is master
ID         1fe8: iface   8 has   418 fitting Points
ID         2c88:           start thread
ID         2c88: iface  14 has   407 fitting Points
ID         1fe8: iface   8 complete with status=0, numiter=  9, normf=  4.5741e-04, dotmin= 1.0000, nmin=  3
ID         1fe8: iface  15 has   398 fitting Points
ID         2c88: iface  14 complete with status=0, numiter= 15, normf=  4.7667e-04, dotmin= 1.0000, nmin=  4
ID         2c88: iface   1 has   302 fitting Points
ID         2c88: iface   1 skipped
ID         2c88: iface   2 has   299 fitting Points
ID         2c88: iface   2 skipped
ID         2c88: iface  12 has   199 fitting Points
ID         1fe8: iface  15 complete with status=0, numiter= 11, normf=  5.2915e-04, dotmin= 1.0000, nmin=  3
ID         1fe8: iface   7 has   181 fitting Points
ID         1fe8: iface   7 complete with status=0, numiter= 13, normf=  3.4526e-04, dotmin= 1.0000, nmin=  0
ID         1fe8: iface   3 has   151 fitting Points
ID         1fe8: iface   3 skipped
ID         1fe8: iface   4 has   145 fitting Points
ID         1fe8: iface   4 skipped
ID         1fe8: iface  13 has   138 fitting Points
ID         1fe8: iface  13 complete with status=0, numiter=100, normf=  2.3828e-04, dotmin= 1.0000, nmin=  1
ID         1fe8: iface  10 has   132 fitting Points
ID         1fe8: iface  10 complete with status=0, numiter=  9, normf=  2.0571e-04, dotmin= 1.0000, nmin=  0
ID         1fe8: iface  11 has   131 fitting Points
ID         1fe8: iface  11 complete with status=0, numiter=  9, normf=  2.5061e-04, dotmin= 1.0000, nmin=  0
ID         1fe8: iface  16 has   126 fitting Points
ID         1fe8: iface  16 complete with status=0, numiter=  9, normf=  3.4894e-04, dotmin= 1.0000, nmin=  0
ID         1fe8: iface   9 has   108 fitting Points
ID         1fe8: iface   9 complete with status=0, numiter=  9, normf=  3.6396e-04, dotmin= 1.0000, nmin=  0
ID         1fe8: iface   5 has    96 fitting Points
ID         2c88: iface  12 complete with status=0, numiter= 79, normf=  3.0148e-04, dotmin= 1.0000, nmin=  1
ID         2c88: iface   6 has    80 fitting Points
ID         2c88: iface   6 skipped
ID         2c88:           stop  thread
ID         1fe8: iface   5 complete with status=0, numiter= 14, normf=  1.5677e-04, dotmin= 1.0000, nmin=  0
generateFits(2D), CPU=      2.09 sec
inode=  1, nedg=  3, xyz=  -3.00000    0.00000    1.00000
inode=  2, nedg=  3, xyz=  -3.00000    1.00000   -0.00000
inode=  3, nedg=  3, xyz=  -3.00000   -1.00000    0.00000
inode=  4, nedg=  3, xyz=   3.00000   -1.00000    0.00000
inode=  5, nedg=  3, xyz=   3.00000    1.00000   -0.00000
inode=  6, nedg=  3, xyz=   3.00000    0.47140    0.88192
inode=  7, nedg=  3, xyz=   3.00000   -0.55557    0.83147
inode=  8, nedg=  6, xyz=  -1.00000    0.00000    1.00000
inode=  9, nedg=  3, xyz=  -1.00000    0.00000    3.00000
inode= 10, nedg=  3, xyz=   1.00000    0.50000    3.00000
inode= 11, nedg=  5, xyz=   1.00000    0.50000    0.86603
inode= 12, nedg=  5, xyz=   1.00000   -0.50000    0.86603
inode= 13, nedg=  3, xyz=   1.00000   -0.50000    3.00000
inode= 14, nedg=  4, xyz=  -0.93750    1.00000   -0.00000
inode= 15, nedg=  4, xyz=   0.93750    1.00000   -0.00000
inode= 16, nedg=  4, xyz=   0.93750   -1.00000    0.00000
inode= 17, nedg=  4, xyz=  -0.93750   -1.00000    0.00000
iedge=  1, ibeg=  1, iend=  2, ileft=  1, irite=  7
iedge=  2, ibeg=  3, iend=  1, ileft=  1, irite= 12
iedge=  3, ibeg=  2, iend=  3, ileft=  1, irite= 14
