- K.E.WILLCOX and J.PERAIRE, 'Aeroelastic computations in the time domain using unstructured meshes', Int. J. Num. Meth. in Engng., Vol. 40, 2413-1431, 1997.
- K. MORGAN, O. HASSAN, and J. PERAIRE, 'A time domain unstructured grid approach to the simulation of electromagnetic scattering in piecewise homogeneous media', Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg., 134, 17-36, 1996.
- J. PERAIRE, and K. MORGAN, 'Unstructured mesh generation including directional refinement for aerodynamic flow simulation', Finite Elements in Analysis & Design, 25, p. 343-356, 1997.
- J. ELLIOT and J. PERAIRE, 'Aerodynamic design using unstructured meshes', Paper AIAA 96-1941, 1996.
- K.T. TANG, W.R. GRAHAM and J. PERAIRE, 'Active flow control using a reduced order model and optimum control', Paper AIAA 96-1946, 1996.
- J. ELLIOT and J. PERAIRE, 'Practical 3D aerodynamic design and optimization using unstructured meshes', Proc. of the 6th AIAA/NASA/USAF Multidisciplinary Analysis & Optimization Symp., Seattle, September 1996. Also, Paper AIAA 96-4170.
- J. ELLIOT, and J. PERAIRE, 'Practical 3D aerodynamic design and optimization using unstructured meshes', AIAA J., Vol. 35, No. 9, September 1997.
- T.OKUSANYA and J.PERAIRE, 'Parallel unstructured mesh generation', Proc. 5th International Conference on Numerical Grid Generation, Mississippi, April 1996.
- M. PARASCHIVOIU, J. PERAIRE, and A.T. PATERA, 'A posteriori finite element bounds for linear functional output of elliptic partial differential equations', Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg., 150 p. 289-312, 1997.
- K.L. BIBB, J. PERAIRE, and C.J. RILEY, 'Hypersonic flow computations on unstructured meshes', Paper AIAA 97-0625, 1997.
- T. OKUSANYA and J. PERAIRE, '3D Parallel unstructured mesh generation', to be presented at the 1997 Joint ASME/ASCE/SES Summer Meeting, June 29-July 2, 1997, Norris Center, Northwestern University.
- W.R.GRAHAM, J.PERAIRE and K.Y.TANG, 'Optimal control of vortex shedding using low order models - Part I Open-loop model development', Int. J. for Num. Meth. in Engr., 44, 945-972, 1999.
- W.R.GRAHAM, J.PERAIRE and K.Y.TANG, 'Optimal control of vortex shedding using low order models - Part II Model based control', Int. J. for Num. Meth. in Engr., 44, 973-990, 1999.
- J. ELLIOT, and J. PERAIRE, 'Aerodynamic optimizationon unstructured meshes with viscous effects', AIAA Paper 97-1849, Snowmass, CO. June 1997.
- J. PERAIRE and A.T. PATERA, 'Bounds for linear-functional outputs of coercive partial differential equations: Local indicators and adaptive refinement', Proc. of the Workshop On New Advances in Adaptive Computational Methods in Mechanics, Elsevier, Ed. P.Ladeveze and J.T. Oden, Cachan, Sept. 17-19, 1997.
- J. PERAIRE, 'Current issues in computational aerodynamics' , presented at "Computational Aerodynamics - Past, President, Future" Symposium to honor Paul Rubbert, The Boeing Co., Seattle, WA, Sept. 26-27, 1997.
- M. PARASCHIVOIU, J. PERAIRE, Y. MADAY and A.T. PATERA, 'Fast bounds for outputs of partial differential equations', Proc. AFOSR Workshop on Optimal Design and Control, Washington, DC, Sept. 30-Oct. 3, 1997.
- J.PERAIRE and A.T.PATERA, 'Asymptotic a Posteriori finite element bounds for the outputs of noncoercive problems: the Helmholtz and Burgers equations', Comp. Meth. Appl. Mech. Engrg., 171, 77-86, 1999.
- J.ELLIOTT and J.PERAIRE, 'Constrained, multipoint shape optimization for complex 3D configurations', Aeronautical Journal, August/September 1998.
