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  1. working on figures for beta dist on monotone paper; (details)
  2. working on figures for Beta plots (details)
  3. working on banana example and adaptivity (details)
  4. beta plots done (details)
  5. working on banana adaptivity (details)
  6. working on BOD example (details)
  7. working on BOD (details)
  8. working on IceThickness model (details)
  9. working on the ice thickness problem (details)
  10. working on ice (details)
  11. working on bod and ice model with changes on adaptivity routines (details)
  12. working on BOD and IceThickness models. Added Conditioning through maps. (details)
  13. working on BOD (details)
  14. working on BOD (details)
  15. done figures of BOD. Maybe we should compare to MCMC (details)
  16. working on bod plots (details)
  17. fixed Markov Chain sampling (big bug) (details)
Commit ebf2f9dc99a641f17190c54b79da3967a456bdfb by dabi
working on figures for beta dist on monotone paper;
The file was modified Examples/research/EIT/NoElectrode/ (diff)
The file was addedExamples/research/MonotoneTransport-paper/Beta/
The file was modified Examples/research/EIT/NoElectrode/ (diff)
Commit 9be8ae9271bfbbe15fa130353442b5eed11b563c by dabi
working on figures for Beta plots
The file was modified Examples/research/MonotoneTransport-paper/Beta/ (diff)
Commit 8914db07b6f6f981b56ffaa3aa979557e19469a1 by dabi
working on banana example and adaptivity
The file was modified TransportMaps/Functionals/ (diff)
The file was addedExamples/research/MonotoneTransport-paper/Banana/
The file was modified TransportMaps/Algorithms/Adaptivity/ (diff)
The file was modified TransportMaps/Algorithms/Adaptivity/ (diff)
The file was modified Examples/research/MonotoneTransport-paper/Beta/ (diff)
The file was modified TransportMaps/Maps/ (diff)
The file was modified Docs/source/example-BOD-4d.ipynb (diff)
Commit 8156fe8ee2d07a44311cd5e56fb5d5fb318dbf55 by dabi
working on banana adaptivity
The file was modified Examples/research/MonotoneTransport-paper/Banana/ (diff)
The file was modified TransportMaps/Algorithms/Adaptivity/ (diff)
The file was modified TransportMaps/Diagnostics/ (diff)
The file was modified TransportMaps/Diagnostics/ (diff)
The file was modified TransportMaps/ (diff)
The file was modified TransportMaps/Distributions/Examples/ (diff)
Commit 1906852a5b06a5a006871987b68e34b2f803e541 by dabi
working on BOD example
The file was removedTransportMaps/Distributions/Examples/BiochemicalOxigenDemand/
The file was modified Examples/research/MonotoneTransport-paper/Banana/ (diff)
The file was removedTransportMaps/Distributions/Examples/BiochemicalOxigenDemand/
The file was modified TransportMaps/Diagnostics/ (diff)
The file was modified TransportMaps/Distributions/Examples/ (diff)
The file was addedTransportMaps/Distributions/Examples/BiochemicalOxygenDemand/
The file was addedExamples/research/MonotoneTransport-paper/BOD/
The file was modified TransportMaps/Algorithms/Adaptivity/ (diff)
The file was addedTransportMaps/Distributions/Examples/BiochemicalOxygenDemand/
The file was modified TransportMaps/Algorithms/Adaptivity/ (diff)
The file was modified Examples/research/MonotoneTransport-paper/BOD/ (diff)
The file was modified TransportMaps/ (diff)
The file was modified TransportMaps/Diagnostics/ (diff)
Commit 4ab17dfd7a59a2ffc9dbd24f179fe643ba0c6fe8 by dabi
working on IceThickness model
The file was addedExamples/research/MonotoneTransport-paper/IceThickness/
Commit 1b8a131c63cdadc91d1f5faa50730a9d1d6a3629 by dabi
working on the ice thickness problem
The file was modified Examples/research/MonotoneTransport-paper/IceThickness/ (diff)
The file was modified TransportMaps/Distributions/ (diff)
The file was modified TransportMaps/Algorithms/Adaptivity/ (diff)
The file was modified Examples/research/MonotoneTransport-paper/BOD/ (diff)
The file was modified Examples/research/MonotoneTransport-paper/IceThickness/ (diff)
The file was modified TransportMaps/Distributions/ (diff)
Commit 9625b6437e2ec78bc16034722808dd7964755435 by dabi
working on bod and ice model with changes on adaptivity routines
The file was modified TransportMaps/Maps/ (diff)
The file was modified Examples/research/MonotoneTransport-paper/IceThickness/ (diff)
The file was modified TransportMaps/Algorithms/Adaptivity/ (diff)
The file was modified TransportMaps/Diagnostics/ (diff)
The file was modified Examples/research/MonotoneTransport-paper/BOD/ (diff)
The file was modified Examples/stable/StochasticVolatility/ (diff)
The file was modified TransportMaps/Functionals/ (diff)
The file was modified scripts/tmap-sequential-tm (diff)
The file was modified TransportMaps/ (diff)
The file was modified TransportMaps/Algorithms/SequentialInference/ (diff)
Commit 69642cd960718c665330984f9d04f91fe9aa0876 by dabi
working on BOD and IceThickness models. Added Conditioning through maps.