iedge=  4, ibeg=  4, iend=  5, ileft=  2, irite=  8
iedge=  5, ibeg=  6, iend=  7, ileft=  2, irite=  9
iedge=  6, ibeg=  5, iend=  6, ileft=  2, irite= 11
iedge=  7, ibeg=  7, iend=  4, ileft=  2, irite= 16
iedge=  8, ibeg=  8, iend=  9, ileft=  3, irite=  4
iedge=  9, ibeg= 10, iend= 11, ileft=  3, irite=  5
iedge= 10, ibeg=  9, iend= 10, ileft=  3, irite=  6
iedge= 11, ibeg= 11, iend=  8, ileft=  3, irite= 10
iedge= 12, ibeg= 12, iend= 13, ileft=  4, irite=  5
iedge= 13, ibeg= 13, iend=  9, ileft=  4, irite=  6
iedge= 14, ibeg=  8, iend= 12, ileft=  4, irite= 13
iedge= 15, ibeg= 10, iend= 13, ileft=  5, irite=  6
iedge= 16, ibeg= 12, iend= 11, ileft=  5, irite=  9
iedge= 17, ibeg=  8, iend= 14, ileft=  7, irite= 10
iedge= 18, ibeg=  1, iend=  8, ileft=  7, irite= 12
iedge= 19, ibeg= 14, iend=  2, ileft=  7, irite= 14
iedge= 20, ibeg= 15, iend=  5, ileft=  8, irite= 11
iedge= 21, ibeg= 16, iend= 15, ileft=  8, irite= 15
iedge= 22, ibeg=  4, iend= 16, ileft=  8, irite= 16
iedge= 23, ibeg=  6, iend= 11, ileft=  9, irite= 11
iedge= 24, ibeg= 12, iend=  7, ileft=  9, irite= 16
iedge= 25, ibeg= 11, iend= 15, ileft= 10, irite= 11
iedge= 26, ibeg= 15, iend= 14, ileft= 10, irite= 15
iedge= 27, ibeg= 17, iend=  8, ileft= 12, irite= 13
iedge= 28, ibeg=  3, iend= 17, ileft= 12, irite= 14
iedge= 29, ibeg= 17, iend= 16, ileft= 13, irite= 15
iedge= 30, ibeg= 16, iend= 12, ileft= 13, irite= 16
iedge= 31, ibeg= 14, iend= 17, ileft= 14, irite= 15
iface=  1, icol=  1, nedg=  3, nlup=  1
           edg=   1   3   2
           lup=   0
iface=  2, icol=  2, nedg=  4, nlup=  1
           edg=   4   6   5   7
           lup=   0
iface=  3, icol=  3, nedg=  4, nlup=  1
           edg=   8  10   9  11
           lup=   0
iface=  4, icol=  4, nedg=  4, nlup=  1
           edg=  -8  14  12  13
           lup=   0
iface=  5, icol=  5, nedg=  4, nlup=  1
           edg=  -9  15 -12  16
           lup=   0
iface=  6, icol=  6, nedg=  3, nlup=  1
           edg= -10 -13 -15
           lup=   0
iface=  7, icol=  7, nedg=  4, nlup=  1
           edg=  -1  18  17  19
           lup=   0
iface=  8, icol=  8, nedg=  4, nlup=  1
           edg=  -4  22  21  20
           lup=   0
iface=  9, icol=  9, nedg=  4, nlup=  1
           edg=  -5  23 -16  24
           lup=   0
iface= 10, icol= 10, nedg=  4, nlup=  1
           edg= -11  25  26 -17
           lup=   0
iface= 11, icol= 11, nedg=  4, nlup=  1
           edg=  -6 -20 -25 -23
           lup=   0
iface= 12, icol= 12, nedg=  4, nlup=  1
           edg=  -2  28  27 -18
           lup=   0
iface= 13, icol= 13, nedg=  4, nlup=  1
           edg= -14 -27  29  30
           lup=   0
iface= 14, icol= 14, nedg=  4, nlup=  1
           edg=  -3 -19  31 -28
           lup=   0
iface= 15, icol= 15, nedg=  4, nlup=  1
           edg= -21 -29 -31 -26
           lup=   0
iface= 16, icol= 16, nedg=  4, nlup=  1
           edg=  -7 -24 -30 -22
           lup=   0
cp[ 0]:      0.00000      0.00000      0.00000
cp[ 8]:      0.84180     -3.00000      0.71179
EG_makeGeometry(CURVE) -> status=0
cp[ 0]:      0.00000      0.00000      0.00000
cp[ 8]:      0.55326     -3.00000     -0.71179
EG_makeGeometry(CURVE) -> status=0
cp[ 0]:      0.00000      0.00000      0.00000
cp[ 8]:     -0.93448     -3.00000     -0.00000
EG_makeGeometry(CURVE) -> status=0
cp[ 0]:      0.00000      0.00000      0.00000
cp[ 8]:     -0.93448      3.00000     -0.00000
EG_makeGeometry(CURVE) -> status=0