- K.MORGAN and J.PERAIRE, 'Unstructured grid finite element methods for fluid dynanics', Reports on Progress in Physics, Volume 61, Number 6, June 1998, Pages 569-638. Published by the Institute of Physics.
- W.CHO, T.MAEKAWA, N.M.PATRIKALIS, and J.PERAIRE, 'Robust tessellation of trimmed rational B-Spline surface patches', submitted to the Computer Graphics International 98, Hannover, Germany, June 22-26, 1998.
- L.MACHIELS, A.T.PATERA, J.PERAIRE, and Y.MADAY, 'A general framework for finite element a posteriori error control: Application to linear and nonlinear convection-dominated problems', presented at ICFD Conference on Numerical Methods for Fluid Dynamics, Oxford, England, March 31-April 3, 1998.
- J. ELLIOT, and J. PERAIRE, 'Progress towards a 3D aerodynamic shape optimization tool for the compressible high-Re Navier-Stokes equations discretized on unstructured meshes', AIAA Paper 98-2897, Albuquerque, NM, June, 1998.
- J. PERAIRE, and K.MORGAN, 'Automatic generation of unstructured meshes for Navier Stokes flows', AIAA Paper 98-3010, Albuquerque, NM, June, 1998.
- L.MACHIELS, J.PERAIRE, and A.T.PATERA, 'Output bound approximations for partial differential equations; application to the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations', Proc. of the Istanbul Workshop on Industrial and Environmental Applications of Direct and Large Eddy Numerical Simulation, August, 1998.
- M.DRELA, A.MERCHANT, and J.PERAIRE, 'Elimination of spurious loss in euler equation computations', AIAA Journal, Vol. 38, No. 3, March 2000. Also, AIAA Paper 98-2424, Albuquerque, NM, June, 1998.
- Y.MADAY, A.T.PATERA, and J.PERAIRE, 'A general formulation for a posteriori bounds for output functionals of partial differential equations; application to the eigenvalue problem', C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris, t. 328, Serie I, p. 823-828, 1999.
- J.SARRATE, J.PERAIRE, and A.PATERA, 'A posteriori finite element error bounds for nonlinear outputs of the Helmholtz equation', Int. J. Numer. Meth. in Fluids, 31, 17-36, 1999.
- K.E.WILLCOX, J.D.PADUANO, J. PERAIRE, and K.C.HALL, 'Low order aerodynamic models for aeroelastic control of turbomachines', AIAA Paper 99-1467, St. Louis, MO, April, 1999.
- K.WILLCOX, J.PERAIRE, and J.WHITE, 'An arnoldi approach for generation of reduced-order models for turbomachinery', FDRL TR-99-2, submitted to Computers and Fluids, September 1999.
- R.M.LEWIS, A.T.PATERA, and J.PERAIRE, 'A posteriori finite element bounds for sensitivity derivatives of partial-differential-equation outputs', Finite Element Analysis & Design, 34 (2000), p. 271-290.
- K.WILLCOX, J.PERAIRE, and J.WHITE, 'An arnoldi approach for generation of reduced-order models for turbomachinery', AIAA Paper 2000-0884, Reno, NV, Jan., 2000, also Computers and Fluids, Vol. 31, No. 3, pp 369-389, March 2002.
- L.MACHIELS, J.PERAIRE, and A.T.PATERA, 'A posteriori finite element output bounds for the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations; Application to a natural convection problem', Journal of Computational Physics, 172, 401-425, 2001.
- K.WILLCOX, J.PERAIRE, and J.D.PADUANO, 'Application of model order reduction to compressor aeroelastic models', Proc. of ASME Turbo Expo 2000, Int. Gas Turbine 7 Aeroengine Congress & Exhibition, May 8-11, 2000, Munich, Germany, 2000-GT-0377.
- K.WILLCOX, and J.PERAIRE, 'Balanced model reduction via the proper orthogonal decomposition' AIAA Paper 2001-2611, Anaheim, CA, June 2001. Also, AIAA Journal, Vol. 40, No. 11, p. 2323, 2002.
- J.S.WONG, D.L.DARMOFAL, and J.PERAIRE, 'The solution of the compressible Euler equations at low Mach numbers using a stabilized finite element algorithm'. Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg., 190, 5719-5737, 2001.