The file was modified TransportMaps/Distributions/ (diff)
The file was modified TransportMaps/Maps/ (diff)
The file was addedExamples/research/MonotoneTransport-paper/BOD/
The file was modified TransportMaps/Distributions/Examples/BiochemicalOxygenDemand/ (diff)
The file was addedExamples/research/MonotoneTransport-paper/BOD/
The file was addedExamples/research/MonotoneTransport-paper/BOD/
The file was modified TransportMaps/Distributions/ (diff)
The file was modified TransportMaps/Maps/ (diff)
The file was modified Examples/research/MonotoneTransport-paper/BOD/ (diff)
The file was modified Examples/stable/StochasticVolatility/ (diff)
The file was addedExamples/research/MonotoneTransport-paper/BOD/
The file was addedExamples/research/MonotoneTransport-paper/IceThickness/
The file was modified TransportMaps/Maps/ (diff)
The file was modified TransportMaps/Maps/ (diff)
The file was modified TransportMaps/Diagnostics/ (diff)
The file was modified TransportMaps/Distributions/Examples/BiochemicalOxygenDemand/ (diff)
The file was modified Examples/research/MonotoneTransport-paper/BOD/ (diff)
The file was modified Examples/research/MonotoneTransport-paper/BOD/ (diff)
The file was modified TransportMaps/Distributions/ (diff)
The file was modified TransportMaps/Maps/ (diff)
The file was modified Examples/research/MonotoneTransport-paper/BOD/ (diff)
The file was modified Examples/research/MonotoneTransport-paper/BOD/ (diff)
The file was modified TransportMaps/Distributions/ (diff)
The file was modified TransportMaps/Algorithms/Adaptivity/ (diff)
The file was modified TransportMaps/Diagnostics/ (diff)
The file was modified TransportMaps/Functionals/ (diff)
The file was modified TransportMaps/Maps/ (diff)
The file was modified Examples/research/MonotoneTransport-paper/BOD/ (diff)
The file was modified Examples/research/MonotoneTransport-paper/BOD/ (diff)
The file was modified Examples/research/MonotoneTransport-paper/BOD/ (diff)
The file was modified TransportMaps/Maps/ (diff)
The file was modified TransportMaps/Maps/ (diff)
Commit 3d97cbddaa89c09ca626f4762070d56f285a716e by dabi
done figures of BOD. Maybe we should compare to MCMC
The file was modified Examples/research/MonotoneTransport-paper/BOD/ (diff)
The file was modified TransportMaps/Maps/ (diff)
Commit c0948462fb4e0385eff3ad6065b6e46e85a8dafd by dabi
working on bod plots
The file was modified Examples/research/MonotoneTransport-paper/BOD/ (diff)
The file was modified Examples/research/MonotoneTransport-paper/BOD/ (diff)
The file was modified Examples/research/MonotoneTransport-paper/BOD/ (diff)
The file was modified TransportMaps/Algorithms/Adaptivity/ (diff)
Commit 48e35163341af28f3f2a15ef41de438cf6b07f25 by dabi
fixed Markov Chain sampling (big bug)
The file was modified TransportMaps/Samplers/ (diff)