cp[ 0]:      0.00000      0.00000      0.00000
cp[ 8]:      0.99915      3.00000     -0.04923
EG_makeGeometry(CURVE) -> status=0
cp[ 0]:      0.00000      0.00000      0.00000
cp[ 8]:      0.39325      3.00000      0.86053
EG_makeGeometry(CURVE) -> status=0
cp[ 0]:      0.00000      0.00000      0.00000
cp[ 8]:      0.57870      3.00000     -0.88428
EG_makeGeometry(CURVE) -> status=0
cp[ 0]:      0.00000      0.00000      0.00000
cp[ 8]:      1.75000     -1.00000      0.00000
EG_makeGeometry(CURVE) -> status=0
cp[ 0]:      0.00000      0.00000      0.00000
cp[ 8]:      2.19976      1.00000      0.50000
EG_makeGeometry(CURVE) -> status=0
cp[ 0]:      0.00000      0.00000      0.00000
cp[ 8]:      3.00000      0.00000      0.25000
EG_makeGeometry(CURVE) -> status=0
cp[ 0]:      0.00000      0.00000      0.00000
cp[ 8]:      0.95033      0.00307      0.25077
EG_makeGeometry(CURVE) -> status=0
cp[ 0]:      0.00000      0.00000      0.00000
cp[ 8]:      1.66626      1.00000     -0.50000
EG_makeGeometry(CURVE) -> status=0
cp[ 0]:      0.00000      0.00000      0.00000
cp[ 8]:      3.00000     -0.00000     -0.25000
EG_makeGeometry(CURVE) -> status=0
cp[ 0]:      0.00000      0.00000      0.00000
cp[ 8]:      0.98278      0.00307     -0.25077
EG_makeGeometry(CURVE) -> status=0
cp[ 0]:      0.00000      0.00000      0.00000
cp[ 8]:      3.00000      1.20477     -0.00000
EG_makeGeometry(CURVE) -> status=0
cp[ 0]:      0.00000      0.00000      0.00000
cp[ 8]:      0.99307      1.20485     -0.00003
EG_makeGeometry(CURVE) -> status=0
cp[ 0]:      0.00000      0.00000      0.00000
cp[ 8]:      0.84587     -0.96640      0.70497
EG_makeGeometry(CURVE) -> status=0
cp[ 0]:      0.00000      0.00000      0.00000
cp[ 8]:      0.99852     -1.99976     -0.00058
EG_makeGeometry(CURVE) -> status=0
cp[ 0]:      0.00000      0.00000      0.00000
cp[ 8]:     -0.00000     -1.96875      1.00000
EG_makeGeometry(CURVE) -> status=0
cp[ 0]:      0.00000      0.00000      0.00000
cp[ 8]:     -0.00000      1.96875      1.00000
EG_makeGeometry(CURVE) -> status=0
cp[ 0]:      0.00000      0.00000      0.00000
cp[ 8]:     -0.94081      0.98974      0.01321
EG_makeGeometry(CURVE) -> status=0
cp[ 0]:      0.00000      0.00000      0.00000
cp[ 8]:      0.00000      1.96875     -1.00000
EG_makeGeometry(CURVE) -> status=0
cp[ 0]:      0.00000      0.00000      0.00000
cp[ 8]:      0.87500      2.00020      0.48515
EG_makeGeometry(CURVE) -> status=0
cp[ 0]:      0.00000      0.00000      0.00000
cp[ 8]:      0.85107      1.99993     -0.52720
EG_makeGeometry(CURVE) -> status=0
cp[ 0]:      0.00000      0.00000      0.00000
cp[ 8]:      0.60721      0.96791      0.87108
EG_makeGeometry(CURVE) -> status=0
cp[ 0]:      0.00000      0.00000      0.00000
cp[ 8]:     -0.00000     -0.00000      1.00000
EG_makeGeometry(CURVE) -> status=0
cp[ 0]:      0.00000      0.00000      0.00000
cp[ 8]:      0.60048     -0.97380     -0.65811
EG_makeGeometry(CURVE) -> status=0
cp[ 0]:      0.00000      0.00000      0.00000
cp[ 8]:      0.00000     -1.96875     -1.00000
EG_makeGeometry(CURVE) -> status=0
cp[ 0]:      0.00000      0.00000      0.00000
cp[ 8]:      0.00000      0.00000     -1.00000
EG_makeGeometry(CURVE) -> status=0
cp[ 0]:      0.00000      0.00000      0.00000
cp[ 8]:      0.38874      0.97006     -0.86331
EG_makeGeometry(CURVE) -> status=0
cp[ 0]:      0.00000      0.00000      0.00000
cp[ 8]:     -0.93543     -0.90694      0.00086
EG_makeGeometry(CURVE) -> status=0