- J.BONET, A.HUERTA, and J.PERAIRE, 'The efficient computation of bounds for functionals of finite element solutions in large strain elasticity', Comp. Meth. for Appl. Mech. and Engr., Vol. 191, No. 43, 2002.
- A.T.PATERA and J.PERAIRE, 'A general Lagrangian formulation for the computation of a-posteriori finite element bounds', chapter in "Error Estimation and Adaptive Discretization Methods in CFD", Eds: T. Barth & H. Deconinck, Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering, Vol. 25, 2002.
- P.D.LEDGER, J.PERAIRE, K.MORGAN, O.HASSAN and N.P.WEATHERILL, 'Adaptive hp finite element computations of the scattering width output of Maxwell's equations', Int. J. Numer. Meth. in Fluids, 43, 95-978, 2003.
- K.WILLCOX and J.PERAIRE, 'Application of reduced-order aerodynamic modeling to the analysis of mistuned bladed disks', Proceedings of ASME Turbo Expo 2002, June 3-6, 2002, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
- K.MORGAN, P.D.LEDGER, O.HASSAN, N.P.WEATHERILL, and J.PERAIRE, 'Finite elements for electromagnetic scattering simulations' presented at WCCM V Fifth World Congress on Computtional Mechanics, July 7-12, 2002, Vienna, Austria.
- K.MORGAN, P.D.LEDGER, J.PERAIRE, O.HASSAN, and N.P.WEATHERILL, 'Finite Element Methods for EM Scattering', Engineering Computational Technology, B.H.V. Topping (Editor), Z. Bittnar (Editor), 105-120 Saxe Coburg Publictions, Edinburgh 2002.
- P.D.LEDGER, K.MORGAN, J.PERAIRE, O.HASSAN, and N.P.WEATHERILL, 'The Development of an hp-Adaptive Finite Element Procedure for Electromagnetic Scattering Problems', Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, 39 p 751-764, 2003.
- A.M.SAUER-BUDGE, J.BONET, A.HUERTA, and J.PERAIRE, 'Computing bounds for linear functionals of exact weak solutions to Poisson's equation', presented at the 2003 SMA Symposium, Singapore 2003.
- P.D.LEDGER, J.PERAIRE, K.MORGAN, O.HASSAN, and N.P.WEATHERILL, 'Parameterised Electromagnetic Scattering Solutions for a Range of Incident Wave Angles', submitted to Comp. Meeth. in Appl. Mech. & Eng., 2003.
- M. CELIK, M. SANTI, S. CHENG, M. MARTINEZ-SANCHEZ and J.PERAIRE, 'Hybrid-PIC Simulation of a Hall Thruster Plume on an Unstructured Grid with DSMC Collisions', presented at 28th Int. Electric Propulsion Conference, Toulouse France, 2003, IEPC-03-134.
- J.S.WONG and J.PERAIRE, 'Implicit a-posteriori bounds for discontinuous Galerkin methods', presented at AIAA Conference, Orlando FL, June 2003.
- S.K.LAHIRI, J.BONET, J.PERAIRE, and L.CASALS, 'A variationally consistent fractional time step integration method for Lagrangian dynamics', Int. J. Numer. Meth. Engng, 03, 1-23, 2003.
- A.M.SAUER-BUDGE, J.BONET, A.HUERTA, and J.PERAIRE, 'Computing bounds for linear functionals of exact weak solutions to Poisson's equation', SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis, Vol. 42, 4 1610-1630, 2004.
- A.M.SAUER-BUDGE and J.PERAIRE, 'Computing bounds for linear functionals of exact weak solutions to the advection-diffusion-reaction equation', SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, Vol. 26, 2, 636-652, 2004.
- Z.C.XUAN, K.H.LEE, A.T.PATERA, and J.PERAIRE, 'Computing upper and lower bounds for te J-Integral in two-dimensional linear elasticity', presented at the SMA Symposium, Singapore 2004.
- D.V.LE, B.C.KHOO, and J.PERAIRE, 'An immersed interface method for the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations', presented at the SMA Symposium, Singapore 2004.
