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projectroot.src.Reference.PXMetric_PXU (from CTest)

Failing for the past 3 builds (Since Failed #318 )
Took 0.14 sec.


 metric_fj[0] =  1.389681537165074e+00
 metric_fj[1] = -1.602945186174666e+00
 metric_fj[2] =  2.950348986532926e+00
metavg[0] = 8.9881156465279448e-04
metavg[1] = -3.2261764313968450e-04
metavg[2] = 1.1137382526039113e-01


There were 3 failures:
1) Test_MetricInterp_1: /Users/jenkins/workspace/ProjectX_Commit/PX_ARC/release_clang/buildnode/macys/src/Reference/PXMetric_PXU.c:399: expected <1.1820075930880980e+00> but was <1.6298311811020372e+00>, diff = <-4.4782358801393918e-01>
2) Test_MetricInterp_2: /Users/jenkins/workspace/ProjectX_Commit/PX_ARC/release_clang/buildnode/macys/src/Reference/PXMetric_PXU.c:446: expected <8.9704669498996958e-01> but was <1.1741788020886488e+00>, diff = <-2.7713210709867919e-01>
3) Test_PXAverageMetricSet2d_1: /Users/jenkins/workspace/ProjectX_Commit/PX_ARC/release_clang/buildnode/macys/src/Reference/PXMetric_PXU.c:734: expected <4.4444444444444442e-01> but was <5.0000000000000000e-01>, diff = <-5.5555555555555580e-02>

Runs: 30,  Passes: 27,  Fails: 3
with 1 processors
Primary job  terminated normally, but 1 process returned
a non-zero exit code.. Per user-direction, the job has been aborted.
mpiexec detected that one or more processes exited with non-zero status, thus causing
the job to be terminated. The first process to do so was:

  Process name: [[38672,1],0]
  Exit code:    3

Standard Output

 metric_fj[0] =  1.389681537165074e+00
 metric_fj[1] = -1.602945186174666e+00
 metric_fj[2] =  2.950348986532926e+00
metavg[0] = 8.9881156465279448e-04
metavg[1] = -3.2261764313968450e-04
metavg[2] = 1.1137382526039113e-01


There were 3 failures:
1) Test_MetricInterp_1: /Users/jenkins/workspace/ProjectX_Commit/PX_ARC/release_clang/buildnode/macys/src/Reference/PXMetric_PXU.c:399: expected <1.1820075930880980e+00> but was <1.6298311811020372e+00>, diff = <-4.4782358801393918e-01>
2) Test_MetricInterp_2: /Users/jenkins/workspace/ProjectX_Commit/PX_ARC/release_clang/buildnode/macys/src/Reference/PXMetric_PXU.c:446: expected <8.9704669498996958e-01> but was <1.1741788020886488e+00>, diff = <-2.7713210709867919e-01>
3) Test_PXAverageMetricSet2d_1: /Users/jenkins/workspace/ProjectX_Commit/PX_ARC/release_clang/buildnode/macys/src/Reference/PXMetric_PXU.c:734: expected <4.4444444444444442e-01> but was <5.0000000000000000e-01>, diff = <-5.5555555555555580e-02>

Runs: 30,  Passes: 27,  Fails: 3
with 1 processors
Primary job  terminated normally, but 1 process returned
a non-zero exit code.. Per user-direction, the job has been aborted.
mpiexec detected that one or more processes exited with non-zero status, thus causing
the job to be terminated. The first process to do so was:

  Process name: [[38672,1],0]
  Exit code:    3