iface=  1  is planar, so accuracy is not computed

iface=  2  is planar, so accuracy is not computed

iface=  3  is planar, so accuracy is not computed

iface=  4  is planar, so accuracy is not computed
iface=5, nedg=4, nlup=1
cpdata[ 0, 0]:      1.00000      0.50000      0.86603
cpdata[ 8, 0]:      1.00000      0.50000      3.00000
cpdata[ 0, 8]:      1.00000     -0.50000      0.86603
cpdata[ 8, 8]:      1.00000     -0.50000      3.00000
EG_makeGeometry(SURFACE) -> status=0
EG_makeGeometry(PCURVE 0) -> status=0
EG_makeGeometry(PCURVE 1) -> status=0
EG_makeGeometry(PCURVE 2) -> status=0
EG_makeGeometry(PCURVE 3) -> status=0
EG_makeTopology(LOOP) -> status=0
EG_makeTopology(FACE) -> status=0

iface=  5  nfit=      96  rms=  3.193e-04
           npnt=     148  rms=  3.439e-04

iface=  6  is planar, so accuracy is not computed
iface=7, nedg=4, nlup=1
cpdata[ 0, 0]:     -3.00000      1.00000     -0.00000
cpdata[ 8, 0]:     -3.00000      0.00000      1.00000
cpdata[ 0, 8]:     -0.93750      1.00000     -0.00000
cpdata[ 8, 8]:     -1.00000      0.00000      1.00000
EG_makeGeometry(SURFACE) -> status=0
EG_makeGeometry(PCURVE 0) -> status=0
EG_makeGeometry(PCURVE 1) -> status=0
EG_makeGeometry(PCURVE 2) -> status=0
EG_makeGeometry(PCURVE 3) -> status=0
EG_makeTopology(LOOP) -> status=0
EG_makeTopology(FACE) -> status=0

iface=  7  nfit=     181  rms=  6.545e-04
           npnt=     310  rms=  6.406e-04
iface=8, nedg=4, nlup=1
cpdata[ 0, 0]:      3.00000      1.00000     -0.00000
cpdata[ 8, 0]:      3.00000     -1.00000      0.00000
cpdata[ 0, 8]:      0.93750      1.00000     -0.00000
cpdata[ 8, 8]:      0.93750     -1.00000      0.00000
EG_makeGeometry(SURFACE) -> status=0
EG_makeGeometry(PCURVE 0) -> status=0
EG_makeGeometry(PCURVE 1) -> status=0
EG_makeGeometry(PCURVE 2) -> status=0
EG_makeGeometry(PCURVE 3) -> status=0
EG_makeTopology(LOOP) -> status=0
EG_makeTopology(FACE) -> status=0

iface=  8  nfit=     418  rms=  8.267e-04
           npnt=     667  rms=  8.414e-04
iface=9, nedg=4, nlup=1
cpdata[ 0, 0]:      3.00000     -0.55557      0.83147
cpdata[ 8, 0]:      3.00000      0.47140      0.88192
cpdata[ 0, 8]:      1.00000     -0.50000      0.86603
cpdata[ 8, 8]:      1.00000      0.50000      0.86603
EG_makeGeometry(SURFACE) -> status=0
EG_makeGeometry(PCURVE 0) -> status=0
EG_makeGeometry(PCURVE 1) -> status=0
EG_makeGeometry(PCURVE 2) -> status=0
EG_makeGeometry(PCURVE 3) -> status=0
EG_makeTopology(LOOP) -> status=0
EG_makeTopology(FACE) -> status=0

iface=  9  nfit=     108  rms=  7.434e-04
           npnt=     187  rms=  7.275e-04
iface=10, nedg=4, nlup=1
cpdata[ 0, 0]:     -1.00000      0.00000      1.00000
cpdata[ 8, 0]:      1.00000      0.50000      0.86603
cpdata[ 0, 8]:     -0.93750      1.00000     -0.00000
cpdata[ 8, 8]:      0.93750      1.00000     -0.00000
EG_makeGeometry(SURFACE) -> status=0
EG_makeGeometry(PCURVE 0) -> status=0
EG_makeGeometry(PCURVE 1) -> status=0
EG_makeGeometry(PCURVE 2) -> status=0
EG_makeGeometry(PCURVE 3) -> status=0
EG_makeTopology(LOOP) -> status=0
EG_makeTopology(FACE) -> status=0

iface= 10  nfit=     132  rms=  4.079e-04
           npnt=     227  rms=  4.438e-04
iface=11, nedg=4, nlup=1
cpdata[ 0, 0]:      3.00000      0.47140      0.88192
cpdata[ 8, 0]:      3.00000      1.00000     -0.00000
cpdata[ 0, 8]:      1.00000      0.50000      0.86603
cpdata[ 8, 8]:      0.93750      1.00000     -0.00000
EG_makeGeometry(SURFACE) -> status=0
EG_makeGeometry(PCURVE 0) -> status=0
EG_makeGeometry(PCURVE 1) -> status=0
EG_makeGeometry(PCURVE 2) -> status=0
EG_makeGeometry(PCURVE 3) -> status=0
EG_makeTopology(LOOP) -> status=0
EG_makeTopology(FACE) -> status=0