- D.J.WILLIS, J.K.WHITE and J.PERAIRE, 'A pFFT accelerated linear strength BEM potential solver', presented at MSM '04 7th Int. Conf. on Modeling & Simulation of Microsystems, March 7-11, 2004, Boston MA.
- H.CIRIA and J.PERAIRE, 'Computation of upper and lower bounds in limit anaylsis using second-order cone programming and mesh adaptivity', 9th ASCE Specialty Conference on Probabilistic Mechanics and Structural Reliability, Albuquerque MN, July 25-29, 2004.
- B.C.KHOO, G.C.LIN, J.PERAIRE and G.PERAKIS, 'A dynamic user-equilibrium model with travel times computed from simulation' submitted to Transportation Research B, 2004.
- N.PARES, Z.C.XUAN, and J.PERAIRE, 'The computation of bounds for the exact energy release rates in linear fracture mechanics', 9th ASCE Specialty Conference on Probabilistic Mechanics and Structural Reliability, PMC2004-001, 2004.
- D.J.WILLIS, J.PERAIRE and J.K.WHITE, 'FastAero - a Precorrected FFT - Fast Multipole Tree Steady and Unsteady Potential Flow Solver', presented at SMA Symposium, Singapore 2005.
- D.J.WILLIS, J.PERAIRE and J.K.WHITE, 'A Combined pFFT-multipole tree code, unsteady panel method with vortex particle wakes', AIAA Paper 2005-0854, Reno, NV, Jan. 2005.
- S.K.LAHIRI, J.BONET, J.PERAIRE, and L.CASALS, 'A variationally consistent fractional time-step integration method for incompressible and nearly incompressible Lagrangian dynamics', Int. J. Numer. Meth. Engng, 63, 1371-1395, 2005.
- D.J.WILLIS, E.R.ISRAELI, P.O.PERSSON, M.DRELA, J.PERAIRE, S.M.SWARTZ and K.S.BREUER, 'A computational framework for fluid structure interaction in biologically inspired flapping flight', presented at AIAA Conference, AIAA-2007-3803, Miami, FL, June 2007.
- N.C.NGUYEN, J.PERAIRE and B.COCKBURN, 'An implicit high-order hybridizable discontinuous Galerkin method for the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations", submitted to Journal of Computational Physics, 2009.
- N.C.NGUYEN, J.PERAIRE and B.COCKBURN, 'A comparison of HDG methods for Stokes flow', submitted to Journal of Scientific Computing, 2009.
F.-J.SAYAS, 'Analysis of HDG methods for Stokes flow', submitted to Mathematics of Computation, 2009.
- B.COCKBURN, J.GOPALAKRISHNAN, F.LI, N.C.NGUYEN, and J.PERAIRE, 'Hybridization and postprocessing techniques for mixed eigenfunctions', submitted to SIAM Numerical Analysis, 2009.
- N.C.NGUYEN, J.PERAIRE and B.COCKBURN, 'An implicit high-order hybridizable discontinuous Galerkin method for linear convection-diffusion equations", J. Comp. Phys., 228, p. 3232-3254, 2009.
- N.C.NGUYEN, J.PERAIRE and B.COCKBURN, 'An implicit high-order hybridizable discontinuous Galerkin method for nonlinear convection-diffusion equations", J. Comp. Phys., 228, p. 8841-8855, 2009.
- A.MONTLAUR, S.FERNANDEZ-MENENDEZ, J.PERAIRE, and A.HUERTA, 'Discontinuous Galerkin methods for the Navier-Stokes equations using solenoidal approximations', Int. J. Num. Meth. Fluids, 64, p. 549-564, 2010.
- H.MEN, N.C.NGUYEN, R.M.FREUND, P.A.PARRILO and J.PERAIRE, 'Bandgap optimization of two-dimenional photonic crystals using semidefinite programming and subspace methods', Journal of Computational Physics, 229, pp. 3706-3725, 2010.
A.URANGA, P.-O.PERSSON, M.DRELA, and J.PERAIRE, 'Implicit large eddy simulation of transition to turbulence at low Reynolds numbers using a discontinuous Galerkin method', accepted for publication, Int. J. Numer. Meth. Engng, 2010.
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