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Jaume Peraire
Professor and Head, Department of Aeronautics & Astronautics
Program Chair, Computational Engineering, Singapore MIT Alliance

Department of Aeronautics & Astronautics

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

77 Massachusetts Ave, Room 33-207

Cambridge, MA 02139

Phone: (617) 253-1981

  • Enginyer de Camins, Canals i Ports, UP Barcelona, 1983
  • Ph.D, University of Wales, 1986,
  • Doctor Enginyer de Camins, Canals i Ports, UP Barcelona, 1987
  • DSc, University of Wales, 1997


Current Research Interests:

The design and application of numerical models for the solution of aerodynamic flows. The dramatic increase in computational power over recent years has motivated the development of new methodologies for modeling flows of engineering interest. Emphasis is now being placed in using these flow models as components of larger systems for use in multidisciplinary design and optimization applications.

Viscous Flow Modelling : The efficient solution of viscous flow layers is essential for the practical solution of realistic problems. High order approximation methods are being developed for the accurate modelling of boundary layers that represent a considerable increase in computational efficiency when compared with more traditional approaches. Application areas range from transonic to hypersonic flows.

Unstructured Adaptive Mesh Techniques and Mesh Generation: The use of unstructured meshes allows for the routine application of CFD to a wide range of problems which may involve arbitrarily complex geometries. The flexibility of this approach can also be exploited to construct meshes which are adapted to the flow solution. This feature may prove essential for the accurate resolution of highly localized flow features.

Distributed Parallel Computing: Domain splitting and dynamic load balancing algorithms are developed and implemented so that the computation can be carried out on a distributed network of processors. All the tasks necessary to perform the complete CFD modelling i.e. mesh generation, flow solution and flow visualization, are considered. The strategies developed should allow for the modelling of flows which exceed the capabilities of today's computers and algorithms.

Fluid structure interaction: The interaction between an elastic deforming body and the fluid is considered. The time domain approach is being pursued on the grounds of generality. The feasibility of this approach relies on the development of fast procedures for integrating the time dependent equations. It is forseen that in the future the effect of the controls will be incorporated into the model.

Honors and Awards:

The Research Corporation Trust, UK Young Researchers Award (1986)
NASA Group Achievement Award (1989)
D.Sc, University of Wales (1997)
NASA Exceptional Achievement Award (1997)
International Association for Computational Mechanics (IACM) Young Researchers Award in Computational Mechanics (1998)
Raymond L. Bisplinghoff Faculty Fellow (2003 –2006)
Elected Fellow, Int. Association for Computational Mechanics (IACM) (2004)
Honorary Professor in the School of Engineering at the University of Wales, Swansea (2005 – 2010)

Current Projects:




ACDL Logo Research : People : Publications: Seminars MIT Logo