iface= 11  nfit=     131  rms=  4.965e-04
           npnt=     224  rms=  5.340e-04
iface=12, nedg=4, nlup=1
cpdata[ 0, 0]:     -3.00000      0.00000      1.00000
cpdata[ 8, 0]:     -3.00000     -1.00000      0.00000
cpdata[ 0, 8]:     -1.00000      0.00000      1.00000
cpdata[ 8, 8]:     -0.93750     -1.00000      0.00000
EG_makeGeometry(SURFACE) -> status=0
EG_makeGeometry(PCURVE 0) -> status=0
EG_makeGeometry(PCURVE 1) -> status=0
EG_makeGeometry(PCURVE 2) -> status=0
EG_makeGeometry(PCURVE 3) -> status=0
EG_makeTopology(LOOP) -> status=0
EG_makeTopology(FACE) -> status=0

iface= 12  nfit=     199  rms=  5.532e-04
           npnt=     315  rms=  6.061e-04
iface=13, nedg=4, nlup=1
cpdata[ 0, 0]:      1.00000     -0.50000      0.86603
cpdata[ 8, 0]:     -1.00000      0.00000      1.00000
cpdata[ 0, 8]:      0.93750     -1.00000      0.00000
cpdata[ 8, 8]:     -0.93750     -1.00000      0.00000
EG_makeGeometry(SURFACE) -> status=0
EG_makeGeometry(PCURVE 0) -> status=0
EG_makeGeometry(PCURVE 1) -> status=0
EG_makeGeometry(PCURVE 2) -> status=0
EG_makeGeometry(PCURVE 3) -> status=0
EG_makeTopology(LOOP) -> status=0
EG_makeTopology(FACE) -> status=0

iface= 13  nfit=     138  rms=  4.341e-04
           npnt=     234  rms=  4.842e-04
iface=14, nedg=4, nlup=1
cpdata[ 0, 0]:     -3.00000     -1.00000      0.00000
cpdata[ 8, 0]:     -3.00000      1.00000     -0.00000
cpdata[ 0, 8]:     -0.93750     -1.00000      0.00000
cpdata[ 8, 8]:     -0.93750      1.00000     -0.00000
EG_makeGeometry(SURFACE) -> status=0
EG_makeGeometry(PCURVE 0) -> status=0
EG_makeGeometry(PCURVE 1) -> status=0
EG_makeGeometry(PCURVE 2) -> status=0
EG_makeGeometry(PCURVE 3) -> status=0
EG_makeTopology(LOOP) -> status=0
EG_makeTopology(FACE) -> status=0

iface= 14  nfit=     407  rms=  8.490e-04
           npnt=     687  rms=  8.658e-04
iface=15, nedg=4, nlup=1
cpdata[ 0, 0]:      0.93750      1.00000     -0.00000
cpdata[ 8, 0]:      0.93750     -1.00000      0.00000
cpdata[ 0, 8]:     -0.93750      1.00000     -0.00000
cpdata[ 8, 8]:     -0.93750     -1.00000      0.00000
EG_makeGeometry(SURFACE) -> status=0
EG_makeGeometry(PCURVE 0) -> status=0
EG_makeGeometry(PCURVE 1) -> status=0
EG_makeGeometry(PCURVE 2) -> status=0
EG_makeGeometry(PCURVE 3) -> status=0
EG_makeTopology(LOOP) -> status=0
EG_makeTopology(FACE) -> status=0

iface= 15  nfit=     398  rms=  9.468e-04
           npnt=     679  rms=  9.474e-04
iface=16, nedg=4, nlup=1
cpdata[ 0, 0]:      3.00000     -1.00000      0.00000
cpdata[ 8, 0]:      3.00000     -0.55557      0.83147
cpdata[ 0, 8]:      0.93750     -1.00000      0.00000
cpdata[ 8, 8]:      1.00000     -0.50000      0.86603
EG_makeGeometry(SURFACE) -> status=0
EG_makeGeometry(PCURVE 0) -> status=0
EG_makeGeometry(PCURVE 1) -> status=0
EG_makeGeometry(PCURVE 2) -> status=0
EG_makeGeometry(PCURVE 3) -> status=0
EG_makeTopology(LOOP) -> status=0
EG_makeTopology(FACE) -> status=0

iface= 16  nfit=     126  rms=  6.811e-04
           npnt=     217  rms=  6.364e-04
before makeTopology(SHELL, nfaces=16, closed=1)
File "../../OpenCSM/trunk/data/Slugs/tutorial1.egads" is being written
==> Closing input journal file

real	0m6.971s
user	0m0.000s
sys	0m0.046s
+ set +x
tutorial1                           passed (as expected)
+ 'C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\ESP_RegCaps\7.7\OpenCSM\data\Slugs\WIN64.2019\ESP\WIN64/bin/serveESP' '..\..\OpenCSM\trunk\data\Slugs\tutorial1' -outLevel 0 -batch -verify
==> serveESP completed successfully

real	0m1.175s
user	0m0.015s
sys	0m0.015s
+ set +x
tutorial1                           passed (as expected)
( 17 )
+ 'C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\ESP_RegCaps\7.7\OpenCSM\data\Slugs\WIN64.2019\ESP\WIN64/bin/Slugs' '..\..\OpenCSM\trunk\data\Slugs\wing_0' -outLevel 0 -batch -jrnl '..\..\OpenCSM\trunk\data\Slugs\wing_0.mod.jrnl' -subsample 10
    After reading: npnt =    75954
                   ntri =   151904
==> Opening input journal file "..\..\OpenCSM\trunk\data\Slugs\wing_0.mod.jrnl"
starting dijkstra passes . done
starting dijkstra passes . done
starting dijkstra passes . done
starting dijkstra passes .. done
starting dijkstra passes . done
starting dijkstra passes .. done
starting dijkstra passes . done
starting dijkstra passes . done
starting dijkstra passes . done
starting dijkstra passes . done
Face      1 beginning
     Edge      1, npnt=      82, ibeg=  1, iend=  2
     Edge      2, npnt=      82, ibeg=  2, iend=  1
...after sorting into Loops
   Loop      0 (0:1)
     Edge      1, npnt=      82, ibeg=  1, iend=  2
     Edge      2, npnt=      82, ibeg=  2, iend=  1
Face      2 beginning
     Edge      3, npnt=      52, ibeg=  3, iend=  4
     Edge      4, npnt=      53, ibeg=  4, iend=  3
...after sorting into Loops
   Loop      0 (0:1)
     Edge      3, npnt=      52, ibeg=  3, iend=  4
     Edge      4, npnt=      53, ibeg=  4, iend=  3
Face      3 beginning
     Edge     -1, npnt=      82, iend=  2, ibeg=  1
     Edge     -3, npnt=      52, iend=  4, ibeg=  3
     Edge      5, npnt=    1025, ibeg=  1, iend=  4
     Edge      6, npnt=     257, ibeg=  3, iend=  2
...after sorting into Loops
   Loop      0 (0:3)
     Edge     -1, npnt=      82, iend=  2, ibeg=  1
     Edge      5, npnt=    1025, ibeg=  1, iend=  4
     Edge     -3, npnt=      52, iend=  4, ibeg=  3
     Edge      6, npnt=     257, ibeg=  3, iend=  2
Face      4 beginning
     Edge     -2, npnt=      82, iend=  1, ibeg=  2
     Edge     -4, npnt=      53, iend=  3, ibeg=  4
     Edge     -5, npnt=    1025, iend=  4, ibeg=  1
     Edge     -6, npnt=     257, iend=  2, ibeg=  3
...after sorting into Loops
   Loop      0 (0:3)
     Edge     -2, npnt=      82, iend=  1, ibeg=  2
     Edge     -6, npnt=     257, iend=  2, ibeg=  3
     Edge     -4, npnt=      53, iend=  3, ibeg=  4
     Edge     -5, npnt=    1025, iend=  4, ibeg=  1
rtype=0, nsmth=0
fit1dCloud(npnt=82, ncp=9) -> status=0, numiter=389, normf=  5.1365e-04, dotmin= 0.4369, nmin=6
rtype=0, nsmth=0
fit1dCloud(npnt=82, ncp=9) -> status=0, numiter=387, normf=  7.3607e-04, dotmin= 0.4046, nmin=7
rtype=0, nsmth=0
fit1dCloud(npnt=52, ncp=9) -> status=0, numiter=411, normf=  3.0312e-04, dotmin= 0.4520, nmin=3
rtype=0, nsmth=0
fit1dCloud(npnt=53, ncp=9) -> status=0, numiter=409, normf=  4.1968e-04, dotmin= 0.3874, nmin=4
rtype=0, nsmth=0
fit1dCloud(npnt=1025, ncp=9) -> status=0, numiter= 14, normf=  4.3780e-06, dotmin= 1.0000, nmin=128
rtype=0, nsmth=0
fit1dCloud(npnt=257, ncp=9) -> status=0, numiter= 13, normf=  1.0694e-06, dotmin= 1.0000, nmin=32
generateFits(1D), CPU=      0.20 sec

iface=  1   npnt=     543
            nfit=     214 ( 39%)

iface=  2   npnt=     239
            nfit=     134 ( 56%)

iface=  3   npnt=   37529
            nfit=    1796 (  4%)
non-planar (fitting)  ipnt=7, prod=    -0.00130
extracting south control points from iedge=   -1
extracting east  control points from iedge=    5
extracting north control points from iedge=   -3
extracting west  control points from iedge=    6

iface=  4   npnt=   39190
            nfit=    1677 (  4%)
non-planar (fitting)  ipnt=1, prod=     0.00480
extracting south control points from iedge=   -2
extracting east  control points from iedge=   -6
extracting north control points from iedge=   -4
extracting west  control points from iedge=   -5
ID         2254: is master
ID         2254: iface   3 has  1796 fitting Points
ID         20b8:           start thread
ID         20b8: iface   4 has  1677 fitting Points
ID         20b8: iface   4 complete with status=0, numiter= 10, normf=  4.2024e-04, dotmin= 1.0000, nmin= 15
ID         20b8: iface   1 has   214 fitting Points
ID         20b8: iface   1 skipped
ID         20b8: iface   2 has   134 fitting Points
ID         20b8: iface   2 skipped
ID         20b8:           stop  thread
ID         2254: iface   3 complete with status=0, numiter= 12, normf=  1.5876e-04, dotmin= 1.0000, nmin= 13
generateFits(2D), CPU=      1.49 sec
inode=  1, nedg=  3, xyz=   0.00000    0.00000    0.00000
inode=  2, nedg=  3, xyz=   4.72456   -0.00000   -0.00000
inode=  3, nedg=  3, xyz=   5.15653   13.47582    1.15737
inode=  4, nedg=  3, xyz=   2.33259   13.22876    1.15737
iedge=  1, ibeg=  1, iend=  2, ileft=  1, irite=  3
iedge=  2, ibeg=  2, iend=  1, ileft=  1, irite=  4
iedge=  3, ibeg=  3, iend=  4, ileft=  2, irite=  3
iedge=  4, ibeg=  4, iend=  3, ileft=  2, irite=  4
iedge=  5, ibeg=  1, iend=  4, ileft=  3, irite=  4
iedge=  6, ibeg=  3, iend=  2, ileft=  3, irite=  4
iface=  1, icol=  1, nedg=  2, nlup=  1
           edg=   1   2
           lup=   0
iface=  2, icol=  2, nedg=  2, nlup=  1
           edg=   3   4
           lup=   0
iface=  3, icol=  3, nedg=  4, nlup=  1
           edg=  -1   5  -3   6
           lup=   0
iface=  4, icol=  4, nedg=  4, nlup=  1
           edg=  -2  -6  -4  -5
           lup=   0
cp[ 0]:      0.00000      0.00000      0.00000
cp[ 8]:     -0.14217      1.32156     -0.00000
EG_makeGeometry(CURVE) -> status=0
cp[ 0]:      0.00000      0.00000      0.00000
cp[ 8]:      0.46817      1.31402      0.00000
EG_makeGeometry(CURVE) -> status=0
cp[ 0]:      0.00000      0.00000      0.00000
cp[ 8]:      1.11072      3.12142     13.29777
EG_makeGeometry(CURVE) -> status=0
cp[ 0]:      0.00000      0.00000      0.00000
cp[ 8]:      1.38522      3.11045     13.29681
EG_makeGeometry(CURVE) -> status=0
cp[ 0]:      0.00000      0.00000      0.00000
cp[ 8]:      0.43400      1.16629      6.61438
EG_makeGeometry(CURVE) -> status=0
cp[ 0]:      0.00000      0.00000      0.00000
cp[ 8]:      0.72336      4.94054      6.73791
EG_makeGeometry(CURVE) -> status=0

iface=  1  is planar, so accuracy is not computed

iface=  2  is planar, so accuracy is not computed
iface=3, nedg=4, nlup=1
cpdata[ 0, 0]:      4.72456      0.00000     -0.00000
cpdata[ 8, 0]:      0.00000      0.00000      0.00000
cpdata[ 0, 8]:      5.15653     13.47582      1.15737
cpdata[ 8, 8]:      2.33259     13.22876      1.15737
EG_makeGeometry(SURFACE) -> status=0
EG_makeGeometry(PCURVE 0) -> status=0
EG_makeGeometry(PCURVE 1) -> status=0
EG_makeGeometry(PCURVE 2) -> status=0
EG_makeGeometry(PCURVE 3) -> status=0
EG_makeTopology(LOOP) -> status=0
EG_makeTopology(FACE) -> status=0

iface=  3  nfit=    1796  rms=  2.515e-04
           npnt=   37529  rms=  2.583e-04
iface=4, nedg=4, nlup=1
cpdata[ 0, 0]:      0.00000      0.00000      0.00000
cpdata[ 8, 0]:      4.72456      0.00000     -0.00000
cpdata[ 0, 8]:      2.33259     13.22876      1.15737
cpdata[ 8, 8]:      5.15653     13.47582      1.15737
EG_makeGeometry(SURFACE) -> status=0
EG_makeGeometry(PCURVE 0) -> status=0
EG_makeGeometry(PCURVE 1) -> status=0
EG_makeGeometry(PCURVE 2) -> status=0
EG_makeGeometry(PCURVE 3) -> status=0
EG_makeTopology(LOOP) -> status=0
EG_makeTopology(FACE) -> status=0

iface=  4  nfit=    1677  rms=  7.025e-04
           npnt=   39190  rms=  4.993e-04
before makeTopology(SHELL, nfaces=4, closed=1)
File "../../OpenCSM/trunk/data/Slugs/wing_1.egads" is being written
==> Closing input journal file

real	0m52.916s
user	0m0.000s
sys	0m0.015s
+ set +x
wing_0                              passed (as expected)
+ 'C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\ESP_RegCaps\7.7\OpenCSM\data\Slugs\WIN64.2019\ESP\WIN64/bin/serveESP' '..\..\OpenCSM\trunk\data\Slugs\wing_1' -outLevel 0 -batch -verify
==> serveESP completed successfully with 1 warnings

real	0m0.744s
user	0m0.015s
sys	0m0.031s
+ set +x
wing_1                              passed (as expected)
================================         Found errors             ================================

(venv) C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\ESP_RegCaps\7.7\OpenCSM\data\Slugs\WIN64.2019\ESP\test>echo on 

(venv) C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\ESP_RegCaps\7.7\OpenCSM\data\Slugs\WIN64.2019\ESP\test>set /a "err=0+0+0+0" 

(venv) C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\ESP_RegCaps\7.7\OpenCSM\data\Slugs\WIN64.2019\ESP\test>exit /b 0 

(venv) C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\ESP_RegCaps\7.7\OpenCSM\data\Slugs\WIN64.2019\CAPS\aim\skeleton>exit 0 
[GNU C Compiler (gcc)] Parsing console log (workspace: 'C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\ESP_RegCaps\7.7\OpenCSM\data\Slugs\WIN64.2019')
[GNU C Compiler (gcc)] Successfully parsed console log
[GNU C Compiler (gcc)] -> found 0 issues (skipped 0 duplicates)
[GNU C Compiler (gcc)] Skipping post processing
[GNU C Compiler (gcc)] No filter has been set, publishing all 0 issues
[GNU C Compiler (gcc)] Repository miner is not configured, skipping repository mining
[Clang] Parsing console log (workspace: 'C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\ESP_RegCaps\7.7\OpenCSM\data\Slugs\WIN64.2019')
[Clang] -> found 0 issues (skipped 0 duplicates)
[Clang] Parsing console log (workspace: 'C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\ESP_RegCaps\7.7\OpenCSM\data\Slugs\WIN64.2019')
[Clang] -> found 0 issues (skipped 0 duplicates)
[Clang] Successfully parsed console log
[Clang] -> found 0 issues (skipped 0 duplicates)
[Clang] Parsing console log (workspace: 'C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\ESP_RegCaps\7.7\OpenCSM\data\Slugs\WIN64.2019')
[Clang] Skipping post processing
[Clang] No filter has been set, publishing all 0 issues
[Clang] Repository miner is not configured, skipping repository mining
[Static Analysis] Successfully parsed console log
[Static Analysis] -> found 0 issues (skipped 0 duplicates)
[Static Analysis] Parsing console log (workspace: 'C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\ESP_RegCaps\7.7\OpenCSM\data\Slugs\WIN64.2019')
[Static Analysis] Successfully parsed console log
[Static Analysis] -> found 0 issues (skipped 0 duplicates)
[Static Analysis] Skipping post processing
[Static Analysis] No filter has been set, publishing all 0 issues
[Static Analysis] Repository miner is not configured, skipping repository mining
[Static Analysis] Successfully parsed console log
[Static Analysis] -> found 0 issues (skipped 0 duplicates)
[Static Analysis] Successfully parsed console log
[Static Analysis] -> found 0 issues (skipped 0 duplicates)
[Static Analysis] Successfully parsed console log
[Static Analysis] -> found 0 issues (skipped 0 duplicates)
[Static Analysis] Parsing console log (workspace: 'C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\ESP_RegCaps\7.7\OpenCSM\data\Slugs\WIN64.2019')
[Static Analysis] Skipping post processing
[Static Analysis] No filter has been set, publishing all 0 issues
[Static Analysis] Repository miner is not configured, skipping repository mining
[Static Analysis] Reference build recorder is not configured
[Static Analysis] No valid reference build found
[Static Analysis] All reported issues will be considered outstanding
[Static Analysis] No quality gates have been set - skipping
[Static Analysis] Health report is disabled - skipping
[Static Analysis] Created analysis result for 0 issues (found 0 new issues, fixed 0 issues)
[Static Analysis] Attaching ResultAction with ID 'analysis' to build 'ESP_RegCaps/CASREV=7.7,ESPTEST=OpenCSM/data/Slugs,ESP_ARCH=WIN64.2019,buildnode=windows10x64 #664'.
[Checks API] No suitable checks publisher found.
[PostBuildScript] - [INFO] Executing post build scripts.
[PostBuildScript] - [INFO] build step #0 should only be executed on MATRIX
[WS-CLEANUP] Deleting project workspace...
Finished: SUCCESS